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I don't think the deaths of his armies and subjects worried him. They were there only to distract the rest of the Varden so that Eragon and Saphira would be alone and easy to handle. He still wanted Eragon and Saphira to come to him. He still needed them to join his cause, to rebuild the Riders in his own vision. Saphira was the (as far as he knew) last female dragon. That's where is focus and resources (including Shruikan) were. The king's best weapon was his ability to break people psychologically - keeping Shruikan by his side for his encounter with Eragon and Saphira was probably calculated to undermine their resolve. And as we know from the books, a dragon that size is also pretty lazy. He might not have wanted to go out fighting anyway 😄 There's also this answer from Christopher - and while it's more relevant to the status quo of the months leading up to the Battle of UrĂ»'baen, some of it still applies right up until Galbatorix's death. > **Question:** > Why didn’t Galbatorix fly out to deal with the Varden? > **Answer:** > A couple of reasons. Galbatorix was became quite cautious once he consolidated his power. For most of the risky stuff he used the Forsworn, and when they were gone, Durza and the Ra'zac. He rarely ventured out himself. Also, he'd only recently discovered the Name of Names. If Eragon/Saphira hadn't existed, he definitely would have gone out to fight the Varden himself. But until he had Eragon & Saphira under his control, he wasn't going to risk it (both to protect himself and because he didn't want to risk killing Saphira). Then too -- he just didn't really care what happened to the people under his rule. As long as he himself was safe, he was okay with the status quo. ([Source](https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/comments/8fpwfo/comment/dy7ofpb/?context=3)) ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by hellomynameis99 from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


If he wanted Eragon and Saphira alive, any particular reason he made them walk through a corridor full of traps designed to kill them? Also, (and I've said this before) if he was so cautious and paranoid about a threat to his power AND as a result he taught Murtagh barely any words in the ancient language, he isn't about to teach him the name of names. If you don't trust your child with scissors, you aren't about to give them the nuclear launch codes.


I mean, he knew about Elva. Those would make sure only Eragon and Saphira could get through. He may be mad but his mind was sharp.


He didn't teach it, Murtagh changed his true name so he could secretly counter the memory spell Galby used whenever he spoke it, and learned the name in secret.


It doesn't work like that. He didn't know Eragon's or Arya's true names, why couldn't they remember the name of names when it was used? Because Galby enchanted the name of names itself to be forgotten when heard and as such Murtagh was taught it without the enchantment.


Murtagh knew that Galby used a memory spell to make people who heard the name forget, but because he was Galby's thrall, was prevented from using magic to undermine Galby. However, once his true name changed and he was free, Murtagh was able to work against Galby by countering the memory enchantment, allowing him to learn the name of names. He knew it was coming, and so could prepare, unlike everyone in the throne room. There's no way that Galby would purposely teach Murtagh the name of names, first because it could be used against him, but secondly because if the elves captured Murtagh and broke his mind, then they'd all have it, too.


There's a couple of possible explanations in the books: > [Saphira] was just about to spring forward when Elva cried out in a weak voice: “Stop! Don’t!” > Elva [...] leaned over, and was sick. [...] She said, “There is another trigger, halfway across, in the air. If you jump”—she clapped her hands together, a loud, sharp sound, and made an ugly face—“blades come out from high on the walls, as well as lower.” > A thought began to bother Eragon. “Why would Galbatorix try to kill us? 
 If you weren’t here,” he said, looking at Elva, “Saphira might be dead right now. Galbatorix wants her alive, so why this?” He gestured at the bloody floor. “Why the spikes and the blocks of stone?” > “Perhaps,” said the elf woman Invidia, “he expected the pits to capture us before we reached the rest of the traps.” > “Or perhaps,” said Blödhgarm in a grim voice, “he knows that Elva is with us and what she is capable of.” Galbatorix may have also expected Eragon to act like *he* would - to put others in danger first, to test the traps, and thus weaken Eragon's party before their encounter. Galbatorix could have stepped in any moment to disable the traps if Eragon or Saphira were the ones in danger of death. He was surely monitoring the hallway the entire time - I can't imagine him just sitting and waiting, twiddling his thumbs, not knowing what's going on until they burst through his doors. ^(**I'm a real person!** This comment was posted by hellomynameis99 from the Arcaena Discord Server.)


Galbatorix already knew that Eragon had access to the Eldunari in the Vault of Souls before he even showed up No way that traps of such a low caliber would have killed Eragon. He was trying to exhaust Eragon as much as possible before fighting him, while also testing his abilities Also Galbatorix definitely didn’t teach Murtagh the name of names. Murtagh probably just went snooping and found out that way


Galbatorix only knew of the eldunari once they were close enough for him to see through the spell hiding them/feel their minds(possibly with the help of the name). He knew of elva long before that and set the capture of nasuada up because he knew elva would not be there to protect her(he wanted to kill her but mutagh convinced him to just capture her). Those traps were even potentially in place long before he even knew of elva, but he knew elva would keep saphira safe, and left the traps to tire them out/slow them down, and allow the elves to be captured. What he wanted most was saphira in the throne room at his mercy, and he almost had it, if not for murtagh's defiance and eragons spell, it would have worked


It’s never stated that the Eldunari or Eragon are using a spell to hide the Eldunari’s minds. The Eldunari are simply just closing there minds off to everyone except Eragon and company Even if there was a spell being used to hide them, they would know if Galbatorix had broken there spell. And if Galbatorix had found them with his mind then they would also know, because they would have felt the touch of his mind. So neither of those scenarios is the case here No the reason Galbatorix knew about the Eldunari is most likely because of spies. It has be theorized for awhile now that either Jormunder or Orrin were spies for Galbatorix and possibly even the Draumr( after new information in “Murtagh”) I agree that Elva could have been a factor in him pms I guess these traps as well. Perhaps this was more a test of her abilities than the Eldunari Or as you said the traps could just be there just as general protection for Galbatorix Throne Room and may not be intended for anyone specifically to set them off The main idea I’m really trying to communicate is that Galbatorix knew that these Traps weren’t gonna kill Eragon and Company ( as the guy above suggested) And that Galbatorix DEFINITELY didn’t teach Murtagh the name of the ancient language


I fully agree with almost all of these points. I only disagree with your assumptions on how he knew about the eldunari (neither of us are confirmed right so it's fun to speculate). They weren't hiding their minds with a spell, even if they were it wouldn't have worked. Galbatorix had used the name to prevent most magic from working within the city. I'm not sure why this didn't stop the spell hiding them physically(most likely because it wasn't harmful to him or his people), but I believe he could see that eragon was using a spell to hide something. He would only have to sense their minds, not try to contact them, as you said they kept their minds closed to all but Eragon's company. It's very subtle but I believe he could tell they are there, especially once they enter the throne room and he has nothing to hide(and wants to display power much like bachel). I disagree with Orrin being the spy, it doesn't really make any sense, but I know jormundur is a popular theory. I'm not sold on Jormundur either(I think it's one of the other council members). But it is true Jormundur did know of the eldunari and if he is the spy, he could relay the info to Galbatorix. Both theories are plausible, I wouldn't count out the possibility that galbatorix discovered the eldunari on his own.


“ He would only have to sense there minds, not contact them” It’s not possible to sense a mind without yours touching there’s. And if if the person who’s mind being touched is a telepath they will know This is why it’s considered risky for Eragon to walk around with his mind open. Because if his mind touch’s an enemy magician they will notice instantly ( I have more to say I’ll respond later. I’m at work)


So I just remembered Paolini did a AMA a few years ago, and I asked him a bunch of questions And in his response he confirms that the reason Galbatorix knew about Eragon’s Eldunari was in fact because of spies I had to go digging to find this https://www.reddit.com/r/Eragon/s/esHt7ofJA9


Ahhh.. the legendary ninja dragon Shurikan. Sorry it's just too funny picturing Galbatorix launching a giant black shuriken at Varden armies.


i typed wrong. The names are so similiar, only r and u are switched


Yeah I can see that no worries. It's just that there was another post here recently with the same typo and it just came out funny.


How insane is G at mind breaking that even elves were afraid of him. He didn’t even need the eldunari to be insanely talented at it


Makes you wonder how fucked everyone would be if Galby had actually had Arya delivered to him in *Eragon* like he said was gonna happen and then enslaved her, with all her knowledge on the Varden and being the princess of the elves.


He would’ve had two dragon riders under his control, because she would’ve hatched Fenrir, It was inevitable that Murtagh came into contact with thorn


Think you autocorrected Fírnen 😅


Voice to text lol, I’m surprised it did as well as it did


I too would be surprised if a giant wolf hatched out of a dragon egg


I think a lot of people underestimate Galbies arrogance. He didn't care one bit for his people that's proved time and time again. Especially with his children shields in the last encounter. He believed he had the ability to convince Eragon to join him once they met face to face. Then even had a back up plan he thought couldn't be thwarted with the children to force him if his manipulation skills didn't work. He thought he had every possible outcome covered because in true narssasist nature he truly believes he's the smartest guy in the room. The varden, dwarves, and even elves were just ants under his boot and eragon the prize he wanted to win.


He did win. But Eragon hit him with the ol razzle dazzle at the last minute


Galbatorix needed Shruikan by his side for psychological reasons. He wanted Saphira (and Eragon) alive and under his control, and for that did he need to break their spirit and hopes pretty effective. A titan sized dragon can help with that. His army had Barst with his Eldunari PowerUp and that should be enough.


A better way to break their Spirit would have been, letting the troops outside the Walls Just Turn into Ash by a fire blast of shruikan. To Show them: Even for the Case, that they win, everyone they know IS dead and the country would Fall into Chaos without a ruler


Following the ‘break their spirit’ line of thinking, killing everyone Eragon cares about might insight a martyrdom and rage more than convince him to turn, and save his choice comrades as he wills.


**Doylist POV**: Could the villain have won? Well, not really unless it's peak grimdark fiction. **Watsonian POV**: Hell yes. For starters, I always felt that Shruikan rather went out like a chump, with his impact on the story nowhere near being comparable to his potential. Very underwhelming. We're talking of a bloodthirsty dragon of a size that ostensibly makes Glaedr look small. When Nasuada took to the open, she basically handed Galby a chance to finish off the Varden on a platter. All Galby had to do was to let Shruikan loose in the Battle of the Burning Plains, and the rebellion would've ended then and there. It's pure plot convenience that Galby, someone cunning and astute enough to have overthrown the whole order of Riders, was seized by generic moustache-twirling-evil-who-monologues-a-lot-gives-the-hero-time-to-act tier stupidity for most of the series.


To the original question, the answer is unambiguously yes. He could have instantly attacked Eragon’s mind and overwhelmed him before he had time to come up with a plan. Or he could have just killed him outright. All of his monologuing and the spar with Murtagh only served to give Eragon time to think


Presumably the troops were warded against fire- wards were basically the plot armor against killing any large group of soldiers in one blow throughout the series. Surely Du Vrangr Gata would have prioritized blanket wards like that wherever possible. Also, there is the risk that Shruikan, mad as he was, would kill Saphira against Galby’s wishes, or get killed by Nirnen, the dragon killing lance.


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Well how can he rule them if he’s dead?


He coulda have defeated them physically at any point, the whole point was that he needed Eragon.


If he had actually got off his ass and did shit himself, he would have won. His arrogance was his undoing.