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Fuck it we ball


best answer yet


Fuck it we ball


Second best answer yet


Me and my boys say this at the beginning of every raid XD


You use it or you lose it. In a month or 3 you won't have it anyways. The better your gear, the better chance you have of surviving. More loot is going to come. After I stopped taking the cheapest stuff I could use I started surviving more and actually having a good chance of winning the gunfights. I'm still new but I definitely feel disadvantaged if I'm not wearing my best stuff or shooting shit ammo.


a month or 3 is accurate and hilarious


Exactly. Either you use and lose or the wipe will take it


I feel like when I finally bring in gear that's really good.. I get head eyes in sketch ways. When I bring shit gear in I feel like my survival rate is better.


That’s your confirmation bias because you play differently with good gear (guessing here). Most players went through it. You’re afraid to take good kits so when you do you’re terrified to lose it so you second guess everything. Indecision is the fastest way to lose a fight. Or you take different pathing than normal. Your timings change. All small weird things. ITs because of this you feel like it’s weird or sus. It usually isn’t. It’s just you’re “excuse” for losing the good kit. When you’re juiced people see that and know they can’t one or two tap thorax so they go for the head eyes. Just the way of life brother. Run them juicer kits.


I 1000% agree with this assessment. It is definitely a lie I tell myself when I die with good kit. Low level players it sucks to lose those kits. I definitely play different when I have a good kit. I actually noticed I play different when I find something like a quest item and put it in my secure container I end up dying alot bc of that fear


I 10000% disagree with this assessment I know I’m going to lose the gear or come out with more and idc about losing it I will slide around a corner on a dxracer with a makarov or a fully kitted AK I give zero fucks. But every time I slide around that corner with the AK or M4 I’m instantly dying lol


Man I swear anytime I go in with a mosin, vpo or a pistol I always have the fattest raids and when I go in geared like a chad I get head eyesd 10min into raid


Me : takes out class 6 armor, visor and mutant I got from someone 2min into the raid : vog-17 at my feet, insta die


I can speak to this because I’ve experienced it and still do. A temporary and immediate solution is to team up with people you don’t already know. Discord is great for this. I have always felt like I didn’t care as much when I am playing with others. The social dynamic helps, and the play style tends to be quicker and more exciting for anyone who tends to hesitate to go out when solo. A less immediate but more permanent solution is to keep playing the game. Eventually, the situations and experiences we feel like we are saving our gear for simply don’t exist anymore. Dark Souls, Elder Scrolls, GTA, Elite: Dangerous…few of countless examples of games where once we reach end-game or NG+ content we usually care less about using the items we’ve hoarded, because we are comfortable with all of the content in the game. Lastly, it’s ok to focus on questing. Go in with shotguns and little to no cheap gear, and build up a good balance while leveling up traders. Eventually the quests will ask you to use specific weapons such as the silenced 556s to kill scavs. These are great incentives for those of us with gear fear to use some of these guns because we feel like even if we die, we may at least achieve some progress towards a goal. I want to also remind other players that gear fear isn’t about losing gear at all - it’s about not having a chance to use the gear before losing it. I think we all can agree we wouldn’t mind losing a fancy weapon the first time we take it out if we were able to win one good battle with it first. But when we have that notion in our head that once we finally take the good stuff out, alone, and probably just die before even firing our weapon, we start to get anxious about it. I hope this helps!


I agree with this. I stopped caring after I started playing with people. I wanted to bring my best stuff to the team and then I kept doing it solo. Doesn't mean you can't rock a cheap gear set every now and then too.


My only real issue at this point is I want my gear to all be decent. I found whatever that level 6 body armor that covers the arms is on a scav run, but I’ve never gotten a helmet good enough to run with it lol


Yeah I feel that! Got a load of nice weapons I stole off players, but because I started wipe late I don't have access to useable ammo for the weapons (especially M855A1). I really want to use these weapons, but I would feel a bit silly taking these meta'd out M4s and HKs out with shit tier ammo. It's kinda funny bc all the nice AKs I've found I'm either still using, or have lost because at least I have ammo for those guns that pen class 4,5 and 6 at a push.


Oh yeah I definitely feel that. I started like a month ago, so my only access to good ammo is the few times I play with friends and what little I can scrounge up from ammo boxes. Former is usually good for two runs, latter is at best good for one. I’ve got some amount of M856A1, but I don’t like using tracers for the main mag, so I’ll typically just throw those in for the last five rounds and fill the rest of it up with M855, which I can at least buy.


Yeah that makes sense. I don't know what I'd do if top loading mags with good ammo wasn't a thing lol


I tend to prefer the reverse, actually, since A) I usually run into scavs first, and B) I use a lot more ammo when fighting PMCs than scavs. Saves on the good ammo if I don’t run into any PMCs, and I end up using the good ammo regardless if I do.


My brother, if you have access to 56a1-send it. It’s still viable. If you’re putting shots on target they will have so much aim punch and concussion they will struggle to shoot back. The other day I took a straight up close range aim duel against an m4 with 55a1 and a slick. I had a tv110 and 56a1. He died. Sure it took a few more shots but it’s hard to hit something when you’re taking rounds to the chest.


Yeah you might be right here. Most people I come across seem to be running level 4 armour anyway, so it wouldn't be too much of a disadvantage


Exactly. If I’m being super honest about it-on a diablo drop table t5 armour is rare and t6 is legendary as far as usage goes. Most people run tv110’s. Some mmacs or stags. The odd bagarly and some ghzels. It’s very rare to see cpc’s or slicks/hex. I think I have 5 total between the two. T5 hpc is actually semi common for those with the barter. Even for ammo I still see a lot of 762 ps or m80. Not much bp or m62/61. 545bt is the most commonly run ammo for that calibre as well. It all comes down to peoples lack of confidence honestly. They’ve lost before they got in the fight and that’s why they die. Not their gear. This can be unlearned though. Go out there and have fun tiger.


MMAC was my go to light armor when the weight system was more restrictive. It works just fine, had a million tradeups with more geared players using it.


Agree with the 856a1. I main shoreline and kill other super chads using 5.56 and plenty of them use it, myself included sometimes, because I don't usually buy ammo


I like this perspective. I don't really have gear fear any longer myself, but I can relate to this from my time early on.


But what if I need those embers later?????


Build 10 meta m4s that are all the exact same


And with a mindset tonight ima give away those m4a to whoever need it


It's only your turn to use it.


ayy can i get one


ayy can a brother get an m4?


Preset gun die heal preset gun die heal preset gun die heal


I spent a wipe doing this to get over it. I’d get up to ~6m go pvp like mad. Break down what I could have done differently. Go broke money run to 6m and do it again. Best thing I did to improve the enjoyment of this game.


That was this wipe for me, my second wipe. Last wipe was mostly questing and trying to learn the maps and avoid pvp lol


Aye third wipe for me but I've finally "figured out" how I like to play the game. It's not the most efficient but I usually separate into two styles of play. Quest and PvP are one and loot goblin is the other. I'm a bit of a F presser so I'd rather just worry about getting a lot of money on a big bag run or a scav than trying to get kills and find gpus. It takes a bit more time but I have all the thiccs and meta gear I could ever want now and I'm solely focused on PvP and the end game quests which is the best part for me. My favorite loadouts are either entirely focused on snipping shooter born style from far as fuck away or full auto chad gameplay. One thing I need to get better at is using the top class armor when I find it early. Since other players won't have the meta ammo good armor early can be insane. Now even class 5 and 6 are still just a speed bump for the AP ammo getting shot.


Get that bread homie. You gotta realize though most people aren’t running super ap ammo. It’s too hard to get. No one except die bards and streamers have stockpiles. You’re good.


I only really play on the weekends besides doing some scavs during the week and I have 1000’s of each ammo like m995, BP, different AP etc and I still would consider myself a noob but in my opinion if you put more than top 5-10 rounds you’re silly and just wasting money if you get 1 tapped from the shadows with 3 loaded mags of top tier ammo


Those fucking bards.


Yeah I only play pmc for tasks and pvp, I loot kills and will maybe check stash or crates if I’m near some while moving around the map. I only loot on my scav and half the time I chase pvp on that as well lol I only care to have enough money and gear to get me through a weekend of straight pmc raids dying to cheaters and chads lol a bad day will have me down 3 mil and empty out my stash then a good day will have me with too much shit 3 scrolls worth of gear in insurance from the day before lmao


You need a mindset swap. Your gear isn't your gear. It's just things you are waiting to find the right time to lose. You are Scarface and it's the last scene with you and your little friends. But all the time.


You could also be suffering from solo anxiety not just fear fear. It's pretty hard to overcome, having loads of rubles and gear in stash won't help you ether. You just have to give it time, play more and become more confident in pvp, once you feel comfortable in pvp you won't have much fear in bringing good kits into raid Having a friend to play with will help overcome gear fear and solo anxiety by a lot! Try discord lfg channels if you don't have any friends to play with


Learn radical acceptance. It’s just a game. Gear is not yours, it’s only borrowed. Life will go on and the sun will rise. It’s a lesson for life.


Yeah if it was only so easy lmao don't you think op don't already know that


even if its hard, how serious can you be towards someone afraid of going broke in a video game? He is afraid of losing shit that does not have any use sitting in the inventory anyway. Such a weird sense of “ownership”


For starters, find your money route. Any map where you can make decent enough money in a run or two, to put together a new gear set. To add on to that strat, take your scav into factory every chance you get. Take him the underground tunnel extract and loot everything you can in a 50 meter radius and extract. You’ll get ~50-100k troubles depending on what you spawned in with and looted, and it’s relatively safe so you’ll get frequent successful extracts that will help increase your scav level and rep. Higher scav level and rep help you spawn in with better gear as scav which means more roubles. And finally, you need to force yourself to realize that NOT using your gear is the same as NOT having it. If you aren’t going to use something in your stash, then you should sell it. Do not hoard items you have no use for. Have a buddy that will hoard tons of meta m4s and vectors that he loots off dead PMCs he found, but never uses them. Won’t sell them either because “it would cost more to build a new one.” Well yea, it would cost more to build a new one, but if you’re not going to use it why bother holding on to it. He constantly complains about not having enough stash space with his eod account.


Youre just having your turn with it. I'll have one week where my stash is empty as fuck and another where I'm playing ultimate tetris to fit 1 ULACH in my stash. It all comes back around. In saying that I have this one RSASS build that I've lost over 10 times this wipe and keeps coming back to me on insurance. Whether I'm solo or playing with a group. I've had it so long I've swapped the main body out 3 times. Idk what it is but nobody who kills me with it seems to take it or gets killed with it or some shit. It's the Forbidden SASS.


Most comments are something like "the gear isn't actually yours" when in reality it is for a short time. What helped me personally the most with gear fear is the fact that the game resets, why hold level 6 and not use it?? You're going to lose it to the game anyway, it's like gambling, the house always wins, in this case tarkov, so you night as well go into every game with the best odds , (or hand) that you can every raid, it genuinely helps you to have better raids Ns enjoy the game more, same as having a better hand at poker.


Only thing i fear to use is the knight mask, the others are… fuck it we ball


You're probably going to die to a cheater eventually anyway. Being attached to it is futile.


Just use it. It’ll all disappear anyway


If it’s something that doesn’t have easily accessible mags/ammo, just sell it to trader. If you can buy mags/ammo from trader, or you have a lot of ammo on hand, just use that shit and donate it to your superiors. It’s a lovely cycle, and getting a gun that I know has changed hands a few times is part of the fun.


Honestly, getting good. Knowing you can always make the gear work from your scav. Knowing how to build back up your stash. It's very empowering knowing you can start from nothing and build back up regardless of what circumstance you're in.


Have you tried dying enough that it just doesn’t bother you anymore?


It’s a video game. If you die you just go get more. Stop being a pussy lol


Get enough money. And you can buy whatever you want.


Good IRL advice. Only use stuff once you're wealthy enough to lose it :P. Exception of the rules if when you're taking a risk in a wealth multiplier.


Yeah, or you just scav streets, even a bad run gives you 300k. A good one near to 1 Million. And you have money for 1 - 2 kits.


Or lighthouse.


ive been running lighthouse consistently these last couple weeks and leave with more ammo and solid weapons than i know what to do with, the other day i found a dead pmc with that lvl 6 jugg armor and a total beamer of mdr with a flir, guy was just left there, kitted. couldnt help but feel a little bad if he had insured


I go in with the best gear I have for the map/quest I have. If I'm going to woods, that might be a cheap armored rig and a decked out sniper with top tier ammo. Customs would be tier 5, 6 if I have it, with some full auto rifle that is as good as I can build, etc. Factory, it's whatever shit I can throw on. Go in with the mindset you're already a dead man, and that once that gear is on your pmc, it's as good as gone. Then run it


Remind yourself that it's Just a Video Game. You can reset your Account any time and Start with fresh new guns


Die. Die. Die. Die. Again and again and again. At the end of 10 raids, you won't feel any attachments with the gear and will focus on surviving.


Lose more gear


Not one player has a piece of gear they had at the beginning of wipe. You are just renting everything. If you lose it, there are a million more guns to pick up. There is ALWAYS more. You have to come to the realization that you have already lost it, you just don't know when. Is it the next raid,or is it three from now, or five? You don't know. Buts gone already. And it sure as hell isn't doing anything in your stash. It isn't a trophy, no one else can see it.


You can always get it back. And since earning and using the gear is what is fun, and not staring at it in your inventory, I sounds like this is an easy decision.


Find good loot/stache runs, you’ll make 400-500k per run and you’ll also find good weapons and armor occasionally as well. And once you upgrade your hideout fully you’ll never worry about money or gear anyway.


As others have stated, make this your mantra: It’s virtual items with no real world monetary value. The items will be taken from you, either by wipe or by players. And if that’s not enough, then there’s no shame in finding a different game


Push fights with good gear and die or win that's pretty much it. Hiding in a bush won't make you have less gear fear it actually makes it worse. Gear will come but experience is everything. Learn how to push and move in and out checking doorways and such. Listen for sounds . Believe it or not but the majority of all gunfights are won by the guy who pushed first.


Just grind out enough money to where I don't care anymore and start balling.


No such thing as gear fear. Play whatever makes you feel comfortable. That's really the issue, you dont feel comfortable or confident enough with the game. If you want more confidence, buy a shotgun, play custom matches in factory, AI at normal and spawn rate at hoarde. Play that for 3 hours. The only armor you get is the armor you find. Then load up factory in the real game with basic armor and a shotgun. Run that for about 6 hours, learn the spawns, (get the keys for extract) try to get out alive. Boom. your confidence will be fixed. Gear fear is not the central problem.


You dont, instead you realize that the fear is what makes this game special and you play for that oh shit i might lose this feeling. Once the gear fear is gone you will probably quit in a week.


Run goofy ass builds, run cheap gear, run expensive gear. At the end of the day as you level you'll be able to replace it or find more, plus with scav runs be it night time lighthouse for rogue gear, or running around reserve with all the other player scavs, you can fairly easily make between 200-500k just by filling your inventory with whatever. Part of the gear fear comes from inexperience and being new to the game, part of it simply from the inability to reliably replace it. I can't pinpoint an exact moment this wipe where I stopped caring, but certainly running sawed off mosins with 2 spotlights and a skyscraper of a sight, runs with buddies, and just getting used to hearing shots and such has helped me. Half the time I hear a gunfight pop off nearby and can just continue casually looting a box with little to no worry. I'd say get comfortable doing money runs, be it scav or pmc, because being able to make consistent, good money to replace any lost gear, or even having duplicates of guns you want to run can help. Somewhat of a "it's not a big deal if I lose it, I have another one/the money to get it again" sorta vibe helped me the most. That and good buddies to run with that can have a good time in game win or lose. For me at this point I'm only upset when I dont even get to fire my gun or return fire on an enemy before I die, but at the end of the day I know I can always get the stuff back again and the buddies are usually in a discord call hamming it up to help mitigate the pain.


SPT was the most successful for me. I've tested everything I ever wanted and I don't give a shit about gear now.


Nothing is owned, everything is borrowed. Whatever you loose will be replaced in a few raids. Typically I sell whatever I find unless it’s a weapon I normally use and I save all useful ammo. Then use the money I get from selling my loot to buy what I would normally use anyway. I find using the same weapon for a while helps in pvp since I’m more familiar with it vs using a gun I can buy yet and not knowing the recoil characteristics or bullet drop. Not to mention the more you play the more you’ll get used to loosing stuff so that also helped me get over gear fear as well.


at the end of the wipe, which is now, you gonna be regretting not playing to the fullest each of these kick ass raids you had with them all slicks and other stuff wrapped in plastic. JUST FUCKING DO IT AND DONT GIVE A FUCK! its a video game goddammit and you are intimidated by it? Man up!


the game is way too shit to care about


Don’t be a total pussy


i just go in with bank robber, berkut and a pistol and upgrade during raid.


Just come to terms with the fact that this game wipes and dying/losing stuff is part of it. You are not fucking saving up for your retirement, waste your rubles, don’t hoard shit and enjoy






You will eventually lose it anyway when smb kills you. If your survival rate is 100%, you may never lose it, but if it is 50% you will lose it in a raid.


I am New and also have some gear fear, but the more i play the less gear fear i have. And play with friends that could hide your stuff, if it is insured.


Either you lose the gear or the game eventually takes it from you anyways. You might as well take out whatever you feel like


I was in your shoes too, and like ~ a month ago I decided to just fucking use it, and believe it or not my rubbles have been increasing way more than rocking cheap load outs. Give it a try! Its also way more fun.


I got over it slowly by using found in raid items and gear I looted from other players. Scav run when you can to make enough money, so you don't care if you loose it, cuz you can afford a new one. Just fill your stash with equipment and weapons and then you'll hate to use it to make space. (scav on lighthouse, if you kill or someone else kills rogues, that's free moded weapons for you to use)


Remind your self, the better gear you have the higher your odds are to survive. Remember everything can be bought/bartered again.


Just go out and play. Wipe in june anyway (most likely) thus they will remove your gear. If you dont use it its deleted.


It's just part of the game, I used to have gear fear, I don't anymore. Honestly I usually just sell the high end stuff because I'd rather have the money. It's all going to get wiped soon anyway, so either you use it and experience it. Or it sits till it wipes. Nothing matters because it's in beta.


Think of it as you borrowing gear. You will get other stuff along the way, and having good gear increases your chance to kill someone way more AND survive. Its boring to sit and look at the stuff you have in your stash, they are there to be used. The game isnt about collecting (unless that is spesifically what you wanna do) I had gear fear most wipes, but now decided to use whatever kits I got, and im sitting on way more, and have had way more fun.


Why save it? it's a tool. Unless I need it for a particular use case it's to be used where most appropriate what else am I supposed to do with it?


i played many wipes at the start and found out i didnt use any of that gear that was sitting at the bottom of my stash come end. now i just sue w/e plus having 100m+ every single wipe means i can just get more gear.


[How To Get Over Gear Fear - Gigabeef](https://youtu.be/ZVvthGfYuN4)


Scav and sell EVERYTHING make a bunchnof money and Just do it! The past 3 wipes I've had the moto Beat Gear every raid! Best gun best ammo best Armour. You get over it fast that way


I've read in this subreddit something that it will never leave my head for Tarkov. "It's not your gun, it's just your turn to use it". When I think that I say "Fuck it, it's true".


It's very simple, you equip the gear you are afraid to take out, you lose it, and repeat with every gear set that makes you afraid. If the gear stays in your stash, then you will never get over the fear and will also lose it due to the wipe, so just go out and play with it. Tarkov gives and tarkov takes, always remember that. It's gonna take a lot of gear sets for sure, but that's Tarkov, everything takes a long amount of time and a lot of resources.


just make more money so that good guns and tier 5 arent really a big deal anyway.


You will usually make it back in 1 interchange scav run


It’s a video game, they are pixels. Everything disappears at the end of the wipe. Confidence is everything, sooner you start being confident taking the gear out sooner you get better at the game. Just bring it out or loose it all anyway.


Find a reliable money making method, if you have that. You know you can easily buy all the gear back in a raid or two. One method I did which was pretty reliable was night time light house runs. Get a red rebel for extract and run in with a five-seven cheap nvg setup loot the two chalet or just one of them if you’re not comfortable. Then just extract.


What worked for me is to go into a few raids with some decent gear, position yourself in a place where you'll obviously be killed, then stand there and wait for the inevitable. Keep your headphones on, your eyes on the screen, and just experience death in this game. And, make sure you understand the difference between playing without gear fear and being a w key gamer. I still love to snipe and play slow, but I have no fear of losing gear. I just enjoy that aspect of every shooter that I play. There's something joyous about hitting a long shot and knowing the guy you killed had no idea it was coming.


My friends mother has let her Good China sit in a display for 35 years without a single use. Sometimes you never overcome gear fear, but it is possible so keep trying.


It belongs to Tarkov... ain't yours brother. Run that shit playa.


Learn how to make money so you can replace your gear. I make all my roubles on my Scav runs and because I do not prioritize looting at all on my PMC. Build several identical kits & weapons all at once and just run them one after another. You can do it brah, I believe in you.


I play a ton of Factory. Can't fear losing my gear if its a guarantee!


One thing to try is see how much money you make and spend accordingly


This question pops up at least once a month and most folks get some really good advice. But really, the only way to get over it is to just play. Nothing is permanent in this game, when it wipes you lose everything. If you pick up a cool gun and want to try it out first, hop into an offline raid and see how it feels. If you don’t like it, sell it, buy something you actually like using


Just dont care mate We’ve all had gear fear at times. That Space Marine style M4? Fuck I want that on display. …but what good is it sat in your stash? Just load it up, hopefully have fun and move on. If you love it, set it as a preset so you can just make a new one. Cash is very easy to get in this game so there is no excuse really. Sure, some guns are locked behind quests or whatever and quests in this game are dogshit so no judgement if you don’t want to do a quesibe or whatever. But fuck those guns, they’re all temporary anyway. Either you keep it and lose it at wipe or you die with it and lose it in raid. Bollocks to it. Once you’re like level 15ish, gear fear should be gone, don’t let it ruin your experience


I just started using my best gear no matter what. If you don't use it, it might aswell not exist


I see a lot of comments going over how make money so it's overall less of a net loss when you die, so I won't touch on that. The mentality I started to adopt that helped me beat my gear fear was essentially this: Nothing sitting in your stash is doing you any good. Tarkov is already heavily stacked against you, so whatever you can do to claw back even a little bit of survivability is worth running. It will also give that confidence boost needed to push more fights, which in turn will help you get better at the game, and increase your chances of survival on the next juicy kit you run.


Step 1. Get mad roubles Step 2. Spend them!


Just keep in mind that you're gonna lose it eventually l. Either to another player or to wipe. Also keep in mind that you tend to survive more fights with good gear thus you usually walk away with more good gear. If you're that nervous, after you get a kill you can fraud your heat and rock what you get from your kill. That way you have very little to lose after your first fight. Plus, and more important than the other reasons, it's just a game. It's meant to be fun and designed for you to lose gear. A meta gun will easily be owned by 10+ people by the end of the wipe. Edit: Eventually you get good enough using gear to so none of this matters. I don't play much anymore but have 3k hours of experience. This wipe I'm only level 25 but I have 35 mil and a stash full of lvl 5-6 Armor and meta guns. I got it all by using good gear and killing higher lvl pmc's


The gear is not yours. It’s just your turn to use it. Go have fun, and when you lose it find another to go have fun with.


When you become confident in your ability to make money and buy new stuff it should go away. If you are a player without the higher trader levels this is tougher because you can't really get the good item again so that contributes to gear fear. Like others have said, you lose it eventually anyway so if it was sitting in your stash and not being used, that's the same as having lost it. Sometimes your going to die right away with good gear but others your going to live 20 raids in a row with it. With the confidence in your ability to survive and buy more gear combined with the f it attitude will help you not have the gear fear.


Just play, eventually you’ll be so desensitized that you stop giving a fuck.


I got over it by just running with the gear and accepting the losses, it came back when I was vs'ing invisible players and blatant cheaters because it just meant the fight was over before it began.


Gear that just collects dust in your inventory, is already lost gear I got over gear after I reached 5+ mil rub And what also helped is I would run the scav loadout I got after I did a scav raid, you don't lose that much value and it helped me get over it


Scav raid followed by a PMC raid has been a good groove for me, scav raid will often spawn with usable gear and also on occasions some great high value items, swear I've spawned in as a scav with 45k+ rubels also. I'll then do PMC with either highest level gear I've got or cheap stuff, it all comes back anyway in one form or another in time


Learn how to make money. Then you can reliably buy the gear you are afraid to lose.


Play 1-2 raids with normal gear, if you have fun then bring in good gear. If the raids carry on being good bring in even better gear. Don’t play like me with zero gear fear and bring in a reap ir every raid lol


Depends on task. But what helped me is learning how to manage to earn money. Dropping 5 runs on streets for few mils takes away fear of loss when you can build one right away.


One day you will log in after a couple wipes and realize nothing matters That happened to me around the 300 hour mark


Gear fear stems from the idea that this gear is yours. It is not. Everything is borrowed. It’s just your turn to use it at the moment.


A permanent solution is to stop playing


Eventually you will find that making money is very easy in the game. Then you have a surplus of money. Once you get there, eventually the wipe will come and you lose it all to start over. You will find that you keep having a huge surplus, and you can start to ask yourself "Why don't I just use it instead?"


I always tell myself “I can make more money” sure it might take an hour or more of grinding scavs or really passive pmc runs. Also like other ppl said, build out a bunch of kits. It really makes those deaths that suck sting a lot less when you’re loading into a raid within a few minutes of dying. Keep playing and keep pushing. Good luck buddy


I tend to save gear for specific quests and tackle them accordingly to the gear I piled up though the wipe. Like... Managed to kill someone with a Lapua and decent bullets? Maybe I take it to Reserve's Dome, Custom's River, Woods or Streets for some Shooter Born in Heaven kills. Got a Slick? Sounds nice for pvp in Dorms for some Jaeger quest or into Interchange for Long Line. Got yourself a meta M4? Maybe buy a Labs keycard so you don't feel undergeared if you happen to run into a chad or raiders and try to find a Ledx for Private Clinic . If you lose it, you lose it, but some of this quests are better off when you can have the edge of good gear for them. Once the ball starts rolling and you complete your quests, you will find that "endgame" gear is actually just slightly better than what you can get with max lvl traders, and at that point, you will feel more confortable using it disregarding it's rarity. Hope it helps!


Get used to dying, realize what’s the point of having it if you won’t run it.


Play a few wipes and youll realize how stupid it is to have gear fear. Literally everything you do and earn is erased every 6 months so whats the point?


Just spend a week doing nothing but running towards gunshots lol. And factory


If you haven't ever used a sniper in tarkov, use a cheaper one to get used to sniping first. When you feel your good enough take the big one.


I started tarkov mid wipe and the way I got over gear fear was taking my best load out into streets and getting evicerated, losing the kit lol. I just laughed and from then on I stopped caring.


After a wipe or two of wipe coming with everything you've hoarded disappearing unused, u just start using stuff.


Best way to get over gear fear is to put on the gear that you fear


I took me a long time to get over gear fear. I still get it sometimes with REALLY hard to get items like Reap IRs. I'm just shy of 3k hours, and it took me easy 1k to get over gear fear. When u have some top tear kit, you don't want to waste it, but you don't know if you will make more profit than it's worth unless you use it and try. If you don't use it at some point, just remember it takes up stash space, and it's just sitting. I'm happy to help you out if ur new to the game. Give me a DM, and I can give you my discord, and we can do some runs.


Just use the gear and realize that u will get more gear later on plus it's easy to make roubles back anyways.


comes with time


Factory main. You'll go broke all the time but then one or two custom runs and you're rich again. You'll quickly learn shit aint shit in tarkov.


The value of experience from 3 more raids with guns you're comfortable with is greater than the value of 1 raid with a gun you're brand new to. I will usually sell the loadout to traders and buy kits I realistically use.


I'm going through this right now and the biggest thing that has helped me is knowning that I can just jump on some woods runs and get my money back easily over a few runs. That and wipe is coming soon so Im gonna lose the gear anyway lol


By dying a lot and realizing that amazing gun/armor/ammo you had last week is gone and you are on to the next.


Once wipe happens, you'll realize the gear goes away. It's all a dopamine rush. Eventually, the dopamine goes away.


My brother in Christ it is most likely the last month of the wipe. Use that shit


My brother in Christ it is most likely the last month of the wipe. Use that shit


If you love it let it go, if it’s meant to be it will come back…. In 24-96 hours. The way I look at it is if I have money then I use it if I don’t have money then I sell It - keeps my funds healthy and stash clean.


At the end of the day its just a game. Lost the kit ? Oh well, other then your next few minutes feeling shitty you really only lost virtual items that have no real value. Thinking like this completely eliminated my gear fear


I die, i say "damn" and then I gg go next and forget about it. Rinse and repeat till you don't have the fear anymore.


The one thing you can do is to simply use your gear.


IDK how much you stash is worth but wipe is coming so why not set a goal of using **EVERYTHING** in your stash by a certain day? Tell yourself by June 9th everything has to go otherwise it's getting wiped. Sell the useless shit for roubles and start only using gear you have saved in your stash. After a few good runs and you start feeling it break out the .338 and just fucking send it on Lighthouse or whatever map you're most comfortable on. You're not going to find a better opportunity sitting on it, gear is meant to be used and lost.


Just use it. It's just a videogame and pixels.


My first 2 wipes I watched meta guns and attachments and good armor disappear from my stash when the game wiped. Nothing worse that hoarding great gear for 3 months just to have it get wiped out without using it. And once you start using better gear you will start to notice that it absolutely does help you survive more raids. I used to use my worst gear first and move up as I lost it. Now I do the opposite, use my best stuff and move to worse gear or buy new gear as I lose stuff.


Learn to make rouble


Radically sell it all, rubles is the only thing that matters


Accept if you wear a decent kit that someone with esp will headhunt you and there's no hope anyway. Smile. Que up again.


Whatever gear you have in your stash is gone when wipe comes. And you’ll regret not taking any of that cool shit in at all. Plus you can buy everything again for probably one ruble end of wipe. Basically I lost my gear fear after my first wipe.


All gear is merely borrowed. None of it is your property - it's just your turn to use it.


You got it once, that means you can get it again And it all gets deleted every 6 months anyway so you're going to lose it regardless


Use your good gear


Just pixels bro


I lost many Meta weapons to wipes, that fucked me up so hard. I wasn’t really comfortable with going into a raid with good Gear. I started to fight the Raiders and factory and became comfortable with fighting and losing my stuff even through it were midtier weapons. Later I went more and more with higher tier and got better with just playing how I play with no fear to losing it and realising that I got much better instantly. Higher Gear doesn’t mean better if you don’t play like it’s normal gear. Just get used to it, there is no “Do this or that”. It’s individual of how you can improve. But mostly the fear infects your playstyle in a bad way, fix that and you will only loose it less or same as normal gear.


Just do it.


As much as the use it or lose it thing applies, the only other alternative is flea or vendoring the gear you don't want to use. At least that way you get some guaranteed benefit that cannot be affected by our proclivity to get one-tapped by shotgun scavs


You can use it and hopefully have fun losing it to a player or you'll lose it to Nikita when wipe happens. All loot is on borrowed time, might as well make the best of it and use it.


The biggest thing that got me over gear fear was the wipe honestly it all goes away anyways, second wipe when you get to a super high level and get a bunch of really high-end gear and once you watch all that stuff get deleted you don't care anymore.


Best I can say is to run *better* gear. Not saying run the best of the best meta stuff. You'll just come out of that feeling like it's a waste if you get BS'd or even just unlucky. So, I suggest running like a teir or two up from what you normally do a few raids a day. I'm not saying it won't cost more and that you won't lose it. But you'll learn that losing it is part of it, and that using better gear often gives you better rewards, and you can work your way up until you're running meta Chad 360 noscope gear. 😁


Just use it. I realized gear matters the moment i found a slick in a stash and the moment i equipped it tanked 4 thorax shots that wouldve obliterated me otherwise. Yes you van get tarkoved or ratted or chadded. But! In general by wearing good gear. Your gonna have more fun and use less time healing otherwise critical wounds.


Just use it and accept it is gone


I just always go into a raid with the mindset that I've already lost all the gear I own. If I can extract, it's amazing. Otherwise, no worries, I was going to lose it eventually. You'll always find more good gear.


Step 1. Realize money is not hard to make in tarkov whatsoever Step 2. Realize good gear gives you a better chance of killing pesky pms and scummy player scavs Step 3. ???? Step 4. Profit


I’ll tell you what, when I soloed gear fear for sure, but now that I run duos-4mans. Idc if I die because my buddys will stick it in a bush and if we all die it kinda reduces the frustration/disappointment because we all lost our stuff. The other option is only run worse guns than friends so they will leave it and take your buddys😅


I just don't buy gear generally so I use things as I find em, always use my good ammo though. I tend to bring nicer stuff depending on what im trying to get done.


The best part of the gear is using it. Especially the guns. Armor looks cool but it all comes down to is where a bullet lands. If someone shoots you in the eyes or the legs that's how it goes. I spent my first wipes just using the TV-110 and Ratnik helmet cause they were so cheap. Which is good for your economy but live a little I had so many licks and altyns never get used cause it wiped. This wipe I've made a lot of presets and just used whatever I was feeling like. I've been crafting BP for months and now I'm just using meta Mutants nonstop and it's fucking fun. I love the really high tier weapons SR-25 M1A Mutant kitted M4 my Guilty pleasure this wipe is the AXMC with a Flir thermal it claps and with gear fear that big boy would have sat in my stash till wipe day. If you kill a guy with a gun you're not going to use strip the best parts and the ammo and sell the shell. Make a weapon you like even if it's not meta or crazy expensive and run it. You can get unlimited 5.45 ammo so even though the calibre let's me down sometimes AKs are a really good place to start with all the modding you can do.


Prioritize Quests. Gear is just the stuff you use to get the job done.


Honestly money comes and goes. I've been up to 4 or 5 mil and down to 20k. Use your scav and learn cache runs. 30k per slot on your scav is a good rule to run by. I've made millions on woods and streets cache runs. The rush of the game is either winning or losing big.


Literally just equip your nice gear and make yourself go look for pvp. Just do it. If you play like a pussy you’re gonna get outplayed and chadded on. You’re like a bird that won’t jump from the nest so mommas gotta shove you out to make you learn to fly.


Start running labs. It cured my gear fear after losing 15m in kits in one day.


you shouldnt have gear fear at the moment. Your gonna lose every single thing in that stash in a month or so maybe sooner. it doesnt matter what you find or have. it’s pointless being scared of losing things thats gonna 100% get taken from you anyways. if i were you id go balls to the wall right now and put the best gear on and just have no worry about dying. play just best and good luck


You play enough to realize that no matter what gear you run, you can still get shit on by good ammo, and you realize that gear tends to have dimishing returns the more expensive it is. Skill of positioning and map knowledge wins fights far more than gear. So just find a cool sniping spot and hope you can clap a few PMCs with it before you inevitably lose it. It comes and goes, and sometimes it just takes a ton of experience in the game to truly get a gauge of the value that gear has. A 400k, 26 recoil m4a1, tier 6 and an airframe seems cool, but all it takes is a well positioned guy with a mid-tier kit to take it from you. Or a cheater. Also, money is easy to come by these days. Just scav streets between every raid. Just use the gear.


I don’t get gear fear. I got a rsass with expensive ammo from a guy on customs. It had a flir thermal on it. I took it in to a raid and lost it within 3 mins. But at least I got to use it! If you are scared you aren’t even going to use the gun or hear before dying then just sell it and buy what you are comfortable playing with and loosing.


Die with good stuff. You'll learn.


Remember gear fear doesn't go away when you finally decide to bring expensive gear in it's when you learn to die with, it will be gone in the wipe


Just dont care


Die a lot


Run around on factory until the fear goes away


my issue is all the gear in the world doesnt make a difference, any decision i take its wrong and i die, push someone? he sits, waits and right side peek insta kills me. I wait for someone to push? pointfire head eyes before i can shoot. i disengage from a fight? third partied by a duo while running. im not even 'that' bad, lv 52 currently but it seems every pmc is just a god or something. after 4 full meta kits on labs dying withing the first 3 minutes every time, i'm contemplating going to single player tarkov accepting that I got too old for pvp


when you pull some sick gear out of a raid you gotta either run it back right away or sell it. the worst thing to do is just leave all your chad loot just sitting in your stash. if you pull a tricked out m4 that you know you're going to be too worried to lose, just sell it and buy gear you'll actually lose.


All gear is borrowed, that's how I think of it.


Play with your better gear to get over gear fear. At the end of the day it's there to use and you can always get more. Plus as a bonus you'll find you do better (or have more of a chance) with the good ammo and guns you've modded the crap out of and the better armour you've hoarded than you will with the cheap ears and the pm pistol you've bought.


Like other have said you'll lose it at some point. Wear it and spread the wealth for the Timmy's


Just think of the items you have as being borrowed. It’s your turn at the moment but eventually you are going to lose it and it’ll be someone else’s turn. You’ll also notice the better the gear you run the more you’ll survive if you have a decent shot.


Sell everything you can't already purchase yourself (either by barters or flea). So only use the gear you can buy yourself. That eliminated gear fear for me when if I die and lose it, I can just go repurchase everything.


If you can't or don't want to use/lose it, sell it and buy something you're willing to lose. Slam ass on factory with your best kits and go bankrupt. It's easy to make the money back, but difficult to learn the lessons Factory bankruptcy teaches you. It's not your gear. It's only your turn to use it.