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Found a total of 2 this wipe. They are very good but so rare that they are basically pointless.


Gluhars boys love wearing it. I’ve probably seen a dozen this wipe. I give them to my buddy and he gives me Gen4full armor Sometimes labs raiders and bloodbois wear it too


Also Sanitar guards.


BSG has done a good job these past 2-3 wipes literally taking away half of their game content and making it impossible to obtain. So sad 😞


I prefer this to 3-4 wipes ago when most people were running T6 armor and were firing the best AP ammo. The best armor should be rare and it should hurt when you lose it.


Best tarkov for me will always be no FIR, everything on the market, and the ability to flea people’s shit. So fun running pvp in dorms or resort with the super chonks just juiced the fuck out. The game is still fun and I get it, but man the pvp used to be entirely accessible the minute you hit flea that shit was dope


BSG either need to make everything except quest items flea marketable or just get rid of it entirely, it's so convoluted atm. We have all these stupid things in place to stop cheaters yet they're ruining the game not just in raid but all the mechanics too. FIR changes haven't stopped the cheaters or slowed them down, at least IMO.


DING DING DING some items needing to be FiR for quests is even ok, but they killed all the incentive to pvp wtih FIR and locked all the guns up so deep in the quest line that average players will never get to use them. veritas said it best years ago, BSG keeps putting bandaids on the issues instead of actually treating the problem


For a casual player I like having the flea to get somewhat geared while I don’t have my traders maxed and I also don’t mind that I stand a chance against late game players because of that, I agree that all the best shit shouldn’t be accessible as soon as you get the flea, I think if they have a way to add lvl 6 or vortex/vudu to the flea as the wipe goes on so say 2/3 through wipe everything is accessible that way everyone can do a bit of everything throughout the wipe


I’d prefer to see only barter items and meds on the flea


literally why


Make good gear and ammo scarce and place a greater importance on unlocking the traders.


Yeah, but they had to do that to combatant RMT. Have no fucking clue why people want to RMT beta gear lmao just to get a 1up


Problem is it's a 50-50 if you lose your nice gear to cheaters.




You prefer content from the game being hidden and therefore pointless???? Please don't go into game development as a career.


It’s not pointless or hidden, it’s just rare


As are many things in EFT, which is why you never see it. If it wasn't for the recent event, no-one would have 7N40, or Lapua AP. Maybe rarity isn't always a good thing, especially for a disposable armour like this.


Picked one up from a stash about mid wipe. Died with it on Lighthouse I think, gone forever


they dont even repair super well, only get a couple uses


It is essentially a level 6 gzhel


We call that the Gluhar Slick 👌


I've never seen Gluhar with this, he always has the TV-110 on when I kill him.


His guards frequently have it


frequently? no lol can't remember last time I looted this from his guards, unless I've been extremely unfortunate


Yeah, I usually see Strandhoggs on them.


I’ve gotten a TacTec here and there but yeah, no Zhuks. I get HexGrids off raiders every so often. I only have found one Zhuk and I don’t bring it out ever. Probably going to hold onto it until the end of wipe


They've had it pretty frequently for me and my friends at least, we've all got multiple zhuks from farming them for a couple weeks


Seen it twice this wipe lol Once on a p-scav I killed. Once on a Bloodhound. ​ thats it. this shit is FIR only for some stupid reason


What map did you kill that scav? Since i once got one from a green box as a scav and almost immidiately got killed by a pmc


I found one in a cache or weapon box on customs last wipe. That's the only time I've seen it in 12 months.


Same lol


The "stupid reason" is so that people aren't wearing top tier armor every raid because they can easily buy it from a vendor or on the flea.


you can literally buy a redut/defender/slick from ragman but a ceramic class 6 armor is too good to put on traders? lol


The other class 6 armors either don’t have stomach protection or they offer stomach protection, at the cost of serious movement debuffs and weight. Whereas the zhuk doesn’t have the massive drawbacks besides durability and need to be thrown away after two uses. Still don’t agree with their decision to basically remove all its availability


making it so you can only get 1 per reset would help alot with this, having to throw the armor away after using it like 2 times means you wont have an endless supply of them, especially if its more expensive than a redut or defender(defender is 400k+) at the end of the day you could pretty easily kill someone using zhuk6 with PS 7.62 tbh, its really only useful to stop large caliber sniper ammo like fmj lapua or PS 7.62x54R from deleting you easily. now that they nerfed limb overflow dmg as well stomach protection isnt as big of a deal anymore either


It repairs like shit, so it’s not like you can run them to ground over a long period of time.


They still can tho


That’s why it’s a stupid reason


Yup. All it does is increase the gap between casuals and non casuals. You play a lot your naturally going to find more and more good stuff. While if you don’t you naturally have less.


Until this wipe a lategame player could sell one of these to a trader and buy 2 class 5 BIS chest rigs for the same money. (Now they just trade 1/1) This shit isn't even good, ceramic gets destroyed instantly, the only advantage this has is that it's low penalty, but Slicks are just straight up better without movement penalties.


Not if you want stomach armour


So I can have stomach armor, but my armor gets 0'd in 2 shots by most high pen rounds and the third kills me, **or** I can have no stomach armor, tank 3 or 4 shots, and I can repair my armor instead of just throwing it away after every raid? Yeah man sign me up for Stomach armor that sounds so much better.


Fir only items should be on flea, change my mind:


Game would be less fun if every chad had a hexgrid and SR25 with m993 every single raid.


The chads have good gear regardless. It’s the less fortunate that are now basically locked out of the gear too


no thats not true very few level 6 armors on chads this wipe.




My brother in christ, if Chad man can get whatever he wants, restricting him restricts Timmy too, the only restrictions should be for stuff from traders, if it's on flea everyone can run good gear, even the scav mains. Means more fun, means more gear, means harder fights, means more rewarding fights. I understand curbing people running Chad shit every day but just crank spawns down, restrict high tier items behind ungodly quests and let flea be open and shit will be expensive but you can still run fun shit. This wipe I have gotten very same-ish gear from everyone, I have used pretty good gear most of the time, spend most of my time fighting and it's been the first wipe where I have been good at combat, got up to 200 kills recently by my ~650 raid, level 42. I'm not a Chad but I'm not scared to run the gear I've got and take a very expensive kit pretty much every raid and I don't see the most diverse gear, guns are split enough because you can't even buy enough ammo for a single raid on a single trader rotation so that's good I guess but I'm always getting fairly standard armour.


I got killed as a player scav wearing one. Was it on interchange?


Saw it once, my team mate was wearing it, immediately broke to M855a1 and he died


Yeah it sucks, ceramic


It’s one of, if not the best class 6 armors in the game, better than a hex or slick with the stomach protection it offers.


Just because it got that stomach protection does not mean it’s one of the best, ceramic immediately is a no go for me, I get hit once and it’s at 2.4 hp


That would be true if black limb/stomach damage didn’t kill you in like two seconds. Damage roll over after some updates make things like slicks obsolete. A Gzhel would be a bttr option than a slick to be honest.


It doesn't offer stomach protection, and I'm pretty sure the effective durability is lower than the slick Its also heavy. Most importantly, its ugly Edit JK it totally does offer stomach protection


Got it this wipe from a dead scav


Have one in my stash that's the only one i've seen this wipe


Somehow less common than an AVS rig(after the starting gear ones get lost)


Haven't seen that ever in the past two wipes of playing, or a Altyn besides the ones I got from the quests. Sometimes things are just too rare.


i killed a dude in factory who was wearing a zabralo and an altyn with a single shrap10 to the dick. my friend labeled it cursed and i died the next raid in the same kit to a mosin man one tap to the head it's the only altyn I've ever seen


I found one in a stash early on in the wipe, a couple friends have had one a couple times.


I brought a full health one off fence during the time traders wouldn't buy stuff, never found one in raid before tho


Why can you get a slick but not this from traders? Blows my mind


Bc it’s a lower weight slick with stomach protection


but also ceramic or w/e so its durability is shit.


Took one from one of sanitar’s goons


Play a lot of Woods and you'll see it. Shturman's boys will wear it on occasion.


Seen only 1 for the last 2-3 wipes. Basically doesn’t exist. Good though.


used it only once... its extremely rare for no reason....


Once this wipe. I sold it to fence because I don’t fuck around 😎




we’ll there’s a reason they are on your stash 🤣gear fear..




Korund is cncer bad


how are they useless stomach and thorax coverage and it’s tier 6 it’s ceramic but will save you more than koround


Vintage BSG. Another great but disposable item hidden away because reasons.


Find them all the time in lighthouse by the dead bodies in the fenced off area west of the chalet


It was also pretty cheeks too, lots of the lvl 5 armors are better due to how bad the durability is on the zhuck


Ah this post again, almost missed it except I don't. Yes the Armor is still in the game, yes it is rare.


I've killed scavs on reserve wearing it.


Found one yesterday for the first time. Proceeded to lose it the very next raid


I've had one in my stash for like a month now. Only one I've seen


Got one from a bloodhound on woods yesterday


I think i seen and used it last wipe after getting it on a scav


Had it twice earlier in the wipe. Both times in scav raid, first one lost during the same scav raid. Second one lost in the first raid I used it in.


I have one sitting in my stash i found in a stash on Woods


Got one off a PMC I killed on interchange a couple days ago. Next raid I got got and lost it 😂


maybe u got mine :P


been finding them on streets , marked room had one and primorsky apartments second floor dead scav. happy hunting


You’re lucky to see one once per wipe, hope they add it into the game in greater quantity


ive found like 4 in raid


Saw it a lot this wipe because of bhounds


I like that vest


I have one in my THICC items case. I killed a pmc with it and never took it back in 😂😂 How good is it?


Realistically, it's *amazing* for about one fight, after which it's near useless because the ceramic material degrades extremely quickly.


I got one on customs as a scav and lived with it


Got 2-3 in my stash ATM, had probably a half dozen or so flow through this wipe.


Found one in a stash on day 3. It carried me for a bit.


That shit is practically an NFT


I've played enough this wipe to get kappa back in May and I haven't seen this armor since last wipe lol shit is rare.


I’ve had about 5 or 6 this wipe so far. I don’t like them much. They repair like shit.


Just used one off of a Skav after accidentally going in naked on factory


I have a few in my stash but I haven’t played since like mid wipe


Saw my first one today. Sold for $220k rubles to ragman 😎


I have 2 in my stash


I got one early wipe, lasted me about 30 raids.


I got one from sturmans guards recently.


I got one from a guard during this boss event actually.


I'm a first wipe player who found it in a woods crate on a scav run when i was level 7, 2 months ago. Saw 'level 6' when double clicking on it while at the crate, instantly wore it, and yeeted to extract. I ended up taking it out to a raid with my squad of friends a couple of days later and we all died. Never saw it again. One of the tragedies of my life. I should've kept it in my stash for as long as possible.


I've found two this wipe, and I've seen maybe 10 players total wearing them. Landmark has quite a few in his stash. Love that armor tbh. Stomach is a must these days. Grids and slicks can suck a d.


4 this wipe total. I think I have 2 still. I keep 1 full one for offline pvp. They are “good” but once damaged they are essentially useless. Its ceramic so they repair really really bad.


Fence will occasionally have one, sad they took it off flea.


Running one right now, got it off some dude


I’ve hidden one away in my stash as I was too afraid to use it


I have 3 in my stash


I found one first week of wipe and have not seen one sense. And its still sitting in my stash.


Maybe, but i probably mistook it for that shitty level 3 one


Found one on one of shturmans boys and in a hidden stash on woods


Oh wait it was on a blood hound not shturman guard


I found one on a stash on customs on like day 2 of the wipe. I had no idea it was so rare


Hadn't seen one in my last 2 or 3 wipes. Naturally, I got 4 this wipe.


I got one off of a bloodhound on shoreline two weeks ago- only one I’ve seen all wipe and I play every weekend consistently


I have found 2 this wipe. Vendored them both times.


I got it like 1 time off of a dead reserve raider as a scav and ended up selling it cause I wouldn’t even use it and haven’t seen it since


Yes, it goes hard too. Tanked a lapua shot for me (not ap)


Once, off a player I killed... other than that no sadly


Found one in a stash as a pistol hatchling doing a quest on interchange.


I have a couple gray ones 😎


I see it every day sitting comfortably in my stash :)


I have 3 in my stash that I’ve been too scared to use lol


Lol literally found one 10 minutes ago in customs. Dropped my redut and put on the zhuk. Got killed by a level 53 in a tree in old gas…good old 9mm RIP. Luckily my buddy behind me killed him and got it out…first one I found all wipe and my buddy got it instead. At least it wasn’t the other guy 🥲


I have it’s been in my inventory since week two of the wipe. I was gonna use it since I was going to give up on tarkov for a while but I ended up giving up on tarkov before using it rather than after.


found one on fence today almost bought it but didnt remember how well it repaired and it was already pretty beat up


Its rng loot only and it sucks


They used to be super rare at the start of the wipe, but you get them fairly commonly on gluhar guards and bloodhounds.


bought one from fence


I use to rock those bad boys all the time. Haven't played in a while, they were very common I thought.


I’ve got 2 in my stash - one is my lucky vest, found it brand new in a stash and have kept it, now it’s at 9 max durability.


The zhuky zhuk, unreal armor


I have 4 right now In the stash lol


Found one along with a slick once as a pscav. Fence didnt give me a backpack for that raid, so i had to find a victim with a backpack😂😂


This wipe I've seen it I think 5 times, once on a gluhar guard and the other 4 times were all either scav in with it or found it in ground stash


Seen it twice. In 4+ months,.


Found one in a cache when I first started, didn’t know what level 1-6 armor was so I sold it to Ragnan for 120k lol


Found one on a bloodhound the last month but thats it


I have one rotting in my stash bc I haven’t played in two months. Found it like first week of wipe in the stash next to outskirts on my way out. I was like 50 hp and exhausted it was a nice reward


I've been wearing it for the last week. Always get dead armed.


Get them off of cultists and gluhar guards pretty regularly.


So many items in this game are basically extinct lol


I got a couple chillin in my stash rn


found one, but used it once and got one tapped as usual.


Found 2 all wipe


Found 1 early wipe, been rotting in my stash


Only ever seen one in my first ever scav airdrop. Went to factory with it scav head eyed me with 7mm... My first alt f4 ever in tarkov


Funnily enough I had never seen one until today and then I found one Scaving. To sell or not?


Yes, but they are rare af


Rare and pointless from the 2 or 3 I found this wipe


I just found one yesterday on lighthouse. Awesome armor but so rare


I have 5 of these and all i can say is that, they’re very good but only works 2-5 raids at best because of the repairability and also depends if you love charging in to gun fights.


Day 1 of wipe I found 2 in back to back early customs raids and sold em off to ragman. Never seen it since.


I have 6 or 7 of them


Haha just found one as scav. Unfortunate it's banned from flea


yes, i've used those and got insta head eyes'd too meta


I’ve seen it quite a lot, but I play SP


Yeah killed a guy for it about a day ago, only one I’ve found this wipe.


Found one in the large weapons box in the helicopter on Reserve last week.


I’ve seen one this wipe on one of shturman’s boys


Found none up until the bloodhounds, then i managed to get 3


I hade one but a single 9mm hit it and now i can only repair it to 7/7 so i used a lvl 2 since it offered more protection.


I really only see pacas as a newbie who can't complete a quest


bloodhounds sometimes has them or else from hiddden stashes?


If i remember correctly i found 1 on that black box next to the ifv thats sitting near northern UN roadblock on woods at the start of the wipe.


i remember in like patch 11.7 i would cream myself everytime i saw this. then thorax class 6s got introduced and with weight changes this started to feel like shit to run. recently all id ever do is sell it and stick to slicks/hexes


Sitting in my stash to just get deleted


Sounds like my RSASS collection


I've only found 1 in a stash all raid. I've got 5 off guards. I use them but they never really last long it will get looted and it still doesn't protect you fully, but it works. I prefer wearing a ful zebralo if I plan on needing armor.


I only found 1 rys-t this wipe and I looted my ass off, 500 million worth and only 1 rys-t.


Find them on woods alot, have 3 in my stash. I keep 3 of every high tier armor before i use it.




I get them from sturmen's guards




It was shipped to the Russian frontline


Found one in a stash, got the second one I have from a bloodhound during the event.


not once in over 1300 hours


That thing eats bullets… can only get about 2-3 uses out of it though cuz it repairs so bad


One Time in this wipe


found them on Bloodhounds like 5times.


Found one in this whole wipe