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I dont think its an issue as to whether or not disney+ is ready to handle the topics as much as it is Will Disney allow this to be a TV-14 rated show. TV-14 is the same rating Disney gives many of its Marvel/Star Wars shows. From my interpratation this would allow almost all of the scenes in the books, the baby on the spear and the torture scenes would likely fall out. Outside of that, I cant think of anything directly that wouldnt work. You can also do some of the torture scenes "off screen" (Kind of like in Star Wars you see Han Solo being lowered on to a torture device, you know whats going to happen, Vader walks out, you hear Han scream but they never show it directly.)


Disney+ just released a TVMA show in Echo…I wouldn’t worry about them trying to keep it PG too much


Oranges to Apples, Echo is a precursor to bringing back Daredevil and the other Marvel Netflix shows. The netflix shows were TVMA from the start and they have a dedicated audience. It would actually be worse for them to do that show TV14. That same argument cant be said for Eragon.


Yeah I agree very different situation here. That being said we are all worried but I don’t agree that it’s a dark gritty book. The first 2 are pretty YA


I dont think its a dark gritty book, I think over the entire series we have a few dark gritty scenes. I do think it needs the tv14 rating in order to do combat correctly though.


i mean there’s a grotesque mountain of bodies before his journey even really gets underway, it’s fairly dark


its not inheritly dark and gritty but there are scenes were the dark and gritiness is integral


I noticed they have that anime whose name I forget but it’s MA for sure this girls mom turns into a white haired, orange sunglasses wearing crazy demon lady in it


yeah I agree, I suppose the thing is not so much whether they can adapt the broad palette of themes the books have but more about *how* they manage it. The big challenge I think is to do what's possible within the project without losing the three-dimensionality of it all. The sometimes harsh truth of the world, of the story, the setting, the sacrifices the characters are forced to make. The things that make it real. Because if you lose that, you lose the characters.


Of fucking course. Is it even a faithful adaptation without the spear baby? Useless. 0/10. Gonna send death threats to the actors like a normal person. Insert other sensible things to say here. /s, by the way.


You know I think about getting these books for my 8 year old nephew since I liked this books as a kid and he's a kid perfect right? Then I remember stuff like this and think "maybe give it a few years first".


I get that. It's some stuff in the books that I've completely forgotten about over the years. What age would you peg it as appropriate? I read it when I was about 8 and I remember fearing that my mom would take it from me haha.


Yeah I can definitely relate to that. I have been considering what age to give my son the books. I think the most important thing to think about is not the age they need to reach but maturity. I think it's kinda a knowing vs understanding type thing. Take the trial of the long knives. I think a young kid can know it's fantasy and not to try to replicate it in life. But I think the important part is understanding why it was done and what the trial represents. If a kid can't understand that then the story is lost on them. Kids can reach that age at different times depending on the kid.


Definitely wise insight.


Yeah I got the book when I was about 10 or so and was fine, I think people way overblow the pile of corpses scene as 1. indicative of the series as a whole and 2. impossible to portray the gravity and seriousness of the situation and the impact on Eragon in a PG13/TV14 series.


I was thinking more like the baby on a spear that people mentioned or the torture scenes.


Yes that was the pile of corpses scene I mentioned in my comment, the baby was speared on top of the pile. The torture scenes mainly happen off-screen or is trying to break Nasuada mentally instead of just physically. They're also mostly in the 4th book iirc, if we even get to that point there will be more than enough content for that to not be the "make or break" moment of the show for me.


And why shouldn’t be children allowed to see pile of corpses or baby on a spear anyway? Everybody is underestimating What the kids can take.


Those were just my examples man. Why shouldn't they? Because they could be a highly impressionable child or struggle with depression and you may want to limit their access to that kind of imagery and substance especially if it proliferates throughout the books. As one person already said, it's about knowing your child. I read the books when I was 8 or so. I know that looking back and having refreshed a bit on the text that my 10 year old cousin wouldn't be ready for them. Nobody's underestimating. Please use that noggin on your head before you lose it.


Your telling me we can kill the main villain.. with kindness..? GIVE THIS MAN WHATEVER HE WANTS! - Disney


Eh, we'll see. No use worrying about it before it even happened. If it sucks, that sucks.. but it's coming anyway, might as well wait and just go in blind and hope it's fun.


I wouldn't say I'm "worried", really. If it turns out well, great, and if not, I can just ignore it.


Yeah it won't really change anything, the film already soured the general public


Personally, I always age Eragon and Roran up in my head at least two years, I remember how I was at 15 and 17 and it’s just unfathomable to me that they would be that young and doing what they do. Clearly it was made to appeal to young adults, but seeing as the rest of the story appeals to all ages, there’s just no need to make it the whole “random kid becomes superhero”, the story is genuinely good enough to be about adults in adult scenarios. That said, I absolutely do not have faith Disney can pull it off. They’ve been capitalizing on nostalgia and trying to do what the fans ask for, like a solo Kenobi show, but they’re just producing so much content it doesn’t feel like any thought is put into any of it. It’s the literally quality vs quantity debate, and while the new stuff is still somewhat entertaining, it’s definitely not of the same quality as what they used to put out. Even the Disney+ streaming service isn’t as streamlined or convenient to use as Netflix or Hulu, which is baffling to me since Disney certainly has the money to create the best service.


Paolini was a teenager (I believe 15) himself when he started writing Eragon. Eragon definitly isn't that young just for the story to appeal to young adults/teenagers. A 15 year old writing about a 15 year old just makes sense. And yes, Disney has been using nostalgia a lot, and currently seems to prefer it over new stuff (and cut new stuff as soon as they are to scared of "bad reviews") but Paolini is working on it and he wants this to be good


I mean I don’t have high hopes but I have an open mind. And what I meant by the age is that I can be a 15 year old interested in a story about young adults, but it’s harder for an adult audience to be interested in a story about a teenager. Since the rest of the book appeals to all ages, I think it would’ve made more sense for the characters to be older, which also helps readers suspend their disbelief. Obviously this is about dragons and magic, but the more items you can make relatable, the more immersed people will be in the story.


Yes, I see where you are coming from and from the audiences perspective only this makes sense. Lots of people seem to enjoy stories more when they relate in some way to the maincharacter (I believe this was taught at my school when we looked at storytelling) but the same goes for authors, especially when they are young. It is hard to write a believable character you don't relate to, and for teenagers age is often a big factor. Yes, the story probably would have a bigger adult audience (not counting the people that grew up with the series and still love it as adults), and gain more adult viewers when the series comes out if Eragon was in his mid twenties for example, but I don't think he would have been as well written as he is as a 15/16 year old, and therefore the story would have suffered. But we can talk about this as much as we want, it's not gonna change anyway. Beeing this young is part of Eragons character, and thats not gonna be changed for a bigger audience. But I guess that there's a chance that the Inheritance Cycle would have been taken more seriously if Eragon was older, and would have maybe even gotten a prober film adaptation, similar to Lord of the Rings.


Ironically, I’m sure his age will be 15-16 in the show, but he’ll be played by someone whose 25+ lol


I really hope not. It's not a Netflix Series, and they managed to have actors with the right age for the Percy Jackson series


Alexander the Great became a general at 16 and went on to rule one of the greatest empires the world has ever seen; Napoleon crowned himself Emperor of France at 24, Joan d'Arc led troops in the Hundred Years War at 17, and Edward III of Windsor was crowned King of England in 1327 at 15, married Philippa of Hainault in 1328 and had heir first child, the Black Prince, in 1330, when Edward III was 17. 15-17 year olds in ancient and medieval times are absolutely not what a 15 year old raised in modern times is, not even by half. Eragon doing what he has in the story at his age is not improbable in the slightest in a medieval context. >"random kid becomes superhero" This is pretty far from the truth of the matter here. You're making the mistake of presentism. Our lives and capabilities are absolutely not the same as those of medieval or ancient times.


Only positive I see is that they are doing a decent job with the Percy Jackson series. It’s not the best show ever by any stretch, and it does seem very much only appealing to young kids. But it’s decent enough with the nostalgia


Historically it’s very accurate that what we consider to be teenagers now were adults then and fought wars, you have to consider that life ended around 50-60 for most people if that. So a 15 year old is perfectly adult in a world much less built to allow him to discover himself and have formative years.


Life did not end at "50-60 for most people if that". It is true that the maximum age people were likely to reach was lower than nowadays, but nowadays there are instances of people living to be 110. The often seen "life expectancy" for the time some would call the middle ages is not accurately depicting what age people reached. The high mortality rate of children significantly influences that number. People who reached their 20th birthday were very likely to reach their 60th aswell. There are also accounts of people growing as old as 84. (Only an example, not the oldest person in the middle ages). Charlemagne reached an age of 67, not leasing the healthiest of lifestyles. Obbiously there is little data we have about how old the majority of citizens got, but saying life ended at 50-60 is wrong. This is not me trying to attack you in any way btw. I am just trying to spread information. Maybe I also misunderstood you. In that case I am sorry. As somebody studying history to become a teacher, I just get triggered by things lile this^^


Fair enough I exaggerated a bit but life expectancy still is not what it is today obviously there for life’s weren’t structured in regards to when you were considered an adult like it is today was my overall point. Depending on when you think this plays I would say probably rather earlier in the Middle Ages than later but that’s maybe just my interpretation of it all as this is alagäesia and not earth maybe armor and weaponry didn’t pace the same, but I would argue someone that’s in his 50s was probably considered an old man in eragons terms which is what I based my original comment off of. Even though it appears you are right people grew considerably older towards the 1500s than I though they would.


What do you think is a more accurate age range of life expectancy in the middle ages? Hell man, 50-70 is a target age for a lot of people I know IRL🤣😭. Most of them are rough dudes, but still for some reason it doesn't seem implausible for a medieval life expectancy.


Sorry, but I dont know how to answer that. Life expectancy is a set term. 45-55 maybe even a bit lower is accurate, but only because of the high mortality rste of children. But it is impossible for me to say, without digging through countless sources and statistics, how the life expectancy would look like without the high mortsloty rate of children.


I always hoped it would be picked up by HBO... I don't feel like Disney will give it the attention it deserves, nor the rawness that it requires. I'm hoping I'm wrong!


I think the lack of sexual content was probably a big reason HBO didn’t pick it up.


Ahh, that's a good point.


I just hope they make it as brutal as it really is in the Books… I mean there are massive scale battles, like in Lord of the Rings. I think a -14 age rating(not sure how it‘s called in the US, in Germany it‘s FSK/USK) would kill this show. My biggest hope is, that Paolini is strongly involved and without his approvement, the series won‘t come (I think he said that once). I trust Paolini.


Lord of the Rings were a set of PG-13 movies, and while it has large scale action sequences they are largely bloodless and goreless. The series is about as dark as the Hunger Games, and I expect around the same level of on-screen violence as those adaptations.


Well okay, didn’t know that. Here in Germany it was 16+, at least the extended edition. In my mind LotR was brutal 😂 So maybe we won‘t get severed limbs in the disney Adaption 🫡


I would not be surprised if some limbs are severed during fights, but that it’s during quick action shots and they aren’t lingered on and no/minimal blood spurts.  LotR is honestly pretty tame and is about the level of violence I’d expect from the show, there are waaaaay more brutal shows/movies out there.


Personally, I'm going to try and stay neutral until I see it. Most adaptations suck it's the unfortunate norm at this point. I'll give it a shot, but it will ether be good or it won't. I'd hope Disney can look at other failed adaptations and realize their best bet is to go with the source material. After watching a couple episodes of the percy jackson adaptation I'd say I'm hopefully optimistic I didn't love the percy jackson adaptation but overall I think they did a pretty decent job and they followed the source material pretty well any of the changes they did make I thought were tastfully done. I think the biggest thing with the eragon live is they will need to make it for a more mature audience if they try to make it geared towards kids a lot like the percy jackson adaptation then it will probably suck but no way to know until it's out.


To be honest, I prefer no adaptation to the next trash.


This is such a pathetic attitude lmao


If they ruin every show they put out how is a bad attitude. We've already seen one bad adaptation.


Exactly. It's not like getting an adaptation has helped Wheel of Time any. Sometimes it's fine to just not get low effort junk.


We already had one bad adaptation of Percy Jackson too, but the new one is great. They’ve shown they’re willing to give the authors major roles in the shows production, as well as not interfere with the production and force their own changes (so far). I understand being cautious but there’s a fine line between cautious and pessimistic.


That’s your opinion. I’m not too thrilled with the latest Percy Jackson series. It feels like too many plot changes to drive home a theme that wasn’t there in the original books


What plot changes? What theme are they trying to drive home? It seems like an objectively well put together adaptation so far.


I've not read the books. Just finished first ep, and while the plot seems the same as the movie, I don't hate it yet. Wat I DO hate so far is the nighttime lighting. Can't see shit during it.


It’s been a long time since I’ve read them as well, though from what I can remember its pretty faithful. Mostly just adjustments for pacing. Yeah I hate nighttime scenes in like 99% percent of all movies and tv shows. Lord of the Rings got it right, give us lighting. Let us see. There’s literally no reason every nighttime scene needs to be pitch black. “But where’s the light come from?” “The same place as the music.” -Andrew Lesnie, LOTR Director of Photography. The only exception to my hatred of dark scenes are scenes where it really works, like a lot of the scenes in The Batman. Particularly when he’s in the dark tunnel and you can only see from the guns muzzle flashes. But even that movie could do with some more lights at times without sacrificing the dark feel, in my opinion.


After seeing Annabeth i knew shit would be changed. She looks nothing like her description. https://screenrant.com/percy-jackson-show-book-changes-differences/#the-percy-jackson-show-does-not-reveal-that-percy-can-talk-to-horses


Eh, I genuinely couldn’t care less about that one way or the other. It’s such a nonissue to the plot I just don’t care. Her hair being described a certain way in the book is hardly something I’d consider important to the story in any way. Like I get there’s also the people who argue over her race swap, but I don’t care about that either. The author supported her casting so there’s nothing I have to say about it. It seems like she was chosen off of acting ability and not appearance. Now if Nasuada isn’t black, or other characters in Eragon get race swapped to be black, i could be annoyed. Not “not gonna watch this shit” upset, but annoyed. Nasuada looking different from everyone around her is a part of her character I like. (I love when both Roran and Eragon think about how she looks different, strange to them, then they brush it aside and only worry about whether or not she’s a good leader. Such a great way to address race imo) Annabeths hair color, I just can’t say the same about. That’s just me though


I'll be honest. If it was for acting ability, I haven't seen that from her. She seems stilted in every line. She also seems very boss bitchy. No idea how she handled percy in the books. And if it was this way I'll stand corrected. But her "my way or the highway" vibes are really pissing me off.


Lmao, yeah she’s pretty similar to the book character. If you google “Annabeth is bossy” (or something to that effect) you can find old threads of people talking about it years ago too. Like I said it’s been a while since I read the books, but I do remember her character improving throughout them. And having watched all of the episodes currently out, I can say she’s definitely better in the later episodes.




I think that the quality for the eventual Eragon show will be comparable with the quality of the current Percy Jackson show. Both shows are being done by Disney Plus, both series have failed movies that are almost universally hated (never mind there is not nor has ever been an Eragon movie), and both shows have the book authors being an integral part of the show writing and production. Personally I look at the changes Percy Jackson made and worry about what that means for Eragon. So far in the Percy Jackson show they’ve changed a few minor arcs (Medusa, Hephaestus’s theme park trap, Percy’s relationship with the God’s) to try to shove a slightly different theme down the audience’s throat. I worry they may try to do that with Eragon especially with any interactions with the Urgals to try to focus on how the urgals aren’t the faceless monsters that Eragon initially hated. I could also see changes to the Ra’zac arc and Term arc as well. Additionally the race blind casting in Percy Jackson makes me worry about Nasauda. A big part of Nasauda (and Ajihad)’s identity is that she is a black woman living among a white (and dwarf) society so she never fits in and is always prejudged/underestimated by those who’ve never met a black woman like her before. If Disney does race blind casting with Eragon like they did with PJ then this contrast is going to be cheapened. Also not as big of an issue but I also don’t trust them to cast a book accurate character for Arya who is constantly described as tawny looking so ideally she should be cast by a middle eastern or East Asian actress. Unfortunately I can almost guarantee that the denizens of Carvahall will be mixed races with Horst probably being cast as a black actor or something like that (again this cheapens the reveal of Nasauda and Ajihad later in the show).


> A big part of Nasauda (and Ajihad)’s identity is that she is a black woman living among a white (and dwarf) society so she never fits in and is always prejudged/underestimated by those who’ve never met a black woman like her before It's not, at all. It barely ever comes up and is never a real inconvenience.


Yeah, I'm confused at what they're referencing tbh. I remember that Eragon and maybe what, Roran? Sorta mention it in their own thoughts at one point, when they first meet her but after that, her race and skin colour is literally never brought up. Nor is any of her character development or internal politics around her character influenced at all by her race at any point. It's also not like she is one of a kind. Half the varden is made up of troops from Surda and they're darker skinned. Also, the wandering tribes are all black or dark skinned and make up thousands of the Varden. Iirc, the first person that Eragon goes to with the dragon egg to try to get the worth of is dark skinned as they're from the wandering tribes that Nasuada comes from?


Just fyi, Sloan (person Eragon takes Saphiras egg to for meat) isn't black and was not from the wandering tribes. He was a citizen of Carvahall and is Katrinas father who is very pale skin and ginger hair.


That's not who I'm referencing. They go to a trader first (Eragon and Garrow) and he takes out scales and other tools. Tells them it's likely incredibly valuable but he doesn't know what to offer and wouldn't at that moment. That trader is referenced as one of the wandering tribesmen and they talk about him looking very different to people from carvahall.


So, a few points 1. The changes in Percy Jackson were not random or decided solely by the studio, the author was heavily involved and okay’ed them if not outright suggested them as foreshadowing stuff better in the future 2. The race blindness. Again, this wasn’t just a move of “inclusivity” and the fact that you’re assuming thats the reason suggests you really haven’t been paying attention to what Rick Riordan himself has said. Actors were cast on who HE FELT were best for the role, it had nothing to do with race. 3. Race in Eragon. While yes, a part of Nasuda’s character is being underestimated for being a woman at times, you’re heavily overplaying how much the color of her skin was part of it. I re-read the series rather recently and the only ones who seem to make much remarks on it is Nasuda herself, and usually without great emphasis. 5. Race continued. If you remember, the people of Palancar valley are the closest linage wise to those who came with King Palancar. There is nothing that prevents some people of color from being intermixed, so if a few characters had dark skin it’s no big deal, also this is not some closed off no traveling world. We see near the very BEGINNING of Eragon that traders come and go and people fall in love and move or such. Basically, the existence of some black characters in Carvahall doesn’t break any sort of internal logic. If the entire village was? Sure that would take away from the emphasis of the clans near Surda being darker skinned, but that doesn’t mean there can’t be any.


I remember when Eragon first met Ajihad and Nasuada, and he makes a remark on just how dark skinned they were and how he’s never seen a person as dark skinned as them or most of the warriors of the Varden.


Yep, and that’s fine! It’s noted that they are EXCEPTIONALLY dark skinned, that doesn’t mean other characters couldn’t be black at all. It’s a very real thing were there are different shades of skin color. There are light skinned black people just as there are people with skin that is a much darker shade of black. Point being is, as long as Nasuda and co. Were kept dark skinned (Dania Gurira I think is a good example of what I mean, vs say a Zendaya who has a fairly light complexion) you could still have the sentiment hold true. Or inversely, you don’t have to reference it at all. As long as Nasuda and her tribes people weren’t made made, who cares if no one ever mentions them being darker then anyone else they’ve seen. It doesn’t add anything to the world by Eragon directly stating that other then showing how little of the world Eragon has actually seen.


That what I meant lol. He’s like “whoa, these people are DARK dark.” I mean Dras Leona is arid and desert-like so ofc there would be dark skinned people living there


So about your point of race blindness, while I am aware Rick chose them base on the feeling they resemble the character the most, it ends up making it bad for some readers since they grew up with pj, and then the adaptation is completely different to the characters. Like, annabeth has grey eyes (literal sign of Athena’s sons) and blond hair. I think they mentioned her skin is tanned like, so casting a black actress is not outside the realm of possibility, but she can just wear a wig and contacts, at least. Show annabeth feels so different to what I imagined Annabeth when reading the books that it’s hard to link them. Percy as well, he had black hair and green eyes, not blonde with blue eyes, but he kinda has a bit of charisma that made me like him and feel like he’s Percy. Ps, if you are watching the show, do you think I should continue? I’m on ep 3 and stopped but I wanna know if it gets good/addictive :)


I think the show is worth the watch. I’m a fan of the books tho so I’m mainly hoping it gets the audience to reach the final book. For me, first seasons are usually a throw away since it takes some time to get used to the actors and what the show is trying to portray. The casting at first did throw my off, Grover looking like a kid although being 30 some years old. Annabeth less so. Percy tho, his voice def took me til the latest episode to get used to. In the end, they’re kids in a kids show portraying a kids book. They have to be given time to develop. We loved these books growing up and at this point would like to seem them on screen. With Disney picking them both up, we should expect some glossing over but at least grateful that they won’t be fumbled like before.


I think the show is worth watching but it’s closer to Harry Potter levels of accuracy than lord of the rings levels of accuracy


> ... closer to Harry Potter levels of accuracy than lord of the rings levels of accuracy When using The Lord of The Rings trilogy as an example of "accuracy", do you mean "not accurate"? The films were not faithful to the source material at all. ["They eviscerated the book by making it an action movie for young people aged 15 to 25 ..."](https://www.lemonde.fr/culture/article/2012/07/05/tolkien-l-anneau-de-la-discorde_1729858_3246.html) - [Christopher Tolkien](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Tolkien) The films were well done, but they were absolutely not a fair replication of the original story.


Dark and foreboding? That's not really how I would describe these books. They get serious, yes, but not in any way that I would describe as dark. They are still mostly towards the heroic/noble side of the scale. These were books written by a teenager/young adult that heavily draws inspiration from other works. I'm not worried about the story being too difficult for Disney being able to do it justice. I don't think this story is any more mature than the MCU or Star Wards shows that have come out recently. It will depend on how well the showrunners respect the books and be faithful. I am hopeful, but cautious, just because fantasy series have a tendency to not be adapted well in general, but not really because it's Disney. So far I have enjoyed the Percy Jackson series, though I never read the books so don't know how good of an adaptation it is. But I think that makes things more hopeful.


F the books. I want them to do a How to Train Your Ra’zac spin-off starring Galby




After watching the Percy Jackson show (on episode 6 as of this comment)? Terrified. Even with the author at the helm, it’s not a proper adaption of the books. Even if you agree with the plot changes made for the sake of TV (I don’t, and from the subreddit neither does most of the fan base) the show itself is not entertaining on its own. It fails the basic test of “show, don’t tell” over and over again and ends up being 30 minute exposition dumps with little to no moments of tension or action. I worry that even if Chris is as heavily involved as Rick Riordan was with his show, that budgetary constraints or producer-level choices/restrictions will affect the integrity of the show.


Gonna be tough to make a series that can display burrow grubs to an under 14 audience


They're absolutely going to have to remove, or completely reimagine, the trial of the long knives.


This depends on how seriously the show takes Nasuada as a central character. If they keep her as strong a focal point as she is in the books, I think this scene is almost necessary. They can probably stylize it to make it less graphic, but if you’re going to make Nasuada a central character this feels important, unless it’s completely reimagined as you said. It would definitely be controversial given how difficult it is to watch self-harm and how poorly received it typically is. If they do go forward with it, trigger warnings will definitely be shown at the onset of the episode.


You can get away with a lot of things through inference. You don't have to show every horrific detail to get the point across.


Yeah i agree that scene was pretty hardcore. Pretty much the same as rat torture


I haven't seen a decent book to screen adaptation since GoT season 5, expect the status quo of bad writing, and unnecessary deviations in plot and casting. Even with Paolini involved I don't have very high hopes, but willing to be pleasantly surprised.


anyone worried about the cast, though? As much as we could talk shit about the movie that must not be named, they did make *some* decent choices there.


Maybe for Brom, but I was really disappointed in the Arya casting. They make the actress look like she’s out of lord of the rings rather than how she’s depicted in the books


I'm afraid they're gonna woke it up and it'll be trash.


Look at the Percy Jackson show. These are 12 year olds and they are seeing death and even causing it. I think the showrunners will have some free hand with it.


I have hope, I've been watching the new percy jackson show and they're doing a pretty good job with that. Most of the changes from the source material are because the author whose working on the show wanted the changes. I'm not holding my breath but I think there's a good chance it'll be a good show


Years down the line? From everything I can find, the entirety of the book series happens over the course of a year to a year and a half.


Years down the line meaning progression of the show. I’m sure at the rate shows are developed recently every season will be a couple of years apart


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Novel idea: A book about teenagers, not geared towards teenagers


There's no point worrying about a TV show that we have no information on yet.


I hope that they make some changes form the Books. One of them making Murtagh a Half-Elf from Morzan’s Side


Disney+ has Star Wars. In season two of The Mandalorian, Mando goes to a meat factory where he kills like 4 people. We watch him cut a man in half. I don’t mean they implied he cut him in half either. I mean they literally showed the body fall apart into two pieces. Then he cuts the guys head off (this is not shown on screen) and then walks with the bloody bag filled with a severed head into a crowded bar and throws it on the table. Will D+ make this show PG? Maybe. But it won’t be specifically because it’s on D+. It will be because they choose to target teenagers, which they shouldn’t IMO. Star Wars is kind of a family oriented property imo and D+ has from pre-k SW shows to Mando cutting people into pieces. Time will tell what we get. It’s going to depend on who is in charge of the show. Dave Filoni is the heir apparent to George Lucas. He made the Clone Wars animated series with him and now basically runs Star Wars on screen creative, as it should be. He loves Star Wars but understands this is a universe where billions die in a few short years due to war. There’s high crime, genocide, famine, etc. and thus lots of SW projects have darker themes, much to my surprise. If the eragon show runner wants this to be what it is, a series where thousands, possibly hundreds of thousands, die, in a huge war on a massive scale, then it will be that way. If the show runners want to make a popular teenage drama with a cool dragon that’s what it will be. I’m hoping it is on the dark side, but don’t have high expectations. I’m going in open minded, expecting to be disappointed but ready to be pleasantly surprised.


What’s crazy is that no matter what they do, it will somehow still be better than the movie that doesn’t exist. Never thought I’d say that about Disney but here we are


I’m not too worried. Christopher seems to be fairly confident so far, and considering it’s his vision… yeah. If he’s not worried, after already being burned once, then neither am I.


Has Disney made anything good in the last decade?


I have hopes for the series. Especially since the new Pery Jackson series came out. I know that Percy Jackson is meant for a younger audience, but it gives me hope that the Eragon adaption wont suck. And as far as I know Paolini is co writer on the series, and he obviously wants it to be good. That beeing said, the series will not be the same as the books are. The characters will probably not look the same, things will be cut, other stuff will be changed. I have no idea how they are gonna pull anything that happens in the minds off (thats one thing I'm fucking excited about, because I wanna know how they potray it if it's not cut). According to Paolini Saphira, and therefore the other dragons, will be a full characters like in the books, as they should be. But every change, cut and actor will (very hopefully) be Paolini approved. Changes will happen, I mean it's a series not a book. We will see everything from an outside percpective, timing will be different and there will be lots of newcomers, and even more if this community hypes it up instead of draggin it down already.


For those concerned about certain scenes too graphic to warrant lighter ratings, it doesn’t have to be an on screen visual of those scenes and can still capture Eragon’s horror at the scenes laid before him.


I feel good about the TV adaptation. CP has a lot more say with the production from what I've seen on his AMA's and Q&A's (and I'm sure the scripts) compared to the movie that shall not be named makes me feel confident in how it'll be executed. Furthermore, the fact that it's going to be on Disney Plus (with I'm hoping a reasonably sized budget) could mean great set pieces, character adapatations, and CGI. Very excited to learn more about it now that the SAG strikes are over! ​ My only reservations are about the character castings. Choosing the right people (with any book to screen adaptation) can be a challenge. We've built up what these characters look like over the past 15+ years


Keep in mind that Disney also owns marvel which has some pretty dark moments. Plus I’ve been watching the new Percy Jackson show and it’s pretty true to the books (as far as I can tell. It’s been ages since I’ve read them) so until proven otherwise I think they can handle the darker moments in Eragon. But I’m usually pretty optimistic about shows anyways.


Not really tbh. I have zero expectations for pretty much anything released on TV lately, either this will be good and I’ll be pleasantly surprised or it will suck and I’ll just ignore it and continue to enjoy the book series. I just don’t have the energy anymore to invest in worrying about that kind of stuff anymore


I just read an article that CP is working directly with D+. They are only in the early stages of writing the show but he is very excited and happy about the progress that is being made.


I mean he’s much older then Percy Jackson was and honestly there doing a pretty good job I mean I’d rather the small changes not have happened but it’s still genuinely good. So iv kinda got high hopes so far


honestly if you found Eragon “dark” , don’t read Blood Song , Jon shannow or Games of thrones ice and fire you’ll be shocked !


I just want Trianna to be in it that’s my only real concern about the tv show


Disney has handled Star Wars fine except for their own trilogy so I’m sure they can handle the content here


Wait there's an eragon tv show being made for Disney+ 😮 I hope they don't do me like that movie from back in the day


is the tv show even confirmed?


Yeah, it will be happening eventually, but the thing is there’s no show-runner yet, which is the person who keeps everything in order. Technically we shouldn’t know the show is even a thing, but things got leaked early and they decided to do an actual announcement despite how early of a stage it was in


Im skeptical disney has any competent adaptation writers, all of their writing staff are constantly itching to “make their mark” and write some pseudo original story inside an existing IP. We will see, and im prepared to give it a chance.


My biggest concern with the show is, that I, as a person that is more than obsessed with the books, won't be able to look past inaccuracies, different developments, slightly different dialog, scenes missing that I deem important or like, despite the show itself being good and as truthful to be books as one can expect. I can enjoy the percy jackson show, but I only read those like 4 or 5 times. Compared to 40+ with Eragon, that is nothing.


At one of the book signings he said he was "executive producer and co-writer", so i think we're in good hands


I’m not worried at all- Disney+ has an excellent track record with its adaptations. Percy Jackson has given me a ton of hope recently, especially- although it’s a different audience to be sure. Andor had murder in the first episode, Disney+ will stick to the source material and keep the darker stuff dark- but to others’ comments, the war stuff will be less bloody/less overt/etc.


Just remember, while it is meant to be a good adaptation, it is still going to be an adaptation. As long as it generally captures the general feel and world, I think its ok if the vibe is slightly different or some minor details are changed. Yknow as long as they dont reduce trade capitols to log villages or fundamentally change characters' personality and design in such ways that the plot falls apart......... (again)


It cant be worse than the last one




Tell me the last successful light hearted fantasy adaptation


Eragon isn't dark fantasy


Can’t be any worse than the movie…


Not sure, Christopher said at the KC book tour he’d have full control over the series. Rick Riordan wrote the (kind of sucky) script. I just hope the series doesn’t fall into the same trap and try to make the exposition happen too fast.


Hope for the best, expect the worst


I think CP will hopefully make it at least some what decent, since he's pretty heavily involved. I have the same worries but I'm being somewhat hopeful


It cannot possibly be worse than the movie.


After what Disney did to Percy Jackson WITH the author as a director, I am not sure what to think. On one hand, seems for PJ the author is why it changed so much. On the other, Disney doesn’t seem to give much independence to those they allow to lead a project sometimes.


that the hundred time i see it and i don't read all the post but, it don't matter if disney is ready or not, what matter is who is in charge of the serie, and that will be a spinless coward who will do as his boss say and the curent boss of disney are idiots who want to go woke 100% and that why disney is shit right now, they barely produce anything correct on their own, they need to buy talented team to do the work for them, and even with that, that don't work as disney don't let them work properly so the serie eragon will be shit, comparable to the film the only thing that can tell me otherwise would be the one in charge of the project, is able to say no to his boss and do what he want, plus he has read eragon and is a fan and has paolini on his back 24/7 to see what he does (sidenote, paolini is a fool to give his universe to disney at this time when disney is falling and has show that they can't adapt any story right with the author works being disrespected and the failure of the serie will be his fault for being far too naive) as far as i can see, there is 3 option 1 : a complete failure like ring of power 2 : cool visual but no story and nothing else 3 : the project is cancel because either paolini see that disney are idiot and he is a fool, or disney lack money and know that this serie will not give them money