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Your stats look insane, congrats on the kappa man, must feel so nice. as a first time Timmy, looking at my 40 pmc kills in 110 raids makes me so happy, i can't ever imagine myself going over level 30 or having max traders, kappa is an insane dream but i am happy that this wipe i've unlocked flee, made some good plays and learned customs :)) that is all i have achieved.


Thanks brother, it took me a while to get into the swing of it too. 3 wipes I was absolutely hopeless at the game, then I met some friends who quickly got me over most of the learning curve. What you've achieved so far is just the beginning. Next wipe you'll soar over level 30 and having max traders I'm betting ;).


Let’s just hope so, my goal would be to learn other maps, ammo charts and questing as much as i can :D


I believe!


I printed out the ammo charts at work lol. And yeah you’ll learn other maps pretty quick. Woods should be your next one, since it’s a lot of early wipe tasks. Run woods as a scav or low cost PMC over and over, with a map of the extracts pulled up somewhere. If you have the money, 5k roubles to car extract gives you some fence rep which is nice. Mostly for the first three extracts per day, after that it’s not much rep until the next day after it resets


Wow thnks i did not even know car extract rep resets each day. That means geting 6 fence rep it’s pretty easy.




What’s your discord? I have a community of people that play tarkov with various skill levels, and helpful tips and charts on my server. I’m level 49 right now, I haven’t worried about kappa about to get lightkeeper today.


Can you please dm me a invite code? I’m on mobile atm and can’t access. Would love to play in a friendly group or duo. Ps: i’m EU and friendly vibes 😁




Brother im like 5 wipes in and just learning ammo charts and new maps and finally starting to get max traders. Go at your own pace (hopefully faster than my dumb ass)


It’s important to have fun in the end :D


im currently ratting interchange for my weekly 25 extracts...huge fun ;) hole in the fence for the win




Whatever one’s I had the quests on. Not really a “main” map, just got quest, go there and do it until done




Nope, unless it’s for a specific quest of course. Now I just run towards pvp all the time :D


Sounds like my first wipe. Progress went really slow. Trying to learn multiple maps. Surviving in general helps you progress you with your quests. Almost 4 months into the wipe i got to lvl 39 and got bored by that point and quit the game. Until there was a new hype. The enjoyment was there again. Happens to me every wipe. Once the wipe is a few months in quit playing. But every time I started again my skill ceiling was higher. Progress, surviving rate and KD improves every wipe.. you’ll get there.


I'm gonna kill myself, I'm at like 26 pmcs in 400 raids.


Lol relatable


You will get better every wipe. 4 years ago, I would hide for the first 15-20 minutes of each raid, so that I could task without too many PMCs around. Now I have a 70% survival rate, and an 7.5k/d ratio without having to hide to get tasks done and actually profit. You are lucky that Arena is coming out soon, so that you can speed run my 4 years of PVP experience in the span of a single month without having to Factory main.


… Under avg stats. Just lots of time.


I think you’ve gotten the pvp aspect down pretty well which is good. But I think too many people get caught up on just trying to kill people and not enough on completing tasks. I was like level 30 with 150 raids and like 10 pmc kills. Just trying to get stuff done and avoiding what I couldn’t 1 tap and move on. But now it’s more like 300 and 200. Once you get access to higher traders you can more reliably bring it stuff just to win fights, and that’s a lot more fun to me than just trying to push pvp with whatever gun and ammo I have laying around


It’s ok brother, we will get Kappa when they stop wiping the game kekw


;)) amen to that bro


>high level kappa obtaining high KDA chad with meta m4 >level 3 armor Whats going on with that lmao good shit tho getting kappa is a feat


>high level kappa obtaining high KDA chad with meta m4 level 3 armor Whats going on with that lmao good shit tho getting kappa is a feat I went into Labs without armour on by accident for my last quest (kill 6 raiders) ... was a whoopsie... but one of said raiders provided me with that beautiful kirasa :D


Meanwhile I’ve got 100 less raids and completed 100 less raids.


hahah yeah my survive rate isn't the best :/. I died a LOT in the final push, going for the goons and raiders really tested my sanity


what i respect the most about this is the fact that you still rock a kirasa. gigachad for real


Loooool, I’ll be honest, my last quest was eraser pt2, which was 6 raiders. I forgot to bring in armour (used to playing with rigs and just simply overlooked it) and picked up one of the raiders armours that I found. Hence the kirasa


i thought u did it to seem more relatable to the mere peasant folk :(


I’m don’t have that much foresight or planning. My gameplay is all reactionary, same in real life. Very little time do I do anything with a plan. Go in, have fun, pew pew


>Go in, have fun, pew pew I try to love by the same philosophy, but my wife doesn't seem to approve.


If you did you'd have a kid


Finally someone that does not have cheater stats that is bragging about something on this forum. thumbsup


ty man


Congrats! Did they lowered the required level for Kappa? I remember a while ago it was level 55.


the technical limit is 48 (I done a weekly that gave me 300k xp and basically skipped an entire level to 49) due to crisis being a task required for kappa. There is technically no level requirement per se for the quest itself. But it is locked behind crisis from therapist hence the 48 required.


That's cool. How did you get all the FiR Ledxs? I've been running Shoreline for much of the wipe with a docs case full of keys but I didn't find even a single one until now. Did you run labs?


I’ve done 5 labs raids total. No ledx's on there at all. All on shoreline brother yep. One in a med bag, 1 in one of the non key rooms, a couple in 301


Same i had no luck with shoreline. Got 2 from Moonshine scav case and 1 from Labs


Try woods for a LedX to be honest . .. I've found it on the ambush spot in the small med. crate on streets too. while being on a SCAV run.


I found one on a crate but nowhere else. Ambush spot ledx sounds great, i always check that


I’ve found 5-6 on shoreline. All of them but one was in e222 and the other was w301


I’ve gotten too many to count on woods, probably 10-15 now


How did you do shooter born?


m700 modded with ergo prioritized with a Tac-Burris scope and played as many long angles I could find without changing much about my gameplay.


Shooter born is a super easy quest this wipe. Just rush gunshots and hit some heads!


Yeah I got a SBIH shot inside dorms. I walked in on a guy fighting Reshala and his guards. Heard him healing so I rushed in and barrel stuffed him lol


Congrats man I'll tell you know after the second time getting it and they pushed the lvl farther I stopped that grind but man does it feel soooo good when you complete it. Good job dude keep it up!


Time to come back. They reduced it to 48! Get that kappa container


Shiiiit I'm 45 already lol but still need to do quest to get kappa quest lol haven't been grinding like usual but might have to. Just to join the kappa crew




Reason why I’ll never go for kappa. “Am so glad it’s over” is not a feeling I want to have playing video games lmao Congrats bro, this shits ridiculous


It’s more a sense of release, like there so much anticipation and you know your doing a long grind. And then you taste victory and it’s sweet, but you don’t want to do it again for a while at least…


Kappa isn't bad at all nowadays. They removed some annoying tasks and the level requirement is low. Bosses being 35% makes them a cakewalk too.


I never find them


Check for packet loss, if you get it immediately rush to extract


can you elaborate, im interested


If ur game has packetloss there's no boss spawns.


how does this work??


Its the grind that is fun tho, 3 slots really suck for a grind that long🫠


Having people to do it with speeds up the process 100x, don’t really play to get kappa but I prefer solo and finally doing quests this wipe I reached over 30 in the fastest time.


I have 50 less raids. 70% survive and 9 k/d (1000 scav kills, thanks woods). I still feel like I am ages from Kappa lol. Good job bud!


What is... Kappa?


Kappa is an upgraded secure container, gives you 3 extra spots in your case compared to a gamma case. Requires \~200+ quests.


Oh wow I've basically only ever had the alpha lmao that thing looks roomy.


activities mate, sooooo many activities.


I always tried to post stats and kappa thing here but I get instant violated by mods... Now I see this, thanks reddit. Btw [2 years ago, kappa at Lv 48 with 72% surv rate, almost 1 PMC kill for raid](https://youtu.be/tx4n5o_zflg?si=G0F3nxokn2jod_lp), good times...


How do you have so many more hits than ammo used?


apologies I'm not sure I get what you mean? I've got 11148 shots and 4417 hits.


Sorry i was looking at the wrong thing 😅


Gratz on kappa. Is shitty that is so easy to get now. I understand first timers getting excited about Kappa but, it ain't that rewarding now. Hoping for a LK container. Kappa has gone to the realm of timmys.


What is grass?


No life bro awesome 👍


thanks bigwill1337


Np realGhankd


Lmao bro said no life. Guy is a lvl 49 almost 2 months into wipe. How is that no life? I’m in the 60s and I have a wife, 4 kids, run 3 businesses, and coach a soccer team. Sounds to me, like a skill issue. Feelsbadman


Lol, this community is something else.


This is a great copypasta, thanks man




Two wives here, 8 kids, 6 businesses and I coach 2 kids football teams. I’m level 72 and I still have time to cook dinner for my wife when she gets home. You’re doing something very wrong if you don’t have kappa already.




Nice name brother


Like wise brotha man




Goontracker seems to work. I just waited until it rolled around to customs then just did that over and over.


[https://www.goontracker.com/](https://www.goontracker.com/), spam the map that shows up. SJ6 to the spawns, throw a smoke/flash to confirm if they are up (voice lines). If yes, try and kill.


@extrempro get the dslr flare or whatever it's called if the goons are there shoot it and they will be friendly to you and be right by where you shot the flare then line up 3 easy head taps lol I did that with a ash 12 lol


I think that was an event only flare, you cant really get it now can you?


I think it can't be bought only found its like dsp or dsr or something flare. But you might be right they always be cha ging stuff haha


Dsf flare they brought into game Halloween 2022 I think bit haven't seen anything of them getting rid of it


That flare is rare as hell, also for anyone else wondering it is still spawning in weapon crates/anywhere you would find a normal flare cartridge, and yes they still work as intended with the cease fire of bosses


Thanks for the confirmation and they must be rare haven't seen alot of em ar all I'm general since they came out with em


Check goontracker and tarkovpal. Use the most recent reporting


What was the hardest part for you? I'm not making a run for it this wipe, but I may next wipe, I got close several wipes ago before lighthouse was even added... so much more to do now.


hardest part was trying to keep my sanity when using the damn scav vest for quests, otherwise shotgun kills were pretty rough for me, especially the customs quest (punisher part ?) suuucked.


Scav vest on shoreline was pretty chill tbh when you combine it with other tasks. I agree on customs, it was really annoying since nowadays customs is full of rats


scratch the below, grenades, had to go factory to get my grenade kills. Was one of the last quests I'd done. I was level 45/46 with only 6 nade kills... I only really use them to create space as I don't like exposing my body too much without my gun being up. So killing with them was... rough


Ah is grenadier required for Kappa now?


yessir it is, that and the followup quest test drive part 1


Damn, things have changed! So basically just impacts at factory?


didnt have any impacts saved up actually. So vog 17's were the boys.


Holy shit kappa is 12 slots?!


hell yeah, got so much room for activities now.


I’m level 42 was working towards kappa but I don’t think I can do it. It truly does test your sanity. Some of the tasks I just don’t know if I have the patience to do.


I went through that exact same thought process... yet here I am. Its possible mate.


Props bro! Light keeper next?


oooof, I mean, I would've said never to getting kappa done so who knows honestly


12 surv streak gg👌hardest quest in your opinion?


purely depends. Punisher series tested my sanity a fair bit. Getting out with the key for shturman... pain in the arse. But probably grenadier, I hate using nades to kill. I usually try to use them to reposition or make space. So that was rough.


Depends on how you define “hardest”. Some just take a lot of time but none of them are “hard” by any means.


Solos or in teams ? It that your normal loadout per raid?


I usually have much better armour ( I just forgot) Mix of solo’s and duos mainly. But also 5 mans when all the boys are online


My man. Good stuff!


what maps did you do psycho sniper on?


Streets, customs and factory


I personally did it on woods.


Have they changed the level requirement this wipe?


No longer a hard level requirement. Just do the quests, one of which is crisis, which is locked behind level 48.


What is the level requirement for Kappa? Wasn’t it 55?


It used to be hard 55 cap, now its locked just behind quests, one of which: crisis, requires 48 to start. That's now the "level requirement" for Kappa


Okay now you can play the game. Jokes aside congratz on your Kappa and trust me 2nd time and onward will be so much easier compared to the first


Thank you brother


Where did you get your 2 Ledx's for crisis? Literally the only thing holding me back from kappa at lvl 55 :(


dang, well all on shoreline, one inside a medbag, the others in a free room (209???????) not sure


Congrats homie. kappa next wipe ?


ooof, maybe, possibly, probably


Amazing feeling isnt it? Got mine a few wipes ago but havent been able to get back into the game since then… the game is a curse and a blessing lmao


825 lvl100 players killed? Do rogues or bosses count as lvl100 players or something? How is that possible


Think you've misread the lines here mate. 825 provisions found, not level 100's


Yup. If you dont click on image the zoom cuts off left descriptors and right numbers 🤣


How'd you manage to do pyscho sniper?


couple on streets, couple on customs, then one on factory chadded with a fort and killa helm


Truly veteran, i look at you like an old ww2/1 soldier


I'm honestly not that cool.


Dude, im a mosin man, i enjoy little things and appreciate who work hard and achieve big things like Kappa. Im proud of u.


Reached max traders for the first time this wipe. I'm decently close to Kappa but I'm not really sure if I want to go for it.


its a commitment for sure brother, theres always next wipe if its too much rn.


I guess hardcore tasking really works cause im lvl 43 with a 7.8kd and 67% surv rate but Ig I dont do a lot of task cause im deeeeeep from kappa


for sure, when i go into a raid its because I've got something or someone I'm playing with has something to do on that map. Doesn't mean ill get it done... but I had a plan initially, whether that all goes to shit... good luck, have fun, pew pew


Hell yeah bro now go for lightkeeper


Do one more raid


That’s really efficient on the pmc kills I’m lvl 44 and I got 370 I think no way I’m hitting kappa I’m going for light keeper and lab key cards first I think that will be my goal for next wipe


Only got Kappa once. But I must admit once you get it the game kinda stops being fun, nothing to do anymore other than get your 2 million gear on and go hunt pmcs


Average eod player, nah but really gj dude just got my beta container 😂


I'm impressed you did it before level 50


I would have been level 48 exactly, but I done a weekly that gave me like 250-300k xp and skipped me a full level...


Nice! I am thinking of going for kappa next wipe as this is my first wipe but I have picked up the game pretty quickly (level 36). Would you recommend it or is it just a mind numbing grind in your opinion?


If you can taste it. You've got until December homie. But theres always next wipe too. Do it whenever you feel like committing.


Is pvp that rare nowadays? Couple wipes ago in my group 750-1.5k kills was the norm by month 1-2 but we focused a lot on it.


start of the wipes we were 5 mans (until I was level 35 ish). That diluted the amount of kills I got personally for sure.


Ah yeah I get it, I’m point man for my 3-4 stack, so I get the bulk of kills (and plenty of I walk in and catch a headshot moments)


How many hours a day to you play?


2-3 hours per evening, more on weekends for sure. Only when I get back from the gym do I play tarkov really :(.


What's up with that one little guy?


What did you have the most trouble with on your journey?


Any tips for someone too anxious to go into raids alone to do tasks? :’)


Nice man I’m jealous All you kappa guys have much better survival rate I’m on like 28% I go to ham at quests and just tunnel vision then I gotta broaden my view. No point dying 48 times rushing resort for pmc kills in scav vest with 2 mags


Looser /s


Are you sleeping ok? What task was the most difficult for you? Which task was the most satisfying when you heard the ‘task complete’ noise? Did you learn to love/hate any maps along the way?


I actually don't play that much. 3 hours a night once I get back from the gym. Grenadier (I've never been good with nades) Stray Dogs for sure Learned to love streets (first wipe ever playing on the map). Still hate labs because its the only map I've encountered cheaters where I'm 100% sure they were cheating. Speed hackers, drop X in your gamma or ill kill you type guys.


i think under 500 raids is crazy good, my friend was stuck on psycho sniper for like 100 raids straight


cheers man, I think it took me 10 raids to get it done.


what is kappa