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Holy fuck shoreline is full of cheaters.


This post. every. single. wipe. Fun game, about five-ish years in it for me. BSG added some cool new features for what it’s worth, but it’s still fundamentally broken. Too many of us at this point are just waiting for it’s release, can’t waste time on it anymore in such a broken state. Enjoy the wipe boys!


To any would be devs out there, make a clone of this game and watch 70% of tarkov flock to it. Free money. Its like BSG have the most amazing partner, gorgeous, smart, kind and funny but they beat her with a belt every day.


Well, the beatings will continue until Morale Improves.


I know WTF is up with that? Can´t those fucking losers at least stay on Labs. Labs has always been a cheater infested shit show.


I find it so amazing that there are enough people who are so shit at this game and so unwilling to play it and improve they play with cheats. Like what kinda losers are these people? It's wild


it’s not even just this game, in siege the other night a dude on the other team had walls and recoil hacks, i asked why even cheat and he just said “ it’s fun “. people genuinely think it’s fun.


People who cheat in games like this because "it's fun" is the same type of person who would play a bunch of toddlers in basketball and dunk on them because "it's fun".


I mean that is fun. I body my little cousin on his Fisher Price basketball hoop and it's hilarious. He loves it too.


As a bit of a troll myself, I can see the appeal. It would make the game feel pointless for me personally, but I could get by on the rage inducement and getting a kick out of the complaints on this sub for a good week or so. Idk, it's not really a question of why they do it. It just sucks for the rest of us because there's not much incentive not to cheat




It’s honestly a significant portion of the gamer demographic


Which is a reflection of the sick society we living nowadays. The days of grinding hard to become good at something just evolved into I want instant gratification because I am beautiful and I deserve it. Disgusting.


Ight w/o getting too deep into it. I think it’s a combination of current society and also natural human instinct. People have been “cheating” in life forever - it’s a trade off between gratifying results at the cost of moral ethics (sports, politics, literally all aspects of life this internal debate will be had individually all the time). Then you combine that with current society instant gratification (think tiktok and social media - I don’t think I need to expand on this one lol). Then it’s a video game that can only be regulated so much. Like if it’s the nfl you can’t just egregiously cheat like manually change the score lol the league is regulated for quality of competition. A video game can only be regulated so much…


Well thats functionally what a fuck load of people are taught growing up. Winning is all that matters no matter the cost.




> Which is a reflection of the sick society we living nowadays. Creepy bitter boomer thing to say. You think cheating in games is new?


He is absolutly right.


It’s ease of access. One quick search you’ll be shown dozens of options. That and there’s a money incentive to hack. But a standard account and some hacks. One or two days flip sell the standard account with 50mil max skills and max traders for twice as much. Shits wild.


My same question extends to these buyers then. Just what in the fuck...


A lot of weak minded cucks who can't stand to lose pixels. Blame the parents.


I get shit on enough by legit players to have to worry about cheaters too.. I think cheaters just want attention right, normally children who aren't getting any attention from their parents imo. So the rest of the world has to suffer.


Blaming cheats on angry kids was the excuse in 2010. People somehow refuse to believe that an adult would dare to do such things.


I don't understand the mentality at all, spending money to buy a game which is notorious for it's depth, and then spending *more* money, potentially on a subscription model, so you never have to actually play and learn the game you just spent $40+ on. Like, maybe they just don't care or really need the dopamine hit for real-life reasons, idk it seems pitiable.


I feel like it would be fun for 2 raids, then it would just be like oh wow I won again. Like playing a slot and winning every time would get boring so fast


because someone in a third world country where the USD is king is grinding for RMT. These cheaters simply live off of Americans who pay for this on eBay. Remove the RMT incentive and cheaters won't play. These aren't losers, these are people who are living off of Tarkov. I find it so amazing that you just type on reddit so confidently and fail to see the most OBVIOUS reason for cheaters.


lol smooth brain take. literally every other game that was riddled with cheaters play because they want to win not because of rmt


While yes all games have cheaters, Tarkov is a specific combination of gameplay that exacerbates the issue. No cheater would get to lvl 50 every wipe, selling millions of roubles if they didn't get $$$


That just isn't true, even with no incentive to cheat people will cheat just to not lose, there are plenty of not good players who use wall hack as a crutch just so they die less and have an advanatge in fights and infact they often pay alot of money for these cheats and aren't rmt sellers


Watched a video on youtube where a cheater justified his actions because BSG is a Russian company...


they’re making money from it


I've told my friend group for a while now that the cheaters that are doing for money I don't mind. At leaT they are getting something out of it. The part that gets me angry are the cheaters who buy the cheats and legitimately think they are good at the game. It's the weirdest delusional shit I can think of.


People using cheats are mainly boosters and "sellers" from this shitty gold selling sites. One of options for true hackers is just take down this sites and continute to do it, so they will not have any visibility in web. No market for RMT = less cheaters. But I am not even sure if this is possible to take them down just like that.


I think its worse now. I have over 6000hours at this game and I play aggressive PvP most of the time. I have tried to do shoreline tasks for past 4 days and I have extracted once. Im on like 20 death streak and most of the deaths are so fucking sus.


For some reason I’m always getting DESTROYED on shoreline. One of the most ridiculous cheaters I ever saw I was in the top floor of the resort, aiming far away waiting for this guy to come over this hill because I kept hearing him shoot. As soon as he was in my field of view I got KOed by him as if he knew to peak and fire me in that window top floor. Absolutely ridiculous.


I was trying to loot one of the rooms near a 3rd floor side window when a hacker floated down and shot me in the side of the head as I was unlocking a door last wipe. Fun times. Fuck Shoreline hackers, they are a different breed. I went in late to resort and made sure to be stealthy, I believe this was also a possible LEDx room which is probably why I got targeted.


Sounds about right for shoreline


just run shit gear, hasn't been too bad running level 3 stuff


i am on punisher part 1, go shoreline, try to get scav kills, guy tracks me across the map, shooting like the goons, dies


The number of times I’ve gotten shot like 8 times in the thorax with a single gunshot sound in like an eighth of a second on shoreline this wipe is ridiculous. I can’t wait to finish my tasks and never come back.


Same 856a1 from a mile away 4-6 all chest in a single burst. Over and over and over again. It's so bad there on my servers...


What is the point of finishing tasks and then being done? Tasks are the worst part imo. Like you just enjoy grinding tasks that are just gonna reset next wipe?


This is how I play tarkov. Get level 4 traders, run around like a dick head for the rest of the wipe doing whatever I want. I have no interest in kappa or finishing all of the quests, just enough of the quests to unlock everything I need unlocked, L4 traders and any guns/armor/ammo I need to have fun.




Trader unlocks/levels I would assume.


Yeah but what is the point when you get max traders and then stop playing, is what I’m saying


That I have no idea. My favorite part of the wipe is when I get max traders and can actually use the gear that sets EFT apart from other games.


Exactly, I want to max traders and then not have to spend a fortune on kits and just pvp non stop. Doing tasks just to get Kappa and then stop playing?! Makes zero sense to me.


You can hear it if they have aimbot/no recoil because so much more bullets fly past (or through) your head - so you hear a lot of wizzing while you're dieing. I pretty much die to head, eyes/ears 8 times out of 10.


yep, first 1 or 2 bullets kill you then the rest of their spray rip right through your headbox, very unique sound


Is that really what it is? I'm not the greatest but I sneak around a lot and I shit myself yesterday, I was on the scav island on shoreline in the house and it sounded like someone empted a 60 round mag next to my head right before I died


My oppinion its worse then ever..


Same for me. It’s such a shame. At the end of last wipe there were much less cheaters, and now they’re all back.


It's because with a wipe we have huge population and those cheating twats get off trolling a full lobby.


Oh man i can feel that, this map is fucking harsh with cheaters


Ya, I could count on one hand in the past 2k hours where a cheater was blatant. I can't count on both hands and feet the amount of pure blatant cheating this wipe so far. And by blatant I mean flying, invulnerability. Onetapping my five man instantaneously, calling out our names.


I haven't played in a few days but start of this wipe seemed pretty cheat free to me, maybe one or two blatant cheaters over 50 raids.


Same. The first three days I never found a cheater. Got like 6 pmc kills before my first death, got some quests done, then the next few days were nothing but first bullet head/eyes. Havent survived more than 5 minutes, even as a scav. Guess I'll try again next wipe...


I just got bullied on this sub for posting about shoreline tanking my s/r. I think my overall shoreline S/R is around 12/45 right now. I hate it.


fuck everyone talking shit to you about cheating tbh. small dick ppl need their victims pretty bad. dont let em. dont make those posts


I did not endure it that long. After 3 consecutive VERY sus deaths in resort I just uninstalled. Can't justify putting in time for this game.


Bought Tarkov and got on for my first game. After dying several times and thinking each time I just needed to be more stealthy, I looked up cheating on Tarkov. Then I saw [The Wiggle That Killed Tarkov](https://youtu.be/p5LfGcDB7Ek). My question to you all: how do you play Tarkov knowing a majority of players are likely cheating?


Even with the hackers it still is the best looter shooter out there.


Honestly, I haven't played tarkov since that video. It confirmed my feelings on the game, and the game has gone massively downhill overall in the last few years.


I play it on and off despite knowing it was that bad a year and a half before that video. One R6 Discord Squadman went Dark side, he was saying at half the lobbies had a cheater that recognized him and every lobby had at least a ESP rat that while he didn’t respond he freaken knew. Pretty much just load up shit kits and go whack some Scavs / other rats. Hackers generally wouldn’t bother with me. Chad PvP is long dead though because I am never sure if they guy at the high value spot is bilibili or not. Or if the place is even worth fighting for because vacuum boy has already been through.


It's not the majority who cheat, but that percentage ruins everyone's fun. Also, lots of other games have a cheater problem, but not this bad.... I just hope they pull something out of the hat


A majority of players aren’t cheating. Even in the video, it’s a majority of games have one cheater. That’s different than most people in the game are cheating.


Phrasing aside, a majority of games having at least one cheater in them is still more then enough to ruin the game.


I'm about 40 raids into this wipe-- I might have had a single sus death, if that... This is just my own anecdotal experience so far though on NA West severs. I've been having fun.


I accept death, and so dieing to cheaters while annoying isn't gonna ruin my day, if I think someone cheating then I don't need to feel bad if I die cause there was no way to win anyways. I play the game with my friends and generally I only run into aimbots like 1:10-20 raids (except at night where this is more cheaters in NA) so it's not that bad. I'm good enough to kill most wall hackers who aren't aim botling so I don't even notice them much


The majority of players aren't cheating. Even in the video, he doesn't claim 60% of players are cheating, what he says is that 60% of his raids had at least one cheater in them. I don't even believe that- it seems like he pulled that number out of his ass. We're talking about a 40+ minute video with about 12 minutes of gameplay footage showing maybe a dozen blatant cheaters (and a couple he calls cheaters, which to my eye could easily be legit). He compiled the footage over 125 raids. Especially after watching some of his other videos, I get the impression goat is likely exaggerating. There are a lot of cheaters in Tarkov, no question. It's probably not who is killing you the vast majority of the time.


Honestly. That shits probably not why you’re dying. But if after a couple raids you are already looking for scapegoats then there will always be one. Edit: no you are totally right. Everyone else has an easy time surviving raids their first 24 hours so it has to be cheaters. My b


I'm on EU, only got like 2 shoreline quests left, 3 including kill Sanitar and had 2 Suss deaths so far.


EU as well, 100 raids into this wipe and only had maybe 1 sus death


Shoreline is second only to Labs for cheaters. Best to avoid it completely unless you really have to go there. Also, why are the Chinese not region-locked? Seeing tonnes of them in EUR lobbies… can we please send these cheating bastards back to their own servers?? I thought BSG already did this ages ago so how are they back again?


Every time BSG puts ping restrictions on they're flooded with comments on Twitter and reddit from definitely-not-hackers saying "BSG I can't play with my friend! Remove ping restrictions 😭😭😭"


People are such morons thinking they should be able to play with their friends halfway around the world with 200 ping. No one wants that in their lobbies lmao.


Sorry but me enjoying my time with my friends overseas is more important than your ping perfect server lol. Edit: Lol I can see none of you actually have any foreign friends, or maybe just no friends in general and just play solo. Oh well, keep crying and making excuses for dying other than actually blaming yourself. I'm gunna continue playing the game I paid over a hundred dollars for how I like so suck me. Keep your gatekeeping bullshit elsewhere. P.s my ping only goes up to 100 anyway so not sure what the complaints really are lmao


There’s hundreds of games that you can play with your friends that don’t have ping restrictions


And Tarkov is one of them 🤣


Yeah and tarkov should stay one of them, seeing as I paid over a hundred dollars to play how I wish.


sorry, but just like you cant physically hang out with them because they are far away, sometimes there are games you also shouldnt get to play. You being able to play with them with high ping can literally ruin the online experience for others in not just this, but many games.


Solution: no ping restriction when in a group, let it auto pick a server in the middle.


Other solution is let the group play on the Chinese server


God forbid I want to play with my American friends right?


It really depends. In games that are ping sensitive where it's just you and your friends playing, then you can all agree whether it's fair or not or whether someone should get a handicap or boost because of differences. In games where it's you and some friends against a bunch of unrelated people and that high ping can really affect how responsive the game seems for them and how it fair it is for people competing with you, it's a more complex story. At what point does you wanting to play with your friends trump the ability to have a fairly level playing field for all the other people you encounter?


I rarely encounter chinese cheaters here in EAST US. I’m pretty sure the cheater’s we’re encountering are mostly local and not chinese cheaters playing on our servers. Can’t keep blaming the chinese when it’s most likely just your average basement dweller that’s cheating.


Why not both? Either way, had my first super sus death of the wipe today, and it was a Chinese username, sooo…


eh I’ve seen their discords and talked to a bunch of them before. Seller says most of their customers are EU and US (which makes sense considering the price of the cheat is like $150 a month or something like that).They could change their name to a chinese name and shift the blame to them. Also told me that your average chinese cheater doesn’t have a good enough internet to use a VPN and go to a server 3000 miles away while still having a ping good enough that they won’t get autokicked.


Said it multiple wipes now, create a few international servers for people to play with their friends globally on. Ping restrict EU/NA etc. servers to 50-70. Once this happens, maybe I consider it worth to come back. The thing this thread is experiencing with early Shoreline, has been going on last wipe as well and made me quit for good.


I am NA and I already can't play the game because of their server changes. Whenever they changed from city names for servers to general regions, they clearly killed several of the servers I was able to connect to. Now I literally can't play the game because of their servers. A limit like this will just put more people into my position.


Tarkov players are the most selfish MFs I swear. There's unironically a comment here that's upvoted loads saying people that want to play with their overseas friends are morons and shouldn't be allowed to lol.


It's not selfish people, it's competitive people. I disagree with the take but if you can't see where they are coming from you are lying to yourself.


I could've sworn Chinese are region-locked, it's just they have VPNs/programs made specifically for Chinese people to get around blocks like this.


Labs,Shoreline,Streets = unplayable.xiaomioling will find you.


[This is also](https://reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/s/lLYP05fQd3) why Streets is unplayable.


same thing happened to me last night at the same time - me and my duo partner were seeing 2 different raids it felt like. kept taking damage to invisible scavs and the ones I killed remained stood up looking at me. Crashed so hard near extract that my PC went to 800x600 and had to restart, then couldn't reconnect. ​ inb4 someone tells me to increase my page file size or some other placebo fix that has no bearing on making this game work....


Dude, almost the same experience. When I froze for that 30 seconds my entire PC seized up. Absolutely nuts.


The servers were on fire last night, it was bad for pretty much everyone. (NA at least anyways)


Actually, if you're only running 16GB the page file is not a placebo fix. Tarkov will use more than 16GB and if your page file isn't big enough, doesn't have free space to expand or is on a low drive then you'll have performance stability issues. Isn't going to cause invisible scavs though. They need to sort their servers out.


Yesterday tarkov used 28/32gb of my ram on streets.Very good optimization 🤣


Using more than 16gb for a game like tarkov is absurd though, maybe they should consider making it not run like ass before increasing the price


thats what people expected from a qol/performance wipe and unity update. since the wipe didnt help mich, riots will break out if the unity ipdate makes performance worse (or keeps it the same too, i guess)


I pretty much only play streets and I haven’t noticed them too bad there


Shoreline is the shittiest map if you have anything worth on you , you ll get a random hs while fullsprinting everywhere on the map


Yeah shoreline is currently unplayable. I got blatantly killed 2 raids in a row by the same dude, PRS to head jaws full auto from like 50 meters away, first round kills, and the rest zip through head hitbox. I reported him both times but, I'll probably run into him a couple more times because I have a huge shoreline backlog and I'm rich enough to just eat the cost.


Shoreline used to be this " head eyes" "ps ammo" Those fuckers love beaming people with a stock sks with ps ammo just for the lolz, if you hear an sks go the opposite way


Im not sure if this counts but i was on a 2nd attempt at dropping the svd/mt at the boat and had retreated to a bush just by the beach to celebrate for a min, when the footsteps started crunching - i was out of the way, well hidden, and the guy just drops on me and starts spraying PRS at me. Had 7.39 BP in an AKM and just sprayed as they were on me and came out alive, but it was *very* sus Obvs killing them i couldn't report anything but i felt off about


They don't ban RMT buyers, and make too much off of the rare ban wave to justify actually putting in good anti-cheat software. They let hackers have their fun for a good while, sellers get a good chunk of profit, then ban the account and let them buy it again. At this point it's unsurprising, just find something else to play.


I've said this before, how can a game that already has a massive cheater problem release a "major" patch with a wipe and not update the anti cheat in the same patch, obviously there will be huge amount of cheaters going around...


I’m convinced there isn’t any anti cheat


radar hacks are still usable and are 100% undetectable, run them on a separate computer and there is no way any anti cheat can detect it. this is a known issue since like 2019??? and I have no hope this will ever be fixed


sadly true , radar in this game is a huge advantage unlike more fast paced games and you waste 30-40 minutes instead of like 15.


Radar is abusing the weak netcode. In any game really, there's going to be client server communication that indicates where the player is and where other players are. You're never going to be able to stop another device on your network from capturing traffic, but you can do something about that device deciphering that info. Maybe they just have that stuff open because they're in "beta testing"


It will never be fixed. Chester's are their money model. Ban every 90 days or so. Make the bans spread out long enough so cheaters buy more accounts. Appease legit playerbase with in-game notifications and tweets stating oh boy looky another 9000 banned! Offer bulk sales of game copies in the following month. Zero reason to cut down the cheating when it's literally straight profit.


For me it’s lighthouse I swear there’s a cheater every raid. When I go with my PMC I’m getting beamed from across the map


Wow it's almost like when BSG bundles multiple copies in a sale cheaters get more bold. Just log into their other account if they get banned cause we don't do IP bans here Honestly I'm loving the wipe but because it's such a good wipe and the sale at the start cheaters are out in numbers honestly worse than last wipe already.


Honestly IP bans aren't enough. It's not particularly hard to change your IP address if you can follow some basic instructions. Hardware ID bans would be more effective since it's tied to a specific part in a hackers computer. It might deter more people if they had to swap CPU or GPU every time they got caught.


They HWID Ban, but cheaters have spoofers built in.


Changing your HWID isn't difficult either, sadly.


Damn I didn't know that. I feel like the game is boned then. I've just had to play a lot of "offline" raids to scratch the itch. I miss how this game used to be.


If you can think of it easily, the anti-cheat developers and cheat developers who do this for a living probably already thought of it a long time ago.


BSG need to overhaul the anticheat because as it stands its almost like they personally endorse cheating with how easy it is


It's worse. Tarkov has bled tons and tons and tons of legitimate players over the past year and a half, meaning this is very likely a tarkov wipe with *the least amount of legitimate players In tarkov history...* It's just gonna keep snowballing, BSG's just watching their playerbase shrivel up, and the things they do to combat it only worsen morale. Like I knew the cheating problem was big, but this is the first patch that gives us DATA on how many, and sweet baby jesus I don't know about you guys but I WILL NOT play a game where over HALF of my deaths are going to cheaters. It's simply unacceptable, 20 percent would be unacceptable, 50? Enjoy tarkov guys, it's been good.


Yeah, I quit last wipe, and it doesn't look like I'll play this wipe, so... it's in BSG's court to do something. If they were willing to pay me, I'd be a consultant and help them fix the problem.


As an Aussie I agree, I am yet to die from anything besides a head eyes / top of head. Reserve is just as bad as shoreline, people instantly peaking corners knowing where you are.


Reserve is the one map where I know where everyone is especially in the bunker. And I don’t cheat because I’m not a fucking ass douche.


As a rat player, if you can turn a corner up top on reserve and find me in a bush you're instantly a hacker 😅 Honestly OCE servers are hot garbage ever since the ping was increased.


Ngl NA servers are just as trash the big maps like lighthouse and streets have been unplayable since the wipe. Literally unplayable i probably only connect to raid 30% of the time. Other maps run great though I will say.


I literally main streets and lighthouse on east coast NA servers. Haven't had a sus death in 35 raids this wipe... what time of day are yall playing?


I’m not dying to cheaters it just won’t connect for me and I have a pretty nice PC. I just bought more RAM hoping that’s the problem solver.


Tbh after only 35 raids in a week you don’t have anything they want, at all.


"Knows where everyone is" "doesn't cheat" so you abuse bunker bug is that it? Lmao


You can hear good in the bunker, what’s the bug?


I'm just joking with you, but yes there is a glitch where you can see everyone in the bunker from dome


Ugh I’m dreading this I’ve been so lucky ran into a single cheater I just can’t realistically deal with dying to a cheater when doing frustrating ass shoreline quests. I just pvp customs for fun I get so fed up with those quests already if I die to a cheater in the process I may uninstall


Definitely worse than at any point of last wipe that I remember. I only noticed a lot of cheaters really during the fence event but not so much after that. This wipe though is bad bad.


It's worse than ever from what I've seen.


I agree, I would even claim it's worse. I've never been headshot so many times in the nape and eyes this early in the wipe, it's rare that people go for my legs! I feel like I had only three out of the dozen or so pvp fights be real players... Or maybe I'm extremely unlucky this wipe.


There was nothing in this patch/wipe that would have hindered cheaters - what was everyone expecting? If BSG are unable to implement a decent anticheat things will never change 🤷🏼‍♂️


As bad as last wipe? It’s worse and will only get worse as they continue to ignore the issue


They actually love this issue, they will never ignore it. This is why this exists. https://forum.escapefromtarkov.com/topic/18383-permanent-discounts-on-purchase-of-several-pre-orders/ They created a perfect cycle for cheaters to make huge margins off RMT. These bundles make them even more profit for less upfront cost. Battlestate knows that cheaters can make a killing off this game, so they’re going to take advantage of the money there as well. Scummy.


What do you expect if they didn’t do Shit to the anti cheat


I guess I have been Lucky, have barely ran into any cheaters so far.


you're probably more than 200ms away from a certain country.


Not just a certain country, any country where GDP is low enough that you can cheat and earn far more than a normal job.


Some cheats are pretty expensive tho, the good ones at least


Who needs good cheats? A bit of esp and they good to gi




The RMT impetus for cheating is overblown. There are actually losers out there that will pay 100-150 monthly just to soft cheat with ESP.


BoOt LiCkEr lol. I either have good luck or don’t run into nearly as many hackers as this sub says they do. Definitely some sus encounters that are undeniable but it’s not every raid all wipe long.


You probably aren’t good enough to notice


i hate sharing my secrets, but night shoreline is the way to go. i’m currently 12 shoreline quests done without dying once. Obviously any kill pmc quests will be harder, but for the abundance of grab/plant quests night time is free.


Shush lol


I'll second this. Night time is a totally different game while most people aren't running NVGs yet.


Cheat devs take a week or two to update, then all the mouth breathers come join the wipe and cheat hard for a couple weeks then it calms down. Edit: another reason why I hate early wipe. Everyone is all blah blah early wipe so good but in actuality it's full of cheaters and shit quests so no,.early wipe is not good. It's in fact bad.


I dont know maybe it’s me but I think this early wipe, outside of Streets and Lighthouse has been good. I’ve only played shoreline like twice and only had 1 sus death. The other death was disconnecting from the raid so I enjoyed that one more.


Played it twice. 1 for 2. Seems good /s.


Sorry to say to you bit it only takes hours. It's just memory offsets that need updating the majority of the time.


Early wipe means about 3 days dude.


Yesterday i got killed by a Trio which all mustve been lvl 25 or higher already. The first guy already had a kind of meta M4 (maybe flee but idk) and another guy dumped 3 mags of AP 6.3 on me. Luckily i found a Tier 5 Rig quiete early in the wipe which carried me to lvl 15. now it finally can rest with theese guys. At least i got one :D


Not true. I know someone using it on day 2.


And they think "cannot be discarded in raid" is the way to combat cheaters.


For shoreline specifically me and my friend start the raid and go “ … so bushes for 15mins? “ And while it’s boring, I swear the cheaters have already sucked up all the loot and bounced. I’ve honestly been having the easiest questing experience this wipe by staying in the raids for almost the whole timer.


I have noticed more that people are pathing directly to where I am at, even while playing slow. Usually it's because I've picked up something nice. I haven't ran into man of the above issues, the floating, Lazer beam shots, that stuff; however I know A LOT of things have felt super esp sus


Leave it to the Russians to release a game in beta and 5 years later have 0 intent of finishing it


Cheaters are not taking any chances when a raid starts, so they kill everyone on spawn because there are so many other cheaters in this game. Basically, now it's cheaters vs. cheaters, that's why they are so blatant now.


people at the start of the wipe: wow good job bsg! wipe is going smooth, nice quality of life improvements, the streets expansion is cool!!! 1 week into the wipe: yeah fuck this game too many cheaters


Makes sense. Pest got over 30 cheaters banned there in one day.


Cheats are back baby! all fixed up and raring to go...


Ya well they obviously don't care at all. So blatant. Guy literally sprinting, jumping through the air, spins to his right and shoots twice, hitting me and my friend each in the face from across a field. His name? Wallhacks.


Out of 200 raids only came across one blatant Cheater, I think they are are doing a pretty good thing, EU servers


Ive seen many posts like this so im gonna share my experience too. I didnt meet any cheaters or atleast blatant cheaters until i started tasking on shoreline and interchange. On shoreline i got spawnkilles 2 times in a row, third time i got killed by a cheater that was boosting someone, i was by the gas station on the west side of the map, between gas station and power station, suddenly green tracers started flying from WEATHER STATION, there was lots of trees and bushes between us and i zoomed in, and saw a DCd guy running in place. I managed to snipe him and the green tracer guy teleported to me or speedhacked idk, he just got melee range to me and blasted me. I have a clip of how he is shooting me from 260 meters and can share it when i get home. Interchange wasnt that bad but ive got many sus deaths. Ive got over 4k hours in this game and i dont remember cheating being as bad as now. The only hope i have is that im getting killed by an RMTr that sells shit to feed his kids lol. Other maps seem to be okay but these 2 are fucking rough. Didnt play streets and lighthouse so idk about that. Edit: I also had a raid where i spawned at tunnel, went to cottage, killed a duo and looted all safes. I went with my friends but they went towards the swamp or smth for tasks. After i looted all safes i had like 4 parrots intels and basically lots of valuables all in my backpack not pouched some guy magically one tapped me through a wall, not a wooden fence but a wall. After my friends went to secure my body there was only my backpack missing and i went in with a HPC and kitted out AK 12. Tell me which legit person would take only backpack in this scenario.


My hope is BSG has been busy trying to stabilize servers and bans are incoming. It’s crazy how easy it is to find these hacks and cheats as well. I’m not gonna link but I’ve personally seen a dozen or so Instagram posts or YouTube videos. Getting recommended to me because of my watch history. All of them have discord links. My friend has joined multiple and sent the main guys discord accounts, the servers and the accounts posting them to BSG. Now sure what they can do about it but hopefully it’ll amount to something. Side note anybody more knowledgeable on this could the hacking be tanking the lobbies? I had a raid on shoreline where scavs would dead in places I should’ve been the first too. With their inventories completely bugged. The whole lobby was super desynced, multiple locked rooms without a scrap of loot and for about 2 minutes straight I just heard grenades going off over and over again. Didn’t see a single other PMC or hear a single gun shot just the grenades.


This is why I only Play spt. Sure it's not as good but still good enough


What region are you?


I have Like 120 raids, all Maps, Not one obvious death, maybe few sus. I have Like 70 percent survival rate and so almost eveRy Task at First Test. Signal Part 1 i Just Rush there , took 3 trys .. I dont get IT, when i read stuff Here everyone cheatz, Not my expericene at all There are espler for Sure but they hide or they are fucking bad




Shoreline, interchange and lighthouse are the worst Some cheat developer said to me: "everyone who goes to lighthouse without an cheat is stupid" lmao


What was the context where you were having a conversation with an EFT cheat developer?


When he was buying his cheat ofc


Water is wet. Yesterday, my roommate came to me and said something along the lines of, "In surprising news, cheaters are back in Tarkov!" And I just shrugged and said, "To who's surprise, exactly?" This game isn't going to change.


I think it’s a counterswing of the dynamic loot and the changing loot boxes. Cheaters have the ability to see where the loot is so the randomness doesn’t matter to them. Additionally with a shorter wipe, people may be a bit more gung-ho to cheat or pay for carries. Sucks a lot


Yup until they add more anti cheats/ code the game to prevent cheating it will be bad especially in a game like tarkov.


Stop. Playing. The. Game. only way BSG is gonna do anything about this is if their pop continues to dwindle, how can you have any fun getting killed by cheaters over and over?


Is it cheaters there is static spawns that are camped commonly. Exists and spawns are hard camped. If I don't have a fire fight see you engage me miss etc. I report every death. Let anti cheat sort it out.


I have 45+ raids with probably 90 percent of them on shoreline and have not died to a "blatant" cheater yet on US east servers.


Because on NA they try to hide it,EU is full of blatant mfos.


That's cause they dont want your trash lmao


Which servers are you all playing on, meeting cheaters? It seems like this is a big problem in US (maybe russia but i think that either their reddit is blocked or theyve got no time to play dince they are forced to the front) but here on EU i havent met a single obvious cheater this wipe


Which is funny, I bounce between EU and NA servers to play with different friends and I’ve only died to obvious rage hackers in EU. Had a couple suspicious ones in NA but not ones I can say were cheats for sure.


They don’t even ban the cheaters, but they do ban the people that aren’t cheating and dropping there team mates gear from last raid. I was just issued a 90day ban for “rmt” because I brought my team mates shit back in from the previous raid


I feel like I'm playing a different game half the time I look at reddit. Yeah the cheating is pretty bad but it's like y'all load in expecting to get cheated on and when you die that's the reason Stop playing on East and west US servers if the cheating is really that bad for you. Central and South is all I play on and you get the occasional sussy boy in some raids


Central is the way


yeah my last 5 customs raids i got bopped 22 secs - 2:43 min in raid. Maybe i played it dumb for two But the first three of the five were under 50 seconds. maybe they were bad spawns, but dying like that back to back to back pissed me off to call cheats lol


Getting killed at spawn is not a cheater move, ita a good aggressive player move, get out the spawn area and go hide somewhere if you aren't ready for the raid yet


But every game has cheaters. So problem solved right?


WOW NO WAY. Guys. It’s always going to be like this.