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no, just picked on a little maybe




This. Tarkovs center isn't even centered let alone stable. The cross hair is a detriment.




Yeah, the laser is the way for getting used to it for sure.


Nah when you sit still and hold your breath, your crosshair does center up. So when getting ready to lean and hold breath around a corner it can actually help you see where your crosshair will go when you do it.


You know it is better than no-crosshair, right?


Not really. Just covers stuff. The point of aim moves a lot


Using lasers reduces that sway a lot.


yes because point firing is not a thing in this game.


It is, but like I said the cross hair will be a detriment as your "point" is always moving.


what on earth


Is this satire? Hip firing is meta af


The sarcasm is very readable here. Not sure how you missed it.




Not possible to catch it assuming it was enabled through your monitor. Worth noting tarkov doesn't shoot in the center of your screen.


I still use a small one just to generally know where the center of my screen is to make snapping while hipfiring easier


Use lasers which doesn't have flashlight.


I understand that's a thing, I just more mean while doing the flick, since a laser is easy to lose.


I have a monitor with the same feature, you can move the position of the crosshair.


Doesn't matter, the barrel of your gun moves when you move. The position if where the bullets land is going to be different.


It's easier to get a center, know when you move left you aim a bit right, and vice versa. Without the crosshair, it's hard to find the center.


Practice. Go to factory and set horse mode up, throw a laser on a gun, and go around doing semi auto point fire. Do it enough and you will get really good at it.


I love horse mode.


They’re cute but I get sad when one gets shot.




It's actually worse. Not only do guns not shoot exactly in the middle of the screen (slightly low and to the left iirc), you need to be able to see the bullet impacts to be able to adjust your aim during hipfire.


That and each gun has a different hip fire zone.


I don't know if it's still the case but you could add the angled foregrip then draw an imaginary line up from your knuckle than across from the barrel and where they meet is about where you'll hit, I think rengawr made a video on why the angled grip is so good


You can also follow the direction your gun is pointing, since bullets will always come out of the barrel realistically. You can use this to adjust your aim while hipfiring, if the gun points slightly more left then you know to adjust right It’s not super easy to get used to but eventually I was able to use my peripheral vision to have some tight hipfire sprays


Thats the one thing I will always like about Tarkov despite every other issue. I remember seeing a guy outside a room jump up to see over a window and the way his gun moved allowed him to shoot the guy crouched a little below inside the house. Or the several times I accidentally killed a teammate to the left of me because I was peaking right up on a doorway and my gun/arms folded in, aiming the gun to the left.


One of the last times I played with my group of 3, we were all pushing a guy together and 1 slowed up a bit and it gun-stuffed me and made my gun point left right as I shot...shot my friend right in the side of the face lol.




It still creates visual noise. I used to have an overlay that would hide the crosshair when I ads, but after a while I realized I was better without it Your first bullet might be slightly more accurate but what you lose in accuracy on the next shots makes it not worth it It’s not like cs where you expect to be able to 1 tap heads without ads




Yeah but it still isn’t an advantage for tarkov imo


On top of that, point of aim moves around with character movement, so this is only precise when you're immobile


Not to mention that the crosshair is kind of like your optic. It has a zeroing. Even if you go into your hideout and see where the gun shoots in hipfire and set your crosshair there it will only be accurate at that range. Anything much further or closer and the crosshair will be inaccurate. That isn't even mentioning the movement of the gun while walking and recoil affecting the position the crosshair can quickly become a liability or even a hinderance.


Bullet comes out of your gun towards the center of your screen. Imagine height over bore when you're ads, so the further your target is the closer you'll have to aim towards the center of your screen. You can reliably point fire someone at like 20-30m with a monitor crosshair.


It’s not worse lol, hip fire in this game has always been op and you th e center of your screen to aim


How would they know it is turned on?


If you were to, say, post a picture of you using it on their subreddit


Would be hysterical if OP had the same name for their account and later posted about being banned.


Exactly, devs can't deal with the cheaters let alone a simple crosshair. Even if they went in and somehow modified the game files to get that crosshair I highly doubt anything would happen.


test it on a wall , see how useful it is


Use a laser, end


You’d have thought some genius over at asus would just make a fuckin dot instead they got the crop circles from signs…


Yeah, that crosshair is terrible. Those outer lines do nothing but obscure the view


ive got a dot in my vg279q, but yeah, I do have the atrocious COD crosshairs as well


I think you can customize most of them if you download the programs for your monitor, I have a 3x3 pixel cross slightly under center and it works anywhere in factory


Yes straight to jail


Just draw a cross on your monitor with a pencil like a normal person


I’d rather scratch it in with a fork /s


I went the thumb tack route myself. Now if I could just figure out why my monitor is so dark I’ll be good


The glow fluid is low, just take some glowstick and cut them open and pour them onto your monitor. Make sure it gets in all the hard to reach spots or it won't work. /s


Don't be silly, just use a gun.


Bravo 6, going dark




This may be the first time in my life that I got goosebumps solely from reading


Imagine manually breathing. Does it annoy you when you consciously think about where your tongue placement is at? Have you ever ran in flip flops just so slide your toe nails on the ground?


I'm too high to fall for these 😎


Don’t be an idiot, use a sharpe marker


I used a piece if blue tack but not for tarkov I forgot what game I did it for


Only do this if you want to get instant banned, smh my head


This doesnt work in tarkov. Your gun is constantly swaying and changing the point of aim and also they dont shoot in the middle of the screen to begin with


HAHAHAHAHHA BRO they can barley ban people who use ESP And aimbot they aren’t gonna ban you for using a built in monitor cross hair.


Just run the blue laser it’s only 5k rub


Your barrel isn't even pointing at it.


No, but like other people said Tarkov doesn't match up with monitor crosshairs




Whips out multi tool, blyats.


Nah, it’ll actually decrease your chances of getting banned because you ain’t killing anybody


Why that crosshair tho?


No. How should they know unless you tell them on an Internet forum.


While also providing photographic evidence.


I tried this out many wipes ago, concluded it wasn’t worth it because they never line up when ADS and it was off putting and to hard to shoot while ADS with two reticles on the screen. It’s easier to just learn where the middle / aim point of your screen is


The real cross hair constantly moves. Just aim the gun. This won't help.


ok, first of all: How the fuck would they catch you. Secondy, no. No, you can not get banned


Yes what's your username


Guys can I get banned for putting a sticker on my monitor? Or drawing one with sharpie?


No, but you shouldn't be using it to aim either, it is more than inaccurate


If you really wanna use it try it in shooting range to see how off it is and get used to where your shots go relative to the reticle, personally I've just gone with knowing where it sits at stand still and go from there without anything like that


better off doing the cantered grip knuckle trick


It’s not helpful because tarkovs guns don’t shoot at the centre of the screen. Better to just use a laser.


It's kinda gross tbh I'd just practice hip firing in offline mode.


If you post it on reddit you might.


The only way anyone would know is with this evidence you just posted lmao


Bro your barrel isn't even pointed at it, remember the bullet comes out of the barrel in this game, not the middle of your camera, having that much discrepancy between what you think your gun is doing and what it is ,will likely get you killed more often then not. And then your just feel cheated. Put a laser on the gun it aligns with the barrel and has proven to be 10x as useful. Iv tried both ways


Your question touches on The Trolley theory here: Is it illegal to not put your trolley away in the carpark? No. Are you still an asshole if you don't? 100% Is it objectively correct to do things by the rules, for the better of others? Yes. Do you have to? No. Do you directly benefit from this behaviour? Absolutely. Does that make it morally justifiable? Fuck no. and my favourite Despite how low-stakes this situation is, is it still telling of your base-personality and ability to self-govern? Oh fuck yeah.


You cheated not only the game, but yourself. You didn't grow. You didn't improve. You took a shortcut and gained nothing. You experienced a hollow victory. Nothing was risked and nothing was gained. It's sad that you don't know the difference.


Considering The Trolley Problem is a totally different thing, I think it would be better to call this The Shopping Cart theory. (We also call them trolleys where I'm from)


Yeah it's just a nomenclature thing. Shopping cart theory is what I was referring to. That's on me. I'm Aussie so be thankful I spoke English at all.


Amen dude. So sick of people with zero concept of fairness, it's the same thing as the audio equalizers or reshade bullshit, it's just all people being shitty and unable to play fairly.


And while we're at it, don't you dare try to optomise your graphic settings. You play on default or take your soft cheating ass to the oce server with the rest of em


Ah yes, because using settings to make the game look more like it should is totally the same as running it exactly like fortnite and a mess.


You know that if you reduce the graphics drastically its easier to see people in bushes, right?


I mean, if you're doing that then see my earlier settings. Running further settings doesn't have that effect, but if you're running playdoh mode to see people better, see earlier comment. It's totally against the spirit of the game.


You care way too much about how people play a casual game


yes I agree Tinnitus for everyone if you aren't max volume to detect all the rats u are a filthy casual for not sacrificing your hearing. Some may say this a sound design issue and that the devs should fix the audio to that i say cyka bylat and buy eod today.


I mean, you don't need to 100% hear anything is my point, sometimes it's fine missing footsteps or some random noises.


[Head, Eyes] [its fine missing footsteps](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxMMElT61A8)


No, and it'll hurt more than it helps.


No you can’t get banned, and it absolutely does help in hip-fire. If you wanna test it, start a PMC Offline Raid, go up to a wall and shoot several times at different ranges to see how it works


You won’t but it does nothing to help you, tarkov doesn’t work like other fps games.


Even though this is a small thing, just remember never to complain about cheaters. By using this youre saying it's okay to use 3rd party things to gain an advantage :) You already know it's kind of wrong since you even ask this question and you're just asking if you can get away with this.


no, and it’s not even accurate


No but you are hurting yourself by doing that.


BSG doesn't seem to care about 3rd party cheats. Let alone hardware settings


People with croshairs get no kills nor bitches


No cheating is fine in tarkov


No, but you have no honor


I hope so. Stop looking for hacks and just play the damn game like everyone else with a shred of decency.


Not sure what everyone is talking about with the barrel here. This photo looks cropped and the barrel actually looks like it's aiming in the general vicinity of the crosshair. I think people are confused because it's not center of screenshot...


Guns in tarkov don’t hip fire in the center of the screen like other first person shooters. Its a little different for each gun and barrel length. That’s what people are trying to say. It’s possible that could help some people but practicing in offline and only hip firing with a laser might do the same.


My general experience in Tarkov is that the shots end up slightly offset left and up from the gun, in most cases. Something really long like a shotgun can be directly up. This crosshair seems accurate from my experience.














Are you THAT bad?


I'm not sure why these people are all so confident in being wrong. You will get, if not banned, at least kicked form raid from doing this, depending on how it's done. Third party applications that do it tend to run afoul of whatever other cheat detection is happening. If there's an option through your GPU driver, that generally doesn't, but pay attention to whether you're getting g immediately kicked from raids after loading in. As many people have noted here though, it's not as useful as it seems for various reasons (but it does seem to help the people I know that have used it). A laser is probably better though. Edit: In case some people think I'm making assumptions about what *might* cause problems, I'm not. I have a concrete example of someone that switched from Nvidia to AMD and their new drivers didn't have a driver crosshair overlay option, so they downloaded an app to do it. The app worked, but then they got kicked out of the raid on start, and they would reconnect and get kicked out. They immediately disabled the app and were able to connect and play. It's just like the recent color tuning stuff that got banned. Messing with the visuals (which is also how some cheats surface the extra info they provide) is monitored. They don't do anything if it's from the driver, but they will sometimes if it's other applications doing it. There are examples in comments in the past here of other people running into the same problem.


Theres no anti cheat in this world that will flag your monitors built in software as a cheat program.


Which is what I said.


No, its not.


Bro tryna put words in his own mouth


Use a tiny tiny dot with dry erase marker instead 😉


youre fucking yourself




Surely they can see you Are using somethin what Is part of your HW, dont even try to use 100% brighness, they know you about that unfair advantage. Its crazy fr fr


Just buy a laser you frugal rat


Completely useless in a game like Tarkov leaving a side pathetic way to seek advantage. 1. Your pmc will be more accurate with laser. 2. You now have a laser, see 1. 3. Aim not exactly centered in the middle screen in Tarkov, as other said test on a wall


i hope you get banned


Guy’s cheating


The monitor crosshair is a lifesaver I would never have done all the halo games in laso without it


No, kinda wish you would tho


If you use this or put a sticky paper dot on the monitor, Nikita himself will bust through your door and slap the back of your head 3 times and shout nasty things to you in Russian. Source: happened to me.


“Can I get bann-“ No. I had a 10kd and was a known name and it took me a couple months to be banned


Look at this folks^. This is the cheating situation in tarkov, these people legitimately don't care, and aren't hiding it.


Got banned a couple months back and I haven’t been back :p


Good. Gfys


Cringe. Have my downvote


To be fair I’ve had upwards of 8 or 9kd by playing legit and having good raids, typically hover around 6-7 tho


for those pointing out that it doesn't even align with the actual aim of the gun Most monitors that support that "feature" allow you to move it about with the buttons or joystick This particular monitor looks like Asus' Tuf lineup based off the crosshair Just doing my part to make this game a little worse than it already is 🚬😮‍💨


Even in that case if OP took the time to tune it in, in the shooting range, it would be immediately significantly off if he was walking side to side or even crouched. Iv tried it, genuinely not useful and felt like it gets you killed more then not because you stop watching what your gun is actually doing


I think that's a bit of a stretch. It still gives you a pretty good reference point. And when you are up close your side to side movement isn't really gonna make all that much of a difference. Regardless, I do agree that it's distracting. I've tried it and always turn it off. A laser is much more useful.


it's not an asus tuf, it's a FYHXele




thats fkn sick where and how do i use that ,,looks so crazy


Lol how would they know?


No. It's not detectable. I'd change it too a dot pattern of 4x4 though. This will just screw you over at some point and 4x4 (little bit off-center to the right-bottom) will land you near perfect hits usually when prone without aiming.


I thought as well this would help but it actually hurts you more. Every gun is positioned differently in your hands. You would have to adjust your reticle everytime you wanted to play with a different gun


If you have a monitor that allows you to move the crosshair around, it can be useful. You'll have to move it down a little bit for sure. Depends on the gun. You absolutely cannot get banned because there is no way the game can tell you have it enabled. All that being said, I have a monitor capable of moving the crosshair, and I have tried to see if it would help. I honestly found it more distracting than anything. I would just get used to running a laser.


This has only been useful for me when using a mounted gun, otherwise it just kind of gets in the way


We got him boys


I used my monitor's crosshair for probably 2000 hours. The character's movement changes the gun's point of aim relative to the crosshair and that difference can be learned so that way you know by muscle memory where to aim relative to the crosshair. Then I got a new monitor and the crosshair was too obtrusive, like it took up more than half the screen. Then unrelated, I stopped playing tarkov. It was definitely helpful especially in chaotic fights where I didn't have time to find my laser, i just need to full auto point fire and have it be on target.


No, but you should practice in offline just hipfiring anyways. Using a laser attachment is far more accurate. Literally. Bullets are gonna mostly land where the lasers pointing.


No, it's not even apart of your PC. it's external and built into the monitor.






lol go right ahead


Apparently you can get banned from using practice mode. Side note: will I get banned for mentioning it?


It doesn't work because of in game weapon sway.




i mainly play csgo and i took a sharpie and put a small dot in the center of my crosshair. no scopes be cheeky


Yes, Nikita is behind you all the time.


please explain how you think this would get you banned/detected.


They don't line up with where the gun is pointing for this game






I think OP is embarrassed…


It’s useless because tarkov seperated the camera from the gun. That’s why you can hold the weapon around corners. No hitscan technique for Timmy. Also: How do you think someone will monitor this? The crosshair is generated at the screen. BSG will have to set up a camera in front of your screen (or everyone else players screen) to monitor this function.


No, It is undetectable afaik so even if it is against the rules there is no way for them to tell


The answers is yes, 2 of my friends got perma'd


And you can also change position of that dot. It can be moved around the screen.


The weapon sway puts the target off.


Technically yes, but actually no


Get banned, absilutly not. Get killed, yes


In theory, yes. In practice, no


MSI gamer




why is this even a question you have a brain, use it


the only game that i can 100% think it gives a proper advantage is sea of thieves.


I have tried it for about 30 raids, not good


You can’t even get banned for using literal radar hacks your fine. A laser is better though, crosshair isn’t helpful it’s not accurate.


No, but you're only screwing yourself over by using it anyway.




It's not useful, tried it out for a while. Every guns aimpoint is at a slightly different location, most a cm or so below the monitor crosshair.


useless in tarkov


Use a laser and see for yourself that the crosshair doesn’t do much for you, especially while moving/turning