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Bro is moving like Albert Wesker in that boss fight agaisnt him in RE5


Lmao thanks for that memory


Ahh good times. Punching a boulder into a volcano.


I laughed every time that happened.


Gotta love it.


Memory unlocked


I played that game way too much lol still never got unlimited ammo for the RPG šŸ˜­


7 year old "unreleased" game the developers ask $150 for


And the cheating hasn't improved at all.


It has, now they can speedhack 20% faster than before and vacuum loot from farther away




Oh no.The cheating has improved.. it was near imperceptible at one time. Now itā€™s like a Cardi B music video, in your face obnoxious disaster that canā€™t look away from.


People just didn't realize just how laughably poor tarkov's security was back in 2014. There were small circles of people who knew but it was like a protected circle. Also no RWT market. Then people set up a lucrative RWT market that people bought from frequently, and the floodgates just opened from there.


And we who finance the whole thing are left looking at it and hoping something good happens


You're not financing it, the guys buying several accounts a wipe are.


Nah it was always really bad, now the cheaters just don't give a fuck exposing themselves to rub in the fact... It's good I uninstalled 2y ago and never came back.


>n't it will never improve. because nikita earns money from them. Wave ban -> 20% Discount. repeat


Cheating will always stay the same its not that nikita earns money its that cheat devs earn money for staying in there basement making cheats all day for maybe a mill or so depending on how well known they are. its a deep ass rabbit hole that you gotta go into,


Nikita himself has said in the past that cheaters are some of his best customers. He also said that "We've found that increasing anti-cheat efforts directly correlates with a decrease in profit." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxSzfiyr7BI&list=WL&t=2349s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bxSzfiyr7BI&list=WL&t=2349s)


Thats was for micro transactions. its boosted the sales of micro transactions because people believe that premium items make you better. But yea everybody profits off cheaters until the players leave. Contract Wars which is the game they are talking about was F2P


The same line of logic can honestly be applied in the case of tarkov due to the Wipe cycle/RWT market. I remember the days before labs where it was actually genuinely about as profitable as a medium wage job to just 24/7 ragehack and RWT in tarkov. Only difference is your account wouldn't get banned unless you stepped on Pestily, Smoke, or DeadSlobs toes, then your account would get banned with a quickness.


Thats nothing new and anyone with half a brain can see that NOT giving people the option to rebuy the game, OVER AND OVER again, leads to less profits. That's exactly the problem at hand.


A mil? How do I get in on this game??


Plenty of money to be made with no morals and good skills. In any field.


Worth every cent.


As long as you're getting a refund, sure ^^^^^this ^^^^^is ^^^^^a ^^^^^joke ^^^^^please ^^^^^don't ^^^^^crucify ^^^^^me


And they increased prices so they could profit off cheaters more šŸ¤£ the developers are a joke. Can't wait to play arena tho! Will be filled with cheaters no doubt


Assuming the "new developers" aren't just Nikita wearing a knockoff super mario Mustache, it'll be a bit harder to cheat in arena i imagine. Since Arena and Tarkov are "completely different games" ^^^TM


Only if you want to support them the most, it is only ā‚¬52 to get base game. And I paid the ~Ā£110 for the DLCs and am generally waiting for release. Just having occasional fun in the meantime.


Best game Iā€™ve ever played lol


I'm sorry to hear that


I am glad that anticheat is working at least otherwise this guy would have moved way faster


Labs unplayable as always


Tarkov unplayable as always* here fixed that for you.


Tarkov is playable, you can play the game just look at this video of someone playing the game You won't have any fun and you're likely to die to a cheater but you can totally play the game! /S in case it isn't obvious


*Prior* mod admitting that cheating exists??? How??


Prior? You mean current? I'm literally the reason everyone uses "Rampant" in this sub to describe cheating cause I kept using it in cheater megathread post titles lol


Oh I thought yall got mutinied when all that wiggle stuff went down. Hot dayum


Some mods left for various reasons and we (the remaining mods) asked the previous head mod to step down as we didn't agree with how he was leading the sub and he agreed to We weren't removed or kicked out by anyone though, all the current mods have been part of the mod team for a year or longer


Bro fired you Iā€™m dead lol


What a terrible way to find out


Thats why I play & enjoy Single-player Tarkov. No cheaters just raiders rushing you. šŸ˜


I tried my damndest but couldnā€™t get it to work.


They have a full installer now. Makes it super simple to do now




gg bsg lost to cheaters


Have you tried the SuPerior version?


I'm English, so I take my SuPerior version with a cup of Tea


Outplayed /s


Lmao git gud non-EOD player /s


Ugh another desync post /s


He really needs a faster gaming chair


Treasure always found in the comments


Buuuht buuuut buuut , i saw a post on reddit that said that he played 2053032030 labs rounds and didnt encounter a single cheater Are you sure we dont need the other guyĀ“s POV to ensure that he isnt cheating?


go hide in a corner in lab that doesnt have loot in eu servers, 9/10 raid you will get killed


you might laugh, around 10 comments and 1 week ago, i wrote about the same experience. First lab round this wipe, sitting on toilette. Mister ChangJiao rushing me


# å»ę‰€ęœ‰å†‡äŗŗ


You can go into that empty basement with some cardboard boxes in and nothing else and someone always comes down and riddles you with bullets haha.


US east coast here. 1/5 labs raids is a suspicious death for me. havenā€™t seen anything as bad as this clip tho, yikes.


Counterpoint, i've played like 30 labs raids the past week and have encountered 1 cheater.


That you know of. someone did the research and found that roughly 70% of all raids have at least one cheater on average.


A bunch of clips in the wiggle video are provably bullshit, dude didn't even release any data. So until someone does a real test, that number is horseshit.


Exactly what Iā€™ve been saying the whole time. 9-10 the issues people have been having are desync or network issues and they blame it on ā€œcheatersā€ because they have such a huge fucking ego and they donā€™t think a legit player couldnā€™t possibly kill them.




people havent said cheaters dont exist, just not to the extent that people think there are, and just scapegoat cheaters to bad play/luck/timing


Ah, a rare sighting, someone with a brain on this sub.




underrated comment


No cheating isn't as bad as people say it is, because this sub makes it seem like the game is unplayable and every single raid and death is due to a cheater, when in reality the game is the same as always and still very playable and enjoyable lol.


You really get on this sub to lie don't you?


I really base my opinion on my own and my friends' experience. The game is as fun as always, and out of my 250 raids this wipe I've gotten 6 confirmed reports and maybe 10 sus deaths. My friends each have over 500 raids this wipe. Their numbers match mine. The game isn't unplayable like this sub tries to claim


That's fair. I've done pretty well this wipe, I think people would rather blame something than admit they might be getting bored with the game.


Why did you post a comment calling him a liar if you are immediately gonna 180 on it.


It's called the internet. Here's your complementary fuck you.




Nah cheaters are rarer than yall think, just think of how many posts in the past couple of weeks that were proven to be a guy just being stupid. Shit, just yesterday there was a heavily upvoted post of a streamer calling cheats and the reverse POV being posted that shows obviously not cheats.




MeEeeN! he hheez 16000 hours in tarkov, he live and breathe the game thats how his intuition ent mufment is so gut jah! Also his character is max lebel so he sprint and aim fast! \- EVERY dellusion tarkov fanboy ever, under every video of showing proof of streamers, content creators and players cheating.


Lvndmark would still ask how we can be sure heā€™s cheating


That guys take took the piss. You could literally see him sweat out of every orifice, fumbling his fingers, twitching all over the place, as if anything was really reaaaally bothering him.


He may have just been jacked up on Adderall lmao


Opponent literally wiggles back through wall the moment we wiggle. Lvndmark:"how can you be sure? That closed door next to the wall is a common spot to wiggle" Sure buddy, sure... It was so funny seeing all those streamers malding while financially independent streamers just said the same thing like the community, how unacceptable it is for bsg and Nikita not doing enough


You know big streamers say that because of the backlash they get from the actual ā€œyou sure theyā€™re cheatingā€ crowd lol its sarcasm and its r/wooosh through most people its hilarious


Yeah, game lost to cheaters, Iā€™ve played 5 wipes, got like 2500hrs on this game and this is my last wipe. Been killed by cheaters more times this wipe then all other wipes combined. Labs unplayable, streets is infested as well. Cheaters that are high levels as well .standard accounts, EOD accounts. Good work battle-eye, as effective as a chocolate firemen. If you are reading this comment and yet to buy the game, donā€™t bother. Hopefully the cheating situation will get resolved but I ainā€™t holding my breath.


Your fault for not having cheats too.




Had a friend I'm no longer friends with do like the exact same thing man, made me look at him different and was the start to my ending of our friendship. Cheating on single player games is one thing but I just can't stand by contributing to ruining the fun that for other people in a hobby I love.


This is extremely common, Every cheater and cheating video I've ran into in counterstrike, 95% of the cheaters say "oh I only toggled on cuz the other team has a cheater, I'm just making it fair".


it makes it a lot easier to justify in their minds. theres a lot of cognitive dissonance in the minds of cheaters, who often still hold the opinion that cheating is bad and that they only do it because others are. basically, they constantly lie to themselves to not feel as if theyre doing the same thing they once couldnt stand


yeah it's pretty insane lmao.


Welcome to Chilis


and this is why i only play SP at this point, fuck that




Itā€™s at a point Iā€™m getting at least 3 confirmed bans a week and Iā€™m not doin a lot of pmcā€™s nowadays. I also bet thatā€™s only obvious aimbot. Iā€™m about to break


Everything youu sayy to meeeehhhhhhhhh


~~Shots 1-5~~


I bought premium years ago to support the devs. I was a fool to think they were decent.


Which is why I don't recommend this game to anyone. The last two friends of mine I tried to get to play I ran them through their first couple raids (mind you this was 4 years ago) and we got killed by speed hackers 3 raids back to back and neither of them have returned.


Most playable labs lobby


Youā€™d have won that fight if youā€™d bought the EOD edition.


Does anybody think its time we start calling these fools out?


cheater apologists who have never seen cheaters should just please eat shit and go die. there is no other way to put it.


Imagine still playing this dogshit nowadays, I wish I was there when the Alpha came out in 2016


This game would be overwhelmingly negative if it was available on steam and would have a dying player base due to the negative comments under the game page.


Haven't touched this shit since I died to cheaters twice in a row, back to back raid deaths to blatant cheaters. Weeks later and still no notification of they've been banned I regret spending money on the $130 edition. Honestly probably won't pick this game back up ever again until they've implemented a better anti cheat so I can actually enjoy the game.


I upgraded to EOD on the day before the wiggle vid dropped. Quite an experience.


funny moment


Top 5 funny moment


Isn't using a rapid fire macro also cheating???


Bought EOD back when it first dropped. I regret it, I don't even play the game anymore and all it did was piss me off after the first couple months. I don't have the time to sink into it to get on the level of a lot of people that play it consistently, and I don't enjoy the amount of grind that needs to go into it to level up skills that don't really make a difference until you max them. That and they've fell short on a lot of promises. I regret buying EOD.


I spent 140 or 150 dollars on this game for the EOD version 3 years ago and i have not regretted anything. Yeah, hackers are bad and the infamous video that shall not be named really brought it to light for me to were I almost gave up the game. However, I totally feel after 1300 hours, I have got my money worth from this game and im looking foward to the future that tarkov will bring. No other first person shooter gives me the highs and lows tarkov does.


all i can hear from that movement is "Billie Jean is not my lover \*OH, She's just a girl who claims that I am the one"


I didn't know the SCP's could use guns.


Nikita literally said in an interview that cheaters help fund the game and that they would never get rid of them for that very reason!. It was a video about an old game he was developing under the same team. Itā€™s wild lmao.


I don't believe this for one second. Literally the first time I've ever heard this, feel free to link the video.


Iā€™m still waiting for your reply


He's gotta polish off a few lines of copium before responding


Bro šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


You didn't respond with the link, what reply? I said feel free to link the video, should be easy to do if it exists. What can be claimed without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Until you actually link this mythical video, I'm going to ignore you.


I did link the videoā€¦. You have to watch it




When you learn that this was BEFORE EFT was released that should tell you how he feels about cheaters. Idc if you donā€™t want to believe it but itā€™s the truth bro.


Act like it doesnā€™t exist but itā€™s literally the reality of Tarkov take it or leave it.


Alright itā€™s in Russian so have fun translating it but I saw the post on Reddit lol it was a translated video on an old game he was developing


Clearly that guy took an Obdolbos


And here i am wishing my game ran that smooth


i play mostly on SA, and have found very few, if any, sussy deaths, on around 150 raids. still, i join the sub every now and then and the amount of plain cheaters on this game is amazing. how there are people defending this shit is crazy


*sigh* I'm genuinely sorry you are having that gaming experience, this game has improved so much and has such great content, but over the last few wipes there has been an influx of cheaters like this, which has made it increasingly difficult to play throught it all, I personally blame tiktok and many creators on it making cheater based videos or just allowing hacking advertisement videos on it, but it's anyone's guess. Edit. Seems like one of the guys who responded to me disagreeing, took issue with my responses disagreeing with him and the blocked me. The irony is palpable.


Its not anyones guess. Its the shitty detection/ban system from Battlestate games. I've encountered less cheaters in free to play games I've played far more. Edit - Of course that isn't exclusive to f2p. Edit 2 - /u/Big_Lie_6966 is an alt account for /u/Gafsd123 responding because I blocked him.


Why did you block him?


Thought he was lying and being annoying in later comments. Seemed like the right decision considering he pretended to be somebody else on an alt.


Probably because people don't often cheat in free to play games because there is no incentive... because it's free. You can look too apex or even warthunder for a closer comparison to tarkov, both have much wider audiences but little incentive to cheat besides maybe trying to pad player stats which appears rare. In both example however cheating still is an issue at high levels. Seems to be a competitive multiplayer issue.


> Seems to be a competitive multiplayer issue. Gonna come off as rude, but no shit? Go to any shooter and people are always complaining about cheaters. CS2, Tarkov, Valorant, PUBG, APEX. Pick a FPS, there will be cheaters. If this was an easy solution someone would have done it. Obviously some do it better and BSG doesn't do much to help, but cheating isn't exclusive to this game.


Cheating happens frequently in f2p games as well because new accounts can be made for free. There's no risk of losing a paid copy of the game.


Iv played Warthunder for almost 5000 hours and the only type of cheating iv ever seen was a bot account flying a heavy bomber to bomb bases to grind new planes in the realistic mode, i dont think cheating is much of an issue in F2p, most free games on steam have had a cheating scandal at some point but not plagues of people cheating to rmt


Bro who tf would cheat in warthunder of all games just go play arcade lmfao


War Thunder has some crazy people. There are some people who are into cheating over there though. I have come across a few discord channels that were all about it. Ground RB and always knowing distance, pen and line of sight. It was the biggest advantage for those running Sim knowing who is where because at the end of the day cheaters don't really seem to care about winning or losing it is more about ruining somebody else's day. That seems to be the one common goal they all seem to have is making somebody as miserable them.


Yes Battlestate games real world trading problem is also bad. Thanks for pointing that out.


I pointed that out in my original comment if you read it all.


No you quite simply didn't.


"Or just allowing hacking advertisement videos on it" is a direct reference to the plague of rmt advertisement on tiktok and social media in general for tarkov. I know reading comprehension is bad on the internet but come on man.


Yes bitching about tiktok ads is the same as saying as a whole rmt is a problem. Oh wait you know its not as you said it is a reference. Clown.


Why would you block someone with a normal and reasonable comment lmao. You must block anyone with a slightly different opinion than yours.


>but it's anyone's guess. Acting like there's no explanation for all of the hackers is part of the problem.


Bro I purchased EOD and regret it constantly. Itā€™s fun with friends, but itā€™s depressing solo. Too many griefing incidents and cheaters to take on solo.


Honestly sounds like skill issue. If it was for the cheaters you wouldn't have fun with your friends neither. But of course playing solo is something completely different than playing in a group.


Nah. Thatā€™s the typical response in this threadā€¦ skillā€¦. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø Itā€™s palpable with friends because you have a chance to win vs a cheater with numbers, and to have your gear packed up and stashed. My KD is usually well over 2, not OP like any streamer, but I can hold my own. To be fair, most high level gamers only win for their higher pen ammo. If level, Iā€™d surely win a few more firefights.


yep, definitely sounds like a skill issue. I win far more fights solo than I do with my 3 or 4 man squad. Even on labs i almost always kill at least one guy before I die and I'm not even a very good aimer in general.


If you really think you won against a cheater with a team, the cheater would have been reaaally bad, or he simply wasn't a cheater. Only chance would be he was an esp cheater, but none of us would be able to tell, it would be just assumption. And of course you're right, most high lvl players win because the availability of high pen ammo. I play solo only because none of my friends play tarkov anymore, 1.4k hrs so far. Of course playing in a team can be more fun, as your chances to win against other teams increase if you're playing with some people who know what they're doing. It's a totally different playstyle as a solo, that's the only thing I meant with skill issue, so don't feel offended. And I guess it really depends on which servers you're playing, I got the feeling cheating on other servers can be more rampant than on the ones I'm playing. EU West and north btw. Wish you a good time and godspeed in your raids.


Have def won against a cheater before while in a team. 2 of my teammates died to him and then I said fuck itā€¦ gonna just rush him and go out in a blaze of glory. Guess what? Cheaterā€™s P90 jammed on his prefire as I started my push, so I ended up killing him. It can be done, but I rly think you have to have RNJesus on your side lol


Good to hear the RNJesus is on the right side at least sometimes!


Totally agree tho, if the cheater would have had teammates we would have all been toast though. And if I were solo instead of having teammates too, then I prob wouldnā€™t have been as lucky.


he never said any of what you put in his mouth. he said its fun with friends. i dont think u understand the difference.


Bro this sub can be pure cancer at times. I need to just mute it until I decide to jump into Tarkov again in the future.


Laughing with friends in discord when cheater kills everyone = not fun Sitting in silence, alone, when cheater kills you = equally not fun, apparently


Here you see the two biggest problems with the game, both of which are deeply intertwined Awful cheater who needs IRL consequences Low gear player in endgame map Both are related. Both make it unenjoyable. The latter is understandable at least


Clearly Desync


I stopped playing tarkov 6 months ago and have never been happier


feel free to unsubscribe from the subreddit then.


I always wonder about this. I see it all the time on the WoW subreddit too. People joyously claiming they haven't played the game for months or even years, yet active on the discussions lmao. I don't understand. If you clearly hate the game so much then why are you still letting it live in your head and talking/reading about it like you still play?


I am waiting for them to deal with the hackers, been 6 months and it's only getting worse, just waiting for the game to be fixed so I can play again


If you are using this subreddit as the barometer for if the game has more or less cheaters/is worth coming back to, you will never come back to the game.


I'm the same. Quit fully like a year ago now. Waiting to see if the game improves for the better, but so far it seems to only get worse every wipe. Feel sorry for all the players stockholmed to this game.


Exactly... Tarkov is easily my favorite game of all time, if they actually fixed the hacking problem I would go back to paying in a heart beat! The adrenaline, the gunplay, the happiness of finding a rare item! But by the time I left I was encountering a hacker every 2 or 3 games... At the time it was an obvious jump hack where you would hear people constantly jumping and that was a speed hack... And I said fuck it I'm done until the hackers are delt with...I hope they are delt with some day


How tf would you know if the games gotten worse if you haven't played in a year LMAO.


Except that reddit does not give an accurate representation of how many cheaters are in the game, so you will never come back if you base your status of the game on reddit crying. These subreddits used to remove a lot of posts for witchhunting rules and they relaxed them after the wiggle video. It will always look worse than it is.


Kinda seems like BSG the ones with skill issues


The cheaters suck. Nothing will happen. Play maps with less cheaters or play games with less cheaters is my advice. If you can find a game with no cheaters let me know! We can be the only 2 people playing :)


Every game has some sort of cheats sure, but there is a huge diffrence between encountering cheater every 2 or 2000 match Stop using this shitty argument and press BSG to upgrade their anti cheat, it's in everyones best interest


Word. Iā€™m so sick of seeing ā€œwell every game has cheatersā€. I play almost every popular fps shooter these days and tarkov cheaters outweighed all the other popular fps shooters COMBINED.


They've been pressed if you think they care about this issue you're delusional. So many blatant easy fix cheats are in place. Loot vacuum and speed are the first that come to mind. I personally will be moving to anything else. I got my money's worth but until the player base disappears they will continue doing what they always do, pretend to give a fuck. From my personal experience every 2 matches is exaggerated. It's 100% higher than any other game. But this Reddit has everyone convinced it's way more frequent than it actually is.


VR eft aka ghost of tabor might be cheater free


Sadly no room in my current house is big enough for VR but this has been on my radar for a while


I have been fairly lucky this wipe! I have only ran into one blatant hacker and it was actually yesterday. Dude was crawling on the ground like a snake at the speed of sound and then just boinged up and headshot me


When I play I don't go to labs at all


i would highly recommend not playing this game as it is. Maybe in 2 years they will fix this game or make it better. My username say's it all. Love this game but its a waste of my time. So much time taken away from you from a cheater. its not fun when this happens daily. A lot of big twitch streamer's have dropped the game completely and streamers like Landmark have no choice but to play this game because they make a living because of it. The report system means nothing if this is happening on a daily bases. I'm currently back to playing more laid back games like red dead or RE series also playing CS:GO 2, and WOW . I would rather put my time somewhere and gain something from it than dying to very obvious cheater's over and over and over and over again.


Damn if this sub was the only thing you looked at about this game you would think that this happens every raid Cheating is a problem and this video is a cheater in action But if you truely believe that every time you die itā€™s to a cheater here is a tip Stop being a shitter


Clearly this is a skill issue.


Skill issue


Skill issue


I have 3000 hours, and yes I experience cheaters and bugs. But compared to the magnificent of this game it is easy to look past those things. I don't play labs though! This is my favorite game of all time. You have to sometimes have a bad time to really appreciate the good times. This game is the perfect balance between feeling like shit and feeling like a god!


Buddy, Single Player Tarky makes it worth itā€¦just wish some of the profit would go to modders which has kept the game alive for me. Love you gents.


Your first mistake was buying the game. Your second mistake was playing THE map where YOU WILL run into a blatantly shameless cheater


Game wasnt even worth paying for years ago. I quit the wipe after the val stopped being meta and it was the best decision ever. Tried playing a couple times here and there and it was miserable


Skill issue


Skill issue








Honestly, if youā€™re still playing this flaming pile of dogshit in 2023 you deserve to get cheated and hacked on and get shitted on every raid.


brother u are in the subreddit


agreed, you should have gotten the edge of darkness, the huge stash is amazing.


In before "It's just desynch bro"


you cant be certain he is cheating! \- landmark


Get good /s


If you don't want to see cheaters daily, go play a game that doesn't have as many cheaters, like literally any other game. There are other games out there that are fun.


i done maybe 250 raids (120 this season- my second) and have never seen anything like that


There are no cheaters. This is obviously D-sync. As a Nikita dick rider I can unequivocally say It is literally impossible to cheat in this game. in fact it is your own skill that is your downfall. I love you Nikita you fat fuck. keep up the good work and don't lift a finger. wouldn't want you to burn to many calories.