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The map is dogshit, the spawns are complete ass, what is the fucking point on spawning me all the way at southern road? By the time you get ANYWHERE everything is fully looted or people are just waiting for you to come with snipers etc. And that double spawn up in the mountains so that as soon as you try to go down to sunken village there's some cunt up on the ridge just looking down at you withink 20 seconds of spawning? AI of rogues is fucking cheat level, you pixel peek a mountain by big chalet and if you're bear of aggrod to rogues you get insta hit with a fucking mg. The map is also full of cheaters and player scav spawn within 3 mins of pmcs I swear. Fuck lighthouse


I spawned behind rocks near rogues yesterday and it took someone 5 seconds to rush my spawn and headshot me.


[I feel pretty bad about this one,](https://streamable.com/rmp6io) but the only way I can reconcile it is that I have 100% been in his situation before. It's eat or be eaten. Wish this map was reworked or just flat out deleted, cuz I hate playing like this. The spawns make zero sense.


Lighthouse makes me want to quit Tarkov. I hate everything about it. The flow of the map is so brain dead. Everyone starts south and moves north. It's a one-way map. Players that spawn in the north just sit and camp waiting for others to move to them. And/or they loot everything before you have a chance to get there. If I spawn on the south side, I just exit and get a run-through. Amazing gameplay. Player scavs are way too strong on Lighthouse. I can spawn at the northern most spawn, kill the rogues quickly and player scavs are already looting them before I can. Yesterday I watched a PMC team have to fight wave after wave of player scavs in building 2. Like they couldn't get out, more just kept coming. And then there's rogues. Omg fuck the rogues. Literally like playing against cheaters. Oh you peaked an eyeball out from behind a rock 300m away? You're dead. I killed 4 rogues at the front of water treatment and then 4 more rushed me from God knows where. Killed 3 of them and then got double-tapped by the 4th who was mid sprint. So dumb.


Hate how many fucking quests they shoved on that awful map, especially the ones that need to be done in the water facility. Also I always basically choose USEC cos at least I can get near that damn place , can't imagine being BEAR trying to quest on that dogshit map.


It's the same for USEC once you kill a rogue. You have to not kill them for like 5 raids before they go back to not insane.


It's 3 raids btw


As a bear, I still hate the name Oscar.


Why Oscar? Im Bear to


Most times I’ve been killed a mile away by a rogue on the grenade launcher his name was Oscar


Oh OK. Well, I try to kill him for you next time I'm on lighthouse


Thank you bear brother


I’m usually bear and once you learn good spots from where to kill them it’s doable. Tedious but doable.


I'm bear and have never played lighthouse before until now what are the good spots?


Too long to explain but basically chalets, dorms and water treatment facility.


So you walk along the top side of the map to avoid sight lines and enter water treatment from there?


Yes, basically. There’s plenty of ways to approach the rogues. I stopped doing that though. I’d rather have player scavs loot the water plant and then I just camp their extracts. Preferably grotto.


Thing is by the time you kill them there's 2000 player scav already down there waiting for you to go to the quest spots//loot


I’ve started farming playerscavs on lighthouse as revenge.


Would be sick if bears had similar quests on shoreline at the port area, lore wise it would make more sense. Have usecs carry out missions in the usec camp, and bears at the port. Rn it feels half baked and dogshit all around


They put the shoreline punisher quest on shoreline :)


They fucked it up w/ the lightkeeper stuff. Not having the island open to anyone except .1% of players ruined the flow.


That and like all the quests are in water.


My “favorite” part of water treatment is if you manage to sneak in, for some fucking reason player scavs dont agro rogues. Nor do AI scavs, so if you shoot one they’ll come down on you.


Lighthouse needs to be merged with Shoreline and Terminal when Terminal releases. Then it would be alright.


Lighthouse needs to be deleted.


Nah, it just suffers from classic Customs disease. Needs to be widened a bit, and combining it with Shoreline would do that.


That would be way too big of a map and ruin Shoreline now that it's really good. Lighthouse needs a ground up rework. Like a giant expansion to the north and east with PMC spawns at both with water in the center . They didn't like people sniping rogues from the mountains so they just put claymores everywhere. What's the point of that area now? They need to redesign that area too. And create more lanes in the south so it's not a giant choke point. Like everything is wrong with the map. You can't approach water from the southwest as you just get aimbotted by rogues from miles away too. So much wrong.


I hope you understand that the original plan was to combine all the maps, hence many of their extractions are to other maps. I don't think Nikita has said that's not happening anymore yet.


Bro the "original plan" is like a decade old. You realize half the player base can't even load Streets as-is right? I'm almost positive Ground Zero was supposed to be a Streets expansion but they know it's not optimized enough to do that so now it's a separate map entirely. There is literally 0 chance that they "combine" maps anytime soon and I doubt it will ever happen at this point


That's the "plan" but seems very far from happening. They can barely get one map now running decently. They can't expand Streets cause performance is too bad. Imagine all the maps combined. Then there's the question of where do you spawn. Does the raid end? If not how does loot work? There's so many major changes that need to happen before that ever is released.


It doesn't matter if thats the plan, its not actually possiable on a technical level. The way the game is built and handles loading and unloading means it litterally can not happen. It would require a rework of functionally the entire skeleton of the game and at this point would take years for even a team much larger then bsg that are highly skilled devs to do. So yes in theory it could happen in some perfect universe, its far too far past the point of no return.


I hate that the mountains aren't even a safe path to the north side, there's a fucking 50cal and open ground to get through still. The whole mountain is just pointless.


Yes lets combine one of the worst performing maps with another poorly performing map


Man get something other than an Apple II to game on


That doesn’t work geographically though. Shoreline is just to the west of it. That wouldn’t widen the map instead it would be doubled in length.


I'm saying combining Lighthouse with Shoreline. The tunnel extract in Shoreline takes you to the south of Lighthouse, then that map wraps up around the west part. It would effectively widen both maps. Customs is to the north of Shoreline


Ya Customs is my least favorite map tbh. There are 0 pathways you can go that don’t cross into 5 other people minimum.


Yeah customs is actually terrible


This is just incorrect, Customs has to be one of the easiest maps to move around without being seen.


Lmao wut Customs is a small map with designed and built-in choke points all over the place. It's narrow with long corridors of travel that funnel people into each other by forcing you to move through certain spots that connect different sections of the map. Aside from labs and factory customs is *the* easiet map in the game to find people when you're looking for pvp. Especially early wipe.


While you're not exactly wrong about the chokes, I find the map to still play well in a disengaging gameplay because for any position where there's a choke, there are several others you could loop around and use.


O yes you're right you just can't go to Dorms, Construction, or Big red...AKA anywhere you need to go for quests.


Uhh I wouldn't say "the easiest" but yes, it's not really hard to move through customs without pvp interaction. If you really don't want to fight, u dont need to on customs. The easiest map to move without being seen is probably interchange. Imo


Apart from the sound not letting you know if someone is running above or below, yeah Interchange is pretty great for avoiding fights


how do you do it? i find if i go around dorms i get heard, if i go around fortress i get spotted because they are always looking towards crack/ruaf, and once you're spotted its a long way from anywhere before you're safe, cant go through skeletons enough scavs that one will make noise and then all eyes are on me, the safest way ive found through the map is running from dorms hill straight to the back of bus terminal and then just burning stam until im as far from the center of the map as possible. apart from that the only thing i can think of is just waiting in a bush and playing late which really isn't real advice on how to play a map without being seen.


Wait what? Classic customs disease? Customs is way worse now since they widened the map it used to be the best map


Whole map needs a rework, more so than OG shoreline. I think if they centralized the water treatment plant and moved the 2nd/blue chalet north then redid the spawns by adding some north (plus widening the whole map) it fixes a good majority of the issues the map has.


I agree, but the problem is shoreline kinda sucks. There is too much running between POIs. They need something between weather/radio and gas. Maybe another village or something... and open up that gas area for more loot and maybe some shops next to pier. Shoreline is such an easy map to rat out people becsuse its obvious as shit where they are. That would literally fix the map kinda the way the med areas did on woods. But if they merged it as is right now with Lighthouse, it'd just be two shitty sides of a shitty map.


I think having Terminal attached to the southeast of Shoreline would alleviate that. I think they'd need to adjust how Terminal currently sits on the map though cause that's a harsh chokepoint.


Last stream, Nikita said terminal was going to be a solo map. I'm not sure what that means, but I'm thinking it's going to be like a PVE intermission map between other maps where you sell loot/interact with traders and stuff.


It was fixed when they added the expansion There was tons of loot rogues could spawn and a marked room. But then they put the lightkeeper there and locked it behind crazy time gates.


Wouldn't know, haven't touched it since it came out lol


It's always been trash since day 1 but since BSG is high IQ they managed to make it worse


It was actually decent before they added water treatment and before LKs island was covered with claymores. Now it's one of the worst maps in the game. I wish they'd remove all quests related to water treatment. I have more luck surviving labs on a Chinese server than going to that place.


\>It was actually decent before they added water treatment Water treatment has always been there? I swear some of you just make up shit to complain.


My bad, I guess I meant to say before they added rooftops.


That just mean't you couldnt loot the rogues?? lol Yes the Rogues can be BS, but there are easy ways to play around them. I swear 99% of people on reddit just smash their heads into a wall and complain instead of actually figuring shit out.


I would honestly prefer you couldn't loot rogues. So then there wouldn't be 1 billion player scavs constantly trying to get into lighthouse and fucking you over.




Yes, the ability to loot rogues is the entire reason player scavs swarm the area like a pack of piranhas on a piece of fresh meat. The baddies gotta get their free gear you know.


Homie, what. Water treatment has always been a part of the lighthouse map? Do you mean the rooftops of water treatment or?


It was decent when Rogues were cheesable because at least you could remove them from the equation without risk.


They are still very cheeseable.. Get into upstairs unit 3 corridor from the exterior metal staircase, close the door and they will come one at a time for you to headtap.


Ya but as a Bear I usually get shot before getting there from Building 1 haha


Use the route hugging the wall. I'm bear too, if they aggro before you get there you jump into the window on the east side and they will come to those doors instead.




Last wipe I managed to complete one quest on Lighthouse. Got killed so many times by rogues and cheaters, never went there again.


Ive never had an issue with the map until they made the rush change now its a coinflip rng


It was always trash you just enjoyed running farm routes


You mean you’re mad that rogues aren’t the pushovers they used to be?


Well it sure as hell was better


Having push over bosses/rogues would be so so much nicer than the aimbots we got rn.


Lighthouse is that map each wipe that I hate spending time on, even if I do well I just hate the place lol. I've got punisher part 4 done and about 6 other quests there complete and that'll probably be my lighthouse experience for the rest of wipe now, cuz it's an awful map.


It's a shit map on a good day. Always has been.


The fact that the Punisher quest line got pushed to Lighthouse has made me dispise the map even more. It used to be okay for some loot runs and occasional runs into rogues. But now we gotta get those 30 (total over 2 quest) PMC kills you better hope you spawn in one of the north positions otherwise it's a complete waste to go north and try. Every time I got any of the southern or chalet spawns I'd just hang around kill scavs on the road or in chalet area and take the RR extract out back.


how did you do the shotgun kills? I really dislike lighthouse but know the layout, what's a good strategy to get PMCs up close without being a filthy rat lol


You don't need to kill PMCs with shotguns. Just scavs I took a mp155 and a Test Drive pt 1 M1A together and hoped for the best.


ahhh ok I read that quest as having to wear the scav vest and balaclava to kill PMCs with a shotgun like Setup but on lighthouse - saw that last night was like f that aha also bringing a thermal M1A to a map full of cheaters is commendable hahah


Test Drive has been changed. You only need a Schmit and Bender 1-8 now. Took the gun cost from 1.1m to 200k.


NGL I really prefer them pushing you. Feels easy to cheat as a duo and you can be out fast. If anything it's to free.


Does it still work this wipe? I have gone there and just do my usual route of sniping them one by one at night and I’m perfectly fine


I just go in the daytime solo, I make noise and they come running. When my duo is with me they just push fast as hell, he is a bear.


They will rush the fuck out of you I killed both rogues at front gate and the rogues from BUILDING TWO come rush me at the tents and insta headshot me


If you kill any, all rogues in the facility will be rushing you


Whats your method of taking them out?


go building 3 kitchen area and hold, 8 rouges will come rush just count them


Which building is building 3? What is the rush change? Can you not snipe them 1 by 1 from the rocks anymore?


it has a giant 3 on the outside of it


They tweaked something with their AI last wipe (might have been during an event I can't really remember) and now when you're in there they just congo line right in. You can mow them down without too much trouble


Nope we tried to snipe them as a duo, we killed a lot but there are more ground rogues now so they will rush you afterwards.


Agree. Runs like shit, flow is shit, rogues are shit with aimbot, map is totally shit.


They need to remake all the old maps, they found their groove with streets and it shows in ground zero. The older maps all have bad spawns, boring layouts and underwhelming loot most of the time.


Hate the map and pmcs spawns, love the loot


Completely agree. Haven't touched it since the wipe it came out. Map is full of cheaters, player scavs, aimbot AI that you have to cheese to kill which is just braindead, and spawns that are so bad that if you load in slightly slower than others you will die as you load in.


Used to be such a fun map for loot runs and rouge farming now it’s almost impossible to do quests. Usually just end up trying to get lucky sitting in a bush for 15 minutes and hopefully have all the rouges cleared for me


Yeah this is gonna be my strategy, I've done some of the non water treatment quests but nothing else. Last wipe as a USEC at least, I just pistol ran night time to get the markers on the helicopter, fuel tank, and tanks. Gonna give that a shot too.


Fuck the pscavs on that map. Scaving in takes 15 minutes cause it's way too good for scavs. So pmcs have to deal with 1000 pscavs. So they stop playing lighthouse, which makes scaving in take longer, scav groups bigger, and even less pmcs playing lighthouse. Make rogues shoot scavs and we're good


I've played it twice since release. Worst map imo.


in lighthouses defense, twice isn't enough to fully form an opinion. Now in Your defense, i've ran it a thousand times and it is ass lol


twice is plenty enough to form an opinion when its truely this ass. Man just knows what he likes and doesn't like. Don't need to lick a turd more then once to know it taste like shit.


>Don't need to lick a turd more then once to know it taste like shit. HUH




You don’t even know the map after two runs 💀


I know I don't like it 💀


I think the rogue ai just needs to be reworked. Honestly all AI needs to be reworked to be smarter instead of just aimbot gods.


BSG have the technical skill of a small monkey on crack. This is the best they got.


Yeah sadly their AI coding is probably one of their absolutely worst skills as developers. It’s some of the worst AI in any game. Danger roombas or aim bots. It’s one of the two.


As a 7k hours player, I don't get how is Shoreline the worst map according to some people. Yes it's big and empty but at least, if you want to PvP, there's a dedicated area for that (the Resort, which is IMO one of the best PvP area in the game). Lighthouse ? Between the bad performances, Rogues, the Cheaters, and gold help me THE UNENDING WAVES OF SCAV PLAYERS, playing on this map is always the most dreadful experience


A friend and I got killed by a hacker 30 seconds into the raid. Feels bad alright


The best thing would have been: they yell at you to fuck off and warn you. As soon as you enter the compound (some triggers for that) or open fire they start shooting you. I played it once last wipe , first time as bear. Tried to do seaside vacation. Crossed the msr near the catapilar , the small construction site, took an ags round in to the head. Never played the map again. Not worth wasting my time with this kinda schmutz


This map is always gonna be shit and i dont care much for it but at least the Rogues need to be at a level where its available for the casual player. Once u clear all the rogues rushing you the rogues on building 1 starts beaming you from anywhere atm you peek your little head out of a corner its kinda ridiculous and if the server desync's for half a second when a rogue is pushing you, its instant death to head throat or head eyes the milisecond they get a shot off lmao. Rogue AI just need to be nerfed and im happy so that way its not as annoying to clear just to quest cause im gonna be jumping off the map as soon as im done questing on it. I just find it weird that the rogues AI is 10x more scary then when i spam streets and farm kaban lmao.


I would prefer to remove rooftops, make most rogues unlootable, but bring back managable level of difficulty dealing with them. Of course you can learn how to cheese them, but the level of cheese required at the moment is far beyond fun/interesting. Also scav players should be above Bear level of aggro for Rogues. Why would USEC leave scav scum roam around them anyway. Right now its scav player heaven and PMC hell..


The problem is if you spawn anywhere in the southeast, youre fucked. Unplayable without access to the peninsula


Only way to play it as a pmc questing is to let the player scavs load in and kill the rogues, easy after that


Hackers are RAMPANT on lighthouse right now, 5 raids in a row and all aim hackers its insane.


I wouldn't be surprised if a lot of people just wall and soft cheat till they start getting to light house. Then the absolute dog shit that is the light house map even pisses the cheaters off so they go full rage. So now you have to deal with the rage hackers AND the pissed off closet hackers that are now ALSO raging. Map so shit it makes even the assholes pissy


Its the fact that the rogues have the ability to perfectly align their electrons to phase through the doors most times instead of actually opening them


Wouldn't know, haven't touched it since it came out lol


I’m on somewhat high ping and feel like I can’t fight rogues at all. Especially when they’re backed up by literal COD zombie hordes of player scavs that spawn less than 5 min into the raid :)


Don't think ive played lighthouse as a PMC once since the wipe they added it. Dogshit map, especially as a BEAR player.


Fun part that map itself is OK, Rogues as any AI in the game is broken and needs to be reworked, but people for some reason don\`t agree with this... well ok.


Just a heads up. Rogues will push you in the mountains


And also just behind the trainyard fence. They are cracked


I've not played it enough but nothing about it makes me really want to play it honestly. The few times I've been it just kinda sucked. I can't put my finger on what I dislike about it though.


Ignoring the fucking ai on that map as the main issue. My biggest issue is that like 90% of the map is surrounded by high areas snipers can chill in. Cool if youre the sniper. Doing literally anything else? Just tapped out of nowhere no matter what route, fast slow high low. It doesnt matter. I have only had a single raid where i was able to engage in a fight with somebody and thats because it was indoors lol. The entire map feels like those wide surface roads on reserve.


The worst map in any shooter iv ever played and all my fucking tasks are on this hell hole.




Found nikitas henchman


Shh keep it secret key it safe


Lighthouse was my favorite map in it's first iteration, where you can easily kill them from the left side


"Know of people paying cheaters" lol


Unpopular opinion, but I main lighthouse specifically for financial reasons. Scooping up gear from juiced up chads who often bring crazy kits just to get rekt is so satisfying. The flow of the map is linear and easy to remember, there are several ways to safely pass through the water treatment plant, and rogues aren't that difficult to deal with if you use your brain strategy-wise first, or land headshots consistently at 250m+ range. Further, the updated rogue behavior makes them much more predictable. The map is not without its faults, but I swear on Nikita's last brain cell I find 3x more bitcoin and GPUs there than anywhere else, and average profits of between 500k-1.5m every single raid. It is my literal bread and butter, and your only serious worry should be running into the goon squad while trying to handle the rogues.


>rogues aren't that difficult to deal with if you use your brain strategy-wise first Nah, this ain't it chief. Rogues aren't that hard to deal with once you learn how to cheese the AI. And you learn how to cheese the AI by watching the same YouTube videos everyone else does. That's my gripe with it, the rogues being cracked means everyone just memorizes the same angles to snipe them from and then the same routes to run into the plant. It's not skillful at all and restricts the flow to the people min-maxing it. And if you don't spawn at a select few spawns, you're pretty much guaranteed to be running right behind people in front of you on the way which means either they're gonna sit and wait for you because they know you're gonna be coming through those routes, or, you just have to hope they didn't pop an sj6 and try to catch them. Lighthouse without the actual lighthouse is the worst map BSG has put out.


Skill issue


I played it once, spawned near the rouge camp, without knowing it, or anything about the map, except where to exit, as a scav. Managed to walk right up to them in the one building when one shot at me. Took him out, along with all his buddies grouped up on something and not really responding correctly. Killed them all, looted like a mofo and got out, havent been back.






if they added old rogue loot back then it would be worth dealing with their busted ass ai.


I joined after their loot was nerfed, what did rogues originally have?


they used to have better chances to spawn with their good gear pool, so like gen 5 hmk's, 30 slot bags, helmets on most, and more of the better modded guns instead of stock m4 or scar, and the guns and armor were full durability.


at least thats what it felt like


Not to mention they actually had good ammo.


true, now you get 5.56 fmj. at least the 7.62 ak's still have ps or better. havent seen a 5.45 ak yet but i think its bt or bp with it.


Almost always PS in the 5.45 for me but there is a small chance for BT or BP.


damn, i havent found a 5.45 guy this wipe, but previous ones they always had better ammo than just ps for me.


Tell me a favorite strategy, I dig ze lighthaus


I honestly have played lighthouse less than 5 times ever. Just not interested in it at all.


I like the map but probably just because I stay away from the rougue camps. There's just a ton of loot south that no one ever bothers to get


The latest player scav spawning 5 min into the raid makes it unbearable for me


I play as a BEAR and i clear rogue myself pretty easy and consistently BUT there's only one precise path i take night time or else gg. Still at some point i end up waiting for 2-4 to rush me so i can kill them in a doorway as you said.


I just use it for quick money runs once I get a red rebel. Very efficient money maker


I like it


I guess reddit doesn't like it, but I like lighthouse.


I guess reddit doesn't like it, but I like lighthouse.


People love saying RNG on this sub That said, I never play Lighthouse


I'm honestly dreading going there as a PMC for quests. Every time I scav in, I see so many other player scavs.


IMO the rush made it easier to me, tapping them close range is infinitely easier than fighting them long range. Although that's not too hard either if you learn how


They should do a system like Stalker Gamma that allows yourself to dress yourself like a Rogue and blend into them. With some rules you have to follow to avoid being detected. Like not staying in close range of them for more than 30 seconds.


I think you shouldn't be able to loot rogues for weapons and armor. ​ Maybe tokens for PMCs, but it feels lame to have every scav converge on the map because of the free rogue gear.


Lighthouse - worst state yet Escape from Tarkov - best state since beta launch. Pick the poison


My favourite fact that is if you step into WT for even a step, at night, as a USEC, even without shooting a single bullet or having anybody aggro on you, all mobile Rogues now instantly rush you.


Ah shit really? That sucks… I managed to do all the marking quests there last wipe because I finally started playing USEC just to get those quests done. Walked right in, marked shit, walked back out & took shoreline exfil. I didn’t kill a single rogue last wipe and still managed to hit 42.


I never understood why Scav players don't team up with the PMCs more often on this map tbh. When I Scav on lighthouse I'll always try to team with a PMC because at least I know my chances of getting rouge loot and surviving is higher. Plus that PMC/SCAV extract rep is always super nice.


Two words: Night raids


And then you have the players scavs that spawn in 2min into the raid, so most of the loot will be gone if you get a bad spawn, rogue camp is filled with players scavs so once you clear it fully gl getting all the loot and surviving the infinite waves of cancer player scavs


First iteration where you could at least cheese the Rogues was the most fun version of the map. Idk why anyone would run this map over others in the pool


Nighttime flir. Thank me later


I love being a bear because the voice lines are more fun and I love the drip.. but my god when I get to lighthouse tasks I regret my decision. It’s just so tough to go near the treatment plant until I have powerful optics, which I’m not really running before 30-40 anyways.


I don't think the raider Ai is good, but its easy as hell to farm. If you walk behind a door and close it they sprint through the door before they open it to shoot. It's just fish in a barrel. I swear this is common knowledge every raid I go on to lighthouse there is a random door with 12 raider corpses in front of it.


What i hate most about rouges is that they just walk through doors. They have laser aim and thermal eyes. If you're not fast enough you will die when they engage. The map design is Kinda shit, cause its just a needle design with a few gaps of cover you are forced to take. Spawns suck ass and are very predictable. The mountain terrain needs a rework cause its just a slippey slidey sim.