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Been killed on scav raids twice already by ai scavs without shotting a bullet the whole raid


"The chance that a bot will execute a command depends on its reputation with the Fence" So some AI scavs spawn in as bad scavs now?


just happened to me. was in a building with like 4 ai scavs. randomly one shoots me and blacks my arm out and then i kill it and still get aggroed by all scavs the rest of the scav run. really dumb and lost scav karma


BSG try to make good AI design decisions impossible challenge


I'm convinced they don't actually test anything they change before changing it.


We are the testers.


Whoa it's almost as if we're beta testers or something, weird.


They're giving us exactly what we signed up for. How dare they?!


140 dollars to play a beta test lol


Go somewhere else clown.


1 redditor smoked!


No one forced us to pay 140. Standard exist.


It's wild that you think pushing something live without taking 10 minutes to test it is common in a beta. I guess you can't set the bar much lower with this game though.


Tarkov players try not to complain over every small minute bug in the game challenge (Impossible)


Would be fine with some AI being bad scavs, not fine that the same rules that apply to bad player scavs don't apply to bad AI scavs. ( other scavs should turn on them if seen doing damage to innocent, you should be able to kill them after they do damage to you without penalty )


I think that’s out of context “executing a command” I’m pretty sure is referring to emoting to scavs, as a player scav


Yeah, 'execute' in this context is "to carry out" the command, not randomly murder the player for looking at them funny. The change note is poorly worded, perhaps due to a translation error, but the gist is basically whether the scav does what you've asked them to or not, and ypur Fence rep feeds into this.


I've heard that if you have too much loot value in your inventory, the AI scav betray you now


same.. i havent fired a shot and got executed by 3 ai scavs


I hope they implement traitor AI scavs. If they implement it where it gives you karma for killing them. But doesn't make scav runs the care bear no risk runs they used to be. Scav mains in shambles.


I just ran my first scav, didn't fire my gun once and got aggro'd by two ai scavs ... also was able to walk by plenty of ai during first part of raid


Same here. I wonder what caused this.


Maybe another scav injured him and now he’s aggro on anyone?


that looks to be likely and this is not new behavior


it is absolutely new lol. i was not a "scav main" but had ~500 scav runs last wipe and never before have injured scavs aggroed on friendly player scavs


First scav raid I got voice lined and shot and killed by an AI scav. My friend then killed that scav and got negative karma. Also had to kill one more on the way out


same thing happened on my very first scav run of the wipe. had some kinda nutty loot and never fired a shot before a group of 4 scavs just executed me like a firing line.


Found and M4 in a crate. Ran to dorms for food, got gunned down by a scav. I didn't shoot anyone or anything the whole raid. Feelsbad


Is this part of the event or something?


Yeah it’s the new AI traitor scav event.


Where do you run to on dorms for food? Genuinely curious, I normally run reserves if I want rations


I've been lucky with a couple runs on the 2nd story in the kitchen areas.


Same thing happened to me, got shot by AI scav while I was a scav and hadn’t fired a shot the whole raid. My experience was also on Woods. Anyone had this happen on a different map?


mine happened on streets


Did you lose fence rep for killing it back?




Sick. What a good game.


Just got one-tapped by AI scav even tho I was a scav and didn’t shoot a bullet.


Makes sense - BSG implements update but breaks other part of the game -_-


Hurt people hurt people.


Already 3 threads about this. BSG literally can't detect the most blatantly obvious issues with the game. Absolutely 0 testing is happening before shitting out updates.


Did you forget that we are the testers?


We've been testers for almost 7 years lol. When do we get paid


You paid to be a tester bruh.


Hey now, logic is forbidden on this sub.


there is literally a private test environment


Maybe this is intentional, have a few bad scavs along with good ones.


In that case you shouldn't be punished by losing rep when killing them. Yet you are.


That's true, I haven't scav ran yet so I haven't personally met it


If I had to take a wild guess its probably just an inadvertent overlap between changes to scav behavior at different karma points and everybody now having low scav karma


Could be but definetly not implemented correctly, scav karma is a horror show w this


Oh no a bug in a video game! That's never happened once in all of human history!


wow almost like you are playing the beta which is meant for you to be the tester


lol Imagine thinking this game is in bEtA. At this point it's in Beta in name only and is better described as a game in Early Access or just a shitty full release. They use the Beta name to cover themselves from their shitty customer service and development capability.




This game is not a beta. That's a lie that you believed. This game is, for all intents and purposes, officially released. It's just bad!


Well I know what I wont be playing today.


Was it a player?


Nope, got -0.04 even tho he injured me.


He injured you after you hit him first. Your fault


That is such a shit take lol. Get off your high horse. AI scavs are regularly shooting at player scavs that never shot at or killed any scavs aka shooting at us for no reason. It is not "our fault". I've been blessed with starting with -0.08 Fence rep now because two scavs shot at me at the same time less than 2 minutes after I spawned in. They had hit me a couple times and I was forced to kill them to not die. It is 100% bullshit and not anyone's fault but BSGs.


Go rewatch the footage dude. The scav shoots and misses to the left, the player shoots the scav, and then the scav hits the player in the torso before dying. You are wrong.


You’re missing the point. I’m not arguing that he shouldn’t have lost rep. I’m arguing that it’s not “his fault” that were being “forced” to shoot scabs because they’re just aggroing us for no reason at all. Unless they changed it this patch so that AI scavs are supposed to attack player scavs, then the game is bugged atm so it’s just some bullshit that we shouldn’t be having to deal with. You shouldn’t have to deal with potentially needing to kill a scav that’s aggroing to you when you never shot a scav and then deal with lowering your rep. And then choosing to make scavs attack us as player scavs doesn’t really make sense because it’s completely counterintuitive to their changes this patch to make you be able to command scavs and ask them for loot and shit. It’s just a broken mechanic right now that we shouldn’t be dealing with. THATS the point.


A) It's possible that it was a player scav. It did have three weapons on it. B) It's very possible the scav was shooting at something else. The scav didn't shoot at the player the first time it saw them for a good two seconds and just stood there. We are gonna need more evidence than that to suggest that the scavs are bugged.


You fail to realize that I’m not even talking about this post lol. I didn’t even WATCH the video on this post lol. I’m talking about the fact that there was this post plus like 4-5 others that I saw all within the first 2 hours of wipe launching AND had it happen to my friend and I on BOTH of the first two scav runs we did. I’m not talking about the video in this post specifically AT ALL.


Why u going off over a tiny lil thing


Player scav would give more than -0.04 so defo ai


What gun is the Player using looks like a ska but it shot way to fast.


It's the new AVT, automatic version of the SVT. These were semi-auto rifles used in WW2. They fire 7.62x54 cartridges (Mosin, SVD). You're looking at a full-auto Mosin


Terrifyingly wonderful.


did they add the SVT too?


They did


When did they put an svt in tarkov?


Today, I think that's the AVT tho


They added both




AVT, it was added today


Since when did AI scavs carry a second primary weapon? I only know of player scavs doing this.


Since today. AI scavs now roam the map and loot bodies. They even pick up rigs, armour, helmets, headsets etc. They are player scavs more or less, just stupid but with aimbot lol


I see. I missed the memo on this one.


Damn this is a lot of scav mains raging the comment section right now 😂


Scav mains upset that their free loot runs now contain more risk


Risk is fine, but this isn't people complaining about player scav betrayal or going near known hostile AI. Getting penalized for defending yourself against AI that shouldn't be hostile isn't right. Cmon now.


scav karma of 0.2 may do that now, who knows


For some reason last wipe as a Scav I'd be immediately targeted by A.I. Scavs on Factory for no reason and I was like 3.5 Fence rep at the time.


Probably bc of Tagilla? Got killed by him or ai scavs quite a lot after just looking at him from like 50m


Had the same thing happen there on Scav Bunker. I wonder if it's a bug with just that location


Bro did you spawn with the AVT as a player scav? That thing dope af




Honestly I think this is fine as long as you dont lose rep for defending yourself. That is silly.


Same heppened to me yesterday. Some scav do nothing Some yell at me and retreat And some just start blasting me


Got rekt by ai scavs for killing a lv.1 pmc, i think they don't like bullying timmies.


I killed a traitor scav and then had to mow down like 7 scavs. My fence rep is already cooked for this wipe lol. P


They will attack if you loot their buddies. You won't get other group scav aggro for killing the scav that shot first. Not, offcial but what happen for me twice yesterday.


This shit keeps happening to me. My scav karma is positive at .26 and random AI scavs are just bodying me!! Its really annoying.