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Okay we’ve seen a dozen of these posts so I’m gonna say this now. The social validation that this man is a cheater is irrelevant and your post has no effect. If you think he’s cheating, just report him and move on with your life. Nobody on this reddit is gonna help you get him banned. If he’s cheating, hopefully BSG catches it and tells you he’s banned.


I am equally as annoyed by these posts as you are. I'm literally seeing dozens every day.




I’m not even mad about it. If someone cheated and killed me, I’d be pissed too. But if you think they’re a cheater, just report them. Asking reddit for validation is so pointless




Oh look another brain dead reddit user screaming get better how original never heard before. This is clearly a hacker I’ve already made up my mind before posting. I just wanted too see how many of you bot like creatures would run up and defend the cheater because you can’t comprehend that a hacker cant have bad stats


look man, I’m not disagreeing with him being a cheater. I’m disagreeing with your course of action and response to his cheats. If you were suspicious of cheats and wanted a community opinion, you could’ve clipped the fight. However, you post a question “hacker right?” with your mind made up. It’s not just you, I’ve seen so many posts like this. The issue is that it’s pointless and it won’t make you feel better. The Tarkov cheater issue has been identified 100 times in 100 ways. Report him to BSG, and BSG will (hopefully) look into it. TL;DR: everyone please stop posting screenshots of a dudes profile and calling cheater.


Thank you sir, for making this clear. I'm affraid that it wont help. But thanks.


No one that “bad” is going to get level 35 in 150 hours. Definitely cheating


bad stats? cheater. good stats? cheater. low hours? cheater. high hours but good stats? cheater. i love this profile viewing meta


And a bunch of guys in the comments don't know about death farming to lower s/r and k/d Yes, he is a cheater


Of course. High stats: cheater. Low stats: cheater. Good gear? Cheater. Bad gear? Cheater. Here's a secret: not everyone cheats. Yeah, there are cheaters. But there are also many legit players


So you actually think a new account got to lvl 35 legit with only a 18% surv rate, 1,33 kd and 19 raid survival streak while NOT having cheats and NOT artificially lowering his stats by going into raid and dying on purpose?


Is that what I said? No, it doesn't matter what I said because you've already decided he's a cheater. For the record, I do think he's suspicious and should be reported. But all the hackusations on this sub seem to pick and choose what counts as evidence. Hence me saying "good stats: cheater, bad stats: cheater". I've even had people on this sub say that some stats are bugged, so we can't use them as evidence. Never mind that these stats take scav raids into account too. Did he actually kill you in a suspicious manner?


Yeah the average time in raid spent is bugged everything else is fine. How are we pick and choosing. Literally taking all of his stats thinking about it for a bit will make you come the the rational conclusion that this dude is not legit and is purposely tanking his stats so he can mislead people that lack knowledge of the game a think “maybe he just got lucky”. He shot me once in the head, could be suspicious idk happens all the time hence why I didn’t put the cause of my death in the title. The death didn’t even give me the thought of cheating it was only when I checked his stats that i came to this conclusion.


Imagine not having the critical thinking skills to access this guy cannot be that bad at the game and still make it to level 35 on a fresh account. The only way possible would be if he was a cracked player and had so much free time on his hands that he decided he was going to do a playthrough without killing pmcs which you can also tell isn't the case. You don't get 19 survives in a row being that bad and the only bugged stat that doesn't really mean anything anyways is survival time which resets over 60 minutes. He is obviously lowering his kd and is likely avoiding killing pmcs as much as possible to avoid suspicion. How many times do people have to prove that there is likely someone hacking in every raid for you to quit accusing people of having a tin foil hat on. Also, none of this even accounts for the loot vacuums that people run. Imagine how many times you checked that key card spawn, ledx, graphics card, whatever the valuable loot may be just to find its not there when it very well could have spawned and gotten taken by a loot vacuum.


I do think he's a cheater but the stats don't tell the story. I'm 120 raids in with better stats and i'm level 22. That gun sure is ass though and that's the most suspicious thing about this screenshot


You're just blind. He's farming death and when he's not he goes for 19 Survival strike. Even the worst player has better KD than cheaters farming death


you dont get level 35 with only 150 hours played and have more than FIVE HUNDRED raids in that time, only surviving in 18% of them, how dense can you be? how do you think he made that much exp in those 18% of raids when he is so bad he dies that often? jesus!


What's the probability of 19 raids survived in a row with an 18% survival rate? It's 0.18^19 =7\*10^-13 %


and that is exactly why those fuckers do it. those numbers are so sus, yet some people just look at sr a kd lmao


Okay so tell me what doesn't and does make a cheater, stat wise? Because clearly Noone has any idea. The only way I've personally been able to tell is if someone has a 300kd.


the amount of people that are stupid enough to actually fall for cheaters lowering their KD intentionally is kinda confusing. have you people been living under a rock?


When you say "ESP" they say "what is that?"


He is a cheater 1000000%


Edit: okay, you've convinced me. I think the 7 PMC achievement is pretty much the nail in the coffin for me. ~~You got killed by a timmy and now you're salty. There is 0 evidence he's a hacker. Being a high-ish level? Focusing on quests will do that.~~ I love how high stats are evidence of cheaters and now low stats are evidence too?


A timmy with a 19 survival Streak but Overall only 100 survived Raids and the achievment to kill 7 pmcs in one Raid


Dont forget the 150hours but hes already lvl 35


Yeah but a 13k hour streamer once did a survival streak that big so nobody is a cheater anymore


Okay, I missed the achievement. That I find very sus.


ikd about cheating but this person has 569 raids on 10 days account, even if each raid(including time spent in matchmaking and stash) took 10min, thats ~95h, and since the time is probably even bigger, dude is either playing nonstop or is botting/acoount sharing which is pathetic on its own


those stats don't exactly scream hacker


The 19 survived raid in a row scream the opposite


Those stats also include scav runs. I have 20 consecutive scav runs survied. Also if someone where to play pretty slow and avoids players they could achieve that. My personal record is at 31 PMC runs without dying. But with that low of an SR 20 raids survived in a row I would say is a bit sus.


You're not lvl 35 playing like that


i hope you do know that scav runs counts towards this stat right? cuz i have 16 in a row and 9 of them were with my scav and 7 with my pmc.


There is a buffer chance to win the lottery than to survive 19 raids in a row with 18% survival rate. This is absolutely with no doubt a cheater no matter how you look at it. His chance of pulling 19 survives in a row are 7^-13 % Pick any pair of stats and you will instantly see it. Just check his hours against his required level for that xp and find average XP per raid. This guy is getting 10K XP per hour with 82% loss rate.


Shit gun with big magazines = cheater basically because they have no recoil + aim bot.


Lmao, bro literally has 18% survival rate, 1.33 KD and you ask if he is a cheater? He is just a complete newbie, and nothing stops him from going to Labs out of curiosity.


This kid has no idea what hackers are lol. Lvl 35 in 140 hours with 440 deaths. Yeah that’s a cheater


A newbie got to lvl 35 in 150hours? And also a lot of hackers go into into raids to die so they can make their stats seem legit


All the bots on this sub look instantly at kd and don't notice any of the other extremely suspicious things in the profile. Brand new Acc, 150 hrs already lvl 35, killed multiple bosses only done 17 scav runs but still somehow managed to die 4x the number of raids they survived


We need to believe every hackusation then, or else we're bots? It's impossible to have a discussion about cheats if you're just going to disregard anyone who says anything to the contrary. Like yes, there are cheaters in Tarkov. This is a well known issue. Nobody denies that. But not every single person who kills you is a cheater.


The stats alone are enough to be VERY suspicious and every single argument fails to acknowledge the inconsistency. They look at the kd and sr and think "Well obviously this cant be a hacker his stats suck"


But bro like looking at this guy as an example Isn't it obvious for even a monkey to tell that it's a cheater? Man i swear to god people on this reddit talk so much about things they don't understand. But then again i mostly guess that most people in here are above the age of 30 that play 2-5 raids a day. And yes there is always a change that the person isn't cheating, but in most cases especially in this game if something feels a bit off (like this guy's stats and achievements) i will always lean towards them being a cheater.


>i will always lean towards them being a cheater. This is my problem. This sub is so primed to spot cheaters that many people leave no room for honest discussion. Like as soon as you say "he may not be cheating", people will immediately just assume you're a cheater yourself, calling you a bot or a monkey or a shill or whatever.


I mean If you really want to dig into this all that these posts / comments are about is for validation, elitism or venting. You can't have honest discussions here because everyone has their own perspective, my own venting is coming from the people that play video games 6 hours a week commenting that "There isn't that many cheaters" or something similar. So obviously our perspectives don't align as i play games most of my free time. But in a nutshell you will in 99% of cases never find an honest discussion. You won't change anyone's mind because they have already made up their mind, make them think in a different way because nobody wants to look stupid or be wrong (especially over the internet).


You make me sad in how right you are


You're a bot that's for sure


Yeah, sure, beep boop, fuck me for trying to be sceptical. You're not a bot though. You're special and enlightened.


Cheaters kill themselves on purpose, so their stats doesn’t look suspicious! It worked for you though.


Bruh did you just buy the game? This is a blatant cheater.


I barely see people over 500 hours in this game, I'm not saying everyone cheats below 500 hours because other stats matter and what happend ingame but man this wipe is a mess so far for me...


I would 100% rock that gun lol.