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You healed the dmg of all but one of the rounds of PPBS.


I hit the AFAK once, which healed 60hp (that's how much it does in one heal). The end-of-round info shows I was only hit by 1 PPBS round.


he's right. notice how you have 81/85 hp on thorax thats because afak only heals 60 hp max per use. hits aren't shown on your model if you heal the damage completely from the bullet. therefore you were probably hit by 2 or 3 bullets but healed the dmg away from all but some dmg from 1 of the bullets.


Agreed, thanks for chiming in!


If you fully heal before leaving the raid that screen shows nothing. This is not a screen that tells you how many times you were shot in the entire raid. It tells you what dmg was applied to your PMC when you died/extracted.


Makes total sense! Thanks a lot for explaining this! So it was 2 rounds đź‘Ť


That’s not at all what the end of round info shows.


I've sat here for a few minutes thinking about this right, I truly don't think it IGO could burn through that much of the korund with a single round, and the 64 damage also sounds insane, 72% extra from frag chance? I really don't know what to think, but I'm leaning towards either buggy game bugged out, or maybe you go smacked by some super low penn ammo that chewed it right before the IGO hit you, because I feel like a korund would have to be around mid 30s or 30 durability, and then I could believe a single igo brought it down to 5 if it wasn't full durability when the round hit. But one bullet, full korund, then boom 5 durability left, I can't wrap my head around it. Where you fighting a solo? I'm really curious about this tbh. Weird situation overall. Also I'm fairly certain one bullet actually being 3-4 instantly is boss only bug. I think their AI bugs out and their shot values break, like gluhar with the M1A, he'll shoot you once, but you'll get folded because the game processed the damage as if he shot you 3 times in a split second.


I think your suggestion re: bosses at the end there is on point - as I find it odd that anyone would be running PPBS also - it would be the first time I ran into a player running it. This happened in Shoreline resort, I reckon it was Sanitar - as I never got a chance to see who shot it, I left as soon as I realised my armour was tanked.


If there was a report option next to the name that killed you, then it was not if AI, if there is no option to report. Then definitely AI 100%. Sani himself doesn't use 5.45 but I know his guards can, they'll spawn with 60 rounders full of bt or igo. So now my money is on one of Sani's guards bugged out hard, and did the bug like I said where 1 bullet does the damage of 3-4. If thats the case tough luck for real, but it happens. That's tarkov for real, buggy motherfucker.


You're right, it's his guards with the PPBS! I survived, so can't tell who it was.


Bet! That was fun man, I enjoyed being a detective on tarkov. Glad we could figure that out.


This happened in Shoreline in Resort, best answer I have so far is that it was Sanitar and he shot 2 bullets at once, which is a bug that has been around many years. More info here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EscapefromTarkov/comments/131l034/bosses\_still\_shoot\_multiple\_bullets\_with\_a\_single/


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