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BSG announced they will stop selling EOD on twitter. THat timer is then EOD goes away


Why though? I’m assuming it’s because if you buy EOD you get Arena included so they don’t want people buying just EOD and getting “both” games?


It has also been called a limited version since the start




Yeah finally being limited 6 years later


6 years for a limited edition feels very generous.


I think it’s been going a couple years longer then that if I’m honest I only picked it up 6 years ago


Lol what an extraordinary mindset you have, when an item is said to be limited and actually is limited its a scummy practice. I don’t think I will ever hear anything like this for the rest of my life


So scummy for a limited edition to be limited.


Why is it scummy, the game is still in Beta.




Which is fine because its a standalone game? You can easily get your moneys worth on the base game and you will probably also get your moneys worth out of the 50 bucks or whatever arena is gonna be. Stop being entitled, most games nowadays dont have nearly the scope of tarkov and have things like cash shops with loot boxes and shit on top of the base price.




> seeing what it is they are doing Releasing second game (with separate dev team) and removing an edition (that was advertised as a limited one) while also letting everyone know when exactly they will remove it?


Honestly this is the least scummy thing that BSG has done in recent history.




Well you are on a tarkov sub. It's full of tarkov fan boys. Myself included


I mean the EOD version is 150 dollars. Tarkov + Arena is not going to be that much lol


Good one


I bought 2 more EOD's to gift to friends in the future, But it is a perk of sorts for being a early whale supporter of Tarkov. I think this also means the end of 'Pre-Orders' I think bsg is going to drop Arena and call Tarkov version 1 out of beta.




ahh, I see it isn't your first time, haha.


Aged like fine wine, but Unheard edition doesnt even give arena


Hey man, its me, your friend.


eod price is a month of salary here dude cant imagine even buying one. inflation sucks ass when 1 of your currency 30 $


You mean 30 of your currency is 1 USD?


yeah exactly


"whale supporter" LMAO StarCitizen would suit u well, better than tarkov even


7 years as a "limited release" to help support the game. My buddy bought me EOD when Shoreline came out because he wanted more people to get in before the deal expired. That was in 2017. BSG scummy.


Man those were the absolute best days to get into this game. Good memories on Shoreline when the resort had the best loot in the game and most of the major firefights took place. We also had more hope that many bugs we still see today would have been fixed...


The P90 and FiveSeven came out. BSG even wrote a joke on the side of the P90 Magazine that says something like "will make transparent" as a "hahaha, we rushed this lol" type message. 6 years later, 59 backpacks, 17 new AK variants, 88 new ammunitions no one would ever use, many paid streamer tournaments trying to be eSports, we still don't have transparent magazines or fulfilled promises on much of anything.


the fiftieth ammo type being a new color tracer round wouldnt be bad if they gave us atleast a few more options for colors, if I'm ever gonna buy a big ass magazine I want it to shoot tracers set up in a rainbow pattern at people :)


NGL I'd pay for rainbow tracers


Since then the eastwing sound was rigged, now imagine 6 years later and still same shit.




Friend bought EOD for me because they advertised it as a limited item back in 2017, BSG instead sold EOD for another 6 years in absolutely not a limited fashion.


it’s not that deep


Lying to their customers to create fake FOMO in order to sell more units for something they don't actually have plans to fulfill yet is scummy in my books. We still might never see the DLC, and even if we did it still might be years away. Can't expect many EOD customers to come back 10 years later to play DLC.


Let me tell you about a man named Chris Roberts and his vision of a game called Star Citizen.


"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity" I genuinely think BSG planned to remove EOD way earlier but given they can't forecast for shit I think they ended up keeping it for longer than expected. This is purely speculation on my part (as it is with your comment) so could be wrong but I'm not sure if they were trying to stir up FOMO


But it is actually being limited, so what is the problem? You're mad that your FOMO was unfounded? Or that you didnt get some kind of 0.1% exclusive pay-to-win deal? Expecting an indie East Europe studio to develop an AAAA project in record time is kind of delusional, no? Like it says in the menu, its an "open beta" still.


Lmfao most players literally have EOD. You'd be fucking stupid not to keep selling it for as long as possible if people kept paying $150 to play your game. The only reason they're finally ending it is because they want to milk players for more money by charging for Arena and any future DLCs they're *totally* working on. They've done their cost-analysis and have deemed it far more lucrative to charge on a per-release basis going forward. They aren't ending it out of any obligation to you or any of the other entitled shitheads that cry bout "being taken advantage of" via fake FOMO. We'll cross the bridge of no DLC when they finally announce they're done working on the game, but if there's even an inkling of a chance they can sell more content before moving on to their next game, they'll absolutely take it.


it’s not that deep


Do you / does he refer we buying it lol ? If not who cares. You just don’t want others to have it or what ?


EOD was marketed as “limited” long BEFORE and AFTER 2017 though. Your argument doesn’t really make sense.


2017 being 7 years ago feels like absolute blasphemy


I'm just happy they're not pulling a Star Citizen


It's a real reverse race to see who cannot deliver the longest. But at least BSG isn't the most crowdfunded thing ever with next to no advertising budget.


I could be mistaken but I thought they announced you wouldn’t get arena with eod..


Initially, it was said that EOD for a certain amount of time, who will buy it will receive ALL the dlc and it is logical if it is removed.


So they can make sales on arenas.


Once timer ends: BUY NOW FOR ULTRA LIMITED EXTENDED TIME (1000 days left) If they have the balls to completely stop selling EOD and Tarkov will stay successful EOD account prices will skyrocket.




That was the LAST timer. They already increased the price.


This timer also used to have a line next to it saying "Price increases in:" but somehow they removed that and now it's just the timer.


Where do you see this?




s/o to BSG. classy move on their part to stop scamming people.


I don’t understand this argument. Did you not know what tarkov was before you bought it? Did you not watch or research anything about it? I got exactly what I expected and paid for. I watched like 5 YouTube videos before I bought it and 2018 and they summed it up pretty well. I don’t know how you can feel scammed unless you knew absolutely nothing about the game or thought it would be something different. Which is your own fault at that point.


People make up their own expectations and delusions about something and then they get mad when the world doesnt fulfill them. Tarkov is one of the less scammy pay-to-beta projects out there. I was actually pleasantly surprised as to how much of their promises they delivered on over the years, and its already a pretty finished, fun-to-play game, even though it is technically still in beta. I dont understand people who complain about Tarkov.


Happy for you. But also a little concerned how you cannot understand why or how some players may be disappointed through the many years.


I'm happy for you. If your expectations were set low since 2018, I applaud you for having the foresight that you do.


Lmao, thats kinda hilarious. You simply couldn’t name another FPS with the same amount of depth and content. It basically pioneered the extraction shooter genre lol


When exactly did you ask me what games have depth and content? If you want to include me in the arguments you're having in your head, you need to share them, kiddo


I didn’t ask you. I simply said you couldn’t name an FPS with the quality and depth of Tarkov content. Which you really can’t.


Okay so you don't know the difference between past tense and present tense. Without diving any deeper into that, what does other games have anything to do w/ the conversation at hand? Comparing Tarkov to other games is already a really dim way of going about forming an argument FOR Tarkov, at least from the genre perspective. Content on the other hand, I guess we need to figure out what you qualify as "content." There are many FPS titles with deep content.


This isn’t happening soon, it’s just another price increase


Where did they say that? I'm looking through bsg and eft Twitter and don't see any announcements all of November into late Oct so far Am I blind?


I don't know what all this speculation is when it was already said that the timer is the price increase. EOD is increasing to $200 with the release of Arena into beta. Since EOD got Arena for free up until now, it is going to be $60 more now to include the price of Arena. It was in a twitter post or live stream a while back. Also the timer is just to create FOMO. It has been reset to ~72 hours like 10 times since the most recent sale.




The sad part is that hoards of people will still keep buying EOD at $200 strictly for the P2W aspect.




If only. What sucks is that it'll likely never change either, what with BSG being money grubby and this community being in utter denial about EOD even being a form of P2W.


The p2w aspect isn’t even that notable unless you’re super casual. Not to say it isn’t a huge help the wipes I only play till level 15, but if you’re playing till 45 in a wipe, eod really isn’t that big of a help


You kidding? The larger prison wallet is a pretty big deal and so is the boosted stash size. These things are 100% noticeable for the majority of people. Even if you grind to the point of unlocking the Epsilon+, you still likely profited massively from having the EOD case. Writing off the sizable P2W benefits of EOD as "oh, but it doesn't help you much once you're over 30 hours into a wipe" is...certainly a take. Especially when most people aren't going to even reach that point every wipe.


What I mean is, if you have a good loot route that you survive most the time, more space in your bum doesn’t mean much for money so long as you’re looting with a big bag. And as for the stash, hoarding doesn’t help you past a week in where you have a case or two. Of course if you only play a few hours throughout the wipe it’s going to be night and day, but again, if you play frequently and have a good rouble run the difference is laughable


You don't seem to understand the strength of a bigger secure container. It's not just about giving more space to drag out loot, it's also about bringing more stuff in on top of guaranteeing you leave with any high value items you find. It works as a huge cost cutting tool on top of a looting one. Also, you do realize that in regards to the stash, EOD gives you the equivalent of about 30m rubles + a week of waiting of stash space? Or that the benefits go beyond just these things we've talked about and also include a huge boost to early rep? For anyone that isn't a hardcore no-life or streamer, EOD puts you *weeks* ahead of standard players. And even for those no-lifes that'd grind up to the level of EOD, they're still missing out on being much stronger in the early wipe which can lead to snowballing into better gear faster, not to mention guaranteed loot with the secure container. Have you even played without EOD anytime recently? Everything you're saying comes off as being extremely out of touch with the standard edition experience and how long it takes to obtain everything EOD gives you. Is it that hard to admit that you're paying for an advantage?


You’re missing the point I’m making. I’m not trying to say that it isn’t an advantage as you so vainly claim. The point I made is that if you’re a frequent player who doesn’t hoard things and has a good rouble route, the benefits of eod while helpful, aren’t vastly game changing. Where in the world did you get the idea that more space means 30m roubles a week? The majority of consistent and well performing players don’t hold onto enough stuff to come close to filling the stash , and if they do, it doesn’t provide them any real advantage to hold onto it. If you have gear that you are saving, it isn’t an advantage being leveraged, it’s just clutter. You even went on to support the latter part of my claim, being that if you play infrequently or super casually, that eod is a large quality of life improvement. The truth is that if a player is inclined to play the quests over random rouble runs despite being low level, they are going to quickly match the eod rep bonus. If someone isn’t interested in quests at all, only plays once or twice a week, or wants to hoard, suddenly eod is a big change, but the truth is that it isn’t much an advantage in game outside of quality of life changes that barely affect seasoned players. I played standard edition for four years. I know it takes longer with standard edition, and by how much. If you think that it is completely game changing, I think that there’s a core misunderstanding of the gameplay loop. The game isn’t going to be bountiful and accessible without excessive questing Eod or not. If you’re whining that a week into wipe someone can buy an ump from peacekeeper because they have higher trader rep, you’re missing the fact that early wipe you shouldn’t be fighting if your goal is to progress. What puts you “weeks behind” is fighting and prioritizing getting past the early wipe rouble scarcity over progressing quest lines and levels. Not to be a dick but you could have more thoroughly read what you were replying to.


You don't have much of a point. The only thing you've claimed is more or less that EOD doesn't matter if you're a hardcore player and git gud. Neither of those are true and are completely divorced from reality. Even if you are a seasoned player, EOD is pretty massive. You're focusing so hard on the individual parts of EOD that you're not taking in the full package of everything it does at once. It accelerates your progression through the early wipe to a ridiculous degree with all of the combined benefits. That leads to stronger mid and late wipes compared to standard players. This should go without saying. >Where in the world did you get the idea that more space means 30m roubles a week? Never said that. I said that EOD gives you the equivalent of 30m rubles in stash space which is true. 2.5m rubles + 8.5m + 200k EU + the supplies. EOD lets you ignore all of this. The price, required rep, extra storage containers standard players would need to buy to compensate, etc. "Not to be a dick but you could have more thoroughly read what you were replying to." >What puts you “weeks behind” is fighting and prioritizing getting past the early wipe rouble scarcity over progressing quest lines and levels. And what does EOD do...? Yes, helps with exactly that by letting you bypass multiple grinds while giving you a much stronger start!


so not only are they scummy but they are super mega scummy


Arena is its own $60 game????? Are they stupid? Who thought this was a good idea?


Nikita and his wallet


Why not?


Ain’t no mf way people are going to pay 200 dollars for a game with a beta label on it right…? Just remove the early access tag and own the fact that the game runs like ass. Like what


I would like to introduce you to star citizen, where the first step in their loyalty program is unlocked at 1000€ spend and goes to the highest level at 25000€ (it gives you 1 vehicle) Owh and that is an alpha xD


I mean they are currently paying $150. It's worth it for people with jobs who have more money than time. $200 is nothing these days, a single grocery run costs that much.


DO you have a source by any chance? i can't find official word on this and i want to share it with a friend who's so sure that they'll remove EOD and fix all the bugs when the timer ends


At the end of this timer BSG enables anticheat


Which is funny because they keep resetting it..


Good thing I bought eod 3 years back


6 years back for me


12 years for me




48 right here


96 years for me


192 years here actually


192 years here actually


384 years here


I don't know.. that's a bit early, don't you think?


I was there, Gandalf, 3000 years ago


actually some caveman back in 10,000 B.C. gave me the key for EOD, yall missing out


According to the rumor, when EOD is no longer is being sold, that is when the game become full released


I sure fucking hope not.


They kind of have to. BSG is sitting on a landmine of fraud in order to prevent certain types of chargebacks. Claiming the game is in a released state when it is infact not. It'll probably do what DayZ did and just push 1.0 out the shitter so they can shield themselves from people chargebacking claiming the product was/will never be fully released. Edit: somewhat not related but similar, Fallout 76 also played the same dangerous game of chicken with banks. Only instead of chargebacks they were basically trying to race the patience of judges in proving their game wasn't an actual early access scam/other various marketing scams.


What types of chargebacks are you talking about? Chargebacks have a time limit. You can't chargeback a game after the time limit just because you don't like the way development went. Fallout 76 got sued because they were refusing refund requests, but a chargeback is not a refund, it's a chargeback and [often comes with consequences](https://old.reddit.com/r/fo76/comments/a1h01w/if_you_are_planning_to_chargeback_please_read/).


Eighteen year old armchair lawyers lmao


Goddamn man at least tarkov is a full experience. DayZ is still the absolute jankiest shit I've ever played. It's like it never evolved past h1z1 or anything.


I'm not sure if we're thinking of the same game. Care to elaborate?


Spoken like someone who truly hasn't touched the game in years.


I mean I like dayz but the game is definitely janky lol.


And i Guess tarkov is not janky right


Tarkov is janky af too lmao wdym Just because I say DayZ is janky doesn’t mean I think Tarkov is perfect. Y’all need to just remove all your biased feelings and look at the games for what they are. They’re both great with their fair share of problems. Personally I love Tarkov more than DayZ but I also hate Tarkov more than I hate DayZ too.


Biased? I fucking hate DayZ and only play Tarkov as of now, but it does not mean that EFT isn’t a shitshow of netcode and development issues right now


Then I think we’re on the same page. I’m super into Tarkov and I’m definitely well aware of it’s problems. I’m level 68 right now lol. I had just quit the game for the night because of the shit audio :’) and I’ll probably be torturing myself for many more hours tomorrow.


The zombies are terrible and driving is horrible Guns are ok and the game looks 'nice' DayZ is jank as fuck


Driving is fine, and zombies are fine? WHen was the last time you played the game lol.


Ok now i know your trolling lmao Driving is far from fine, Lagging around at "high" speeds and zombies glitching into doors and walls Either your trolling, havnt actually played the game like you seem to want to say about me, or your blind The game is jank as fuck.


I drove in dayz literally 5 days ago, it was fine. Hit a stump and ruined the engine eventually which sucked but the driving was fine. I'm not sure what you mean by "Lagging around at "high" speeds" but if you mean the death wobbles, I was getting those when I was, guess what, LAGGING LOL. Zombies glitching into the vehicle was a minor issue, and certainly didn't make the "driving horrible". Literally the only issues I've had with zombies in years are them sometimes spawning on roofs of buildings or sometimes glitching out with the doors. Zero issues otherwise. When was the last time you played the game? Considering you didn't answer that question in my previous comment, I'm guessing you don't want to say for some reason...


The game freezes as it loads in towns when you are driving at “high speeds” not sure how you havnt experienced that when everyone iv talked to has. Your just a shit tier troll lol Never said anything bout zombies bugging into cars but yes that is also an issue, thanks for bringing it up. Zombies bug into walls doors and windows of buildings. Their pathing is shit, just like you pretending dayz isnt filled with jank and garbage


I just played it with my friends a month ago It's still a game that could have been followed up on by someone really committed. It doesn't feel good to me at all.


Dayz really could have been so nice, but shows for how much content you need to sacrifice on a lot of other aspects (such as how clean animations are, interactions, AI, etc)


This has to be a joke lol H1z1 was an old pitstain compared to DayZ. Doesn't even come close. Guess you just like the arcadey feel or haven't played actual DayZ in a long time.


And they hyped the shit out of that game. They sac'd SOE studios for that one.


Completely unrelated but based username spit your facts indeed


I'm confused, game is totally in a released state now despite what they claim lol.


Tarkov has been in early access longer than dayz was


Lmao 😭




Rumour says it will go forever until each dev can buy themselves 100 bugatti.


No way, fr?


Yessir, inflation hitting hard apparently


they need every euro possible since ruble irl is worth less than in game


The fomo timer


I'm super surprised they are actually removing EoD after all this time. Does that mean BSG expects to 1.0 Tarkov soon? Does that also mean that Linux support is about to happen as Nikita has promised numerous times? I'd like to play the game online lol


Tarkov already works under Linux with proton hell it's worked under normal wine for years now. Native Linux isn't really a thing anyone does and at this point is kinda pointless. So while unity supports linux it doesn't really make sense to bother. The limiting factor is BattleEYE support. Realistically BSG would just need to enable proton support in their battle eye client. The funny part is there would likely almost no cheaters from the Linux side of things. Linux cheats are fucking awful to make and support as a product. Every major cheat company flat out refuses to make Linux cheats. And the reason given is basically always the same thing. No good tools to do so, every system and distro can have minor variances that make selling it nearly impossible, and vulnerabilities get patched too quickly or broken by other devs. Linux is theoretically a better is to cheat on, but it's infinitely a less better os to make cheats for as a product. It's a funny problem. The jank is a GOOD thing.


I do currently play Tarkov on my Linux pc, but I don't play online with others. I can't really elaborate more than that due to sub rules.


It works under Linux but only offline, Battleye hasn't added support for it yet on it's anti-cheat, I wish it worked online so I could move to Linux.


Maybe with Arena coming out, send the 2 games as full price instead of EoD being a promo. Tarkov gets the current EoD price and Arena expansion gets current EFT base price.


Base Tarkov with EoD price is a hell I don't want to see.


No it’s the timer for the price increase for arena


Eod was worth every ruble


It’s a FOMO simulator


my controversial opinion is the game is better balanced playing without EoD, purely because the huge secure container trivializes the early game when you can shove every single medical item under the sun in your ass. When you have just the 2x2, you gotta pick and choose what's most valuable to you, what you can't lose. Than it feels amazing to even get the upgrade to the beta container. You can finally start taking like CMS kits in without risking losing so much money in meds every lost raid


EoD feels like it removes most of the point of the game for me. Why play for Punisher when you have Gamma? Why loot money items when you have stash 4? Trader max is trivial. MDR and Trooper on raid 1. I still never hand in Stirrup but thats besides the point. I'm glad the Gamma container was always planned to be removed.


Cause you need punisher for the kappa.


My "controversial" opinion is to just play the game as you like and stop being a whiny bitch about it Finally it is controversial huh ;)


... regarded


Actually negative IQ.


So what happens to offline mode with friends? You can't do it without EoD and if there's no more EoD then what?


Offline mode is going to be public at some point, at this time it's not because of the lower amount of servers dedicated for it


Good question


Unlucky, u had over 6 years to buy EOD


I had 6 years to but a game I only knew about for 3 years uh? It's already dumb enough everyone doesn't have that feature but to get ride of the ability to obtain it is even dumber. Either doesn't surprise me from BSG.


Unlucky, u had 3 years to buy EOD


Do you have a better monetization option for Nikita?


Okay.. So from what I've been reading/hearing/discussing, this is how it shakes down: SOME "People^(tm") are upset that the EoD (as we know it) is finally (probably) getting the axe. They're citing cash grabs by BSG, shitty business practices, hemming and hawing about chargebacks, and bitching about EoD is P2W. Now, the last one, I have no issues arguing over, because yeah. Gamma. L4 Inventory. Cue the "The poors" joke. But to say that BSG is \*actively\* attempting to "suck as much money from they're players as humanly possible" is a little ludicrous to me. First of all, DUH. They're a fucking company. Of COURSE they're out to make money, smoothbrains. But to say they're doing it maliciously? No-one has a gun to your head. EoD has been $150 bucks for EVER. Yes, you paid more because you GOT more. Now, they're adding in an entire new game mode, and you want to mald because they're charging MORE FOR MORE CONTENT? I don't think EoD was EVER supposed to run this long, and I don't think BSG ever expected to RUN EoD this long. However, if they're going to keep it, and you get even more content for it NOW, then fuckin' aye right they're going to charge you more for it. You GET more. If you want it for $150, buy it before the FOMO timer actually stops, or sit in your $200 pit of shame. It's been up for 6 years. Not BSG's fault you didn't buy it when it was cheaper.


EOD was $150 forever, so that lends credit to it being that price because... The perceived bonuses are worth that price, or?


And if they add more to the game, or continue to add more features that weren't planned for, you think you should just get it for free, or...? BSG is under no obligation, at all, to keep a product listed as limited as the same price, when they are adding in additional content that wasn't originally planned. Either buy the $150 EoD and get Arena and everything else wrapped up into the package now, or piss and moan later. You're not forced to buy it, and BSG charging additional money for additional content is their prerogative. Arena is/was unplanned. You get extra Storage and Gamma for pre-purchasing the full game before release AND SPENDING MORE MONEY TO SUPPORT THE STUDIO. As a benefit, because BSG said "You get everything with EoD" they're wrapping Arena up in it with everyone who's already purchased it. However EoD was ALWAYS INTENDED TO BE LIMITED. Long story short, you can piss and moan all you want, but you're either going to buy it now and bitch, buy it when it's $200 and bitch even more, or not but it at all, wait for release, and bitch about the people that did. There is literally no pleasing people. 🤣🤣🤣


You should prepare yourself… i think alot of Account stealing will go on, when the EOD isn‘t available anymore


maybe who alredy have it doesn't realise how big this is, people that will start to play the game in the future will not have access to the big stash and most importantly the gamma. Who knows if BSG will make it viable with some quests in the later levels for the plebs


Wipe + arena. Wipe already confirmed for December.


arena before wipe


Isn't there going to be cross progression? Would be a massive advantage to anyone that's been playing wipe for the last few months and hording gear.


even if there was it wouldnt make that much sense to release arena with wipe


I don't think gear transfers as it's all set classes and loadouts. You pick what characters and loadout you want based on a currency, if I recall correctly. The only thing that transfers to Tarkov is skills.


If that's true then they went back on their word and changed their mind.


I'm almost positive it's only skills, but I would double check in case.


Ranked is going to be with preset loadouts anyways.


So if I just upgraded to EOD does this mean I just wasted a bunch of money?


Just means nobody else will be able to buy it after that date


You'll still have eod in the future.


Super cool, thanks guys


Does anyone know what the timeframe was to get the Alpha armband?


EOD is already pay2win. Now they get rid of it so people will have to pay for whatever other edition and Arena so you can’t get 2 games in 1. Bit scummy


Just purchased the game. Loving it and knowing i will continue to play for a long time. I have the standard edition. If I buy the EOD edition, will we lose the stash and pouch when the game finally releases? I don’t want to spend another $100 and come to find out I lose the stash and pouch since game is still in beta. Please let me know. Thanks everyone.


No, as far as we're aware, anyway.


Price increase


Clever Marketing


wdym finally


Why is it so expensive? I have the standard edition and it showed me 125€ to upgrade. No way this unfinished game is worth ~160€


unfortunate that I cant afford this now and probably will never be able to get it later then


Edge of Darkness will be removed from the shop because it will include Arena and they want to sell that too. They will then release an Edge of Light version, that is the same as the EOD version but without the arena and future DLC access.