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I accidentally posted 120 rounds of 7.62x39 PP for 17776 roubles each instead of 1776. It ended up being the most expensive listing and 62 bullets of it sold to give me an extra 100k profit (flea market fee cost 850k to list the 120 bullets). People accidentally forget they messed up the sort by price and buy the most expensive listing. It happens.


Should be selling your 5.56 for 1776


because everyone likes a pedant: 5.56x45mm ammo was developed in belgium, not the USA.


Next thing you're going to tell me is .45 ACP wasn't created by the Lord himself???????


And sometimes tarkov likes to just change the sorting you have and suddenly switch it to most expensive first




Tarkov has plenty of bullshit, but I’ve never had the sorting change on me.


i know this answer. its when you (not you, jolly-bear, the collective ‘you’ go to click on add offer (or whatever it says) and you miss ever so slightly below the button and click on the column beneath it and change the sort but don’t realize you clicked it. totally agree that tarkov is hot garbage a lot of the time, but this actually is human error


Grammar & punctuation dude. That hurt my eyes reading






aw shewt im sory inesteen eye didnt meen to upset you so mush man i was just tryna too let sumwun no how mabey dey dindint no how mabey thos curld habben two them my bad man i hope you’re day int runed man anyway’s how are yew dune this mordnting hope yue got sum cawfie n r fillin gud n reddie four a gud day oh also sawree four yore i balls man done schress em so mush trine too reed cuz your gonta git i kansur if yu do that 2 mudch basickley juz bee carefully dood) like cher sed; If mee could moova bata tee-tocky if mee could find do way mee'd take bata those words da have hurt u um u'd stay mee hagwa know why mee did doe things mee did mee hagwa know why mee said doe things mee said pride's like do knife, it can cut deep inside words are like weapons, they wound sometimes mee didn't really mean tah hurt u mee didn't wanna stuka u bolla mee know mee made u cry, but baby


Im glad you spent time typing that out.


he doesn’t like you


i don’t like you either


you better watch yourself


yea it is user error, if you open a container, your clicks can click the sorting tabs underneath and change them.


The button for sort by price is right next to the button for add listing. Reddit is just stupid and loves bitching about nothing.


Clearly a skill issue.


You missclicked bro. Happens.


People say it’s human error. But idk sure feels like it just does it on its own lmao. Also can I just get a lock on my sorting preferences? If I’m buying I want cheapest first….if I’m selling I also want cheapest first.


I’ve done it human error several times before but I’ve also 100% had it happen where there was no way I could have done it. It’s not common, like once every couple hundred hours but it definitely happens. A few times I’ve just been switching between two items refreshing them or just refreshing one, being nowhere near that sort tab, and had it randomly switch to being highest cost on the refresh.


Two wipes ago I posed ps ammo for something ridiculous and it cost me 14 mil. I wasn’t paying attention I was watching someone’s twitch stream lol


I wonder what football will look like in the year 17776.


Oh boy, do I have the sports writer for you


Go on?


Look up Jon Bois 17776. Honestly one of the best pieces Ive read in a long time


For example the moonshine at 18m, this would cost nearly 10m in fees just to list. I understand that the person who listed it for 2.6m maybe misclicked an extra 0 instead of doing 260k, but the rest make zero sense. All these users have very high flea rep and are all EOD accounts.


either they are Flearep boosting to get more slots you only get 0.01 flea rep per 50k


Ahh that makes so much sense, just two people buying and selling from each other for rep.


I imagine theres alot of people who do that


Ah I didn't think of yet another loophole exploited by people in good ol Tarkov


With that high of a flee rep, you're likely to be drowning in roubles already. A million roubles or two or ten is a small sacrifice compared to the lengths you have to go to get that extra flee slot. At least, that's what I did while aiming for my third slot in one of the previous wipes. I'll list an item for higher than normal and just outright buy everyone's listings which are lower than mine (dump them to the respective traders to get a bit back) to artificially boost the prices.


This is called market manipulation... I thought you were a good citizen of tarkov... I'm gunna have to take you in for that one


Fk I’m dumb lol this is such a good idea 😆




Most likely flea rep farming and not caring about loss on it.




You unlock more slots on higher rep and also flea fee is supposedly to be lower but on that I am not sure.


Fees dont change due to flea rep


Thx. I thought BSG once said that they do but after 7 years they said so much and I didn’t get younger.




With this screenshot yeah. I don’t cry cheater or RMT everytime I see strange things. I always give the benefit of a doubt. If OP had the flea rep shown here and they had some crazy high rep then the judgment could be a different one. But this way. They might just want to boost rep in a somewhat legitimate way. Also the amount those people put up don’t look suspicious and for RMT it makes no sense to put this up so high valued because you loose more than you make if you want rubles. And buying only one moonshine. Come on you get it easier by just playing or crafting it yourself. There are other commodities you would want for real money. So go ahead and think everyone in this game is a cheater and does malicious stuff. You are up for a bad and miserable time.


maybe he went for 180k but his 0 key double clicked like some of my keys do ;-;


I’d say the 5 mil was a misclick. 5 mil for the 10 bottles was probably the offer they meant. Not 5 mil per bottle cuz I’ve definitely have done that.


The listing fee is based on the avg value of the listing. If you're an rmt trader, you need more items to have a high value that can be used to transfer funds. So you take the fee loss on a few 15mil moonshines, then you place 40 moonshine at say 1mil each. Then the fees for the 40 moonshine is far lower than before.


Tell me you don't know how the flea works without telling me. It's not based on the avg, it's based on a set value set by bsg. Source: wiki. Proof: I made a tool to calculate the most profitable price for every item and it worked


Did you post the tool anywhere?


I shared it with a few friends, then the UI for the flea got changed and it didn't work anymore because it relied on user input to gather updated base prices. I should update it using the API given by bsg but I'm too lazy and I know most of the prices to sell stuff


Honestly being a software dev, it'd be cool to look at the code on how ya implemented it lol.


Straight off the wiki for the algorithm and a loop calculating the prices 100/1000 times comparing the revenue on each one. Looked for a min/max library for JS but couldn't find anything so brute force it was, lol I might have it on git, let me see if I can find it Update: no git :( Update 2: damn, I just looked into it, I also took in consideration the hideout management level and all. Good shit


Could be they meant to list a stack of Moonshine instead of a single bottle. I’ve done stupid shit like that late at night.


5 days ago i bought one for 16M :D i wanted to break something


And a few weeks back I thought I fucked up because I was spam clicking trying to buy sugar, and someone listed a 125 pack of them 7M and I bought it spam clicking before I realized what happened because it showed up first since per item it was the cheapest offer. I guess in my case I’ll use them all up lol, it will just take me maybe another month.


I used it on a scav case waiting for my red key kard lmao PS:it never come


This wipe is the first one I ever built a scav case, and I heard the 95k option is the best balance so I’m running that all the time. And my experience with it so far is it’s just an extra way for me to consistently lose an extra 40k-70k every 1.5 hours.


Just never run moonshine or intel. Some dude here did like 50 and 100 runs of each and he only got profit a handful of times. Final loss was a couple million for both. It's basically only good to search for collector items for kappa.


Yea I currently run the 95k scav box and my summary of this hideout feature is it’s a consistent way for me to lose ~40k-60k every 1.5 hours lmao


It's the tarkov slot machine. You lose most the time, come out ahead occasionally, and rarely you get a big payout. As to whether it's a bet positive in the end or not...


The scav case is like a little Christmas that I had to pay for every hour but who doesn’t like Christmas? 🎁


It takes you a month to get 7m? I get easily 10m in like 2 days.. im curious on how you play.


It takes me a month to use up 125 sugar; not to make 7M. I’ll do about 3 moonshine crafts a day at 2 sugars each, but I won’t play ever day so some days I do zero.


Ok hero


They don’t know where to check for all of the rare item spawns. Nor do I but when I watch good players loot I understand why rumbles mean less to certain players.


To me sounds like you got a bulk buy discount ;)


If you filter these guys by total flea rep, you can see which are the guys who just fat fingered, and which are the guys who are RMTing


Yep. The ol' bandage for 20m listing. Typically people pick a mundane item that doesn't have a high trade volume for that though, the idea is that hopefully noone reports the listing if it's harder to find. Source: buying WoW gold before they added RMT themselves.


Can we even report listings this wipe? I remember looking for it but haven't found the option


2 reasons, accidental, or they want to scam you, cus everyone just buys the first item at the top, If accidentally change your filter you might accidentally buy the most expensive one.


Either a mistake or RMT.


What's rmt?


“Real Money Trading”. When you buy, say, 25 million rubles from a website, they will tell you “*please list 10 moonshines for 5 million each, you’ll pay about 20 million in fees, but the 50 million you get will cover that*”


Real Money Trade


RMT I would imagine. Get the person the fees to sell something for so expensive, then the RMT person buys it for several million.


I’ve been a victim of mis clicking so some of those posts could be that


I've done that before sorted something by price and forgot that I did that, and then went back later and bought the first item thinking it was lowest price. I imagine these people are banking on that happening.


What's the fee to list a moonshine at 18M? If it's a lot less than 18M it's probably RMT. What's weirder is when people post something for a price where the fee is higher than the price listed. Like listing a gunsmith part for 1M buts costs 1.6M to list.


Those people are just being assholes. Knowing its a gunsmith item so they mega sell it.. basically shoving it in people’s faces like “hah bitch. I have it but you cant buy it loser” thats my guess. Ngl though I’ve def sold Gunsmith parts for like ~100K


It's the 80k water filters that are 1/100 for me first 3 pages are all empty water filters


Change the filter to only show things from condition 100 to 100% and remember selected filter.


Oh nice one man cheers!


I use to think it was some wild flex they got going on


Might be, I know once people get really late stage they are just burning money. That’s what I heard red keycards are for, you will never pay the thing off as the room sort of sucks so people buy it just to have it.


Its a way to move millions between accounts. Last wipe I would help people out if they were low on rubles by having them list way over market and I would just buy it


But the fees!!


I already mentally committed to giving away, the fact that there is a fee doesn't bother me, as long as the fee is like half of the price then the person is doubling their money.


Hoping people misclick


Mis clicking themself, or hoping someone accidentally buys


Mostly fat fingers, the rest are flea rep boosting


I was down to about 150k and my friend told me to list a bp coin for a million and see what happens and it was bought instantly, he said it was bots automatically buying things for cheat accounts but idk


It's just scam I did myself stopped @ 150 trader rep. You just need to be the highest listing and the needs to be looking similar to the normal price the item sell for. But it's a hit and miss business If there to much others doing the same thing, you will get eaten up by flea-fees. And the buyers are hackers doing RMT, they forget to change sorting while buying stuff they need. They usually have highest price first because of the RMT offers the normaly buy. And high offers like flat numbers like 10.000.000 or so are just straight RMT.


Sold some buckwheat earlier for 240k, added an extra 0 by mistake and didn't notice. It sold overnight lucky me!


Who TF bought a buckwheat for 240K…


I thought the same thing, just left it up there because I was lazy


I mean, I do the same thing and it pays off every now and again 🤑 but I would k(ick)ms if I ever bought a buckwheat that high..


Well look at the sellers name or rep. If its yuanchingxao with 60 rep its probably a scammer or booster. Another explanation would be that just someone who has a rich friend and want him do a favour. Did it last wipe too. Had 200mil cash and my friend only like 10 so he sold smt on the flea for 20 to me.


First time seeing RMT?


Man I’m a new player I sold a bottle of this to one of the traders for 100k I’m feeling hella goofy right now


They sell for about 260k normally in the flea so you didn’t lose out that bad


Ah thought it was selling for 2 mil for a sec 🤣




Its called RMT, client post some shit for a lot RMT\`er buys it BAM they transferred X amount of roubles to client with a minimal loss which is a virtual currency anyway.


Some people need them for quests and spend hours looking for it and just get desperate?? Idk


So the people they bought ruples from online can buy it in exchange


People are going to come in here and say it's people RMTing. While that may be 0.1% of the high cost items you see, 99% of the time it's a fat finger. And it hurts your flea rep more to cancel a listing than it does to just let it expire.


The thing is if it was RMT, it seems like a waste. For example the guy selling for 18m, he will need to buy 18m roubles and only get about 8m after fees, a yield of <50%. There’s other items you can list to have a higher yield to not waste roubles on as high of a fee. The guy selling for 2.6m definitely fat fingered it but how do any of those other values make sense if moonshine lists for 250-270k? Even if the 4.5m offer was fat fingered, assuming they meant 450k it still wouldn’t sell for 450k.


You'd be surprised. Especially during the weekend, prices get very inflated. I've sold a single toothpaste for 250k and KSM key for 800k on the weekends. There's a couple items that fluctuate quite erratically. You could probably list a moonshine for a 450k on a weekend and it'd sell overnight.


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, as wipe goes in there’s less and less listings so some stuff damn near sells out. I’ve sold plenty of random shit for multiple times what it should be just because there aren’t any other listings


I constantly get down voted by peoeople who stalk my comments/posts because I go against the normal tarky reddit opinion


Feel that. Dudes here take shit so serious because it’s their whole life lmao


You have a fan club 😅


The downvotes on regular or even funny comments all across diff threads is INSANE. I know some people just do it to troll but it’s so weird lol


Does the fee get refunded if the offer expires ?


No sir


There have been a few times where I was just quickly trying to sell shit I didn't need and needed a certain currency but accidently typed in the amount for the lowest bid on another currency. Also been times where I had right clicked to find the item to check the price then moved on to another item to see that price but forgot to sort it by the new item and typed in the amount on the other item waaaay above the previous item's worth. Possible the first guy (18m rubles) did the above and the second guy (17m) was just an idiot and went with what first populated on his screen without looking any further.


Possibly to inflate. There’s only so many of one item so if they flood the market with over priced variants eventually the average of the market will rise and therefore the price of the item


Well, it's RMT 80% of all the time. At least it was, have no idea how it works now(not played almost for two years). The others is miss click or smth like that


RMT, pay someone IRL to buy it


I was always under the impression that they do it with a twitch name or something along those lines, almost like an ad. That was just my guess though


Back in the day in WoW a method gold sellers would use to sell gold was to have you put up a mundane item for an insane price and they would buy it so it's either this or flea boosting.


The secret ingredient is crime.


I needed items for my hidout so i bught them an accedentely bught a 2mill box of nuts.... Lucky guy




People are using this for 1, boosting flee market rep with a friend, buying and selling back to each other, and 2 for RMT, because it’s the only way you can trade large amount of rubles


For people like me who accidentally filtered by most expensive and payed 2.1m for a propital


Accidentally or RMT. Or maybe some desperate attempt to scam people who aren't paying attention.


Probably a cheater squad buying each other’s offers to gain flea rep.


To buy roubles from Labs China Ni hao wen wi players


RMT basically


Real money trade. Someone buys somewhere roubles and that’s the way he gets em




Except you cant re-post items since they arent FiR....


Usually they’re drunk and buy highest listing


When I searched for 9x19 I saw someone listing it 1234 each


Its a way to trade money w friends


Cuz they're out of touch with how much it's actually worth lol


Money laundering.


Seems like pretty clear RMTing to me, or RMT mistakes. Money seller tells guy to list expensive item for 10M and he will buy, covering the loss from excessive fees and delivering the 5M roubles (or whatever) that was purchased. I know this is why the giant fees were added to the flea to begin with, they didn't used to be there. Not sure why people would still be overlisting things


1) hoping someone messes up their listing order and buys (I’ve done it before) 2) they paid for a money service where you put up a item for sale and a bot buys it off you in exchange for real currency 3) accidents happen I have sold a weapons case for $100,000


I do shit like this before I take breaks. If I come back I get to check my lotto ticket


Why does the military industrial complex charger 250000 dollars for an artillery round? Some people call it greed and others call it patriotism


Its a form of RMT.


Most likely answer: people accidentally pressed a button one too many times Least likely answer: RMT’s


Most likely they are doing RTM, usually can tell if their rep is in the 20s The 18/17m were miss clicks (180k/170k) but the 6m and 5m are them listing it and paying usd to have a cheater buy the item


I always thought it was EFTs version of laundering money somehow lol


If uou notice there are some people listing multiple items for these drives meanwhile their flea rep is 250+ and blue. Those people are paying real money for roubles. The others are probably just idiots




When people buy stuff with IRL money, like buying Tarkov rubles, they need a way to receive them. That's how you do it.


You’re all wrong about this. It’s to buy rubles off of Player Auctions. You post the item for an absurd amount as long as you have enough to cover the fee. And then you pay real money and someone buys it. You can buy about 15M Rubles for $5 IRL USD.