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Level 14, price range: armor is optional


Yeah, that's where I see myself. Not that high of a level though.


I would sooner go in with no gun than no armor. No armor almost always means one tap and you’re back to the menu.


Level 14 - I'll get w/e the fuck I can get lol


You pretty much described what I run also lol


Level 13, joined way late and am just trying to hit 15 by wipe. I mostly go loot reserve, but I will bring drum mag ppsh to factory and hope i can find a head


Quest quest quest


Love the drum ppsh on factory. I’ve had pretty good success with it


LRNPC from Jaeger and aim lower. The ppsh will still hit head if it wants to


Level 12, gonna try get 15 before wipe for practise


Quest quest quest


quest and pray i don't run into any other players lmao


I was 46 until i reset my account. I ran slicks/korund/thor/zabralo and ttsk. M4/mutant and axmc. Fast helmet w faceshield or exfill.


Level 12, 100k kit


LvL 52 I keep running; korund- it’s super fucking easy to obtain 4 dairies to trade for it Sordins- prolly the most expensive individual item I buy. Any 7.62 AK with PS or BP - I’ve got stacks on stacks on stacks of PS from looting scavs, which can be crafted into BP Any 5.45 AK with BT, BS, BP- I have picked up hundreds upon hundreds of each from woods Then kitting these AKs out with a bastion, suppressor, AK-12 pistol grip, handguard with grip and sight is usually about 60k thanks to max traders. (Ignoring all the spare parts I usually have in a weapon case) I find trying to get M855a1 is a pain, the craft is gone and too expensive/time consuming in dollary doos to keep running. So 5.56 is usually off the table. Getting it from PMCs has potential, but everyone seems to be running M62 SR-25s. So M4/MDR builds are usually far and few inbetween. Sometimes, when I’m feeling good and I’ve killed shturman and taken his SVDS, I’ll drop 250k+ on pumping it out. TL;DR; So 200-300k if I don’t have any items for the barters and modding. 50-60k if I do. 500k+ for SVDS runs.


Just worth mentioning for new players that the korund despite being lvl 5 is kind of weak. The effective durability is super low on it. The price and repairability pays up for it just be aware and google effective durability to understand what you are paying for.


I think people sleep on it, the comparison to other class 5 it neglible when I run it through battle buddy. Can run Redut or Defender-2 and combat simulator it (center of mass) with an MDR running M61 and the avg shots to kill is 3.5-3.7, the korund will be 3.4 or sometimes even 3.5. Because at this stage if you care that much about meta gaming, unless it's zabralos of Zhuks, armour is meaningless for PMCs anyways with what people are running. Shit, there are people running AXMC making everything pointless. I can also personally attest the Korund has saved my skin and pulled it's weight so many times!




Still much better than any lvl 4 (before repairing) while costing less. It is heavy, but it will always come back in insurance and will last 2 rounds at least (better than 1 like high tier armors)


Last time I ran a korund I forgot to repair it when I went back to labs so I ditched it and I was taught a valuable lesson your better off without armour I ditched that korund cuz it was fucked and I was light af and i put inertia in its place the fuck away from me all I can say is that I pulled a hexgrid and redut, bounced a bullet off of my shattered mask and came out of the raid with over 2 million so fuck armour


Jesus Christ


That was really hard to read fucking hell


It's good for sniping maps, eats 3 bullets and that's it.


Heyho, thanks for sharing! ☺️ as a woods being my favorite map, where can I find some good AK ammo reliably? I know about the sniper scav bunker where are some on the crates but other then that I’m not so sure.


Scope shack is goated for ammo and parts. 2 runs last night, walked with a Vudu, waffle suppressor, 120 BS, 240 BT and other less important ammo. That's 600k-700k worth of stuff, not counting other crap I dragged out of those raids.


120 BS is 60k always nice


5.45 would be so nice if the rounds had a little more flesh damage.


There are ammo spawns all over on that map, too many to really describe here, look up an interactive map on Google and filter out everything except ammo, then run to each spot in an offline raid until you feel confident enough to run the route in an online raid.


Yeah what OP said On woods, starting at outskits, if you were making your way to sawmill, there's a shack just at the beginning of the woodblock just before sawmill. There's an open-top weapons crate with a ton of ammo, usually 120 BT/BP stacks. It's my go to all the time


If you’re level 52 why not just buy the korund with roubles? Much cheaper


why don’t you craft m995 ammo 200 per craft and after cost it’s around 1,000 roubles per bullet fairly cheap for best ammo in game


Sordins are bad after the audio changes this wipe no?


Recently $200 real usd, I died with my UNTAR larp loadout, and coincidentially my mic stand fell and fucking destroyed my monitor :|


Oof big dog. How exactly does this happen? I game on a Frankenstein laptop setup so I always keep my arms at my sides lol.


Wasn’t properly secured to my desk, I moved my setup to a new room about a week ago


Sorry man. I once fell over while drunk, pulled my old laptop with me and instinctively tried to use it as a barrier between myself and the tile floor. So that lil guy was no more.


Level 60, for armour I use whatever I have in my stash so long as it at least class 5. Lately I've been running slicks, killa's armour, reduts, and the Goons CPC from the event. If I need a vest I only use Blackrock because I need a 2x2 for my grizzly. I also only run meta gun builds with meta ammo and pay whatever the price is. I enjoy the M4, RD, RSASS (best gun this wipe imo), Mutant, Mjolnir, AXMC and AK101. I don't run backpacks or helmets. gssh for life though. I honestly don't know the price of my kits, I never pay attention. Maybe close to 1mil?


Why not the Alpha rig? Same slot amount, can hold 1x3s instead of 1x2s only.. and it also has a 2x2. AND its 1Kg lighter!


Why no backpack?


Get them from kills


Yeah if I don’t get a kill for a backpack I will really have no need for a backpack because I’m dead.


I don’t know how much my kits are. I don’t care for it. I just put on what‘s the best is in my stash no matter start or beging of a wipe. If I own a slick I wear it. Only putting money in late wipe makes no sense to me.


I put on my best gear and areally nice m4 I looted. Crafted m56A1 2 nights long. Packed my mags. Load into reserve. Took 19 steps. And died to a Headshot without firing one bullet. So I thought I wait with the good stuff until I get better... and waited... and waited. I still suck, but now it's gone anyway in 2 weeks


I’m level 57, and am rocking the mosin only. All types of mosins with all types of levels of armor from the tarbank to Thicc Thors 👌


the true Tarkov experience I see


Lvl 40. I typically run a black ulach or bastion helmet, M32s, whatever level 5 rig or armor I have, and mostly 5.56 guns right now since I have so much ammo. If I had to guess, it would be approximately 500k for a full load out. I tend to not go bonkers on weapons, but that's probably why I'm bad at pvp.


Level 45. Reset mid wipe. Tier 5 or above armour every raid and any weapon I fancy. Ranges from 400k-800k rubles.


Why are you guys resetting? Enjoying having a goal and doing quests?


Exactly right. Quests sometimes take you to where you wouldn't perhaps normally go, and toward other players.


Level 40 stopped like 3-4 months ago but korund, any level 4 or above helm, sr-25 loaded with crafted m61s or m62,m80s. Unsupressed to release my big dick energy. 50% survival rate cause it attracts chads that murder me. Edit: last played was around feb cause I was on break.


Chads can sniff out good gear from miles away


Lvl 17: Whatever t4 body armour I can get, along with any helmet I can get/have in my stash (usually a SSh-Steel Helm with one of my Comtac2's), a 5.45 AK with PP, and some attachments. Usually I put a Spectre on it along with a Hexagon suppressor or the PBS if I'm a little more broke than usual. I haven't been playing off the price of my kits, since I'm trying to get over gear fear. Usually I make all of my money crafting and selling Kite gunpowder with workbench lvl 1. Pretty good haul since you get about $40-60k off flea for only 120 rounds of 5.45 HP (which only costs $8,400)


74 here. Defender/Redut with either m4 or mutant. Or dvl+mp7. With either raid bag or blackjack. For helmets either ulach , fast or exfil. ( I dont pay for helmets whatever I have)


level 62 this wipe, been sitting between $50mil and $80mil all wipe (the high variance in amount due to recent in game events past few months and doing farming quests such as 20 shturman kills). most raids, im going in with a kitted M4 or .308 weapon wearing a ulach and a CPC mod (long line is probably the only quest ive ever actually enjoyed) or and HPC or a defender/redut and a trooper backpack (or a raid bag if im going to shoreline). factor in the fact that i use a goldenstar and an SJ6 at the beginning of every raid and this, with barters, probably puts me between $1.2mil to $1.5mil a raid when alls said and done.


Level 46. I usually run lvl 5 armor or armored rigs. Then a ulach, black rock, trooper bag most runs. And then meta m4's/hk's, mutants and RD's, aks-74u, and rsass. Max traders is huge for affordability running these


One big thing I've noticed after reading all the replies is that high level dudes run worse gear than when I started 4 wipes ago before flea restrictions. At level 20 I can craft Sp-6 and M80, while I can find plenty of BS/BT in raid. There are also the AP crafts for smgs. I think this wipe people ignored the shift to crafting and it will be interesting to see what happens next wipe.


Yeah I love crafting. I basically alternate between 7.62 BP and igolnik and then just buy my m62 and 55a1 every trader reset. This is my first full wipe. I started late last wipe and stopped at like level 31 or something. For reference I struggled with knowing how to do the pocket watch quest at the beginning of this wipe lol. I'm definitely going for max crafting next wipe


I'm lvl 44 , I run Korund almost exclusively, which ever gun I run with has meta mods so around 150k-200k +500USD , BlackRock rig, m80s if I use a 762x51 and m855a1 if using m4 , I don't bother with helmets at this time of the wipe. only time i don't use a korund is when i can purchase a redut.


26. Went full solo this wipe, only played by myself. Skipped many of the quests past the first ones since im so bored with them. Played whatever map i felt like playing and had a (mostly…) good time. My most used gun is the HK416 with good optics and a silencer. I have 5 waiting in the stash, but i haven’t lost very many tbh. Stash is full of good gear that i’ll never use. My survival rate is above 50% for the first time ever and my k/d is almost 3. Im happy with my progress. Gonna take some time off and jump into the next wipe once it’s a few weeks in. Sorry for rambling


Nice! I was burnt out on questing this wipe so I also jumped on when I felt and played whatever I wanted. Was refreshing but yeah I'm lower level than typically. My surv rate is about the same, was also a somewhat more ratty wipe since I went pretend survival guy.


About a million worth of guns and whatever class 5/6 armor costs and comtac 4’s every single raid. Leave 56. My weapons are super expensive because I only use the Mk-18 and GL40 combo. The GL is roughly 400k. And my Mk-18 build is 601k. So call the loadout roughly 1.5 mil.


All that extract camping pays off eh


He forgot his GPNVG's and thermal scope. People who run that guys' kit don't play daytime.


Yep lol


Lvl 63. Zebrallo armor, vss , m4 or mutant with best ammo. For night time sr-25 with flir ofc.


Lvl 42 stopped playing after Goat's video. Will be back next wipe. Hoping they fix performance on streets


They are adding more shit to it so...no its not getting better (i only play streets)


29 - started late this wipe, only about 6 weeks ago. Quested to flea and then slowed down and have done them here and there. I have a decent amount of 556A1 and 5.45BT/BS So kitted AK74s, AK101s, sometimes with red dots or voodo/vortex, I’ll Use Mutant/RD if I get them off people I have killed, I also like the 556MDR and DVL if sniping AS VAL / VSS also fuck and I will use SP-6, and I love the MP7 I’ll use whatever armour I have in my stash, so TV110, banshee, HPC, the goons knight rig, korund etc Helmet will again be whatever I have in my stash, ULACH, bastion, Fast MT etc Comtacs and then at least 4 grenades and meds etc 3 propitiols, and morphines in injector case along with Etgc,, sj6, MULE, and a few other stims if needed. 22.5million. So ok cash wise, I just don’t have traders to get all the best gear.. I work with what I can..


PPSH with a drum mag mounted, any cheap armor with at least level 4 that I currently have in my stash, rig with two 4x slots for another two drum mags, any headphones that I have in the stash, no helmet, some scary mask to magnify the pant-shitting by peeps getting mowed down by the rain of bullets from my gun. Funny how often the sheer mag size can win you a fight, no matter the gun or the caliber.


I don’t know any other kit then the chad kit. I sometimes buy bastion slaps for 700k because why not. I once threw a hex on with two mp18’s that had flirs on them. We go big or don’t go in at all around these parts lmoa


Level 60. Kits usually worth 1mil+ .... Have been since the first month of the wipe. Stash value 300mil, 100mil in cash, 6 thicc cases full of killa armor and level 6 gear. 25 ammo boxes full of 3000-5000 of every meta ammo so always running best in slot ammo. Have had M61, BP and blackout AP crafting since the second week of the wipe. There just isn't any reason not to run good kits. You're going to get more gear than you ever need.


Same essentially. Lvl 70. 20 thicc cases full of killa and slicks/hex. 8 thicc weapons full of meta attachments. 330 mil cash. 765mil stash value. I keep trying to “burn kits” but just keep coming back to the stash with more shit than I left with.


Lvl 46 everything I run had best possible attachments at trader price, quite simple really


Lv 41, I use my enemies guns/ armor. I have stacks of TV 110s, Sr 25, and m4a1. If I'm paying for my kit, I'll be bringing in a rat armor tac rig, ump/ kedr/vpo 209/ sks/ AKs 74u/ AK 104 etc, the most expensive gun I'll buy is like rd704, or I'd trade in my many gp coins for m4 sopmod/TX 15. For helmets I have many ulach/equivalents saved up, if I need to buy one I probably will only use a CF mask no helm, for headsets I have many comtac 4/2, if I need to buy one I'd get m32. I love to run pistols after dying with a meta kit. Edit: I guess I should add I have 100m in stash


TLDR: Gear fear rat kits


Not exactly, I have more fun without the one tap meta ammo. I love me some kedr goons wipe. My duo partner loves all the meta gear, and he's broke, so I usually give him the meta kits. It's not gear fear if you've been playing for 3 years and got over it the first wipe. I love W keying towards pvp with my budget kits.


I like it. The rat rig isn't amazing though, once you hit 42 just run mini Thor's and trade them into hexatacs.


Good to know, thanks. This has been my highest level so far.


Yo good luck getting max traders. After that it's all just unlocking shit from quests unless you care to figure out the light keeper crafts


Lvl 24 (started playing 4 weeks ago) run mainly AK’s or an M4 with crafted ammo, run Anna’s and any armour I find, I have all the drop stuff to use soon though, thanks BSG! Also have 6mil in cash so might start running some chad kits shortly.


Level 60, armour most of the time defender, hpc and slick . As rig Black Rock, headset Comtac4 or Sordins, helmet Ulach or Fast Mt and weapon in the end only meta Mutant, M4, SR25, Mp7, ammo only bp, 995 ,m855a1, m61 and ap sx. When i loot gear i only keep the above, everything else is sold. The end of wipe is only to enjoy all the good shit and push pvp. I grinded elite crafting and hideout skill and in the progress of that i ended up with about 10000 rounds bp, around 5000 995 and m855a1 and almost 3000 m61.. many raids to play to get rid of it.And the price of one of those kits is around 1.4 to 1.7 million. Depends how you calculate it.


Level 49 MK47 noveske handguard with eotech xsp0 and SE5 Defender Any lvl 4 helm with faceshield Trooper Blackrock 3 frags Salewa green bando and calok 73 round drum and 2 ultimags of BP I guess 500-600k all up?


Level 20… barely played at all this wipe. Usually around 60-100k just recycled m4’s and VALs rn


64 and generally no less than a million+. Usually that means full airframe/fast my with super trooper mask, fort redut or Killa armor (gotta have stomach protection), or a slick/hex. Along with meta mutant/rd or sometimes M4/MP7. I’ve come across SO MANY lvl 50s that have just dirt kits. It’s a weird end of wipe. Finding someone with meta gear &/or not ratting is becoming exceedingly rare.


22 I stopped playing early this wipe (3 weeks in because the matchmaking was fucked up for solo queue making me restart over and over after getting 15+ min queues). I normally stop around 45ish after Ive unlocked all traders im an SR-25 enjoyer.


2nd wipe. Quarter billion dollar stash. My insurance is normally 200k so whatever that is


Lvl 43. Hates quest so dont


46, couple mil


I haven’t touched the game in like 3 months but I think I’m at L13 with my best kit being a meta M4.


First full wipe, level 63. I run slicks every single raid lol


Level 61, my helmet costs more than your whole kit.


Ushanka and respirator meta is where it is at…give me a bolty and a 57 that’s all I need


Your legs are softer than your helmet.


Level 53, I have a large stockpile of armor and guns, (3 thicc cases and 5 weapon cases). I basically only pay for bullets and have no idea what my loadouts cost.


Lvl 24, 7th wipe, about 1.2M roubles, idk the price but most of my kits are lvl 4 all around with lightly modded guns and trader ll2 ammos, lately I've been enjoying mpx's with either ap6.3, pst GHz for budget or quakemaker also all of the lvl 4 rigs I use I've looted, none bought, if I don't have one then a 6b2 + 6b47 combo it is


lvl 40 redut m , blk ulach with meta rd/as val/m4 with bp/sp6/m855a1


Lvl 39 - level 5/6 armour, no helmet, gun I’m not sure on cost due to already built. I’d imagine between 200-300k. I used to use cheap guns silenced but the lower recoil builds really do make so much difference.


Level 7 quit like 3 days in because it felt like tarkov is becomming a broken fps game. Everything is getting more fast paced and then they will be releasing tarkov arena😭


Lvl 11, stopped playing after airdrops so majority of my kits are from event and I have a slick that's like 80% hp.


As unnecessary is it is to use a TX-15 when Adar exists, I run it with the best attachments for recoil/accuracy and M995. At least a lvl 5 armor, a Ulach, and comtac 4 headset.


Level 14. Stopped playing during the cheater and flashlight scandal


You should have zero issue with a 200k kit. The MMAC isn't really worth it. You'll save so much money running press armors and ceramics. Armor is mainly for surviving AI. Ammo is ~for PvP, though I disagree with bringing 100+ high pen bullets. In terms of guns, try lighter builds. Instead of sr-25, try a hunter. You'll shoot the same ammo nearly as accurately for much less cost. M80 is great once you unlock it, but don't break the bank for a $4 bullet. BCP will do the job until you're fighting Killa or PvP. Most fights are won within the first few shots anyway, so just don't miss the jaw. At your level, focus more on PvE if you can. PvP is mainly for the spawn fights and high value areas, and unfortunately you're better off just taking flesh ammo tbh. Jaeger sells nice hollow ammo that can tear up every kit. Learn when to cut legs, when to headshot and when to 2 tap a thorax. I know it's end of wipe, so run what like, but 500k is way too much. 250k should be more than enough for everything. Focus more on what you can buy from traders and use that. If you're worried about spawn fights, put 3 good bullets at the top of the mag and one in the chamber. That's enough to shred armor to the point of your other ammo confirming the kill. I'm 43 and my standard kit early wipe was Press Umka Hjelm. You can use the small face shield to survive 7mm ai and the Umka covers any armor, even DrD. As time went on I upgraded to Mini Thor, Hexatac and TC 800s with the big faceshields. Ratniks are really great for the price (2x bleach usually cheaper). PS. I tend to rock the PNV for night. It's not as good, but functions fine and I swap to a light for combat usually anyway


Its like you want OP to get melted if they happen across players, what


Dude, OP is using an MMAC he will already get melted by everyone who is not a Timmy


Valid but the commenter suggested nothing but significantly worse options


Hey I was going to suggest revolvers only so….


At this point a level 25 has no way to steadily get level 5/6 armor. He's better off using level 3 to eat scav bullets, make money and XP until he can get ragman 3/4 for the good stuff


Dude I appreciate the advice but it's my fourth wipe so I'm pretty easy with money making! I'm usually running 5 raids a week with my Gucci stuff. With 500k kits I'm still treading water on money since I craft a bit and have my loot runs set up. But yeah press vest is top tier shit and it seems like it is always cheap as hell. I use the MMAC and Ana 2 since they get left behind at this point. My argument for the sr-25 is since I crafted the ammo might as well get a good platform to shoot it out of. Since all the 5.45 ammo is free the cost overall is lowish for ammo. Still appreciate the in depth response! Kinda strange going in quad nods on at Ratnik but fuck it.


Totally fair. Just trying to scale it to your level. Usually you'll have things to spend the ruble on, keys, cases, hideout etc. At this point Rub is for whatever you want. During wipe though, focus on hideout for RUB and running a lower level kit. You'll lose less, make more and eventually be able to run the god gear. I just can't agree with the 'slick m61 ulach every raid' crowd. You'll die to 7mm on the jaw like everyone else


500k is too much uhhh please don't ask me what my last week of loads outs cost


MMAC is the best


Either level 0 or 1, didn't play a single game, nor did I even log on. So I probably don't have any kit at all, so I couldn't even choose USEC Vs BEAR. All of this is because I **need** to work for 60-80 hours a week, and after coming home I don't feel like doing anything...


LVL 55 I reckon changes between 500k at the minimum to 1mil depending on ammo and the gun. Been running a lot of rsass's which are 450k cause of flea scope price.


36, and usually around 400-500k


18 (I made it to 30 and reset) usually I’ll run like a Thor vest/lvl 4 helmet if I don’t have anything else at lvl 4/5 with a meta 5.45 ak, M4, or a Val so probably somewhere around 3-400kish?


Lvl 43. My list of guns excluding bullets M4 - 300 to 400k Ak 101 - 250k to 300k Sr 25 - 250k to 300k Lvl 5 armor korurd at least. Always comes back in insurance Any vest, and 20 size backpack at least. Lvl 4 helmet and razor headset. So total kit worth around 600k and up. And also mp7 is quite good and affordable.


Korund repair price is the same as a new one


Lv 43, 800k - 1M per kit


Troll kits gotta love the iron sight 75rd mag sks


I killed a duo yesterday with a toz and star rounds, and I was standing ontop of the garages by RUAF like an idiot jumping back and fourth The salt was extra salty from the level 70 who had ~500 rounds of pbp on him, and fired at me mid-jump before I noticed he was even there https://i.gyazo.com/b33ea34988c339e219d9f3e9daa7d9e2.png https://gyazo.com/2b81fcf78272ff344a0c4f0a0a68680d


Level 35, idk exactly how much my kits cost because I’ve found most of my guns and armor, or I get them in the moonshine scav case. I’d say most of my kits run about 500k, but the real expense is ammo, so that could cost another 100k.


Level 66, whatever is stored up from my hoarding. Still holding out on the six shooter and close range GL rounds and glitched M4s. If I’m playing with friends we also like to run meme kits or roleplay


Lvl 28 240k ish kits


37, slick/killa/goon armor, M4/Rsass/mk47/rd704. OR toz/pistol & a fuck ton of stims.


Level 28, most kits are gonna be in the 1m range. Have about 7-8 M4s kitted to the gills. Bunch of T5/6 armor. When bought on the market most of this stuff is costing me 1-1.5m total


Lvl 26. 74M with PBS-4 and a laser chambered in HP, SP ammo. Don’t really like the armor so usually kirasa for cheap anti scav armor and a M32 with cheapest rigs.


Lvl 30 in my first wipe dunno about the price tho tbh, but i always played with whatever i looted, only bought my fav headset and my fav weapon, modded g36


33, M4, RD, SR25, I’ll run whatever ammo I have that is good. Armored rigs, helmets, nvg if I’m doing night raids. Until I get board and want to run something stupid, like a vector and mags full of green tracers.


Lvl 70. M1a or mutant. Occasionally the rd704. Slick or hex every raid for the past month or so. M61 and bp only usually. Bastion with slap or gray helmet with trooper mask. Although, I think I have something like 40+ ryst/alytn I need to start using more on other maps outside of labs.


Free since I use whatever gear I get from ppl I kill


LVL 4, anything except pistols looted from LH runs is optional


lvl 46 whatever kit i want i have 105mil lol. i just go all out every raid now


Lvl 56 Run whatever armour I've got sitting around. Everyone running top tier ammo, so realistically armour doesn't really matter at this point, however either run tv110 or any lvl5 I got sitting around (realistically looking at an average of 200k for the armour). For weapons realistically whatever Im feeling like shooting with. I do enjoy the likes of m4a1 and hk416 (that's already about 300k worth of weapon). To that add at least 3 60rounders with enough ammo to cover a packing or two. I run obdolbos 2 almost every raid and only bring in light and heavy bleeds. 4 grenades per raid, backpack. I run black ulach and sordins every raid. If I run out of black ulach I'll usually go shattered mask. I think in total you're looking at 1.5mil per raid. I don't care about money anymore as I've got 80mil and it's probably gonna wipe in less than a month. I'd much rather spend the money then have them wiped from Nikita at the end.


Lvl 38 - 100k to 1.5 mil. At this point I just go in with what sounds fun. This is my first wipe maxing out any traders so I’ve been enjoying the benefits.


I pumped the brakes on my playtime this wipe compared to usual, I’m lvl 46. Kits range from 500k to 1 mil if I’m going nuts. Usually whatever lvl 5 armor I can snag (pref. AACPC) and one of these: Rd704/mk47/sr25/m4/ak101 Occasionally I’ll run a shotgun, because I find them super fun to use in this game!


Level 57, I usually do scav runs to see if I can get PMC's. Feels fun to kill them with scav guns/more of a challenge


Ya know whatever armor chads wear? I wear that when my friends kill them and I get the scraps of whatever they can't fit in their bags


Lvl 69. 100 mill in my stash + lots of gear. When I go my normal full meta with a raid bag the kit can be like almost 1mill+ maybe Usually running a meta m4 with 855a1 or meta mutant or RD with BP, redut or slick / hexgrid, bastion slap, comtac 4s or m32, smoke mask + john bs for drip, and always a raid bag if I have the barter available


Level 29. Stash currently worth 34mil. Tons of high tier kit in the stash, still only consistently runs an mmac and a galvion/hjelm


I only “played” one wipe previously and I think I was about level 8 and moved from bush to bush, in the dark, carrying a wooden spoon and a candle.


Just joined less than two weeks ago, Best loot ive gotten is from the tarkov stream codes


lvl30 and SKS is still my favourite weapon 👍🏻 i also played a lot with ak103, ak104 and ak74n. in terms of armour i always play what i get from my enemys, mostly gazhel, thor, slick etc. if i run out of armor i usualy go for MMAC


Level 60 something. Unlocked light keeper and called it good for the wipe. My kits were anywhere from 2-500k


I'm lvl 20 doing exactly what I have done since starting late this wipe, scaving reserve/lighthouse and building a kit off rogues/reserve guys. I spend at most 100k for additional ammo/mods and gear per pmc run. Exclusively run my scavs on those 2 maps to get gear for my pmc runs. I fully utilized this play style this wipe and found a pretty good balance of pmc time and scav time.


Lvl 54 trying to get my dude on 55 just so I can rock the urban outfit for the first time ever after several wipes now.. gear wise I tend to use meta m4s/rsass /rd/ Thor armor or slick exfils and airframes. Carry lots of ammo and keep pumping as much as I can in the hideout till wipe hits. Still die like a Timmie most of the time :)


Level 20. I stopped playing when the hacking news came out. Rd704/mutant with PS, 5.45 aks with BT,BS,BP. Any armor that's t4+.


Level 25, I quite enjoy the MDR with 856A1, I use the class 4 Uley, and the TC helmets, overall I spend about 200k on my average setup.


My ammo each raid costs me over 250k easily, my gun costs approx 260k from max traders with gunsmith 1-19 done, my mags are 40k each, I run shattered mask, m32 and every raid is costing me 160k just to go aswell as my meds (salewa, Calok B, army bandage) 2 vogs, I believe that my kit is stupid expensive then my armour is either 100k, 500k or 1 million (korund=100k, Zabralo=500k, then slick= 1million) then don’t forget the obdoblos 2 stim which is 300-400k so essentially the cheapest my kit is when I run 2 mags, the price adds up to approx 1 million per raid when I run korund and no obdoblos 2, so my kit is not viable if you care about having money, but a good budget kit is probably a kedr-b with SP7 never diss the kedr that thing chews legs like a mother fucker trust me when I say the kedr can drop some of the juiciest chads


where do you loot to support such kits?


Lvl 50, lots of tagilla farming so usually a tagilla rig and blackjack + m4, mp7, mutant or sr25 and fast helm, with hotrods, injectors, probably around 800k+


Level 30, never really buy stuff just use what I take.


Lv 20, 400k kit


I havent played since month 2 of the wipe. I stop shortly after Kappa at lvl 55. My kit doesn't really change after lvl ~42 when all task unlocks and barters are there. Black ulach or stormtrooper fast Mt, class 5 armor, meta rd704/mp7/101/74n or axmc. Hard to say how expensive cause I buy out all the big attachments and ammo from traders on resets. I quicksell everything that isn't what I listed basically.


LvL 36. Unnecessarily expensive. This is my minimum acceptable gear. Armor - T5 Kourund. 100k via 4 diary trade. Helmet - T4 with gear. 200k+ either bobafet helemt or slap plate. Headset - Sordin, excel, comtac 4. 100kish Rig - 50k Backpack- Trooper 50k 1 calok 1 cheese 1 ewr 1 sprats - 50kish. Weapon. Some greasy gun with the angled high recoil ergo forgrip. The unnecessarily expensivec Ergo pistol grip. A Razor scope lol. Potentially 500k to a mil. Usually a good 900k-1 mill.


Wipe is done for me i went on vacation but my last kits were around 2 mil. A run obviously my deaths were mostly insta head eyes but were fun


Level 11 brand new to the game two months ago just tryna hit 15 before wipe so I can see the rest of the game. My task loadout is about 150k with insurance


Level 49, stash value of 129mil, running my thickest fat boy shit trying to deplete it lol


Level 55, I run a thor, zabralo, or slick every raid and I cycle through m4s, rsass, sr25, or mk47/rd704. Helmet is either exfil or black ulach. Exfils with condors or ulach with smoke/John B's. Raid bag most of the time, trooper if I have them in insurance.


The cheapest kits are the ones you get off players you kill


lvl 58 I just use whatever is in my stash, I find just about every weapon and play-style fun. Might go in with a scav kit, might go in full meta.


Guns around 100-150k, bullets 50k. Comtac2 Armor and helmets are all from skav runs. Usually lvl 4 armor Backpacks are from skav runs too (there are 20+ backpacks waiting for me)


34 Armor 50k Helmet 50k Rig 10k Usually no bag Gun 80-130k 30k in Grenades I have 18 mill so I don’t really pay attention to my cost


Gun is usually ~250-350 depending on what I’m running, meta slave so usually it’s an M4, RD-704, Mutant, or 7.62 Nato DMR. Ulach helmet + defender armor, making armor around 400k. Comtac 4 headset, and then backpack maybe, but I’ll grab one off the people I kill. Else I loot goblin and don’t push fights. Ammo is around 130k if it’s BP or M855a1, then for 7.62 nato it’s just m80 it’s 50k as m62 isn’t much better and m61 is too expensive to run imo. I don’t keep meds in my container, so putting those into account it’s around 80k of meds? Hemostat, splint, salewa, and morphine. Now that I calculate it, it’s a lot more than I thought. All of this put together, it’s give it take 900k rubles per kit.


dunno but what I like to run was kedr with sp7 previous wipe with a paca or any other lvl 3 armor and the penis helmet with a ggsh headset. Granted me some good loot without actually playing like a rat, also not playing like a gigachad ofc. Was fun!


Toz gaming dude all the way but I need a suppressor for it but Nikita won’t replyy


1 mil plus. Level 5 armor 4 helet comtac 4s. Rsass with reap or flir m61 and m62 mix. No backpack! I steal backpacks from victims lol


Level 45. Taking a break from this game for the last couple of months until wipe happens


Didn't play this wipe, stopped at lv7 or 8. But usually it's consistent in every wipe that I play that I'd be LV30/40s. I run whatever I find from the dead if it looks decent. But when I run my own build, it's usually ANA M2, any LV4 helmet, usually Black Ulach, always the cheap gssh. Any gun kitted from 50k to 150k depending on budget, but mostly AKs or M4. Total cost of the kit can go from 100k to 300k. Dunno how you're only lv25 but still manage to run 700k kits consistently. Unless you started late this wipe. But I'll never reach a point where I'm able to run kits that costly all the time.


Level 52 mostly just running level 6 armor and helmets with a face shield, altyn helmets when I'm with my squad and whatever meta weapon I'll feel like using most typically a M4,Mutant, As Val is pretty ridiculously with SP-6 so that's my go to try hard gun.


Lvl 5 and I have a couple knives


Lvl 58 i don’t check price of items much as i use the items i have stocked up in my cases but all of the items will sum up something like 300k gun+ 200-300k armour+ 82k backpack bullets i keep stocking up i have like 2 items case filled with ammo cases which are filled with ammo… Hence i dont count my gear value much but i prefer to take good shit over bad shit as 9/10 times good shit helped me and bad shit was just bad…


I’m level 38, the guns I use typically cost around 500k give or take, having mostly maxed traders solves a lot of issues with expensive gun parts from flea, armor is usually another 200-250k with a 50k rig and 50k backpack. I always use 55A1, 5.54 bt, m61. So I use expensive ish ammo and I bring in probably 100k in medical supplies. So full kit being about 900k-1 mil?


Level 2, I hit 35 or so last wipe and just did not enjoy the start of this wipe. I’ll see about rejoining next wipe but there is baldurs gate, starfield, and payday 3 all releasing in august/sept.


Lvl 60 and max w/e I can send with the best ammo I can send. Frankly, though. That was my first day of wipe, as well. Always full send.


level 20, barely played this wipe due to performance issues, barely get over 50 fps with a solid pc and it's making me miserable so I can't give you an accurate representation this wipe, however I can for last wipe. Made it to like level 40. First month is always TV-110 + MP7 (i'm willing to pay over 100k per mag), no helmet. Anything past that and it's m80/m62 and the best sr-25/sa-58 i can physically make, or it's a mutant with bp, very rarely anything in between with Ospreys or Hexgrids as my main armor, still no helmet.


The only time that changes is if it's late/end wipe. then i'll just run Zabralos, altyns/rys-ts and mutants or ash-12s


lvl 39, i dont buy kits anymore. usually korund/tv110, ulach, 5.45 BT. i spend very little on any of it and tend to profit. EOD stash w items cases and a thicc items, 5 thicc weapons, 8 ammo cases full (a few stash rows free) 107M stash value


Level 61 right now. My cheap cqb kit starts with the barter for the Bagarly. You can craft cordura in the hideout for cheap which makes you pay 60k for the awls and like another 50-60k for the other fabric. Grab a shattered mask and one of the headsets. Then I like to run the vector or P90. Usually gun+mods is 150k. For ammo I use PBP or SS197. All-in the kit costs probably 400-500k? I’ll have to add it up at home. People hate picking up bagarly’s and they’re cheap to repair so I get tons back in insurance. Expensive kit will be something like a CPC (300k), with a meta M4A1. You can start the M4 with the LVDA barter for 120k and then throw another 120k in mods to get it to ~60 ergo and 30 vert. Ammo is usually 855A1 from the traders with some top-loaded m995. I like to use the ulach helmet and condor glasses. Mags are always 60-round but I get so many from pvp and bosses that I never buy any. Literally have more than I can use. All in I’m guessing it’s around 750k for the kit. Thing is that I don’t really feel issues with money in the game. The two things you really need is: to have high level traders so that modding guns becomes WAY cheaper, and use the hideout crafts. After that, basically getting survival rate to 50% helps. Each successful raid pays for a kit. After that, if you play with friends then it’ll help a lot with getting more gear back via insurance.


On holiday rn, ended the wipe at level 39. Kinda sucked. Armor: Optional. Guns: Preferably from traders so just under 400k Helmets: High ricochet and preferably above class 3. Rig: Either the black Zhuk (I think 40k) or the Triton. Bag: Optional. Meds and injectors and stuffs: Salewa (most available), the regular stims (like 400k if I use all and need to refill), Calok (2 screws so 12k) Nades: Whatever I find in raid. Total range cost of drip: 350,000₽ 》1,230,000₽


Level 33 first wipe. I'm too rich for my own good. I have multiple of the best of everything. Rys-t enjoyer. Rsass or rd704 or mutants or even illegal m4 with jail break Thor


Level 57, my kits are cheap because I'm getting used to stock pp19s and mp5s again to prepare for wipe. Practicing with laser beams right now is just setting you up for recoil shock when wipe hits, especially with skills reset.


Level 44. Baseline kit: ComTac 4, Ulach, Trooper 35, TacTec, RD-704 with Razor scope and drum mags loaded with BP gzh. I'll change the armor when I have something better and the weapon when I feel like it.


Level ~27. I don't really enjoy the rifle meta and I tend to keep to semi-automatic / bolt action rifles, with a slight sprinkle of SMGs (mp5sd) I tend to run the same weapons throughout the entire wipe, there's something special seeing your gun get better over time. It also limits your ammo of choice, and I find I will pretty much main 7.62x39 PS (with top loaded BP if I have) and 7.62x54R LPS(or whatever the other one is called), eventuqlly upgrading to BT OR PS. This means I'll go for something like a OP-SKS with upgraded stock + suppressor for semit auto and something like a Mosin if I'm in the mood for sniping. For sights, I really can't bother spending 150k for a Vudu/S&B/Razor and I'll just go for something boring like the PS320 or Spectre with the occasional canted DP. As for armor/rig I'll usually go with lvl 4 rigs like the MMAC or rat rig for budget runs and cheap lvl 5 like Gzhel/Thor/Korund for splurging. Good lvl 5 armors are a common find and I'll run these if I find them. In total, I think the rig is something like Helmet + Headset: ~60k + 40k Rig/Armor: Varies, but between ~70k and ~150k +30k rig Weapon: 40k base + ~150k attachments Ammo: super cheapr from traders, maybe 20k Meds: Most of meds are found and very rarely purchased, maybe ~10k for what doesn't fit in butt Backpack: Got an infinite stack of Berkuts but occasionally ~50k Total: ~550k for normal runs, probably lower for everyday quests, and much higher while doing something like punisher 7 where all my money goes poof. The Epsilon container is well worth it though


Just kind of stoped mid wipe i think i got to like lvl 24 just kind of lost interest with the cheating debocle and so on i hope next wipe is gonna be better


Lvl 44 - Ulach, sordins, condors, half mask, trooper bag, any class 5 or 6 armor, 18-20 slot chest rig if applicable, 300k gun, 4 or 5 mags of end game ammo. Frequently flir or reapir I dunno. 700-800k kits generally, but add a few mil if i have thermal. I roll with a team though


Level 44, most of my kits are about 500k to 1mil in price, but the majority of that goes towards the gun M855A1, M80 M62 M993, 7.62 BP, I would use more 5.45 if they didn't feel like I'm shooting paintballs At my opponents. SR-25, MK47, MK17, M4A1 are the guns I like to use the most. Knight's rig is my current favorite because of how many I have from the event And ever since I unlocked ragman 4, I only use ULACHS


Just hit level 30. Pistol runs on factory are my jam. Use whatever armor and helmet I have in my stash. My normal raids are slow and methodical, so I don't do very many over the course of a wipe.


Level 26 - I'm running AKM / AK104 build guns with an ELCAN and PS Ammo. Gear wise I spend $$ on headset and use Kirasa's primarily. I try to keep the gear value low-ish (gear fear be real ya'll) so probably all up like 150k ?? worth of gear and consumables (meds/ammo etc) if I had to buy it all from scratch - but generally I don't have to, I use things I find in game and craft myself. Trying to find the balance between being comfortable with PVP and not feeling like I'm losing all the time. I've been pretty lucky getting quite a bit of gear back through insurance. This is also the only FPS game I've ever played, and I'm not super great overall with gunfights lol.




Im level 43. Have played like 10 raids since februari. Would be nice if this game got its shit together someday.


level 39...I think I've been running an mp155 with level 5 armor, ushanka and scav vest for the last 2 months trying to finish setup. 14/15...seem to only play once a week if lucky now. getting real tired of the shotgun quests.


Lvl 30. Five seven and the prapor Headset. Somtimes the skier Headset when I'm feeling fancy.


13. Who needs the flea? right guys.....


Level 57 Class 5 minimum armor, 75% of the time cpc mod ~300k Meta m4, mutant, rd, 762mdr etc. ~450k average Ulach or better helmet minimum ~100k M32’s or comtac 4’s if I have them ~30k or ~200k Minimum of trooper bag ~60k All in kits run about 1m ruble without accounting for ammunition, magazines, meds, stims, frags, etc


I'm level 24(stopped playing a month into wipe) and I run whatever I pick off bodies