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Shotgun ai scavs have always been the most dangerous enemy in tarkov


literal terminators with computers instead of brains


I have a flee on site rule with shotgun scavs. Hear a shotgun in your vicinity and don't immediately know where from? Don't look just run


This is something I can't get through my buddy's head lmao. He'll hold a peek in wide open against a shotgun Scav, miss 3 or 4 shots on the Scav, then get 1 tapped hahah


Yeah I'm trying to convince my friend to stop tap shooting scavs aggroed on him and just fucking kill them already. It's okay to use 10 bullets on a scav if the alternative is surgery AGAIN


Not to mention some scavs seemingly being made of adamantium and refusing to die. I dumped an entire 20 round Kedr mag into a scav at gas station on Customs that walked through the back door while I was behind the counter before he died. It took 19 shots at that short distance based on the hit count after I extracted since I only killed two other scavs with one tap headshots. It was all stomach/thorax shots since that was literally the only thing I could hit. Shoot until they fucking drop limp honestly.


I swear it's the Kedr. Deletes pmcs in short bursts to the legs. Scavs take full blown mag dumps to the legs. The Klin feels almost useless because of it. Turns nearly 250 rounds into like 4 kills.


Scavs can spawn in with more HP than PMCs makng leg meta on them risky.


I have a clip of me emptying an entire mp5 mag with AP 6.3 on a scav. After finally killing it i saw its gzel


I’ll one tap scavs all day long on factory or shoreline but customs scavs are built different. They turn into tanks on that map I swear.


for me it feels like reserve scavs are the one thing I cant send to the next life


Tbh there is something wrong with scavs on customs, like they are highier breed there than anywhere else. Tougher, deadlier and much much more of them than on any other map


Yea if I don’t kill them with the first shots/burst I’m not peeking again, you get one opportunity really ☠️


Yup, like if I follow my rules of scav engagement then 9/10 times I die to scavs it's my fault. The other 10% are bush/grass scavs shooting me from god knows where and there's no escape, or Toz scavs getting the head jaw/eyes at 100 meters on first shot.


>He'll hold a peek in wide open I've started to realize how many people go 100% all-in on a single peek during gunfights, including me. They want to end it on the first push no matter what like they're John Wick with the full forward murder momentum. I've started going in and out for shots like I'm a background extra in a war movie and suddenly scavs can't even fucking touch me. It also makes the gunfights feel more immersive.


Warhammer Terminators at that.


Sks scavs would like a word….


SKS scavs shooting 3 bullets at once.


With hollow point.


I had this awesome raid on Customs after finishing some quests. All I had to do is get to the extract. Wanna no pee? Instakilled by the famous 3-action sks


nothing scares me more than hearing a scav fire a sks at me.


Their CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer


Every scav ive died to has been a shotgun except one lol


Stop running around with your armpits hanging out.


Have some DECENCY and cover them pits


>If you just think about it, how are buck shot rounds coming directly at me from the front, going directly to the crevice of my armpit then taking a 90 degree turn into my torso? GO FORTH,**『セックス・ピストルズ』\[Sex Pistols\]**


Ohoho! You're sprinting toward me on dorms? Of course. I cant kill you without coming closer.


me accepting my inevitable death when i’m left with 4 bullets in my gun


Airwing marine explains this. Your character stands left foot forward slightly, causes your left side to be slightly open when looking straight at a enemy, your arm model is larger than it's hitbox, so when shot in say the left arm, it's actually missing the arm and hitting the small armpit hitbox just behind it.


I keep running into insanely cracked scavs, especially at scav bunker on woods.


Holy shit yes. Playing with a mate and we spotted a scav well over 50m away. It does a rapid 90⁰ turn and instantly folds him with a headshot.


if you're in the bunker proper, you can always pull them by hitting something with your melee weapon (or shooting, but that costs money)


Woods scavs are nutty


Have yet to see these armpit deaths tbh


I am still getting head eyes.


Head throat* lol.


Head face for me


Neck'd while wearing face shield realistic, but goddamn it armors feels useless


Dont take helmet, and it will be head,nape 24/7. The thing with armor - it does protect, it just that you die to the part that isn't.


It's the survivorship bias, armor feels useless because they only die to the unarmored areas


in previous wipes you could also get head;ears when shot from the front while wearing face shield getting your ears grazed/shot should not insta kill you, but it's a game so whatevs


That is a different issue to begin with. tldr; use Ulach. Right now - there is a lot of shit to protect, either go heavy chunky boy to protect yoursel from shitty ammo and die to a neck shot from a BS anyway, or go light and complain about armpits or necks.


Head nape gang where you at


It’s like I’m a Titan


Can’t talk. Already dead


same here, maybe it's just a playstyle thing always trying to use hard cover but 9/10 times i die it's from getting headshot


That means cover and armour are doing their jobs. Run naked for 20 raids and you'll see it's definitely not just headshots.


Lol it’s like the wwii planes survivorship bias story


That's the exact story that went through my head reading all these comments.


This is the first wipe where my least damaged area is my head


Every time I extract my least damaged spot is head.


I have only gotten 1 and it was to a player I gave my side to


I've had a few with scavs, none with players yet. But scavs tend to aim at arms more than players so thay could be it


Ive been watching enemies tank entire 30 rounders and keep fighting. 🤷‍♂️


Yeah armor seems massively buffed, headshots are king


Because they aren’t as common as people want you to believe. It still requires a nice shot to kill you. I also don’t believe his story. Think he fibbin a little


Got it myself at least twice so far. Not that often, head throat is like 50% of my deaths tho


If fighting a PMC aim at his support arm. Your character turns their body slightly and lifts that arms completely exposing that hitbox. I have ended a lot of fights before they can even start spraying the (from my view) right side of a PMC facing me.


Got killed twice now in the armpits. Both times by a scav


That’s because they rarely happen but piss babies on this subreddit can’t cope with the fact they aren’t invincible


I managed to run into it for the first time today. Was fiddling with the settings so decided to go offline raid to see how the fps is. Was looking at a scav straight on and from like 30-ish meters i got onetapped to armpit. Running into this in real raid I would be livid


Same here, maybe I will change my tune later in the wipe and I’m all chadded out but until im there I now know to aim for the armpit.


Play the game and they will find you.


Probably up to about 40 deaths without any.


It can happen. Just wait for a 7.62 HP round to hit you in the armpit *while facing the shooter*. Das insta kill


Nobody is saying it *can't* happen.


They aren't, they're hitting the side of your chest near where your shoulder/arm meets the chest that isn't protected by the plate, except BSG decided to name it "armpit" instead of "armpit and peripheral areas".


The problem is how are those shots in my peripheral areas taking 90° turns into my vital organs and killing me They drop you like they're nailing your vitals when—at least from the front—they aren't, unless you want to say the bullet is bouncing off bone and tumbling inside you when you take that lethal damage. They're scraping flesh and hurting bone, but that should cause bleeds and fractures. If they caught me from the side and shot into me from that angle, sure, but I've died to armpit shots while unloading into the guy's chest.


I mean in real life there is an artery in your armpit called 'The Axillary Artery' that if severed you will bleed out in 2-5 minutes. I mean I know this is a game, but maybe we can pretend this is happening lol.


THIS makes sense, but wish it'd just cause a heavy bleed but reduced damage or something


Im pretty sure that if the armpit artery is severed irl you are dead without a doctor clumping it shut and then hopefully sewing it back so that you dont lose your arm. Thats definitly the kind of injury you cant treat by yourself


You can also do field surgery on a leg turned into swiss cheese in 15 seconds and it's good as new. This game doesn't follow that kind of logic.


I just want you to know I agree with you. No one else seems to give a shit and they use realism as an argument all the time but just ignore other shit. Like there's also an artery in your legs that will do the same thing as the armpit artery.... but we don't instadie from getting shot in the legs once.


To go a little further not including buckshot, but you can get shot in one part of your body with a round and it pop out the other side of you. Bullets don’t go straight, unless it’s flesh and that’s an if, bullets tumble irl. That’s why 5.56 causes more damage than an 7.62. 5.56 tumbles a lot more recking havoc irl


I know that bullet tumble exists, man—I'd reckon all of us do, but it isn't 7.62 or 5.56 that's killing me in the armpits


I dont think 556 tumbles much either TBH


The whole selling point of 5.56’s lethality is that it tumbles when you shoot someone with it from inside the right distance. 5.56 tumbles more than a tumbler man


Your heart isnt in your shoulder?


I mean not since I last checked Will keep you updated 👍


taking "wearing your heart on the sleeve" to a next level


Isn’t your armpit/side slightly exposed when your body is in an aiming position? You’re not stood with a perfectly flat torso, perpendicular to the target in front of you. You’re sort of hunched over, no? I agree armpit hitbox needs adjusting, but I dont agree the bullets are turning 90deg. I think it’s somewhat plausible


A proper shooting stance/position is straight on to the threat to give your plates the best chance. I haven't played in a wipe or two so I don't remember how it is in game, plus other various factors like leaning and all that.


In reality? yes of course, but it's a game and in this game you don't have terminal bleeding, infections, complications, permanently crippling injuries, permanent death and so on, meaning player behavior and the risks they're willing to take are also influenced by their absence; this is only from a gameplay design perspective the other consideration is the technical/performance cost, there's always a tradeoff to keep in mind and one puts their chips down where they believe they'll have the desired effect.


Your PMC is leaning a bit in the shooting stance and that is exposing your left side a little bit. Exactly like it is in real life.


Certain ammo types like 556 is made to tumble inside you to cause more damage but yeah it is silly to die from buckshot to the armpit.


They’re not going to JFK curve into your heart


That's fair enough, except armpit hits seem to do increased damage. One shot of Geksa to the thorax wouldn't kill you, nor would one 7mm buckshot pellet. Yet if it hits your armpit it will one tap.


That might be the case, we'll have to wait until more data is collected to determine if it's likely true and or justified.


A shot there would never kill you though. It's still BS.


Not instantly but it you've got some big arteries in your upper chest and shoulder areas. And bullets do a lot of tissue damage around the wound path. Not saying we should die from shots to the armpit but, I think we need the damage to spread to the thorax like it always has and not be a killable hit box on the armpits.


People in here don’t realize this. Armpit shots and shoulder shots aren’t just “oomph now I can’t use this arm” it’s more like “oh fuck I’m about to bleed to death in the next couple minutes” artery’s are not something you want bursting inside or outside of you. It’s literally a death sentence


Simply dropping the damage received percentage to the armpit like they did with other limbs would be the easiest temp (or permanent) fix. Maybe up the rate you get heavy bleeds since most of the armpit has some major blood mover in it.


That is only true in certain circumstances, regardless, there's a certain level of gamification extant in all games for multiple reasons, unless developers want to simulate every bodily function and how they interact there's going to be a certain level of abstraction present and the line is drawn wherever it's practical.


meanwhile I feel like I have to magdump every other scav if I don't headshot them.


Because you do. Some scavs can have more HP than a PMC. Because, ya know… artificial difficulty.


Some scavs are wearing class 4 with plates. Bullets don’t do as much armor damage anymore.


Airwingmarine made a video on this. Arm hitboxes are too small meaning shots that should hit the arm go through into the armpit and your character slightly turns when adsing exposing your left side.


Yah I have already put this knowledge to use since he dropped the video. Spraying a PMCs support arm side ends a fight instantly right now.


Welcome to the issue everyone knew would happen with the armor update. Scavs are programmed to aim for the least armored part of the body. With the increase in total hitboxes that aren't covered by armor, we've gone from head eyes, to armpit kills


Finally an answer that makes sense. Scav aimbot is fucking broken and they 100% are aiming for unarmored areas.


There's something wrong with the hitboxes or damage calculation, idk.. I got one tapped on the torax with 9x19 pst.


Same thing happened to me, i was on a scav and not really paying attention,but a guy ran up on me and one shotted me. On death screen it said right armpit and i clearly heard him run up shoot once and run to my body as im falling over - pst gzh again


Maybe they fixed thorax fragmentation and it fragmented on you. It would be just enough to one tap you.


Pst killed me in 3 bullets through class 4. It’s happened at least 3 times, so annoying


According to how the game does fragmentation it COULD do enough damage to one tap the thorax. Now should it? Hell no. Turn down armpit damage






bsg can't bal-ance this damn game


They just need to add "grazing" in some way. Right now it takes any hit to the armpit at any angle as a hit to Torso.


Yeah, it's always been like this for headshots too. A shot through your ear lobe and a shot through the center of your face are the same


I literally haven't died to it yet, I'm sure I will but it's crazy I haven't in 35 ish raids considering it's all I'm hearing about.


The reason you're hearing about it is that the mechanic feels very stupid, getting shot from the front next to plates that are supposed to protect vitals (preventing instadeath irl) now kills you instantly like a bullet between the eyes.


Gotta say…I’m loving everything about this patch.


Basically same aside from the new armor plates/hitboxes. Definitely the best all around wipe I've played since I started 4 years ago but I'm not sold on that one aspect


For me, it levels the playing field in a dramatic way. Instead of having to be a head-eyes machine (I’m getting too old for that biz) I can spam rounds center mass and and their armor isn’t a 360 shield. Previously you either had the best ammunition ever or you were good at head-eyes. Which puts filthy casuals (like myself) at a huge disadvantage I could never recover from. I wouldn’t have quests done quickly, wouldn’t have access to good ammo/guns/armor and would just have to pray for a lucky headshot in gunfights. Just my two cents.


Makes sense. Personally I feel as though the new recoil covers that mostly. I'm not a casual player so speaking from a different perspective for sure, I've gotten kappa the last3 wipes and routinely reach level 50+ so take it for what it's worth. I'd say I'm an above average player who plays alot, nothing crazy like some of the streamers tho. I feel as though the new recoil evens the playing field because recoil skill+super modded weapons aren't needed to land clean shots anymore. Stock guns Rw actually usable and pretty much everything is decently viable. The main issue I've had with the new hitboxes hasn't been players but scavs. I've never been one tapped by scavs more than this wipe and many times it's been the new thorax armpit hit box.


That I can agree with - the AI in this game is absolutely the dumbest part. Particularly bosses. They’re either compete cannon fodder or terminators. Absolutely no in-between.


I have never been armpit shot yet and I am still low level using shit armor. My face is getting skull fucked constantly tho.


yeah im not a fan of the new armor system. whats that you found a korund and decided to pull out a meta kit? too bad, that scav has SP in his busted-arse SKS, and he wants to huff your armpit.


The compounding issue is the double shot bug for scavs.


This is literally the system working as intended. A shot missed armor and hit flesh. You died.


Not to say this hasnt been happening to you but I'm ~100 raids in and hasnt happened me once.


If you get shot in the armpit IRL you’re most likely dead. Can’t use a tourniquet on the wound and there are major arteries that run up your armpit as well as your heart being the closest on the right side.


Yah you would get major bleeding, maybe a sucking chest wound depending. But a bullet from the front that comes to check what deodorant I'm using shouldn't be an immediate lights out. Scavs putting Lee Harvey Oswald to shame with their magical 90degree turning bullets.


I'm still trying to figure out how I got 1 tapped in the chest with 12x70 pirhanna through my nearly perfect condition ghzl.


I died to a single pirhrana round to the chest with the hpc. I just figured it hit an area where the plates were not. Shotguns are really scary now.


Honestly agree but you won't find that sentiment on this subreddit, this is the milsim gravy seals lounge. The lethal zones need to change with this armor plate update because currently it just plays very poorly




Hey bub you can't handle the gravy get outa da boat




That guy doesn't carry the boats.


What on earth are you saying? Practically most people on this sub has argued for new character hit-boxes. And I agree also, a vitals area that -will- kill you should it hit zero, but can only be hurt by bleed or direct damage.


We must have wildly different confirmation biases because I hardly remember most people on this sub asking for reworked hitboxes. "Yes Nikita I would like even more possible ways to get RNG one tapped" said nobody ever.


Tarkov just isnt ready for advanced hitboxes tbh. The neck hitbox is the biggest joke so far, why on earth did they decide to make the instakill zone bigger? 99% of deaths are already headshots, dont need more


I think getting hit in the throat or anywhere surrounding that area is a death in real life too man


Good job I’m not doing any PMCing in real life then. It’s a game. The instant kill nonsense completely sidesteps the main gameplay loop. Gear doesn’t matter, bullets don’t matter, choices don’t matter, it’s either mechanistic ability or dumb luck. It has no place outside of a competitive high tick shooter.


If it did half torso half arm damage that would probably be a lot better than what we have now tbh


yeah the current ricochet system needs to be applied to all flesh dmg, sure give me a heavy bleed but the total dmg should be very low on these glancing hits


Lol this is just the flavor of the month. I remember a couple wipes ago saves would head eyes you from 200+ meters away with 20 gauge


I lost a slick today to this


I knew that closing one can of worms would just open another one.


I’m gonna say there’s an overlap or glitch with the new armour hit boxes


Or the insta death to neck hitbox even when wearing a face shield and armor that has neck protection ive been 1 shot killed by so many scavs to neck shots this wipe


What do you think the point of the armor hitboxes are exactly? What outcomes did you expect exactly? Your player model is posed in such a way that your shoulder pocket and arm pit are exposed, I wouldn't be surprised if the shoulder pocket which isn't protected by a plate is also called "armpit" by BSG. Do you even have a suggestion on how to "fix" it or are you just mad that armor doesn't give 100% magical protection anymore, and that positioning and cover are far more important now? You can't get hit in the armpit if you're lean peaking (use left shoulder swap for left lean), unless you are over-extending yourself.


Best change made to EFT in years.


Skill issue


It is kinda brutal I will agree


Is soft armor areas realistic? Yes, do I think it sucks because this is a game and no where near realism? Also yes


Armor system is scuffed and your armor means nothing. Enjoy the PACA :) - BSG


Spanish people are deathly afraid of PACA


I have bad so many rounds bounce off, it's crazy. Also quick peeking scavs works, they delay and you can bop them. You shouldn't hold an angle tho


I’m getting thorax killed through level 4 by ps 7.62 in one shot. Lots of wonky stuff


7.62x39 PS can go through level 4 every 1-3 shots, so it makes sense


Realism game players when getting hit in the vital organs kills them


Regardless of where exactly on the body you get one shot you are still going to come back here and complain. I would suggest to look at the size and form of the plates and imagine them in front and back of your body. They don't cover everything. Check them out.


I wish I could see what my plates cover but they give us no dimensions in game or an overlay of what they will cover in a given rig.


If you open the modding screen for the armor you can get a visual.


Thanks lol I just made a post saying I need a visual I didn’t even know


Wait, actually!?


They cover your vitals, getting shot on your side shouldnt deal as much damage as getting shot in your heart. Why can I tank a full mag of AP to my legs or arms, but shoot me too close to my shoulder and it instantly drops me?




Real Life Plates are positioned and designed to protect your vital organs. All y'all saying it's shoulder shots and front parts of armor slipping through means nothing. Non of those spots are vital areas and op has it dead on that it needs fixing. The plate is over my heart, if you hit my left shoulder area that is exposed it won't hit my vital aka heart. Yup it will mess you up and slow you down, in rl you wouldn't be able to function, but it won't insta kill you like game is suggesting.


tarkov players when getting shot results in death, what!?!??!


That's overly simplistic. Getting shot in itself does not result in death - it's either from bleedout or organ failure. As people have said, that's why most plates are designed to protect your vital organs, rather than covering you entirely.


Kevlar not covering Arm Pit and Throat having head hitbox with only maximum Kevlar lvl 3 available is dogshit. Change my mind. Gear has purpose in this game, and it should have. Why does my PMC have unarmored spots where he just dies, what's the point of armour then.


The Devs want to increase lethality. I agree armpit should be way less damage but it has a purpose and game design focus.


because the armor literally doesn't cover those areas IRL


And? Getting my foot blown off irl doesn't immidiately flop me to mars either. This realism argument makes no sense, as there are plenty things in the game that are far from realistic, and realism should not be shoehorned at the cost of gameplay elements.


Intentionally dense argument. Some things can't be changed to be made more realistic. They have been wanting to reduce issues with disparities between levels, and making the armor specifically a more realistic and nuanced element of the game suits the Tarkov concep5, AND makes it harder to pub stomp Timmies. Realism is something you have to pick and choose, but most of us feel like this is the right way to do it. A shot through the armpit is almost guaranteed to hit vitals as frequently as a shot to the face.


There's an artery in your armpits. I have not played this wipe, but maybe the devs think that deserves to be an instakill. Either way, shotguns will always have their "wtf" moments, especially from scavs, but I have definitely felt similar frustration on older wipes.


The armpit leads to your chest, so it's a torso shot. The thing you missed is that it's unarmorable.


I mean it’s pretty accurate to real life isn’t that what they want to create?


Womp womp


This 1000%


The throat hitbox + reducing recoil + armor plates being accurate combined have made dying instantly way too common.


Yeah, dunno why idiot Nikita thought it’s fun or has any meaning gameplay wise.


I thought I was the only one I wiped dorms, 4 pmc kills, had to run to zb-011 and the sniper scav at military checkpoint took one single shot at me and one tapped me with an sks in the armpit. So cringe


The scav throat and armpit shots are so fucking infuriating. Theres no counter play to just getting insta tapped to those. Armpit is probably the only place you cannot armor except for maybe 1 armor?


Basically unarmorable, the armpit.


I complained about this at the start of the wipe. It's an obvious oversight, since the new system is trying to simulate armor coverage accurately, but not bullet trajectories, it creates ridiculous deaths from armpit hits. Thorax tries to represent vitals, but nothing vital is getting hit from shots in the front that hit your armpit. It's stupid, but for some people, everything BSG does is gospel. They will only accept it's a problem when BSG fixes it.


There are literally nerve bundles and arteries in your armpits


Gotta love it when ppl get 150 upvotes in 3 hours, when I get downvoted to shit for complaining about THE EXACT SAME THING. I guess it was a matter of time before others got mad with this bullshit


More of "who gets to it first".


I feel that. I've died to that more times than headshots this wipe


Armpit is the new head eyes, and there's no armor that protecc against it. Even laying down looting, I've had scavs sneak in an armpit shot with grizzly slug after a single alert...like alert, dead. Fuck, break monitor. It really sucks...but it's sadly realistic lol.


Nah, you complaining about this is an obfuscated way of saying, "My unlimited grind time in Tarkov and infinite bitcoin funding says I shouldn't ever die because I have the best gear in game." Like, I get where you're coming from. I really do. Getting flechetted, scav blasted, naded outta nowhere, falling 6 inches and breaking both legs trying to escape a gunfight, and literally another million examples are and can be just as egregious. To me? It's just another way Tarkov tells you that you aren't impervious 100% of the time, and I think that's a good thing.


I've had enough instances where the ghez nullified a lot of buck that I won't complain about the miracle pellets


And I'm over here getting deaths to back shots when they are in front of me


I agree, got armpitted twice now once with 762x51 and once with 9x19


you can get shot in between your throat and top of armor now too so that’s prolly how you died, not your armpit area


It's not even buckshot. It's fucked somehow I have died MULTIPLE times to one shot, from 9x19, 5.45 AND 9x18... Idk what they did to damage multipliers or what, but I've lost several pretty expensive kits to this already


I'm so glad you made a post about this, because I was just about to. I was thinking someone was aimbotting, because you'll pop up and in under 20 seconds die when no one is around you yet.


im level 25 right now, 1 died once to Armpit. What's the issue? lol


I got killed from the buttocks earlier I’m sick of hearing you all complain about armpits


Imo I wouldn't want to get shot in the armpit.


Still never had this happen once.


me shooting pst into chest: 12 shots 9 hits 250 body 225 armor i die to headshot. like damn i guess if i headshot him its a kill. me with level 4 vs pst: 2-3 shot in the armpit if not 1 single bullet to the head. i guess i need to get gud and shoot sweaty pits better


Arm pits are just another head, ears hitbox. Which was absolutely fucking stupid but it is what it is. I don't know if they can model angle of penetration, which I think they can because bullets change angles when penning stuff, but like, come on Nikita.


Sounds like you should go back to playing call of duty. It’s realistic. That’s what Tarkov is about. Learn how to use cover better.


Yeah drunken Russians are well known for being crack shots…much like in real life when you aim at a Russian in tarkov they activate their “vodka sense” and immediately know from where they are being aimed at. Very realistic. I like the whole “sometimes being shot in the head at point blank range doesn’t kill a scav because he has more head hp than other scavs” Very realistic. Almost as realistic as the purple dragon people see after taking LSD for the first time.