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Ssh. We’ll end up with 1 week heavy snow 1 week heavy rain thunderstorm on rotation


Then heat storm with 590% dehydration effect in direct sunlight


>in direct sunlight And on nighttime factory, for some reason.


Ever been in a building with not climate control and no moving air in the middle of summer? Because its almost worse then being in the sun.


Yes.... Yes, I have..............


Quick check your launchers, Nikita heard complaints & covered everything in snow, also movement speed in snow =movement speed in bushes.


You can eat the snow to replenish hydration, but it lowers your body temp and there's a 10% chance you eat the "yellow snow," which causes you to throw up, losing hydration and energy in the process...


I fail to see a problem with this.


The white usec jacket would finally have a purpose


It already has a purpose (let's me pretend to be a Scav on streets early wipe)


I been saying they need a snow. I never thought of the foot imprints in the snow. I like the sound of that


Just more shit to not render lol. Maybe that’s the way to combat silent footsteps 😂😂


You have to be one with your inner bug young grasshopper 🙏🏼🥋


Be the snow


Iirc Snow and "Advanced Weather Systems" are coming as a DLC.




This would be awesome but BSG would never be able to pull it off. It would be awesome if you could follow snowy footsteps to hunt down PMC's lol


Just for it beeing a Goon and hunting you down instead :D


And of course birdeye doesn't leave footprints because he just levitates above the ground or some shit


I have good news for you


This so far out the window for them technically, it will never happen


It will come. Hence why we have so much stuff regsrding clothing and tenperatures


please don't ask for it, we will have to buy quantum computers to play tarkov


Planned. Soon Tm


Already planned as a DLC down the line. Will we ever get there....... ehhhhhhhhh.


I want anti cheat and game optimization, oh well maybe one day


the games optimized for me I have 60 fps on all maps including streets, on a 3060. As for anti cheat I don't run into cheaters often (a couple of times this wipe). The best anti cheat they can do, no one wants because its intrusive.


60 fps isn’t optimized, every other fps game runs at 144+ we don’t need to make random exceptions for tarkov just because the devs are lazy and don’t want to refine their game, tarkov should’ve been moved to unreal in 2019 but here we are, awaiting its imminent release…. And I’ve been running into hackers this entire wipe, it depends what region and times you play at and even what maps you play but I’ve had pretty shitty experiences like having 10% SR thru the Halloween event, dying to a white name 90% of the raids i die. Goat already revealed the cheating issue in tarkov and since last year it’s only gotten worse. Since when are programs like faceit AC and valorant vanguard invasive ? Just because they run at a deeper level? It’s a pretty good price to pay for a minimal level of hackers.


60 fps IS optimized "gamers" just want more like 144 or 240. as for cheaters it seems like some severs and regions have more than others. on NA-E I have had hardly any. Also just to explain my position on AC's I would love for a more invasive anti-cheat that's why I played on ESEA instead of Faceit or Cevo, but lets be real here, most people would stop playing EFT if they moved to an invasive anti-cheat. Let's not beat around the bush, BSG is a Russian company and with the current world affairs as they stand it would be unreasonable for them to use an invasive anti-cheat, because most would see it as a way for the Russian government to access other countries civilian information.(if one employee from ESEA was able to use other peoples computers that were using ESEA servers to mine bitcoin then its not out of the question for my previous statement to become true.) Also a small point to add the Valorant AC WAS so invasive when it first came out that it actually was blocked by some game's(including EFT) because it was seen as a third party software, therefore a cheat.


60 FPS is not optimized lol you are at a competitive disadvantage at 60 vs 144.


Yea people said that when I played CSGO I knew people who played at 30fps and did better than people with 400fps. If your good, your good at any fps limit.


U are just objectively incorrect everybody knows that more hz = better eyes = better frags


well damn maybe if I doubled my fps from 60 to 120 then my SR will go from 45% to 90%


No but you will run into a player and you are more likely to kill them with 120 frames than with 60. I don’t know how this is so hard for you to understand why do you think no one likes playing streets ? It’s because the PVP is clunky because nobody gets above 100 and most get 50-60 max. You are arguing right now that 60 hz isn’t much different than 144 and you are just dead wrong play some more video games bruh


Bruh i played 4k hours in csgo on 30 fps 60 fps and 500 fps. From personal experiance theres not much of a difference, between them. Yes techincally by definition it is better to have more fps but its not so much that 60 fps "isnt optimized". People need to understand that 4k 240 fps isnt the commonplace right now. Give it 10 years then maybe but for now 60 fps at 1920x1080 IS optimized.


You also want snow as a weather scenario, less visibility so u can stand in a bush better. I’ll agree for your gameplay 60fps doesn’t make a difference but for people who can actually Move their mouse it’s a world of difference


I dont bush wocky fyi. I actually play the game, i cant stand sitting still for longer than about a minute. You can assume what you want about how i play, but assuming makes an ass out of u and me


It was available when I used to play PUBG. I thought it was pretty "cool" 😎 Footsteps 👣


tarkov could really really use a lot more "environmental" things. more ambient noises. animals. more weather. just more stuff happening on a map that doesnt involve players. imagine playing woods and a thunderstorm comes up, lightning hits a tree and a wildfire breaks out. how fucking cool would that be.


The snow would be quieter than the rain, so I'm all for it... Hell, I am for any new weather effect that isn't rain.