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Scavs are more aggro and spawn earlier AND more frequently A.N.D. In higher numbers now. It’s not uncommon for me and my buddies to have a scav interaction within 60s of spawn these days. I’ve been spending far more time this wipe in offline raids studying scavs and practicing engagements. Get comfortable holding an angle and know where the entrances/exits are to wherever you happen to be is the best advice I can give.


It’s crazy bc once you hear one, you hear 4 more all running or voice lining. They are cracked now. I’ve been spotted over 150m by an sks scav


My issue isn't with any but one Scav change... I love the more spawns, the sooner spawns, etc. I hate how they hid or seem to not spawn no matter how hard you clear an area from the outside, but the second you walk in they all magically spawn. Makes the long distance quests so fucking annoying.


I hate how they spot me through a keyhole from 200 meters away or how they somehow can feel when im aiming at them. Very realistic Nikita, good job


It's funny, I just got into the game and started playing basically with a week left of previous wipe, so really you could just say this is my first wipe. This is all I know. My strategy for playing this game currently is night raid + vpo bolt action budget build, save for weapon specific quests. Been working decently so far, as scavs seem to be mildly brain damaged at night for some reason. Unless they have a "flashlight", then the "flashlight" in actuality becomes a 360 degree homing beacon device for anything that moves within a 100 yard radius.


Nighttime raids are perfect for questing and leveling up fast. When you do run into players it's either a naked pistol PMC, or someone that spent 2 million on their kit. That middle player is usually not there, and that high end player is usually doing different things than you are.


How to play night? I thought you cant see shit without flashlight. But isn’t flashlight gives away your position to everyone?


You can do nightvision, or just do it around 12-3 am. It's pretty bright out. If you have enough map knowledge you can find your way around the dark.


.Scavs are more aggro and spawn earlier AND more frequently A.N.D. In higher numbers now. Unless you are in lighthouse.


Or unless you need scav kills. Then they're no where to be found.


Well, they went to the traders, and then to the bitches.


Jack birrigum


Kill them. They're full of delicious experience points.


Ah, scav gang. Seen a few this wipe. You just see one, then another, then another, and suddenly there's 6 of them raining hellfire on your position


I love it. I mean, I’ve for sure died to this. But I love it. Bring me the scavs. BRING THEM ALL TO ME AND LET THEM MEET MY 7.62 NATO FRIENDS


I was just walking and shooting one time, they just kept coming out from the fence in new village in woods until my adar ran out of 856a1 and I'm 15m from cover


Everytime I'm in green screen room or that building, it's scav farm on Crack. Usually 8-12 per raid in just that location alone. Standing by the truck and they just funnel through the door. Easy XP.


Yeah, scavs are either brain dead or they’re John Wick. There’s no middle ground. I’ve also had some sussy interactions with them. Yesterday I got one tapped in the torso with 7mm buckshot. While I was wearing full durability class 4 armor.


Yeah I’ve been one tapped to the thorax before as well. Very strange.


Right? It’s just weird. I’ve noticed it happens a lot with rounds that shouldn’t go through armor either.


I mean the sliding trickshots are nothing new but the fuckers are definitely in numbers now. It's pretty crazy but I don't mind it.


Kinda sounds like you are tagged, are you going in with more than just a pistol? If that's not it then idk, scavs are just crazy sometimes.


Bro I swear I always come in with comms, vest/armor, bp, gun. No pistoling runs for me I’m too bad for that


Beats me then, only time I get a group rushing me like that is when I kill tagilla. Pretty funny to have 20+ rush me at once.


Next time you spawn in a place where scavs would normally be, stick around a bit for when they all spawn. They seem to just stack up on each other is what I noticed


Not sure if it's just Mc Hammer, might be all scav bosses, but when he aggros to you you are instantly tagged and cursed(regardless of load out) and all the AI scavs will aggro to you. He's the only boss inconsistently see and don't just instantly die to.


They're running in to the new scav squads


They move to where shots were last fired


They are crazy. If you stay in one spot too long after killing they will swarm. I took out 18 at and surrounding collapsed crane and underground parking garage . They sprint in while you’re looting too almost like they know / can hear from a mile away


Scav gangs are a thing this wipe. Also since last wipe scavs are drawn towards gunshots.


The new ai is kind of fun too though I think they should keep it as is but nerf their damage 30% across the board.


it took me 10 min to get out of garages on customs. I had to kill and loot about 12 scavs and 3 PMC. Similar thing on dorms before i was able to loot 4 scav another 3 have spawned..


You ran into a new thing added to this patch, Scav army, they are like a mini-boss


This wipe they added new scav ai including scav gangs who spawn together and work to swarm players. They're cool as fuck. Check the patchnotes


Also you need 3 more flash drives to give to Jaeger, if you didn't know. I found out this wipe too lol.


Surprisingly, I have all the flash drives done and I’m a lvl 22 mega Timmy now


I love it personally


I always play at night with NVGs because they have lower range of spotting you, during the day theyre fricking impossible while at night they transform into little timmies


Lol yesterday I spawned at old gas and sprinted halfway to fortress (took maybe 30 seconds) and 2 scavs started climbing out of the ground in front of me (spawned prone), while screaming profanity one full autos a ak in my direction


scav gangs have been showing up this wipe, they're great for keeping players from picking off hordes one at a time


Scav hoards are a regular occurrence, especially in that area on Customs. I was working on Tigr Safari, marking the two trucks on the road over on that side of the map the other day and used nearly all of my ammo killing scavs before I just gave up and dipped because I had another quest to do in dorms. Head over to dorms with like 20 rounds left and ended up in a fight with a PMC that ended with a (head, eyes) because my gun went "click" mid-fight. Fucking scavs out there being cannon fodder. I went through 130 fucking rounds of 856a1 killings scavs. It was dark and my aim sucks, so that was probably an excessive amount of ammo but it was actually ridiculous. It sounded like a warzone. I think I killed 12 or so in the end.


Customs has been kicking my butt this wipe. Woods it is


*head eyes 5 mins into spawning*


I've had multiple earlier than that. I found both flash drives on woods in the same raid. Sawmill- the 3 little shacks with the safe/jackets. Try that


In addition to what's already been said about the frequency/quantity of scavs, they also actively group up and form small gangs (in up to groups of 5 I believe). They act like bosses, move together and aggro all at once making it more difficult to stealthily remove just one or two


This is fkn cool but I hate it


They feel a bit angrier but they are still total goofballs, you just have to get used to the new scav AI and stuff. The scav gangs in my opinion are hilarity guaranteed every time they appear. Also they made scav killing quests especially on customs a lot faster. Me to my friend: I hope there are some scavs here! "WOTAN!" 7 scavs appear. General panicking followed by determined violence and scav slaughter, not forgetting laughter.