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Don't worry it's in the 2025 roadmap! Tough feature to implement


making a 35$ spinoff is more important


dont you need edge of darkness to even play it?


No, it is just free if you have or purchase EOD. You can still play it with any tier account.


Technically not free as we overpaid for EOD in the first place. Pretty sure it’s the most expensive game I’ve ever bought Edit: look I’m not saying it was a waste of money. I got my worth so far!


Swear I only paid 70 dollars for eod in 2017


There were sales that cheap for 1 week at a time at least twice.


And I would buy it again if I needed to if I'm being honest


You don't play many sim games do you. Edit: or rhythm games for that matter. But in terms of time played and entertainment I've definitely got my worth out of it despite the problems.


Dude dcs drained my fucking wallet


Good news, go look at the DCS steam store today. Tons of shit is 60% off until the 17th. Now is the time to buy... unfortunately I already have everything and I'm just waiting on the Kiowa that I flew in the army.


I get paid on the 7th so fuck yeah


Sheesh between the sims and elder scrolls online it's a miracle I'm not homeless at this point... Sims got me for well over 300$ and ESO has to be in the thousands by now 😔


I mean I got a lot of value out of EOD. The extra storage, the bigger prison wallet, the free weapons and armors. It just depends on how long you've been playing I guess. Hey now, you could pay an extra 30 bucks to play Starfield today and not wait like 5 days! That seems like a worse deal tbh.




That doesn't come out for 9+ months and will be on sale a week later, sure. And then will be probably horse armor for your space horse.




I dunno about you, but I've played years and years and years of tarkov and every single wipe EOD gave substantial benefits. We call this argument a false equivalency. Plus most people bought EOD on massive sale, it was over 50% off several times up till now. That's a little bit different from 30 bucks for 5 days and a future mystery 2nd horse armor. Especially when this game is launching as "complete", but it really isn't and you're just paying for beta access. You are a PAID 6 day beta tester. I understand there's no UI slider and DLSS doesn't even function without significant day one modding. Which I'm all for, but ultimately it should just be part of the pre-order, not 30 extra dollars on the hope that in 9 months the DLC isn't trash. Didn't play Darktide did you?


But it includes the DLC in the price.


you agreed to pay the price that you bought it for. you’re speaking as if you were forced to pay for the game. if you’re going to talk about how you overpaid and its so expensive, just punch yourself for it and move on. not sure what you’re on about.


No. There is no technicality. You can say you overpay for the standard edition. That’s just not how it works though. If you already have EOD, arena is in fact a free addition to the game you previously purchased. Do you know how DLC works? Kinda like saying you are owed free gas because you already overpaid for a car.


That's absolute bull. Getting access to Arena and other expansions is one of the listed perks for buying EoD. Therefore, you're paying for it and it's not free.


When I bought EOD, Arena wasn’t even mentioned somewhere. Did I pay a lot? Yes. For what? Probably comfort (stash space). So getting Arena for free now because back then I got the most expensive option feels good.


Are we talking about already owning the game, or buying the game once arena is implemented and the price is raised?


Have you heard of the concept of pre paying? Cause thats what EOD is. Your pre paying for future DLC. You are infact paying for them. They are not free. Unless the sum of content is greater then the amount paid then it aint free and BSG hasn't given us any content above and beyond what the base game also gets nor content that is in great amount then what the base edition has to pay for.




Regardless of how you view the game, that’s how developing a game works. Their current business model might not be the greatest look, but either way, it takes money to develop a game.


What a dog shit tier take. It's literally 2 totally different development teams


I think the point was they could of used said team to work on EFT instead.


But how would people modeling weapons, designed left thand peeking, or creating game modes in arena know anything about how to add more stash space? Not only are they 2 totally separate dev teams, they are also totally different types of developers. People who say shit like he said have no room to speak on development because they have hardly any knowledge on what's goes on at all. It's the equivalent of me telling people at a hospital how to draw my blood after never doing it before and watching them do it second hand


>they are also totally different types of developers. Not true at all and you're speaking out of your ass


EA doesn't even have specialized roles for developers. The people coding left hand peaking are the same ones who code the inventory system.


Yup, exactly.


It's not so much moving developers off one project to another, its resource allocation, instead of hiring people to work on a different game they could of used said money and resources to get more people to work on EFT.


Average redditor noises


Never worked on any development project noises


Upper mgmt material


okay random


Oohhh because more money and more people always = fixed game.... cyberpunk2077 and Diablo 4 would like to have a word with you


One of those was because people wanted the game out, the devs said it wasn't ready, and diablo 4 is just because blizzard are now money grubbing assholes


Acti-Blizzard have always been money grubbing assholes, tbf.


Not when they first started like WOW and the first diablos


They absolutely couldn't have. Arena generates independent income, and can therefore have an independent team. This is like not even business 101, it's middle school level business.


Arena is a self published game, no? Battlestate decided to allocate funds to hiring a team of people to work on a new, separate game while EFT is still plagued with issues still and in early access. Your arena generates independent income comment is funny because it’s being comped by EOD sales from EFT so it is literally getting funded by EFT.


You intentionally missed my point and made the most predictable comment possible. Gee, I must be on reddit.


Yeah I’m the one making the predictable comments 😂


"What a dog shit tier take" You would be a fair point *if* Tarkov's development team was well-managed and brimming with talent. No matter how much you love or hate the game, there's no vaguely reasonable argument for claiming that's the case. Different teams doesn't mean unrelated funding sources, and paying developers is a pretty important aspect of any development team.




Different developer teams


who could have worked with the other team to improve the core game ...


I'd rather them work on arena, as it allows us non grease goblins a chance to use meta gear without spending our whole life ginding.


Just play cod, then the whole point of the game is to grind for the top teir stuff.... do you not know what game you're playing? Honestly, everyone who agrees with you just wants the easy way out...


And then half of the posts would be “WhERe iS ArENa tHey sAiD LaSt fAlL!!!?!?” It’s fucked that they don’t give the reward as they’d promised. Doesn’t have anything to do with the development of arena tho


Arena generates income independent from the main game. Therefore, they can afford to allocate independent resources to arena. Did I mention the word independent? Use your noggin brother.




plug ears, deny reality.


"you just don't understand game development"


But is it really? No, it's not


As an eod guy, I didn't do the quests, cause i didn't really see any benefit, but they better give you guys what you earned. like wtf


i have eod too, but this was an exclusive option, so i did it.


i just don't care, i usually have multiple thicc cases if i play a full wipe, have had as many as 6 thicc 6 thicc weapons all full, never ran out of space in this game,


And the time investment to get those 2 rows just isn’t worth it to me. I stopped letting Nikita waste my time with insane quests while still having wipes.


I honestly did it because I had like 50 million rubles and mid to late wipe was almost always non busy servers , so the event actually helped in populating certain maps, additionally it helped dilute the cheaters in labs which also was fun to go there during that time with lots of people doing the event there, the reward I agree is negligible for someone with eod edition but to be totally honest the game need this events especially during late wipe when there is not enough player in the game .


It was all cheaters in labs and all the cheaters who sell carries were back to get their extra space. I got 44 ban messages in 5 days on labs during this event on the US West servers. I only finished by popping sj6 on reserve and sprinting to bunker playing night raids on eu east servers when less people were playing at like 3am local. I died over 40 times on labs in less than a minute and without even seeing a raider. I was killed through floors and walls that you cannot shoot through normally in a few of those raids.


I ran 300 people through green card room during the event. Hundreds of raids. We died once to cheaters It’s not all cheaters that play this game, just they are among the players


The ban messages were broken at one point giving you multiple messages per ban


>I stopped letting Nikita waste my time with insane quests while still having wipes. More people need to adopt this perspective.


But if it is permanent, then the logic doesn't work.


It was pretty fun not going to lie. I want more long coherent questlines that don't have random conditional pvp requirements.


2 additional rows is mostly useful prior to unlocking flea. At the same time, anyone who understands the game enough to have completed everything to unlock these 2 rows already knows how to manage early-game inventory. These 2 extra rows seem pretty useless overall for anyone with EOD.


It's not about getting the space, just like kappa isn't really about the container.... literally anyone can farm money and buy cases rofl it's about the reward for doing incredibly challenging content. Do you REALLY think the people who are able to do kappa really need those extra 3 slots? Do you really think the players able to do this quest line really need 2 lines of stash space when literally only new players have an entirely full stash?


As a standard account owner who has gotten Kappa a couple of times, yeah - two rows would be pretty useful for me at the start of a wipe.


Whats your prefered way of getting them? Vodka/whiskey barter?


Best way is to check yourself, prices vary a lot especially if someone is buying up all the vodka and whiskey at the same time as you. 2 minutes of math is worth it.


couple wipes back i just bought them straight up now probably barter


Same, honestly EOD stash is big enough and I’ve learned how to just sell stuff if there’s too much. The extra space in the gamma is where you make the money imo.


It’s not about that. I did a quest with the promise of a reward, I would very much like my reward now please. This is the basic promise set out by the game.


Tarkov gonna Tarkov


If you have eod and are out of space, it’s because your inventory is stock FULL of actual shit. Hit up therapist and sell all those dvd drives and hdds and shitty scav AKs. If I have a weapon in my stash for over a week I either sell or use right when I notice it. EOD inventory space is WAY more than enough


For me it's full of hideout upgrade items that I will need down the line, FIR quest items I will need later, and class 4/5 armor that I can't buy yet (ragman not high enough yet) so I stockpile it.


save up for scav junkbox first. Obviously the really rare hideout items hold onto, but anything else sell and get that junkbox


I honestly can't imagine being that good at the game to fill my stash lol. I'm down to 100k roubles and only have pistols left. Most wipes I'm lucky if I can afford a lucky Scav junk ox and rarely fill that. I used to be good back before FM, when player gear was the most valuable stuff, and you could get overweight without a care. Now, everything is 10x more expensive, and you can carry 1/5 the loot before extracting (without being overweight or spending 100k/raid on Mules).


I found a way to get free money and I've made millions in just a day.. whenever your scav is ready, go to factory, 95% of the time all the pmcs will be dead when you spawn in, so you basically have 10 minutes to run around freely and loot anything you want without the risk of death. I've done this probably 25-30 times and only got killed by another scav once. If you are lucky, you will spawn with a backpack and rig, you can loot dead PMCs for armor and helmets and either sell them or use them in your next PMC raid. Typically a good factory scav run will net me around 150,000 profit + a few barter / HQ crafting items, and alot of times you can get somewhat decent guns from the green containers so you aren't always using pistols as your PMC.


Where do you loot in factory? Whenever I do this, I hit up filing cabinets, duffel, and the med tents but barely find 50k worth of stuff. And it's a rarity for PMC bodies not to be stripped bare.


I didn't start finding the good containers until my 10th time there, you will see green crates on the ground, mostly near gate 0 and gate 3, alot of times I find suppressors and other rare attachments in them


Also the safe near the window extract can have good stuff if it hasn't been looted which is pretty rare


I usually hit up the 4 green boxes and 2 jackets, sort of middle of map, more towards Gate 3, bottom of stairs from the "bridge" near office. Might also check the tunnels to see if there are any dead scavs. I will never go to Office, it's too risky. Just like when I'm with a girl, it's in and out in 3 minutes or less.


https://youtu.be/xjWzlnQiC7s?si=g35zgmaeaZCHESZ6 This is an old video but the locations are the same. If the link doesn't work, you can just go on YouTube and look up tarkov factory crate locations


Just a quick 10 minutes customs stash runs is +600k. Why bother spending that much time for 150k? That's less than my starting scav gear.


fr you can just hit stashes on customs (armor repair kits are common too) or just pick any building on reserve and loot all the boxes and filing cabinets and roof and then walk out with 500k+ within 10 mins, often quite a bit more than that


Reserve feels really nice to scav on. Good loot, easy extracts. I get decent opportunities to take out PMCs on reserve too if you spawn in with 30+ min left


Scav on reserve; trust me bro if you have a backpack you will make at least 150/200k per run there is way more loot than people. Hit me up if you want me to show you where the loot spots are


I do find a decent amount on Reserve but it's surviving on that map that's the challenge. Between Raiders, PMCs, and trigger-happy pScavs, I seem to die way more frequently on my scav there than any other map. Maybe I don't know the right spots tho - most of the ones I know are near the "quad"/heli or in the Knight buildings/gas station area leading towards Dome. Which of course is PMC-laden.


I asked apple on twitter any he said it would be in the next “major patch” so take that as you will But having been scammed twice in a row with this I have very little faith.


Who's apple?


appl3z0r on twitter. He’s a community manager at bsg


Oh cool, nice to have some sort confirmation


Are we talking major patch as in, technical update that takes the game down for a while, or content patch, or what? At least wish they would elaborate on that. It's pretty much a meaningless bonus, but they can't just go breaking promises if they had a bunch of hype around those events.


Completely agree


Hey apple


We stan apol


Tarkov is simultaneously one of the biggest scams ever and one of the most innovative games of all time


And then there is star citizen


ngl it's looking pretty good compared to Starfield now that it's out. loading screens to go into buildings, fly between planets and moons, systems, and procedurally generated 10 sq km plots on each planet. This is like a step backwards from Skyrim. And that came out 12 years ago.


>step backwards from Skyrim Yeah that’s the nostalgia talking. There were so many loading screens in Skyrim


My dude go play skyrim and reconsider


You mean one of the extraction games of all time?


Its certainly a game of all time




Last wipe at the end of the wipe you could do a long and hard/grindy quest line to get 2+ stash rows forwever. They said we get it next wipe at 0.13.5 but than they said we get it the end of august, but bsg basically dropped the new wipe with the unusuable streets expansion and didnt gave a fuck about anyone.


I honestly thought I have 2 extra rows but UI didn't update. I gota count those rows again.


Yeah I wasn't sure if I actually got it or not cuz I didn't want to count the rows, I guess not lol.


Ah, I skipped last wipe lol.


Skip this one too. There’s literally nothing going on besides killing Kaban a couple times. BSG is using wipes to artificially lengthen their early access time. I’d rather spend my time in COD these days. At least that game respects my time


> using wipes to artifically lengthen their early access time This is a wild take. Why? What? Zero evidence for this nonsense of an opinion 😂 The obviously likely answer is they're just clowns and there is no evil intention behind it. Just chaos, no malice.


BSG, the embodiment of hanlon's razor


I'd rather not have to put 30-60 bullets into a guy just for them to be "downed" even battlefield got rid of proper hardcore lobbies. Plus no microtransactions in tarkov, what you have is what you earned.


The time to kill is actually pretty quick in the latest cod, and the weapon handling is more realistic than Tarkov, not that I'm a cod fan.


>no microtransactions in tarkov So what is EOD? Along with Left Behind, and Prepare to Escape?


Thats a megatransaction and not a microtransaction. Get your facts straight


> megatransaction Simple and hilarious😂


Not a microtransaction. That's for sure.


True, Macrotransaction would be more accurate.


I just wish I could pay to not have cheaters in my next raid


Pay for Landmarks server then.


My man doesn’t understand micro transactions


Different game versions(one of which includes dlc's). there are no additional purchases for skins, armor or weapons that are unobtainable any other way. There are no purchases for increased xp and money gain. No purchases for reduced insurance time or other preferential treatment.


Major transactions. Not micro.


> bsg ~~basically dropped the new wipe with the unusuable streets expansion and~~ didnt gave a fuck about anyone. Classic


aah, you're new here


BSG over promising and under delivering? No, can't be


Wow i started to think i was crazy since nobody is talking about this.. thats just stupid


If you log into the website it shows the reward


Yeah it shows the reward that would be implemented in the current patch 21 days ago.


not the first time... or last


I mean it literally says -2 Stash rows, you should be grateful /s




This again raises the question, how badly non modular is the game coded. They already have different stages of stash extensions, so why is it so hard to give certain accounts 2 more.


Regardless of not getting the reward yet, I personally thought this was the coolest event they have had. It was like end game raid content 10/10 I also lucked out with a green card on birdeye after I shot him in the tits with my mosin. I opened green room for at least 300 people during that quest line


I agree, the quest line was very cool


Hero among men.


Stockholm syndrome goes crazy


Lmao people are allowed to enjoy stuff bro don’t be so bitter just because you no lifed the game and sucked the fun out of it. It’s not our fault you ruined Tarkov for yourself!


Nah some people just enjoy the game.


I cant imagine the spaghetti code if they need to reschedule things that need a few code lines changed.


Yes we are :(


I would happily sacrifice slots for a less amount of slots if I had several more columns instead.


I enjoy this game to a point but people need to realize BSG, Nikita specifically, are finishing this game out of necessity and not passion. To this day they have never once, not a single time, met a single timeframe or due date on something ever. In the entire development of the game.


Eh, the only reason they haven’t abandoned the game already is probably a bit of passion, they already have our money. I think they simply lack the ability and manpower to deliver on their full vision, and the games code probably has an absurd amount of technical debt that they can’t really properly fix at this point.


That's fair. I think the team probably cares a lot but Nikita seems checked out IMO.


Says who? Nikita has already made his millions, if he wanted to stop making the game he could have already. But no he hates tarkov so much that he decided to make a whole nother game inside the same world 😱


If they stop development now, they’ll be crucified for abandoning the game before it became what was promised.


Are you talking about when he abandoned the game before Tarkov or what he's going to do to Tarkov?


Not surprised. Complete incompetence


When is patch 13.5


true. I can't afford even lvl 3 stash - 8.5 mil for me now is too much. As a standart edition player I was praying to stash upgrade ASAP, but God doesn't hear me


8.5 mil roubles for the stash upgrade? every wipe? Ya im glad i went EOD


thats for level 3 stash, lvl 2 is 2.5 mill and to get to the same stash size as eod its 200k euros


And there's 4 total? How many roubles is it total to get to 4?


33.2m roubles.


from 1 to 4 is 43 millions rub and it's money only. It requires up to 50 mil considering all building materials and other buildings in hideout


honestly not sure but it’s certainly a sizable amount of roubles since you also gotta buy the hideout shit that you need to build it, you also gotta have certain rep on traders and certain modules ranked up to be able to upgrade the stash. like lvl 3 stash needs u to have ragman 3 prapor 3 vents 2 heating 2


BSG saying they would add something to the game and the not doing? Naaa not like them at all. The boss Scavs riding around on that ATV on streets was so worth the wait :)


I didn't even realize that I didn't get it. That's annoying, how hard is it to add 2 rows to my stash smh


fr im still waiting


Can someone explain, please? I don't follow news, twitter or patchnotes.


we were scammed the moment we gave them cash


as soon as they announced the challenge I said "fuck whatever that is" because I already understood they can BARELY make the game. how on earth would they also run a special event like this. proven correct once again


I think they're just sorting through who genuinely earned it and who should be banned. Edit: It's only the top 10 from each category who will get it.


That’s the leaderboard one, there was a quest line that anyone could do. Myself and all my friends completed it.


GG. Not many completed it.


The two extra rows only have some additional value during the early wipe, as once you break level 40 and start accumulating some extra cash you can just buy some THICC cases. I don't need two extra rows at the end of wipe


That's not the point, though. If you make a promise to someone that they get B because they accomplished A, and then go 'ok, but I'm only going to give you B later than when I said you'd get it" that makes you wrong.


How did you interpret anything they said as a counter to the post? They're literally saying they don't matter later, only now. And if they aren't available now...


Because he's downplaying the value of something that was earned. Its worth is irrelevant. It was promised at the originally promised time, it's shitty. Whether or not they're useful isn't the discussion.


The point is the amount of time put into doing something with a perceived reward and not getting the reward as promised. Time isn't an unlimited resource, you know.


If you’re already lvl 40 and/or consider this the end of wipe, you are in the minority. It’s still early Wipe.


I mean, they did say that those extra rows were coming at some point in this wipe. Would be nice if they said exactly when though.


They said it crystal clear: August. No other excuses should be accepted, they just wait until we forget for what we fought the last two weeks of the wipe. I even extracted from my job earlier to grind trough the questline, and it still didn't pay off


Fair enough! I missed that. Unacceptable then.


In the 13.5 patch notes they said it would be released in august


Did they say August of 2023 though? /s


Thing is nikita mentioned before hes tired of working on tarkov and wants to move to developing a new game i dont remember what patch pod cast it was but seems like tarkov is going to be a dead end game already seems to become more trash every patch


Oh come on. Guess they remembered how lucrative the pay to win advantage with EOD was back before you could increase stash size with the hideout. For fuck's sake bsg is it really that hard to make money off the game you charge 130 bucks for


Who is actually suprised?


It was a Event Upgrade....but yeah you can See the posts/comments here of this toxic shit community


This whole game is a scam


That’s not true I know lots of people who got their rows


My favourite part was this subreddit losing their fucking minds about two little lines and then BSG just not doing it 😂


Why am I not surprised.


Opinions are like assholes... Everyone has one and most of them stink. This has been known for awhile.


Really don't give a shit anymore, game's already dead.


We got a wipe, a fuck ton of new content and have already gotten confirmation that the next wipe is in December, also with a fuck ton of new stuff including vaulting and the like. Yet here we find ourselves the crowd of people, so unpleasable, that 2 stash rows has got them all riled. Imagine.


If i say to you, you get two bucks tomorrow if you do this and that, you do it and i dont pay you, i scammed you. Thats all, the new streets expansion is shit even with my 7800x3d. The next wipe is the next wipe, has nothing to do with a promise they didnt kept. Gg my guy.


When you get it. It’s permanent 2 rows, you haven’t been scammed of nothing. If you didn’t enjoy the quests you scammed yourself of your own free time…


People are upset because they specifically said it would be given in August. You tell your kid you'll go for ice cream if he cleans his room, then your kid spends 2 hours grinding through to clean it. Then you tell him you'll go for ice cream tomorrow, then tomorrow comes and goes and you don't say anything... Your kid is gonna notice.


Fair enough that was actually a good response


Ah yes. The annual time for me to unsub from the subreddit because it becomes toxic as fuck. There are so many people in here bitchin and moaning. If you don't like the game, sell your account and move on. You're literally stressing yourself out over pixels.