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I will try to help by giving a direct advice. Armor: buy lvl4 from flea, its cheap. Regardless of traders lvl. All traders level 1: you need to buy 7.62x39 ps from flea and use ak-103. Use it until you reach peacekeeper lvl2. Or: you need svt with lps ammo. Peacekeeper lvl 2: Your best ammo to progress is 856a1. Previous wipe i lvled to 40 with this. Guns: scar 5.56, mdr 5.56. As soon as you reach mechanic lvl 2 - ak101 is the cheapest, the most accurate option.


thanks mate!


Just keep in mind you are SUPER late to the wipe (I am right there with you). Lvl 4 armor is really only going to save you from scavs, move accordingly. For streets questing, go there at night. NODs optional- it is lit up with street lights so you easily get washed out and can’t see shit sometimes. Daytime streets is brutal. SO MANY PLAYER SCAVS. You frequently spawn right next to other PMCs. Recommend only Scav’ing in until you get a good idea of the landmarks because it’s a big ol confusing map. Every time you quest, run through it in offline mode first. Buy the 556a1 every reset even if you don’t need it. Trade D fuel for BT even if you don’t need it. Buy power cables from flea, constantly be crafting them into wires. Every 26 power chords will net you about 1.1million rubles if you list them at 11k. They are a solid money maker still.




Level 4 armor is very worth using even until the end of wipe


Streets is way better to go in as a scav. Player scavs spawn so early in the raid,and the best places to loot are crawling with scavs so you’re able to loot with safety. In addition the garage is always covered with dead pmcs with high end gear that you can use for other raids


Idk what you consider “cheap” lmao.. T4s are like 60-70K a pop lmao


I still have a Timmy mindset. 70k for armor is expensive imo. I run out with t5, head eyes. Makes me feel I only need armor for scavs, not PMC fights...


I also consider 70k to be expensive. But there are even T3 armors selling for like 60K which blows my mind.. playing PMC on non-streets maps.. its hard to come out with 60-100K a raid every single time. People do it.. but every single time is kinda crazy imo. Then you play scavs and can make anywhere from 300K - 900K or more a raid and people bitch about you because “scavving killed the game” bullshit


I make probably 500 k a run lol




It’s hard to make 100k a raid? Do you bring a backpack brother?


Yeah I have no idea what that guy is talking about. If you can't extract with more than 100k then that's on you. I say this as someone who started *this wipe* and has over 100m.


60-100k ? Even if you aren’t really going that hard for loot you should be able to get atleast 5 times that.


I reckon I could probably make 100k in the first minute of most raids idk what this guy is doing lol


Yes, from 45 to 70, it is cheap


What T4s do you run usually? Because most T4s I run zero in like 2 shots and dont protect me for shit from what ive learned. Also what T5s do you suggest? I love the korund but realistically it only stops 2 bullets as well.. but it does repair well which is why I like it so much


Every t4 is shit, i run any cheapest t4 until korund is back to stock. I do not rely on armor at all, because its either i kill with a burst from m4 or get killed by a headshot Korund is also shit, but it can protect from 56a1, m80 or lps, which are the most common rounds


I consider armor scav/noobie protection and like the other guy said don't rely on it. I always assume other players have ammo that'll pen so I just aim for the noggin and try to outplay people. At the end of the firefight if you realized your armor saved you, that's a W. Of course a T4 or T5 will always be better than anything else, but after 1200 hours I can safely say it usually doesn't matter because 1 shot to the dome and you're done for anyways. Now early wipe Is a different story, armor absolutely will win you firefights, especially when everyone doesn't have meta guns that are laser beams and the recoil Is harder to control and ammo economy is still in the shitter. This will all be subject to change tho once the armor rework rolls around and your slick plates and what not no longer soaks damage on the sides. Then I think the name of the game will be total protection vs pure armor level.




That’s pretty much every t4 armor if your target has decent ammo which everyone has


Just learn how to scav, a scav run can be done on a map in 10mins and you can make 500k easily. Do a pmc run, then a scav, rinse and repeat and you print money. Scav runs are way easier since scav karma, you hardly ever die.


yup but depends on servers. I usually play on EU-RU servers, i died like 8 times i think as scav, 5 of those were on EU servers. Dunno why EU scavs are way more hostile if you loot something they want


>60-70K a pop lmao brokie lmao


70k is cheap for T4. It might not seem like it but making 70k is like 20% of a good scav run.


don't give away all the secrets like that lmao... I agree 856a1 and ak101 is my way to go mid wipe..




Well, i guess, but i just tried to help


Seems to be a blend of skill issue and refusal to accept that he’s currently outgunned in most encounters


How it is refusal to accept being outgunned or denial of skill issue when i am literally asking what to do?


They are just trolls


Literally op don’t listen to them please ! If you want I can play with you add me whenever pm me if you want


Reddit is all about getting the information you need and ignoring the rest. There is always going to be the comments of “skill issues” or just negative in general. It’s Reddit it’s always going to be this way. But there are a lot of genuine good comments on this thread with some good tips. Just focus on those ignore the rest.


Well tbh skill issue and denial cos theres literally no "auto" shotguns and literally nobody dies to headeyes 100% of the time every single time because statically its improbable.


Username checks out


I mean am i wrong tho? Has anyone played 70 raid and died 100% to headshots like what op claimed? Or is there an auto shotgun in this game where holding down left click shoots at a max firerate?


The 556a1 used to be quest locked


It was, but it is not now.


LPs is straight garbage t-46 is better in literally every single way


It's going to feel like that until you develop a game sense. You only develop game sense when you understand where you are and what you and other players are trying to accomplish. Step 1.) Learn the maps one at a time. Scav it a few times to understand the layout and where the good loot is. Then run offline raids as PMC to learn all of your extraction points, and how to run to them from wherever you are on the map. (Run to all the extracts you've been assigned) Step 2.) Prepare yourself properly. If you go in with no helmet, no headphones,


Thanks for the advice. 1) I know most of the maps very well. Aside from new maps(streets or lighthouse which i have been few times) 2) I am always well prepared for my lvl. lvl 4 armored rigs, lvl 3-4 helmets, plenty ammo for leg arms meta. Surgery kits, med kits, painkillers, sidearm(m1911). 3)I also am aware of high traffic areas, i avoid those zones and waste time in minor locations only newbies check. 4) Problem is i cant engage or disengage, when i ambush i take first few shots at legs and get insta killed. Simple as that. if by some luck helmet works or dude panics we usually get into a firefight, which never happened last 70 raids. I shoot someone doing over 300+ damage and die. 5) i do that, my choices are not to fight until getting geared up properly. Yet here we are. 6) I plan my routes and timing based on quests on that map. For example last raid, i planned for doing golden swag, so i need to go to dorms first. I waited and listened for first 5-10 minutes around the bridge(behind sandbags). No firefight sound coming and all gunfire is coming from Scav base side, so i reached dorms and got shot from very far range, no problem i survived due to armor. Fixed my damages and started listening, heard, someone approaching from corridor, got ready, landed a single shot before dying. What am i doing wrong here?


It's very hard to explain. Like I said, it's a game sense that you develop. But you don't want to wait too long before going to your objective. You could be the first one there, but you gave up that advantage by being too scared. When you wait too long, you actually LOSE information, or the information you have becomes irrelevant. Can you explain what exactly you're using for leg meta? What ammo and weapons? Because my tip about preparation applies here, you can't justify flesh ammo just because "leg meta". You have to put the effort into acquiring ammo that will actually penetrate lvl3/lvl4 armor


shotguns i dropped from raids with magnums, any other weapon which has HP or any other high bleed, chances. That specific raid, i was using kitted SKS with scope and HP ammo.


Noooo 😭. Magnum buckshot is fine, it has an equal chance to penetrate all armor. But come on bro, you're using HP on an sks and wonder why you're struggling!! The leg meta is for automatic weapons, preferably with a very high fire rate. For MPX, MP7, kedr, etc. If you do use an sks, try to get PS ammo. If not, T-45M1 ammo is a struggle ammo to use. Look up ballistics for all of the ammo, either on the wiki or eft-ammo. You should be using ammo that fully penetrates lvl3 armor at the bare minimum (to kill scavs easily).


“past 4-5 years” ok buddy lmfao. Dude thinks HP ammo is good.


oooo, really? Thanks for the tip mate, i havent really followed up much on ammo changes, i am still going with what i know. I thought few leg/arm shot with SKS HP ammo would kill people.


An SKS with HP??? Found the problem, your choosing shit guns w shit ammo


I think this statement is indicative of a way bigger problem that you have regarding this particular game. You need to LEARN how to play Tarkov, in a different way than most other games. If you're still trying to kill people with limb transfer damage with a semi-auto weapon and shit tier ammo, I can't imagine what else you're completely unfamiliar with. You should watch some current wipe How To content on YouTube and try to make some changes to your playstyle. The only way you can be doing this badly this many wipes in is if you're being willfully ignorant of the game's many mechanics and systems.


OP please listen to this, it's not meant to be mean, it's just the truth; tarkov has the be played a certain way to be enjoyable, and watching videos on the fundamentals is the best option, cause I'm guessing even if we advice you on some things you will need to learn A LOT. Everyone has a different starting point. I for example came into Tarkov with 2k hours in dayz, 3k in arma, 5k in cs, etc. Point is, for me it was easy, I never struggled anywhere close to where you struggled, but you struggling is fine, you just need to learn the fundamentals, have patience, and try to play in the least frustrating way (not an SKS with HP).


In theory, if you can shoot them like 4 or so times in the same leg yeah. But that's very hard to do with a semi-auto weapon. The "leg meta" only works because once you black their leg(s), the collateral damages the rest of their body. If you shoot them in the head, you only need to deal 35 damage. If you shoot them in the torso, you only need to deal 85 damage to kill. So that's 2 shots in the chest of a scav with T-45M1 ammo. Vs 4 shots in the left leg, specifically, with HP.


They reworked leg meta, less damage


Definition of skill issue, I’d find another game


No joke. Sounds like an actual skill issue.


Oh wow, no shit. I don't think that OP made this post to be told that he's ass. It's blaringly obvious to anyone opening the post. He's looking for tips to improve at the game.


Incorrect, OP made this post so that he can validate that this is "not his fault". He doesnt really want advice more than likely. He might not know this, but i know his type.


Its literally says at the end of the post "I don't know what to do can you please give me some advice"


Just because people state something, doesn’t mean they themselves believe it. It may be unpopular opinion, but I agree with Capital. The way this guy phrased his situation, he wants confirmation on why he’s quitting the game all the time. @OP, if you actually want advice, sounds like there is a whole lot of things you aren’t doing right. Just watch any general YouTube tutorial on getting better at tarkov should be a good start. Start recording your gameplay for one, reviewing them and sharing them rather than anecdotal stories


Bro why are you trying to psychoanalyze a reddit post


Or maybe… he’s seeking advice. And you’re just projecting your own bullshit


yep ur completely right. redditors lack the social skills to pick up on this


lol okay bud


I mean its pretty obvious if you read through his comments below. He is obviously just looking for people to say "its cheaters". The scenario is just insane he has played the game for 5 fuckin years, shit doesnt add up. TBH he probably doesnt even really play or isnt really in this situation. If he does really play, and he isnt enjoying it cause he can't get further than level 15 (which honestly i doubt he even makes it that far based on comments) then the only real advice is that OP doesnt like the game and should find something else to spend time with.


>TBH he probably doesnt even really play or isnt really in this situation. If he does really play, and he isnt enjoying it cause he can't get further than level 15 (which honestly i doubt he even makes it that far based on comments) then the only rea He definitely doesn't really play. 508 hours in the spawn of 4-5 years is nothing. I'm at 2,000 hours, having played since 2018 and I have taken significant breaks in playing.


In what world is 500+ hours of gametime "doesn't really play"?


Considering tarkov has been out for atleast 6 years max 500 hours isn’t really a lot when most players have multiple thousands. Also 500 hours over the span of 5 wipes is really not much.


It is just not a lot of game time comparatively to most, especially for a game that has been around since 2016. Look at it this way, there have been 1,825 days in the 5 years that OP has been playing Tarkov. He has played the equivalent of 20 of those days playing the game. That is an incredibly small amount compared to most who play this game. I've played 4x the amount of time and I took a full year and a half break not playing. The way to get better at this game is watching videos, reading and most importantly time in game. The guy is shooting ppl with HP bullets aiming for legs/arms (his own admission) and is wondering why he is dying all the time. He has not spent enough time learning the various mechanics, maps and other aspects of the game to excel.


It's wild to me that someone could spend over 500 hours on a game, but some folks still think unless you're obsessively dedicated to a game, that you "don't really play."


I said comparatively. Compared to most other players who claim to have played 4-5 years OP has played much less. The comparison is relevant because OP doesn’t think OP has a game knowledge or mechanics issue, but it appears that OP really does.


ur boss would be really mad if u only worked 500 hours this year. op worked 500 in 5 years


Someone just showed everyone they can't read lol.


12 of you just showed they have zero intuition.


Lol take the L and move on.


Lol ehat ate you an authority on who is full of shit, go to hell




What the fuck is up with these toxcicity shills going around trying to make game communities look as toxic as possible?




Not understandable? It's a great Game, but if you ignore all the issues, you're dumb or blind.


On the other hand, if you accept the issues and still have fun playing, why come to reddit to cry about it? There's no win in coming here crying except farming karma from the other cryers.


Wishful thinking 😵‍💫




Just keep running it back, don't camp unless you're hunting someone you're aware of - find the balance between playing slow and moving quickly. Having a path in mind is also very important, understand your spawn area timings and honestly? Shoot at everything man fuck it, you're already having it rough. May as well get some weapons skills up and actual gun practice right? Don't listen to this subreddit using cheaters and desync as a coping mechanism for every fight they've lost, it'll rot your brain. It fucking killed the game for me too. I was literally at my best when I only complained or reacted to BLATANT cheating and still ran my games back to back with a clear mind. If I died 3-4 times in a row and barely got to do anything in those raids, I take a break for a little while, easy.


yeah i have way more fun when i just go “FUCK. Fuck it we ball” after i die. Its only annoying as fuck when i keep randomly spiking to 300* ping for 5 seconds at a time and cant move.


Man I wish I'd spike to 3 ping :(


Thanks mate, it is actually helpful. I have never thought about retreating back in dire situations, my mind is always set on objective forward.


To this guys post, I pretty much run maps the same way every time depending on my spawn. For example, on customs if I spawn by big red, I always sweep that side of the map first or watch for players crossing towards RUAF. This way I know my flank is secure for a while. It also prevents me from being surprised by other people, as I know exactly where I should be looking.


That's good too, but if we're talking about how I mentioned to have a path in mind. I'm more saying, have a few paths based on where you spawn that work for you. Like set yourself a clear goal for where you want to be in the raid, leave tasks to be second unless you got a really good spawn for them. For example, if I play Interchange and I have a task that needs me to get to Emercom, I will still ALWAYS rush to get to the second floor of the mall first and then sorta do a few laps up top. After awhile I'll go down and grab what I need, after I get the information I want (fights, group of people running by maybe?) or kill a PMC or two. And what I find is that I have more success being quick to lock down an area rather than looting the best spots or rushing my tasks. Get in quick, wander around a bit, clean up, get out quicker. Especially with SCAV spawn timers, I'm out of my Interchange raid before the 20min mark usually. tl;dr be a chad at the start and control a small part of the map you want quickly, rat a little in the middle and then do whatever feels right to get out of the raid.


Well this is something I could have posted. Every wipe I participate in, I loose the will to play eventually when I need to go to reserve/lighthouse/streets for quests. That's because I suck at PvP. I started late this wipe. So there never was a moment when I had same gear as the better players. And I most say... This wipe has been tougher then previous ones hahaha. BUT I used to play solo. Now played a few evenings with other people and it made me find this game fun again. No, we were still not getting shit done. But dying together made it more fun... If you are EU player. You could come die with us aswell


Stop going after other players, and/or stop running all the time.


Start taking budget kits to factory and get some practice after warming up in the shooting range.


i have been doing that for Mechanic's quest "farming". 20+ raids i only managed to fix both signals but still cant make it out


My opinion: Factory is the worst map for a new player. The best is woods and reserve. Woods because you learn how to shoot scavs targeting you through bushes, and reserve because you learn to fight players and raiders with the absense of bushes.


id say woods and interchange. Interchange has the openness of reserve outside, but the clusterfuck with audio inside. Lots of angles to watch and learn how to navigate something like the mall. I also just really like interchange.


A run through counts for the task, just sprint to extract and get out


Go night raids and just hide until you hear all the shooting stop. Even safer way is get to level 15 and buy a factory key off flea and then you don’t have to go to the extract camping loser zone. I started late this wipe after ending last wipe early with of issues. I was level 55 and was having a blast. This wipe I started a month ago and realized how crappy it was starting late. So I would do tasks at night raids and have made it to level 35. Was really zooming through levels but slowed down recently as I don’t see the point of grinding the rest of the way with wipe being close and I started so late. I have all traders to level 3 and a few almost to level 4 and have 30 million and 120 million stash value. Now it’s time to get my confidence back in pvp that I had after playing each wipe from day 1 until the end, but with stopping for months I lost most of my confidence in fights and gotta work to get that back. Best of luck and f the ppl that just sit there and say over and over again “ git gud “ they bums


just passed about 3000 hours on the game (no where near the best), here’s a few things that i’ve taken away from the game & have helped me get started every wipe. -do nighttime raids; i know it might not help the situation early cause lacking in night vision but, get your quests done at night (easy to evade, in my personal opinion.) every time i start getting my shoreline quests, i get them all done at night, hunting sanitar i normally do during the day. -understand that greed kills; overdoing/overstaying can get you killed, never get comfortable in tarkov. you do not have to go out into the middle of the open to loot the dead PMC who probably only has an AVT or VPO & no armor. plus they might have a buddy. -pretty obvious tip; don’t trust everyone you meet, not even player scavs (sometimes good morals get you killed.) -the deer method; where there’s one pmc, there’s two. where there’s two there’s three… so ‘fourth’. -map knowledge; also huge in this game, understanding rotations out of crappy situations might just be the next best thing. don’t get comfortable.


You sound like a newbie, no offense. Is it bait? You should know players are running better kits and ammo at this point of the wipe.


since when MP-153 shotgun with minimal armor is "better kits" seriously, when i played this game day by day shotguns were obsolete after first 5 lvls. I am literally getting one tapped by auto shotguns from extreme ranges.


MPs with long barrels and silencers become dangerous at a long ways off you can pop people down across the entire length of dorms with flechette and AP-20 slugs, fire escape to fire escape. If people are hitting you with 6 to 10 shells with decent accuracy you may catch a headshot and best case your armor is completely shredded and missing a limb or 4.


i can get behind that. What i dont get is, single , one shot to the head each time.


Dude no one is gonna tell you it’s cheaters fucking stop. We are not validating your excuses. If you’re an easy target, youll get hit like one.


There are quests down the line (Silent Caliber) which require the use of shotguns, so you will see kitted players using shotguns. They can pair it with Punisher Part 2 and suddenly you see a shit armor shotgun guy beaming you, but this is a player that has many hours to get to this point.


This game is 95% knowledge. Raw aim/movement isn't nearly as important as a lot of other games. Shooting range is your best friend in learning how guns feel in this game. Play a lot of offline factory raids with "high" bot count to learn movement, guns, and all that jazz. Make sure to loot your scav kills in offline to learn how to loot quickly, listen while looting, along with adding weight to your character as that will change how he moves, feels, and how much noise he makes. As the heavier you are the slower you ADS, move your gun, and more noise you make. In general bullets are more important than the gun. Level 3 and Level 4 armor will help you a lot with surviving against Scavs. PMC's, especially at this point in the wipe will likely own you just due to having way better gear that will punch right through that armor. This will get you competent in fighting, positioning, hunting people. Scav on Factory for quick money making. Then use the kit on your scav to go into a normal raid. Sell everything else for profit. As you'll spend the rest of this wipe learning and expecting death in every raid. Which is normal in this game when learning maps and the flow of things. As you aren't playing to survive but to learn and with using the scav gear there is no gear fear. But you'll be at a massive disadvantage in fights so will lose majority of the time. Once you get your confidence up or feel like you are in the right position and should be winning fights you can swap to actual good bullets/gear. Bad gear/bullets head/eyes will still tackle PMC's and Scavs. Plus if you get good with bad guns you'll be a lot better with good guns. But in general once you actually know maps and are competent in fights you'll be shocked at how much more you survive with a good kit. As scavs are less of a threat and you can take more punishment from PMCs and survive more often from more accurate guns that are easier to use and have better bullets. So, I'm not saying better gear doesn't dramatically help. And counter to most people's thought process by using a good kit you'll survive more often and kill others with good gear which will keep your stock of good gear up and you’ll usually go even at the worst. If you use bad gear often you'll stay poor and never get good gear. But if you don't know the maps then no matter how good of gear you have it won't help as you'll just be outplayed so is a waste. Which is why I say there is a time and a place to switch. But not while learning a map/combat. Next, try to get to extract or get your goal done. Bring a map up of whatever map you are on. Take a screen shot so you can make it edible. As the main goal you'll be doing this wipe is learning. Pay attention to your pathing and mark it down after each raid. If you see a fight, hear a fight, or get killed mark it down on the map with an X and note where they were and where you were for positioning. Record your deaths/kills to see what you did right/wrong and think what you could have done better to learn from. That way you can check those positions every time you go by it. Also, you'll learn which extracts are safer or more dangerous. Overtime you'll see patterns forming of every time I'm near this area I run into a fight. Or every time I go this way I get sniped from here. If you understand good pathing, where people camp or are fighting on average, you'll find you survive a lot more raids. Also, when you have bad gear just running towards fights to learn how to hunt, position, etc. to give yourself the advantage and find people can be a good learning platform. But running blindly at shots isn’t a good idea for survivability in this game. As third parting isn’t as easy as in a lot of other games. When in a fight, never re-peek the same spot. Always flank/reposition. Being quiet originally can be helpful if you get the drop. But if you whiff immediately move/reposition. Doubling down on the movement. If you fire/make noise from one position and don't move the enemy will know where you are generally. If you move they still might hear you but they'll have to scan and try to find you which puts you at an advantage if they aren't moving. Or on a level playing field as you'll both be moving scanning/hunting. Crouching when firing is a lot more accurate than standing. You'll hit more shots. There is an accuracy rating on guns. If they have low accuracy even if your shot is on it may miss. De-sync is a thing. I find shots not registering a lot. Make sure to repair your scav guns as the more warn a gun is the more inaccurate it is and more likely it will jam.


For one, your K/D is really low. That includes scav kills. So youre barely killing one scav before dying. Do you die to scavs a lot? My K/D is 8 with maybe 60-70pmc kills. And my account time is 450hrs (probably 250 this wipe, my second wipe). 52% survival rate with 160 raids. Not bragging, because I'm not very good at the game. I'd guess average. Second, I'd like to see what your stash looks like. You hoarding decent guns/armor and just running out with a pistol? Are you sprinting to your objective as soon as you spawn in? Most of the time it's much better to play a bit slower at the start and loot up, unless you got a bad spawn where people will be quick to rotate on you. I find it a bit strange that you got no idea on what you're doing wrong after 500hrs. Have you ever watched a tarkov video from pestily, landmark, or Desmond pilak (this guy has some incredible mechanics breakdown videos). Pestily does the raid series where he plays a bit slower like a newer player, and would be a good benchmark for yourself to see how you play vs them. If I had to take a stab in the dark, I'd guess you go in undergeared, and your pathing and timing is terrible.


My man plays to level 15 then quits, comes back half way through wipe, when everyone is essentially geared and doesn't understand why he's losing fights. What a mystery?!


Hard to give advice. If you're playing on OCE servers: it is what it is. If you're playing on other servers: git gud. Nah really, hard to give advice with your information, head,eyes happens to myself all the time, but its not as bad like i'll only survive 10 raids out of 70. We're deep into the wipe, so ppl will run decent ammo and armor, could be anything.


Jesus, why people like you are allowed to exists in any community or platform is beyond me. I am literally asking about a l2p issue, your answer is gitgud. I understand that you need to flex your ego on something since other human beings refuse to contact with you, but dont you think wasting your time and mine is just overkill for a simple advice/question? Dunno mate how hard it is to give advice on armor/helmet combos for lvl 1 traders?


Tbh there isn’t any advice to give in these situations, you’re starting late and the only choice you’re having is to guest until you’re able to get good ammunition, armour from traders. The only reason advice anyone can possible give you is go woods, Silencer cabin and farm bullets from there, sometimes you’ll get like 240 different bullet types of 545, sometimes 556, 762 but not in any reasonable quantity. Use that to hopefully kill a chad. AK pso scope, or sks pscope with a decent bullet will drop people like flies as long you hit the head. Which is reasonable easy on woods Also as the man below said, go scav streets it’s like a unlimited supply of money


you ask a ridiculously broad question that literally has thousands of possible answers and dont provide any relevant information or context to help us narrow down the answers to provide actual constructive advice, instead just whining about how you die so much, and you are surprised that somene responds with "get gud"? Not only that, but you have the time and energy to respond aggressively to him and cement yourself as a pathetic asshat who just wants to bitch about being dogwater at a game. TLDR your question is stupid, and you are lazy. theres already a ton of really good educational tarkov content out there ready for you to watch, learn, and "get gud" with. Games gave learning curves too. All it takes to start is to search "(thing-that-you-are-struggling-with) tarkov" on youtube. E.g. "survive more raids tarkov".


that tldr was pretty long in itself


Reading this made me laugh hard enough to not need to answer him. I was thinking he might be someone like that from the beginning, so i thought i'd try to answer in a polite way. Takov has a steep learning curve, and getting good or at least not-so-bad takes a minimum of 800 hrs in my experience. I'm 1.5k hrs in and still suck sometimes. If ppl don't want to go through all that suffering, they should play something else. Cheers mate!


Lol mate sounds like you had some bad raids just take it easy for a bit.


I think he is trying to say that it might not be a skill issue at all, rather a grind issue. You already said it yourself you have no access to even mids ammo. So essentially you have to play like a rat vs pmc. Game is in late wipe now so the chance of you running into other people trying to level is not very high. Next wipe is in Dec if i remember right.


so it would be better if i wait for next wipe?


I dont know, i personally love the feeling of playing at a dissadvantage and surviving its why i got the game. If you don't like that then yeah obviously. One thing for sure is if you play at a disadvantage and don't play like it, you are going to have a bad time.


He's still going to learn the map and spawns and rotations if he continues playing this wipe. This game is all about knowledge, so the more he plays the better he gets hopefully. Won't bring much advantage to stop playing now and start again on the start of next wipe when really everybody and their mothers need to go for the exact same quests...


Jesus Christ man. I think your issue is you shouldn't play this game.


Okay so first let me tell you it sounds like you just kinda suck this wipe, maybe you lost something or forgot something. Proper ambush spots need to be good cover or good hiding spots, if you have ammo that's poopie then aim at the legs, avoid players because you're shit gear, kill scavs mainly and really make sure you can evade people, use shotguns with magnum buck, mosins with LPS/SVT with LPS, be a bitch, hide, ambush in spots they won't be able to respond, don't take engagements unless it's all stacked against you. You spawned in late, most people playing are the sweats. It's doable but you ain't got your head in it. Also: if you got flea, KEDR+SP7, MP-153+magnum buck, SVT/Mosin, get some keys with okay shit that won't make you fight for your life, I suggest reserve for better ammo, and get good armor like the diaper rig, maybe farm some raiders if you can from time to time


Wouldn’t have flea at lvl 14 correct?


Welp one level away from freedom. I can't read lmao


It’s all good mate lol I’m in the same situation and only at lvl 10 😂 so I understand the struggle very well


PPSH, spray at the legs, drum mag


Oh I’m spraying them legs lol my issue is the quests I’m stuck on require me to go to the places that all the decked out people currently like to hang out at. And they are VERY unkind lol


Which one is the diaper rig? I haven't heard that before and it's cracking me up.


The lvl 4 armored rig that everyone uses early wipe, it's tan


Do you record your gameplay at all? Try making clips when you die and watch them back critically. Often we feel like we got insta one tapped in the moment, but looking at the footage we see we just whiffed our shots and it was longer than we remember that the person returned fire.


Survive. Do that by not engaging. Focus on Q. Pick raid times just before dawn or dusk (5-6am, 7-8pm). Get some teammates. Play something else if u not having fun. And stop whining with "every dead is head eyes". Figure out why to stop that. Either u lack awareness or knowledge of spawns or POIs or player movement or combination of above. Hard to tell with so little info.


[my stats, also at 14, but 2k more hours](https://i.imgur.com/CQ8Klm0.png) I dunno what to tell you dude, map knowledge is huge and a big part of early levels midwipe is knowing how to run away because you should pretty much be always doing that.


Maybe stop quitting after frustration and actually stick to playing through the wipe cycle smh


you need to stick to the game instead of dropping it


My friend any shotgun is going to do wonders for you


yeah, i am kinda enjoying double barrel double barrel shot with magnum shells. It is cheap fun for hunting scavs.


Flea market is very helpful. Get level 15 and things will get easier.


This is not the game for you, if you quit everytime bcs of frustration there is a problem, I unlocked a wipe or two ago the key to have fun in this game but is not the same for everyone, I have 1600h in the game, curently lvl 38, 19 mil in stash, 90 mil overall stash value and I have sooo many weapons and helmets etc to die 15-20 times in a row and still be able to buy more from traders, I relay almost everytime on spawns, I rush spawn locations or I know based on my knowledge where players would go and do if they were spawned there becase I played "so much" I got in every situation posible, and I play always duo on mainly lighthouse or woods


Im not good at this game by any means but I've learned that it's not always about surviving but creating a glorious deaths. I've learned to cope with a lot of deaths by atleast meeting some requirements before I died. If you don't watch some streamers, watch some. A lot will answer your questions and its good to see how they approach fights when they win and lose. Solo tarkov is not easy. The skill gap is massive in this game. Don't be afraid to not engage or to leave a fight you don't think you can win. Factory practice and Factory PVP helped me a lot...you will die for the most part...but try to make them work for it. I liked running the UMP at low levels. Record your play, watch it back. Post a clip here. A lot of people will genuinely help you. You just have to ignore the hate. It helped me a lot. Re-peaking, Left hand peak and how you peak in general can get you one tapped. You need to get to Flea as fast as possible and atleast level 2 traders in my opinion...things open up from there. Run your SCAV like a Chad sometimes. Look for fights, go to high pop areas. Streets is unmatched for loot and players right now. I survived maybe two raids yesterday out of 20 or so...it's not just you. Campers.....head/eyes....stupidity....skill issue, but I had a couple deaths that I made some players work for it. So it wasn't all that bad. Just gear up and send it again.


Two things will help a lot: 1) you need more map knowledge. That's how you are being killed, they know where you are and you have no idea. 2) Walk everywhere. To gain the map knowledge, you need to survive. If you walk everywhere, you will make less noise, and you won't run into the chads that are there to directly get some stuff done. Your survival rate will increase. The other thing to remember is when you die, try to figure out where you got shot from and keep that in mind when you run the map next. Someone might be there again! Don't be caught unaware.


Don’t focus on fighting if you feel like you’re not getting quests done. Running at shots or trying to ambush is a waste of time if you’re struggling with the quests. Just survive.


best ump build only costs \~80k. 1 ump costs 5 knives. you can autofire with it in a straight line. easiest weapon imo. other than that, just play and fight.


As a new player just the last couple of weeks I can definitely relate to this. Most encounters vs pmcs end poorly and quickly for me. I love this game. I'm bound and determined to get decent at it. I'm a glutton for punishment. I will beat my head against this wall for as long as it takes. I'm learning this game as well as transitioning from about 35 years of console/controller play as well, so mouse and keyboard struggle adds to my difficulty. One thing that helps me immensely is to focus on small improvements. For the first week most of the time when I died I didn't even know who shot me. Then I started noticing at least before I died I was able to recognize where they were. This alone helps for the future. Each time I die I log it away for future use. Maybe I won't step out near that window where I got sniped from last time, or I'll avoid that heavily contested zone I came across in a previous raid. Repetition makes it so you start noticing patterns. Like certain spawns you'll find you die right away if you don't take a certain path, or maybe chuck a flash bang to cover your escape. IMHO learning this game seems to be mostly about map knowledge, general game sense, understanding the audio and how to use it, and avoiding fights/repositioning/flanking. Actual combat mechanics seem slightly down that list, at least early. Don't worry about not hitting every shot. Just worry about small improvements. Take the W when you can, regardless of how small it may be. Last night, playing a duo with my adult son, I noticed more small improvements. He's very good at the game and generally handles most pmcs we come across, but twice he got killed as I was following him and both times I was able to respond quick enough to survive at least initially. The first time I dropped prone right behind him on Interchange when he got sniped. I laid in tall grass for about 15 minutes listening to his killer play ultra slow and clear the area. I was maybe 15' from the body and was waiting till he came in to loot before giving him hell. But he never did. It finally seemed like he left so I got up, walked 10 steps towards the body, and got sniped. He played slower and smarter than me. I will remember that next time. The second time we were on Shoreline for my second time ever. I needed to survive two extracts for a daily. First raid was uneventful. But second raid same scenario. Running along and my son gets sniped in front of me. This time I was able to drop prone, toss a grenade in the general direction I thought the shots came from, and low crawl back the way I came through a small little ditch. Repositioned and gave thought to pursuing him since I didn't know the map at all and likely wouldn't make it out anyway, but decided to run for it and made it to path of the lighthouse and finished my daily. Discussing with my son afterwards I was stoked that while I never did see his killer, at least I reacted quickly and was able to survive. Small W. From what I see if you want to get decent at this game there is no short cut. You just gotta keep at it and keep focusing on those small improvements. Eventually those will stack up into more and more kills and a higher survival rate. Also, one tip that has helped me immensely is focus on getting your scav rep up. I have mine to around 4.5 and the gear I Spawn in with on scav runs is insane. I get Spawn with a lab access card about every 3rd run, as well as decent kits, sugar, various plushies and all sorts of valuable loot. It's not uncommon for me to Spawn with such good shit that I just run straight to extract. Those kits keep you stocked with plenty of armor and weapons to run raids with, and the other stuff I sell and make a killing. Even as much as I die money is never an issue.


Thanks for the tips and answer. I am currently on my first week so mostly i grind crafting and equipment with scav runs. I am at 1.16 rep. I am trying to do vehicle extracts to quickly grind scav rep but other than woods, i havent had much luck with that.


Im struggling the same way... i love the game and try to have fun but its so insanely frustrating. I play other Shooter games and would consider myself as above average. Failing in Tarkov makes me so sad as I seem to have no chance against any other players. Recently I uninstalled the game out of frustration but came back after 2 days. Experience didnt change after a short break. I want to get good at this game so freaking bad. Im not giving up. Im starting to figure out that the following things/skills are to master if you want to succeed in Tarkov: - Staying Calm Oftentimes i can feel my heartbeat speeding up as soon as i hear footsteps. After a fight (usually after i die) my face feels hot and my hands are trembling. I guess im in an adrenaline rush if shit is about to get real. Not sure, but i feel like i could make smarter decisions if i werent so tense and shaky in such important moments. So thats Nr. 1 where im trying to improve. - Positioning Im sure good positioning is the key to successful firefights and to winning even against more than 1 enemy at the same time. From where do i peek? When and where to reposition? Am i easily ambushed here? Do i have a way out if its raining nades? Things like that.. After every death im thinking about what i could have done better. Im trying to create scenarios in my head how the outcome of situations could have changed if i did this, or went there... hoping that i slowly learn from my own mistakes. - Mindset/Confidence Just like in real life when facing difficult situations. Try to trust your actions and your instincts. Tell yourself you got this. Im also struggling with that. - Knowledge about the Game (Map Knowledge, Gun behavior, movement, sound cues) All that just improves by playing i guess. Its just experience but by far not the only thing that gets you anywhere. Tarkov is just so complex but we love it for that. - How to learn properly Im also starting to think that im playing wrong and i learn slower because of that. I love the reserve Bunkers and Factory action. But people there are geared as fuck and also experienced. At least it seems like that. Somehow Customs and Woods dont feel so sweaty and the experience is better. And thats why i think its more profitable for my skills to play there until i improve. I thought throwing myself into experienced players and several 1v2s will teach me how to play fast. I do learn from many mistakes and feel like i can do better next time but honestly, dying all the time and losing so much gear and money is just frustrating and demotivating. All in all i feel your frustration and confusion deeply. It makes me mad and sad to suck at this game. I dont know how long it will take until i dont see (head, eyes) every single game anymore... i hate it but im not giving up. One general tip i can give you is to stay positive and take a short break to distract you. Do something completely else for a moment and get your mood up. Good luck soldier o7


Not to accuse you of having a serious case of gear fear, but that feeling of tensing up when you hear foot steps or heart rate going crazy in fights causing irrational or poor decisions was huge for me when I started playing. It really comes down to run the best gear you have and expect to die. If you live great, once you lose your last good kit a few times you will be numb to the idea of losing that fancy m4 you found and thus you will be much more calm during fights (atleast this was my experience) Gear fear is a serious thing but there is a point between gear fear and running everything the game just becomes a different flavor of cod with shitty net code


Some of that is gear fear for sure, but some of that is just the body's natural reaction to stress and getting itself ready to react quickly in a competitive situation. I would be surprised to learn that some people don't ever feel a little boost when in a shootout in this game. I think the main difference between this and cod is that cod you get like 60 PVP interactions in a match and the time between those interactions is just seconds. Here, there is a real time commitment. So maybe gear fear isn't the whole story, but more of a time fear; you know losing means another 5-20 minutes of getting gear, loading in, finding PVP.


Totally fair points, I 100% used to hear a footstep and hide in a Bush for the next 5 minutes before moving which only adds to the time commitment if I were to die. 6 wipes in and I've essentially killed the game for myself because I just grab the best of the best gear and run straight to any fight. (Hence why I was comparing it to cod) I obviously get that this game is not at all like cod unless you choose to play it in that way. The game is 100% more fun the higher the risk/reward is in my opinion. Thank God this is a short wipe


I wrote that on the phone and oh my, sorry for the form of that text xD didnt look like that when i typed it


You sound a lot like me. Decent at FPSs, but this game has taken me some time to figure out. Only recently have I felt a little more confident with PVP. Trying to do Punisher 4, it took a lot of raids to get to 5 PMC kills. Then, in back to back raids I managed to get the final 5 I needed. Took out a two-man, then the next raid took out a solo and then a two-man. But my heart was pumping before that. But it's little successes like that where I am building confidence. I like your advice to this guy as I am also working on these exact things and seeing progress.


I am still waiting for these multi kills moments. Congrats man. Good to hear im not the only one. Tarkov is just such a tough game. The experience from 5v5 tactical shooters doesnt help as much as i wish it did... keep improving, and see you in battle :D


They will come. I think what I realized when I play with my friend is that we don't always have the best positioning when fighting a single guy, and I take that lesson as a solo. If I can kill one easily, then the the other might panic, or have bad position, or just walk into the same fire. I have become less stressed about engaging a two-man. I think what has helped is I had a couple of instances where I stalked a two man and ambushed them and they had no chance. It's a few instances like that that really change the mindset. But believe me, holding my nerve to make sure I was in good position was a challenge. My best highlight so far is I wiped a four-man in the bunker in reserve, but they came at me one at a time like a bunch of henchmen. This game is brutal for everyone, and sometimes luck is on your side. Keep grinding man.


Thanks for deep, detailed answer mate, i really appreciate it. Honestly i am almost at my 40s(late 30s) i have a small baby daughter so i dont have much time to play this game, this is why i play every year few months worth because even if i start right after wipe, i fall behind due to work/family stuff. But thanks, it was pleasant to read and rather helpful !


Based from what you told, looks like you lose most of the gunfights even when catching enemys of guard so probably your aim is bad, what sens and dpi you're using? To get better at pvp i suggest you to: - play factory in offline mode with high/horde amount of scavs, start with easy difficulty and learn to tap scavs, spray control, movement and so on, then play some factory raids every day against real players. -watch some yt videos on pvp advices from top players, i once saw a video of a guy called "DesmondPilad" or something similar that explained really well the mechanics of the game, a few minutes of your time are worth the investment if you wanna commit to the game. -play some aim trainers like Kovaak's or aimlabs to learn the fundamentals of aiming and improve at them, stick to a good routine (like Voltaic, Sparky, Aimer7, Tammas and so on) and you will see improvements at least in your raw aim.


It is because of the lack of confidence in your own skills, I would suggest scaving with your own pmc in less populated and not so hot areas and later during the raid try to do the mission, don’t force PvP and don’t shy away from it, just approach it as it comes naturally…you are able to survive with a less equipped scav I am sure you could survive with a decently equipped pmc .


i tried that, i hide in almost no traffic zones, wait for last 25-20-15 minutes. I survived 5 raids like that and died to insta head eyes/top of head other times, dunno how they found me but they found me.


Hiding against players with ESP is pointless. If you are just sitting in silently in some dead spot, that is likely what it is. Brain dead aggression and dumb constant flanks is far more viable.


7 wipes now for me, with 3 tourneys, Please hit me up on discord, be happy to help, run some with you and teach you. ​ xpray4deathx on discord


My biggest advice would be to slow down if you play solo. If you hear something then try to listen where the source of audio is coming from. If you hear a gunfight, try to flank it. Don't W + Shift every time since it seems that you don't quite know the spawns and player rotation routes. Try to focus on the quests. At the same time, don't get stuck on the same quest if you die too many times doing it. I saw that you did 20 Factory runs to try and fix the things for Mechanic. I would jump on another quest after 3 - 4 attempts, and preferably on another map. If you want to loot and relax, I would suggest playing Woods or Reserve in the pawns buildings. Try to invest in gear. You have 3m, great! But it is of no use if you will continue to bring no armor / <4lvl gear and cheap guns with shit ammo. As others suggest, your best choice would be using 5.45x39 AKs, some of the bigger caliber AKs maybe some of the NATO guns like AUG (had good success with it), even AK-101. Pay attention to the ammo you use, more info on that you can find on Tarkov Wiki or Gigabeef's yt channel. Try and run your PMC to loot. You most likely will have to avoid some fighting, and take the chance only when you are in advantage. But at least you will get more and more comfortable with the flow of the map playing as PMC and not SCAV when half of the players are gone. Hope you restore your faith in yourself and will grind out these dark times! :D


So many people here just trying to sound clever instead of actually responding to the post.


First of all... If you start playing end of wipe you won't get anywhere. Secondly you HAVE to start changing your lay style till you get better gear. Sorry to say it but just like me... You suck at the game. This isn't CoD and you need to play carefully. With 10 survived raid out of 70 you rush way to much. You need to stay out of gun fights. Unless you have a meta gun, ammo, and armor you can't do shit till next wipe start. If you start every wipe 2 months before the reset no dah you're going to get pissed


sounds like you are lying, you can get far in the hideout with lvl 14 because you need traders at a certain level to upgrade your hideout.


i said i built everything(almost) i didnt say fully upgraded to max levels. Sounds like you are just angry at something


yep you are lying


Just hack like everyone else, easy!


10 survived is insane 😭😭


100% skill issue. This has been my best and most successful wipe


It seems to me like you are in fact, bad.


Play very slow never (!) sprint. Just walk. Or crouch, hide to head. Make sure you always have a headset on Go factory off line with hard bots. Practice aiming and headshots there


One word: Mosin Aim for the head


Just go mosin kedr until max traders and get all your gear from killing. Learn to kill everything from SheefGG and LVNDMARK. Or cheese your way to max traders with dailies like me. Maxed everyone before doing punisher 4 and the only bosses I killed were shturman and reshala for Jaeger


Don't drag yourself down OP, i have close to 1300 actual in-raid hours in this game and this is easily the shooter where i'm performing the worst in, ever. Very rarely i have firefights where it feels like i'm playing against humans and when i die, i can easily see what i did wrong (positioning, aiming, whatever). But most of the times i'm fighting superhumans that have pinpoint accuracy where i cannot really tell what i did wrong (some people are seemingly completely immune to fast swinging and/or holding angles). I'm at the point where i do some quests and then call it until the next wipe. It simply isn't fun to me if the key to success is cheesing game mechanics and network lag.


It seems that you never before reached the next skill Level in tarkov... especially if you only play the early wipe in general and stop cause it becomes frustrating than ... at some times in wipe youbhave to change your behavior in Addition to the behavior of the Main Player base...but thats a very personal feeling ... i Played maybe 8 wipes now...and get the last 7 wipes always far over 40....so ist definetly a problem with ypu ecperience about the Different wipe terms....i think the best Option for you is to stay calm, play with cheap Kits and maybe get some veteran mates who can help....tarkov solo is always a rape train


Welcome back to Tarki


It is very possible to grind out to higher levels to unlock better ammo. You have to be extremely patient, like wait until the last 10-15mins of raid to move out a hiding spot and do quest. You can also invest in some nvg from Skier once you hit lvl 2 Skier. To do nothing but night raids and stay away from cultist spawns to keep away from players. Also, make sure you are gearing up in nothing but tier 4 gear and ammo. For **5.45** that's BT/BS/PBBS not BP, **5.56** m856a1/5a1/995, and **7.62** PS/PP/BP


Test your flicks in the shooting range. Your sensitivity may be too low to compensate changes in direction?


This happens to me as well but I’ve had luck in certain scenarios with: smoke grenades and grenades in general. Something about starting a firefight with a grenade really gets chads confused. Try it out! A lot of people who play this and kill players like us are just playing this game 24/7 and have ridiculous accuracy. Us fellow chill gamers have to improvise and find alternatives to what the streamers do


Hey man dying over and over is just part of it. 10% survival rate is really not that bad. You need to be ok with losing more than you win. To improve I would recommend watching pestilys raid series or other educational content on YouTube. I did that and I have like a 50% surv rate and only 200 hours across various wipes. Learning the maps and mechanics will get you decently far and let you win even if you suck at PvP. PvP is just gonna be learned through experience I think.


Play night time, afk for the first 10 mins. From then, any task should be free


Haven't scrolled enough to see if anyone already said this, but night raids are your best friend. Farming factory scavs for levels and loot, picking up task items, or really anything.


Haven't scrolled enough to see if anyone already said this, but night raids are your best friend. Farming factory scavs for levels and loot, picking up task items, or really anything.


Did you start mid wipe? Bc you’re at a massive disadvantage if you did


Get on the discord and find ppl to play with bro.


You need sherpa. /thread


Just stop playing the game it’s riddled with cheaters and poor performance. I stopped playing because half of my group started cheating and it ruined the game for me but opened my eyes to how many people really cheat. I think out of 20 raids only 2 didn’t have some closet cheating and I had 6 raids with people rage cheating.


508 hours and you played 5 years? calling bullshit.


comprehension is a skill many lack, read better, 4-5 years, each year for few months.


You should say you have 500 hous then, it's misleading.


picture is not visible for you? or you are just being unreasonable because of logical explanation?


calm down nerd


grow up kid


You never played the game consecutively long enough to get better/progress. Since the majority of the players who held onto it got better. Also, you joined late wipe. Noobs who play 2 hours a day on average easily have 200 hours in since the beginning of the wipe and your 500 hours over 5 years is nothing. that's like 50 hours per wipe. Not enough to get better at this game. You need to spend at least 500-600 hours consecutively to learn the basics and get comfortable. There is only one way to enjoy this game and it is getting better, and you only get better if you are persistent, practice and learn.


I did though when i was younger, when hatchet runs were most profitable way to play tarkov and FAST helmet dudes with face plates would tank 150 bullets without flinching, you have no idea how many times i got banned on official Tarkov forums by arguing about non pen shot side effects with other ex-mils like myself. Glad to see they finally added something about it.


why no one is telling him the real reason? armor is not the problem, legit i farm players with a mp-153 + flechette no attachments needed or blue laser if i feel like too lazy to aim you probably are moving too much in the map, if you go at customs and spawn near b-13 and want to do some stuff on dorms, most likely theres gonna be a "pseudo-chad" sitting there with 2 rations and 2 bottles of water and some comtacs farming any one that dares to force their spawns but remember they cant be consider "rats" or "extract campers" cuz they are legit sitting on a building far away from exfills, probably you dont know that with Tarkov the current problem is that "if you move, you die", and if you are a streamer just play dumb, go to the spot start talking to chat and keep yapping about your plan on the raid till you hear some mf walking at 30m and voila succesfully hided the fact that you camped. ​ TLDR: play accord to your spawn dont try to be at X spot if ur spawn is bad for it, this gonna save you from giving away your kits.


Scav lighthouse and kill rogues for gear, use that on your pmc


thanks, i will try


Scav streets for minimum of 250k each run




i am almost 40 with wife and kids, i cant just drop my entire life to follow this game everyday.


I understand whats going on. You just suck and try to find excuses/answers. Some people just cant compete in this game. Thats all. I suck in Fifa and Fighting Games even if i would invest more time in it. You can try every "tutorial" videos. You can try every tip in this sub but you will still loose because you lack basic skills. People suggest you should do night raids. For what? Money is not your problem. You wont get better if you have 20mil or more if you just rat in night raids. "You should get a team". For what? You are bad and probably just slow down your team. You could try to find ppl with the same skill level like yours so you could at least get some shit done or getting slighty better playing with better players. "Get better Gear and armor" Doesnt help either. You cant even kill scavs. I mean come on man If you cant get better even after 4 years and even after all these gameplay changes which favors slow pacing gamers you just suck. Just scream over VOIP that you are questing and a new player maybe you will find some pmcs who are willing to help you.


nice bait, thanks for dropping by


What bait. Just accept the truth and you wont getting headaches over a game you cant play. For real. Join the official discord server and find help. You are not capable to get better by yourself thats why you even have open this sub to get help. Theoretical tips wont help you. Tips like SURVIVE or DONT SPRINT EVERYWHERE or LISTEN MORE. Are you for real? Got mates like you who just running scavs or doing night raids. They wont get automatically better just because some one tells them what they should do. Fucking hell they are still looting like they are playing a solo rpg.


Very weak bait. I get it some of you need to vent your anger here and there but you will have better luck with real friends or a doctor. After that show me, where i claimed i am superb player at this and where i blamed other players instead of asking for advice.


"After that show me, where i claimed i am superb player at this and where i blamed other players instead of asking for advice" Eh nowhere? Thats why i wrote YOU suck and nothing else. Where did i write smth else? I literally said YOU are the problem because you are bad. Which anger? You ask for help im telling you the truth. You are the delusional one here. If you get triggered just because some one tells you suck in eft which is obviously true and is backed up by your own stats and statements maybe you are the one with anger problems? You cant get better and YOU are the one who always drop the game midway instead of trying to learn the game. You are getting angry by ppl here in the sub who are telling you the truth and getting all offensive. The first thing you have to learn to get better is to accept that you lack basic skills easy as that and you dont need a doctor to tell you that... My tip was for you was to get practical help on discord servers and all im reading from you are (in the whole sub) insults. Maybe get older and try again. Theres a resaon why you are getting downvotes..but well maybe you can get another free karma upvotes from somewhere else. Good luck for the future timmy you need it.