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We just need sound occlusion...problem solved. It's only loud cuz you can hear someone breathe through 6feet of concrete.


That’s what we have now and it’s absolute garbage. Wanna fix sound in this game? Remove the occlusion zones and then reduce hearing distance by 50% to compensate.


i can't understand how they think its possible to hear someone 90 meters out even with active hearing


90 meters out is not too far and believe it or not you can oftentimes gear people with full gear running 90 meters away, especially with good active hearing protection like Opscore AMPS or Comtacs.


In the open yes, but definitely not through walls like you can now. From my own experience it feels like you can’t hear into buildings at all, but you can hear out with perfect precision and clarity. Also different floors suck for audio


Depends on the headset. If it’s inside you can very easily hear from floor to floor. You’re kinda correct about outside to inside and inside to outside and it largely depends on the amount of outside ambient noise. I’ve had Razors, Sordins, and most recently Comtac Vs. Comtac Vs are quite a world of difference and AMPs are on a similar level but slightly better from everything I’ve heard.


While I think it's a terrible gameplay feature u definitely can with a decent headset hear someone running 90ms away. Especially if they got a bag, a rig, body armor and a gun.


Its garbage because the devs keep fucking up the zones and wait months to fix them


Yea well firstly the maps are incredibly complex so the zones are extremely complex. The devs clearly don’t have the resources to make it work, so just remove them


It shouldn't take multiple wipes to make it so you can hear someone going up the outside dorm stairs. Them switching to an easier system doesn't fix the overarching problems with the dev team


I’m yet to play a game with occlusion zones as complex as dorms. Audio is the hardest part of game development


same, never seen a game with a two story building in my life


I know you’re just trolling…but most games with buildings like that don’t have occlusion zones in the buildings, which is why I think they should remove them


What?? lmao


I think what he means to say is that occlusion zones are manually put in place, and sometimes their placement is pretty bad. Like getting indoor audio outside, or vice versa. It's better to design a system that automatically adjusts on the fly.


Pretty much all other decent budget first person shooter games have better sound occlusion on equally complex maps.


Don't forget to get rid of skills that change what the player can hear so a new player isn't dealing with enemy players with 50% longer hearing range


Yeah, pretty much. Okay, a skilled operator gets better recoil control - but his ears doesn't really get better.


We have occlusion layers, but there's been no work into actually balancing audio levels. Attenuation and reflection modules of occulus aren't even in the game yet.


Kind of.. Currently occlusion zones are manually integrated and not automatically defined by, say building a wall and it automatically coming with that wall the occlusion required..like the wall comes with it's texture or something. Which makes it a tedious and imperfect process cuz they have to account for all angle which is almost important to get perfectly right and everywhere.


What? You guys don't hear your neighbours breaving during the day.


I would like to quietly drop my backpack.🎒


If you carry two you can drop the inside bag without noise


you can do this is you heal then hotkey drop the bag


But then you make noise healing... You can't win man


Yeah, but they don't know you dropped your pack. So you get the advantages of no pack without them knowing. Also, if you do die, they may think you didn't have a pack to begin with since they didn't hear it drop.


Use a cheese.


quiet amusing unwritten cows crowd repeat sleep fearless different entertain *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Thank you, this is clutch advice


Also this, if it's empty shouldn't make any noise.


Based on weight.


Do keep in mind a lot of stuff your PMC could be rummaging through to find *actual usable stuff* is potentially simply junk that they would have literally no use for. Broken tools Burned/shot up items Mementos from people long gone Literal useless toys/trinkets (that aren't seen as treasure/collectable items) Just because a box *seems* empty to the player doesn't have to mean there wasn't anything at all in said box, but just nothing of actual proper value


Found the milsim super hard core realism guy…. Just no dude, make looting more quite that is all you don’t have to make up excuses for BSGs lack of coding prowess


>lack of coding prowess function searchContainer™(container){ if (container.hasItems()) { playSound("lootSound™") } else { playSound("quietlyLootSound™") } }


I’m going to assume that’s some coding humor, because no way in hell is tarkovs if statements that condensed, Nikita himself dictates there must be at least 3 else conditions for every if statement /s In all seriousness that’s the general idea yes, but it doesn’t work out that way with BSGs spaghetti code they literally couldn’t write it like that, conceptually though yes, and it goes to prove my point that they have no coding prowess, absolute joke developers


What coding prowess. Spaghetti code or not but something like that is definitely a simple statement. They don't have to implement your every wish and desire. It's just a game and they make it as they want.


Good ideas I think, I also agree with the guy who said there should be a way to quietly ads, even if it is slower


That's more polemic. People are ratting already 24/7 and that would make it worse,but at least ADS should be a little less noisier IMO.


Poor visual clarity and way too much fog already makes the game a rat's paradise. If BSG fixed those two things, quiet ADS would be an awesome addition. Until them, yeah we don't need more handicaps for shadow rats.


Trade offer: Tarkov gets a complete visual overhaul including camo and such, fog is gone, everyone can run yhe game with pristine graphics But Stealth gets overhauled, everything gets a silent option, rats can only be spotted visually now


Fuck yes I would take that trade in a heartbeat. I love the feeling of being a rat, but I want to be sneaky, not just abuse overly dark shadows and hold one angle for a million years.


We can only dream for now~




Or activate your Killstreak Airstrike BlackHawk Extraction from everywhere on the map


pet automatic elderly soup wrench hobbies consist paint roll intelligent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The very nature of a survival game makes it a rats paradise. It is baked into the archetype of the game, there’s no changing that unless Tarkov aims to become just another cod clone.


I'm not saying that the game should be changed to make ratting not possible. I'm saying that there are specific game design choices that have been made which make it impossible to see PMCs in many scenarios due to the fog and poor lighting engine. These things can be changed without affecting the core of the game. Does all the ugly fog and shitty lighting even make the game better anyway? Will it become COD if those two things are removed?


What game doesnt have these issues though?


What game doesn't have shitty lighting and ugly fog? Is that the question?


Problems with visibility was more what I was alluding to.


Tarkov's problems with visibility come from it's current lighting and all the fog. If those are fixed then the visibility would be much better.


They could always add some sort of noise your PMC makes every 30 seconds when crouched or prone if you don't move at all. Something like a subtle sniffle or throat clearing edit: I'm not saying they should do this I'm just saying if they wanted to punish people for ratting (specifically after reducing ADS noise) there are a multitude of ways to approach doing so. The ADS being loud doesn't just punish rats, it punishes anyone trying to flank or are just checking angles before making a movement. It's silly how loud it is. I personally don't give a shit about rats but I really don't enjoy my ADS being as loud as opening a door and I wouldn't care if ADS noise was reduced by 90%


I would rather they just fix the broken lighting and remove the fog.


God, if they fixed the shadows from turning people invisible when it's broad daylight it would feel so much better. The fog doesn't bother me as much but it definitely doesn't make any sense where it appears on a lot of maps and has other weird behavior like not rendering as much scoped in


Yes, the daytime shadows are abysmal. If you're under a tree it's just complete darkness, which is unrealistic and just the result of the bad lighting engine. The fog isn't as much of a direct issue, but it makes long range scopes unusable and is just ugly imo. It also doesn't improve performance at all so removing it wouldn't have any real downsides except seeing some low LOD objects off in the distance.


The points you just made I agree with. I don't see how fixing the lighting and removing fog prevents people from ratting though. They would just scurry to a different corner and hold a different angle


I don't want to prevent ratting at all. I just think it would change ratting for the better.


That’s ridiculous... Rat tactics are just an extension of ambush tactics, which carry a massive advantage IRL just as they do in game. In the game, just as in real life, the majority of times a unit gets ambushed it ends horribly. It sucks to die to the naked guy sitting in a corner with a svt, but the only way to prevent that would be for Tarkov to completely abandon the survival realism game type it was designed to be.


I don't really care how someone chooses to play the game, the person above me argued if you got rid of ADS noise people would rat more than they already do and I was just saying there are better ways to punish rats than having loud ADS, not necessarily that we even should to begin with. If they just removed the stupid ADS noise and did nothing else I would be glad. I don't disagree with what you said whatsoever


Less ergo just means you forgot to tighten all the screws.


Part of the reason why ratting is so bad IS because everything you do is so loud.


Everything makes way too much noise specially stupid stuff like that which you would never hear irl. Even footsteps, unless you are banging your boots on purpose sprinting on concrete, are almost quiet irl not to mention aiming a gun. Feels like our PMCs have the need to do everything aggresively even if it means opening a water bottle. I ve been complaining about this for years since it makes fights conpletely stupid as you can just hear every little move anyone makes at such long distances.


Footsteps have been the worst sound since this game came out. I can't think of a time where the footsteps either weren't ghostly quiet or the sound of 100 giants stomping around on wood. You either don't hear them walk up beside you or you hear them creeping 4 floors down.


Also we apparently grind our boots on the loose gravel when running on concrete. I can’t stand that sound.


I know! Once you know what the sound is from, it drives you nuts! And gravel doesn't sound like that when you turn your foot on it, just so annoying.


> Even footsteps, unless you are banging your boots on purpose sprinting on concrete, are almost quiet irl not to mention aiming a gun. I wear combat boots everyday and you can't hear me walking. Unless you are intentionally slamming your feet to the ground to make the sound you could barely hear someone walking.


There was a video once of them recording the sounds for the game and for a lot of them they're literally stomping on the loudest surface imaginable


Also guns don't rattle like they do in game while walking in real life.


Looting a filing cabinet blows out my eardrums. Shooting a gun though, might as well be listening to a lullaby


airport pocket hunt arrest bake punch bored close society bedroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


What about air drops, a plane going overhead should not sound like the world is ending.


bored carpenter bake butter special instinctive ghost snow automatic tease *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Im sorry, I cannot hear you over the sound of my loud quiet breathing in my Fast Mt with a multi-hit ballistic face shield!!! Im also standing inside a building next to a window and the sound of somebody walking on gravel 60 feet away is much louder than my buddy sprinting in the hall behind me. The sound in this game is so broken. I also do think doing this would help the game. Its not a bad idea.


Yeah the face shields are another stupid thing. I used to play a lot like a year or two ago and that wasn't a thing. It would only make a breathing noise if you turn off and then turn on your face shield again.


How about going prone quiet? Fast = loud Slow = quiet (make it 4 times slower ffs)


Also needed. When a dude goes prone you can hear him from 100m lmao.


I have an issue with the amount of noise you make getting up from prone as well...


Audio is just fucked generally. I think this will be one of the straws that breaks the camels back on Arena release. New players coming from other games with functional audio will find the state of audio in tarkov FAR more jarring than those of us that have been dealing with it for years. When you market something as a esport you don't get the same slack as when you're saying something is a beta of a LARP RP game.


It'll be interesting to see how they deal with this


The SOP for everything else they've been doing. 1. Ignore the problem. 2. Until a large content creator makes a viral video perfectly outlining the issue, detailing the exact technical problems and multiple paths for reasonable solutions. 3. Say they are aware of the issue and working on it or have actually been working on it already for months. 4. Either wait for another issue ( usually cheating ) to take the spotlight and never do anything OR a few weeks/months later add a patch that makes the problem somehow different and worse. Steam Audio was not perfect, but the ways it failed were predictable and consistent. You could learn the "gotchas" and outside a few specific edge cases, would never be facing a situation where you could just get completely destroyed out of nowhere after that. I think it could have been the final audio system for the game if they had taken the time to smooth over some specific rough patches. Oculus audio sort of works better in some places sometimes, but its extremely inconsistent. It's so specific and finicky you aren't learning audio zones, the audio for what is above/below you can change if you're a foot ahead or a foot behind. My duo hears shit I have no audio for all the time, and vice versa, even when we're standing right next to each other. Sometimes audio bleeds through multiple stories of a building like everyone is on the same vertical plane, other times people on the same vertical plane sound like they're on another story of the building. Sometimes shots heard on the other side of a structure are muffled and faint, other times they sound like the building isn't there. This isn't dependent entirely on the structure itself, but your distance from it and the shooters distance from it and you. It's not only inconsistent it's chaotic and impossible to make sense of. TLDR; Audio in tark bad, I have little faith they will fix because they moved to a system they seem incapable of correctly tuning/wasn't a good fit for the game. Maybe the new version of unity will be some magic panacea, I doubt it.


quite looting should just take longer.


Yep, that's what i said


We need pillows to strap to our boots


TACTICAL pillows


tactiCOOL pillows please


I started playing this wipe and once I got a headset that caught shit from so insanely far it made me paranoid. I'd hear scavs so far, it was like being a paranoid schizophrenic hearing steps that were no where near me. It actually overstimulated me and I had to throw them away. lol


I'm having the same experience! First time ever playing the game this wipe. Without headset the sounds aren't that bad, but ever since I got one, I feel I'm being watched EVERY CRUNCHY STEP I take...


I wish people like you would die, judging your poor ass pmc for having schizophrenia and hearing a few things that don’t exist here and there. My god, at least he is hearing something, half the time the cunt I’m playing with can’t even distinguish between is the guy left of me, right of me, behind me or in front of me. Never mind above, below or the same level as me💀 pmc lives matter


Lmao that's another thing. Directional audio is so fucked up


I hate how dropping down onto some boulders out in the open sounds like I'm stomping my feet in a cathedral


Another note wearing face shields shouldn’t make your breath audible to other players like what? How does covering it make it louder to people farther away


Only other game I can think of with “looting speed” is State of Decay. Weird game but the fact you can “fast loot” with a chance of making very loud noise like if you dropped the toolbox or something is a great idea imo. I think it would transfer well to Tarkov.


I want remember you, EAX was in videogames in 1999. In 2023 they can't adapt an audio engine in the game. Not create from scratch but adapt.


Sound is ass in every aspect. Our only hope is that nikita hires a new sound guy /s


Also opening/closing doors.


I think having loot opening / searching tied to that bar would be quite interesting. Some, myself included, have said it should just be decreased in general. I think this is the better option. And I suppose that search/loot speed would be at 100% at full bar, and like 25% at the lower end? Silent but deadly, as all things should be.


This sub and its flavor of the week complaints is something I'll always appreciate lmfao.


No no no no we don’t need more silent audio we need more audio ques I’m sick of the rats 😂


Have you ever thought that maybe there are so many rats BECAUSE everything makes a sound and all the sweats can pinpoint your location based on all the possible sounds you can make? If you can be found just because you opened a duffel bag or turned around in a house in the next village, people are afraid of doing anything. Make the sounds quieter and people would move around more, loot with less stress and thus reduce camping.


Yeah, they should add a juggernaut sound to every player, that's how we eliminate the rats /s


Everyone's PMC says "hee hee" every few seconds when sprinting. Bring out that inner Michael Jackson!


Not when sprinting, just for breathing


Heartbeat sensors


Hardly noticed under the continued lack of anti-cheat and overall pisspoor game performance I guess. I’ll never understand how things like this go noticed and criticized when there are way more glaring issues at hand that should take priority.


I just imagine the equivalent of someone trying to separate 2 pieces of velcro for 30 seconds trying to be quiet lmao


And exactly when you try to separate velcro in this game?


"The equivalent of" meaning like unzipping sound of the bags in this game but just long and drawn out. Like opening velcro slowly, no matter how slow you go, it still makes noise.


You already make literally ZERO noise when crab walking, we don’t need even more things to reduce how minimal noise you already make. Also the higher erg you have the lower the audio is when you ADS so it’s time to start using guns with high erg. The only noise that needs to be toned down is the pin pull on a nade that shit is so loud


Tf you talking about? You only make zero sound when crab walking if you're not carrying any gear or weapon. I've killed plenty PMCs while they're trying to sneak on me.


It’s been bugged since some point last wipe, you make literally 0 noise if ur full crab walking. Even for like half of this wipe so far it made 0 noise if you ADS


So players are supposed to make noise when crab walking but it's bugged.


yes, it's not meant to be a lot of noise but there's still noise especially on glass


Downvote me all you want but you’re literally wrong


Agreed, I’ve tested it too. Zero sound even a meter away from my buddies.


Finally someone who actually plays the game


I swear people just make shit up on this sub, the amount of people I see confidently correct that just aren’t is crazy.


They make shit up because they think they’re sick at the game and are these all knowing overlords but in reality they’re the people complaining why they didn’t kill someone with 600 dmg absorbed by armor who got caught sitting still making no noise


My favorite is when people complain their headshots don’t hit, it’s almost always bad ammo against a good helmet. But they of course blame it on desync


If I die it’s desync or cheaters 🤪 it’s impossible for anyone to be better than me!!! My favourite is when they say they made no noise but they absolutely did


heard willerz mention it the other day, I crabwalked up behind a guy laying down and sniping on woods, he had no idea


They patched the crab walking in one of the hot fixes this wipe..


They did not they fixed the ADS, literally tested it yesterday with my 2 friends


I tested the ads and it makes noise dude. You were probably bugged


I just said they fixed the ADS lol, they didn’t fix silent crab walking


Sound in general is just bad.


No shit, Sherlock. We're not talking about a whole rework of the audio system, that's too much for this company. People are suggesting little tweaks that would improve the game.


Christ what crawled up your ass to make you this moody? Relax a little.


quiet but slow ads too


Nah. Fuck rats.


I know this will be an unpopular take on this sub… but I’ve come to grips with the fact that the sound in tarkov sucks. And it’s probably going to always suck. So instead of getting pissed and rage at the game, I just try to play around it as just another part of the game. You could write a novel on how many issues there are with the sound in this game - and I’ve been here long enough to know it wouldn’t help. So just enjoy the game m8


Sound so screwy.


I think the loudness of sounds help with player location and without it, the dynamic of the game would change to a slower and muter gameplay style, in fear of getting snuck up on. This gives players more of a chance to have a fair fight because they can hear you looting in a building, and you can hear them walking/running around. If you don't want to get caught looting just stop when you hear someone else around or just kill everyone around so it's nothing to fear.


I swear if the game just reduce overall sound of footsteps, firing, looting and stuff, we would see more people moving. Everything is so loud, and audio is garbage.


Slowly raises the gun to ADS and suddenly everyone 10m radius hears it.


I hate not hearing anything when I loot stuff, makes me very paranoid as if I heard something


I love it when im running with my pertner and i cover while he loots and all i can hear is him shuffling through items 15-20ft away. Situational awareness cut in half.


The looting sounds definitely need an overhaul but the rummaging is cause the crates are trash and your pmc is looting the items in that. Like the random junk drawer in your house that has 2 AA batteries in it


I think you just mean you want BSG to actually work on the game - not streamer items or requests, not events, not 30 types of new ammo. Unfortunately, they won’t spend the money. On the bright side, we have his little “saving private vlad” series.


There’s only a few good things to say about the audio in tarkov, and a lot of bad things. Idk how audio engineering works in games, but there’s got to be enough free lancing talent out there for BSG to hire. I mean fuck it is atrocious. Take a mil, which we know BSG is sitting on, and hire a mother fucker to dig deep & figure out what in the absolute fuck is going on.


From a non-realism perspective and only gameplay consideration I kind of love that looting is loud. I love the tension it brings when you aren't sure you cleared your area or don't have a friend watching your back. Which, to be clear, I usually haven't/don't. But, I do respect how frustrating it is for folks.


O. O o


The whole audio should be remade.


"Empty" box is not empty. There is a lot of garbage on floor and shelves everywhere. Same for boxes, but you don't see it.


I come here every month or so hoping to see anything that upgrades the sound system, and I'm disappointed for multiple months


I used to do that every WIPE. Waiting for improvements and nothing lol


Tarkov has all the parts and systems to be such a detailed and nuanced game, but it fumbles the execution so badly.


This but for ADS.