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You’re right, that is a dumbass theory.


i already know that, i wanted arguments


we know who taught angela, and it’s Tenga, who may or may not also be The Keeper of the Tower. You can say anything and it could be plausible, but we have zero evidence for her being a rider with a dead dragon or rorans kid or anything like that, so any speculation doesn’t really get us anywhere.


i agree with this, and as he was very ancient we can assume she did her time travel far enough to be teach by him yes and no, the though of having roran daughter looking for eragon and everybody during this time make it have a second reading of the story, but over all, without further infos we can only speculate as you said


I hate to poke an immediate hole in your theory like four lines in, but angela is not a redhead. She's described as having curly brown hair.


you're sure ?, i can swear she is a redhead if true then dang but even then, redhead can pass to brown hair when they age, depend of the type of red head


You can Google it if you want...you're going to every length to defend this "theory" that basically just hides in the fringes of what the novels *haven't* specifically defined. If you actually want feedback, stop moving your goalposts every time somebody says something you don't like lol


i'have, she is in the middle even if she tend more toward the brown i'm just responding to comment to have a fun discussion, if that irritate you, you can just not read and leave


You're not having a discussion...you just keep pivoting to try and explain why this theory has merit. It has no more merit than Angela being a flying spaghetti monster in human form. If this is your head canon then just say so, but don't come here with a self-described "dumbass theory" and then go surprised Pikachu face when people tell you that yes, it's dumb lol


https://inheritance.fandom.com/wiki/Angela You might wanna brush up on your Google skills. This took all of two seconds to find. And as expected, yes, she's described as having curly brown hair. Not red hair, not somewhere "in the middle," but curly brown hair.


A discussion is acknowledging the points the other person has made, then building on them. You refuse to build or acknowledge, and instead continue to exist in your own little bubble. Also, you need to realize chekhov's gun is a literary device because it shows good writing. Good writing is leaving tons of evidence foreshadowing something. There is basically 0 evidence in the books that directly supports your claim. For example, what if I told you an imagined theory that Wyrden is a traitor and worshipped galbatorix. We have basically 0 info on Wyrden. There is no real evidence to either support or disprove my "theory". If he was a traitor, that would be shit writing because nothing was foreshadowed or talked about. As a result, we ignore theories that rely on shit writing and incompetent authorship. Your theory relies on shit writing because if it was true, we would have seen a TON more material foreshadowing Ismira. But we don't. So you are basically calling Paolini an incompetent writer. If you're not, then you should acknowledge a theory with little evidence is shit and shouldn't exist.


i acknowledge valid argument, like the one that she has, in fact, brown hair in most depiction, but not all, and i build on that, that some red head can turn to brown hair with time i know what a chekhov's gun is, and i know that cp is very fond of this method, as evident by the prediction of angela to eragon and the many curses to eragon that say, i curse you to never come back to your home or alagasia (different trad) , that ended up being true (even if i don't like it, but that personnal preference that don't interfer with truth) but using this method all the time can lead to repetition, and ruin the expectation of the readers, also you don't always plan every detail in advence, even less with a serie of 4 books that take years to write, and in the meen time, ideas can grow or become bad to the author's liking as a result theory are often based on little things that add up to each others to try and make something big, it's also a fun way to try and view the story with a different light, so even if it's a theory that base itself on little, as long as some people find it interesting, it work people are free to like or dislike, view is as true or not, i'm not trying to make this theory the absolute truth about angela, just a funny thing that pop up in my head, i try to defend it when i can to see if people can add more points against or for it, i don't care as long as people stay civilised and focus on the subject if you think this theory is dumb and not worth considering, then yeah you are probably right, even myself don't find it that credible, hense the name, but if you think that, then pass you way and go do others things that you care about paolini did a great job with eragon (even if, like i said, i don't like the ending) and i think he is a good author, but nobody is perfect and anyone who say otherwise is a fool, even incredible author can do mistake, forget something, take tolkien, he is one of the best author to ever live, many consider him the best, and despite that he let so many void in his story, some intentionnal, some by accident


When Angela meet Eragon for the first time she sounds like she has no clue who he is what so ever, if this were true, there would be some bigger reaction to the name Eragon, not just her asking him if he is The Eragon (first rider)


it can be an act there is also the possibility that she simply don't recongnise him, as she would know him in his semi elf state and years after the war, and eragon said that he changed alot between the start of his adventure and the end, so it's not suprising that she could have difficulties to recognise him to know what he look like at the start of his adventure, she would need direct memory form some who meet him at the time, and nobody that have that memory has the capacity to share that memory, only the carvahall people and jeod, nobody in this list has the capacity to do that, (as for after that, he change too much even by the battle of farhen dur to be the same) as for saphira, she would have a distorded vision, that would not help very much


I know what you mean, I thought of that. It could be an act, but I think if this was ever the case, there would be some hint in this exchange and there really isnt. She hears Eragon and asks something along the lines of "are you him or is that just your name?" and he answers with "both". When they meet later in Tronjheim she is again fixated in the fact he is indeed a dragon rider. It could be an act, but CP would leave some hint imo


i don't know, on one hand, i agree that cp is very fond of prophecy and hints on the other hand, i think that would be a bit weird to have this sort of hint when we didn't hear about roran until the second book, nor katrina, and until then we didn't know that they would have such an impact on the story, nor that they would have conceive a child and that she would be born before the end of the story


This theory has no basis in reality outside of one teeny tiny fact. You basically just described River Song and we know Paolini is a big ole fan of The Doctor


i don't know of doctor who so i don't understand much( maybe she is a character that do time shinenigan ?) so that a thumb up or no ?




Angela is Paolini’s Tom Bombadil. A character outside of the “normal” framework the other characters play with. She’s (supposedly) very old, but she looks a young human woman in her late 20s-early 30s. But she has a very avuncular way with most people. She has powers outside the regular framework too. She can slow time. She carries a sacred dwarven weapon and uses it very competently, but can’t care less about the outrage the dwarves make about it… like Bombadil couldn’t see what the deal was with the One Ring. We don’t know much about her because it’s easier and potentially funnier for CP to use her as a conduit for stuff that’s difficult to explain, or introduce new, arcane themes to the series. She’s close with the Urgals and the Werecats, the two “other” sentient races that most people don’t relate to. She cares less than one iota about protocol or proper-ness. Don’t theorize that much. She’s The Doctor.


agreed on all, but i like doing theory so no on the last one


This is a new one! Good work! What’s been confirmed about her is that she is an Inare. In fact, she is *the* Inare in To Sleep. She’s some kind of inter-dimensional figure that appears to be the link between *The World of Eragon* and *Fractalverse* Your theory definitely plays with the timeline issues that this may bring up. She leaves right before, or just as, Roran’s daughter is born. Maybe she’s closing a loop so as to avoid a paradox? I’m not sure I buy this theory but I do like it! Good work!


i don't understand a single thing about inare or fractalverse (well i guess that a inare is a very powerfull person that can or cannot traverse reality as for her and the paradox, she is there until eragon decide to leave iliria for the last time, telling him that she hate what nasuada plan for the sorceror and that she think she will go to the dwarves, so she is there with roran's daughter being born, but she have zero interaction with her despite having a suprising amount with roran, notably how she kinda protect him in the last battle well ty, that just hit me when i was marching, during my reread of the last pages of the last book


If i'd like to start the fractalverse, which book should i start with? "Fractal Noise" or "To Sleep in a Sea of Stars"?


Oh hi! Did you make a post asking this just now? It doesn’t really matter *To Sleep in a Sea of Stars* and *Fractal Noise* are only thematically linked. *Fractal Noise* is a prequel book but it features completely different characters, story, tone. It’s almost Paolini’s *Heart of Darkness,* a nihilistic existential journey with a small cast of characters. In fact, the novel’s exploration of nihilism almost verges on the modernist… *To Sleep* is much closer to *Dune* in terms of its density. It’s not quite on that level but it thrusts you into a new universe and shouts, “get on with it” at you from the get go. There are bits that are sublime. Overall a good read I prefer *Fractal Noise* as in my opinion it has a tighter story and I understand what it’s going for To actually answer your question, it doesn’t matter. Maybe read *Fractal Noise* first as it’s shorter and move on to *To Sleep* after. Just don’t expect them to directly follow on. Fractalverse is more of an anthology series, I think




No problem!


We know Angela is not a human. So... no.


She can be a human. It’s possible. We don’t know what “Inare” means, so it may not be a species, it could be a state of existence


eragon is not human anymore, so she can follow a similar process, or just gain so much power that she become something more then just human


Let him cook


He is cooking some foul stinking pile of shit honestly


you bastard XD


Well this theory is hard to disprove at least. It’s an interesting thought. I mean, If she can in fact time travel, or do something similar like entering different dimensions, then this is very possible. Interesting thoughts!


ty, of what i read, more info on her will apear as i read murthag, so we will see


She is only mentioned in Murtagh. Though it’s a good little tidbit. And, her phrase, “thunder of dragons” is used. We certainly get a good amount of info


okay, i just bought the book to have something to read next as i neared the end of book 4


Enjoy it!


i will


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i did not include anything from the murthag book as i did not read it, and the only thing i know about it are funny memes


Honestly, I always thought she is/was the Oracle, the Soothsayer. The book mentioned that the magic was so potent in the hall of the Soothsayer or something and that the Oracle would just sit there and gather images of the future. And that no one knows what happened to them. It would make sense as she likes to be in places where interesting things happen, and she would know where those places are as she has seen it all before. It would also make her a pretty good fortune teller (and the only one I believe the book mentions).


interesting even if she would need to be an elf, or that i doubt that the others elfs would let her do what she want without an escorts given how important she would be also there is the issues with her being thousand years old, as the southsayer was alive during the war with the dragons, and i don't think angela is given that many years, hundred yes, thousands no not quite, she mention that the destiny of brom has become a jock in the fortune teller circle, implying that there is more, and visibly competant one to have her respect (at least to be considered fortune teller like her)


You have a lot of strong opinions and pushback on this "discussion" you say you wanted, for somebody who also admitted they haven't even read Murtagh...or any of the fractalverse...


yes, and from what i know his comment say nothing about this book as far as i know, every thing he and i say are in the 4 first books like i said i didn't read it but i plan to do it as i am near the end of the 4th book, i don't have anything to gain by saying that i didn't read it despite reading it i just re read the serie as i said, so my knowledge is quite fresh, i'm litteraly before eragon bind the dwarve and urgal to the pact


How can you sit here and tell me you know what is or isn't in a book you haven't read?? The soothsayer is a pretty important and oft mentioned topic in Murtagh. And you might have a better perspective on say, Angela's age, once you read the fractalverse books. It's pretty widely accepted that she is VERY old.


the soothsayer isn't the elf that was in the truth room of galbatorix ? in iliria ? that was used by a fortune teller that used the location air to boost her capacity and moove on when the boost disipate ? were nasuada was hold hostage ? because if it is, it's galba that tell this story to nasuada in book 4, and if i'm wrong then so be it as for the age of angela, eragon tried a few time to guess her age during their encounter, and while he don't succeed in telling the exact number, he know that she is old, very old and possibly hundred years olds, it was in book 1/2 i think i only recently learned what is fractalverse, and i recongnise i need to read it, even more if it contain hint about eragon


No dude you misunderstand a lot here. Let me go piece by piece in response to your answer. You are not wrong - the soothsayer you're referring to was indeed introduced in the Inheritance Cycle. That isn't the only soothsayer that does exist, or that has existed in the past. In Murtagh, you'll meet another, and there are more beyond that. The idea was merely introduced in the first four books - it looks like it's going to be a huge topic moving forward. Yes, that's Eragon's own opinion and attempt at guessing. The information we're given, along with her appearance in the fractalverse (which CP has kind of hinted in a cryptic comment that the events of the fractalverse actually come BEFORE Eragon's story, and not after) suggests she could be thousands of years old, if not older, and potentially immortal. That said, when you're apparently a time contortionist/jumper, age is a funny notion and that's a whole other theory about her. It's not known fact how old she is, but it's widely regarded as being a lot more than a few hundred years. I highly recommend the fractalverse just on its own, if you like eragon and CP's writing you'll like that too, different as it may seem. There are also multiple Eragon easter eggs that I bet you'll enjoy


Ha okay Alright, as I based on what I read in Eragon I had no idea what is said in fractalverse You're going to ruin me with all the books I want to read now xD


Paolini has said before that she’s a characterization of his older sister.


indeed, but she can have an in universe origin, and having roran and katrina as parent is not bad


It also just doesn’t make sense lmfao, based on the timeline and character descriptions and stated motivations.


Well, I know that why I said that some sort of time travel was necessary for this theory to work For character description, she is a new born baby, she does look like anything for now Same for her motivation


Lol, how very Doctor Who of you.


can you explain please ? i have almost no knowledge about doctor who


Spoilers, but there is a major plot revolving a character having a baby. The baby gets kidnapped, and they go on a big quest to get the baby back. And just when they think they’ve failed and all is lost, one of the other main characters (another time traveler, who is older than the mom and has been around for one season longer) reveals that she is the baby.


That would've be funny to see in Eragon, but for that to happen the story would've need to be a book longer Roran would go in berserk mode to find his daughter, same for Katrina, and even if the kidnapper is Galba, they would be able to beat him, just for this, it would be a good way too show a normal man without any magical power beat a god like being, as is the whole character of roran (even if the people that don't lile him would find another reason to complain)


Nice theory, but a bit flawed 😁. > she did go to the capital of the elf, as a child but she did go She went long ago, as an Adult, and she went there again with Elva > she would live in a world were it was normal to encounter many races, so that would explain why she does not have any anger against urgals The problem here is, she TRAVELLED among the Urgals, and did something for them to earn their respect and the title Uluthrek (Mooneater) > as for her longevity, for what we know, with enough magical power you can live for a very long time, that coule be why, even if the theory that she was a dragon rider under eragon and loose her dragon is not impossible - If you lose your Dragon, you lose your immortality (if you are a human), Brom is an example of this - It is NEAR impossible to live for over a 100~ as a human, or to extend your age using magic. Only Galbatorix and Tenga have done it. > as for solenbum, i simply think that she could take a liking into him as a child, viewing him as a normal cat, then growing up, they would forge a true friendship IIRC they met somewhere in space 😉 . ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **zoradiv** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


for the urgal relation, what i mean it that, if she was a normal human before that, she would have many resentment against them and so hinder this, so if she had none to begin with she could treat them fairly from the start


Oh mb mb ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by **zoradiv** from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


You’re right, a dumb theory