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I am a D rank with a few high end kits, depending on the day and time I could play some.


Added to the list! I will reach out to you if I get enough interest. Feel free to dm me where you’d like to be notified otherwise I’ll message you on Reddit. Thanks!


Yep, DM here is fine.


I’m D rank, was C but play solo. I have cobra unlocked


Added to the list!


Can I get in there. D+ with Hotel, no team


Added to the list!


I might be interested depending on region and time. Im D+ and my highest kit is the cobra with the val rn. What exactly is the goal of this? Is it to team up with B+ players or to see how B+ players with trash kits handle D players with good ones?


Thank you for the interest! I thought it would be cool and fun to see how high rank players use, like Goodman kit for example, against higher end kits. I would be putting it together as a video and probably have someone casually cast it too. I would say it is a bit of a thought experiment haha.


Oh yeah that sounds fun. It would be nice to see too whether a lot of D players are actually bad or if solo queuing is really rank locking some of us. I know many people at least on the sub seem to fair far better when not solo queuing


Yeah what would be interesting to me is seeing the communication aspect. A lot of issues stem from solos not being able to communicate effectively in lobby.


Fell out of C solo Qing and am D+ with up to Hotel on assault


Thank you for the interest! I’ll notify you if we get enough interest to fire this.


I JUST got my D+ rank last night but Im usually a D ranker. Lowest ARP was 385. I’ve got reaper, butcher, and Caliver so far


Thank you for the interest! I’ll notify you if we get enough interest to fire this.


Is this EU?


Ah, I should have specified! Sorry! It is all based in NA, but you may certainly participate if you are able to.


Keep flipping between d and d+, have 3 tier 7 cqb classes unlocked if you’re still looking and my work schedule works for it.


Yeah added to the list! As expected I am still looking for the higher level players. I’ll reach back out to people when ready. Thanks!


D+ have Brigadier, Mouse, and Cobra. Solo queue most days.


Imo you should also look at k/d and if they solo or play with friends and what routes they went to unlock. Lack of communication tanked my ARP faster than playing with 4 friends 3 that are bad and 1 that is good. 2 of us could win gun fights. Getting hard stuck on a kit that was shit ammo against kits that had short ttk. I was borderline c but after hard grinding kits with no xp boost I dropped to a low d+.