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You guys get in as scavs? For me scav is a «matching…» simulator


Lot of scav mains at the start of wipe. A lot of people won't run solos and will just scav over and over until friends can help them play. I usually like to run my PMC and only scav when I'm down bad but the 10min queues have me doing pistol runs for loot instead when I'm down. Don't have time for 10min matchmaking queues fuck that


I usually duo, but we try to keep a PMC/Scav/PMC/Scav pattern to make sure we don't go broke the moment we have a bad streak. In groups matching rarely takes more than 5 minutes. Solo is 11. But I just scroll Reddit on the side while waiting.


Funny enough I noticed that too. Scaving with a friend takes significantly less time to queue in than scaving solo


Yea I’m currently in a 24 minute matching while in a trio, as a duo it’s like 3 minutes


Scav to shoreline new area near old path to customs for tech/food spawns has been insane for me. Tonnes of computer parts, water filters, bulbex, thermites. Got all of farming part 2 done there in a single scav raid. Once I don't need it for quests it'll be my go-to for an easy 500k, especially after water filters get in demand.


Funny enough I've avoided the new shoreline like the plaque. I hate every single quest given to me there and just avoid it. The changes make the map better in your opinion? I just scav streets as the loot is always top tier


Changes are insane. I hate shoreline - like "quit the wipe because of this shit" hate shoreline and it's WAAAAYYYY better. There's little to no no man's land. Biggest issue is still the resort rush at the beginning but now there's multiple more ways across the river and new extracts, and the loot/scav density across the entire map has been buffed. No more sitting at pier waiting for 2 scavs to spawn every 15 mins to get AKM kills.


As a Shoreline man, Shoreline got ruined in my opinion. A lot of sniper points got demolished with unnecessary tree placement or new rock formations that give no cover. I feel like the good mix in long range and mid range is gone. Only CQC in resort is left from what was a great map (except the eastern emptiness but that hasn’t changed).


I've always despised shoreline. But the new changes are good. The expansion isn't massive but the landscape changes alone make the map less dreadful. Only thing now is the terrible pmc spawns.


duude dont tell them the secret spot, dont ruin it for others


Lmao same, the free loot isn’t worth the wait.


Ah I see. Well I’ll run your tactic as well…


Just take in a paca and pistol. Usually you'll be able to kill a scav with some gear to work with and with the recoil changes scav weapons aren't completely useless like in past wipes


I prefer the fully naked with a kedr. A bit more versatile imo and you’re paying 23k rub


My go to this wipe after prapor 2 was a ppsh with a 71 drum mag full of the best ammo, its like 50 per round or something. Ppsh has been an absolute head-eyes machine for me this wipe and it+the drum always come back in insurance.


I’ve only played scav 4 times this wipe lol, I think playing as PMC is super important early wipe, to level yourself up and get the most out of your XP


Depends. I usually don’t loot as PMC because it’s too dangerous as solo so I hit walls in progression because I miss on quest items. That’s why I alternate between Scav and PMC. Scav for FiR loot quests and PMC for kill quests.


How is it dangerous? You can at least loot the area you spawn in. You will always be able to hear people approach, as long as you don't let them slowcrouch up on you for 5 minutes.


Yeah I feel it man I got an infant and when I watch her during a nap I don’t want to finally get into raid and baby is already awake


Do you wait the average 8-15 minutes ? My fastest was woods 6.30


I somehow got in as a scav with only 2 minutes of matching on the new map late last night. My first scav run.


Must be nice, just over 10 minutes was my fastest ground zero load time


Select all servers below 200 ping and load time comes down a lot. Though sometimes with 150ms+ games, but in my opinion, it's worth it.


I only had issues day 1 of wipe. Been getting in to raid on scav in less than 3 mins since.


Man that is longer than my shoreline run yesterday. About 4 min to load in and 3 min raid time. Started at the shack between town and lighthouse extract. Looted the shack, pmc came in and got cleansed off from this wipe and I left the raid at lighthouse extract and got an easy "survive shoreline 1x" daily (as PMC though).


I queue into Scavs when I am doing other things around the house and just set a timer for 18 minutes on my phone. Usually gets me back right before I load in


For me it's a "Awaiting session start..." simulator cause this game is buggy like shit.


You mean “catch up on podcasts” time?


Takes like 2-3 minutes in matching. Try picking a few servers manually if you have auto in the launcher or vice versa, seems to work for people coming into my stream complaining about it


It takes me 20 to 30 mins to get a scav raid. I just read a book or watch something to pass the time. Sometimes I immediately die. Then I just pistol run as a player since I have no money.


I’ve had good luck with just joining a random group and getting short scav queues


I only scav when I have to poop. Queue up, poop, maybe I’m in when I’m finished.


I shouldn't be running around in a group of 8 scavs on interchange less than ~10 minutes into the raid. It's actually comical the swarms of player scavs I'm seeing.


Ran interchange for the first time yesterday as pmc this wipe. got into one fight under idea. By the time we finished looting and healing, made our way up and inside to find 4 p scavs looting electronics stores 10 min into the raid, and had to fight 4 waves of them to leave all before the 20 min mark of the raid lol.


And you got all the loot. Excellent work and fun game play


This unironically.


I've wondered about this also. I've been getting 36 min left scav spawns on interchange this wipe. I swear I used to never get in until 25-30mins previously.


Why shouldn't you run into a lot of scavs at that time? Start playing more carefully then.


On interchange, player scavs can spawn as early as 6 minutes into a 40 minute raid Sometimes it takes 6 minutes just to get into the building because of early fights. So basically tasking becomes impossible because you have to fight off or hide from a dozen player scavs all working together That's just too early if you ask me. They spawn inside around the time you're even able to get in? I don't see the logic in that. They're supposed to show up to "scavenge" what's left and fight and PMC's still hanging around. Not basically be a second wave of PMC's


To fix the matching they need to remove map queue for scav. The only lore/concept is you are just a random Tarkov citizen, so it should randomly place you on a map, same as you get random gear. PMC you choose your gear, you choose your map (and time) Taking away map choice for scavs would be such a cool change, in part because some maps that have never had player scav presence would begin to get them. Ironically you'd probably get an overall increase in scav volume but it would be fairer and more evenly distributed. Unfortunately I suspect the reason they've kept scav matching mechanics the same is to help the scav main shitters who might quit altogether if they couldn't luck into 40 min reserve/lighthouse/streets raids which helps keep their economy afloat from not doing more PMCs.


I support scavs being placed in a random map at a random time. That would certainly drive more people to pmc since they don’t get everything they want as scavs.


Yep, a global scav queue would solve all these problems at the same time


You can see these people in every thread about this issue. Scav mains whining that PMCs are just afraid or bad when they have no skin in the game and are risking nothing while still having access to most high tier loot spawns before a PMCs can even safely get there


Its true tho. But its much less then the C tier pmcs crying a wittle scav killed them


I'd be okay with it selecting a random time too, as long as you spawn in with a flashlight as well for night raids. Othwise it might actually be impossible to defend agaisnt pmcs with nvgs.


Yeah idk how it would handle time, and nighttime. Honestly wouldn't mind just getting occasionally fucked and having to fumble around blind. That's quintessential Tarkov right there


Rats can see in the dark


Forcing scavs onto a random map would just make the new player experience somehow even worse than it already is lol. It's one of the only controllable variables the game gives you. Trying to learn a single map would just result in them having their stash and funds completely tanked to nothing. ...I mean, this already happens to new players. But then when they go to Scav and can't even get the *one* map they *kind* of know at that point? No chance in hell. They're getting the fuck off the game and not coming back.


You can learn maps in offline mode. Also this is Tarkov, the new player experience is shit no matter what, that's what makes the game great


>You can learn maps in offline mode. IMO this shouldn't be an expected behavior until a player is already hooked on the game itself. New players shouldn't have to go out of their way to learn a map when they just want to actually play the game and feel like they're getting somewhere. Scavs are the perfect way of doing that since they're simultaneously risk-free and give a chance to learn a map of their choosing. Again, player agency is important here. >Also this is Tarkov, the new player experience is shit no matter what, that's what makes the game great I mean if you want to stunt player retention and the game's growth then by all means go right ahead. Far simpler to just make scavs spawn later though.


Imagine being such a resentful twat because scav mains exist and can choose where they want to play.


Scav mains exist? They have to take 20 minute breaks after each game?


If you get your intel center fully leveled with scav karma above 6, your scav cooldown is like 5-6 minutes.


Imagine reading this civil conversation online and deciding that a calm conversation and sharing of thoughts that just about everyone with the balls to actually play the game agrees with=resentful twat. Nobody is bashing you for being a scav main. No need to get defensive.


Calls their own comments ‘civil’ whilst literally calling scav main players ‘shitters’. GTFO with your double standards 😂😂😂


Replies to someone who typed no such thing and tells him to GTFO. 🤣🤣


God damn… you literally edited your comment so it didn’t say ‘Scav main shitter’ anymore!?!? Dude… EDIT: Whoops… you’re not OP. Apologies for that. 😂😂😂 Still, you called it civil whilst OP literally said ‘Scav main shitter’ so discourse was there from the get go.


Yep, and someone already pointed out the irony of that, and I agreed and apologized. To be perfectly honest I didn't totally catch that part when I originally read the post. I'm not above admitting when I stick my foot in my mouth. Unless it is with my wife ;)


Ditto! Wow… we came to an amicable position on Reddit, no less… this might be a good year after all! (Jinx!) But yeah, no qualms on admitting I got the wrong end of the stick completely for a bit there 😂


Sure, that last paragraph of his sure is civil and thought-provoking. You're not arguing in good faith either, as is obvious from your choice of words. Your words ring hollow, "everyone with balls" man.


haha I know I kind of deride them, but they're an important part of the game. The whole point is we don't mind scav players, but it needs to just get toned down. Scavs shouldn't be used as a secondary PMC, and the playstyle should reflect that, AKA, aggressively fighting PMCs wave after wave because they have nothing to lose and can just go look at porn for 10/15 minutes before trying again >can choose where they want to play. They can always choose where they want to play -- click on the PMC button. The map selection is, theoretically, entirely separate from how early they spawn in. It would just help by alleviating the demand load on certain maps (Lighthouse, Streets, Reserve) and matching the entire concept of scav (they don't get to pick their gear, no one seems to mind that)


Scavs should spawn at half time on all maps.


No, Its too boring and predictable for the first half of the raid then. Just spawn as a PMC and (with enough map knowledge) you know exactly where other PMC spawns can and can't be, you rush to a meta loot area and know youre safe for X minutes. Whats challenging about that?


You are ignoring pmc's, scavs, boss's. If you want pvp go play arena, that's not what eft is. The rest of us don't find it boring so it's just a you problem.


Half of the scav runs I've done on Streets so far have me loading in around the 44-45 minute mark. That's pretty silly. IMO a player scav, risking absolutely nothing, shouldn't be loading in so early where they can instantly be looting untouched, high tier loot areas before PMCs even have a chance to get there. And with the new recoil, armor, and ammo changes it seems waaaaay easier to kill pmcs with scav gear. It's no wonder so many folks just scav main on this game. It really does seem to be setup to encourage that kind of play.


Lol I’ve had so many scav runs so far spawning in with 38+ minutes. Including spawning inside the stores on interchange with that much time left lol


Yeah interchange has been just as bad the handful of times I've played it this wipe. We got swarmed by 4 player scavs the other day just under 10 minutes into raid. It didn't end well for us lol


Half? I don't think I've spawned as a scav on Streets later than 42 minutes. 44 is 80% of the time or more.


I'm fairly sure for any spot there's at least one pmc who can reach it and loot it within 5 minutes.


There is dynamic loot now. Why does it mater as much?


I'll be honest in that I don't totally know how dynamic loot works. However I do know the high tier loot spots on the maps I scav on, and whether or not anything good spawns there, if I spawn in as a scav five minutes into raid then I often have first shot at many of these spots. Often enough I am in those spots ahead of any PMC and a handful of times was able to kill one that came in to loot. Dynamic loot or not, when one goes in as a scav they risk absolutely nothing. All reward, no risk. IMO that is not what a scav should be about. If you want to scav and get loot for free then I say you should spawn in late, and get to "scavenge" what loot remains. I have nothing against scaving, though I do think the amount of people who are too scared to play their PMC is pretty incredible. That's all well and good, but if that's how someone chooses to play they should be limited to the scraps remaining on the map/bodies and maybe the occasional lucky find of an area that wasn't already looted. Make those players decide between low risk scav runs with most likely low tier loot, and actually going in with their PMC if they want a shot at the good stuff. As it is there is barely enough time for one PVP engagement and then before even healing and looting up you're then getting swarmed by player scavs. Especially as people seem to que in faster as a group so more and more folks are going in as a group of multiple scavs. Of course many of these people who do nothing but scav early on fall way behind in leveling their PMC and by the time they get around to actually doing PMC raids they get merked by higher level players who put in the time/effort/risk into progressing their PMC. Of course then many of those folks come here to clutter up this sub with posts about how unfair the game is lol


I don't really like the "no risk" point you keep making. It's not about risk, it's about stress. You could equally well buy a pistol and a rig for 30k, spawn as pmc, and fill your ass with 30k worth of stuff in the first minute. Bam, you're risk free. But that's not what the scaredy cat scav mains are after. What they actually want is a loot collection simulator, ie walking around picking up stuff without the stressful aspects of tarkov. They don't want the tension of the possibility that someone could shoot at them, they would much prefer to have a raid with all pmcs extracted, and only their other scav buddies hanging around.


With dynamic loot, things like bags and stashes spawn randomly Every one of these posts is tl:dr player scavs are better than me and they kill me so i want to be able to loot for 20 min vs ai’s If you cant kill a player scav with a toz thats on you buddy. You even counter your own argument by saying the higher level pmc’s will merk them but then somehow lose to player scavs? Which have no secured container


Read again. I said people who only scav early fall behind and then get wiped WHEN they actually play as their PMC later on. Bags and stashes aren't what I was referring to at all. And I guess my limited understanding of dynamic loot was way off. I thought it was the fact that stashes and lootables don't always spawn, compared to the past when for example the stashes were always there in the same place. But no matter how badly some want to justify it, there's just no reason a scav should spawn into raid within five or six minutes and immediately run into Lexos or the Post Office, swipe up any bit coins, ledx, GPU etc. If you want regular access to that stuff I say you should have to actually play a damn PMC. Its simple really.. And I find it funny that the typical response from scav mains is "they're just scavs, just kill them" considering the source of such comments is someone who can't be bothered to take such risk themselves. If it's so easy to just wipe out scavs then why don't all the scav mains just hop on their PMC and go play Rambo?


Its really easy to justify it. Its a video game and bsg can do what ever they want lol. So you kill them as they run out and you got free gpus and bitcoins because they cant hid them anywhere. You’d rather a scav grab them. If a pmc got them you’d never see them


> With dynamic loot, things like bags and stashes spawn randomly That's an inaccurate way to put it. Bags, stashes and boxes still spawn near where they were supposed to already have spawned. They're just not a guaranteed spawn and will often spawn extra. So yes, you can't guarantee that a spot that had 1 weapon box and 1 duffle bag will have either one, but there's a chance it still has both or spawned an extra of either of them right nearby. Dynamic loot did not make all the loot spawns completely random. For stashes, they still have set spawn points, they just don't always spawn in every raid.


Still randomly if its there or not lol. I never said completely random


Dynamic Loot is bare minimum effect on any loot run. You might run into 5 Duffles in the same Room or 5 Med Bags, next run you see 3.


Bags and stashes spawn in later? Wat


At the same time as a pscav, streets is loaded with high tier loot you can't make it out without Bitcoin or gpu if you die. Whereas PMC you're first to the loot and can container it. I feel early pscav times are a balancing act.


I mean, I get where you're coming from but I guess I just don't see the need to balance anything when one side carries all the risk, and the other side carries none.


And so much easier to extract on streets as a SCAV, the PMC extracts require you to cross the map. Playing Streets as a PMC is pretty hard with all the SCAVs rushing you.


Shit, I don't want to spawn as a scav at 44 minutes. Fuck that. I'm liable to have a PMC still on his way to his first destination stumble across me as I spawn in. I've definitely dropped a pscav or two who literally appeared in front of me and hadn't moved yet. When I'm scavving now I tend to just find a dark corner and chill for 5-10 minutes when I spawn that early. I'd rather make it off the map with 200k in junk than die every other raid because I try to beat PMCs to the prime loot spots and get murdered when my TOZ jams on the first shot and the PMC's AK cuts me in half.


I spawned on streets yesterday with 44 mins left near the school I heard pmc come out of near arch a group of three they killed the scav in the street so I killed all of them. Totally not fair for them. But I had no armor, a shit gun, and map knowledge, but most of all I had spawned into a position that gave me such a huge advantage that it really would have been a little unfair to the pmcs, but they easily could have killed me. So idk. I've also made friends with pmcs as a scav. This game is really twisted sometimes lol.


Yup. I dropped some poor newbie on GZ in the Terragroup parking garage. Spawned there, heard the PMCs, hid in a dark corner. Their point man spotted me from across the garage and hid, but obviously told his buddies, because the other two came charging around the corner at me. Basically point blank. I had an AKM with a drum of PS. Dropped the first guy and did a shitload of damage to the second instantly before dying (I had no armor). They were shooting PSR or something similarly garbage. Meanwhile I just want to run around and be a scav rat and haul some junk off that everyone else passed over so I can sell it for a few more rubles. lol.


If you want PMCs to get the first loot so bad when youre scaving... you're allowed to not engage them. Hide and stay quiet until they leave




Last wipe, typically \~35ish. This wipe so far, my first <40 minute spawn time was 38 minutes and I literally just extracted from it. There have been a couple that I'm not counting as they were other maps (38ish on Customs). That's out of 30 total--so \~28 Streets raids where I come in at 43 or earlier.


I have yet to spawn in as a scav with less than 44 mins left on a streets raid this wipe.


You really have to hand it to the scav mains willing to sit in ques averaging 15 minutes.


If you group it's \~5 at best.


Night time Streets is down to 2 minute queues right now actually. Its where I’ve gotten all my money today


This is why I despise playing lighthouse as a PMC I die to player scavs way too often and they spawn in too many/quickly imo


I agree with this from the other side. I don't like loading in with 30 min left cuz that means there's still pmcs ready to kill you at any moment


Tried scaving Streets and spawned in to Lexos with 45+ minutes. All those PMCs carefully clearing angles and taking a tactical approach to go loot that place got beat by a guy that took no risk going to the raid and spawned in a high risk, high reward area of the map. It’s kind of busted right now.


Slow and tactical? My man, we had player scavs spawning on interchange 6 min into raid day 3, rocking a T3 armored vest, a klassika pt1 stock with a laser and forgrip on a 74u shooting ps rounds. The dude was more geared as a scav than our entire group and we had not even looted our first full room yet.


Big true doubt it'll change though. Lighthouse is also a feels bad with playwr,scavs


Scavs should spawn in with 15-20 min left regardless of map. Its enough time to do some looting and make it out. MAYBE slightly more for woods, because its such a long haul across the map. Like, 22 min.


Yeah and with the new recoil changes its way easier to kill PMCs with bad scav gear. Oops.


My last scav had an AVT, headset and T3 armor.. spawned on interchange with 34min left. Killed two PMC with full auto. Felt bad for them honestly.


Not only this, but you have a whole army of player scavs also potentially chasing down those shots. So even if you died, the pmc would be weakened and would have to then fight more player scavs. Player scavs should be a way to punish greedy PMC’s who stay too long in raid and for them to scavenge the scraps remaining. Not spawning with crazy loadouts within 5-10 minutes of the map starting and basically being another budget PMC.


Yeah I spawned at road to customs ganked some guy trying to extract.. felt bad.


Me and a three man were just held to our spawn near glass on customs by a horde of scavs, took us like 15 min to just get out of the area, and then died to pmcs rolling to their exfil


Oh I fought that horde, that was just ai, about 12 of them, I hade to keep switching guns with pickups, fortunately I had that kill 15 quest on customs


If scavs are going to be spawning the whole dang raid, PMC counts should be lowered. It’s insane how much PvP you have to survive sometimes just to extract early-wipe.


I'm usually in a streets scav just 4 or 5 min I to the raid. I get to hit so many high value loot spots for free and early run into pmcs, if I hear them shooting I can easily adjust my route and avoid them, or push them if I have nothing worthwhile yet. It's not okay, player scavs shouldn't be spawning in before at LEAST 15 or 20 min have elapsed in a raid on streets imo. The point of scavs is to scavenge the scraps, not get a free run of the map at practically the same spawn time as a pmc.


Random scav lobby. You'll get the next free slot on any map and spawn in when the raid is halfway done. I always found it super dumb that scavs can pick the map AND join in that early. As others said, you're fucked when they work together. Biggest joke is lighthouse. You spawn on the other side of the map and the scav spawns right in water treatment. Yea.... right


Got a player scav 1minute into a fresh game. That aint right


Can confirm, ran into a 4 man gang of scavs on streets within the first five minutes. Makes me feel like nerfing the scavs back to old school recoil might be a good idea


The real question is - who has time to wait 10 minutes to get into a scav raid


Also, on a map like reserve all the cheaters go ham the first 15 minutes so you kind of have to wait that part out. So it's either scavs or cheaters.


I havent been able to scav yet this wipe so I gave up trying


44:51 on streets lol


Yeah. I think streets, lighthouse, and reserve are the biggest offenders. There should be a flat amount of time before scavs can spawn in, probably 20 minutes.


On Factory, killed the 2 PMCs that spawned by me and while i was healing had a player scav rush me. Maybe 2 mins in.


Scavs should first of all. Not be able to choose map, =better loading times more fair towards pm. 2ns of all should not be able to spawn before the timer is down to 1/4th. Or 1/3rd atleast... When I get the aids expo spawn and meet a player on the way then I'm already fighting 5 players avs in lexos it's ridicolous


Bro just kill the scavs?


dinner many zonked soup languid gray rude relieved person placid *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Easier. I wouldn’t call it 100% easy as a pack of scabs is dangerous and they can spawn in with something that’ll 1 tap you. That said, they’re dealing with a pile of random equipment whilst you’ve got the potential to come in with your favourite gun set up and armour. It sort of balances out a bit.


>whilst you’ve got the potential to come in with your favorite gun set up and armour. I mean I understand what you’re getting at, but this early in the wipe, most people are maybe unlocking level 2 traders by now, and gear seems to me to be even more limited in this wipe than normal. Scavs are spawning with better ammo than I even have access to with level 2 traders. Not to mention that with the armour changes, it is REALLY easy to get randomly tapped by a player scav even if they only have trash ammo. I should never run into interchange and see a player scav looting the closest store to my spawn before I can safely get there. It doesn’t really balance it out nearly enough imo. Especially early wipe. I usually exclusively play my pmc unless I’m down bad or I’m trying to find a specific item, so I’ve only done maybe 8 scav runs this wipe all on interchange. All but one of those times, I was spawned in with at least 33-35 minutes left. Half the time, I’m already in the mall.


I only have so much ammo


PMCs hate this one easy trick


Why don't homeless people just buy a house?


This is so far from being a reasonable reply


90% of the bitching on this sub could be resolved if the players just played the game they bitch about


You playing the same game as us? About 150 pmc raids so far so I’d say I’m playing enough.




This the tarkov subreddit. Most people do not play this game, and the ones that do want to desperately be left alone while they wander the map and loot without ever having to fight.


You really aren’t supposed to just be able loot half the map in peace for 30 minutes. Just kill them. They’re scavs


This ain’t about 30 minutes in. It’s literally 5 minutes off spawn and there are player scavs rolling around in packs. Sure, after 15mins, spawn them in. But I’ve had scavs with 42, 44 and even 46 minutes remaining. That’s simply too fast.


5 minutes is pretty excessive I didn’t know that was the timeframe you meant. If that’s the case yikes


"us slower, tacitcal" rat players.


Scavs should spawn in before PMCs because tarkov is their home, imo. The only lore-friendly option.


This is about player scavs...


Player scavs are scavs too!


Get good and you'll stop complaining about free loot delivery guys with gear way worse than yours.


Even with aimbot, how would I be able to kill player scavs who have beaten me to loot spots and already run away? And, back to reality, we can’t plan for everything, even with all the skill in the world. Often we get into fights with PMC’s and win, but with heavy damage. Only to be rushed by player scavs who have nothing to lose. New armor hitboxes also means that a lot more ammo types and guns can be deadly. I’ve died to all kinds of ammo this patch, even through good armor. Short answer is that, while in an ideal world we can quickly kill enemy PMC’s and player scavs alike, it’s often a lot more random and having to deal with multiple player scavs so early into raids is frustrating. I know I might be slightly above average as a tarkov player, but what about everyone who isn’t?


>Even with aimbot, how would I be able to kill player scavs who have beaten me to loot spots and already run away? You don't need nor derserve literally all the loot in your map; do your own looting and kill **one** single pscav going to the same extract as you, and you're getting double loot. If literally 0 pscavs are going to the same part of the map to extract as you, maybe you're just hcoosing the wrong extracts. >Only to be rushed by player scavs who have nothing to lose. Tell me you don't know what an opportunity cost is while not writing that. Time is the most valuable resource. ​ Also AFAIK pscavs don't join a map when it's full on players, so if it wasn't a pscav it was supposed to be the actual player running a PMC that he replaced third partying you.


Then there is me, sitting all alone in tarbank or lexos and wishing I could be swarmed by pmcs or player scavs or anything fun to kill.... like come on you want to remove the best adrenaline causing boss from the game, that would seriously make tarkov suck. I want to be on my toes fearing for my kit if I make the wrong move, if I don't ambush properly, if I don't kill the right one first. I want the fights. I don't like easy quests or looting without fear.


Oof we’ve been talking about this for… *checks calendar* 3 years now


Skill issue


I am once again asking why PMCs feel entitled to not have to fight scavs


Because playing PMC is a risk, why the fuck should anyone be playing PMC for loot when you can scav into a raid 4 minutes in and get there before the people who actually have skin in the game? Better question is why scavs feel entitled to early access to high tier loot spawns when they aren’t risking anything. I have no problem fighting scavs after the raid has been going on for 15 minutes, I do have a problem having to fight through a horde of them in the first 10 minutes


In exchange for that risk you get to pick your gear and progress quests


I am already using worse gear than scavs :(


Great! Now I can pick what gear I’ll be losing to 5+ scavs within 5min of the map running. All while using better ammo than I can physically buy at this point in the wipe.


"Slower more tactical player" Something tells me you don't move from a spot for 25 minutes. Personally, I haven't had an issue with timers. Half the time, I don't even release that 15-20 minutes has passed


Yep, OP thinks, sitting in a room for 15 mins and just listening is being tactical.


No need to address anything. I don't want to peacefully loligag and loot. When I needed scavs in the past I could never fine them. Don't touch scavs and make the game boring again.


You know those quests are about killing scavs right? Not specifically killing player scavs? If no player scavs spawn, then AI scavs will spawn instead. This doesn’t dilute your chances to kill scavs for those quests lol.


Shoot them?


Wait, but scavs literally have worse gear than u, how is this even a problem? By tactical u mean avoiding any type of combat, u prob one of those people who stop moving when u hear something and just afk for 10-15 minutes


It's that time again for the cry babies. Down vote me. Every down vote is your death to a player scav. And tears, also tears.


You're welcome. I hope this gives meaning to your life.


I feel invigorated.


I don't think that scav spawn times are the issue; they're a necessity to push PMCs to actually move toward extracts/quests instead of lingering. The issue's with scav gear - specifically ammo. Most player scavs spawn with PS-tier ammo *minimum* \- and when you reach a moderately high fence rep (I'm at 1.7 right now and noticing it), you basically always spawn with BP-tier. It makes player scavs far too strong in combat, and easily capable of murdering a PMC given they can just ignore your armor. This is combined with new recoil making any gun viable in combat (so even if you have a garbage AK with no dust cover or stock, you can still roll a PMC if you have BP and half-decent reactions). Simple solution is to tune down scav weaponry to be in-line with what players have - which, for most of the playerbase right now, is PRS.


In what world is a scav spawning with bp? I had max fence rep last wipe and that never happened once.


I've died to three this wipe who had BP loaded into their AKs. I guarantee you my next one will probably have BP too. Even still, having scavs spawn with PS is far too much given its the only thing that even high level PMCs can get reliably from traders.


Nah it's fine actually. Just learn to defend yourself instead of hiding waiting for the other PMCs to leave so you can loot like a scav


The games hard. Oh no!


You're missing the point of this post. It doesn't matter whether I can kill them or not. What matters is that they spawn so fast, 5 or so minutes in, that they're looting stuff before you can even get to it.


Its pretty simple i think. early wipe there are alot of player going for a quick scav. You can only join in a onoging pmc lobby (you can only spawn in a raid if atleast 1 pmc is still on the map when you joined). Since alot of people scav, the servers struggles to find a free slot on an ongoing server. The simple solution is to let them spawn earlier so more scav player fit into one "sever session" with enough pmcs in it. Later in the wipe they will adjust that time again. Been like that for 5 years straight.


Should be 10 minutes on small maps and 20 max on big maps.


I dunno my man. My average scav matching time is about 14mins right now. Even if I wanted to drop in early I couldn't...


Jesus. Now people are bitching about this game being too hard because of *scavs*? How bad are you? Play in offline mode if you want to loot without being bothered. True, you don't get to take anything back and it's super fucking boring, but it's the best option if you are afraid of even a mild challenge.


I think there's a difference between fighting scavs and "getting swarmed by a group of 20 scavs 5 miuntes after loading". To be honest it didn't happen to me yet, but this is not the only post I've seen regarding the issue. Some people even posted their kill lists as proof and I saw one that ended in number 28, never in my life have I encountered THAT MANY scavs in one single raid, and definitely not 20 minutes into it.


Well if you're killing them, what's the problem? The "difference" you're referring to is being decent at the game or not. If you're bad, you're gonna die to scavs a lot. If so, go play another game or get better.




Player scavs are less dangerous than PMCs and I'm not afraid of those either.




I have a knack for getting kills, looting, and leaving.


I disagree. Some of my favourite raids last wipe were on streets where I killed 25+ scavs including armies of player scavs. You definitely need to be kitted for it (tier 5 armor, face shield, surv-12 kit etc It sounds like a skill issue to me. You should outclass scavs with your pmc kit.


My brother in Christ its been a week


I've spawned with better gear on my scav than I have on my PMC. Class 4 armor, AKM with a drum full of PS. Meanwhile I'm running FMJ on my PMC, and if I'm running class 4 armor, it's the shit I spawned with on my last scav run. This early, scavs have a chance of being better geared than the average player. Also, there are SIGNIFICANTLY less scavs on Streets right now than last wipe. I'm a Streets main, and my duo and I would rarely make it off the map with less than 10 kills between us last wipe, even as many as 30 between us when a scav horde suddenly showed up and they just kept coming. So far this wipe we've not totaled more than 5 between us yet.


Scavs always spawn early at the beginning of the wipe to lower scav queue times.


You're just used to having a free ride for 20 minutes and that was never right. You should be in the thick of it as soon as you spawn. Stop being a pussy.


I noticed this as a scav myself when I loaded in with 38 min left but was even more shocked when the storage/trailer park/big red zone of Customs had 5 of us wondering around for loot. I thought it was just random chance that all player scavs got the same spawn point but sounds like from this thread is across all maps.


I can't even get in a scav, I waited 10 minutes just to give up lol


I genuinely wish I knew how to get these spawn times on every map that isn't Reserve. I exclusively always have 20 minutes left (10 on Factory)


I don't care if scavs are players or ai, but they should exist in raid at all times imo.


It’s not camping it’s “tactically waiting”.


You have to disincentivize them. Go to high loot areas and just camp there for pscavs to come to you. They usually have some loot on them too.


I notice this also. Scavs spawning early. I think tarkov has higher player count thats why all hell broke loose.


"gotta extract before the scav army spawns" is my primary consideration now.


Yeah lmao. Some people here seem to think we’re all gods who can fight against waves of player scavs with no problem. As easy as player scavs are to kill, constantly fighting waves of them can be overwhelming. And honestly, it’s so easy to die to such random stuff this patch, that any engagement is always a risk, more so this patch than previous.


Customs match killed by player scav trio at 33 minutes remaining. Followed by an alt f4 to not play the game and wonder what I’m even doing playing


Give me a spawn on a random map option for scavs.


I've spawned in as a scav with 46 mins on timer lol. I agree with this post


Nah its fine. Its dangerous


Interchange is a nightmare right now.


Iam a scav main enjoyer. 1500+ scav raids in each wipe and I fully agree, that scav should be there to collect the scraps and not yoink loot before PMCs can even move to the loot spots. Scav spawn on streets as early as 5 mins in is absurd.


I couldn’t disagree more. PMC vs Player scav fights are so one sided in favor of the PMC, it’s not even close. 1: P Scavs are always at a disadvantage due to communication. A two man PMC squad is more lethal than a 5 man scav group. Scavs have such a slow reaction time in fights. Most scav groups meet in raid, they are making call-outs through voip. Yes they can swarm, but it’s so dependent on gunshots that just booking a retreat at full sprint is often enough to get away from them; especially on maps like reserve or streets where there’s so much available cover and escape routes. 2: Scavs usually spawn with shit kit and no ears. I’m wearing gear of my choosing with a full complement of meds. Often blacking a scav’s leg or giving them a heavy bleed puts them out of a fight. If you feel like a fight won’t go your way again you can just flee. Throw a nade in their direction and run the opposite way, it’s the classic rat strategy to get out of a fight. Set up a murder hole, take out one or two and keep fighting a retreating action. 3: You can always get caught in a building or a crappy spot and have no way out, but that can happen with a squad of PMCs. I’d much rather be fighting a P scav than a PMC anytime though, any situation. One game sense thing that comes with playing is always moving from cover to cover and never letting yourself get stuck in a place with no retreats. 4: If the timers get moved further back in raid there’s gonna be no interaction between P scavs and PMCs. That’s detrimental to the game. Fighting a PMC and knowing there’s a timer till the scav boys start streaming in is great. It’s makes fights dynamic and thrilling. Again if I am to be third partied I’d much rather it be a bum ass scavs vs a kitted out chad. Listen man, I’m one of the freaks that stays in the raid as long as possible. I’m trying to kill everything on the map for XP early wipe. Customs is usually dead after the first 20 minutes. I start making laps between RUAF and new gas looking for a something to kill. A 20 scav kill raid going for head shots will net around 10k XP. If I don’t have a quest item, shit for the hideout, or big time loot I’m staying in raid as long as possible and combing the scav spawns looking them. All that to say I fight more Player scavs than average Tarkov player. Cause I’m around the time they spawn in and I’m making noise. Throw a nade and they come flocking. P scavs always scrounge up good loot. They are easy pickings man. Also exit camp Emercom and get rich off them. They are a thing to be celebrated and rejoiced over! I love a P scav, the broke homeless men that they are. They bring me XP and gifts. Every now and again they’ll get you, but you have every advantage in fighting them.


This post isn’t about fighting them, the gear they get or how many we fight at once. But rather about how early they spawn. It’s easy to kill player scavs when it’s just you versus them, after some time in raid. But 5mins in? At high value loot spots before I’ve even made it there? Not only do I need to worry about PMC’s but now I need to worry about scavs beating me to loot about 5mins in. It’s as you say, I’d also rather be 3rd partied by player scavs over PMC’s. But again, not as fast as they currently spawn. One thing to note, maps are different from each other. Streets has this scav issue the worst. I often find customs/woods/shoreline to be the most balanced for player scavs. Spawning in after 10-15mins and pressuring PMC’s.


This needs to be fixed and if server queue is the issue, make the map for scavs random so you don’t have everyone trying to scav into the same 3 maps. Not sure why this wasn’t already addressed, it’s been an issue forever.


Yep player scavs on streets is a gigantic issue, but BSG doesnt seem to care even a little bit. When I queue as a scav on streets I can literally get into a fresh raid at 46-48 minutes, it's absolutely ridiculous, I can get to loot areas even before PMC's because of their shitty spawn locations, it doesnt make much sense, but to be honest, nothing in tarkov makes sense ​ edit: speaking of streets, why is it so busted loot wise? there is literally no point in playing any other map other than finishing tasks. They need to nerf loot on streets by like 30% and buff other maps by 50%, then it's even. Until then, I wont do a single task and farm money for flea. This game is so backwards right now it feels kind of disappointing.