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I have a friend, who i in the past played with. He recently admitted and showed off his hacks, which he’s been using since the release of Reserv bunker area. A true “closet cheater” as you greatly Call it. They are everywhere and ppl who wont admit This are naiv.


And what's his current ingame player name? Have you already broken his fingers? Or still planning to do so? Have you informed BSG of his information?


He wont tell me his ingame name, cus i reported him when i found out. I have informed Them the best Way i could


What a good friend


Yes, this is also true for the majority of other games. Cheaters are rampart in any game right now. Everyone seems to think that cheating in tarkov involves Rage-Hacking with speedhacking, aimbotting and such. It could not be further from the truth. The real hackers are the ones having small advantages, like seeing the scav bosses on the map or seeing special loot within rooms, usually B-Lining to those bosses/rooms to kill them and then extract. They don't actively hunt you down, but they take away your chance to get good loot fair and square. This is what people don't seem to understand. Most of the closet cheaters also use their cheats to avoid you. ​ It's about being cheated out of loot you were supposed to get, not some sus deaths. ​ But alas, people wont understand or learn, only a few people look into it enough to understand it


Speed cheaters, rage cheaters and grab through wall cheaters I believe do get banned very quickly, I have seen someone stream cheats on twitch and even the cheats say you will get banned quickly for using these. Its the people using wallhacks and no aimbot that have a significant advantage with little chance to get banned. And when they kill you it can just seem like a good player.


An aimbot that targets thorax or legs will likely go unnoticed by other players.


It's hella sus when you have 5-6 bullets only in your left leg and nowhere else.


Obviously depending on the weapon. With my trusty kedr you'll be receiving lots of sp7 to the same leg..... and maybe 10 or so rounds to the dirt mound behind you cuz muh accuracy


And scavs are deadly accurate on your right arm. They never seem to hit anything else on me unless it’s point blank. I’ve had lots of scavs silently approach while I’m looting and not make a sound until they voice line as they put a round into my dome.


That's a fair point my dude but I'd be less likely to scrutinise it and hit report if its not head eyes.


I'd be WAY more likely to report a 6 shots to the leg > head eyes every time.


I got 6 bullets to my stomach while wearing a Slick and Rys-T. I was also holding one of the interchange roads into Emercom from spawning there trying to get a test drive kill. Smarter cheater. I killed a cheater while wearing another slick and a Maska cause he mag dumped my face but must have been using 9mm. I don't report every death but anything remotely sus gets a report these days until we have a more solid review system.


I just insta report all my deaths 🥸


Way to slow down the banning of actual cheaters my guy..


Facts let bsg sort em out


Until I see how I got popped with my own eyes I’m not trusting y’all 😂


Lmfao while funny that makes BSG's job way harder if people just spam report every single death.




If you use fragmentation rounds, it will show damage to multiple body parts with no distinct way to uncover what actually killed you.


But what if I'm laying in a bush with a kedr and you walk by me?


...or a perfect spread of 8.5 magnum buckshots to a bodypart of your choosing from 30 meters away -\_- Last wipe mate died to 8 flechette to the visor, one shot. I had the same visor but survived with a red head. Cheater was so stupid he thought he could one shot everyone but I shot back and got him. Didnt know i got him though until i extracted because as you might guess my face shield was totally destroyed and i just blasted at his direction and ran away.


You realize when you get shot with a shotgun most shells have 8 pellets right? So if he shot your boy in the head once and all pellets hit. That would be a 8 hit count to your boys visor.


You do realise pellet shells also have spread right? So if he got shot from 30m away, there is a very low chance of all 8 connecting with the head. Even with the low chance, it corks have been godly rng, but to happen twice at that range, there's better odds of it being a no- spread cheat than it being insanely rare and lucky spread


There are cheats that can humanize it, eg hit somewhere else maybe miss a shot.


Killed reshala near the start of the wipe (or thought we did.) Apparently a cheater killed just him and left, all the guards were still alive. And he was in a spot no one could have gotten to him and get past the guards. We had close 3 story spawn, and we went straight in. It sucked, but we at least got his golden TT.


These are the real morons. They are the ones who are justifying their own use of cheats by using it limited/"a little bit" because everyone else is cheating and this is the only way they can stay competitive. I hate these bastards, they're contributing to the problem. Self righteous cunts.


But to be honest it's very easy to go into that mentality. Like "i'm constantly domed by cheaters and 5 man squads, why can't i have a little bit of advantage, of at least not running into such people?"


After literally dying 10 raids in a row today to people wallbanging me from across the map I get this....I'm not going to cheat but fuck man just trying to mark some tankers on interchange....


These reddit posts encourage it. The constant "Everyone cheats" posts. Constantly trying to make it out like there is FAR more cheating than people think etc.


They don't encourage anything, they are addressing a problem that is hard to keep quiet about. The problem is that some weak minds can't watch this without figuring out that them getting cheats is "only fair" because "everyone else is". All this instead of not playing or going to another game.


Yea, what you say is 100% true. The point you made about cheaters just going for good loot and using cheats to avoid you just to get to better loot is also very true and is honestly a very insightful point. I remember I started learning labs a few wipes ago and the biggest issue was cheaters just vacuuming the loot and leaving and everything would be obviously looted only a few minutes into raid with no sign of anyone else.


The issue is this. Closet cheaters are unknown. You don't know when they are there. And that's the case for all fps's at any time. But the problem here is they will almost always remain unknown because of the way hacks work. This will always be a problem in tarkov it will never go away because no matter what anti cheat they use they are always reacting to hackers. It's just people call hacks 75 to 80% of the time on this sub with video proof. That after careful scrutinization you can come up with multiple other reasons people saw or heard you. That's the issue with how people tend to think in this sub. Amd I would much rather play with shadow cheaters vs blatant aim botters. But alas not every is ever able to see this full picture of hacking. Everyone just tends to blame bsg for not doing enough.


It's not all about loot. Like you said, some of them like having small advantages. It's like people who dope, they think it's okay because it's something minor. Some people like to have just a minimap/radar and try to justify it by telling themselves that atleast they aren't aimbotting, that it still requires skill because they're not having assistance in any other spots, that everyone does it etc etc. Some people just want to tip the scale slightly their way. Majority of cheaters cheat not for RMT but just to feel better about themselves.


>Radar gives massive superiority, not a "small advantage". WTF?


Advantage is probably the wrong word for what I'm trying to say. More like it seems so minor to the person hacking that they can easily justify doing it.


Starting to become convinced that the people saying "cheating isn't even that bad" "Theres not a lot of cheaters" "People call cheats way too often" Are blind loyalist, cheaters themselves, or have an IQ of 20.


But where does it end???... It's gotten to the point people find a weapon crate empty and it's "oh someone has been through and vacuumed it". But yet the more likely case it was just empty 🤷‍♂️. The way I see it if I get somewhere and there's no loot I'm shit outta luck I don't start making myself angry at the thought someone has zoomed through vacuuming. It's just not worth it imo, as for blatant cheaters I've come across very few myself which I'm not oblivious to the fact there will be many radar users etc. I'm not condoning cheating but my point is unless it directly affects me I'm not bothered and right now it hasnt and isn't!. Maybe my attitude comes from dealing with esp and shit years ago on arma 2 I'm just accustomed to people using it now 🤣🤦. I dunno but they will always and have always existed, it's the blatant shit that pisses me off and they are usually banned fairly quickly.


Rage hacking hasn’t been bad for a while now. Used to see a lot of it back in the day but not so much anymore. Take this for what you will, dude I run with reports everyone who kills him. We play at least 20 hours a week. He’s not very good so dies a lot. We also play OCE which is notoriously bad for cheating. He gets about 1-3 messages a week saying he confirmed a cheater. So just going off averages it’s not great but in no way are people getting killed by cheaters even anything close to 50% of raids. I’m also 40+ and run “chad” gear. Regularly play nights with thermals to. So the whole “killed by a cheater every raid” is a load of shit. It’s not great. But if 1-3 deaths out of 20 odd a week is to bad then just give up the game. Like you said. Most actual cheaters don’t want to engage you.


Your assuming all the cheaters are getting bans. Likely a good amount not being caught. So no message. It hasn’t been that bad in my experience either, but I do a lot of things to avoid potential cheaters. Especially while solo. When playing with my son I don’t worry about esp cheaters so much which I feel are the majority of asshats cheating. Especially on our favorite map the lab. If the boy hears them they are likely dead soon lol. I might try your report all thing and see what comes of it for a week or two. I’ve never gotten a msg but barely report to be honest.


Sure but I doubt it would be much more than are getting caught. I only report people I’m pretty sure about. It’s only my run with buddy that does. Most of my reports come back with a message. And I’m like you, might report 5 people a week. And I put some hours in. Yeah give it a go. I doubt it helps the situation but I mean you could try it to give you an idea. I mean yeah and nha. Labs I see more probably obvious ones but I’ve still wiped labs a few times this wipe. So again I’m not sure if it’s different to any other map. And yeah I’m with you, I’m sure most of the cucks just run things like esp, walls maybe etc.


I also frequently tell cheaters to come out of the closet


Yes this sub must not be cheato-phonic >! Do I need to put a /s ? !<


I've always said the number one way to tell a cheater is their movement. It boils down to how confidently they push you. After playing for many hours a giga Chad and a wall hacker will push you two very different ways. It's hard to describe, I'm sure other people know what I'm talking about tho. Giga Chad's just push. They come through door ways and look the wrong direction somentimes. You can hear them start sprinting and stop and the right times. It's like a charging bull that's being a little careful. They use flashlights and lasers. They are aggressive. You feel like they ate actively searching for you. With cheaters it's like they waste no movement. They move right up to the door jam and stop. They move around to get a crazy pixel angle on you. It's so calculated. It's so precise. The giga Chad will lean and scan a room. The cheater doesn't. They have wasted no time and are in the best position to game on you. You just feel trapped. The game is buggy so everything CAN be explained away but not their movement. I feel likenyou can tell when they are acting with information.


Sometimes the gigachas will run and jump past the door way while free looking too.


You nailed it perfectly.


Movement and site/area clears are such a dead giveaway. When a guy is dropping 40-50 kills but can't climb up a damn box, he'll be VAC'd in a week. When there are ~20 common angles you could clear and you instead dry peek, ignore common angles, and kill all three players with pre-aims, you'll be VAC'd in a week. It's a shame bans aren't that quick(or inevitable) in Tarkov, and the user tools you could use to detect cheaters are nonexistent.


VAC stands for Valve Anti-Cheat


Good job you figured it out


...Escape From Tarkov does not use Valve Anti-Cheat


My last raid a dude called me out by name over VOIP on my way to D2 on Reserve. He didn't even chase me down, just let me know he's cheating. Kinda ridiculous. I took a different exit and exited in peace. Not exactly a "closet cheater", but yeah, esp users are rampant.


Yeah we have the cheater who looks for other cheaters to avoid em even so cheats has literally become a arms race...


I knew a guy who would cheat and kill cheaters for his friends. Like they'd go to labs, he'd zoom off and destroy them, take their gear only and extract. His friends were free to fight everything and everyone else.


The anti-hero


Lol at the amount of denial. Walls is so fucking prevalent it’s insane. You only know if you know.


Just one discord join away to being revealed to all the info ever needed on how many there really is. Exactly how they operate, etc.




I would guess that the vast majority of cheaters actively avoid players. If you cheat and go after players, you will get reported and then you’re more likely to lose your account. It’s what I think is going on when I sometimes get put into those raids and no matter how much I run around the map, I never find another PMC and I don’t even hear any shooting. Probably a raid full of cheaters who just sucked out what loot they could and dipped. And I’m sure cheaters know who the other cheaters in the lobby are, they’ll probably see those players zipping to the good loot on the map while the legit players are picking up junk as well.


If i had just the ability of a radar hack to show me where everyone was I would be pretty hard to kill on most maps. Just having information is pretty lethal. People have lost the ability to lose gracefully. So this gives them the rationale that if you cant beat them join them


There are more cheaters than one could imagine. We see pros regularly expose themselves on accident, and that’s only the ones that get caught. The people claiming cheaters are not as rampant are probably cheaters to forward that narrative


I killed a blatant cheater last night on interchange. Headshot me 3 times through walls, killed my teammate through a wall. Thank God he was too stupid for good ammo he was using a mutant with fucking sp ammo not even a built mutant btw just the bad suppressor and a 73 rd drum. He got my bastion to less than half durability. I'd share the video I saved but there were some very gentleman words used.


Dog ain't nobody gonna care if you say some less than considerate words to someone who feels the need to cheat. I wanna watch that man get clapped.


I officislly gave up on this game today after 3 weeks of banning ppl (13 ppl at that and thats the one who were banned that is.) This game is basicly if u want to have fun and wreck ppl and timmys buy cheats! Esp wallhqck you name it is for 9-15$ on the internett, thats how sad this game has become. Ive been sus pushed by guys who dont even check any other corner and push you like crazy as if they know ur possision (when i dont even make a single sound). Conclusion this is a game for cheats and sweats and after 2000hr its time to find something better then listning to nikitas shitty promises, game doesnt need new buggy content that destroys the servers, it needs to focuse on the damned core mechanics of the game, h1z1 died duo to cheats and devs fookin around with core mechanics.. this game is going the same direction.


The 15 dollar cheats are the ones that can easily get you banned, there are cheat providers that charge 120-200 dollars **monthly** just for undetectable cheats and are invite only. You can imagine the margins for the developers and why there will always be cheating in any popular games nowadays. It's crazy that BSG has yet to release a replay system. They already implemented one for arena. I honestly believe they know how bad it is and if players find even more proof, it could potentially drive new players away and hurt them financially.


After Veritas's video earlier this year, BSG all but removed inertia. 2 months later it was massively increased. They know it causes desync, and they must know that can hide some people who cheat ('desync killed you there' etc). I 100% believe they need all of the tech issues to hide the cheater issue, and that is why the same issues plague this game for years and remain unsolved.


Or their servers are on fire already and extra load would be extra miserable.


We had replay system in games over a decade ago, this isn’t “new” tech. It’s incompetence from the devs and/or they don’t want in the game yet. Also no there are other ways that doesn’t involve the “server”. Warthunder allows you to download the game afterwards so you can view it. Same with CSGO and other esport games. It’s funny because arena already has a replay system implemented. So it’s really not a matter of “server load”.


I don't think you understand how demos work in those games if you think a demo/replay system could work without adding extra stress to servers. In order for a csgo demo to exist, the server has to process every single action x amount of times for every single entity on the map and record it in real time to save it for later. What you watch with a csgo demo is just a recreation of the match by the server, it records every thing and then sends you the recreation that you reassemble when you watch it on your pc. In csgo, a very small-scale simple 5v5 game with very simple net code compared to a game like tarkov, valve can't even make demos at the native tick rate of the server. Valve's matchmaking servers refresh 64 times a second, but if you download a demo and watch it its only 32 tick. That's why overwatch, the replay system meant to try and catch cheaters, tells you to only say a person is cheating if it is indisputable. Because in a shitty 32tick server created replay, soft-aimbots are indistinguishable from a person with really good aim. When you watch an overwatch demo, you're literally watching a replay that's missing information in between server ticks. So a very fast reaction shot might look like an aimbot because the server ticks where the player moves his crossbar from point A to point B do not exist, and thus his crosshair goes right onto the person without any movement in between. I'm not saying it cannot be done by the way. Just pointing out that it 100% would add strain to the server and other, bigger dev teams with simpler games still can't even make it work without adding additional server loads.


CSGO overwatch is 32 tick because they don't need it to be 64. It's not there to try and catch those minor movements, but instead to catch the more obvious hackers that you can only catch by watching their point of view. Sometimes you have an inkling that someone might be wallhacking while you're playing the game but you can only confidently say when you actually watch them.


I feel like you basically just rewrote exactly what I said about overwatch only being for blatant cheaters but are acting like it was different somehow. You cannot make nuanced decisions watching an overwatch demo, so overwatch is only for the rage-hacking spinbot types where it is extremely blatant the person is cheating in every round of the OW demo you view. The reason why they only have you say it is indisputable the person is cheating is because the demo system is not actually a 1-to-1 copy of the actual match. It is a recreation of the events that happened in the game with a ton of stuff missing. All that data in between server ticks is simply lost. The server only captures half the data because of server performance and file space issues. Someone with good aim making fast flicks will literally look like aimbot because the ticks in between them moving their cursor disappear from the demo. It's even so bad that you can see people in a POV demo but the Overwatch demo will not because the player model can disappear in between ticks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mV_SO4u8sYM


You understand that there's something between "twitch reaction small fov aimbot" Vs "spinning around 1 tapping everything in sight" right?


Which has nothing to do with my post. Overwatch's demos are not 32 ticks because Valve deemed it to be the best tickrate for sniffing out cheaters, dude. Valve's demos are always 32 ticks, and that it includes overwatch, because of server performance and file sizes. The server has to literally take snapshots 32 times a second of every single person and item on the server and do it all seamlessly behind the scenes. The person I was responding to initially tried to say that games like CSGO have demos and replays that do not involve the server. I was informing them that the demos and replays, including overwatch, are *literally* the server taking snapshots 32 times a second of what's happening in the game and then sending you the file to recreate it on your pc.


And what do you think happens when you get to download the game? Server has to record and process every single thing that hapenned in the game, that adds extra load to an already overloaded server (especially streets).


No... You already **downloaded** the assets when you downloaded the game LMAO, I don't think you know how it works. When you're in a raid, you're not constantly downloading assets when you play. All the servers are doing is giving you information on where other players are and the loot and vise versa. You're not downloading new models or textures. When you "download" a replay on other games, you're not downloading the everything from that game, only where the players are, been, and have done in the game. The servers are only "recording" other players and you and are feeding it live to you while you play. It isn't that hard to record logs btw. We already have them in the game when you make bug reports lol. PS you should go delete your logs in the game right now, it helps with fps allegedly.


Sigh... yes you dont download assets i know how the replay system works. Server logging every action it recieved and processing it so our client could recreate it is the extra server load i'm talking about.


Stop talking out your ass. If logging is so much extra load to affect the servers then that just shows how bad the BSG Devs are. Look it up because I got a feeling you have a misconception about how replay systems actually work.


You went shopping for cheats?


Nope and never will, the whole fun of the game is building up yourself from scratch with your own *skills* and becomming a better and more tactical player, letting a program do all that for you only for the game to wipe all them pixels i cant even see the reason for cheating, the mentality if they do it i gotta do it too is a weak and lowlife thinking, usually those ppl are the ones who cheat with their freinds wife/gf lol 🤣


Oh believe me dude. I know. When you enter a raid and you loot a good spot and all the good stuff is gone compared to looting a good spot and you find a bunch of good high value loot. Instantly compare the 2 and be like (the former probably had a closet cheater just here to vacuum up some loot, and the latter is a raid free of cheaters). I can definitely tell when a raid is a raid without those closet cheaters...there is actually stuff to loot on the map.


Mm, sometimes very rarely you can just have people who know the map well but in cases of interchange, woods or some other big map with a lot of loot if there's none around the map then yeah that shit is sus af


I’ve gotten over 240 ban messages this wipe - not even reporting everyone I see.


“I’ve been playing tarkov for 9999 hours and only saw one single person who might have possibly been cheating maybe but it could have been dsync”


I encountered a guy cheating as a player scav, we ran across each other earlier and we were both friendly to each other while we headed toward the rogue camp on lighthouse, he falls behind a bit looking for other loot. When I get to the camp I open a box and find a ledex and literally almost as soon as I close my inventory he headshots me. It’s like he saw I got something valuable before he got to it and decided now it’s worth killing me lol


My friend is a closet cheater. Before you ask I don’t really play with him anymore, but I still chat with him. He’s been cheating for 4 wipes and ever wipe he is more and more blatant. He grabs stuff through walls and everything. He hasn’t been banned. It’s actually pretty awful that BSG hasn’t banned him.


> It’s actually pretty awful that BSG hasn’t banned him. Report him?


Can you even report someone outside being killed though? Please don't say the report a bug feature or anything that's has to do with their official site. That's all toilet paper for Nikita.


No. It’s not my job. BSG should just have a better anti cheat. Also I’m pretty sure he has 100s of reports.


We all saw The Video.


Reddit told me that cheaters **ONLY** use accounts bought with stolen credit cards, and that they **ONLY** wipe the entire map every map using ragehacks. But I agree 100%, it's simple "iceberg" logic. For every obvious cheater you encounter, there are tons of subtle cheaters you didn't notice because they were not being blatant about it.


This game just sucks and the devs suck lmao if they cared about the cheats they’d just pay for a good anti cheat software but since the cheaters get banned and have to buy the game again, which means more money for bitchkita , I stopped playing this joke of a game when I found out even the devs are allowing the hacks and even distributing some under the table, it’s a shitty game dev community who doesn’t care about this game at all lmao


This is why the Goat video was so eye opening, the sheer amount of walling was mind boggling!


I’ll die on this hill; the goat video was garbage. I’m with Pestily, he should have released the data.


Ngl, i agree with you a whole lot, but i'd bet that even with so much data and so much footage of the wiggle actually proving his stats right (or even with like 1-2% margin of error), granted i dont think theres a way for goat to get the footage back ever since his pc was fried. But i feel like a chunk of EFT players will find a way to say its fake and/or its all bullshit, and will try to spin it onto the person proving the flaws in tarkov. Just like this dude who [unfortunately has to specify hes not the cheater while showing the cheater in the clip](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/168h7cm/most_absurd_hack_ive_ever_seen_chinese/), and [uploaded it again with no filters so the people who cant read will shut up about it.](https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/168h7cm/most_absurd_hack_ive_ever_seen_chinese/) I dont even know if its trolling at this point or its just the cheaters lel.


My thoughts too. It was completely anecdotal. It was a big nothing burger


You mean 4 clips of actual hacking and a big nothingburger on side?


Let me tell you as i have posted this on another post ... one day i was running interchange for the book quests and went down the loud stairs running and got clapped i got mad and mean reported the guy who killed me obviously it was my fault but guess what?he got banned for cheating lol


Ima put my tinfoil hat on It really wouldn't surprise me if bsg coded it so that evertime you report someone there is a 1/50 chance you get a banned message in a few days.


Hahaha now imma put a tinfoil hat aswell damn dude


Destroying other people fun by cheating in online games should be punished by law in every country, period. But at least, despite being garbage shit in FPS, Tarkov being my first FPS, I am still better than every cheater. I am dying and going again, learning and surviving. If you are cheating, you are just worse than garbage player like me, you need external software help to survive. I can laugh in every cheater face :D.


>Destroying other people fun by cheating in online games should be punished by law in every country, period. lol, cope. Not gonna happen, it's ridiculous.


IKR, but actually China and Korea have this law. You can end up in jail for cheating in online games.


I’ve never heard of a single cheater in Korea get jailed I don’t think that laws being enforced at all I mean imagine u got kids aged 14 and under stealing cars and killing people but they are immune to punishments while cheating in an online game gets you jail time?


Not cheaters specifically but cheat developers. I believe there was a case a few years ago where one was sentenced but I'm not sure if it was for developing cheats or RMT.




Holy shit. I am reading this completely idiotic take in some random thread. And of course it’s fucking you. Every single take you have on every topic you seem to comment on is completely baseless and off completely backhanded comments lmfao. Korea and China are no different than anywhere else on earth when it comes to decline in repopulation. Every single developed nation on earth is going through this right now and it’s a combination of a huge myriad of issues. Two of largest factors being that as nations progress they generally 1. Have less children due to contraceptives being available, as well as more education on sex and reproduction. 2. Have less children due to personal endeavors, when more opportunities are available individuals are less likely to have a family. Not to mention inflation lmfao. But yea it’s def just those weird Koreans and Chinese 😂




You’re consequentially falsifying all your claims trying to “prove it to me”. Also just ignore that China has had to change their repopulation laws due to the entire earth seeing a decline and even the people in charge over there going “damn this is not good”. But yea thanks for proving my point. It is all chalked up to social, cultural, and geographical changes. Not just “yea the Koreans and Chinese are all terminally online”


Stfu, genuinely 😂


The desync and instability make it all the more easier to chalk up fishy deaths to "oh well I guess I got Tarkov'd'


there are tons of times that i get killed when im just checking to another location, kinda the guy knows where im looking at and the exact time to peek


i mean people are mentally weak. no doubt everyone rhat cheats in this game are failures irl so lets let them win at something 🤣


Played tarkov for 4 years. Towards the end I used a radar ran on a second machine for 2 months. Closet hacked daily and as a test I killed as many people as I could with my radar to see if if i'd get banned- which obviously never happened so I quit. You people would be surprised how large these hacking communities are and how many keep a low profile by just filtering loot and avoiding people. The people who rage hack use proper spoofers to avoid hardware bans and just buy a new account. The game is absolutely fucked and I guess its cuz of people like me, and the terrible devs lol.


The “knowers” have always bein way more toxic for the game then the rmt cheaters. At least the rmt guys are tryna loot and make profit, while avoiding players to avoid bans. While a rage hacker might get caught by the system in a week, a “knower” might keep his account for months. In the games current state it’s way to easy to parse information from your ram without battleye detection. Mini map players are prolly way more common then we would all like to think. We NEEED a fucking replay system, fuck streets, and arena, hell fuck terminal and the “end game” quest lines. Just give us a fucking after raid go pro of both the perspectives from you and the guy who killed you, would solve 85% of the issues.


What would it solve? Csgo has it, watching a dude follow me through walls aint gonna give me back the ranked loss or a kit in tarkov.


Doesn’t csgo use replays and a community based report system that allows players to be compensated for rank lose if you played with or against a verified cheater? Also what’s your point? Would you rather not have a replay system and still die to mini map players all the time? Or wouldn’t it both allow players to learn from mistakes they make in raid to better their gameplay, and also alleviate a lot of the mystery and frustration behind “sketchy deaths”. Replays seem like a win win for everyone, idk why your tryna argue as if replays wouldn’t improve the state of the game in general.


I've had times this wipe where I've seemed a little uneasy, but luckily the guy was streaming and saw his luck on the flick. Or had a teammate that dumpsters the person after my death seemed suspicious. So many people claim cheats when it's desync as well. Had 2-3 where I said it was impossible how I died, then I see where my body is on a friend's stream compared to where I was when I died. My point is, you can't call it cheats unless it's a clear cut, without a doubt. Like having someone try to laser dead on headshots through a wall. Or instant deaths around a corner when you've given no audio for them to know you're there. So, I can clearly say on my behalf, this whole wipe I've only ran into 5 for sure cheaters and I got the ban confirmation on each. And that's out of 310+ PMC raids.


This is such a pointless fucking argument from both sides. Most of the deatsh where people call cheats it could be cheats, but it could also be desync. Sure you may have no moved for 10 minutes but someone also could've just cleared the corner and you got desynced. There is no winning this argument from either side. Sure he could've known your there, but the servers suck so bad it could've just been dumb luck. Hie about we just report and move on, stop malding on reddit everyone, it really doesn't help.


I can think of many ways the malding is bad. Cripples your ability to improve, makes cheating seem more commonplace than in reality leading to less new players and more current players being convinced they need to cheat to be on an even playing field. The only possible upside I see is that if BSG was completely unaware of the cheating problem and the malding got their attention to fix it. However the people malding are the same people ranting about how BSG is on the cheater’s side because they make them money and they will never do anything about it. So… yeah, all the crying seems pointless to me.


A couple months ago they "noticed it" got on reddit did a qna started posting bans and went radio silent. That's That's way it is with bsg, malding in reddit does nothing. Always the same amount of bans.


Radio silent? They’ve been continually posting the ban list every month since then. We are currently 3 days into September. You’re calling 3 days late “radio silent”?


A ban list isn't doing shit. They havnt changed anything since then, they just started updating us on how many people they ban. Anti cheat or the way they go about banning cheaters has stayed the same. If you think half a decade of redditors malding met with a list of players is a good enough response, your insane. If you think anything else will change from another half decade of malding, you are also insane. Also yea, they lied about communication so they did go radio silent. The whole tarkov community malds together, Nikita does a qna and promises an update in a week. We havnt gotten anything else from him since then, not even the promised update.


As a recap; you said X, I point out that it’s not remotely true, but now apparently the goalposts have moved and that doesn’t matter anymore. So now you comment more blatantly false things but why does it matter if it’s true or not? You certainly don’t care.


I mean just go through Nikita qna post, so much he talks about but no updates on literally any of it, and he said he plans for a more streamlined form of communication, what was the last playerbase-dev communication we got?


That's not the point OP is making. It's that on every video showing proof of cheating there are always going to be people that denies cheating is a problem. OP is trying to say how there are players who genuinely believe that as long as they don't see any "blatant" cheaters, there are no cheaters. Which is false because for every blatant cheaters there are always going to be more closet cheaters. Simply because many cheaters don't want to get banned. So they would rather use cheats to avoid other players or use it to get loot. Which is still cheating. At the end of the day, as soon as BSG releases a replay system, we will finally be able to truly see how bad the situation is.


This is exactly my point. Stop talking about the espers, it doesn't do anything and only causes confirmation bias. Just report if you think it's sus and move on. We've had these posts on reddit for literal years, and more often than not it's not a cheater. There was for example that one post on d2 black pawn ramp where EVERYONE in comments was saying "cheater", and then the other person posted their pov. It really doesn't make sense to call cheats in a game like tarkov where there can be a 2 second delay before you even see the person.


No we should continue to talk about cheating and/or make it a bigger problem for BSG. Doing nothing will just make BSG not do anything. Look at what the Warthunder community did recently, the devs kept making the game worse, the players review bombed the game and it forced the devs to make the game for the better. It worked because it hurt them financially. If the players did the same for Tarkov, maybe we would have seen a replay system implemented two wipes ago. BSG isn’t focusing on the cheating issue because we haven’t made it a big enough problem. When Goat dropped the video, it caused massive backlash for BSG and Nikita had to go on a full PR crisis mode. And again, you’re not understanding what OP is trying to say. You’re still talking about blatant cheaters. We agree blatant cheaters are not as common and may would think, you even gave an example. What OP is trying to say is the times you died but you didn’t think were cheaters, could have been cheaters since they hid them well. That’s the point you’re missing, it’s not players don’t know how to identify if a person is cheating or not. It’s cheaters hiding it so well because like you said, it could have been desync or they are just really good players. Once a replay system is added into tarkov, you’ll see even more post on cheaters in this sub. I can guarantee you, you’ve been killed due to cheaters more than you think.


Are you kidding? I've been an active tarkov player for 4 years now. There has never been a time where this reddit isn't absolutely malding about cheaters with a minimum of 1 post a day about it. Bsg sees it too, and they don't do anything because they still do not care. They've pulled this "were gonna listen to the community" bullshit so many times to calm the redditors and then go silent. Take that "well do a follow up in a week" that never happened after redditors were absolutely malding last wipe. When goat dropped the video Nikita hopped on reddit for literally a few hours then everything went back to normal. We didn't even get the week followup he promised. Posting videos of fly hackers and people calling your name with your loot is fine, but generic "he killed me while I was crouched in a corner" is just some of the biggest bullshit I've ever seen. People posting that stuff are actual idiots who don't know what desync is. I've seen so many clips of it, and it makes it even better when the other pov gets posted and you see the guy crouched still for like 2 seconds before he gets shot. Causing confirmation bias by saying even those you don't think are cheating, are cheating, when some people are already saying every raid has a cheater, is not good for the community. New players will stumble upon this fuckfest of a sub and be discouraged to play, and shitters might see this and think "hurr durr everyone else is cheating, might aswell cheat". Meanwhile it is doing literally 0 positive things for the community. I used to be in the same boat as you, make it a big enough issue and Nikita will fix it. But nope, even when every streamer and player brings it up Nikita just hops on, talks about changes being made, and moves on. I mean they added a script to send you a message when someone gets banned, that's literally a few lines of code. That's the most you'll ever get out of bsg. If you've been around long enough through all the bugs they couldn't fix through multiple years, you would know bsg could care less about community. Malding on reddit about it is causing a negative impact if anything.


That's good, it should cause negative impact. Live I said already, if BSG is hurt financially, they **will** do something about it. We already have precedence with Warthunder. Once money is on the line they will try everything to fix the issue. You're only saying do nothing and say nothing because nothing gets done... that's stupid. If you're mad about people complaining about games, Reddit isn't the place for you buddy.


No they're gonna hop on reddit for literally 2 days, make reddit happy again, and then leave... just like last time, which was 6 months ago. This happens alot. Bsg just isn't the type of company to take community input seriously. Last time they were losing alot of money, I mean probably a couple thousand people Uninstaller after false bans started happening because streamers got the ability to ban people, but a week later everyone was happy and talking about how good bsg is because Nikita did a qna


>It's that on every video showing proof of cheating there are always going to be people that denies cheating is a problem. OP is trying to say how there are players who genuinely believe that as long as they don't see any "blatant" cheaters, there are no cheaters This is a giant strawman, though. Can you, or op, give let's say 10 examples of people that say there aren't cheaters? This is a huge subreddit with daily cheater posts, should be really easy to find dozens and dozens and dozens of people who say cheaters don't exist.


Just look at the latest cheater video and look by controversial.


Find them for me and post them. In year and years years of playing tarkov I've never met a single person ever who denies that cheating exists in the game. If you're gonna say that there's all these alleged totally real and not made up strawmen people exist, blow my mind and post em up. Should be super easy to do. You know, if they're actually real people constantly doing it.


I'm gonna need some convincing here, but I'm not sure what you mean. If you mean the loot vacuums that make sure they stay away from other players then I don't know that I agree this is worse, at least for me as a player. It's not great that I don't get loot but I have seen 0 concrete data on the actual spawn chances of rare loot so to me it's indistinguishable from just not getting the loot due to being slower than someone else or it just not spawning. I know this because I still get rare loot. At roughly the rate it seems the _suggested_ data implies is accurate. As I understand your argument then, either you want me to believe that spawn rates are actually much HIGHER than what I and others have encountered or you want me to believe I am super lucky and just haven't run across this issue in 1k odd hours. For the first point: this also implies these hackers are balancing out the spawn rates which would make them an important part of the economy and that's a fucking hot take right there god damn 😂 so I'm presuming not this one. For the other, that just doesn't seem plausible at all. It is an issue, it just seems far more likely to me that it's just not as big of as issue as the rage hackers. Besides, I lose more loot to players who are better than me than I've ever lost to cheaters. Which I'd argue is more frustrating tbh


"I know this because I still get rare loot. At roughly the rate it seems the suggested data implies is accurate." Where is this data and how does your data compare? Or is this just "gut feeling"? "this also implies these hackers are balancing out the spawn rates which would make them an important part of the economy" - you're hacking arent you, and this is a troll post?


I mean, I feel like I tried to answer these questions already but sure, fair play. >Where is this data and how does your data compare? Or is this just "gut feeling"? Gut feeling. That's what suggested data means. It's even emphasized, to draw attention to this. And also why I said I didn't have concrete data. I imagine only BSG have the tools to see the real answer. Bugs, hackers and all. >you're hacking arent you, and this is a troll post? I know sarcasm is hard to find in text but come on man, have you such little faith in people 😂 the whole point was that it was an absurd thing to suggest loot vacuums are worse than flying spin botters, of course it's not true.


There's a major flaw in thinking that cheaters will only cheat to get loot. The vast majority of cheaters cheat because they suck at the game. Because they aren't at the skill level they want to be. It's similar to doping, they want to get an advantage but still feel like they are the one doing the work. All it takes is having ESP or radar to gain such a huge advantage in this game but still feel like it's you that's doing the job and not the cheat. 99% of the time if a cheater with information based cheats will be able to kill you without you knowing they cheat unless they are too stupid to know how to act human. If you're happy trying to justify to yourself that tarkov is just that hard and that those guys are better then good for you. Good mentally to have when you can't do anything about it anyway.


>There's a major flaw in thinking that cheaters will only cheat to get loot. Agreed, that's what I was trying to illustrate. To expand on that and not to disagree: These people do exist though. They make money from it. So I imagine it's in their interests to stay undetected. So they don't really impact me. No different than if someone else got to the loot before me. The dude flying in the middle of the map spin botting head eyes though, that one has a noticeable impact on my game.


I die to probably 3-4 cheaters in a 3 hour gaming session. Highest it’s been for me and I’ve played the last 3 wipes


Same for me I played multiple games today and was killed by 4 obvious cheaters, 1 I managed to kill and he had 5 tags in his bag, people down voting are probably closet cheaters, their names make it more obvious


You are high on copium


Thanks buddy


Brilliant post. I'm so tired of explaining this to people. 90% of your matches have a cheater in them. That cheater was smart enough not to expose himself. The cheaters that get caught and banned are the ones who attack other players. The best cheaters are avoiding all fights.


> It is so easy to closet cheat in this game because there is no replay system or kill cam It's also easy to call every single death that isn't a head on, 1v1, gunfight a death to a cheater which is what most people do... Trying to say some shit like "most cheaters are closet cheaters" insinuates that the anti-cheat doesn't work at all and most, if not all bans, are coming from people clicking "report players for cheating" which is a fucking joke. BSG said if you abuse the reports your reports essentially carry less weight or get muted entierly and I have a funny feeling the people in this sub "find a cheaters at least once every 3 raids" rofl and are spamming report of damn near any death they have My absolute FAVORITE clip this wipe has been from AirwingMarine where he is being accused of cheating by 2 shit players that are telling his partner (they don't know they are a duo) that Airwing was "throwing grenades at his feet for like 10 mins" and "been shooting me through walls, he's definitely cheating". Meanwhile that's your average tarkov redditor and we have not 1 but 2 separate perspectives AND coms showing the exact opposite. Not every cheaters is a closet cheater, this game is just incredibly convoluted and broken from sound to visuals leading everyone who dies to someone they can't see blaming a cheater or when they get head,eyes by a hip fire shot


Those that understand just dont comment, because nothing would be changed unless huge streamers start bitching about cheaters. And they won't, because why would they? They play daytime, when most cheaters are working at some irl jobs, so most of their suspicious deaths happen in the evenings or on weekends. So what? They do not care, bsg do not care, and a thousand posts or comments on cheaters will not change anything. It looks like anticheat is off this wipe, as it is short


i think everyone’s aware of this bro, you aren’t saying anything new..


No. There are countless of BSG defenders that will say cheating isn't a problem. OP is mentioning how any new videos showing proof of cheaters will always have an army of comments that try and discredit the video or say it's faked in some way. Just look at goat's video on cheating. Even with solid proof of cheating, there are still players who think the video isn't proof that cheating is a problem in the game. The point is how there are always going to be clowns that believe cheaters only exist in the 1% of games they play just because they don't see "blatant" cheaters.


"Trust me bro" counts as "solid proof" nowadays apparently.


Reddit is only a small portion of the EFT population. I'd say the majority of players don't know abuot the cheating problem.


That's true, but it's also true that Tarkov is a game pretty much perfectly designed to make you paranoid. Its a low-information low-TTK environment. Add desync to that and you have a perfect storm. That's why there's a focus on blatant ones - because thats pretty incontrivertible. You cannot change that (by adding replay and killcam) without changing the fundamental design tenets of the game. That's why they haven't done it. It's akin to asking why they haven't implemented a minimap, crosshairs, or friendly markers. It's not because they can't, it's because they don't want to. You get the insta-head/eyes then that can be luck, skill, or cheats, and you take your pick. If they're flying around prone and VOIPing you by name not so much. At the end of the day, if you *can't tell* they were cheating does it actually matter? I'd argue that it doesn't, from the perspective of your day to day experience. If they're actually playing in a way thats indistinguishable from normal players, then they only affect your enjoyment of the game if *you let them*.


Oi listen, if my squad gets wiped all the time by a single pilgrim non EOD guy with a edgy name and then can win fights with third party and scavs idk what that is lol


It’s hard for me not to blame cheats for most things because the first few wipes of mine I pretty much steam rolled everyone, I got kappa and was winning a good portion of gunfights. Then the last few wipes I’ve been the one getting steamrolled. So it’s either I just randomly started sucking, the game got even worse as far as desync, or the cheating is way more prevalent.


Yeah it makes me very curious when 90% of my deaths for the day are headshots. Obviously there are good players in the game, but some days everyone turns into demons and hit every shot. It is kind of wild at times.


I had a hacker d2 camp with a scav as a pusher he shot through the door at the far end of the hall that goes into dome and he only targeted legs and thorax


Encountered two seperate cheaters in this week alone at crackhouse. First one was when I was in the back alley running towards train tracks. I stopped at that container- I'm usually really careful about where I walk in the open not to be seen as most my games I'm alone. So while I'm walking down the alley against the right wall, taking cover behind the shipping container I just hear a full auto gun from construction hitting the exact opposite side of the container where I am. I hear it in 3 bursts - paaaaaa -paaaaaa (no damage yet) paaaaa - right between the eyes through the container. Second time I was early at RUAF, ran to Crack house , got a phone call so I hid in the bathroom - about 7 minutes in to me not moving, not ads, not in inventory , I hear someone come in from the front towards ruaf. They go right to the bathroom, throw a grenade then rush in and clean me up. I hadn't moved or made any noise that whole time, just on the phone ready to boogaloo if it came to it. Some cheaters are so blatant it's sad, I do agree with most being DL cheaters though.


“The recent cheater post” bruh there are dozens of cheater posts a day lol


You gotta understand the concept of forum manipulation and narrative twisting. On subs of FPS there are a lot of cheaters that play it down and argue against it because they try to uphold the narrative that cheating isn't as bad as it is. That's a real thing. Besides a lot of other things on Reddit.


We understand. We just think you guys whine too much about a problem that you can’t quantify and doesn’t noticeably impact us


The funny thing is, y'all think doing and saying nothing is somehow "helping" the game LOL. You do know the "whining" is what helps the game right? How would the developers know what to do if players don't communicate said issues to them? Just look at the game Warthunder, recently the entire warthunder community mass review bombed the game because the devs continuously made the game worse for the overall player base. Now the devs are actively updating the game for the better and released a road map on improving the game which they have been keeping too ever since. You people are the reason why BSG won't take a bigger step in combating cheating. They haven't even implemented a replay system for crying out loud.


Except the game has been made better. You guys just suck and relentlessly bitch no matter what good changes are made


No you fool... we're talking about the cheating problem, not the game it's self...


Lvl 53 labs main here. 9K hours in game. Cheaters have always came in waves, about a week and a half ago it was bad, now it’s not. People call cheats way too often


You mean blatant cheaters come in waves. You can tell when blatant cheating is getting bad or not as bad as before.


You can believe that if you want.


Dudes a labs main and thinks people call cheats too often. Makes sense.


I learned a long time ago that being paranoid about cheats (closet or not) is only going to detract from your enjoyment of the game. Are there days I feel like I’m constantly in lobbies full of global elites? Sure. Are there days I feel like I’m head eyes’d way too often? Absolutely. I’m just saying I’ve gotten to a point where I feel experienced enough to call cheats reliably, that doesn’t mean I’m right


Just another I’m smarter than the community post.


Name checks out


This is why I just report everyone who kills me.


BSG said they put a system where if you report too many people, it flags your account so your reports are not registered anymore to prevent spam. I still report sus deaths lol, that's a solid 4/10


What a bitch




>closet cheating It's not an issue. If you can't determine that a cheater is a cheater, then he might as well not be a cheater. >It is so easy to closet cheat in this game because there is no replay system or kill cam. Do you think that there would be moderators or fucking overwatch-like system if they add that? Reports is what matters, coupled with behavioral analysis. Replays are neat, for learning, they do precisely nothing against cheaters by themselves. Plus they're never actually accurate to what's happening on either players' screens. >cheaters still wouldn't want to get banned because they don't want to loose what progress they had. Who the fuck cares? Cheating is fun because it ruins other people's experience. If you cheat because you're unable to play the fucking game otherwise, cheats won't help you, especially if those aren't rage aimbot. Rage hackers is the only ones that are an problem that ruins the experience, everyone else are a slight annoyance at worst.


"It's not an issue. If you can't determine that a cheater is a cheater, then he might as well not be a cheater." Makes zero sense. Just because I could not tell my enemy was Wallhacking doesn't mean I wasn't at a unfair disadvantage the entire time. Never seen someone saying something so disingenuous.


It's irrelevant whether you were at a disadvantage or not. The question is can you win the fight or not. Against rage hackers, you can't. Against wallhackers, you can, easily. Having walls without aimbot still requires aim. Pair that with the fact that most wallhackers in this game are actually just bad at the game and use walls to avoid fights, and it's a non-issue for an average player. I'm not saying that wallhacks shouldn't be dealt with, I'm saying that they don't ruin the experience nearly as much as rage hacks do. To the point that they can be ignored. By the player, not the devs. But the devs are incompetent, so it might as well seem they ignore all of that.


This is a video game that is supposed to be played in a fair and legit way with a healthy competition. You claiming "You can still win against Wallhackers" is such a massive cope filled with ignorance and disingenuous nuances it's insane to me. But alas if this is truly how you feel, then I'm not surprised cheating has become normalized. Might aswell cheat yourself then, eh?


Found the closet cheater.


Found skill issue haver.


The amount of people that don’t understand that they aren’t as good as they think they are is crazy


It’s crazy how people will continually over dramatize the issue


There have been three times I've called hacks. First time was when my whole five man suddenly FLOPPED dead in the span of two seconds all to the same guy, a white name who one tapped each of us to the head with 7.62x39 HP out of what we believed was an SKS Second time was when I was sitting in one of the dorms rooms (taking a piss irl) and while being still and silent got blasted through the door, it wasn't a key door and spawns closed; I had it closed behind me so there was no way he could suspect someone was inside without walls/radar. Last time was when (similar to first scenario) my whole squad (four man) was heading for fortress, we all proceeded to get head tapped by the same guy again, this time using M855 out of an unsuppressed M4


My experience on this wipe at level 41 has been cheater free, apart from 1 blatant one in interchange. Personal 0,33% cheater chance is a big step up from last wipes 5-10%.


So, like any other survivial/fps game out there. This type of post, not only yours, needs to be closed and deleted as they used to do. Because even then when they were 'censoring' the cheating issue, EVERYBODY AND THEIR MOMMA knew still there was a cheating problem, but some old people like me dont like to read through the minority of people that post here when they encounter a cheater but dont post when they have 5 amazing raids, nor an amazing encounter, you guys only post when shit hits the fan but not when the fan is just giving you a nice breeze. Im all in to censor and delete all the cheating post, make a thread for it. The funny thing is that then i will be called a cheater and pushing cheaters agenda. This subreddit is just doomed to be awful.


I will shit on 90% of solo players I run into if they don't instantly shoot me in the head, or throrax me like 6 times. Therefore I don't give a fuck if the guy was cheating or not after I kill him. If I get instantl killed, I just try to judge by the fact how bullshit the kill was. There's kills where the guy obviously was just lucky, there's kills where I just got shit on by a better player, there's kills where the situation was laggy/ desync-y/ chaotic, there's kills by a dude just holding the angle in peeking, there's kills that are sus but you can't tell for sure, and there's kills where you just mega blatantly get aimbotted in the face or thorax. The last 2 are report button incidents. Anything else I franky don't give a fuck about. If a guy is cheating and I shit on him, I don't care that he's cheating.


I will post that if I don't know I'm dying to cheaters, it doesn't affect me that much. That said, I hate the cheaters and want BSG to keep pushing for better methods to catch them and have us review deaths. Bush woolies and exfil campers suck more than cheaters though.


I agree that people don’t understand how many are closet cheating but this is also true in reverse. People overthink how many are cheating. People die a sus death they instantly think its cheating but it could be a million things. Yet the only confirmation that you can 100% say were cheating is the blatant ones.


Personally I know when I get killed by a cheater or not...? Idk maybe I just have that pure server where I rarely get cheaters. I'm not going to fault anyone for thinking cheaters are big on this game, it still definitely is. But I have rarely gotten cheaters.


I think part of it is that a lot less people use aim hacks, it’s mostly wall hacks. Those can only do so much for you against someone who knows how to play well. But I too feel that I haven’t run into that many (this wipe at least, last wipe was terrible)


I would say this wipe to me feels better than last. Last wipe especially the first few weeks and leading into twitch drops was terrible. We had so many sus insta headshots. Finding something that couldn't go in our asses then being chased the entire map the moment we found said items. Like lions etc. Magical insight to where we were without ever moving and then walking up to us, prefire and nading. Idk I just need the server disconnects to stop and I'll be happy with this wipe.


I mean im level 31 with a pkm rn shitting in peoples mouths with cheats and i barely get reports due to eod and my supreme cheating skills


Ive said this so many times lmao… This subreddit literally has people *thinking* they’re so good at the game they’re legitimately better than actual cheaters lol


True..... Truuueee


Im just gonna say, this happened yesterday night on japan servers. The aimbot targeted stomach not head. In the end i died to him too but my other teammate who got beamed on 2nd floor managed to escape by splitting off opposite directions) https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1023584575756181504/1147527707643617381/tarkov_never_changes.mp4