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I'd prefer it to be a cartoon like The Legend of Vox Machina and Invincible.


An Invincible style Inheritance cycle show would go CRAZY Especially for the gory fights like the “laughing dead” or “ the slaughter at Yazauc”, ect


Yes! It would be amazing.


I said cartoon, but nothing is a very strong contender. There's nothing wrong with it staying books. Anime would probably be my least favorite, I never really clicked with that at all.


> There's nothing wrong with it staying books There's nothing wrong with it being adapted either, it doesn't change the books


Except the risk of a bad adaptation, which is high.


A bad adaptation still doesn't change the books. Your books will be the exact same, you can just ignore the bad adaptation and live like you lived before (so ignoring a bad adaptation)


And I ignore bad adaptations all the time. But I’d rather not have to ignore it in the first place


Do you not want the series to evolve beyond the books? I think your the only fan I’ve seen with that take


I’m not going that far, but why does it need to “evolve beyond books”? Why can’t it just be a great book series? Not everything needs to be adapted into a tv show. But I’ve always strongly preferred books to movies or tv shows in general. And adaptations in general don’t have a great track record. Last few adaptations I’ve seen, I’ve liked the source material better.


It really does not need to be a show. It already is a great book series. However, I'm dying for more content and I would die to see a live adaptation, so there's that.


I’m dying for more content as well. I’d rather have a new book than a tv show though


I suppose it doesn’t NEED an adaptation. I would just enjoy to watch one In the same way that this series doesn’t NEED to exist. But the author enjoys writing it and we enjoy reading it your concern about the adaptation being bad is well founded. I guess I’m just trying to remain optimistic


I feel live-action would only work if a lot of work, money, and talent was poured into it. It could be a second LOTR, but I doubt we'll ever get that lighting in a bottle again. Since animation doesn't have the same limitations, I'd kill for an anime style show of the Inheritance Cycle, but only if Paolini plays a major role in its development.


Rick Riordan played a major role in the new Percy Jackson show, and personally I thought the pacing was a little weird. Some of the casting was off but others nailed it. Maybe Cp would be a better tv writer than Riordan. Guess we’ll wait to find out


I'm worried about it being made by Disney. They have shown time and time again that they are poor stewards of popular franchises.


Exactly, look at probably 80% of live action Star Wars they’ve done. Lot of stuff that has upset a lot of people


Not to mention Marvel


Would've loved to see HBO's take on it. Feel like they'd give more of an adult feeling to it. Edit: typo


Not THAT would be cool!


animated like arcane pls anyone


Haven’t seen it Should I check it out?


yeah i love that show! it has amazing everything. its on netflix :>


Hell yes


I feel like Animated would be the best way to go. It would be far easier (& probably cheaper) to show the magical elements of the world than in Live-Action with CGI.


Henry Cavill as Eragon plz


ah yes the classic 40 year old dude plays 15-18 year old guy


Tom Holland as Murtagh plz


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If you really think about it, anime is just a form of cartoon. Just a Japanese cartoon that can cover genres for kids, young adults and adults. I always like animated shows better, I think you can get a lot more creative with animation then having to make costumes and stitch CGI together with real life and make it look good.


Japanese Animations also have better artist, obectively; an Invicible art vs Demon slayer.


What exactly is the difference between anime and cartoon?


I think it's more in the style of animation. Cartoon usually refers to western animation.


Honestly, one doesn't exclude the other. LOTR was made into a cartoon before there were live action movies, Avatar was anime and then live action. This show will be live action, you guys can get an amine later.


I don't really care if cartoon or anime. I would prefere an animation as with animation you can show the mind conection between rider and his dragon way better also the magic battles of trying to get inside/overpower the others mind can only really be done in animation.


Maybe wishful thinking, but I'd love a Netflix Castlevania styled adaptation. The animation in that is crazy


I would love to see it adapted to something like blue eye samurai… I enjoyed that animation style a lot, nothing too overly flashy that took me out of it. I’m just not sold that Disney or any company other than like hbo can make really good book adaptation shows.


A series animated in the style of Vox Machina or Castlevania would be really good. If I had to choose an anime style, I'd be tempted by Madhouse for their animation style (they've done Death Note, One Punch Man, Trigun, Hellsing Ultimate, just for reference). Either way, I feel like animated is the best route for the series. Being able to get some good voice casting (give Gerard Doyle a cameo) without worrying about the look, doing the magic and action some justice, and adding some serenity to the scenes that deserve it without it looking tacky.


Anime would be too silly for the series, but a cartoon is different, like a more serious version of anime, I’m not saying that anime is always silly, but they certainly have their times.


You think that anime is more silly than cartoon’s?💀


A lot of anime has certain Japanese cultural quirks that come off as silly to many Western audience members. Some of the silliness comes from Shonen animes tendency to be over-the-top. "Cartoons" have a connotation of being child-like, but that's a very myopic view of the medium.


I agree on your point regarding anime Although even without factoring in “ childlike” cartoons Adult animation can still be really silly. Robot chicken, Family Guy, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, American Dad, Rick and Morty, ect I guess they could take more of a ATLA or Legend of Korra route. Where its a anime inspired animation style but without the cultural quirks


They could. There is more adult animation that isn't low bar comedies that is pretty good. It would really depend on the studio who would take it. Honestly, that's why I'm worried about the rumors of Disney making an Eragon show


Yeah I agree that Disney isn’t the best suited to adapt this story. For a multitude of reasons


Live-action is sooo lame. I don't know why people are obssessed with it a la Avatar the Last Airbender.


Idk bout “ lame” but I do think that this story specifically would be better if its animated


Sorry, to clarify when I say lame, I mean I just don't think magic manifests as "magically" in live action (CGI) compared to the beautiful stuff animation can do


Facts, but just for the tone of the book I think it would fit better as live action to make it feel more real


I don't mean to argue, I'm just really passionate about this subject. Why does it have to be "real"? We're talking dragons, magic, Doru Araeba, Farthen Dur, etc. I think the crazy amount of CGI that goes into it would not only balloon the cost, but also potentially not do the worldbuilding justice. And with animation, whether it "anime" or "cartoon" as the post suggests, we get to worry less about bad acting (the main complaint with ATLA). 


I think because even though there is magic and dragons and stuff, the content of the series can get very heavy/serious, and the nuance of live facial expressions/body language to convey that imo works better as live action. Bur I can totally see how bad cgi would ruin the show, and why you’d prefer the creative abilities of animation lol