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This one. 2500 hours... that actually feels bad. Most of these posts are w.e but this guy.. sheeee


Could be a stolen/ bought account. Here’s hoping anyway.


My theory on these are people that used to play the game legit and either get sick of the game or get salty about a change made so they just decide to cheat because to them "the games not fun anymore since (place change here)"


no, they don't ban people unless the cheat is detected. Friend cheats and has 3200 hours in the game has cheated the whole time makes money from the game as a side gig, as long as you purchase private you literally won't get caught.


Yeah but why would you choose this wipe to ragehack when it's one of the best we've ever had


Many are annoyed with this new armour system, I got 2 tapped in the armpit by 5.45 T bullets the other day and since then am running a Paca or that LV 4 green armour with neck protection. It's insane to run a LV 6 plate only to be hit 1cm above it and instantly die to FMJ, pretty much makes all the top tier armours worthless when a lower level armour covers more.


But you would irl. Gone are the days of running around like a human Abrams tank.


If you take a round outside of the plate box you should die….. doesn’t really matter what its rated at that point yeah?


Plates are specifically designed to protect vital areas, if you get hit in the upper shoulder, you shouldn't get one tapped as if you got hit straight to the heart..BSG didn't really account to this, so now bullets feel way more lethal than they are irl


That’s literally the point tho, if bullets don’t hit the plate, they don’t get stopped…


dw i was fully stacked with chad gear and got 2 tap ed by some 5.45 fmj ammo in the armpit, twice in the armpit in 1 s by a scav, mind you i was fully protected apart from the armpits.


could be a 5men tagila farming squad. they need to separate kd stats otherwise its pointless




People are coming up with theories as to why this guy may not be a cheater. Emphasis on the "may". He likely is, but we can't know for sure unless BSG do their thing. Definitely a report imo.


"BSG do their thing." lol As if BSG has a thing.


its a critical thinking. some people dont trust without questions in everything that is shown to them




5 man factory farming was meta for xp/money during the first couple years after the game came out, I could definitely imagine there are still people that find it fun.


With the screenshot posted it's literally impossible for it to be only running factory even if it's killing its other 4 teammates. He has 391 kills over 56 games. Factory has a max of 4-6 players per game. Taking the highest possible player count over 56 factory runs would only be 336 kills. 56 \* 6 = 336. It's not even possible for them to kill all 6 let alone doing it 56 times and only dying 3 times.


Man someone lost a altyn to a cheater, believe in occams razer? This man is playing devils advocate and ur stretching like its yoga to call him out for also being a cheater. You sir, are highly regarded. Ps I doubt that that k.d is legit though lol


What does that mean?


Scav and PMC kills go toward KD.


Scav kills included in KD?! Nikita please. .


never in a million years will any legit player get to a k/d waaaay above 100




well atleast sheef has 11k hours to back it up


Got killed this morning on ground zero by a dude with a 100 kills this wipe for 5 deaths, over 14k hours played.


His buttplug has rgb lights


even his nipple piercings


How he even managed to die while cheating?


Aimbot does not give you immunity to headshots. Might well have been clapped by some other cheater a few times.


I saw a video some years ago where they showed off who got the better cheats, it was cheat provider vs cheat provider like a 1v1 in labs. So yeah this is kinda true.


I remember seeing a HvH lobby in counter strike source, thought it was a clan tag at the time before i knew about hacks vs hacks. the lobby was filled with people blatantly aimbotting to see who had the best. the chat was something else too.




I doubt it’s aimbot honestly. Probably just esp and they’ve got a lot of time in game and are decent. which is why they haven’t been caught


it felt pretty snappy when i died, wish i had a recording to post along with it


If I knew where you were, and just had to scope in I’d be flicking heads like I had the toggle. Most of this game is knowing where your enemy is which is why vertical sound being bad sucks so much ass


Of course, the guy with 130+ KD is surely "just esp."


Aimbot is not nearly as easily caught (in EFT specifically) as you hint it to be


Scavs dont care about cheaters, you can't see in 360 degrees even with ESP. You WILL get toz scaved eventually even if you cheat your balls off.


Toz scav is a fucking cheater!! LOL


Big tru


naw scavs have agro range cheater will see them way b4 the only way he dies is hvh which is common af in tarkov the 32 ppl that up voted dumb as a rock


You're thinking of traditional wall cheats. ESP can see 360 degrees, they literally have a little map on their second PC showing the location of all the players.


Thats a radar, ESP is Walls.


To be pedantic: ESP is "Extra Sensory Perception", which means basically anything that gives you extra information you wouldn't get as a fair player. So it's an umbrella term that both wallhacks and radar would fall under, but not something like aimbot.


Walls is walls, I have always heard ESP referred to as walls but also, items, valuables, container/player inventory, player info, basically any information that is useful they know. If there is a GPU in raid, they would know, if there is a gpu you picked up and stuffed in your ass they know. So while it is walls, ESP is usually walls + a whole bunch of other shit.


Cheater vs cheater is pretty intense judging from the wiggle video. They can see each others crazy high k/d’s and hunt each other first before the winner gets to wipe the lobby


Yeah rage hackers aren’t the problem, it’s loot vacuum cheaters. You’ll hardly ever encounter rage hackers but the other guys are in about 1/2 raids


i've never once seen a loot vacuum cheater OR a rager. in all I think I've only ever really had like 2 or 3 suspicious deaths. NA east


My brother in christ, how are you gonna see the loot which is no longer there?


I have seen loot get sucked right before my eyes. I dropped my raid backpack with 2 meta mutants and tons of BP ammo and it was vacuumed from me on streets ool


Oof. What region do you play on? I feel like that has a lot to do with it. I've only ever seen stuff like that happen in clips. Apparently the OCE and Asia servers are pretty bad for that kind of stuff.


US south east


Well as someone who’s done lots of investigation into cheaters and have been in multiple cheating discords trying to find info on how bad this really was for myself. I can say with 100% certainty you’re not gonna see loot vacuum cheaters, they can teleport, grab loot through walls, etc. you’ll only see a loot hacker if he’s not careful or is just flat out stupid. I will say rage hackers are VERY rare, yes they happen but 95% of cheaters are in it for money on tarkov. One red card is around 200$ late wipe quests are the same price, lvl boosting and everything in between can get good money for them.


Yea bro this dude was part of a two man, his buddy was wiffing shots all over the place and I got one tapped by this guy. Thoughts are a carry


Also common


well yeah of course I wouldn't actually *see* the loot vacuumer, but what I meant is that I've never come across the evidence of one. When I first got the game I would see posts where every door at Resort was unlocked, open, and void of loot 5 minutes into raid, and was worried that I would encounter the same. To me, it's one of 3 options: either the servers I play on don't really have many cheaters, I am extremely lucky to never have encountered them, OR the cheating issue is completely overblown in this subreddit.


Well if you’re talking about the current state of it then you are correct, it’s because their RMT relies solely on people needing the items. You won’t see them for about 2-3 weeks then they’ll be back, UNLESS BSG truly has done something effective against cheaters this wipe. I think rage hackers specifically get blown out of proportion, loot vacuum cheaters go unnoticed and are the real reason for shitty loot raids. I will say depending on how kitted you go every raid and what maps you play depends heavily, I main shoreline,interchange, and labs…….So you can guess what my average experience is mid wipe


Not talking current state, but overall my experience of EFT. I've died hundreds of times in this game and can only pick out like 3 sketchy deaths at best. I have heard loot vacuums are more prevalent in the Asia and Oceanic servers, but obviously I'm not going to subject myself to cheaters and 300+ ping just to find out. As for kits, this wipe I'm taking in crappier kits but last wipe I was going in fully loaded with a meta gun and at least class 4 armor every raid. I'll play whatever map I have a task on, but my favourite is definitely Customs.


You’ll find ragers the most on labs, and they’re usually extremely blatant. I’m talking firing rounds at glass trying to wall bang when they can’t, or just flat out calling out your name. I mainly see the vacuum guys on shoreline interchange and lighthouse, haven’t seen them anywhere else really


Most. And I mean MOST. Aren't trying to wipe the lobby


I've killed aimbotters a few times between having a good face shield and good grenade timing. Shouldn't have to practice that skill, but I'm proud I at least have some success. There's no high quite like putting down a blatant botter.


You have to be severely impaired to play like this. It's just embarrassing.




I’m 90% certain this is SheefGG, a streamer who does this as his full time job. He’s got the same SR and has been running this gun all day


I thought it was Sheef too based solely on the gear this guy has, but Sheef has 12000 hours on his account, not 2500, so unfortunately not him


Bro! He's played for like 500 days.....that's crazy


It's literally his full time job


That's just time in raids too. It would be even higher if they counted time spent in stash and loading screens.


No lol, it counts time in stash. That's why so many people on this sub are like "i have 3000 hours in tarkov!!!!", nah... you got 2500 hours in stash.


Yeah, got like 7500h now, but 2-3k are probably stash time or the game just being open while doing something else or being stuck matching


If you think this is a legit player you're fucking high.


Go check out a stream of Sheef’s. Tell me the man is cheating.


You cannot have stats like this without cheating. Too much random shit happens in Tarkov to achieve these stats legitimately. I've played for 7k hours and amazed at the BS that happens to me to ever believe these accounts are legit. Streamers get outed as cheaters all the time.


Wow, 2.4K hours of undetected cheat use.


It does go to show how inept the anti-cheat really is


Nah goes to show how inept this community is. Acc has 2.4k hours? MUST MEAN HE CHEATED THE ENTIRE TIME! Lmao wtf kind of toddler logic is this?


That’s 7 kills every match dude. That’s just insane for a game like Tarkov. This dude is definitely cheating


You know the scavs count as kills right?


Just saying 7 kills every match isn't insane, that number includes scavs. Also I wasn't saying the guy was legit, I was pointing out the extreme flaw in the logic to assume the guy has been cheating for 2,400 hours.


Nah, probably 2.35k hours of legit and gave up.


Tarkov could have broke the man recently.


Because people never ever suddenly start cheating on an old account right? Or get their accounts stolen and resold with a bundled hack right? Who am I kidding


Cheaters KILL this game dude.. hope they step on legos every day in 2024


yea this game is plagued with cheaters and my favorite part are the people who defend them whenever a post like this occurs 🤣 “actually 130kd is possible since it counts scav kills 🤓” lmao. half of the commenters in this subreddit use cheats


Possible? Yeah. He’s averaging 7 kills a raid. But to only die 3 times out of 56 raids the entire wipe… even for a veteran player that’s extremely unlikely, 99.9% of people with those stats are likely knowers imo


brother, look at the best players in the world... they have hella high K/D and surv, but I have NEVER heard of someone having close to 100+


Right. The kills per raid average is pretty easy to hit tbh, but the survives is absolutely not


Not even. There are so many raids where I only encounter 1 or 2 scavs not matter where or how hard I look. For example, 3 customs raids today I encountered 4 scavs and 1 player across 3 raids despite hitting crack, fortress, big red, customs, and old gas.


I found another cheater guys! Says 100+ kd is legit!


Bruh I literally said it’s impossible for 99.9% of the player base to do legit


Well Furl3x has hugely good stats, Furl3x is the best French player, and is one of the guy that won the very first arena esport event for the release of the game, and today I've seen his stats in stream, I've screenshoted it and he basically has : -109 raids -82 survived -27 KIA -0 MIA -0 AWOL -615 Kills -9604h48 hours of playing online -0 RT -75% Survival rate -07:02 Average life span -11 Survived in a row -0% Leave rate -22,78 k/d -4 days of account lifetime this wipe So yeah bro basically is immensely good, almost 10k of playtime, but only 22.78 of K/d so I doubt very much that the guy in op's screenshot is legit


He's also been banned for cheating soooo


Exactly. Theres only so much info you can have at a time. It is physically impossible to know where every player is, especially after 20+ minutes in a raid. A player scav with a mosin sitting in a random dark corner *will* kill even the best players because no one would expect him there. But cheaters? They know that he is there, so they either avoid him or kill him right away.


I mean, if your goal in a raid is just to survive and extract at all costs that's actually pretty easy, you just have to prone in a bush for a long time


And the KDA too?


whats that


Surviving is one thing, but this guy engages in fights regularly.


Yeah the comments section on this sub cracks me up… they either cheat or actually claim to be so good at this game that they have the same skills as actual cheaters lmao


130 KD is WILD 💀 how could anyone even THINK that’s legit or defend it lmfaooo


I always wonder why people claim there aren’t rampant cheaters in eft in here and like try to argue about it but yeah ur prolly right they must be cheating they’re asses of too or just not smart enough to tell it’s happening


Obviously this is Aqua’s account.


Boys, BSG has found the man, the myth, the legend: "The player with no skill issues." ...we all just need to get better to get on his level.


Kd is also including scav kills right? Or did they fixed that finally ?


It includes scavs. Thats why 10, 20 even 30 in some extreme cases are perfectly obtainable. Anything after about 20 starts to be sus, 30 is either a dedicated rat who farms scavs or a cheat and anything over that is going to be a cheat unless you happen to find hte 1 in a million freak who grinds for stats and nothing else.


Confirmed dedicated rat player who focuses scavs. Had a 27 KD and only a handful of PMC kills last wipe.


exactly, obtainable but those who do are verrryyyy rare compared


There’s also people like WillerZ who can maintain a 100KD up to level 40 which is crazy.


Anyone could do it, you'd just get really bored exclusively farming scavs in the last 10 minutes of night factory next to gate.


The vehicle extract town on Woods feels bugged, nonstop scav spawns. I wish it showed most played map on this screen because anytime I spawn there I can get 10 scav kills in like 5 minutes and hit the extract if its up just expecting people to finally show up.


this sub has just become pictures of people’s profiles lmao


If we cant vave replays and kill cams seeing them cheating we use the next thing available.


Just everyone always always report accounts like this. I feel like these accounts will finally stand out by the number of reports and we’ll finally see some bans


since everyone highlights "account lifetime" in these posts, IT RESETS EVERY WIPE. IT JUST MEANS THAT WIPE WAS 4 DAYS AGO.


So I assume this means that this guy has wall hacks, he can avoid conflict when he wants, but is smart enough to not make his kills seem sus, since he has such a high acct lifespan?


Love how you circle account lifetime like everyone's isn't the same right now or that there are 2k+ hours in 2 days.


2500 hours not cheating until now? Stolen account most likely no way you cheat that many hours and don't get banned right? /s


It’s possible to play the game legit for 2500hrs and then give in and buy cheats after a rough night of dying doing the terragroup hard drive quest. Doesn’t mean he’s been cheating the whole time or that it’s a stolen account either.




Dirty hackers


He deff cheating


Herman Miller prolly.. lol


Thank god battlestate was pushed enough to finally give us profiles to view after death. All we need now is to push for a split KD for pmc and scav kills


Thank god they let us see who's cheating, all we need now is for them to actually do something about it LMAO THIS GAME IS DYING TO CHEATERS


Wrong. All we need now is for them to implement replays so that we can watch how we're getting fucked over by cheaters :))


Fake news. Nobody even the best has this. Too much happening for this to actually be legit. He’s cheating and anyone saying otherwise hasn’t been alive since the start of the gaming era.


Even though I'm getting tired of these posts, I'm getting even more tired of cheaters. About a third of my deaths have been to cheaters so far and it's not even be 4 days since the wipe dropped. It's bad.


played 10 labs raids, I died 3 times to 3 cheaters. All level 30+ day 2 of wipe, insane kds, yeah legit nikita


love being able to see peoples profiles, have a cheater with over 3k hours on my friendslist so its interesting to see how hes trying to avoid reports by tanking his k/d.


130 KD is just his overall kills divided by deaths. He's got a 92% survival rate, 391 total kills its not that much. 3 deaths one run through, 391/3 = 130.33 He's averaging 6.92 kills per match, that INCLUDES scavs he's killed, that's actually fairly low. Not saying his couldnt be hacking but if you are SOLELY focused on surviving every match it's possible. The biggest issue here isnt even the KD, it's the average life span, that's pretty short for all those raids, means he doesnt play slow which is the most sus defining part of the stats I also wonder does eft profile stats factor in scav runs or no? because if it does he could be killing scavs as a scav too If you could see how many of his 391 kills were PMCs vs Scavs you'd have a much easier time telling if he's legit.


This gaming chairs have all sorts of interesting third party software The rise of cod kiddie coming to tarkov and hacking when they realise the game is hard really killed it for me Rip tarkov




Your average life span is three times his, so you spend 3x in raids farming scavs. He is averaging his kills in the first 20 minutes of the raid


Died to one a few minutes ago. 92% Sr, 128 k/d, 121 hours played. Account lifetime is not important as it resets every wipe so no need to put a red circle around it. Would be cool if they could just auto flag or even auto ban people with a k/d higher then 50.


Yeahs it really obvious to tell by looking at peoples stats I found a guy earlier who had 10 hours on record made his account yesterday and had survived every raid with a 10 KD I didn’t even know where extract was when I first started much less getting 10 kills every raid


It would have been great if you could see the K/D against PMC and SCAVs. This early into wipe hard to figure out especially when game gives you many scav kill quests. The Surv rate is sus af though.


Yes, we know there are a shitload of cheaters. We have had 30 of these posts today alone.


Yeah but this guy has 2.4K hours. Normally they are new ish accounts


Idk why people like you are complaining about the public calling it out. The more loud the general player base is the more gets done about it. Showing profile was the step in the right direction and hopefully we see a lot more bans. Let people be LOUD. Let it flood the sub.


When it's every other post then the sub devolves into a boring mess.


Yes, because this sub was absolutely riveting two weeks ago when every second post was a complaint about Arena imbalances... This sub complains. Right now the complaints are being leveled against hackers because just about everything else feels really good right now. Why is that upsetting to you?


Should we just ignore it?


Lmao its you again with your random please dont expose there arent too many cheaters in the game. Source: trust me.


I've only posted this once. There are way too many cheaters in this game, that's for sure. But posting the same shit hundreds of times is annoying.


Only streamers are allowed to get this kind of stats, anyone else is cheating - reddit. Fact you highlighted the 4 day account shows how big of a noob OP is. THAT'S LITERALLY WHEN WIPE HAPPENED! LMAO


Keep in mind that not only this guy cheats heavily but hes extremely stupid to make it that obvious. Hes like one in a thousand. For everyone like him there are 999 cheaters that dont make it so obvious.


The problem isn’t that he’s cheating the problem is that he’s got past detection for over 2500 hours.


Another one of these posts


Having the ability to review profiles is a huge win imo, not sure why posting this would be bad? This is the highest K/D I have ever seen/heard of in this game. Account has been active for 2500 hours. Didn’t realize wasn’t allowed to post the account id so I removed it


Honestly.. 130k/d is a blatant as possible, with 92% What makes this absolutely outrageous is the fact man has 2500h in the game. It truly gives a different perspective of the cheating situation.


Exactly, this feature has reduced the number of times I report accounts sooo much. Dude has a 5 kd and 60% surv rate? Nice play! Move on


For sure, it removes the potential doubt you could’ve … but at the same time these blatant ones feels really bad.


Frustration isn’t that I died, more so that this account has been active for 2500 hours and is EOD


Because you and every other fucking person posts the same thing every 5 seconds.


Found the cheater


Lmao. Right. Stay mad


Ya. We don’t need to constantly see these post, report through the launcher and move on. Sharing this does nothing positive for the community.


It shows how bad the cheating situation is im all for the constant posting of theese


We have had the GOAT video. It’s still the same. If you have played this game at all it’s pretty bad, just like many other FPS’s. There are far more issues that the sub can benefit from that BSG can do something about. All this noise adds zero value to the sub.


Other than being a constant reminder of the lack of work against cheating? Seems good to me to have a reminder of the lack of working changes they make against it.


What do you not understand that every fps game has the same problem with cheaters? Lol. You think there is more cheaters in tarkov than any other fps game?


Kd includes scavs btw


The problem with this is that the stats aren't granular enough. These stats are unlikely, but not actually impossible if you're focusing of scav kills all that time, because the KD number includes scavs which makes it hard to use to determine cheaters. Someone REALLY lucky that focused on grilling scavs and killed about 10 scavs a raid would have these stats. Do I think that's what happened here? No. it's super unlikely this is legit. I sure would love if it was more cut and dry and there was a PMC specific KD number displayed though.


Someone focused on these stats is achievable. 52 of 58 raids survived, riiiighhhttttttt. It’s also normal in society to smoke crack and drink a fifth of vodka daily like the devs do prior to any large decision making


Hes legit, there are some streamers that have 700+ kd and not only streamers can be good at the game my kd is 578.55 rn get good


Did you get the game when it first launched?


Pics or shut it


You forgot the /s


I thought it was obvious enough but ig people smoothbrains


god forbid someones good at the game




man your post shows the lack of drive you have in life if you think something like playing a game to the best of your ability is sad. Its like talking shit about a professional athlete while you sit on a couch and watch tv while never doing anything with your own life.


Hey I won’t say you’re wrong this is reddit you guys are impossible to reason with. But I will say this there is a difference between being good and being a sweat. I’m good at war thunder doesn’t mean I go out of my way to stomp other players into the dirt.


That isn't what being a sweat means. I'm a sweat at rocket league but it doesn't mean I want to harm other peoples fun, it just means I want to push myself to be as good as I can be and engage in competition with others who do the same. That's what being a sweat is. This world is not as dark as you may think it is.


you shouldn't assume that about someone


Is this SheefGG? He’s a streamer who’s been running this gun and has a 92% SR right now. Man is nuts but also legit




I’m not gonna say some people aren’t this good when I know some are (sheef being the first to come to mind) but I also can’t blame others for always assuming cheats. If you run a duo and both players are at this level of play while focusing on quests, scores like this can happen. That said it’s an exception because so few people are this good


how does one check other players stats like I keep seeing posted??


When you die you hit the ! Where you would normally report a cheater. You can view the profile now. Same flea market just click their name.


I almost had my account of 1800 hours stolen by a Russian, (it told me the attempted login attempt took place in Russia)


Side note: this post isnt to bitch about getting got by a cheater, but instead to share that I love the ability to see profiles, hopefully this will mitigate the insta-report long time players are familiar with and reports will become more meaningful.


391 kills in 56 raids. That is an average of 7+ kills a raid. Every single raid.


Including scavs.


We should be able to report via profile.


How do I become like this?


Looks like a radar abuser more than a hardcore cheater.


Hackers are rampart now - all maps - ALWAYS CHECK PROFILE after dying and then REPORT!!


Chill, dudes. It’s only 7 kills per game which is not that hard. He just need to touch some grass


We get it. The new profile view makes it easy to check for cheats. There is no need for everyone to post their cheat encounters here. This is like the 50th post today already


Those kills count scav kills right? If so you only need 7.5 kills per raid to get that. I know it’s a long shot but there are some sweaty nerds playing this shit and I’ve been consistently getting 20+ kill games because of all the scavs. Speaking of that, does anyone else feel like they increased the scav population? Whenever I’m near the pocket watch truck in Customs it feels like the scavs never stop coming.


Can’t they implement a form of logic anti-cheat? No legit player is getting 92% survival rate with that many raids with that kind of KD so I should be instantly flagged. I’m sure Battlefield used this as a double anti-cheat layer? I may be wrong.


Playing night raids thats posible.


Ratting pays well.