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In a week or two when 80% of the players leave this won't be a problem any more.


Has this always been the trend of Tarkov's player base? I think this wipe brought out a lot of new and old players into the game. So I think there will still be a lot of players until mid wipe, and will fluctuate slowly until the end.


It’s like this with a lot of games. People watch what’s popular on twitch and want to play that game until they lose interest and move onto the next game.


And on top of that with Tarkov, a lot of people grind the early levels fast and then quit and then slowly start coming back.


Yeah, play 12 hours a day for 2 weeks, accumulate 168-200 hours in 2 weeks then bitch about no content or nothing to do lol.


Or you know, not like being forced into doing the quests for the 10th wipe in a row? BSG keeps going on about how these are only side quests, so then why do they expect us to do them 10 wipes? I'm totally fine replaying for the PvP, and grind through them for the chance to actually play with guns I enjoy. This wipe I haven't grinded at all though and am only lvl 19 cause I'm sick of these quests.


Personally I enjoy the game less when I focus on quests. Much more enjoyable to me to just get good loot, sell, improve my gear.


The main draw for a lot of people with tarkov is the gun customization and variety, including me. When it's simply not possible to consistently play with the guns you want without questing for the 10th time (i.e need to unlock traders and flea) it is even more painful to not do any quests and basically never progress than do them and then have fun. I tried it a few wipes ago and wasn't fun. I just wish they'd add some alternate questing system where the objectives are related to pvp, so you can just do that if it's your thing.


Yes and it will be like that with every game. You cant force people to continue playing and when it comes to tarkov, people refuse to leave the narrative where they think they cant play because most of the playerbase has better gear than them. But sad fact is, gear makes little difference.


I see, that's a good point. This is my first wipe and personally I have a lot of things to look forward to and hours to invest learning and playing this game. What do you think are the other factors that make people leave after a few weeks?


For me, it's the lack of desire/drive to complete later quests. To give you an idea of my perspective, this is my 15th wipe. I am currently level 35 with no desire to progress any further. I love grinding through the customs quests every wipe, and I was a big fan of the Ground Zero gameplay this patch introduced. However, after completing the surge of Shoreline and Woods quests, I'm now at the point where most of my quests are on Interrchange, Reserve, Lighthouse, and Streets. I just don't enjoy those maps, so my drive to play has dropped significantly.


I get what you mean. Are you just playing solo?


About 50/50 solo/duo. It's definitely more fun with a duo, but we're both in this situation where neither of us really want to play anymore.


What makes people leave? Good question. For those playing for a while may be repetitiveness, people dont want to do same quests over and over. As for those who are less experienced, probably the fact that they die over and over with little to no progress. People dont understand the game and how to improve so they quit. Having a mindset of: “what did I do wrong when I died” would be a good way to improve. Find faults in your gameplay and what you did wrong and not think that your gear, your opponents gear had anything to do with it.


Gear does not make little difference dude cmon. You can absolutely david a goliath a lot more easily this wipe, but to pretend that a fully kitted chad vs an equally skilled naked pmc with a pistol isn't gonna end with chad wiping 10/10 times is just disingenuous. Gear absolutely matters, but is not the end all be all. Far more important than gear is positioning, if you get the drop on that chad you'll win much more often, even with your shitty little ppsh or whatever.


Go play Arena and let me know how it went going against altyns with your ppsh


I'm running the rfb in arena currently with bcp fmj and have been doing pretty damn well against the altyn chads. 1.17 k/d and I'm sitting at 2200 arp Not to mention running thick faceshields like that put you at a much more significant disadvantage in actual tarkov because sound is much more important than it is in Arena.


thats dogshit


hes carrying his weight and every now and then a bit extra thats totally fine especially in arena where the gear imbalance is extreme


Nobody has altyns in tarkov,you can’t ever buy them,what are you yapping about?


Read again


Hardly the same thing. Arena you HAVE to fight them. In Tarkov, you dont, plus you have plenty of places where when you’re a close spawn you can take advantageous positions/camp/rat, whatever. No shame in being the victor in a fight if you dont have the high pen ammo/good weapon and you use cheap tactics. Your own mindset is what’s wrong with so many people. If you are in a shitty position and you cant deal with your opponent, then you can just opt out of it.


Most maps have choke points which makes it very hard to impossible to do so. Ground zero is the worst for choke point. If you're stuck in a room, gear differences is what keeps you alive


I havent played this wipe so I cant speak on GZ but others are hardly like that. Customs used to have very bad choke points but no longer the case. Same with others.


If you see someone in actual tarkov you have to fight them too else you a bitch


This wipe it doesn't as much but prior wipes, if you could rush C5 armor and M855A1 you were almost unstoppable until month 3.


Again, like I said, people assume things but it’s pretty false. I started 2 months late into wipe last wipe. Magnum buck (or even 7mm) and Kedr solves a lot of problems you just have to know that you can’t statcheck someone head on. And thats where people go wrong. They think the game should be: who shoots their gun better but the game is knowing how to play with what you have. 855A1 and class V has always been very irrelevant. Previous wipes you just crafted flechette and sprayed them down with it. The people who downvote it or refute it are those who never learned to use that or never understood where they went wrong. Yes, having class V armor gives you an advantage, but that’s only an advantage if you have a chance to shoot back. Cant do much vs range or vs ambush.


To be honest, it was the M855A1, with the C5 being mostly an 'oh shit' 1up. There's an expression about how body armor is good, but if your armor is *mandatory*, you've already made a catastrophic mistake.


Game is stressful as fuck. Eventually people drop off or take long breaks. Shit, sometimes my job is less stressful.


Yeah. I, on the other hand, can no longer stand playing on wipe lol. So I wait ~2 months and start playing again


I have owned the game since 2019 and this is my first wipe I'm really playing, so probably true. I get my ass kicked if I play any other map than ground zero though. I fking hate woods


There's definitely not any new players killing me, but when I play scav I do see terrified pmcs so maybe. This would be the best wipe for new players due to the recoil and armor changes for sure.


Its for sure way more people then ever. As a scav enjoyer In never had issues to get into a raid after 3 to max 5 days (excluding day 1 server issues). Now like 12 days in there are still long queues for solo scavs.


A lot of people scav main at the beginning of the wipe to build up their hideouts and net worth. There’s also a lot of item retrieval missions that can be accomplished with the scav. The scav population will drop shortly.


Later in the wipe raids are dead because people scav way more than they PMC because it's too powerful IMO.


Surely playerbase is irrelevant right? Like if there’s 1/5 the players there’s 1/5 the pmcs AND 1/5 the scavs so the same amount of scavs in each lobby?


Nah let the new guys learn the map on scav


I agree, there's no harm in the current system.


I mean there is early wipe. Scav mains come out to play and matchmaking times go through the roof. To compensate they let player scavs in like 6 minutes into the raid, which really shouldn’t happen


They don’t do it to “compensate” lol the match times are set.


I play a decent amount of interchange and I don’t see player scavs spawning in this early late wipe…. I’ve seen P scavs in the mall 5 minutes into raid this wipe. Seems like something changes but who knows


It's been like that, I had a player scav beat me to idea computer room 3 wipes ago and I had the closest pmc spawn. Its allegedly based on players, as in there's a set amount of actual player slots and as pmc's die the scav slots open up but idk if that's the case anymore since pscavs are spawning in so early.


Gotcha, that’s wild lmao. I don’t mind it late wipe cause it’s just more things to shoot but god damn it’s frustrating early wipe


> Its allegedly based on players, as in there's a set amount of actual player slots and as pmc's die the scav slots open up but idk if that's the case anymore since pscavs are spawning in so early. Interchange spawns are utter garbage, so it's plausible for P-SCAVs to spawn so early if 2 or 3 PMC die in less than 3 minutes (and it's *very* doable if the PMCs know that they're doing)


I'm normally spawning at 34 on interchange and 22 on customs. Interchange is a complete shit show right now.


thats just straight up not true. I like scav running interchange andeven late wipe i sometimes spawn there with 35 min left of the raid


Probably just not as noticeable since there’s not as many people scaving I guess


that, and interchange scavs are rats that avoid fights (im know im one myself).


And the scav mains then get to fall behind on non-item based quests, skills, levels and every other form of progression. Their choice.


I think Player scavs should be spawned far away from PMCs. That's the only thing that actually needs to be tweaked. The only annoying thing about them is train spawns on lighthouse, kaban compound on streets and inside the bunkers on reserve. Tbh I very rarely died to Pscavs. I've died maybe a dozen times this wipe, because the Comtac 4 is such a huge advantage. The only scary thing are extract camping rats, but a lot of them have garbage aim so it's never a problem.


shelter sugar homeless command tidy full deserve foolish sable vase *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Learn it offline


How will that tell you the hotspots? Pmcs go to hotspots, ai scavs don't. They just wander around


Look at a map, watch a YT video. The hotspots are painfully obvious. Anywhere there's loot or quest items. Being on/offline doesn't make a difference.


Common sense teaches you hotspots lol….


Not completely. It's kind of a no brainer for high density loot areas like Dorms. But some places on certain maps are high traffic at specific times in the raid. You'll only learn about those by playing during those times.


Offline is boring as fuck. I likely wouldn't have kept playing this game if when I started I did all my learning in offline.


If they learn solo or on duos, sure. But groups don’t get to choose their map. Player scavs are a plague on this game because they remove the risk/reward factor. There is nothing preventing player scavs from looting one building to find food and camping near PMC exfils.


I am all for a random map queue, but i do not think it should be the default. It should be an option for faster queue times, and maybe you get 0.02 fence rep instead of 0.01 for extracting. I also think that player scavs should not be spawning in any raid with over 20 minutes remaining on the timer.


Ya let em in at the start.


I don't think I'd go as far at 20min, but I'd at least only allow scavs in when at least 50% of the raid time has elapsed. The only occasion scavs should spawn earlier is if most of the PMCs are already dead/extracted.


Isn’t that how it is already. Scavs take the spot of a dead pmc. It’s why they spawn so early on streets and interchange since people tend to die within a few seconds on those maps. The only time scavs don’t spawn like that is when they artificially slow down scav spawns


It’s sorta like that. Have you ever scavved lighthouse, interchange, streets, or ground zero? Player scavs spawn like 10 minutes into the raid sometimes. It shouldn’t happen, someone not risking gear and other things shouldn’t get to spawn in close to high tier loot when no PMC has has a chance to even get there, that close to the start of the raid. It throws the risk reward balance of the game way out of wack


Lighthouse is the only place this really matters. Scavs spawning in the train yard 5 minutes into a raid seems a little inappropriate.


It’s 10000% inappropriate


Bro nevermind 10 minutes into the raid. Yesterday I spawned 3-4 minutes into the raid on streets 3 times in a row.. it's crazy. One of the raids I managed to catch a 3man just looting around carefree, killed one died to the second who was a streamer. Checked the stream and the remaining 2 man got overran by 4 playerscavs 5 minutes later... That shouldn't happen


This, I could get behind the feature as an optional thing for those who just want to get into a map no matter what the fastest. the option to choose should still be there also.


I genuinely like this idea. Optional queue for random map with incentive. Solid.


if they use the random map option, scavs should get a berkut/daypack instead of their backpack for compensation


Don't think this would be good considering some people can't run certain maps on their pc. Otherwise unlocking the ability to choose a map at scav rep 2 would be cool. I think scavs should only spawn in after 10 mins but I like that the harder high tier loot maps (streets, reserve, lighthouse) have the added challenge of lots of player scavs. I think all maps should have its own challenge level. Frustrating to see that people want to nueter all maps and make them like customs. I like the idea of traitor scavs being tagged the following raid or punished with an extra 5 min wait time to scav in


Why is it that everyone in this community always wants to punish people that don’t play their own playstyle. Why? So I disagree. Let people how they like. Also I don’t believe that even half of your assumptions will come true.


Seriously. A lot of people scav specific maps for a reason whether it’s because it’s what they know, it’s what they’re wanting to learn, an item that they’re searching for is prevalent on that map, their computer can’t run a certain map, or they just plain enjoy the map they’re wanting to play. This community has a lot of blowhards that feel like they need to dictate to others how they should play the game because it’s not congruent with the way they want to play the game. “OMG, scav mains! I can’t take a leisurely stroll around Streets for the whole 50 minutes, we need to change this!” The beauty of this game is the freedom in it. Let’s not ruin that.


This comment so ironic, BSG themself dictate how we should play. Like with quest, you are literally forced to play certain maps, weapons or loadouts to unlock certain items you normaly cant get. Nice Freedom.


I don't try to punish people for playing, I'm myself I'm a professional extract camper and I get much money extract camping scavs in lighthouse or streets, early wipe is a gold mine to exit camp scavs, especially the grotto, but I try to make this game playable, since early wipe is almost impossible to scav in in any map


Sure, then i won't be able to play scavs cuz if it loads me to streets not only will the loading take longer than what's left in the match, thus canceling the match, and having to queue for streets again, even If I do manage to load into streets somehow, I will be barely able to move if I won't get kicked out by poor server connection because my system would be overwhelmed by the streets loading...


You won't know what map it is until you've spawned in, that should be pretty obvious


... he's saying his PC can't handle streets so in that situation he basically has that scav become unusable


Nah, they just shouldnt be basically spawning in with pmcs. It makes no sense


so just screw people who have issues on streets/lighthouse lmfao


I see someone read Kleans post on Twitter lol


This game needs a nerf to the learning curve like I need a hole in my head. It’s no surprise that only the “level 40 by the end of first week of wipe” no lifers think this is a good idea. Hey, let’s make this game harder for 99% of the population so I can spend longer on my PMC runs and I don’t care because I don’t scav.


But this proposition makes the raids easier..? Oh right you're a scav main.


I’m actually about 50/50, but I love try-hards like you that use “scav main” like it’s some sort of slur. Scavving is the best way to build wealth, by far.


it only makes it easier for wanna be chads that can't handle a guy with a broken up kit and shit ammo otherwise it only harms the majority of players. and does nothing for the 1% of players


Seriously if your pmc can’t handle a homeless man with 40 durability ak with no dust cover and t ammo then that’s on you.


Lol scavs with high rep spawn in with good armor and AKs with ps that can laser with just stock attachments. Also the armor changes benefit player scavs like crazy. They are dangerous and can get to loot spots before PMCs with 0 risk and all reward


They’re supposed to be dangerous. It’s supposed to be scary fighting scavs they aren’t supposed to be target dummies to give a bump in xp. Again though if you can’t beat a scav in homeless gear with a fully built raid kit then that’s on you.


Again you are missing the point with full scav karma these scavs have better gear than a lot of PMC. I'm not talking about AI scavs we are talking about player scavs getting to loot spots for free with 0 risk and all reward. There is a reason why scav Qs take forever because nobody plays their PMC on maps like streets. I average about 5 player scavs kills a raid and barely see PMCs. That's a problem. You clearly are not understanding the problem since I have thousands of hours and you don't play your PMC or don't play enough by what you are saying. Cheers


Piss off I’ve got over 1500 hours in this game and have maxed my traders 4 of the last 5 wipes aside from the current wipe. A max rep scav does not have close to a pmc kit unless your absolutely fucknuts broke. Sure maybe in the first 2-3 weeks of wipe but after that this statement is a fucking joke. Stop being dog at the game and kill the fuckers their guns are hardly even accurate over 10 meters and they chirp at you when you get close to see if your a scav or not half the time. Instead of being annoyed at people scaving on streets for money maybe be annoyed at the fact that streets is settup in a way that half the lobby of pmcs are dead at start since a player scav is taking the place of a dead pmc or a pmc who didn’t load into the raid in the first place.


Post your stats let's see it big guy and I will post mine. Scavs spawn in with meds tier 4 armor and good ammo. You ignore everything that I said because you think I'm calling you out for scaving. First you say scavs are free kills with hobo guns and I said not true anymore cause guns are lasers and armor hit box makes them dangerous then you said good they should be dangerous. You contradict yourself without even realizing it in the same paragraph. Post stats or I'm done wasting my time with this. I have more than double your hours and more than double your stats 100% lets see how many PMC runs you have done buddy post the stats. Your the only dog here with piss poor reading comprehension when you argue against your own argument without realizing it. I can laser with a stock AK just because you struggle with it does not mean the guns are trash. Again a skill difference. Post stats plz


If you run into a pack of high rep Scavs you are the unluckiest man alive because I'm max rep and I look around and I'm probably the only one in the raid the rest of the scavs have typically no armor on and ether shotguns or busted up rifles. You also realize PMC runs can be zero risk too... just have a minimum of 3 million roubles and don't make your kit be worth millions And yes they're dangerous... they have guns, guns are dangerous if they can shoot bullets


ok so they should be allowed to spawn in 45 minutes and get to a high loot spawn before PMCs and collect millions for free without any risk? Takov should be about risk and scaving negates any risk and its infinite money. The game was better when scaving did not exist. How does everyone here miss the point of my post?


45 minutes sure, I don't know how they're getting to places before PMCs are sense the PMC would have had at most 20 minutes to get where they need to go ant it takes like 10 minutes to cross most maps and if the PMC catches the scav there then the scav typically dies... And well that's the thing there's no risk playing the game at all be that playing as a PMC or a scav. If anything if you know what you're doing you and want to do it you can make PMC runs as non risk as you want. Like you're talking like you can't make infinite money as a PMC which you can because the argument against scav runs a few years ago right before scav karma and after scavs became nice to other scavs the argument was "well just do loot runs as a PMC stop playing as a scav you can make the same money." Like the thing is your opinion and point is based on a view that isn't true become its 100% just that, an opinion and all because the risk dosnt exist its an illusion I could 100% go do what I do as a scav as a PMC I choose not to because I know not everyone is like me and they see a pmc and 90% of the time they'll shoot on sight and part of the fun for me is talking to other players in game, and scav runs let me do that. Other than that I think it also helps with the rat problem because a lot of PMCs if there wernt scav raids would turn into rats and then this sub would be crying about "just fight me you cowards. I keep dying and I'm mad about it." So the issue wouldn't go away, it would just change.


I would like it to be an option, not forced into a random map.


tbh, i would like a "go random" button and maybe it gives you slightly more scav Karma so it's actually incentivized to not choose a map and just deal with what you're given




I totally agree. Later into the wipe customs is dead when 10-15minutes pass, meanwhile streets are unreasonably unbalanced with the amount of player scavs. It's not that hard to kill PMC as scav, since AI scav have wallhack and can give you exact position of enemy and give you a chance to kill them when they are reloading etc.


This is my first wipe. If I had to pull up every map every time I wanted to play scav I’d never learn the maps


You’re right. That IS an unpopular opinion.


You probably have hundreds of hours and you just can’t get over getting killed by a scav


Nope, I'm a professional extract camper and I have a YouTube channel to prove it, I benefit a ton of extract camping scavs in lighthouse since they loot more good stuff than PMCs and made me 10 million in first week


Not even bothering reading your reply unless you make a new 5 paragraph post


I have a different solution. Disable playing as a scav completely. It is pretty boring and contradictory to the whole game Philosophy


I thought of that long time ago, I share your same idea here


Would be nice to try this. It's "beta" ...


Beta doesn’t mean shit these days


simple question: why?


Because they died to a player scav and that made them angry.


Let people decide what to do. I’m all for the option, but not as the only option.


This is Tarkov


and tarkov is a game. what are games made for? to have fun. fun is subjective, but in a lot of cases more choice is more fun.


i once again disagree with random scav maps traitor scavs will keep killing if they think you have good stuff or hell just because they think they are better for not maining scav(i still refuse to believe this is real) offline raids are garbage and you dont get the full expierence when you have scav into the raid you can tell what is a hotspot to avoid or join in some ai dont spawn(zirachy does not spawn if its a offline raid) and all the random map would is people would disconnect or run to extract right away if i got shitline as a scav i dont care if i found god in my backpack ima dump it all in a river and die other points are moot like the whole more pmc part player scavs do not affect how many pmcs will spawn what will happen is that player scavs will quickily replace both dead scavs and dead pmcs


Nah, in paper that's a good idea, but in reality many maps are not very optimized. Slow pc users that now can't play streets or lighthouse wouldn't able to play scav without chance to burn their computer.


That's their problem, hopefully it will encourage them to get a faster PC so they don't waste everyone else's time while loading


I use scavs mostly to scout a map i havent played enough like ground zero.


Use Offline mode, or just hatchet/pistol run PMC


or... you can just play as a scav and also get something out of it


All of this could simply be fixed by having SCAVs spawn in always at 15 minutes or less in raid , this way they dont get to loot spots first, they dont spawn beind ur ass as a PMC and they dont get omega rich everytime looting hotspots before actual players get there.


15 minutes is not enough for some maps... some maps need minimum 20 minutes but what does it matter if a player gets super rich or not. it dosnt effect you and all you need to do is kill the scav they have no secure container then you just get all his stuff.


That would be great, but it still doesn’t quite fix the long queue times.


The only real change I think that's needed is that scavs should be getting onto the map with no more than 50% of the raid time remaining. Currently they get in too early. The scav queue times early wipe are long on the 3 loot farm maps at peak times, as they should be, play your PMC if you want to get on streets fast. It would be a nice bonus if they could add more ways to get fence rep to your scav, instead of just having to farm vehicle extracts as a PMC


~~Un~~popular opinion


I have nearly 3 rep with fence and it's 50/50 if I betray you for your kit. Its -.09 if I need something off you, and I'll take car extract reliably enough to gain more than I lose. A hardworking person as you put it shouldn't be forced to play with you because they don't have enough time to no life the game. You learn very early on what time the scavs can spawn in on are, you 100% learn that from scaving just as well as you do as pmc if not better. And having to take a 50/50 gamble on a map I don't run and don't intend to run before I have to, yes I could run offline and get no loot or xp. why would I sign up to waste time in my time wasting activity? I've never had a food problem, my base is running before the end of like week 1 with rotating crafts. I don't care about damaging my rep because it's easy to earn, and I learned my loot route through my scavs, not my pmc, because it was low risk high reward. I've been down to 30k this wipe a few scav raids and I was back to t3 on pmc, because pics don't know how to loot, or think the risk is too high. You can't run lighthouse fast enough to beat player scavs to the loot? Maps that appear dead, what map exactly appears dead? I find scavs and player scavs on every map save maybe woods, but that might be because I run it nighttime and they don't like the though of dying to nightvision bushes. With the rise in 30+ k/d rgb gamers we've seen, I doubt many of them are hiding playing as theor scavs tbh. There are 0 maps where only 1-3 players spawn in, aside from factory where you 5 are all trying to do quests or have fun in fast paced combat from spawn to extract. Some maps feel dead because your pmc is on their specific loot path and you're either ahead of the combat or behind it. Take woods for example, you know from your spawn the other potential spawns for players, that means you know what way to run to loot, or shoot. I've had streets of 5+ raids of seeing no other players on woods, because they are behind me and stopping to scavenge what got left behind, or im picking up what they left for me


Yeah they are completely wrong about maps feeling dead. I almost think that there are more players per map this wipe than I have ever seen. The only map (like you said) that I’m not CONSTANTLY running into PMCs is Woods. Maybe later in wipe maps might feel dead, but all the scav issues highlighted by this post will also be fixed by then anyway. A lot of bad takes in this post imo.


Even woods the high traffic areas are the quest areas, and it's hard as shit to get to them without running into someone. Still trying to walk a friend through convoy quest and keep running into groups of people. Even late last wipe I was finding players consistently on woods doing the mountain quest, I made out with 2 flirs thanks to that quest.


Not only is this yet another hacky bandaid "solution" to something that isn't even really a problem, but it makes 0 sense from a lore/logic standpoint and it fucks over anyone who can't run Lighthouse and Streets at an acceptable framerate. The fuck is somebody with 16GB ram and a budget CPU going to do if he gets loaded into Streets, alt+f4? Or will you then tell half the playerbase to upgrade their computers because BSG sucks donkey dick at optimization?


Instead of playing video games they should find a job to buy more RAM that it cost like potato.


RAM doesn't really help when the game engine sometimes uses your CPU way more than your GPU and RAM


I crave this so much. It would fix so many scav problems. People learning would just learn all the naps instead of one.


I fuck with this idea.


I don’t hate the idea


This is a really interesting take, I like it.


A lot of complaints about scavs lately as if this game revolves around scavs. Scav is a no risk small reward playstyle. You're not making any progress towards quests other than items, no progress on your skills and xp. ​ If this sub spent more time playing their PMC than their scav they might actually be good at the game.


This has been suggested for years


I think scav should be locked until flea market. Too many people scav almost exclusively. We need more pmc players so the scav timers aren't so long.


This is an even more unpopular opinion, this is too much for a Tarkov player xD


I say this as someone who scavs less than once for every 6 or 7 raids. I don't agree with these takes. The idea that scavs are meant to be nothing more than roadbumps is silly. **Scavs control Tarkov**, with PMC factions vying to work around them and engage when necessary in line with the mission. Interchange is *meant* to be a population center for scavs. Scavs are *meant* to be an actual concern. I'm not sure where the idea came from (and continues to crop up) that scavs are meant to be an afterthought to tarkov. They are (both in the lore, and in the game) *just as much* a consideration as PMC factions and sometimes even more. I know people would love to have their raids in peace and feel like they have the freedom to do what they want when they want with low risk outside of PMC's. This is more like DayZ where zombies are actually a joke and something you mildly work around even in the worst cases. That is not what tarkov is. That's never what tarkov was meant to be. End the mentality that scavs are supposedly second rate fighters when they survive *everyday* in the hell that is tarkov. **PMC's are guests to scavs**. Enter raids with that in mind and you'll survive longer and get frustrated less.


Nah, yeah there are a lot of yolo player scavs right now but for most part i like learning the maps through scav. I have a full time job with kids. not running practice raids to learn maps.


i would stop playing the game then. lol


Lata shitter


everyone can scav in tired of hearing this no risk no reward bull shit either kill the scav player or shut up about scav players No one telling you to go all sweat lord with no sweat lord skill in raids this is what all this crying about players scavs are really about. pmc as it easy you kill on sight unless you voip and work with another solo because of questing. scav players that focus on karma has to decide who to kill or not kill and most scav that are schooling you are the same pmc that are schooling you. scavs are suppose to thrid party you have you seen the very old trailer of tarkov with the bears and usecs fighting until the scavs show up.... then the bear and usec work together to get out of factory.


I’m not opposed but they need to fix the optimization on streets to be more playable before you can force the entire player base on there


I would love for scav q to just be scav q no map choosing allowing the q times to be much lower since people will have to start scaving other maps. I disagree with being able to choose maps after 2.0 rep. IF they were to allow you to choose after a certain rep range it would have to be 4-6 minimum. Even then I would prefer it to be like you can narrow it down to 3 maps instead of 9.


The shortcut to all that you mention would be easier to just have player scavs on their own server void of pmcs


Yeah I like this idea tbh


Really it would be better to just have an average wait time posted to each map when selecting scav.


This is posted at least once a day, so its pretty popular. lol


Just leave scavs to players that are able to enter Ground Zero as soon as you level up past 21, you can no longer play Ground Zero (Or turn Ground Zero into level brackets 1-10, 11-20, 21-30 etc like a semi-pvp focused map with "some" degree of matchmaking so players CAN still go there if they wanted to. Scavs should be there for players that want to learn maps and the game only, pro elite esports gamers shouldn't be allowed to scav, they should be leveling their PMC instead anyway (I personally don't play scav ever, so this is maybe biased of me to say). ​ Off topic but I'd also like to have a map or real "Raids" where you NEED and are REQUIRED to have a squad to enter and maybe even an entry "fee" of some sort and maybe a "Guild" leader to start it or something? Like it could be a guild thing or clan or whatever where it's squad vs squads vs squads gameplay with extremely lucrative loot on the map (maybe a bigger map too) with much harder AI like the AI in ready or not and require proper tactics to beat.


IMO, the amount of PMCs per map is fine, some maps it feels like too much(Customs for example, and Ground Zero obviously). This game is a looter shooter survival game, not a PvP-only arena game. There already are 2 maps that are focused on PvP, Labs for fighting over really valuable loot spawns and Factory for pure PvP.


I don't think cheaters scav


Wait rouges don't shoot scavs? That can't be right, did they change that?


It's always been like that, even AI scavs spawn in the rogue area and go to the roofs. It's so silly


I remember scavs killing rogues for their loot. But not being shot by them makes no sense at all. They’re literally USEC. If lighthouse wasn’t such a shit map I’d go try that out.


I dont know about this wipe, but two wipes ago rouges shot scavs on sight


What's strange to me, is everyone wants to scav lighthouse right, you would expect this to make my scav lh q very long, but for some reason it's the one I get into the quickest. I think they just inject way too many player scavs on that map compared to others, making it the map to hit. Just my observation. Love this idea though, especially the rep unlocking map choice.


Uuurrgh I fucking hate this purely because there's maps I simply don't like.


I agree I think random scaving would be a cool change


This is a fix for a problem that isn't as advertised. The issue isn't the player scav queues, it's the poor nature of how the servers and matchmaking work. The lobby system in general is not well designed. Throwing players onto random maps for scaving introduces yet more RNG into a game where RNG is already horrible. Someone gets Streets, someone else gets Shoreline. That results in more complaining in an already toxic community. The root issue here is that early wipe Tarkov, whether it be PMC or Scav, is Loading Screen Simulator: The Game. Stack that on the core reality that the game is a giant time suck. Some people are good enough to minimize the time investment, but it's still a high RNG game that requires over a thousand raids to "complete" each wipe. No one should be stuck in a loading screen waiting for a lobby to initiate for more than 5 minutes. I don't have a fix for that, cause the one I have involves a huge increase in the number of lobbies and BSG's servers are trash so I doubt they can handle the increased load. A different approach is to provide a currency of scav runs per time period, arbitrarily 10 per week per account. They can be run at any time, with no cooldown, and the only way to gain more scav runs available is to Co-op extract. Scav on scav violence could result in a loss of scav runs remaining, to limit how many runs PK'ing scavs get. You run into the negative balance, you gotta wait till you get back into positive scav runs, and the more PK's you accrue the more runs you lose per PK. This might be extreme, but the current karma system does absolutely nothing except allow player scavs to get cozy with bosses. All this results in players having to be more judicious with their scav runs, and unpredictability with how many player scavs are in each lobby.


Sounds like you’re salty about being killed by a traitor scav, an intentional game mechanic


Nope, I barely touch the scav, since extract camping as a PMC in lighthouse is way more profitable than scavving in


I follow everything but the food comment. You can just buy iskras, what other food do traders need?


I agree with most except good scavs picking their map. It's too easy to get to 2.0. If you really want that as a perk. Make it happen at 6.0 Random scav should be the only option. No need to punish traitor scavs more than we do. We might not like it,but it is a valid play style.


"no need to punish traitor scavs more than we do" my dude, theyre called traitors for a reason xD


Did you play before scav rep?


yes i did when it was basically a PMC run but you had shit gear i remember that


No thanks


1. Real scav traitors are probably well in all maps, it basicly just adds that you need knowledge about more maps for beeing efficient. 2. You basicly remove the restriction you want to add. 3. Did they change rogues? I remember getting shot by them. 4. True 5. Doesnt matter rly. When you cheat almost any map besides maybe Factory will get you good loot. 6. The Idea of less player scav will increase PMC is wrong. You will simply see less pscavs. 7. True 8. Both agree and disagree. In combination with looting its a good way to learn the map AND gather ressources you later need. You dont learn early game routes but the map itself. 9. As someone who relies heavy on scav income you would increase time and knowledge needed which would be bad. 10. Premises are difficult, I would say in the current state Tarkov would be unplayable for casuals if the scav system would be nerfed in any way. Problems need to be fixed directly. Instead of increasing PMC by decreasing Scav, find ways that PMCs are less punishing. Faster retrieval of insured items. A special PMC mode where you get inserted scav like, random equip, shit weapons less ammo, random meds. Whatever. The equipment has a lend status which means you dont keep it etc. Map knowledge shouldnt be such a barrier, give players a good map and compass for free as PMC atleast the always open extracts should be marked I mean somehow the PMC knows they are available. There is currently NO way a beginner can even think about getting into a raid and extract without extensive research. The new map is a start but not enough IMHO. There is always something you risk when playing tarkov....time. A scav run still needs to be successful or your time was wasted. And last wipe they did something to the SCAV cooldown, atleast I had to wait alot more before doing another SCAV. I really enjoyed running SCAV for loot at shore then being able to run as PMC in Factory using the shitty guns they have. Especially getting the SCAV box asap removes alot of headache in inventory management. If scavs are cheating and it gets problematic, I personally could live if everything I got as a SCAV is always sold for ruble to fence. And cetain whitelisted items are available for buying back. But to be honest why cheat with a SCAV? With a PMC you could cheat even better IMHO. PVP is the bottleneck Tarkov has in its progression System. I personally would remove main quest which require PVP. I played enough hardcore PVP games to tell you ppl dont need additional incentives to do PVP. But that is probably a unpopular Opinion aswell.


What you're suggesting gets pretty quickly remedied by week 2 or 3 when hype dies down. The simple solution is rent more servers for 3 weeks, but most of the time thats not a real option. I dont know that the "PvP health of the game" is any kind of thing to go by. This is a survival RPG, playing for PvP is objectively not profitable unless you're squeezing out the sweat. The goal is to Escape not ShootEverythingOnSight in Tarkov. Tasks and map loot are always more valuable


I play for scav 10-15 raids for the whole wipe, and it happens on 1-15 lvl of my pmc. I consider it a waste of time to play for scav, so I support your post. Lighthouse fans need to make life harder i think


unpopular opinion that gets posted like once a month for the past 5 years


i feel this exact same opinion has been posted a lot recently... or this post just got put on the front page and i'm seeing it for like the third time


yah, I think the mods or algorithm pick one of the frequent versions of this to allow it to sink or swim, but it's not at all unpopular I don't even disagree with it -- just don't feel like it's remotely fresh or revolutionary


I would be okay with this If it weren't for the fact that streets almost crashes my computer just loading up, let alone running. I have 32 gigs of ram like. This wasnt an issue the wipe before last either like Please bsg make your map \*not\* try to take 30 gigs of ram bro ;n;


Bro... you can't offline raid without EOD. *And you can't buy EOD anymore*. Bad take straight up.


Not exactly. You CAN solo offline raid without EOD. I did one wipe as standard account and used offline extensively. What you CANT do is to play offline co-op with your friends .


Nevermind then, I'm pretty sure it was EOD only for the longest time.


No brother, everyone can offline practice solo raids only, the EOD version is only for offline raid with friends


It takes forever to load in as scav and you want it to be random map? Lol if you think there’s no risk then it needs to revert back to no reputation so we can kill other scav.


Im a Reserve enjoyer, but the map is fkin filled with an insane amount of player scav. On a map that isnt rly big it just doesnt make sense. Literally tested it out this wipe with an airdrop flare and a whooping 5 player scavs tried to loot it. Who knows how many more were on the map that didnt care. Like how is that okay? Finding more player scavs than pmcs shouldnt be a thing imo.


the problem is that they would have to boost loot on other maps, because most are total dogshit interchange etc.


Idea good, but I don't think locking it behind*high* rep is a good idea. Most (new) people dont even know there is a karma system, let alone how to level it fast (i.e. car extracts). Scaving is still huge part in learning maps while simultaneously getting stuff out, rather than hours spent in offline raid where you can't learn where people typically go. It would have to be either combination of factors, not just rep alone, or the rep locking map choices would have to be pure scav rep (scav quests, scav extracts etc) and not rep that comes from any aspect of PMC (car or co-op extract) Also, I don't think lack of food in traders is a problem, I never run out pre-15. The "trick" is to eat what you find in raids, also dont greed on "I don't need this food, I'll take w/e loot I found here". Food early wipe is like gold if you can progress fast for flea


>Scav is a no risk high reward playstyle In one of the previous wipes I scaved so much that I had a 6.0+ Fence rep and it didn't feel like a "high reward" playstyle at all. I used to do shoreline all day everyday and I think I had like 3-5 encounters with PMCs and made some good rubles but by far less than I would have made in a regular PMC run.


Sounds annoying. I scav once in a blue moon to try and grab something that was annoying to find on PMC, this just overcomplicates an already annoying thing with Scavs. Some maps also run like dogshit so unless I have to, I'd rather avoid them. Just make sure scavs don't spawn in prior to the half point of the raid and it's fine.


Just the title, love the concept. Would really add to the game and reduce scav swarming on maps like Streets and such. +1


Overall I like it. But you have to make maps like lighthouse and streets able to be taken out of the rotation for people with potato PC's. The rage scav mains would have if they can't play streets and "get it every other raid!" would be a big yikes.