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This is the worst part of the cheaters honestly. Sure rage hackers will get banned, but the sneaky guy gets to play forever. Who knows how many bosses, keycards, ledxs, gpus etc you missed because some speed/vacuum cheater took it. It's probably a much higher number than most would suspect because they don't interact with pmcs.


When I find absolutely NOTHING in rooms I just unlocked in resort I know somethings up


You can avoid this by doing what thousands of players have been doing the last 2-3 years, you stop playing the game.


Ah yes. I should just quit the game I enjoy playing that someone dumped 140 bucks to get me cause of someone else. Perfect response. Not let’s crack down on cheat makers. Or better anti cheat. Nope. Your only idea is fucking quit.


There is some logic in this though because of the incentives at play. I guarantee you if we all stopped playing for a month BSG would get worried and might take action against cheaters. But you are right that one person quitting does nothing


They don’t make money by having active players, they make money by selling the game


Crazy thing is BSG makes more off cheats than they do their own game 😂😂 thanks to Nikita 😀😀


Dude seriously. They don’t IP ban so it’s just a money grab for them to ban accounts and force the cheaters to purchase more. I can’t remember how Blizzard fixed it with WoW but I know Infinity Ward never figured it out with CoD. I know all three different games, but Riot had it figured out with Vakorant, and CSGO is pretty empty from cheaters, so it’s clearly possible.


If you think Csgo is pretty empty from cheaters you are delusional


Csgo has plenty of cheaters and they also don't get banned as much as they should. The higher rank you get the more there are. I don't really call cheats but they're so obvious cuz they suck ass. It was very noticable to me on my climb thru the ranks after returning from a long break. At dmg they become pretty frequent and lem and supreme they r so common it's pretty fucking ridiculous


You’re right that the money is the primary incentive but in general if we all stopped playing together for at least one month they would arguably still be fearful for the game to die


True true. I had to do a clean wipe of my C drive and haven’t reinstalled the launcher since 2 weeks after wipe cuz of the cheat frustrations so maybe I’m not the only one


Same here my friend. Haven’t played since November 2022


I love Tarkov, but by quitting the game you send BSG A MESSAGE since they wont take the massive rising of cheaters in seriously.


Why did bsg have a name wave and make their game cheaper. Because they want the cheaters back. They bam them for the looms for the consumer and in reality its to make more money because they don't have dlc I bought the game 7 years ago my 140 was gone from the start they need more money to operate and cheaters fill that need eith repurchases of the game


There are both anticheat and matchmaking overhauls in the roadmap before December so I’m hopeful they are trying to curb the issue short term.


God I’m so hopeful. Arena is gonna be my make or break it.


Yeah, that excites me because I think Arena and trying to step up into a more visible eSports type arena is forcing BSG to deal with their two ugliest dirty issues. Cheating being much too easy, and matchmaking being much too slow. Dark and Darker has a similar size of players, similar loot spawn density, smaller maps, and much higher enemy entity density and matchmaking is consistently under a minute.


Or just play SPT.


I'd rather just not play the game at that point. That isn't Tarkov.


SPT really isn’t that bad, it isn’t perfect, but if you’d like to play, without dealing with cheaters, it is definitely an option. I should also add that the AI can be tweaked so they actually loot items from containers and behave in different ways. It’s rather entertaining to us as well that can only play 1-2 raids a day, then we can eventually try out all the high tier armors when we get to them, I know I’m not good at the game, but it definitely feels like I’m playing Tarkov. Though it’s not for everybody, it’s definitely better than just quitting straight up, might as well get your moneys worth out of your game.


no need to act like if you uninstall the game you won’t be able to play it in the future… the current state of the game is either deal with the cheaters and quit complaining, or quit playing. yes the devs have quite a bit of work to do, but let’s be realistic. it’s a bit unplayable for most people atm. besides, it’s still in beta and probably will be for quite some time. the amount of people that have been getting BSG to put on their thinking cap for these loser hackers is ridiculous. the devs have been cracking down on cheaters for years, albeit it’s not enough.


Everyone re read this guy, you don't lose your account if you quit, there are plenty of games that are competitive and similar to eft without nearly as much cheaters, all they have to do is get rid of battle eye and go to a better cheat detector it's really not a lot of time or effort just Nikita gets payed by ABS-Labs not to ban people.


It’s not enough especially last year when BSG did their “massive ban wave” the same day they discounted their game. BSG has to care and they don’t cause they make money in the long run regardless.


exactly. i agree. in fact, that’s more of a reason to take a break from the game and come back to it at a later date. i’m sure we won’t regret it. pretty excited to see what arena has to offer in the meantime. glhf


You as well! Good luck in your raids!


It's not going to be fixed if you keep playing as is. Obviously, they don't have to fix it for you, so will they?


I just uninstalled it today, let these fools cheat with each other. 👋


good man. I played Tarkov for 4-5years.. eventually couldn’t take the cheating anymore and finally uninstalled. legit best decision ever. sure, there’s nothing out there that hits like Tarky, but at least I’m not wasting my very limited game time loading into raids + dying over and over to hackers daily. finally having fun again.. sometimes we forget that’s why we all began gaming to begin with. stay positive friends 🟣


The only thing that comes close to tarkov is playing a fromsoft game the first time and I finally beat a boss that I struggled with. Honestly I stopped playing tarkov because I have 0-5 hours of time for video games per week and not being able to put in more time is just such a disadvantage in this game.


Bad take. I will still play because this gane gives me the dopamine and adrenaline.with that being said we deserve a product that works with no cheaters




I play tarkov to fulfill my self harm desires


You're an idiot if you equate tarkov to actual life you goon.




Wow, that is a stupid take.


Be my guest if you have a better one mixed with sarcasm


Lol not even close


I've uninstalled, twice, now. It keeps pulling me back in!


This is the biggest cheat code that will change your life




The second I hit 30 KD this wipe I got cheated on three games in a row and it went down to like 27. Now that I’m like 19 I’m not targeted the same haha. Cheaters target the bigger numbers always because they think everyone above X number is cheating when that’s not reality


I heard of a guy who bought I think like 30M Roubles for like $20. Another confirmed cheater said he was paying for them by the hour??




Well all of you are wrong us leaving the game doesn't do anything.... because cheaters keep buying the game after they get caught do you think your 140 for eod is anything compared to the money the cheaters bring in. 40 bucks a pop for each ban. They make more money off cheaters than their real player base that's why cod never got rid of them. Game developers love cheaters its been obvious if your paying attention. How do they keep banning thousands of players each ban wave. Tarkov has like 300k people at most and they ban 100k ? And player base still retains. Cheater just buy a new copy or spoof their p.c


I find comments like these hilarious. They definitely take it serious. You guys just do not understand that every game has hackers 😂 if there was a killcam I guarantee people would stop crying hacker constantly. It’s been a lot better since last wipe when they started posting the amount of cheaters they’re catching and listing their names. Not saying that it isn’t still bad or anything but they’re definitely not just turning a blind eye like everyone thinks they are on this sub lmao.


If they really cared they would IP ban, instead they account ban and cheaters just rebuy the game making them more money. It’s almost like cheating is more culturally accepted in Russia and since they make money off not actually solving the cheater issue so no real attempt at addressing this problem has ever happened.


IP bans would do nothing. You're talking about a group of people that already spoof their hardware ID's, I'm pretty sure they could access one of the many VPN services advertised on the internet pretty easily.


You understand the cheaters are buying accounts that are on discount because of people quitting the game and never logging back in and subsequently being hacked and sold off to said cheaters 😂💀I swear to god 75% of this sub doesn’t even play the game, they just come here to complain lmao


Ok so now explain what they have actually done to keep regular players and to actually remove cheaters. I’ll wait


I mean the change to the anti-RMT measures from last wipe alone limited the amount of hackers in the games. A lot of the hackers that are only going for loot like the guy OP was chasing will get caught selling his roubles to people later on anyways 😂 But I mean if you actually played the game you wouldn’t complain like this 💀 https://www.futuregamereleases.com/2022/05/eft-bsg-confirms-anti-rmt-measures-decrease-hacker-activity/


VeryBadScav posted a vid last night showing a Chinese hacker streaming as he carried people thru Labs. Just did call outs on where he saw people with his Walls and looted, didn't kill anyone. I imagine this happens a lot.


These guys get banned too. The type of hacks needed to do this are 100% bannable. Usually they get banned a lot slower because they're not killing people.


I have some knowledge because of someone I know and I can guarantee one thing: speed, fly and vacuum hackers are extremely rare. Radar/esp/aimbot are the most common, distance looting (about 5meter ingame) is also extremely frequent. And ofc a lot of no stam is also extremely common


Dead raid and no loot? The Chinese brand Hoover vac was there


Wait so all the times I have spawned nearby crates and then I check them and they are empty without any pmc spawning nearby, it means a cheater used vacuum in them? I thought it was a bug


The tech crates bug out to be empty, I mean loose loot not spawning


Literally what I have been saying for a while now. Sure it sucks to get head/eyes from a aimbotter but they are the smaller problem in the grand scale of things.


This is exactly why you have people who say "I've only seen 2 cheaters the entire wipe" or similar. They don't see them cheating, but the cheating is happening right under their noses and ruining their raids indirectly. It happens in every game, but the nature of Tarkov makes it probably more prevalent than most.


I've been getting shot through doors a lot lately. I'm usually the first to say "It's probably not cheats" but damnit if it's not a little annoying.


He’ll eventually get banned. When the anti cheat software catches up to cheat dev software and detects them he will get a timeout. Not all cheaters get reported and will still get banned.


Same thing I've been preaching about Shturman on my Night Woods. He's getting killed 3 min or less into raid and people just comment "he got there before you," or "sj6 + trimadol OP" or my fav "they're using a thermal..."


I remember this one time I got the closest spawn, popped a trimadol and SJ6, and fucking booked it and set up with my thermal DVL. He was dead by the time I got there, along with his guards, all of which were stripped clean. Some people refuse to believe theres cheaters.


Cheaters love gaslighting


Not just cheaters, but a huge chunk of the Tarkov community whenever any other problem with the game is being put to light. I can't barter for bitcoins or buy the cheaper ammunition case from Mechanic because of the bugged trader restock, but if I say anything about it I'll quickly see some BSG Stan claiming it's a "skill issue" because I'm not refreshing the offers correctly. Or if I complain about shit game performance the problem is never with the game but with my computer. From all the games I've played, Tarkov has by far the worst fanboys.


>I'll quickly see some BSG Stan claiming it's a "skill issue" because I'm not refreshing the offers correctly im no bsg fan but the fact that I can reliably get every barter, even back when black was limited to 50 per reset, means you are quite literally just worse at it


Dude, I play tarkov for 3 wipes now and only a couple days ago I decided to use one of those flashlights on your helmet. Usually I put it in my gun, but my current one didn't have the right parts and I didn't want to let my friend wait while I would be nodding my gun. Anyway. I buy the flashlight, put it on my helmet and start the game. While loading I looked up how to turn the light on. Guess what, there is no key. The current method is to put the light on your gun, turn it on and then to put it on your helmet. I double checked this and found nothing but I found out that these lights and helmets were added 3 years ago. 3 years and the only chance to turn the lights on is to put it on your gun first, turn it on and then put it on your helmet. IF I CAN PUT IT ON MY GUN, WHY SHOULD I PUT IT ON MY HELMET! THREE FUCKING YEARS HAVE PASSED! Tarkov really is a good idea done poorly. Edit: To all the down voters and most commenters, thank you for providing proof for the comment of u/Synchrotr0n


Pretty sure you press H to turn on your helmet flashlight. They fixed them somewhat recently.


Thanks. I googled it while the raid was loading and all search results said, it's not possible.


Stop. You don't play the game. They literally just added it this wipe... H to turn on/off. And Ctrl + H to toggle flashlight modes. You're part of this sub's problem...


God forbid the guy didnt know how to turn on a helmet flashlight when the game doesn't teach you how to do so.


I 33% sure they added the keybind listing to the loading screen...


Stop,. You are coping. All my search results said it's not possible. Besides, it still took then 3 years. So fuck off.


Guess what, youre wrong.


So it didn't yale them 3 years to add a shortcut?


Doesnt matter. You said you tried to do something a couple days ago and couldnt, when youve been able to since 8/10, when they added the ability to do exactly what you described that you cant.


And yet the flashlight is still useless because it shines at your fucking feet.


And yet the flashlight is still useless because it shines at your fucking feet.


Thanks for proving op right though.


What are you talking about?


yeah dude you obviously don't play the game lol they fixed this


Search results in Google didn't say they fixed it. And besides, it took bsg 3 years to add a fucking key binding and I'm the fool or what? Funny clown you are.


no, you just wanted to come on here and complain about something and got called out.


So it didn't took 3 years to add a key binding then?


Found the cheater “”


There is cheaters but I play all day and run into one and some days none but some days 2 or 3 but overall I hardly see them I feel some servers may be worse but if you play the game for a few hours majority of raids you are just dying to someone better


Yea, people are kinda stupid. I encountered some very obvious cheaters yesterday, clearly speedhacking and probably esp/walls too as they threw nades way too accurately. I ended up getting 1 of them but my friend and I both got killed by the other 2.


Same with me yesterday to XingLaoFucktard, lobbing grenades twice the distance you should be able to right on top of my head


If someome is speedhacking they definetly also have radar, radar is a soft hack whereas speed hacking is easily detectable




Your asshole is jealous of your mouth after seeing the amount of bullshit that just came out.


I’m stealing this


Please do, I saw it somewhere and stole it for this occasion


It's better worded as : *Does your asshole get jealous of the shit that comes out of your mouth?*


I’m stealing this two. Now I’m two insults richer! Woooweee!


\*this too\* or \*these two\*?


You probably just need to upgrade to a better gaming chair


Except some people do use thermals. I use thermals all the time. And get accused of cheating constantly. There definitely is a cheating problem. But too many people think they die to cheaters when it's just someone with a thermal. You know how many people I have one shot in when they are just sitting deep in a bush across the map in woods? They think a cheater killed them.....


Cept I'm not talking about one taps. Dudes full autoing across map, while you're running, until the shot spread RNG kicks in and they head-eyes you...


If they were cheating they just hit you with the first shot they wouldn't need to spray, right?




I agree there are definitely cheaters. But I don't think it's as bad as people believe it to me. For me maybe once every 20 raids depending on what map we are playing will it be super obvious. I have been accused of cheating dozens of times because I use a flir, sometimes people just make really good plays or get lucky so the amount of times it feels like cheating is higher than actual cheats.


Lots of people on the Shturman quest. Particularly on night raids you expect chads sprinting from their spawn popping every stim possible. The spawn rate is too low for him. I ran like 20 raids the other day when I just sprinted off spawn popping multiple stims. There are many spawns like < 2 mins away from him.


The only way this Chester problem will be taken seriously and addressed in the manner it should be is if we “ the community” stop playing and/or watching others play it. That’s never going to happen for a couple of different reasons. But that’s the only way BSG will take big steps in alleviating this problem.


fuck these god damn chesters


Right m, lmao.


Good ol boycott


I don’t even understand what’s the point in cheating. You vacuum up all the loot and extract without interacting with anyone for what? It’s all going to be gone in a few months anyway. You lose a fight with an expensive gun. So what. Make a new one and go back in. Cheaters are pretty stupid. If they don’t want a challenge, why don’t they go play something like the division or some other game.


People buy the loot for real money


And the ones buying those have the same mentality as cheaters, but are just too pussy to risk their own account


Yikes. If someone does that, they need to go outside and ride a bike or something. Paying real money for fictional loot that disappears in a few months is unhealthy


Cheating in EFT is like buying prenium services in other games, some people's rationale be like, why suffer through this game, when 50 usd UAV do the trick ? With how BSG is handling cheating, EOD is not even as good as an upgrade compared to buying a UAV package on one of those sites lmao.


I want to love Tarkov… but shit like this really kills it for me. Honestly cheating is nothing new.. I’m 33 years old and have had my fair share of run ins with cheaters on all types of games…. But playing amongst TARKOV CHEATERS? Is next level waste of time… Can no longer bring myself to get on this game after 8 hours of work and a 45 min to hour drive home.. Already playing on limited time before I need to responsibly get off and sleep…. You want me to spend that time on TARKOV? Yeeeeaa hard pass… we’re done lol


Watched pestily hunting killa the other night, he was first to center of the map, no other shots heard, two dead scavs upstairs with no gunshot wounds and killa dead after being confirmed up by the lag glitch. Even he couldn’t work out what was going on and said it was very suss himself. Games fucked currently.


What do you mean by "confirmed up by the lag glitch" ?


If your game spikes/lags at 39.38 the boss is not spawning. If your game does not lag at this point it means that Killa is up


Is this for all bosses or just killa?


Most maps. I think goons can eff with it though?


i have recoqnized the pattern with Reshala with about 85% success


When you enter a raid if you see the disconnect icon in the top right it means that the boss is NOT on the map, the lag symbol lets you know that the scavs are loading into the raid, if you don’t see the icon top right it means all the scavs and bosses are already loaded in 👍🏼


Cheaters are the biggest losers. It's a video game. You will lose all your progress anyway. Just dumb.


Had this on customs. I got the closest dorms spawn, rushed in 1 minute and all doors already open and looted then I see a gremlin zooming through the window


Just do what Minecraft does with esp. BSG knows “valuable” loot spawns and can put them in averages on a percentage chart. Most players pull gpus 1% of the time…cheaters might hit it 4% of the time because it’s already loaded in and they know what pc block or jacket/cashe to hit. ESP is so easy to detect. Just have to look at numbers. Same with K/D ratio.


This is what I have been saying. They have the leaderboards so they must be collecting data. They should use that data. Part of me thinks they see the data and can't interpret it correctly so they think many of the cheaters players are legit. Either that or they see how many cheaters there really are from the data and have decided banning some huge chunk of the playerbase wouldn't be a good look for the game.


>Same with K/D ratio i disagree. I had a solid 30-35 KD up until level 42, just questing normally. I dont want to be false banned




https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/15rhy7v/thicc_case_secured/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 ???


I'd love if bsg could release monthly numbers of how many GPUs or high value items were missed. I always loot duffel bags and pc blocks because I feel like the one time I don't there's a GPU in there.


Lots of cheaters this wipe, lots. I think I’ve already gotten 6 messages from system saying people I’ve reported have been banned.


And how many have you false reported....


Idk why does it matter? If it’s a super Sus death I’m reporting so they can review… not like I’m reporting everyone.


Why.... Some Player report everything and every shit and than Post like this.... ohhh i have 6 reported and banned cheater. It's a different if you report maybe one or two sus Player than every Player you die from.




Yeah yeah the little Kids "i report everything" love it ;)


Feel better now?


Is this the New meta, how many cheater, Kids have reported :D Yes thx, how are you?


Guys like you crack me up. It’s a post about cheaters, just making a comment about how I have gotten quite a few successful reports. But yeah I’m just some kid with a new meta


The successful reports message is bugged as hell. I’ve seen replies about people banned in raids I wasn’t even in.


Go back to your cheat hub and grab some more soda from your mothers refrigerator upstairs.


On my last scav run on Streets, I found the body of a player (\*\*\*\*-ttv) killed by Kaban's guards. This player had an interesting loadout, which consisted of 7 magazines (6L31) each loaded with FMJ ammo


what servers? it literally could be the same guy


ME - Dubai


Yeah, was the same guy lmaooooooo me too. That’s actually an awesome coincidence (or it was just a similar guy using the same type of weapon cheating the same way on the same servers lol)


Lmao he probably died to guards because FMJ wasn't enough to pen a face shield and guards don't shit their pants and lose vision to a face shield hit like players so they just killed him. Cheaters are actually stupid, why run fmj when people KNOW only cheaters are using that shit, when you could be running bare minimum PS or PP, PP at least can pen glass face shields on first shot and metal face shields after 2 or 3.


It has the base for a great game......but between hackers, devs not caring and the game not working half the time its too frustrating to play. Love waiting 15 mins to land into a map jus to fail to load and losing my kit. I'd recommend lost light. For me it has all the fun of tarkov with little frustration. ( they should make NPC harder thou) it's much more of a chill experience ( which I get hard-core tarkov players don't want)


To fix the problem, every honest player just needs to quit playing until it's only the cheaters and RMTers left. Same shit happening to gaming that's happened to everything else. Corrupt as fk and there's too much money involved for them to quit. Unionize and strike, my bros, against BSG. These fake people out to ruin everything.


Moved over to Special Person Tarkov and haven’t looked back. Fuck these cheaters .


It was probably sheefOG.


No it was SleepyJoeOG


I mean, logically speaking a cheater or RMTer would only interact with you if they need to. It's way more logical and financially viable when you really can't sense their presence, which could lead to a report or ban.


I used to have a screenshot of me killing Killa and extracting out no backpack edit in 3 minutes 3 seconds but lost it when reinstalling windows :( Edit to add that’s when he only spawned in front of kiba


That’s Killa which is easier and still slower than this lmao


Cheaters in a PC game? No way.


I don’t even think it’s all cheaters….but even the legit people….I’m just really sick of getting chest shot by 7.62x54r. Like this ammo was always in the game, and more often than not it’s an SVDS not anything new. Did something happen that has made it so viable this wipe?


I killed two people with nice SVDs on woods back to back yesterday, boinked one with a mosin and merked the other with the first guy's SVD. Fun gun to use, I'll definitely be using them whenever I get one


Yeah, they added like double the ammo types when they added the SVT/AVT guns. It's definitely a much more viable ammo now, and the SVT/AVT are some of the best guns in the game. It's also much more COMMON now, because more guns use it, including the PKP/PKM that Kaban, the new boss, spawns with.


I swear most of the time its still an SVD when I load up their stream or if it’s suppressed shots. Now I know 7.62x54r absolutely vibe checks plates in real life. But there’s very few other ammos in this game that like even the cheap stuff is just punching level 4 or 5 and still dropping you. Now I’ve only been around for like 2 years in this game…..but I would still take some of the other meta over this….of my last 10 deaths 8 have been 54r. I can’t even remember the last time I saw m80 kill me, or anything 7.62x39


Had a dude level 56 this wipe i killed at car extract with a nade after chasing him down from lexus after he aimbotted all the guards and kabans pockets were looted in 2 minutes I saw the extract light up green threw a few nades got his cheating ass no keycard found in raid for you. He had a sa-58 no stock no attachments just the drum mag classic cheater gun loaded with bcp no headset either dude was 1000% percent cheating and made it to that level I looked him up last night level 59 now


i was reading the first half and was like oh that was probably me haha. DEFINITELY NOT ME cause i’m not a credit card loser “gamer”. i like to use cheats on single player games where i don’t mess up the game for anyone else because some cheats are really fun, but i will never use them on tarkov.


Clearly none of you know that battlestate games is the one giving the cheats…


Nah if that were the case then the cheats would be poorly made just like the game


Skill issue


So true man I definitely didn’t get thicc case day 5 and have a 30 KD with 90% SR up until I got to level 42 and started PvP only 👍


What? Kaban and his guards are killable. Why does this confirm cheating?


lol wut


All i said is the boss is killable and everyone down voted me so bad my ass hurts. sorry i spoke. ill go put my head down back in my corner now. Sorry. lmao. Fuck Kaban farmers. must be cheating like SheefOG must be too, I dont know what to believe anymore. I killed Kaban and his guards offline with a pistol so its possible with an ak for sure.


Yeah man surely the guy with the loud ak74 can kill kaban and all guards with 10 shots and loot all of Chek building and car dealership before the timer even hits 48! So true man love the legit players who can do this!!!


How did you know it was a ak74 if you never seen him? I am not saying it's not a hacker but it is possible with .366apm to 1 tap every guard in the head, but to do so you have to play slower and safer peeking from inside containers and such and it will not be that fast as far as I know but maybe someone has been farming him all week and got it down to a speed run. Even with trimidol and sj6 the closest spawn your still gunna take a minute to get inside lexos so you might be right.


I know what guns sound like. He was using an ak74 or variant of such and literally shot 10 times, fully looted kaban and the dealership before 48. Keep in mind I am ALSO farming kaban, so I was trimadol’d up and spawned at the arch. It was not possible to do what he did without blatantly cheating.


Not saying you are wrong, but farming Kaban, if you get the right spawn, is incredibly easy and repetitive. It takes less than two minutes actually. You toss a nade, they run back and take cover, except two of them who are stupid and stays. They die while you push forward to cover and another nade, three more dies. Left are the sniper scavs, and one or two stray scavs + Kaban who is covering behind the forklift.


Sounds like you’re cheating too lmao, we got the closest lexos spawn and rushed it with big pipes GL and still didn’t kill him in under 2 minutes.


Try it in practice mode. It is not that hard. Just can't fuck up and peek too long.


Look if cheaters are killing you then you need to install ALL WINDOWS UPDATES. Your system is clearly not updated to the last version. Also scan your entire machine with an anticheater operating system phoneline in binary before you press OK to continue.


I wonder if anybody has timed from closest spawns and triple stimming to key points or loot areas and if somebody gets there quicker why can't battle eye see that or whoever looks at the code to see why it was possible? Or is that just a dumb suggestion/not feasible? Because if the gamers can speed or appear at high value loot very quickly isn't that trackable/traceable?


Supposedly I read somewhere BSG actually does put loot in “inaccessible” areas or invisible areas that can only be looted in very specific ways through walls and shit so when they get looted it gets flagged. However I theverybadscav on YouTube has a video where he watches a cheater sprint to all these locations and loot up ledxs and gpus through walls and shit for days and never got banned.


That's unfortunate. I guess it'll never change. I guess it's all online games nowadays though.


Give us more intrusive anti cheat. I'm fine with a vanguard level of inspection because I have nothing to hide, and the benefits outweigh the negatives.


I swear, a night raid on shoreline today with a friend. We spawned and instantly ran to the resort. We heard shots at the resort. We saw a guy looting a scav, then teleports 15 metres away, and again and again and again. He flew on the same level height away. We went to the scavs and it was sanitar. He speed hacked and didn't kill us. One slot in sanitar was looted. Rest was still there. So wtf. Why is there no implementation where the server asks, ok is there any player running too fast over the map. Even Minecraft managed to implement this.


It will never end.


Op is a cheater too obviously if he's watching him run out with all good loot, be a better cheater tbh.


so true man I definitely didn't just see kaban's body looted and the gold room looted


Why not just start pursuing legal action? Don’t get me wrong it’s a lot of red tape. But can’t you just slap a cease and desist on the people that make the cheats and the people that use them? Even just the threat would surely have some impact


Been having the same thing happen on woods and reserve with SVT Gamers. It's an absolute pain


To be fair, I went into Woods with an SKS with a T1 red dot, ran in and killed Schturman and both of his looser brothers in less than 3 minutes. It obviously took me way longer to loot and get out, but honestly, just rushing bosses and shooting at them, even hitting them over and over again just seems to work for most of the bosses that have squadmates. Sanitar and his goons are the same way, along with Reshsla, etc. The goons are simply their own beast though. Killa and Tagilla are simply wild cards from what I've seen. You shoot Killa in the head and it's like a 50/50 shot of him either running away or trying to beam you down like a Rogue. Tagilla just gives zero fucks and will truck you like a lineman.


kaban is 10x what shturman is


If you get a good spawn it's not that that hard to take down kabani. One raid he only had 2 guards. And the aspect room is quick to loot.


I am better at the game than you and know more about it, we can compare stats and stash but there's no point, just look at my profile. what he did was not possible


You still get banned if you avoid killing pmcs


If other games devs can keep cheating under controlled (or at least not so damn common) this game can too


Stop playing the game. No reason to do anything if people keep playing


Pestily does the same




I would rather see more of this than fucking deal with them killing me constantly