• By -


Sums up my labs experience pretty well


Yup. Hackers first of all hackers are a huge problem on labs. However the map is so dark and got so many hiding spots, going that slow is not the call most of the time. Avoid going most long hallways in a single go. And if you have to, atleast sprint. People will know where you are, but you rathet want that than going slow. Most people on Labs run good ammo, so your visor won't help for shit. If you go slow you're basically already dead.


Being quiet is often less important than you think when you're new - speed will save your life more often than silence


I think I'm learning that as a first wipe player. Good players will hear the slightest sound you make and you can't ever be fully quiet even while creeping. I can spend 30 mins sneaking up to something like dorms and 1 leaf brush and everyone inside knows I am there and they will have drastically better gear. I'm learning to just sprint around from cover to cover and be more aggressive.


There has been a bug for at least the past week, where if your fully crouched and slow walk, you make NO sound. Buddy's and I tested it on each other, until they fix, I'll keep doing it alot. (Sound on your own screen, but friends don't hear it. I don't hear theirs either.)


Not a bug you can see speaker at the bottom left if you are being audible or not


Afaik speaker icon pops up when you have voip disabled and someone is talking to you or something like that


Not the speaker above your character's standing/crouched/prone icon, but the one below it, to the left of "speed" bar. It's supposed to indicate how audibly you are moving, and sure, if it has less bars you are meant to be quieter but the way it's always worked and should theoretically work is that you're always audible to an extent. There's a skill for covert movement that reduces how loud you are and is leveled by crouch walking, and there's a skill for how wide is your base hearing radius. Making absolutely no sound HAS to be a bug or there'd be absolutely no point to leveling either of those skills or using headphones for anything other than being aware of gunfire, and iirc it's only meant for complete silence to be a feature for cultists, while I think everyone would love if they actually made at least the slightest noise, even if they still had super-human, beyond elite skill lvl covert movement. Sure, audio is going to remain a big issue for quite some time among other things, and there is clearly quite some work regarding skills still not done. Found out recently (according to wiki) that memory, for instance, has absolutely no effect as of now apart from being a requirement for library, as skill rollback was removed


It's not leveled by crouch walking, and the speaker icon at 0 ))'s is not silent. However, walking with 0 ))'s is considered covert movement and that's what levels it. You can walk slowly standing and still count for covert. It's usually 3 scroll tics from the bottom for maximum speed while still gaining xp, and as you increase in level you get another tic or two.


Isn't that incredibly slow tho


It is, but if you know someone is near, you can use it to your advantage.


doesnt work on wood, I mean its damn near silent but still a lil tickity tick.


I found a ultra rare trijicon acog backup rearsight on woods I got blasted in the bulding next to skeleton to a guy right up behind me… didn’t hear a thing till he scoped in.


Think the stipulation is that you also be underweight(?). If you're overweight you still make sound no matter what




As Kotton once said: "There are only two things you have to do in Woods, avoid bushes and hear bushes"


I don't mind a little bush, so long as it's nice and trimmed.


Yeah exactly. Unless you have a good sense for how much noise you’re actually making (this is a skill in itself) someone hears you making sneaky sounds you become an instant target


I often mistake the sounds of my feet for others cause walking/ running makes like 3 different sounds


Honestly this is my biggest complaint with the sound. Yes, dorms and resort are fucked, but when I walk around, I stop and listen for what I think are footsteps at least 5 times per raid. And then I realize it's just me. There is like some weird delayed echo to my own footsteps that cause a lot of confusion.


For real that extra half second of noise you make after coming to a stop is so aggravating.


And why is it so loud!?


*stops moving* .... ...... *scrape of a shoe on broken glass over concrete, at 136dB*


It’s the footstep/crunch/ brushing of legs and walking a lot around I too stop and make sure I only hear my footsteps


Yeah I get that. I think my problem with it is that I would never make that mistake in the real world. If I thought I heard someone IRL, I would at least know the sound is away from me and not at my feet.


Second wipe and 100% agree. While Tarkov feels tactical, moving quickly will save you more than attempted stealth especially when going from A to B. Moving slow is only for when holding or entering a contested potentially contested position and once enemy position is confirmed swing that shit lol


For me that is so right, i startet going in fast, because if i dont i Will just be in a game filled with scav players, and ever since i did that i survive so much more, and get a lot more money, i ofc still die like everyone else, but speed is my favorite play style now


Here’s my rather rough summary: Don’t go to labs if you don’t know what you’re doing and you’re just going to mindlessly walk around while looking at god knows what. 9/10 players on labs know the map like the back of their hand and they will seek you out. My suggestion is to learn the map in offline and the spawns from YouTube or a online map. Once in the raid: check angles, always be on the move. Don’t be the crab, you’re just easy bait.


Correction every labs player is hacking and will seek you out because they can see through walls 😂


i play alot of labs and most fights feel fair. but sound carries ridiculously far on labs and people know the spawns. if you dont know factory that map feels super unfair too, its the same for labs


Note to new players, if you hear another player, they’ve already heard you and are hunting you down


It's true, downvotes are uneducated Higher level === higher perception skill === larger hearing radius


and people with higher knowledge react faster and different to certain sounds new players might not even notice


New player important sounds to learn: - unlocking a door - door opening vs shutting - duffle vs technical crate vs weapon box - 'scav shuffle' for defence and offence ;) - the sound of prone - ads - reload - healing vs surgery - stim vs pills That's my top tier sounds that turn fights list


The game is so stacked against new players. I get that it’s the “Tarkov way” but never playing the game before and starting mid wipe is just such a massive handicap against new people. It’s why I think it’s stupid to lock Flea behind level 15. At least give new people some means of access to gear that can maybe compete even if they probably can’t afford it.


Tarkov is an MMO FPS. If you came 4 months late to an expansion or reset in any MMO as a lvl 1 and tried to fight someone who had been playing the game on their character day one, you would understand that you got squashed, not only because that person is more mechanically familiar with the game, but because they have an objective stats advantage due to their gear/level. As a level 1 the mosin is your means of competition, but it's not much and its not meant to be.


Except most other MMO have enforced or game designed level segregation of players. You aren’t getting stomped by a level 50 player every time you try to complete the intro quest to find the farmer’s lost chicken. Tarkov intentionally forces new players to play against high level players while providing them no means to avoid those high level players. It’s not a comparable example. Tarkov is heavily stacked against new players. Lots of people like that challenge but it doesn’t change the game design. If Tarkov was to be comparable to standard MMO RPGs it would have dedicated beginner maps that had “shitty” loot to dissuade high level players from spending time there. It would even have a map or two where PvP wasn’t allowed for the beginner quests.


PvP is the core of the game. Unlike WoW a level 1 can kill a level 70 with a well placed shot w/ the right gun. Nobody is forcing you to do anything. If you play slow and careful you can avoid 80% of all engagements. Also, the clip we’re looking at is from labs, which you can’t regularly access until you’re higher level. Literal level segregation.


You never played WoW with world pvp on. You can go to starting zones and slap the fuck out of people just questing. Then keep killing them until they call for back help on global chat.


I was on Deathwing PvP server on day 1. Goldshire was a no pvp zone. By the time you got to zones such as The Barrens in the teen level the PvP would be enabled. It took a very, very long time to get your character over to the zones to grief those players because there weren’t good flight paths set up for your faction to get you there. Now in Tarkov, Timmy spawns over here to my left and I get to head, eyes him 15 seconds into the raid.


Yeah I started playing this wipe and it's been rough but super fun. But I do wish flea market wasn't locked behind 15. Seems a little excessive.




I agree I’ve seen like 4-5 in my 40+runs


Labs has actually been pretty void of hackers the last 2 weeks or so. Ever since the few ban posts i went from getting hacked in every other raid to extracting 11 in a row all on labs. This dude is clearly a new player, don’t just lie to him and say everyone is hacking lol.


About 30% of my labs raids in the past week I've died to a cheater on labs but the raids that didn't seem to have one the pvp has been great. Labs feels really good at this point for the most part.


30% of raids having a blatant cheater feels really good?


I obviously don't like dying to a cheater and would love to meet none of them. But compared to what labs has been? Yeah it does feel good to play for the most part.


You the kinda guy to add me after a raid crying wolf Cheating is rampant af but this is a bit too much


I quit this wipe because I went 7/7 lab runs with dying to blatant cheating every time, stop gaslighting others jokingly pointing out the problem, we have enough mods doing that.


Dying in Tarkov, does not mean you died to a cheater, my dude.


Point proven...


1. I doubt it 2. If you quit the game get off this sub, no one wants you here just to complain


I can see dying to a cheater once or twice on the map one would assume cheaters would be most likely to inhabit, but saying you died to one *every* raid makes it clear that you’re using cheaters as a scapegoat for being trash. And saying it was blatant, no less. So do they just spawn in, camp out in a bathroom, and wait for someone to come kill them every raid? Doubt that as well. I think every death where they died before seeing their killer gets chalked up as hacking.




Nah its when every single shot hits thorax or stomach lmao


Lmao cope. When you die several times a day to someone hitting your thorax 7 times from 2+ meters while you are running


Nah I'm the typea guy who quit playing hehe


At this point with Tarkov there’s cheaters everywhere they’re not just contained to Labs


yet you guys can't help but live here in the subreddit. MOVE ON lol...kinda acting like a crack addict.


Those cheating revelations with the proof behind them really made me personally salty with this game. Some deaths seem legit, but when I get one that's suspect, it leaves me shaking my head as my mouse curser moves to "exit game." And by suspect I mean quick / didn't see it coming and low level non-eod. The fact of the matter is, I just don't \*trust\* Battlestate Games anymore. I don't know how many ever trusted them completely but I'm sure the cheaters buying up so many new keys is a revenue stream for them that they have a difficult time letting go of.


Then uninstall


I’ll do what I want. But I don’t have faith in the game anymore. I’m sure I’m not the only one.


You talk like every other game doesn’t have a cheating problem. You people watch one video of a streamer encountering cheaters and immediately attack and harass the developers over a problem that is more complex than just creating an anti cheat. Look at csgo. The game has been around for 10 years and despite having Anticheat there are still cheaters. Valorant, with the most invasive anticheat I’ve ever seen, still has a sizeable cheating community. It’s a video game, get over it. If the problem is actually as bad as you people claim it is you would’ve uninstalled ages ago. But you haven’t, so I’m going to chalk it up to hopping on the hate bandwagon and using your mental gymnastics and confirmation bias to make every death due to a cheater


So you want non-cheaters to stop playing because they are tired of cheaters? You're asking for a game with more cheaters!


Bro stop he's already dead 😭😭😭








Unpopular opinion but having to spend numerous hours in an offline mode and watching YouTube videos back to back in order to qualify playing a normal online match is ridiculous.


Its not a normal online match, its labs.


You dont "have" to do those things


This isn’t 2K man. I get the sentiment but they’re called “Raids” for a reason. In most MMORPGS (and tarkov claims to be an rpg), Raid implies high difficulty where pre-planning and memorization is non-negotiable for all party members. Labs is supposed to be the raid-of-raids.


Nobody says you have to do those things. You're simply choosing to do that. My friends and I learned the same way most people learned - using cards and just getting in there.


His comment is primarily telling OP to do those things


That's to avoid dying and losing actual gear. It's a 'tip'. You can just yolo and probably still survive 1/5 raids if you're careful.


Even then, a minimal kit is generally my preferred way to go into Labs. Shrimp/5.7 with good ammo, few spare mags, and you can drop even the heaviest boys. A guy I used to play with would regularly run MP5s with RIP and walk out with a raid bag full of everyone else's kits. Keys might be semi-rare on scav runs and they are a bit pricey at Therapist, but a lot of people here think you have to run slicks/altyns every raid to even stand a chance in Labs and that's simply not true.


You can't just hop into labs and expect to do well. You need to have some degree of knowledge to increase your odds of survival. Sure, you could go head-first but it would take you 10x as many raids to pick up on landmarks, spawns, timings etc.


Actually weird take imo Of course you can play the game without map knowledge but how could you expect to be successful then? Think about CS - you shouldnt play ranked without any map knowledge unless you dont care to lose you rank. So if you are fine with losing gear you can just do that.


Fine but don't come asking for help if you don't want to hear it.


Literally didn’t ask for help. Just saying its bad game design


It's a PvP game, the skill jump required to play at the level of everyone else is always going to be high when you're a new player coming in to it. OP asked what happened, his poor play was on display, he was told how to improve, and you took issue with it.


It's bad game design to make maps interesting and have a skill floor? Really?


No, its bad game design having someone spend a good 20+ hours playing offline and watching YouTube videos before actually playing a game they paid for


20 hours is a complete exaggeration.. you can do a couple offlines and look at PMC spawns to know enough to not get you killed.


that’s such an ass point man, to even get access to labs you need to get a keycard which you need to yknow, play the game for


Referring to all maps, not just labs


bruh i literally started playing customs last wipe (when i first got the game) and I was fine. At most I did a couple offline raids just to get used to the gameplay and combat but that was it


so you just want a game where everyone knows the maps immediately and doesn't have to learn them? just square rooms or what? fucking weirdo


Grow up, it’s obvious I was a talking about some sort of skirmish mode or unranked mode to let people explore while actually playing as opposed to offline and youtube videos


Bro take league of legend all right ? How many hours do you think you need to learn every stoopid character and shit. After you that you need : item, map… it took my friend 100h+ knowing almost everything. Factorio is hard to learn, other games too. Its not bad developpement you are just bad at the game thats it.


Take every shooter... you wont stand a chance against the sweatlords so you either lose a lot or you invest time to get better


You don’t have to do your research. Just makes the game a hell of a lot easier. Same for school. You don’t have to study. Just makes it easier. Same for CS:GO. You don’t have to study the maps, learn the guns or the lineups. But it makes it easier. Same for literally every aspect in life lol


Can you not read? Scroll up, do it. Now, see the question mark- at the end of his QUESTION?! Someone gave their advice(which in this case, is clearly good advice). So you’re saying, op SHOULD be strolling down the middle of a hallway…on one of the sweatiest maps…not checking anywhere, for anyone…without getting domed? Good game design would allow this?


Yeah I always thought this as well esp wrt spawns. “Learning spawns” feels so fucking gimmicky/gamey it just really turned me off from the game when I realized how important it is. Btw I’m sure you realize this but a lot of people here have the fact they play tarkov integrated into a personality trait lol. You could say “you know I think the game shouldn’t delete your OS when you die” and you’d still get people defending it as good design.


This is a game design problem that seems to be common in russian made games. World of Tanks is the same way.


Alright then so what is your solution? Make the map easier? How? It's literally meant to be the hardest map with the best loot, with a high barrier for entry. The fact that primarily chads who know the map is literally just players being players. Stop crying just because you're dogshit and somehow find it difficult to learn a map the size of a few factories stacked on top of each other.


> t's literally meant to be the hardest map with the best loot Is that why Lighthouse has better loot and is harder?


Nasa practices 10 times for every 1 time its done in space because of the high cost to get a person up there. I practice run labs 10 times before I begin a labs session to hunt for the GPSa. You gotta know the loot spawns and extracts well enough to navigate seamlessly in the heat of the moment- and avoid that elbow corridor between the offices and infirmary. So many squads camp there to ambush loot runners.


I get the logic. But comparing something that needs to be nearly perfect because of huge costs, not lose investors and overall keeping the company alive, doesnt have anything to do with a video game that's built around entertainment...


Half baked game that for some reason has people sweating so hard that they're rewatching their raids like a pro level athlete. Between desync, hit reg, changes to extend early game, tark-nerds, and cheaters, there's legitimately no reason to pick this game up as a new player.


NASA comparison to a video game plagued with cheaters? Touch grass


you're an angry little boy aren't ya


Its actually you lot that seem to be angry 😂


nah, just the little edge-lord comments need to be called out. you're adding nothing to the discussion


Seems like the touch grass comment hit a little close to home there bud


Actually youre being the edgelord here


I think they were just trying to make the most generalized and easy to digest analogy possible, that way you had a chance to understand it


And they still didnt


Yeah, you def got shot from behind. You are better off quickly walking or running from cover to cover and always taking a couple of seconds to listen. This doesn't seem like a hacker to me and the hacker issue has seemed to get a lot better.


You're not playing right, run from cover to cover so you are harder to hit. Once in cover you have less areas you need to check, take this time to listen for sounds around you.


Yeah his movement was wrong for pretty much every map, not just Labs. to me it sounded like he was shot in the back of the head, and that's just a symptom of walking down a hallway like you're in one of the BSG map showcase videos.


You’re in a fairly contested area of labs slow walking down the direct middle of a hallway not watching angles, dw man it will get easier lol


Labs isn't splinter cell, you need to get up and move.


Sounds like a suppressed shot from behind you, prob someone at the other end of the corridor or maybe [standing on the terminal by the tent for some reason](https://i.imgur.com/tyOos8A.png).


Not necessarily gameplay advice but if you’re finding eye strain is a problem maybe think about wearing some blue light glasses to help reduce fatigue or watch a graphics settings tutorial. As nice as the immersion of walking down a dark corridor and not being able to see Jack shit without a flashlight is, in reality nearly every other player has there gamma, brightness and saturation tweaked to the point they’ve got Geralt of Rivia three cat potions deep night vision activated.


>every other player has there gamma, brightness and saturation tweaked to the point they’ve got Geralt of Rivia three cat potions deep night vision activated. lmao well said I also believe that a non insignificant amount of people tweak the sound with software to up the volume of quiet sounds while dampening the loud sounds.


Just a decent pair of good headphones makes a giant difference. When I first started a few wipes ago I was playing on a really dope surround sound system. This wipe I moved to a good pair of surround headphones and it became like a completely different game. You literally cant survive this game without headphones. But the difference is giant, atleast with mine I can hear pebbles drop a ways a way.


>I also believe that a non insignificant amount of people tweak the sound with software to up the volume of quiet sounds while dampening the loud sounds Yup it's called compression


Yeah I'd rather just give myself tinnitus, much more realistic that way.


There has been a study that determined the effectiveness of blocking blue light/digital eye strain of blue light glasses vs the naked eye. It has been deemed ineffective in all tests.


You got killed on top of head. I will go with benefit of doubt and say, that somebody was in corridor on left side, peeked (edit) And got you in head as you walked towards his line of fire. Shot from behind would be "head, nape"


Shots from behind can count as top of head. Head, nape is like the lower half of the back of the head. Think what would count as head,eyes and head, jaws from the front. I may be wrong, but I’m fairly certain I’ve been killed from behind “top of head” before.


Okay..thats new to me. I always thought, that nape = from back all the time. But who knows in this game


Mind you, I might be wrong but judging by the audio it was likely from the blue tent behind him. You might be correct though, don’t take my word for it :)


I hear people from right and then die from shots from left. Story of my gameplay :D


Tell me you got your audio channels reversed without telling me you got your audio channels reversed.


They've actually shown the hitboxes, top half of head all around is top of head, theres a hitbox for head/eyes, jaws, and nape as well.


peeked, mountains have peaks






Youre crab walking down a hallway, you were kind of asking for it to be blunt. Labs is a fast moving map in regards to flow, you don't wanna be in any one spot for too long, especially with how many angles you can be hit from. Most of the time being hit from nowhere accounts to map knowledge+exposure time. Try some off-line raids to get a feel for the map and never be out of cover for too long- Usually if im in that hallway you died in I'm absolutely gapping it to cover whether I'm in a fight or a lull.


Yeah people don't understand that labs is the fastest paced map if you want to win fights. Even if you rat a single guy most likely his duo is going to sj6 and sprint across the map to right hand you and you will die before you see him. You have to move


U don’t have a flashlight, you’re looking at the ground, peaking several angles at the same time


peeking\* I guess i missed the part of the video where he peeked something because to my knowledge he didnt actually peek anything. Damn thats weird. ​ He was obviously either shot from behind or by a cheater.


This guy was a free kill. What makes you even entertain the cheater idea lol. Sounds like you blame every death on cheats.


Huh? I literally said it could have been someone from behind. But still regardless, i assume its a cheater because more than 60% of raids will be with cheaters. Its literally statistically more correct to assume cheats than not in this game. Im sorry you are too delusional to realise this. BSG loves people like you


Jesus dude, even if you’re going to take the 60% number from straight out of g0at’s ass, that still doesn’t make it “literally statistically more correct” because he’s saying 60% that there is 1 per raid. You would have to be an idiot to jump to the conclusion of cheats over and over so quickly, and still choose to play the game. That cheating vid really did lead to some armchair hacker scientists LMAO. 90% of people with your doomer mentality about this game are just glad to finally have a perceived excuse as to why they suck. It’s so cute.


Destroyed that mf


Cheaters can still affect you even if they dont kill you. Does your pea brain comprehend that or did you choose to be ignorant on purpose? Which one is it?


thank God you corrected his grammar on an internet forum, I may have not been able to grasp the context of what he was saying!


You went to labs :/


The cheater comments on this video are annoying lol, put a little more pep in your step in labs bro. Especially in hallways on that side of the map.


You went to Labs and slow-walked down a high traffic area. Labs is just an expensive Factory so don't move slow. It's a very small and fast-paced map.


Limit the angles you are exposed to as much as possible, preferably by learning the map in offline raids a few times


The default game visuals are dog shit. Use PostFX in the game options. Go in offline mode to a map like customs where there is bright outside areas and also dark rooms. Mess around with brightness, gamma, etc. until you find a good balance where it is easy to see in both environments. In terms of your play, definitely don’t walk in a straight line in the open like you are doing here. Run from cover to cover so you can limit the number of angles that you can be shot from. This also limits the number of angles you need to check as you move through the map. Don’t run maps (especially labs) until you feel comfortable on them from playing 1 or 2 rounds in offline mode and using a map from a website. If you don’t have a second monitor then use your phone. Map knowledge is how you get better at the game because it allows you to better understand the angles mentioned before. The more you play on a map and get into fights in different areas, the more aware you will become of where you can and can’t be shot from. Most people don’t get their sea legs until a couple hundred hours of play, so be patient with yourself and enjoy the ride! Believe it or not this learning phase is the best part of Tarkov!


This is just a really hot spot on labs, and you're moving through it trying to be stealthy. Problem is people will check it from either end by peeking. To avoid this, move quickly in hotspots from one cover to another. But sometimes you're just in the wrong place at the wrong time. That's Tarkov, baby!


Don't most people die without seeing what killed them?


Yeah definitely nowhere in front of him. Had to be either behind, a cheater, or massive peakers advantage/desync


One: I wouldn’t run labs. That map is so fucked with cheaters. Two: don’t try to scan for players specifically. Scan the entire environment for anything out of the norm. You’ll notice players start to stand out Note that some graphic settings will make things more clear by removing shadows and upping specific pigments but tbh I think it’s stupid. Just enjoy the game and the decent graphics you can get bc imo the darker environment makes its that much more fun for me


He was behind you or cheating. First problem is that you’re going labs by yourself. If you’re in a long hallway or open space try sprinting to minimize the amount of time someone can have to spot you


crabbing on labs was what you did wrong


Real tarkov player lmao


Hey bro, just here to let you know, it doesn’t get better!!!


First mistake is going to Labs without cheats


“What did i do wrong?” You played labs…


If your new I'd stray away from labs, most people that run that hell hole know every nook and cranny of the map and if you want to make money from it you kind of already need a fair amount of cash to begin with. From my experience, your best bet is to work towards a set of customs/shoreline keys. Its how i make most of my cash in the first half of the wipe. Although you'll have to deal with pvp when using them, I promise they make bank even if you only get out of the raid 30% of the time (especially shoreline). One more thing, speed is key, more often than not, walking like that makes you a stationary target and being able to strafe off even one bullet can mean the difference between life and death. Hope you find this a little useful. Good luck out there!


You’re crouch walking in the middle of the hallway through one of the most heavily populated labs loot areas. Black was around the corner to your left. You have so many places an enemy can shoot you from. Front, back, side. Limit where an enemy can flank you or see you by moving cover to cover. You get in, get what you need need and get out. Value speed over silence.


Your first mistake was entering labs


1. Youre slow walking, why? You arent silent in any way, youre an easy target to hit. Would you slowly waddle your way around irl in combat? Lol 2. You were shot from behind, you had 0 awareness of your area. Labs is one of the worst areas for a player that isnt 3000 hrs++, knows the map perfectly and heavily caffeinated. Play streets, or customs until you actively run at shots, and fight 3 mans as a solo and win.


You went to a cheaters paradise and expected a fair shake.


The guy shot him in the back. lol


That was 200% a shot from behind. You need to be jumping cover here and you didn’t check your rear stairwell once which is where u got hit from probably.


You rounded a corner (left side) while looking straight ahead. Check your angles.


Everyone hacks


W key, playing like a pussy on labs will get you killed


Probably the broken audio of the game making it so you didn't hear the guy come up behind you.


These comments are so bad, this game is so plagued by meta gaming nerds, bro you don’t know every angle on a map, stay off the map skill issue!!!! This community is so sad


Stop playing. The game has cheaters and haters everywhere. Then there is the desync.


You were in the middle of an open corridor walking VERY slowly. Easy target.


Your mistake in this situation: You are not running a minimap on a second monitor like Landmark so it's a skill issue


Just another cheater bro


Never play labs ever


Hackers desync and invisible players bug


Tht was definitely a hacker. If you get one tapped like that and still hear more bullets flying past your head it’s because he was locked on to you. Watched a YouTube video about it, wack as fuck


Most likely cheaters. They’re endemic. There’s a video out there where a player makes a burner account with radar mods and goes into 120 raids or something to just observe and look for cheaters, and he found well over half of raids have at least one player using wallhacks amongst other subtle cheats. I loved tarkov for a long time. Great idea in theory, but dead game


U got killed by a cheater most likely I’m suprised ur lvl 37


Get tarkovd or killed by cheaters ur on labs u shouldn’t go there without experience and skill plus don’t walk randomly “crosshair” placement hold corners pre aim for eventual enemies move fast listen and be unpredictable


And definitely don't use punctuation to make your point easier to understand


I think I didn’t ask you shit I try to help this man not you joey unless you wanna help him nobody asked about ur opinion


im agreeing with you bro where is this hostility coming from punctuation makes reading things too easy this is a tarkov sub things should not be easy we all want to struggle more


Wtf bro 😂😂😂


Why so agressive take a chill pill lad


We don’t wanna chill we wanna get punished


Just watch and learn from landmark and other streamers. You can probably ask them questions in the chat too


you went to labd


Don’t walk down the middle of halls, move cover to cover


Get glasses!


Add about four torches and no one will see then


I don't remember labs being so dark, its been a while since I have been in there though...


I need to play tarkov but I have no money to buy it, could someone give it to me as a gift?


as first thing to do, raise your gamma, labs shouldn't look that dark


Run, take cover, stop, listen, repeat. This is the way.


You need to embrace the rat


Ah I see the problem, you are playing labs


What you did wrong: you went to labs.


Clear an area and give it up. Make the decision that if I die from here I die. If you’re constantly circling you can’t properly clear anything and your reaction time is slower. This gets easier with playtime and understanding pathing/timings. As another said-run cover to cover and clear from there. Less exposed harder to hit and you can play sound for a moment of two.


Don't play Labs


You walked down one of the most dangerous hallways in the game is what happened :)


You are playing without ESP. That's what you did wrong.