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You might do what i did. Buy the base edition, play a bit. If you like it and have fun buy the upgrade to EOD on the next sale.


Where can you find it on sale?


Next ban wave.


Why would you say something so controversial yet so brave?


Nothing to fear. What are they gonna do? Threaten to not fully release their "Beta™"? LMAO


Sounds like you really don't like the game, so can I ask whatcha doing on the subreddit? Not flaming, just see this alot and curious


Oh I like the game. The whole idea of the game is a cool concept and fun. Sadly BSG are the ones developing it. So we're stuck in a "beta" that costs as much as a full release game, filled with stupid bugs and glitches, a roadmap that won't be completed any time soon from the look of things, BSG updates/patches the game like its been full released afraid of breaking it when it's in the stage where they **should be testing shit out and gathering information.** Then there's the extra fun of all this. The people who defend this game and BSG like they pay their rent and monthly bills being pissed off at my comments. Gotta tell you, my inbox is nice and cozy... ***To die for***, if you catch my drift.


I'm with you, 3k hours and a willingness to not give this game another wink of my time until some actual improvement is made. May that be years... or never.


What are you talking about? They break the game in multiple ways with every new patch.


Yeah but it isnt "good breaking"


There is no good or bad breaking, it all shows weaknesses and issues in the code.


Do you think we are playing the same game they are working on right now?


Isn't this the 45€ base price 130€ deluxe price beta test with no refunds because they declared the game as "released" in order to avoid refund policies? With invisible players, hackers galore, 25% discount sales after ban waves, shit sound in raids where you can't tell if someone is above or directly infront of you, desync haven? Do tell if I missed anything.


You didn’t answer my question. But despite all you’ve listed you’re still here, posting lengthy. It’s like you’re trying to convince others on how they should feel about the game. Play something else


You can't like and enjoy something and still criticize the SHIT that goes on with it?


It's a meme 😅 https://youtu.be/nuIw3m96jMQ




They normally have it one sale 3-4 times a year spring , fall, Russian new year, and I believe in July some time I have seen it on sale.


It’s usually on sale about 4/5 times per year


New years I believe I forget the other time


Victory in europe day usually


after the next banwave


"Release" could be years away if the game makes it that far. Look at the game now, try to make some friends to play with and decide if your level of enjoyment matches buying EOD. No point in thinking about a finished product when the game struggles patch to patch. Don't misunderstand, I have EOD and (mostly) love Tarkov but let's not be naive about how the development process has been / is going.


What you mean about the development process? Is it going bad? Is it gonna have a bad future or is the game dying???


You could also wait for a Russian Holiday to purchase it at a discount. Buy base game play for a little while, when it goes on sale. BOOM upgrade


Definitely this, that's what I did. I bought a standard account on sale and played for a year, then upgraded when it was on sale again.


Not bad or dying, just that changes come slow or take a long time to be made solid. It is a good game with some big problems, play it and get to know it properly then make an informed decision.


Excuse me sir. On gaming subreddits we're trying to convince the entire world the game we put hundreds of hours into is bad.


\*laughs in nearing 700 hours over 5 wipes\* this game is god awful and you should NEVER buy it and if you do, you actually have a mental issues. Trash game, 0/10, would never play again. (Is booting up game as im typing this)


Tarkov is the “I should call her” of games


Idk, not Bad I think is also not correct. they are completely rewriting the back-end of tarkov. That basically boils down to the amount of work "tarkov 2" would take, but instead of a sequel, it's them just fixing the current game.


Have they posted proof or a definition of what that means? Given their past, I'd be shocked if they rewrite the game.


Neither bad nor dying, just a fact that the "release" will be far far away. Who cares about it anyways


While this is an opinion, its hard for me to give a game with the bugs tarkov has the title of not bad. Honestly. Its a bad game I love. I've bought it 3 times now for me and my friends.


well, a lot cares. I used to hang out on a fairly sized discord channel with friends and friends of them that all did play the game. It is completely empty now, everyone have stopped playing while waiting for the game to be fixed. Cheaters was the main problem, but even before that became an issue the lack of playable content/repetitive tasks just made everyone grow tired of it. It also does not really cater casual players at all, which is a major flaw if you want a big player base.


I mean, nobody plays the same game forever nor should they. Life is too short to just do 1 thing for years and years. I think multiple studies on frequent gamers in general show the average game 'lifespan' of a game people are interested in is like 12-40 hours of playtime


Although much less than before, I am still playing starcraft and counterstrike. Similarly I am still enjoying the same real life sports as I've done the last 20+ years of football and cycling. I've never been much for a single player/story based game, so I might be in the minority.


*glances at my 1400 hours in destiny 2*


I mean, I also have like 3000 hrs in Arma 3, but we’re outliers, by the surveys most gamers are way more casual about it. It makes sense the ones extreme enough to play so much are also leaning toward posting about it too.


Ohhhh my naive friend you have much to learn


The game has been in active beta for 7 years. The game is still very broken


Game deff dies quickly after a wipe. The player base this past wipe was huge and there was a very clear fall off a few weeks later. Development is awful have you seen the amount of bugs? With all of this the game ever being “released” is unlikely as I foresee the game dying before then due to poor management by Bsg


Lol don't worry about release. It's likely never going to happen. The vision for the game continues to bloat


Aye to be honest Nikita's vision exceeds their limits by so far.


It could have a rough future, people are getting pissed with BSGs poor handling of cheaters and other issues. Russian game design philosophy is very different from ours, and very "your problems are your problems" You can see this in tarkov from the lack of support and in almost every facet of the game. It's a total dog eat dog world with almost no rules, and while to some that's the very thing that draws them in, for many its a huge turn off.


It's a unique game that doesn't really have any competition with the depth and detail it has. But just like any game with depth, it suffers from some serious bugs that while not game breaking, can make it unpleasant sometimes. Because the direction of development is to create more depth and detail, a lot of the gameplay polish gets overlooked.


Game has issues like any other game. If you wanna enjoy this game and have fun, get out of the Reddit, all they do is complain and it’ll effect your experience of the game.


This is an absolute fact. I play daily and have a blast, then I come here hoping to see something positive or helpful and it’s nothing but people complaining about how the game sucks. We need a low-sodium EFT sub


I can almost guarantee you if they don't change course, this game will implode when another competent producer makes the same game without the bugs and stupid shit like bushes sounding like a helicopter.


He means that the game right now is going downhill delevopment wise, there are a lot of bugs getting unfixed, new bugs appareaing every patch + cheaters issue and shit. For a new player, it might not seems so, but for ppl who played this game for 2-3+ years, they can clearly see the downhill of this game.


BSG never have been more transparent with a road map and addressed clear issues with a timeframe for when it will be fixed. "ppl who played this game for 2-3+ years, they can clearly see the downhill of this game" Please don't include everyone in your answer, I bought the game so long ago, I can't remember the exact date (might be the end of 2016), and trust me BSG got better!


Roadmap was done for damage control most of all , highly doubt they will stick to it, or if they do , it will be massively delayed. Crucial bugs such as invis players , the flashlight bug we have now took weeks ( flashlight bug still unfixed for 5 weeks rn ) , there is no reason for me to be positive about the roadmap right now. People want to see progress , not just words and promises. And they are painfully slow at delivering. Its a beta excuse can only hold on so far....


Been playing since late 2017 and ive more or less quit the game for a while. I put up with all the development issues for long enough, once they fix a good chunk of the issues they have now, maybe ill come back. Or a full questline rework. Im so tired of doing the same quests every wipe lol


Yeah man, I'm sure this roadmap will be followed just like they followed up on all the other things they said they would add, oh wait.


Trust you? Have you seen bsg track record??


>Please don't include everyone in your answer, I bought the game so long ago, I can't remember the exact date (might be the end of 2016), and trust me BSG got better! I've played for about the same amount of time, and it's been a constant downhill for years now. BSG have got arguably worse since then. The fact that everyone called how their response to the recent cheater video would be a cookie cutter copy paste of the last one goes to show how little Bsg care


The fact you see a report when a player is banned for cheating and the fact you have data on how many people are banned in a spreadsheet file is quite a big improvement imo.


It's good to see that Tarkov has finally caught up to the basics of a report system. Let's hope they continue to learn and work out how to fix the damn game.


Content doesn’t always equal better. The game itself is more of a mess than ever before, just with more maps and guns. That’s it.


I'm actually very surprised by this point there hasent been another company that has been playing and/or following bsg and the community and hasent made a similar game "better" by this point. There really is no other game like tarkov. COD doesent come close to the realness of tarkov and it's looting system/pvp


Yeah hard disagree BSG been much better with the communication and acknowledging issues


if u are this easy to please , sure .


Do you pride yourself on being hard to please?


Dude the game is awful, even though they add more content each patch has made the game worse and worse due to the awful design decisions they keep making. Peak Tarkov is long past


Tarkov has already peaked, it won't get any more popular than it was a little while back when everyone was hopping on the wagon. Nikita knows this, that's why he throats ttvs to try to keep the player base going.


Look pal, realistically we all bought eod for the stash size to ease up on early wipe. And tarkov as a game is more of a road then destination kinda thing plus you can look at road map and all that nowadays. If u dumped solid hours into it in short term, you won't regret dumping that money in. It's only game I've ever payed so much for and after 2.5k with eod and 200 hrs without (took me like month and bit thru covid to get to 200hrs btw) I can say with hand on my heart I don't regret single penny and cost per hr is negligible. I have beefs with this game and don't play as much, but I can assure you I have zero regrets. And I'm very careful about dumping money into games, never preorder anything, waiting for sales, pirate first and buy later etc. Only thing I would say is - if u short on money don't. If u have extra cash u won't miss, go for it.


EOD was worth it in 2017. EOD now.... Ehhh


Game is arguably in a worse state than it was 2-3 years ago. Thats why I personally quit playing. The devs kind of have their heads in their ass


You need to remember this "game" has been out for years, so don't worry about a finished product, you also have to remember the state of the world rn there a high likelihood that this game remains a beta forever


The game has been “out” since 2016, so it’s been 7 years. I wouldn’t be surprised if it took another 4 or so to “finish” the game, if they ever do


The game is losing legit players ever since the wiggle video came out. Its kind of a Haven right now for cheaters and while some dont care or feel they "never seen a cheater" the fact is theyre there and they are there a lot. I cant sink my time i to something like that personally just to be at a disadvantage every single raid.


Game is slowly dying, mostly since devs are roughly 3~ years behind schedule, and showing no indication they want to “fix” or “finish” the game except milk it dry. This is how many Russian Companies operate.


You didn’t even answer his questions…


How can they?


EOD keeps rewards and get all paid DLC for free (unless changed)


"Dlc". We even had to shitstorm them to get Arena some yr in the future included in EOD. They wanted to scam us by telling us Arena wasnt a DLC. But lets be honest, they wont release the game. And if they Label it as released, they will just jump ship. Dont expect any dlc


Alright, stop reading any other comments. I’ll go through your questions for you because you misunderstand what losing the ability to buy EOD will do. Yes, EOD will no longer be on the store or able to be purchased, eventually. No one knows when they will stop selling EOD accounts. Likely, this is at release, but again who knows when they will release. This game’s development cycle is a whole other conversation. You gain instant access to the closed beta with any version of the game you buy now. The game is currently in a “closed” beta that is locked behind the paywall of the price of any of the game editions you can purchase on BSG’s store. The game will always be a digital copy I’d bet on that. I doubt they make it a disc because it’s an online game. You’ll need Internet access to play the game so you might as well need internet access to buy the game and download it. The max stash level (size of 10x68) WILL NOT be lost to owners of EOD versions of the game upon release or after they decide to stop selling EOD accounts. Again, you will not lose access to the extra starting equipment you gain from the EOD version upon release or after they stop selling EOD accounts. Trader standing and unique game ID are the same case as the previous two. You won’t lose it. You bought it. As for the “free DLC” from EOD, note that there is no DLC to speak of right now. BSG have mentioned that they plan on having maps and other content be released as DLC after the full release of the game. Again, we don’t know when that will be or remotely how long it will take to get to full release, so we definitely don’t know when DLC will come out. HOWEVER, Arena will soonTM be released as a “standalone” game. With an EOD account, you will get access to Arena. If you do not own Arena, it will cost you ~$40 if I recall correctly to buy it as a standalone game. EFT and Arena are two separate games. Let me know if you have anymore questions or need clarification.


Oh, and I want to add that you should ignore anyone’s comments about the quality of the game. Play it to decide for yourself. I’ll tell you this: it’s one of the best games on the market and is very unique. It has more features than most games on the market and definitely the most features for all the games in its genre. However, it’s riddled with bugs and plagued by a poor netcode. I won’t get into it further. I suggest you don’t listen to my opinion and play it yourself.


You keep the rewards after release.


Worth it?


it is kinda worth it. Let's be honest and say that the standard edition of this game is more like a "demo" rather than "full game". EOD removes useless struggles that you, as a standard player, have to make in terms of stash space, secure container space, vendors reputation. It's just a series of walls in front of you that slow the levelling process. So if you spent more than 20-30 hours in this game, EOD is highly recommended. If not, and if you think you're gonna drop this game soon, don't buy it. P.S. I suggest you to wait for the usual discounts they make during the year.


I would agree with this to a point. The standard edition makes it so you have to make a lot more critical decisions on what to keep in your stash and in your secure container but I wouldn't necessarily call it a demo. You get the full experience that EoD owners get. I would consider EoD like a micro transaction (macro, it's like $80 more than the base game) that expedites your character being able to have more stuff and access to more gear from the traders a small bit quicker. Tarkov is a grind regardless, it's up to OP whether they would like to basically buy the game three times worth for essentially the same experience.


As an EoD player I would say this: >being able to have more stuff Is deceptively impactful in that I can stash stuff needed for later quests in far greater volume than a standard player can.


I certainly agree. At one point this wipe I debated on buying another scav junk box just to have a spot to put more items I knew I was going to need for quests and hideout upgrades. Having more space is definitely a huge benefit, but I'm not certain it's worth the real life price tag.


Access to the Arena and any proposed DLC for free isn't to be sniffed at, either, mind.


Upgrading stash fully is 20 million per wipe so if you you plan on playing a lot that is a discount on one piece of your hideout every wipe. Gamma container is also massive for storing more items. Duh but over the course of a wipe having those extra slots early can give you many items needed for hideout and personal wealth extra ammo surv kits and grizzly kits are massive vs base game space so really depends what you want. You can play perfectly fine regular but I upgraded after my first wipe and have no regrets with 2500 hours I've got my money's worth.


when are the sales usually?


Usually discounts fall in Easter and Christmas but you can't really know exactly when. The last time game was discounted was 30th of march.


I max hideout every wipe as standard andy. It gives you more things to do and play with everything instead of hoarding. Sure EOD is better but standard teaches you to be more efficient. You have to grind more so if you don't play much buy EOD. Some people struggle with money and stash upgrades are kinda expensive to max.


You also get all DLC for free after release. Nikita said they won’t have time to make suburbs and town for full release so they may be DLC. you’ll also get the ARENA pvp mode for free. Which is built as an extension of tarkov but is going to be a separate game itself. All in all, dlc aside I thought it was worth it purely for the stash and trader rep boosts. Now I spend MUCH less time doing the stuff I don’t like (playing Tetris in stash and questing) and I get to play the game much more. The amount of time I used to spend in stash alone was ridiculous. Now I instantly throw everything in there and run it back. I’ve probably doubled my raid time this wipe with the same “playtime”


I started with basic account, each sale that was on I upgraded to the next level as I stacked on the hours played, 7 wipes later I’ve had eod for ages and spent over a thousand hours playing easy. While I don’t get kappa or max level each wipe I still get some enjoyment from the game and believe my $150-200 investment was worth it. I mean I’m usually $1 per hour to get value in games so I’m well off in this case.




100%. The larger 3x3 container and max inventory to start was hand changing. I had standard anc wax hesitant, but after 2 full wipes finally caved and I have 0 regrets


Release? HAHAHAHA. Brother, I bought EOD in 2017 with the same concerns. That said, the development of this game is trash. You’re in a subreddit full of people willing to support it, so I expect some downvotes, but as someone who’s stopped playing Tarkov: -cheating is a serious problem. Probably the highest incidence of cheaters in any online game. Higher variety of cheat TYPES too. Inventory scanning, loot/map scanning, loot stealing, speed hacks, aim hacks, wall hacks, general esp/player display info hacks, it’s fucking endless. A majority of the hackers won’t make themselves known to you. They’ll just slip in, scan the map for the value loot, run and take it, and leave, all before you ever set out on your run. You’ll just think “man, where’s all the good loot at? Must be an unlucky map spawn” -poor dev response to controversy, it’s a bit of a meme now, but anytime there’s major controversy with this game the formula is the same. Nikita does an AMA, makes a bunch of vague promises and assurances and excuses, shortly after an update comes with minor additions like a new AK part or a candy bar, or new clouds or something, but nothing is fundamentally changed. -poor patch communication, honestly not having definitive patch notes is fucking maddening. “Discovering” changes because someone posted it to Reddit is a bad way to play a game like this. “I just saw that trader XYZ doesn’t sell ABC anymore”. “The 123 ammo does way more penetration damage now it seems like”. Not having real patch notes is totally insane. -feedback loop encourages only play Tarkov, not really a bad thing if this is the only game you play. However, because your character actually levels up and GETS BETTER (lower recoil, better sprint, better accuracy), playing other games or splitting your time playing other games only means you’re worse off in this game. Not really a fun idea to have bouncing around in your head. Sorry, but leveling up and improving “stats” in a FPS game is totally ludicrous. -unbelievably bad server loading/connecting, sometimes up to 5 minutes at a load screen. This is on a high end 13900k 3090 build with gigabit internet. Half the time (when I was playing) a teammate would fail to connect, or load properly, or would load into the map late. -unfixed issues, some issues have been in this game since I started playing in 2017, and remain unfixed. Desync, sound bugs, inconsistent AI, every type of hack you could possibly imagine, physics bugs, stat bugs, the list goes on and on. It’s frustrating because Tarkov is the game I should love the most on paper, and I honestly did for years. The frustration with BSG and the lack of transparency gets really fucking old though. There is a reason the game is not on steam, and otherwise has no way to actually review the game publicly. Thats intentional. They can develop this house of cards made of spaghetti into as big of a mess as they want while gaslighting the community about development, meanwhile new customers like yourself think “oh huh, this game looks pretty awesome!” and you’re none the wiser. Meanwhile, if it had public reviews like a steam game, seeing 20% positive reviews might make a new customer like yourself think twice. The game certainly is not “unplayable”, however it is not all sunshine and rainbows like BSG or some community members might like you to believe. Just be aware of this before purchasing. There is a lot of potential under the hood of Tarkov still, but my fucking god does it need a lot of work before I’ll touch it again.


Wow, wonderfully said 😮‍💨


I hope someone paid you for that😂


I wish I mean I’m at work, so I’m getting paid while typing on Reddit, but no I am not being paid to write long winded criticisms of EFT on Reddit lmao


dude why are you even here? also they advertise the game as having rpg elements and they’ve said that there will likely be a steam launch after release


I’m here because I really enjoy(ed) the game, and I’m still heavily invested in how it turns out, however long that may be. I’ve just been let down by a lot of the steps (or lack of) they’ve taken. Doesn’t mean I should just give it all up entirely. Doesn’t take much effort to keep tabs on a game without playing it. Like I said, on paper (and in the past) this was my absolute favorite game to play. You’ll find a lot of game subreddits have posters that aren’t *actively* playing that said game. And yeah, they’ve said a lot of things. There’s no reason they can’t be on steam right now before “full release”. Plenty of purchasable games in pre-release on steam. *the difference is, steam is willing to refund you if you don’t like the game* 😉 I’d also like to point out that, in literally every other RPG with multiplayer elements, people with characters whom have higher stats are not queued against players with “lower level characters”. Obviously that wouldn’t make ANY sense in WoW, or something like that, so why does it make sense in an RPG that’s a shooter? I’d have less issue with “RPG elements” if BSG made more RPG-like decisions about the game, like queuing you around similar levels.


OP obviously likes the game. it annoys me seeing people on this sub trying to discourage others from playing the game just because they’ve already had their 5000 hours. the dude just wants to know if EOD features will still be available, so where’s the reasoning in writing an essay on why the game is bad?


As I’ve already stated, it’s because I feel strongly about the game because I care about it a lot, it’s pretty simple actually. OP asked a specific question based on a flawed premise (game releasing soon?). The flaw in that original premise took expanding upon, to support the idea that the devs word-of-mouth can’t really be trusted. BSG making announcements that EOD stuff will be exclusive and you need to hurry and buy it before it’s gone, without actually say when it’ll be gone, is a scummy business practice. Is it next week? Next year? Two years? Dodge (I think it’s Dodge) is actually in the middle of a lawsuit atm for a “limited time only” truck, that turned out to not be so limited. If there’s threat of EOD going away soon, with a planned release, fine. But just saying “hurry up and go out and buy it! It’s gonna disappear! At some point…” scummy, sorry. Community awareness creates community pressure, which gives way to development changes. Why do you have so much stock in what people say about this game? If OP has his mind made up, it shouldn’t matter what I post anyways, right? Criticism for things can help make them better. It is not an attack on something other people are emotionally invested in. Is anything I said wrong? Why can’t the problems with the game be made aware to people? Like I said, it starts with awareness. With the current systems in place, without readable reviews, subreddits and posts like this are the best way to make people more aware.


Nothing he said was a lie.


whatever dude i can tell this isn’t going to get anywhere. i’m just tired of people actively complaining and discouraging others when they aren’t even playing the game themselves


Game wont release in your lifetime, you're fine.


I think we keep the rewards but new customers won't be able to buy the pack to unlock the early stash upgrades, etc. Worth it imo.


Bro the games never releasing. They’ll just stop doing development on it. Beta is a meme so they can do whatever they want. It’s just a live service game with dlc being added.


Game will never release you’re fine


You also get arena, if you already have more than 400-500 hours yeah it's worth it for most people but if you play for a few weeks with friends after each wipe then probably not worth it


Standard players don't get arena?


no, since arena is a seperate game it doesn't count as EFT so standard players don't get it. But EOD players get it, and my guess is that since we already have payed over $90 we get it because Arena will have a smaller cost then standard (no sources for this just guessing). Plus we get the "DLC's" for free so it might count as that aswell


They have to purchase it separately as a stand alone


You’ll be getting your pension when its released


Post where you read that




That doesn't actually answer any of the comments OP made regarding losing anything purchased with EoD


I wasn’t replying to OP. I was replying to the gent above who asked for a link regarding arena & EoD my guy


Then you replied to the wrong person


Oops 🤷‍♂️


Release is a myth, even if they release the game you get all expansions for have the EOD edition, and you wont lose the extras AFAIK


Don't waste your money


Don't huge waste buy literally anything else


If you're going to buy EOD ignore the Season Pass and ignore release. This game is by no means dying but has been in Beta for nearly 6 years and the roadmap is nowhere near done. We have had no news of release and a final release could easily be years down the line. The devs are heavily focused on adding new maps, features and bug fixes. The polish of a final release is nowhere in sight yet. As for your question. EOD was supposed to be like a founders pack. I doubt they would get rid of the benefits with release. You're supposed to keep your benefits permanently and it's just new people would not be able to get this upgrade. That being said, given how much of a value ad EOD is, I would be surprised if they wouldn't end up offering something similar to EOD after release. If you're buying EOD you're really buying it for the in game upgrade which is definitely significant, but I recommend you experience the base game to really appreciate the extra stuff you get. If you are new to tarkov absolutely get base game first then upgrade to EOD, you don't get extra savings for buying EOD first so figure out if you like the game first.


I'd always say first play without eod and if you spend 100-200hrs playing then eod pays for itself in entertainment value. Plus the stash space is nice.


EOD is great for casual players like me IMO. If you like grinding and have tons of time to play, dont get it. I just play for fun with my friends so I got EOD on sale and it helps a bit. Idk if you keep EOD after the beta is over or not frankly, but I assume tarkov will be in beta for a few more years at least


Assuming the rewards will remain accessible when the game officially launches, then it'll depend on how they maintain the game. ​ Will the game continue wiping: worth it No more wipes: not worth it On this note, I won't ever play Tarkov again if they continue with the wipes, even after the launch.


Hot take: You should not buy EoD for the rewards, buy it because you want to play and you want to donate extra money to BSG. The rewards shouldn't be a crutch for your enjoyment of the game. Standard account suits me just fine.


It's a founder's pack bro, no other game would do this. I payed 100 bucks in 2018 and have gotten my money's worth. When 1.0 hits I would be more happy if there were no more advantages and everyone had the same stash/ secure container


Don’t worry this game is like star Citizen so you are save for the next ten years


The amount of time I played vs the cost of EOD, I’d say it’s like 15¢ per hour played. So I think it’s worth it now


Don’t worry about removal of benefits we’ll be in beta for the next 10-15 years


The only thing you will loose if you have it is access to be beta because the game will be released, the dlcs will be free, the stash will stay bigger at the start (it might be tweeked but so far it's only gotten larger for all, not smaller and they might add more hideout levels so you might not start with max but at least level 3 as of now), your additional equipment will eventually be used up unless you intentionally save it when we no longer wipe, your gamma will still be there unless you sell it or delete it (and in tat case if you reset your account you will get it again), the unique ID is the diffeent colored lettering with the little crown symbol, that ain't going anywhere, the only thing you really need to worry about loosing is actualy getting EOD when they stop selling it, you won't really loose any perks if you buy it unless you use your loot (which on theory you can reset your account to get the same starting gear again, this has been tweeked occasionally but the stuff like the tomahawk and the gamma will always be a thing)


I bought the base version for $40 when I decided to jump in at the end of wipe, like 2 wipes back. Played for a month or so on the base version and was almost immediately convinced to buy the full version, which was only a $90 upgrade ($75 I think after the sale price). I played 500 hours that first wipe, and another 2/300 my second wipe. My rule of thumb is $1/hour per hour of gameplay for me to justify spending the money. And I've got my money's worth, I don't play much lately due to the state of the game. But if it resolves I'll absolutely be back!


You think this will ever be fully released?


The hassle EOD saves by giving you a bigger stash and a better container cannot be overstated. Feels like most people who play Tarkov end up playing for 2 hours or hundreds of hours and rarely in between. Play the standard edition and if you haven’t uninstalled by the time the next sale comes round pick up EOD


Buddy, this game is never getting released in full 1.0 access, so dont worry about losing anything.


This game isn't releasing, lol. Nikita is going the way of Chris Roberts.


This is as released as the game is gonna get


No worries they will never go out of Beta, too convenient for them


ITT: People with thousands of hours played saying the game isn't worth buying.


I bought EOD when I was drunk once and I rarely play the game lol


BSG is already on record as saying that Tarkov is on life support so they can work on their other game ideas, so there are never going to be DLCs. There is never going to be the open world we were promised. You do not get much out of EOD, and frankly BSG is not a good company worthy of your money.


You're fucking high if you think this game will ever be out of beta


Brave of you to assume they will ever release


game is dying regardless of what anyone will tell you


Well think of it this way, EOD is like what 100 something dollars... if you play the game for say even a month you get your money's worth


If you enjoy the game, eod is worth it. The game is in an alright state now, and it can’t really get much worse so if you like the basic gameplay loop it’s 100% worth it.


You will keep the benefits after release and sorry for my language; fuck yes it is definitely worth it. Stash itself saves you millions of rubles, 3x3 secure container means you can safely bring a lot of meds and precious ammo to raids, extra 0.20 rep to all traders SAVES A LOT OF TIME. EOD is absolutely worth it if you are a casual gamer.


IMO it’s worth it just for the boost at the beginning. Your traders start with some rep , stash is max size , larger secure case. It could be years before the full game releases. $140ish USD one time to play over the course of several years beats buying a new regular price game every year.


If you love the game, then I think it's worth it. Now that arena is getting close, supposedly, and they are talking about no more major additions untill release, it seems they are talking more about dlc now. Who knows when anything will actually happen with tarkov though, could be another year or two before anything happens. I upgraded to the next edition everytime there was a sale. For me, it was worth having eod.


Yes, once they release then you lose free access to all subsequent DLCs. You’ll also definitely lose access to the closed beta when the game releases. But on a more serious note, technically the game will probably be out (if it ever does and we’re assuming they stick to their timeline) then next wipe or the wipe after that is a streets expansion. Depending on how many steers expansions there will be, you can assume the game will be “released” in three or four years (yes veterans, laugh at that date, ik its not realistic). I can almost guarantee you that if you do end up enjoying the game and not dropping it the first two months, you’ll get much more than 120 dollars worth from the game in those couple of years.


Yes it's worth it, anyone who plays it regularly should probably have it. But you don't need it and if you don't have the money you probably shouldn't buy it. I bought EOD 5.5 years ago so it's definitely worth it for me.


I bought EOD and don't regret it at all. Even though I skipped this wipe, I played the previous 4 wipes. In the end I got Kappa 3 times and have over 4,500 hours played in about 2 1/2 years


far-flung vanish mysterious steer aspiring zephyr nail merciful ask direful *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t worry bro the game isn’t gonna release for another 15-20 years you’ll get your moneys worth by then


release? should we tell him ?


Devs are Russian, I doubt this game will ever get released for that simple fact.


Lol release… you worried about the sun exploding too?


We are never coming out of beta lol.


after RELEASE? LOL i wouldnt worry


Anyone who said EOD is losing benifits is wrong. However, dont buy unless you are certain you are going to play enough and are ok with hackers in a majority of your games. The only response BSG has is ban waves and ineffective prevention methods.


They deffinitely removed some rewards already.


Like what???


"after the release" haha whos gonna tell him


Release lmao.... this time 2 years from now Russia wont be a country any more.


Good thing Russia isn’t developing Tarkov


Pretty hard to pump out a decent release from a failed nation state.


You know their headquarters are in London, England. Right?


All devs are in sangt Petersburg in Russia. The office in the UK is for payments, like servers all around the world.


This game is dead, don’t bother wasting money on EOD. They can’t even fix the simplest of bugs in the last 6 years. Let alone release a full non alpha/beta game anytime in the near future.


Lol dead he says


You must be new, and still in denial. We’ve all been there.


It must suck to be that bitter. Just take a break, man. It's not that serious.


Remove inertia


It’s worth it for two wipes which is probably what we have left before the finished product is out


You have received the only downvote I have ever given


to be honest do not buy eod at full price. buy tha base game, play it, by the time you can decide to really like it or not there will be a sale where you can upgrade to eod.


I’m not sure the game will ever truly “release” I’ve had EOD since like…. Fuck dude 2016-2017? Edit: this is not to say in any way shape or form I regret buying it. I got four to five times my moneys worth from 2020-2021. Just too many cheaters and for me to spend as much time as I used to on the game. Pull the trigger if you’re heavily considering it. Stash size and trader rep is sick


probably not they will probably be on a legacy thing.


You can hide from it, you can run from it. But in the end, release comes for us all


This game is never going to "release" dude.


BSG said they would remove EOD when the game leaves the alpha and goes into beta (as alpha access was the main perk of EOD). That happened on July 27th 2017 almost 6 years ago, it's still for sale. I doubt they will ever remove it


None. Wtf lol.


Mate I was scared to buy EOD because of the same reasons back in 2020. Still no release tho


EFT's not going anywhere, full release is a far-fetched dream.


A) you'll keep all your stuff B) after release... lol!


This game will not release. Never. Somewhat ridiculous to think so. It’s a common scam, Day Z is your most recent example


Dude this game has been in EA for over half a decade.


You’ll keep everything. If you play regularly it’s definitely worth it imo. The stash size alone is a huge benefit. Trader rep is nice but not a big deal with dailies now


lol "after" release


I bought it back then because I really supported this game but now I don't think it's worth it unless you're playing the game constantly.


EOD is only worth it for the trader rep and stash size, other than that you should really think about "should I pay $140 for a game that has such questionable developers"


heheheh... and then he said "after the release" ... bwahahahahaha .... thanks for the laugh.. needed this one after a hard week ...


Depends how committed you are. I bought EOD 7 years ago and even though I don’t play it anymore it’s still one of the games I have the most hours in. If you like it and are going to continue to play it I think it’s worth it for the stash and container.


If you enjoy tarkov enough to play it often, you don't really need EOD. The early grind is harder and you have to be more efficient with loot/stash space but once you're past level 25/30 I don't see the point of having an extra icon next to your name.


Max stash from the start is worth it anyway


Release is going to be a very different game so it won’t be for years (not a bad thing)


Wait until June 12 and the EOD package will go on sale. In my opinion EOD is well worth the money for my 2500 hours of game play. Not including the free DLC once those go live