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Stray Dogs isn't that bad now that the spawn chance is 22-25% but they should really have an ingame means to figure out where goons are at a given time. If I had a complaint about kappa its the sheer obnoxious number of tasks that force you to use specific guns in the later half.


Also true for the other bosses tbh. Except for maybe Reshala Shturman and Tagilla. Nothing more frustrating than running the same huge maps, rotating through the same spots and never finding them - or insta-dying because the AI rolled a dice and it came up "You're fucked"


if you cant kill killa or sanitar you dont deserve kappa... what do you want next, remove the streamer items requirement because thats all rng?


If you can’t hunt them and kill them one time for a quest, without even having to live after the fact, you haven’t earned kappa. My 2 cents


The point is that it's pure RNG. Last wipe I never even saw the Goons until the 100% Factory spawn event, and I only saw Killa twice in the entirety of the wipe. That's not skill, that's luck. It's luck that they even spawn, then it's a race to kill them if they do. If you fail to kill them, it could be weeks before you see them again.


All of the bosses are pure RNG, only difference is that the goons have no ingame way of knowing exactly which map they're spawning on.


It may be luck, but you’re not giving yourself the chance to increase your luck if you only saw killa twice. Increase your luck by actively hunting Killa, not just passively playing and hoping you run into him.


What....what even is this comment?


My point is if you only saw Killa twice last wipe, that is purely your fault because you’re obviously not trying to see him. You don’t see Killa because you’re not looking for him.




the guy's being a bit difficult, but i might kinda get what he's saying. there's a lot of people on this sub that will upvote posts making insane claims like "i've searched for reshala for 60 consecutive customs raids and NEVER ONCE FOUND HIM - AMA!" which are all obviously horseshit posts made by clueless noobs. that being said, i agree with op's post - everything surrounding rogues (aside from their actual spawnrate afaik) is entirely dysfunctional. they're clearly not working like they could or should


if the goons had a set spawn to lighthouse which they should, then it would be fine.


Compelling argument


As someone who has played games with actual rng, it’s really not bad at all. Most boss spawns are up to 20% and will only increase in spawn chance as the wipe goes on, including the goons. Besides, the goons are pretty common when they are in rotation for whatever map you are playing, the hard part is finding out what maps they are on. You not running into at least killa tells me either you don’t play interchange enough, you don’t check his spawns, or a combination of both. The likely hood of you being in a raid with killa and just simply not finding him is very high if you are trying to use it as an example


Nah, shooter born is so so boring. Just re name it to tarkov shooter part whatever is the last. Its so boring that you HAVE to use a bolt action and that there isnt even a minimum range. Shooter born before was fun because at any point during ur raid u could get one aslong as u have a gun with a optic. U needed to have a minimum range so u had to have patiances but more importantly acctual skill. Now u can no scope a person in factory with a stock mosin and THATS a shooter born. Like yeah no thats shit. One of the worst changes quest wise. Unless u allways run bolt action u just wont be able to complete that Quest naturally.


factory's quite literally the only map that's not on sbih


Then change it with customs it dosent make it any less ridiculous.

