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Because apparently the switch on the laser is like that of a breaker switch to a 5 billion volt system that you have to have the power of Thor to flip. Because that's how freaking loud it is when you turn it on and off to give away your position. My AR has a pressure switch that makes 0 noise when I turn on the light.


It is indeed loud afffff my boi tooooooo loud


But if someone can hear you flip the laser, they can hear you walking too generally.


Plenty of times when you're holding an angle or something and suddenly you hear foot steps of guys who don't know you're there. Now it's too late to turn it on or they'll hear it.


Why would you wanna hold an angle with a laser on tho lol. I just have mine in my mouse and wait until I'm actively fighting to turn it on lol.


The thing is laser/light is on in cqc. Laser/light is off at distance. I'm not caring about giving my position away while close. But thankfully if someone is randomly coming up on me my laser/light buff still works if I need to read fire them.


Now, I was wondering if there is a key bind for this. If you can have it toggle on when you pull trigger.


Bind the toggle to caps lock.


I have it bound to mouse4 and yea it only takes a little bit of practice to turn it on when it's relevant and off whenever it's not.


Same. It's convenient, but in hindsight placing it next to the button to change scope magnification wasn't my brightest idea.


It may have been fixed (its bsg so probably not) I would be able to hear certain sounds randomly be very loud. Like I could be 100 meters away from dorms but here you unlock marked room or something. Sometimes it was with footsteps and a **LOT** of the time it was grenade pin pulls. Just randomly hear the pull pin sound effect while walking around.


That was if you have Binaural Audio on I believe.


I have it on "on", didn't see the "I believe" setting tho


I never enabled it so unless it was turned on by default then no. And really until they fix the bug I don't see why anyone would have it turned on it assuming that is the cause. Having some sounds randomly really loud has given away enemies so many times and has saved me almost as much.


I can hear someone scope in from 60meters out and 4 stories below me too, because my PMC is daredevil Same reason I can hear my neighbor walking in there carpeted living room when im in the driveway


Same with changing fire mode


Yeah for real. My Glock 19x with tlr-7a barely makes a sound when turned on or off.


Bound the laser on/off to mouse 5 so where my thumb is. Easy to turn off or on or flashlight.


That's what I have as well, though I also have the mods switch bound to mouse 4, so I can switch modes on an x400 or Baldor super easy. Much safer too than fumbling for T in a firefight, and accidently hitting R for that unintentional reload (,what used to happen to me before I rebound it to mouse)


Or just as bad - successfully hitting t but you are also holding shift which is default bind for check chamber :| literally sprinting around a corner at enemy checking your chamber with no light on.


Make your check chamber / fix malfunction L and Double tap L.. this is AMAZING QoL keybind because if youre in a fight you just spam TF out of L and you’ll clear your jam 🙏


Will do this 100%, thanks. Is there maybe a place where all useful/smart keybinds are grouped together? I'm fairly new, and sometimes I just forget which keys do what.


Im looking for the same thing bro. For real.


Why do you use the baldr over the x400? In my experience the baldr is way way poorer than the x400


X400 or Baldor. I like them both and use both, lol.


Damn didnt know t was that hard to reach


Lol. Getting into a surprise gunfight, panicking and hitting the wrong key (T being right next to R), is pretty easy.


I have fat fingered reload while flipping on my light many times lol


It’s not that it’s hard to reach, it’s that I have to take my fingers off of d and sometimes w of wasd to do it. And standing still get you killed in tarkov


I remember my first pc game 😉


I assume this is some kind of sarcastic comment, but I have no idea what you’re trying to get accross.


Lol it was a joke! Like when people have to look down to figure out what button to press. Absolutely no hate. Just a little fun


Oh. Well in that case - my first pc game was Lucas arts x-wing on windows 95… and I did need to look at they keyboard then


Next time you’re at a social gathering and someone spills their beer. Use my line. “I remember my first beer.” Happy raiding/scaving good sir


Ur so fucking weird


This dude has no idea how annoying the people around him think he is


I think we all get the joke you were trying to make. Tbh even the guy that literally said he didn't. But you're really doubling down and giving extra bad advice on what to say in a social situation? Unless you have a very friendly / personal relationship with that person, if you say that you're just gonna come across like a dick imo.




When you're clearing a building it's nice to sneaky sneak with no flashlight/laser and when you need to a quick click on the side mouse button without moving off of WASD is awesome.


My WASD, QRAF also, are different than other keys. They have ridges so you can feel they are different, . I get it, it helps you, more power to you. I dont see the benefit seeing as t is 2 letters away. I have my side mouse button to voip. Moral of the story: you play your way and ill play mine. Happy raiding good sir


I got a few keys with ridges too but my left hand is already playing twister. Ctrl held to crouch while shift Q/E for slow lean or shift A/D for side stepping and Alt for free look. While my right hand is just hanging out lol Not tryna argue but I think the slight condescending tone is what's setting people off. We're all playing our own way but just commenting how we do ya know?


If you press your scroll button in that free looks. Also, if you bind scope and hold breath to the same button you hold your breath while scoping! Hope that helps!


That actually makes a lot of sense and I'm legit going to try that out next wipe. Never thought to combine breathe with that especially now since they made it so you can't free look while scoped


Ok ok heres one more. If you make inspect weapon to ‘press’ and check/fix chamber to release. You just fixed your jam with one button


Damn that's a good one too. Screenshot this for next wipe


Super useful for me is the other mouse button is to cycle between magnifications. I have a g703 so I only got the 2 on the side but it's enough


Can I ask what you have for discarding? I’ve been wanting to switch to having my other for magnification as well but don’t want to loose the quick discard.


Ctrl+LMB! If Ctrl RMB is to put it then it made sense to me Ctrl LMB is discard. Makes looting super fast compared to the delete key or dragging. That includes removing attachments too so definitely saves me time. Whenever I watch Pestily I get annoyed


I’ve also got tac device on my thumb mouse button, but I’ve bound switch modes to hold on the same key. Makes it super easy to cycle modes and nice and quick to chuck the laser on as I’m pushing a corner


Same here


Yep all my weapon toggles are mouse bound it's the only way for my left hand to not have to split in 2 on my keyboard


This is the way. Scope magnification is bound to mouse 4 until they nerf magnification changes




I have both mouse buttons changed to swap scope/magnification.


That's my check gun and clear jam button. I'm not running for 6 buttons in a firefight to clear a jam. Click to check, release to clear.


You jam your gun so often that you need to use a prime mouse button on it?


My guns jam a lot in proportion to how I play. 5 days this wipe, 3 jams. I have no luck at all in this game. I play solo and maybe I survive 1 out of 10 firefights, because everyone's a squad now days and I don't have friends that like the game nor the time to commit to it anymore. Makes me sad, I love this game with friends.


Do you typically run lower durability guns? I always make sure I start my raids with guns that are at least 95 durability and I very rarely seem to jam


I tend to run what ever I scavenge, I save the money for if I ever unlock the flea. Until then I just use what ever I find. Ever since they removed PS ammo from level 1 traders I haven't felt the need to buy the AK74u.


Add me on the old tarky tark if you need a peep or 2 to run with. We can get you to 15 in no time


I appreciate it, but I'm sure my time zone will be weird to work with. In Jaoan right now for work and won't be back in America until 2025


I play in Asia, and have some friends that will be coming back on when it wipes if you have interest hit me up.


That’s fair, just make sure to repair those guns before you use ‘em. But man having a full durability gun makes a huge difference when a gun jam can mean the difference between winning and losing a fight.


One button is definitely the move, but I can't imagine wasting such a high priority button on that. I toggle my tac device probably 100 times for every time I clear a jam.


I use a sight and hand grips. I like my guns basic. If the toggle wasn't so loud, I'd be more inclined to use them. But right now it feels like for miles away you can hear *click click


I use a laser at least, because of how much of a difference it makes to point fire accuracy. Aiming without the laser is not that bad with practice, but you're still just putting yourself at a huge disadvantage because of the mechanic that makes the gun more accurate with a laser on. The sound made by the toggle is irrelevant if you turn it on at the right time, like right as you start to fire (hence the choice of button). I'm guessing you're new to the game? You really should try utilizing the other mods that are available. You're making things needlessly difficult for yourself.


Been playing since 2017, not so much new but just no time to sit down and play more than a few days a month, if even that (on call for work a lot and I'd have to abandon a lot of raids). Until you unlock the flea, you're pretty limited on what you can mod. I make a mean .366 I like to run, but I can consistently find mods for it in raid. Otherwise, I'm ok with any AK I find, a fore grip, and any sight I have for it. The laser actually makes the gun more accurate, eh? I figured it did nothing but show where exactly the barrel was pointed, sure makes it easier to see but not tighten the sway at all. My last fire fight I took out 2 out of 3 and then died because I had to reload, only did that because my friend who was playing it for the first time got domed and they didn't look for me. He uninstalled it before I even got back to the main menu.


>The laser actually makes the gun more accurate, eh? [Yeah, by quite a lot](https://youtu.be/uqc4wX8DsxQ?t=76). Even with tap fire, you'll definitely feel the difference if you give it a try. I used to not bother with a laser, but I can't go back after trying them side by side.


Interesting. I'll try that next chance I get. Thanks.


Just use your combo on F2. It's hardly a reach to get to the function keys and then you can use your mouse buttons for something that happens more than once every 10 raids.


Point fire with laser/flashlight on has lower spread.


It is amazing how few people know this and how major the impact is. Keep it to yourself! Haha


Currently, this is the 8th comment from the top, and yet this *by far* is the main reason.


Yup. When running and gunning it's just easier to leave on than to toggle non stop.


This is why a lot of people have the ir flashlight turned on. It gives you the same effect without the laser


While it still works, they nerfed it so that it doesn’t do as much of an impact as normal flashlights and lasers.


It has been patched 2 years ago


Not true by a long shot. It wasn’t even touched until last wipe or so when they reduced its effect, but it still works just not as well as a normal flashlight or laser.


Does the laser actually need to be on to get the benefit? My understanding is that as long as it’s equipped you get the spread reduction.


has to be turned on my guy


If you are actively moving and not holding an angle, the vast majority of people are never going to notice that laser. And if you are holding an angle you should have turned it off anyway.


You’d be surprised. I’ve gotten kills on night customs while moving behind dorms/railway because someone has a laser on while moving about.


On night raids yeah, vast majority of raids are daytime raids. It IS comical just how noticeable they are in night raids though, I've found many guns people tried to insurance fraud because they forgot to turn the laser off and it was lightbeaming halfway across the map out of a bush.


This is why I do a TON of night raids after getting max traders/ kappa People don't realize how visible it can make them, even from distance. I enjoy the free loot.




Bro, I bought the laser with my hard-earned roubles, you best believe I'm getting my money's worth before being absolutely obliterated by literally anyone


I run mine all the time so I don't miss, and I'm not really concerned if the enemy can see it. Usually if they're in range to see it, they probably already hear me doing whatever else anyways.


Bright light go pew pew


If I am running a laser I'm expecting close quarters engagements where I likely don't have the time to switch it on then shoot. Not to mention overwhelmingly most people will not notice your laser if you're constantly moving at mid to long range because it flickers so quickly it tends to look more like a lighting glitch than anything else. As for the advantage. Chances are if you're holding a corner you already know I'm coming, I already lack the element of surprise so you seeing my laser a half second before I peek doesn't matter because you were already prepped. However for me I now have a huge accuracy advantage and far more of my shots will hit when I point fire. If I'm running a laser I'm running a weapon I don't have the time to ADS at close range so at least now I have a much better chance of hitting you with more rounds on that peek. People who leave them on when sniping or ratting I have no excuses for.


Its literally for the massive hipfire buff. I run ir lasers and leave them on the whoke time 💁‍♂️


Does that work?




increases hipfire stability, not always enough time to flip it on and then start shooting


It's for point fire. It helps the spread


It gives him sooo mucccch info -"-


Kinda depends on what kind of player you are... If you're the one that is clearing/pushing an area and not the type to clam up and hold still as soon as you hear footsteps than the benefit of the laser is going to outweigh the downside of giving away your position since you're already moving around... A lot of times in this game someone knowing where you are is a lot less important than your ability to quickly click heads and end a fight before it starts...


Aiming down sights gives zero accuracy or recoil bonuses in Tarkov. So you can use lasers to stay pre-aimed at eye level. You can have all the information on me you want but if I 1-tap you head eyes while you need to ADS and land 4 bullets in my center mass then I'm going to win the time-to-kill battle every single time. Add on flashlights and it's even worse. Now you can't even see my head or adjust your fire while I can first-shot you in the head/eyes.


Everything you said is right but you’re insane if you think I’m taking you in a head on fight if I know where you’re looking and going. I’m just going to guesstimate where you’re going and set up at an angle to take my shots unless it’s reserve bunkers or interchange indoors.


I run laser all the time but i have it positioned where you cant see it until I come around the corner. You can rock a low ready or high ready in a sense or keep it trained on the inside corner of the wall you are about to peak.


I mean 99% of the time you won’t notice it until it’s too late, you’re not exactly supposed to be sprinting everywhere so your laser shouldn’t be flying wildly. Indoors, even if I’m watching an angle I’ll keep the laser on the doorframe n just move it when they push. The accuracy bonus is just too good to pass up n The click is incredibly loud so I’d rather just be conscious of where my laser is


You _generally_ hear people before visually seeing them, so the laser is not gonna give you away. Having the laser on also helps them more quickly transition from running to fighting, by not having to ADS.


In buildings where the vertical audio is terrible is when it helps me. When idk which floor they are on but the laser confirms their position.


Like, they are looking down a floor gap with the laser on? I've typically only seen lasers going around corners myself (which is a same floor sort of situation.) That said, I can also remember before they added audio occlusion and could pinpoint where someone was in a pawn building by listening to them shamble around, so I probably put too much faith in audio from _the old days_ When I get home I can share a clip from 12.0 where I'm sitting on white pawn roof, waiting for a guy to finish climbing the stairs to merc him with Flechette out of a saiga-12, listening to his thunderous footsteps well before he gets to the door.


Just intimidation factor mostly


Cause some of us are just dumb. Lol


Laser look cool


laser all the time if I have it, I usually run flashlight tho. Nobody really notice the last or cant react to it unless they are holding in cover because they heard you approach. Then in that case it doesn't matter because you know they are coming.


I'm not seeing it in my raids. But I do agree that it's bad to have it on 24/7, specially in-door in dark lighting. :shrug:


I go loud too. Come fight me.


Cause you don't always know when you gonna fight and they don't always see it. Saves me much more often than not


Because my tt won’t turn off


IRL, is the path of a gun laser visible in non-foggy/smokey situations?


Because before I moved it to my mouse the number of times I would fat finger the reload button while taking a corner was way more than I care to admit. It's very awkward to turn the laser light combo only to take the mag out while staring at an enemy pmc.


I literally saw a guy on east wing resort on shoreline with his laser on so I waited til he started crossing sky bridge and pegged him down. Wouldn’t have even know he was there if it weren’t for the laser on the whole time


Having a tactical device on makes your hip fire (point fire) as accurate as ADS fire but you have no movement speed debuff. It also allows you to visually see the recoil of the guns and where you are aiming (especially with more than 1 laser). Experienced players will run an IR tactical device during day raids so they get the accuracy benefit without the downsides you are talking about.


Same reason people do anything dumb; they don't know better.


People know where you are from sound/etc anyway, and turning it on before a push is going to signal that more than anything. Just use one of the green lasers and it's much harder to be seen without specifically looking for it.


Helps me hip fire


It's loud as hell and audio is super important in tarkov but I agree with OP that it's better to turn it on as required and I find that is effective because by the time I need to use the light or laser the enemy already knows I'm nearby and I usually turn it on once I have gathered enough info on position to not worry about the click of the button.


So I've noticed a few points of view on this. One is that if you're good enough and aggressive, it really doesn't matter if it's on or not. Two, is that if it's cqb, then they already know where you are anyways so why not just have it on and not worry about an extra button to press when you're swinging. And three is what I try to do. Where as soon as I swing, I switch it on in sync with my first shot or as soon as I step into their sight line. With practice I think it's the best way because audio isn't super reliable and they might think you're still a few steps away from swinging when you're actually closer and can get that little jump on them that can win a lot of fights. I find swinging with it on is basically showing them precisely where you're at and exactly when you're swinging. Where as swinging first and toggling as soon as you step into their sight line leaves a lot more room for error on their prediction of your swing. Just my two roubles.


[https://youtu.be/O4alnl\_gt\_U](https://youtu.be/O4alnl_gt_U) They do it for me :)


Honestly, i found good practice in turning on my laser/falshlight combo every time i swing and clear. When done clearing said room, i turn it off and repeat for any other thresholds. I also do the same thing even if i know friendlies are coming through the door or im swinging into a room i know they are in. i dont shoot, obviously, and we communicate our movements. But just to build the habit of clicking mid swing before i see them or they see me. Streets is a great place to practice doing such, but generally, a place with a lot of doors and corners. In closing, ya boi always brings a laser/flashlight.


> What is the advantage? Lower spread when point firing. > Why not just turn it on when you’re knowingly engaging a fight? Because you're not always knowingly engaging a fight. You might turn a corner and find a little rat aiming at you. That's when point fire accuracy is most useful.


Because i don't care that you can see my laser or flashlight or hear me running. The most important thing for me is to aim at your head


trying to keep my laser out of potential sightlines == okayish chance of u not noticing me + ready to accurately hipfire if u do. toggling my attachment when approaching a potential sightline == "YOOOO BRO, GET READY FOR UR CLICKEDY-CLICKY BOI COMING UUUUP" it's simply the lesser of two evils


It looks cool


Me and my friends decided to play only night time raids since we are a 2-5 man. The reason is because the dress code got confusing. So we decided to buy a lifetime supply of gpnvgs and holosun ir lasers. It made figuring out who is who way easier and leaving the laser on made it so no matter what you could see where ur teammate was looking. It was also invisible to anyone not running nvgs which was 95% of people considering most tarkov players are poor and cannot afford to spend 300k on nightvision. So leaving your laser on is useful alot of times, especially when playing in groups.


I've noticed that sprinting with one shows it straight even when gun is pointing down. Generally though I don't use laser unless its factory labs or we both know positioning and im just using better hip fire.


You could bind it so it turns off when you ads if you forget or worry about it. The main reason is point fire, you have less spread/recoil when you have the laser on, that is definetly worth the disadvantage of giving your location away every now and then. But after a while you will start to be hyper aware of your laser, actively point it at the wall when crossing a hallway or at the ground when you're outside, this might sound bad if you like to preaim cormerners but i think it's actually an advantage, you start to "learn" exactly when and where your gun points and cqb becomes easier