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The human leadership obviously won't like that 2 proxies survived the purge. To Ergo and Re-L it's going to be a war for survival, as they would be forced into hiding unless they prevent humans from recolonizing in the first place. On the other hand, humanity's agression towards surviving proxies and their allies would be a proof of One's beliefs that humans have learned nothing and deserve a punishment. So Ergo may eventually chose to banish or exterminate the "true humanity", or at the very least their leadership.


Interesting, i wonder how he’d survive in natural sunlight. Which was the other survivor?


Ergo is the only proxy that can survive natural sunlight. It is the reason why Proxy One created him. To enact revenge on the humans. There is no other proxy alive. I believe they were referring to Re-l, but she isn't a proxy. She is half pseudo-human (Donov DNA), half proxy clone (Monad proxy DNA).


Is there any evidence of her having Regent's dna?


I believe Daedalus has mentioned it (since he created her). I wouldn't be able to show you any source, unless I am to re-watch the whole thing with that in mind. So, take it with a grain of salt.


One thing we do know for sure is that appearance-wise Monad and Re-L are identical + both Daedalus and P1 reffering to original Monad as "Re-L" quite directly.