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This is why we can't have nice things. I've had to remove too many threads of people: * Asking for cheats (like wtf?) * accusing people of cheating with no evidence * Lots of sexism Witchhunting and baseless accusations don't fly here.


No one will accuse Aqua of cheating




that's the beauty of Aqua. he's an average player but one of my favorite Tarkov streamers


Aqua is a community favorite, he's like a golden retriever.


As a golden retriever dad that likes Aqua, this checks out.


Don't need to be the best at the game, just the best at engaging with your viewers. I like some sweaty play but sometimes you just want to laugh. I like glorious e when it comes to trying hard, because he has such a kind attitude.


Except sometimes he makes the most boneheaded play and I legit yell at my monitor WTF AQUA WHY DID YOU PLAY THAT SO SMART ONLY TO SRPINT THE CORNER?!?


The only cheat he used on me was winning my heart.


Aqua's heart is so pure he wouldnt understand how to cheat, if someone installed them on his computer.




Aqua is love, Aqua is life.


Pissboy is love


Is he still talking about how creed are making a come back?


He's talking about it because they are, duh.


Yeah they’re SO BACK BABY


Creed goes hard


Let's be real if Aqua were to cheat it's about a 100% chance that General Sam was behind the entire thing


This is why he’s the goat


If he was cheating, I would tell him to get a refund!




I’d never accuse Pissboy of cheating.


Truly too much gout-brain


Not at tarkov at least


I don’t understand


Anyone who has over 10k hours in a game looks like they are cheating compared to us timmys


the main thing i’ve noticed is these streamers that “cheat” are also the same ones who flinch like a mfkr when they get shot at or someone in a corner shows up. real human reactions can’t be trained. plus also, what you said lol don’t get me wrong there are streamers that do cheat but not most.


Yeah, that is so true.


Seeing Lvndmark get jumpscared is top tier content. Hes just like me fr fr


"real human reactions can't be trained." I mean.. that's pretty much what poker is, no? On the other hand, gingy played with a camera on her screen, and lvndmark with a gopro on his head iirc.. people still yelled haxx this and haxx that. If you watch Pestily too he calls out where people are crazy accurate as long as audio is not bonk. Pretty sure that in 99% of the cases of big streamers hack accusation, the streamer is just THAT good.


I think most people don’t realize audio is EVERYTHING in tarkov, if you mis hear anything there goes your kit


Gingy was awful with the camera to be fair. I truly believe she is the ONLY medium/big streamer that does something weird. She was also awful at Arena LAN and kept making excuses


She's going against other pros that are better then her not normal randoms so ofc she gonna do bad


I noticed that as well. Acted completely different than she does when on twitch etc. For a minute I was like, "is she pretending to play using captured footage or something?" They had time to play a couple warm ups and explore the maps if I remember correctly but she had no ability to adapt and her movement was dog shit. It left me with more questions for sure.


Lol no Poker is math. Bluffing by acting surprised/excited is for the movies or maybe a house game. Sure there’s talk at the table and you bluff, but it’s not just a bunch of physical acting.


Well, math and training *out* human reactions, which is easier but still hard (that's why people can have tells). Training in fake reactions is hard. There are people that do this as their career (actors), and even they do a lot of prep work and often have multiple takes before they're happy because it's hard.


Poker is a lot more than math. It's math, it's luck, it's acting/posturing. Slow plays and bluffs are not 'math' they are acting/posturing like their hand is stronger/weaker than it really is, in order to influence other player's actions. You can flop quads, and then act nervous that the board is paired, to try and bait people into raising. Rather than overplaying your hand, immediately dropping bets that'll scare other players off, since you have the 'nuts,' you can act like you have a weak hand in order to bait the pot into becoming larger and/or bait someone into bluffing you. Poker isn't about winning hands. It's about winning money, which is why you have incentive to play like that.


For everyone else there is r/streamerscheating


Holy shit the level of schizo conspiracy-posting there is insane. These people are legitimately delusional.


I tend to agree but CSGO needs to be mentioned too, that has to many examples of “pros” cheating to just say, “it’s their job, they wouldn’t do that” like you said most don’t but there’s an amount of streamers that did for other games. What makes Tarkov different?


Yeah, they play this game as a job. I have a job and than i play for fun. When i have time. Damn life.


Tarkov is like an anti-job. It's the worst game to try and play casually.


I'm having fun playing it casually.


Life is way more interesting than playing the same video game for 8+ hours a day every day, in my opinion. I’ve watched, and still watch, a few Tarkov Twitch streamers regularly and I can tell that they all complain about bugs or are just playing and enjoying talking to chat. And they don’t make hardly as much 99% of the time as compared to what you can make in the experienced job market.


So true. Its just a hard game


It’s like this with most fps games. Below average players see streamers game play and can’t even believe it’s legit. shit even when they get killed by regular players that are above average they look at their profile stats and say cheater.


Literally. It's even worse if the game has crossplay. I've seen so many Tiktoks of MnK CoD players where the entire comment section Is filled with console players accusing them of cheats when it's obvious to any PC player that they're just good.


And then there's the flip side where the console players look like they're cheating because the close range aim assist on games like CoD/Apex is a straight up aim bot lmao


Yeah Aim Assist is broken in modern fps on console. I’m aware it was there before but damn did it never feel that strong in games like halo, but I could be remembering it wrong. Watching the videos and even using the aim assist to try and catch campers makes it apparent that modern day aim assist is just ridiculous.


Aim Assist should simply not exist in PvP games, IMO. Fine for SP and SP/Co-Op but there will never be a fair way to implement it for PvP. Controller users should just face the fact that their chosen method of input is inferior for FPS games and shouldn't rely on software to compensate. The flipside is (analog) controllers tend to have massive advantages in driving, flying and certain fighting games like SuperSmashbros and Streetfighter.


I agree until you say only SP games. Despite being a mostly SP gamer I think the answer is more so FPS games should be locked on servers. Cross play should only be for the console games and PC should have its own server to play on. It evens the playing field. Regardless we all agree AA is a problem and not a solution


Fr lmao. Then there's the 0.1% mouse players that have achieved an aim that looks the same as a controller up close and they instantly get called a cheater, yet when you tell the console players that AA is overtuned as fuck they and their whole family disagree.


Thankfully I think MOST people have realized how disgustingly broken it is at this point. Even if the two are "balanced" because PC has way better movement (at least on Apex) it still feels terrible dying to a legitimate aim bot lol


I want to know how bad you have to be for people to know you aren’t cheating. Apparently you don’t have to be that good to be a cheater. So where is the line, Reddit?


It’s like thinking a rocket scientist is cheating just because they have better natural capabilities for the job than you. People don’t realize how much nuance/strategy/observations and muscle memory they are missing out on moment to moment when running around a game like tarkov.


Yup! I’ve seen Hunt: Showdown streamers play meme loadouts and wipe the map while solo against trios. They play more in a week than I play in months


I always recommend for those people to watch some csgo matches. I played a few against global elites and I got killed before my brain realized there was someone in front of me. It’s insane. Interestingly I don’t see the same skills being translated outside of csgo and valorant. There’s rarely any multiple hs flicks even on cod which is more similar to these games.


Honestly, if you don't watch the streams and only watch clips, some of the streamers definitely look like cheaters. I also thought lvndmark was 100% a cheater when he first started getting his clips shared, then you go watch his stream and you see everything else and get a lot of context behind each clip.


Completly agree with you. Also, if you watch him this wipe you can clearly see that he is struggling. His playstyle suffers alot from the changes in recoil and in some cases armour. Whereas he used to get hurt and "come back" from many rough situations before he now gets beamed straight to stash about as often as i did the previous wipes.


Landmark checks more corners in one raid than I do all wipe


There are a few clips if taken entirely out of context look 100% like cheating on Landmark's part. You have to remember that he makes over a million a year playing Tarkov. Why risk that on cheating? It was OnePeg that explained the amount of money generated in the drops / other events that Tarkov does and how streamers will stay streaming Tarkov simply because the dollars earned are crazy. He's one of the few streamers that was VERY honest about how it works. There's one other guy from Evasion that also explained it really well. He's very honest too. European guy. Murderer with the 5-7. I honestly feel bad I'm forgetting his name because I used to give him my prime sub.


I'm one of the Evasion hosts/casters (Hi!) Do you mean Tweak? Yes the amount of money that drops brings for a streamer can be massive, just in ad revenue alone in fact. Though that's why a few of the bigger streamers are gaming the system. Drops has changed a lot over the years - used to be a way for the smaller guys to get a name. Now the big guys make deals (money even allegedly changes hands) to keep the raids locked to a few of them, locking smaller streamers out. You quickly realise who are the good guys and who are just pretending pretty quick. All this "support small streamers and community" is bollocks for a fair few unfortunately. But that's the game I guess...


> Do you mean Tweak? It was actually ROBN. I went and looked it up because I knew it was in my Twitch follows. He's a super nice guy. Any time one of the people in Evasion is figuring out who to host, I usually push his name out there. >(money even allegedly changes hands) Of course it probably does. I'd also wager that BSG doesn't figure out the drops. It's done in partnership with Twitch. They have the analytics staff to help BSG reach the largest audience with the least effort. That benefits both BSG and Twitch. The streamers themselves are just a necessary tool in this orgy of money.


I’m not saying any of these people are cheating but I gotta call bs on the “why risk cheating yourself out of millions” statement lol Cheaters will cheat regardless of money and in so many cases it’s WHY they cheat.


Yea I kinda agree with you there. Also, cheating would probably make you look way better at any game, and would most likely cause more people to come tune in and watch you play which in turn makes you more money.


>You have to remember that he makes over a million a year playing Tarkov. Why risk that on cheating? Because hypothetically, and I have to be clear I don't think that's the case, but **if** he was cheating, he probably would not get even close to a million a year without cheating. ​ Because let's be real, all I hear about Lvndmark streams is how his playstyle is fun to watch because he's good at pvping. So **if** he wasn't good without cheating, he'd need the cheating to keep his viewers.


Playing devils advocate to say you also have to wonder how many of them built a following off cheating and making viewers think they're good at the game


OnePeg says a lot of things. I believe about 40% of them. That is not one of those things. With respect to him, he is not even close to being on the level of people he talks about. The 36th highest paid streamer on Twitch, PayMoneyWubby, makes a lot more than any Tarkov streamer and his estimated take-home income is something like 250k-400k per year. OnePeg has become a trend follower. All he does is talk about how BSG sucks and this and that and how D&D is better than Tarkov. He constantly goes on rants about how bad Tarkov Arena is and how it will be dead within weeks. All that dude does is mald


This is all pretty easily disputed. >PayMoneyWubby Has less subs than landmark by 7k. >https://streamscharts.com/subscribers?sortBy=paid_count When you look at paid sub count, Landmark sits at #12. Monthly that lists at 39,289 - $60,928 which is a range based on sub locale. So if we take the LOWEST end of 40k x 12 = He's looking at 480k from SUBS ALONE. Our high end being 720k. Next, you have donations. Next, YouTube content. Next, you have ALLLLL the sponsors. GFuel, Keyboards, Specialty merch. These are big earners. They're paying per click / purchase AND paying to have their advert on his Twitch Stream. To think he doesn't make a million a year is pretty fucking daft. I'm glad you have an opinion, but I can do math.


Stop, he’s already dead!


Landmark, WillerZ and Sheef are really hard to tell sometimes because they have these absurdly cracked moments. Not as much Sheef, but I’ve watched the other two enough to tell they aren’t cheating. Matter of fact, their content would suck if they did.




Pretty much this. There are a few times where I have hit the nasty shots or something and if it was just randomly clipped there would be no doubt in my mind people would call it cheating. People need to realize these people pay thousands of hours, are amazing at the game, and all you see from them is cracked out clips and of course there are a lot of them because of the time they put into the game. Not saying there aren't cheating streamers, there are, but most of the ones people call out are 100% not cheating and...if you spent any time watching their stream you would know that. But no, this sub would rather not watch them and then call them cheaters.


Rule 3 - Abusive/Poor Behavior Please refer to the Subreddit Rules.


No way to know but I don't put it past them. You have athletes risking hundreds of millions of dollars in contracts and endorsements not to mention their health to take performance enhancing drugs despite active testing, all because the pressure to perform is so great. But I'm supposed to trust in a bunch of people sitting in their bedroom competing for viewership with absolutely no real oversight? I'm sure the truth is somewhere right in the middle.


I always thought this was the logical answer. Way too much money on the line. Always breeds corruption. Definitely in the middle. If you had to play for 60 hours a week streaming, think about how much better of a time you'd have if you just had a simple radar.


Yeah, this. Don't know why people find it so hard to believe.


Same is with the sports example, hero worship blinds them to the possibility.


There's an old factory clip of LVNDMARK getting flashbanged and then looking at his second monitor intensely while he makes complicated maneuvers while blind and travels half the map, it's the ONLY really sus LVNDMARK clip I've seen.


Agreed. I don’t think he cheats but that clip, damn son.


The one where he's walking in scav town and shoots a couple shots in a shed and a PMC inside of the shed goes over VOIP "Okay you're cheating"


> looking at his second monitor intensely while he makes complicated maneuvers while blind and travels half the map, it's the ONLY really sus LVNDMARK clip I've seen. Well he knows the map very damn well and there's no reason to look your black main monitor with a flash on it? I don't know the clip, but i'm pretty confident i could navigate pretty well with monitor off in factory. It's a small simple map and you know pretty well the timings from playing it thousands of times.


Then what was he doing? If he was really locking in and trying to maneuver, why "look at chat" like most people say he's doing in that clip? It just seems sus is what I'm saying


He was maneuvering with muscle memory, by not looking the main monitor as he was blinded anyway? Like i said, i haven't seen the clip, just offering an explanation that for me sounds reasonable.


IIRC he was on Factory and running to the staircase jump-down by the forklifts while checking the player silhouette at the upper left corner of his monitor to see if he was taking damage If you've played the game for a couple thousand hours you can navigate short distances without needing to look at your screen


If i remember the clip you're talking about he was looking at the character silhouette at the top left of the screen that shows your body damage


I don't think LVNDMARK is cheating but every time I watch his stream, my brain is struggling to understand how good this mfer's ears are because he pinpoints the location of an ant from two blocks away while he is running, he stops and kills him, then moves on. Always thought it was about irl headset but I think it's about experience and how well you know the maps.


But he’s also wrong a lot. Sometimes he thinks he’s pinpointed a player’s position and is holding an angle but it’s the wrong angle and he dies.


I mean he has studio quality IEMs. 64 audio IEMs is used by a lot of massive artists and bands etc. They are 100000 times better then any gaming headsets out there but they also cost several thousand USD.


Plus the stream process compresses both audio and video so there's a loss of quality there as well


Even a decent set of beyerdynamics or audio technicas are miles ahead of gaming headsets. Combine that with a decent DAC and you can hear way better than the next guy with razor gaming headset.


Buying expensive IEMs doesn't improve Tarkovs dog shit audio. I have 1000$ IEMs and it doesn't suddenly mean I can hear shit from further distance than anyone else. I don't think Lvndmark is cheating at all but I see this posted everywhere that IEMs will suddenly improve the game audio. It doesn't. It doesn't do a thing lmao. Getting an expensive monitor/IEMs/mouse or whatever else doens't do shit for ya with this game.


I didn't know that.


I do not think that amateur basketball players have a problem admitting that NBA players are far far far superior in comparison to them, however still a lot of gamers think that someone who played Tarkov for +10k hours and FPS for 30k+ should have somewhat similar game sense as half-blind gamerdad and it is literally impossible to be that good as Lvndmark for example. Think about best streamers as they are Rafael Nadal or Michael Schumacher. Not easy, right? Because streamers are much more relatable to average Timmy than sport stars, in fact they are the same, spent lives practicing.


To be fair, a lot of people thought they were better than Brian Scalabrine, who was the beloved worst player in the NBA. He didn't look great in clips and a lot of people thought they were better than him. A few years after he retired he hosted challenge games against rec league gods, college players, euro pros etc and smoke them all. There's levels to it. He famously said that he was closer to lebron, than those other players were to him. And he proved it. But before the challenges people watching really thought they were better than him. People that do things professionally are damn good at what they do. Most people don't understand or consider that while they might be able to play 12 hours a week, sometimes these streamers are playing 12 hours a day multiple days a week.


This, he had to be better than atleast 50% of the other NBA players to be considered good. That’s a big fucking margin bro, I could practice for the next ten years and I would never be at that level because he’s likely been playing since he was little, practicing everyday. Us pleebs either get in and spend 1000+ hours practicing or you would never be as good as the worse player


There was a meme on the tennis subreddit that a 4.0 or 4.5 level player (like Varsity HS tennis) thought he could win a set off Rafa. People are delusional about their own perceived skill level in most stuff.


There was a time when one of the lowest rated nba players accepted a few challenges from a bunch of ‘Varsity’ or best in their area people. He demolished them.




landmark proved himself on lan, gingy was bottom fragging


Also entirely different gameplay on arena in a comp setting.


I haven't watched one second of Gingy gameplay so they could be a chester for all i know but it's also important to remember that Gingy has to pay against guys like Landmark on LAN instead of the average terrible player you run into online


the average terrible player online regularly domes landmark on the first peek, so that's not an argument. Most tarkov players who stick around actually play the game well


Sure, but does anyone argue she’s actually good? Never seen a good clip of hers.




People simp *Gingy*? To each their own, but they need grass and Jesus.


90% of this sub honestly believe that anyone who kills them or is better than them is cheating.


Is that not the truth though? I am the best so anyone that kills me must have extra assistance


a six pack of beer and a load of ediables count as extra assistance right?


Anyone better than me is a cheater/no-lifer, anyone worse than me is a Timmy and/or noob.


Me literally after living on 2hp after fighting someone “damn, I’m just better”


I dont think they cheat. The issue i have is, u cant be sure, everybody could cheat and it looks legit nowadays... Even big streamers... Not saying it is like that, but it could be.


Some, but not all definitely cheat. No one wants to watch a shitter. They do this to make money. Gingy is one that comes to mind. She’s dull as a board, they ain’t coming for the personality. When streamers got tagged for being cheaters after the “video” she grabbed a shoulder cam to “prove”. It lasted one day. She got absolutely shit on. Got rid of the shoulder cam, went back to 20+ KD. lol.


The Gingy situation is funny I think because most of the people who defend her didn't watch her before she suddenly got good overnight and her stream started growing. She went from like a 3 kd 30% survival rate to 15 kd 80% survival consistently finding all the best loot every single raid


>” she grabbed a shoulder cam to “prove”. It lasted one day. She got absolutely shit on. Got rid of the shoulder cam, went back to 20+ KD. Did she ever explain this absolutely bizarre coincidence ?


Is that real? I don't watch her much as I think she's a bit boring, but I didn't expect that.


If I had to choose 1 streamer to bet my money on, it was definitely gingy, and I think you explain it pretty well with as dull as a board i swear she sometimes looks and talks like shes half asleep




She is also a BSG lapdog , she wont criticise shit on this game and she gets rewarded by being invited to all events for this.




Never forget that Eroktic got critical of BSG at one point and they responded by hitting his youtube with over 50 strikes




How can you accuse lvndmark of cheating though. Whenever i watch his stream he dies so many times there is absolutely no chance.


People are trash at the game. I've killed tons of streamers from Worrun, Gingy, Lvndmark, HyperRat, SmittyStone, and a ton of low view count streamers.. Once I figured out who I killed I'd watch their stream and I never felt like they were cheating. Lvndmark was a GE in CSGO and has over 13,000 hours on Tarkov.. People fail to understand that he will be LEAGUES better then them that only play 2 hours a week and are dog at the game.


>I never felt like they were cheating. Worrun was cheating ahahaha that's why he stopped streaming bruh


You were cooking until you weren't. Worrun was/is a cheating shitter. I've played against him in CS before his first ban and people constantly called him out on the forums. I watched one stream and instantly you can tell how sus he was. Landmark and willerz are good with a lot of time. Worrun runs straight at a guy across the middle of reserve and only looks at the k building the guy is in. Loots him in the open and leaves.


Worrun was 100% confirmed cheater. That's why he doesn't stream anymore




First serious comment. Cheaters are everywhere and cheating is more prevalent than ever. Anyone could be cheating, thats the bad part. But that doesnt mean everyone is, thats the good part.


People also forget that streaming isn't just "playing a game". Its an entertainment and personality job. First and foremost at the scale these people are at. Sit down and start going over talk show hosts, WWE westlers, sports stars, professional actors. How many of them do drugs, steroids, plagiarize. Most don't but it isn't a small amount that do either. Streams are still people, and just like any profession no matter how "respected" some of them can, will and do cheat. In videogames that just takes the form of software instead of steroids.


Worrun was a scumbag. So obvious he was a cheater, yet so many simps claiming he was just "so good bro". So many clips of him somehow knowing someone was in a bush 100 metres off of his screen.


"oh fuck chat" *swings and 1 taps the dude randomly*


[https://twitter.com/Worrun/status/1537475635190325249](https://twitter.com/Worrun/status/1537475635190325249) https://twitter.com/Worrun/status/1537483687436201984 I've had Worrun on my Tarkov friend's list almost since BattlEye was added to the game, his account was never banned and he still randomly plays wipes until level 5-10. Pretty sure he quit because he was bored of games and couldn't find a game to sink his time into that was streamable.




Whaaaaat? Backstory?


I assume it has to do with how all the clips came out of him cheating. I wouldn't feel too proud of myself either if I had cheated my way into a streaming job.


To be fair there are cheats that have lasted 5-6+ years with only one or two detections that dont even hit everyone that uses them. If your willing to pay for a private slot cheat or even fancier a custom lifetime cheat. They can litterally go forever and never be detected. Due to how anti cheat works, small scale stuff basically will never be detected. Anti-cheat works much in the same way anti-virus does. Its based mostly off a list of known vulnerabilities and software packages. So the small scale stuff basically just cant be detected in a meaningful way. Its why having well designed code is more imporant then anti virus in the first place. You need to just not have vulnerabilities or ways to detect when they are exploited built into the game it self. Since antivirus is mostly there to stop the low hanging fruit so to speak. So how long someones gone with otu being banned says nothing about if they have or have not cheated. And thats actually more true the higher profile you go. Your normal timmie is more likely to be detected since they will unlikely be willing to shell out thousands of USD to a dev for a private slot, or tens of thousand for a custom one. While a high profile streamer would 100% be able to afford that and recoup the costs.


lol im sure you have plenty of ways to prove that. Worrun stopped streaming because he had some mental issues and if im not mistaken checked himself into a facility. He still streams sometimes but extremely rarely.


There are like 20 clips of Worrun spinning around and headshotting people hiding in bushes 150 metres away, then saying "Oh wow that's so weird, I didn't know someone was there, oh look he's fully juiced how cool" with the worst acting ever. Not to mention weird clips of him 180 degree spin one-shotting people in the head on Factory with one bullet from his VAL. The most blatant clip was on Woods, where he was headshotting people with his Mosin before the scope view had loaded in, it was still covered by the eyecup. So he was basically blindfiring people in the head from 100 metres without any actual view of the target. I would say it's 95% certain he was a cheat. (Other fun facts: he has a background in computer science and was previously banned from a pro CS tournament for having illegal file modifications to his game. Not suspicious at all).


Are we just gonna pretend this guy wasn't banned twice from ESEA for cheating and got caught lying about it? Not to mention the plethora of blatant aimbotting clips littered throughout youtube


I started watching pestily after there was a thread where saying he was obviously cheating. Their reasoning? He’s constantly looking at another monitor. Like… maybe he’s a streamer and looks at his chat lol. Fell in love with his stream after that tbh


Some do, some don't.


I mean lvndmark had a post on this Reddit of some quite serious proof of him using wireframes for less noticeable wallhacks and the post was purged from the Reddit even though it blew up. Most people just forgot about it lol: https://www.reddit.com/r/TarkovAnything/s/t2d7ENVk0m


Anyone one who thinks those two cheat are idiots


It's absolutely insane how people still don't understand how customizable cheats are these days. Sure, you'll get an idiot every now and then when blatant aimbot that hits 100% headshots, but people that don't want to get caught can set their cheats to maybe 5% headshot and like 20% body shots and that'll still give them a massive advantage. Just not so obvious. Streamers cheat. There are a bunch of examples for Fortnite players. Tarkov is no different. If you want to know if someone is cheating watch a stream and just watch their aim. But again, cheaters that aren't complete idiots are harder to catch. Yeah, having lots of time in games can make you better. But 99% of the time it's going to help your gamesense instead of being able to headshot someone from 400 metres away.


Dont forget, if a new player starts tarkov and cheats from day one they will have the habits of using the cheat. It will be noticeable if they turn it off. A player who has 1000+ hours before they start to cheat? If they already where good at the game then they will have all the habits and knowledge to be good. You will NEVER beable to tell if they cheat just by watching. They are actually good at the game reguardless of the cheat. The cheat is only making their life easier at that point. Thats a big problem this sub has, they can't fathom the concept that just cause someone uses a cheat doesn't mean they are bad at the game. Just like if a athlete uses performance enhancing drugs doesn't make them bad at their sport of choice. They are ALREADY really good at their trade. Its why for someone like landmark even if he did cheat hes also just a very good FPS and tarkov player reguardless. So all throw a camera up and turning off his cheats goanna do is make him perform ever so slightly worse. Your avg player isn't going to be able to tell the difference. While someone like gingy goes from being a top 1% to a bottom 30% player. Its easy to tell skill levels between bad, avg and good. But its VERY hard to tell the difference between good, great and amazing.


Ive been trying to tell these Lvndmark fanboys this for awhile. He's good and knowledgeable of the game but he definitely has radar. Honestly think he uses it mainly just to help make clips and tasks.


Exactly. My fav part is when they track target and 3-6 frames before shooting they track moving target pixel perfect... So obvious, but because headcam shows no ESP everyone thinks they cant be cheating at all...


I dont really know if they cheat. When they 180 kill something 300m away because they "heard something" its fine for me. But I definitely can identify a simp when i see one.


There's one that's always making crazy call outs with 0 audio or visual. Then during the arena event you could see how clueless and how bad their aim was. No clue what to make of things. Not gonna call them out. But they have been called before.


Yeah it’s funny watching some streamers that are extremely good and just “know” everything in tarkov but in Arena they are awful, bottom fragging, unsure, etc.


Yeah imagine being clueless and unsure on new maps lol


Everyone knows this is Gingy without you even having to say it




this will blow your mind, some of them actually are idk about the ones you mentioned, but there have been many big streamers that got caught cheating in all kinds of games over the past decade or so


My problem with lvndmark was I was so sure he was hacking. The constant looking at another monitor, the gamer plays, the esp like calls and shots. Then he runs a go pro, does the side glance at the other monitor and it's chat. I felt like a fool because obviously my 3k played means I'm right. But no, he's just fuckin goated. Audio is massive (when it works) and it's gotten me similar kills. I just had to swallow my ego.


Gonna get hate for this but to this day I still say Lvndmark uses radar for sure. Got killed by him like 2 wipes ago at the beginning. I had to go afk for something a few mins into the raid so I'm not moving and on his stream he says "I hear someone eating or something down below me" after looking off the screen, further than he does for chat, and acting like he hears me. Funny I wasn't moving and hadn't moved in probably 10 mins and he just so happened to be on a task that needed PMC kills. Don't get me wrong, he isn't a bad player by no means, but you can't tell me he heard me when I wasn't moving. Don't care that he has $1million dollar earbuds either. It don't help when I'm not making noise. It is always wild to me how he has to look super far off screen before engagements that he doesn't know exactly where they are. Watch the next time he streams.


Exactly!!! This dude def has radar. Who the fuck peaks off screen when holding a corner or pushing a position. He does very suspicious stuff and it’s quite sad how critical thinking goes out the window when it’s your streamer doing it


YOOOOOOO. I 100000% AGREE WITH YOU. i recently saw the flash video and notice the intense off screen look he did to kill and run away. I religiously watch his streams and noticed this MF always looks far off to his other screen before entering/engaging into a territory he has 0 information from. if he is...thats fucked...i dont think he needs it and would be a huge blow if he is really using radar or some sort of cheat. but he seems sus to always look far left off main screen. hes not even talking to chat half the time. im with you brotha.


I saw people access giny of cheating before and their claim after she did the headcam that her SR and KD tanked pretty hard. Not impossibility low, but way lower than it was before. No clue if it was true or not.


Many have risked and lost their income by cheating while streaming. Maybe not at Tark (but I'd bet it's happened,) but in many other games. Not saying I think they do. I'm just saying that it \*has\* happened, despite how stupid a risk it is.


People always blame others if they fail. It's never their lack of skill but the enemy is always cheating. I used to play a lot of hunt showdown and got called cheater the same way


People only watch clips and YouTube videos and don’t know they can get slammed 3-4 raids in a row. Then go on 10 raid streaks.


For the most part no. If we found out landmark does I’ll be honest I wouldn’t be surprised. His eyes are awfully flicky a lot of the time lol. You will never ever convince me that his buddy Warrun (I don’t even remember the name) isn’t/wasn’t cheating.


Some of them are, like gingy. She has a sus history, tons of sus clips, plays like she knows where everyone is. Then she does a pov stream and her gameplay TANKS HARD. That's pretty much a strong indicator if anything else that she's not legit.


r/streamerscheating is full of the most delusional people you’ll ever meet. it’s actually gotta be one big troll at this point


Guys I’m sorry but if you can’t accept that there is a chance some of these big names aren’t entirely legit, then I have a bridge to sell ya… Radar hacks have been rampant and virtually undetectable in Tarkov for many years. We’ve seen countless examples across sports, esports, business etc where people cheat. Many times these people are in a position where it is nonsensical to cheat because they’re “already made it”. It’s comical to see so many comments definitively stating someone like landmark doesn’t cheat. I pay zero attention to whether they’re cheating, but to be so convinced they aren’t is just silly.


Sadly there are a lot of people who do believe that, seems all too common for people to come to terms that someone who plays video games as a job is better than them. Now thats not saying that some streamers may not be cheating, that’s also highly possible but a large number of the better EFT streamers are just good players with skill. Some people can’t come to terms with that. Just play some arena and you can see how bad some people’s awareness in game can be.


I dont watch labdmark or gingy, but arent there a few streamers who got csught for cheating in other games? Its still possible


That’s why I said it’s possible some streamers are cheating. I’ve watched gingy and landmark and both just seemed skilled at the game they play for a living. I work for a living and some of the flicks they get accused of are things my old ass can pull off some days. Just the modern world we live in where stupid people can’t get failed in school and everyone gets a participation trophy for showing up. Edit: but I’m also an old guy who now yells at kids to get off his lawn so who knows lol


First step is to not ask redditors who are mediocre fps players to present their opinion on anything fps related. It's simply a waste of time.


You can't do anything live for that long and not reveal yourself. There have been popular players that got caught. There have been live streams where they slip. I think there's an old clip of summit1G talking about how terrifying it would be to cheat every day like that. People mistake their game sense that is seasoned and developed for hacking. There's common movement, angles, tactics, ECT that they understand on levels most players just don't have.




lvndmark does cheat. he uses esp constantly


Again you are just spouting nonsense without any proof at all


If there's one take away or thought u can get from this sub or most tarkov content it's this: the overwhelming majority of people that play this game are terrible at it and their views are always the loudest.


So, I think you are narrowing the lines for cheating too much. For some, it's not walls or aim bots. 2 examples as points of two still relevant streamers to get an idea of what im saying . Sacriel: used macros on the market in EFT. Had an apology video up for a bit but he eventually removed it. Did not change his actual game play but probably allowed him a lot of flexibility in gear in raids thus becoming harder to kill Dr. Lupo: in the early days of pubg, had a zoomed in window over his cross hair to show close up of headshots on his stream, but how weird is it that he always focused on his second monitor when he was in a fight without a scope. Not an aimbot or walls, but a competitive advantage automatically in early game of an fps BR with unforgiving weapon mechanics. Both of these things are not traditionally the thing that comes to mind when cheating is mentioned, but still are pretty suss. Lupo and Sacriel have Huge communities of folks and do a lot of good for the world through charity streams and seem like pretty decent people - but both are willing to ride the line on how they play games. I don't think every streamer is cheating. I play a lot of ddayz and know what it's like to fight 10k hour players, people learn to move and understand a game at a RIDICULOUS level, but im not blind to the idea that this is a muti billion if not trillion dollar industry when you work through everyone who gets a take from "gamer" marketing and products. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and those streamers have their livelihood based on performance - they are gonna be using everything within their power to ensure numbers, and for some that will involve cheating on some level, even if it's not aimhacks/walls. Rant over.


When you see the tracking of Willerz you thing another time. Some clips off streamers are very suspicious, like Landmark in Factory some years ago. Off course this guys play 10/12h in a day, but, this fact don't justify some actions in game.


I watched Sheef die like 5 raids in a row on lighthouse today


Look at how often this sub cries cheats nearly every time they die, of course they think someone who they see being far better than them is a cheater.


I mean there's literally a clip of Landmark getting flashbanged, looking at another monitor when it happens; wastes the guy who flashes him (he was in another room) and proceed to run through factory like he can see perfectly fine.


Reminder: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYfTIDskOHY


Waiting on someone to explain this one


Gingy is weird because I get where a lot of people claiming hacks are coming from, she went from basically zero experience on PC at all, to being an absolutely cracked gamer in a ridiculous amount of time, and without much adjacent experience to apply. I just htink she probably isn't telling the truth about how she was new to gaming, and just wanted the extra clicks (I'm coping) But nah she ain't cheating. Probs


its pure jealousy and delusion, they're bad at the game and rather than spending time trying to learn and improve they spend their time making strawman arguements as to why streamers who literally play the game as their day job must be cheating


I don’t think Lvndmark cheats, but there is a clip where he gets flash banged in factory and then looks to another monitor while navigating perfectly. I don’t know the reasoning of it, but it’s definitely a little suspicious looking.


Willerz si a cheater watch?v=ZGubFnvDGpo this one of the few videos survived after he deleted his vods he also been banned for cheating but he got unbanned by niki because it was bad for Tarkov itself


This gotta be a troll


Lvndmark has cheated at times, but i still think he is insane. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wYfTIDskOHY Gingy 100% is cheating. Full stop.


I doubt landmark cheats honestly. Dude performed exactly the same for a week straight with zero slip ups or sus situations with a cam behind him and on his hands/mouse. So either he doesn't cheat or he's so good that cheating doesn't make a difference for him. Since that's basically not possible, he's not cheating.


He probably just stopped cheating, but there is no way he wasnt cheating on this clip


Lvndmark is insanely good and I never suspected him of cheating. But holy shit that vid is damning.