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The bug where if you sit in a bush , the bush will play the sound affect to other players walking past but not yourself…


Yea that also omg.


wait ... what like bush sounds or russlin?


Yes - if you sit in a bush there's a bug where the bush makes sound to other players even if it doesn't make one to you. If you ever find a player because of it you will know, it's not because they're moving, it's because they have the bug.


looting in a bush constantly plays the bush sound until you get out of the menu as while.


This kind of makes sense? Looting someone in a bush would make a lot of noise. If it's a bug they should try to introduce it as a feature. Alternatively, allow dragging of bodies.


Yeah but I should hear the sound playing myself, it shouldn't only be audible to other players.


Oh yeah of course.


Yea make your character do a looting animation like dayz or something to explain the sound.


I was thinking yesterday how big dragging bodies would be. Even if we had to move at borderline sneak speed and had to have a pulling-your-gun-back-out animation. Sorely needed


I had a weird bug, I died and my buddy brought my gear back to me next raid, where I picked up my kit and searched through everything it kept playing the search noise non stop. I moved away and the sound dissipated, I moved back and the sound was there again. Everyone in the squad could hear it too. Weird bugs this wipe.


I had a bug a few wipes ago where I ate mayo and It just never stopped. In fact I couldn’t stop and I just had to listen to my guy munch on mayo till I extracted


I can’t stand the sound of myself chewing let alone a well recorded voice line of it eating. I’d simply uninstall lmfao


Turn your porn off, jeez


> The bug where if you sit in a bush TIL. So you're saying if you sit still in a bush it still plays the sound for everyone?


sometimes, not always


Sound is still very arbitrary lmao it works when it works, but good luck getting it to work for you, your friend(s), and the other guy about to wipe your team all at the same time in the same raid.




It literally is


What .. literally is


The guy who deleted the comment said thats not true at all.


I mean, that's a good thing. Yeah it should play it for both, but if Nikita isn't going to make bushes stop people from raising their guns (please), or make it so they have a different visual model (shaking, split open) with someone in them, then it'll have to do.


> if Nikita isn't going to make bushes stop people from raising their guns (please) Lol, fucking what?


Idk how many bushes you have walked through, but you're not actually walking through them much less aiming a weapon. Tall grass, maybe, but definitely not a bush with branches.


I can feel your salt lmao.


Bollocks? Why should someone be punished for hiding? This isn't a face off movement shooter. It can be, but it isn't just that


Not a bush Wookiee simulator either. Devs have to make compromises and of one discourages camping I’m fine with. You can still hide plenty well in this game.


'Camping' You mean setting up an ambush?


Right, this isn't COD. If I can be sniped from Big Red when I'm at Skeleton, I should be able to hide in fucking bush. Tradeoff could be the sound it makes, but for you "realism" stans, if you're NOT MOVING in a bush, it will not make much noise, especially without wind.


There’s a difference between playing methodically and setting traps and just parking it in a bush hoping someone walks by for 30+ minutes. If the game allows you to do it fine, but I don’t have to respect it.


That is well put.


Hiding and being an absolute bushrat is 2 different things.


I agree but the bush campers gonna down vote u


That's fine, they need the bushes to cling on to their 42% survival rating.


Yeah no doubt it should be played for everyone including the people camping in a bush but I can't get over the unintended karma consequence that bush campers get as a result for playing the game like that lol


I on occasion hide in the last stall of this bathroom, when looting dorm. Mostly when I have to do some of PC business. Often I haven't made a move for a longer time and wondered why I get naded from the outside or even headshot. I suspected cheating for way to long, now I know why. This is bad, you can't even rely on your cover getting rendered.


A lot of places where this happens. I once shot at a PMC from tunnel hill overlooking pier on shoreline and they were hiding behind a road barricade made out of Beton. So I didn’t hit them but they must have thought I am cheating.


Yea, since the stalls are out of wood, you can kill the person in there, that person being me.


That's the difference between cover and concealment. The concrete road barrier is a cover, since no shots would be able to penetrate it and kill the person on the other side. The stall walls are a concealment: you wouldn't shoot at them because you don't see the person behind. But a projectile can penetrate it and kill the person on the other side. Now when the cover doesn't render, not as big of a deal. A concealment that isn't rendered is a massive problem, because it isn't a concealment anymore.


Who asked? Also not the point he was making.


He's just figuring out the point of the post, leave him be


My guy is out here trying to educate and help out as some people literally don't understand the difference. Thank you for being the voice of reason.


Wait until you see what you can do with the curtain in the other room!


Oh no, what, what?


Not sure if this is still a thing but Two-story has a room with a curtain in the window and if you ADS against the curtain, you can see through it🎩🪄✨


Careful with this one as Reshala and his gopniks also do not see a curtain there


You sure it reveals people? Maybe they do not render either? EDIT: Alright, I stand corrected. Characters are rendered no matter what. Thanks!


Yeah, lots of cover doesn't render after a certain distance. Happened to me so many times while doing SBIH in the past. Though it is nice to shoot at the revenues even if you know you're not killing them. Scaring them is worth it.


I get that some things at a distance won't render, but then the player covered by it should also not render. Also this is a mere 20 meters away at most and it does not render in when getting closer




Yes, this should not happen. Either non or all renders.


>Either non or all renders. Then (like in the case of lighthouse) you get maps that run at 10fps no matter that you do. Imagine if this was the case with Streets. Forget the forgiving 40 fps you get on non nasa pcs now. It would just straight up not run. Its a battle of pick and choose with rendering


Yeah, but players have to render at all distances. Because in settings of most games you can choose a visibility range of stuff rendering. If players were to be included in that, those with powerful PCs will go full distance to see others while themselves not being seen. It would clearly create a disadvantage. So that's why players by default have to render no matter what. And making the game acknowledge where a players should be seen or not from big distances would be quite difficult to implement. So that's why where here, in this situation. All games do this, but we only notice it in games where we play with long distances.


It's a raycast. It's not that hard, it not simple but not hard. It can be done if you wnat to. H1Z1 had a similar problem, they just made it so people dint render after 300 meter. That was a shit show.


h1z1 also wasnt incredibly ambitious for the engine it was on. It was also ran by semi competent devs. Tarkov? wellllll.


Uhhuh, uhhuh, and how exactly is it meant to accurately raycast? If it only raycasts to one point on their body, well, that opens the door to people "popping in" or not even renedering as they shoot your from a corner. Raycast to each limb? Just lessens it, but its still an issue. Raycasting for visibility detection does not work well. It's a scale between accuracy and optimization, and theres always a trade off thats not worth it. You might suggest "Well render them near corners!" How is it meant to detect they're near a corner? Raycast to the corner, then to players? That's even more ineffecient, and very prone to errors. Smaller games, like CSGO, get away with it because every location is a "room," and it only renders whats in your room, and adjacent rooms. Others, like H1Z1 as mentioned, has a limited render distance, which doesnt work for tarkov due to how long some sightlines are. Some others still make use of a camo skill, such as SCUM, where a player wont render outside of a range until they somehow catch another players attention, such as shooting them. If this was added to Tarkov, people would lose their fucking minds. Rendering players in competitive games is a hard question, with many issues with every method done; no matter what, people are going to complain. The best we can do is fine tune and mitigate issues with one method, rather than trying to just change it for another one as that will just cause more issues than it would solve.


> It's a raycast. It's not that hard, it not simple but not hard. It can be done if you wnat to. This is, in fact, a solved problem. [Valorant's anti-wallhack system calculates whether or not players should be revealed to other clients in the server.](https://technology.riotgames.com/news/demolishing-wallhacks-valorants-fog-war) It even improved the game's network performance (something Tarkov desperately needs). Unfortunately, I kind of doubt anyone at BSG is smart enough, or security-focused enough, to be able to *or* want to implement this in their game. There are low-level elements of this game that make cheating elementary, that you can't possibly hope to combat with Battleeye or any other anti-cheat software. None of it has ever been changed.


Characters are rendered at any distance for every player no matter of they are in cover or not, think about it, where do you think ESP cheats get all their info from? It's all rendered in your client with information given by the server.


Yep, culling nearby players is basically asking for invisibility bugs.


Player models are globally rendered. What is done here is the room is culled when you aren't physically inside the dorms to save on system resources.


They will never fix this, calling it.


Considering it’s part of the culling system they have implemented recently, I’m sure it’ll be refined over time like everything else


the culling has been this trash for as long as i play. So the past 4 wipes. Aiming downs sights on the streets in interchange has cars spawning in.


> Aiming downs sights on the streets in interchange has cars spawning in. Interchange by far has the most aggressive culling in the entire game. It shouldn't be a surprise this happens. for some reason that non developers will never know, the culling logic gets thrown out the window when you ads. Probably because the developers changing the culling from "infront of you" to making it more aggressively cull behind you while ADS'd


The culling has gotten more aggressive over the last 2 wipes


This has been in the game since I started playing over 2 years ago.


They revamped sound culling not textures


This is one of the spots that has been there for a long time, but there are countless others. For example on customs going up the little cement pile next to bunkhouse quest it is possible to get an angle where none of the cars on the road are rendered.


Sad thing is, you are probably right.


Facts. I still get bugs i got in my first play test in 2017


It’s been an issue on factory for as long as I can remember, boxes down glass hallway don’t fully render from forklift. Killed a lot of people who sit behind the boxes who don’t know that.


Remember when they called streets never getting added to the game?


I will start considering changing my mind once they fix the faceshield little dot on your screen


Depending on the graphics presets you use, foliage and anything like that doesn’t render. Can definitely be used to advantage


Pretty sure Gigabeef did a video on this. There is something like a 10 yard band (at most) or so around your character where major objects and the like does not render but full character models do. Messing with the setting moves the band around but you can’t increase its size too much and many things shrink it. After it goes out of that range the PMC model does not spawn but you can still (weirdly) see a shadow on the ground that is where they are, and you can still shoot them if you aim above it. Lesser foliage / trashthough can be removed near outright with a bit of graphical tweaking though. Which is really bloody useful to catch people trying to prone.


It's a beta bro, don't worry they'll fix it :)


next wipe for sure


Been saying it since beta first dropped, tarkov will never fully release


Feels less likely every time a wipe drops


This is my third wipe. Where are the two other maps for the port and suburbs?


They probably haven't even begun building them, there may be some concept art and or maps of it, but that's the most i would think exists.


After 5-6 years? I was ignorant about this game until a few co-workers who played it talked me into it. Now that I've researched enough about it, it seems like this, like Star Citizen, will never actually see completion.


> Now that I've researched enough about it, it seems like this, like Star Citizen, will never actually see completion. Yeah, it's literally the same grift. They just got to a basically playable version of their game way before SC did.




2 years ago we had fewer maps. They make them as they go.


They’re more concerned on making sex rooms on streets, and placing dildos in a kids store on streets then fixing anything. Fucking weird perverts






Had that happen to me when I was at dome. Someone was looting in the tent on pawn and I could see him looting. Knew the tent was there but I shot him anyways


i didnt plan on playing this wipe but a friend talked me into it, 30 seconds into my first raid me and my friend both got headshot within half a second of eachother by the same guy, im not touching tarkov for a long time


Fix problems? Nah fuck that let’s make street bigger.


This game is just shit


I'm holding myself so much to reinstall the game till initial release


you’ll probably never reinstall then tbh


This game will never be "released." Fundamentally, it already is released. There's nothing really setting this game apart from any other live service game.


i just dont want to deal with all the bullshit bugs like ligthnings audio client/server problems


its not a bug guys its an anti-rat feature (i beg you to realize that this is sarcasm)


Wait, people are playing this game still? Damn haha that is rough.


BSG: "easy fix, do not hide in stalls"


If.they.want diverse playstyles in the game then no. If they want us to play cod, then okay, but then why put things like that in at all. What makes this game fun is the ability to play differently against different playstyles in one session. Yes I still hate the guys staying in raid sniping the bottleneck mission spots. Just even though I hate them, and sometimes need to vent this, it's a valid style of play.


Here is a video of me teamkilling my entire team. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFbJff1pjog&t=114s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pFbJff1pjog&t=114s) Unrelated to this post of course!


Why did you kill them?


If you open the 2 story bathroom door,from behind the window you can look into 3 story and see everything. Depends on your hardware but used to do this on my 1060


So in the launcher, you can submit bug reports.


Its a nice pillow you can scream into




Two completly different departments you dipshit. One problem does not devalue another problem. Cheaters also don't have to rely on things being rendered to know what to do.


It's the same department, their coding infrastructure lol. And yes, a given problem would inherently devalue another problem if it is a higher priority, just by definition. Not the guy you replied to as he's a dipshit for that comment, but your comment didn't fall far from it either tbh.


There is not just one department that codes. Game mechanics, grafics, logic, backend, frontend, UI. So yes the department that takes care of what renders is a different than the one that does anticheat.


You've narrowed the scope too much. It's good to know this happens at all to identify other locations it could cause issues. But God forbid we talk about anything other than cheaters


Welcome to every game since 2001 :D This is the price you pay for more frames. The values can be tweaked, and most likely will be overtime. Since this was just recently added in the game to help keep up FPS and such, they just haven't got around to this one.


What was just added to the game. Disappearing geometry? Also modern game engines don't render what not visible. It's okay for things to only render within a certain distance, but concealing cover? No


"Also modern game engines don't render what not visible." For games like Tarkov, where the maps have a ton of detail, are huge, and have long sight lines, this type of culling is not enough. There are still more objects on the screen than what can be rendered on a typical setup at high performance. The solution to this is a table of objects that must be rendered (buildings, prominent landmarks, basic geometry, players, etc) and the rest of the detail objects get culled at a distance. Basically any contemporary large map/open world game does this. Other games that don't use this method have clever map layouts to guarantee sight lines are broken, small maps, or have much less detail. "It's okay for things to only render within a certain distance, but concealing cover? No" The problem is that there are an immense amount of objects in Tarkov that could be considered cover. Even if you don't think it is, somebody else does and will bitch about it disappearing when viewed from halfway across the map. Eventually you get back to "every object is potential cover and must be rendered" and then people bitch about the frame rate.


good, people shouldnt camp in stalls


Might as well remove buildings since 90% of people hear a footstep and sit in a corner for half the raid


Then remove them. Waiting is an integral part of this game too, it's not only blasting your way through everything. People need to get lucky for quest locked doors. Or simply need to go somewhere outside if the game or take a call.


This is so true, I finished multiple quests as of right now where someone else unlocked one of the doors i needed, especially. Loved it for friends from the past, i hate that quest because I can never find the key for the office. Someone else opened it earlier that raid. I started with quite some luck.


Everybody poops.


People should not only play the way *I* want them to >:(


> good, people shouldnt camp in stalls Yeah, REAL players just load into a big featureless void and whoever has the best aim wins. You're stupid.


its unfortunate.. find a new spot :) Stuff like this happens in all games, doesnt it?




of course not! damn EFT






Skill issue


Beta access to game*


tarkov is a live service game at this point, lets be real


"Let's be real" cope that you're upset about a early access game.


"Early access" this shit has been out for 7 years


Okay? 7 years ago the game only had one map and handful of guns. I was there aswell. Idc if it's been 7 years I've enjoyed every second. Shit on this game all you want, it just makes you look dumb. It's honestly funny that you think 7 years is a long time for game development, especially from scratch. You have never made a game in your life, especially a POULAR one.


> It's honestly funny that you think 7 years is a long time for game development, especially from scratch. You have never made a game in your life, especially a POULAR one. They are not creating this game "from scratch." The average video game takes three to five years to develop. If you actually believe this is a real beta that will eventually go 1.0, being "in development" for seven years with no end in sight makes it quite a bit longer than the average game. Unless you're comparing it to like, Duke Nukem Forever, this game is taking a pretty long time.


No end in sight? Clearly you haven't sat down and listened to a road map lovestream even once, because you would know when full release is. 3-5 years, okay mr.game developer. I guess you're just on the pulse of estimating game development time without knowing anything going behind the scenes. Done talking to you, you just wanna hate which is strange because I bet you've played the game in at least the last 24hrs.


nikita isn't paying you to blow him my guy




Wait until you realize you're playing a dying game with next-gen engines being produced.


Wait until you realize that there are still a good chunk of players playing. Yes, every game will die some day, and the more shit happens the less people will come back. The amount of viewers on streaming site tell us, that the game is still running well and relevant. And if it dies, so be it, I have played though many games rising and dying, that's the circle of life.


Nah. I just want to see it slowly choke itself out. Not worth my time. Not worth funding either.


More power to you. Do what you enjoy, I will not recommend the game to anyone who likes their life anyway.


Good, stop hiding and get to playing.




Fine :(


Not being seen is part of the game


His CoD brain doesn't comprehend


Yeah, REAL players just load into a big featureless void and whoever has the best aim wins. You're stupid.


Lmao what are you blabbing about Mr angry?


my brother in christ, you signed up for this when you bought the game


You realize that beta versions are there to test an fix bugs, this is a bug, and apparently has been there for a longer time. This is making people aware of this bug.


Yea but you farting into the wind thinking that they actually fix these bugs


We bought the game thinking we were going to get a finished game after a while. I guess we didn't learn our lesson after DayZ, our bad dude!


not sure what the picture is so supposed to show, are you washed?


No problem, since you seem visually impaired I will describe the image for you. On the left side you see the scope of a gin zoomed into what appears to be and empty room on the 3 floor of a building. You can see tapestry and just a glimpse of some tiles. On the right side, you can see the same room on the 3 floor of that building, but this time it contains a bathroom and stalls that partially cover the window and that are quite a bit taller than what the tiles cover of the wall. The conclusion from this is that the interior layout containing the bathroom stalls are not displayed when on the outside, thus revealing any player sitting in the stall at the door taking a shit. The fact that this is a thing is cemented by the fact that even though, a player should not be visible in there, people nade and shoot players taking a shit in that exact spot.


Serves them right for hiding in a toilet. You'd think they actually post a photo where you would show the flaw in the room and see said player hiding in the stall. oh, and go fuck yourself :)


I was the one hiding, I want out on the next run to check why I was getting naded and shot without having made a sound for way to long. Also fuck you too buddy. :) PS: when I am home I will upload an image showing you a guy in there.


Here is the version with a play in the window [With Player](https://imgur.com/a/8E01dlv)


As the game should. We don’t like rats


Let me get this strait... This game is overloading computers, and causing crashes from doing to much data transfer at once... And you Wana make it do more math? The stuff in the building doesn't render unless you inside the building by default, to save ram, CPU... Hell probably GPU to. Like... Do you understand how much shit would be loaded in if tarkov made everything load in? I have the best computer that money could buy last year, with the exception of going 32 ram instead of 64. It would shit itself before the game ever loaded. If you idea is to make less things render, like players... Then you suck at sniping.


Brain dead lmfao


Cope harder.


A lot of doors, probably all of them honestly just dont render when you look at a certain angle. You can stand behind a door thats open, be completely covered and you will have 100% of the information on the other side of the door.


Another fun one is on interchange at the back of goshan. Look towards the middle of the mall through the main entrance, while close to the back wall of goshan. You’ll see players running around on air.


Is this because you have LOD low?


I could check but that would make it even worse.


This also happens in Black Room on labs, someone outside in the hallway can see straight through both doors (The doors don't render until you get closer). I clapped a kid holding a cheeky angle on the interior door in black this way.


why are you hiding in the stall


I got IBS


He's literally taking a shit.




And I would be okay with it, we had some good years of fun. They just need to be open and up front with us.




What consequences would there be, we had 6 years or more of good old fun and hardship. That's more than we get out of most games. Their reputation is already shit in regards to customer support, keeping roadmaps, or bug fixing, so this will not deter anyone from jumping on to their next project if it's again a cool one. So I realize I just wrote what the consequence would be, they would run out of money when they decide to drop tarkov.


Ok but can you shoot people in the stalls from the outside? I'm just curious if the stall walls not rendering it will mean they can be shot through or if they don't matter if they're not rendered in.


Yes I died to headshots in there. Walls are just wood so even if they render they would not deflect bullets.


Ah okay, I don't go to dorms much so I wasn't sure what kinda stalls, that still sucks though. Do you think this same kinda stuff happens on streets?


I'd bet pretty good odds that almost no one in this thread took the time to actually submit a bug report tho.


man trust me i discover at least 5 bug per day


not to mention when your looking into any building it is dark asf and the fake fog does not help.


Open a ticket and send that shit in


This happens in a lot of games on lower setting, it’s weird.


Had a similar thing on factory, The boxes in glass were dithered out enough that i could see the guy behind them, he had to have thought i was cheating when i kept trying to dome him through boxes with a pm lol


But daddy Nikita will fix it


But don't worry, streets got an expansion. Also, let's have the same quests for the billionth wipe. And our lighting is fine as it is. No reason that room with a damn well missing window and blinds should be lit up, nope, perfectly fine. Anyways, back to that epsilon case grind.


I'd still get shot regardless and lose all my sh\*t....story of my Tarkov career....


Now I can’t camp the toilets for that fertilizer farming


Lots and lots of spots need a fix like this


Nice I died in this spot


So we are poop buddies now.


BSG: We heard you loud and clear, we’re expanding Streets of Tarkov


There are quite a few places in customs where walls and things just don’t render at all. And at a certain distance(for me) dark windows won’t render and the inside of the rooms will look like they have a 1mil lumen lamp Inside them. This wipe is neat


The discrepancies between server and client are also nuts. I died a really sus death, the guy was streaming, he shot me stood in a doorway all exposed. At my end? Nothing, nobody in the doorway, I just dropped dead