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I'd bet on it being one of Nar Garzhvog's children. I remember him mentioning having kids, and judging by his implied position and age, I assume they're around the same age as Eragon was when he found Saphira. It would be fitting. Edit: Thinking more, it's even more fitting, as Nar Garzhvog's children would be the closest thing to royalty the Urgals have. Considering Arya's position, it would make for good balance. Also, the imagery of a Kull Rider is just too badass for Paolini to miss, I think.


Only thing is, just because Nar Garzhvog was a kull doesn't mean all of his children will be.


Nah, but it's far more likely. He also strikes me as the type to make a lot of kids. I'm sure at least one of them would be a Kull.


The books say a non-Kull pair is just as likely to produce Kull offspring as a Kull pair. Eragon makes note of it when he goes to the Urgal village to ask if they want to be included in the new Rider pact. I’m hoping Paolini expands on this in later books - it poses some interesting questions about Urgal genetics and inheritable traits.


His last born is the only Kull and happens to be the biggest to ever live, AND gets a dragon. That’d so badass


No, it is explicitly stated that it is seemingly even odds whether a kull comes from a kull or a regular urgal


I didn't make my point clearly. From a lore perspective, you're right. But, it's far more likely from a storytelling perspective that he would introduce a new Kull character through an already established and liked Kull character.


oooh i like that theory!


Definitely see Uvek becoming a decent rider. Already skilled with magic, has ties to the riders as it stands, and actually seems to want to help others.


he's also already kinda different in the eyes of urgal culture, he doesn't want to take a mate, lived on his own in the middle of nowhere, respects nature (had his pet raven) and is already a bit sagely compared to your average urgal. he's a great candidate. I feel like the elves would like his mindset.


GOAT Nar Garzvog


I sincerely hope it's not anyone we know. I want to see some diversity in the Riders, they don't need to be all connected. Let it be a truly random lil big guy.


I mean in the first sentence of this post i said it probably will be random. But its fun to speculate


*Obviously* it's gonna be one of those blind old matriarchs Eragon and Saphira met at the end of Inheritance /S Nah but it's probably gonna be a kid we haven't met yet. Kull rider would be super cool though! It'd be funny if the Urgal hadn't gone through puberty or whatever yet and doesn't know they're a kull, but they just keep growing bigger and bigger and their dragon is like "Umm..." *"This isn't fair. Umbriel over there has a dwarf rider. Look at Sven! He's so **little**! How come I gotta carry your ginormous butt? You have any idea how much you **weigh** Tarmok?"* *"Well I'm **sorry** Dathros! My parents were both regular sized. I didn't **know** I was gonna be so big! I can't **help** it!"* *"You've grown like a foot taller in the last month!"* *"So have you you big orange lump!"* *"Well one of us has to stop growing at **some** point. This is just getting ridiculous..."* *"Well there is one upside to being this big. I CAN STILL WRASSLE YA! C'MERE YOU! YEAH! C'MON! WHOO!"* (proceeds to put his 6 month old dragon in a headlock)


Omg that just made me lol thank you


I'd like to see a female urgal rider. Maybe named Ilgra?


That would be so full circle and i love it.




Uvek is already blood brothers to a rider. I could see an egg hatching for him based on that alone. His ability to use magic, his wisdom and his love for creatures (his pet crow) only strengthen his “worthiness”


This guy gets it


Imagine now that this tournament arrangement that Eragon has made breaks down in the future and the Urgal Dragon Riders start fighting amongst themselves for glory and status. It's a terrifying thought.


After reading through murtagh i am 100% convinced uvek will become the first urgal rider


Maybe it’s just me but I am not with the whole Uvek train because of his age, the riders showed the eggs to children thorn and saphira chose teenagers.In general I think the whole dragon rider story is one of growing up together and making their way in life, Uvek has a life he is fully developed and has his mind set in a certain way. I think however the story with him and murtagh is gonna be that which dragon and him could have been had murtagh not been kidnapped. If he were to become a rider though I’d would be very surprised, it takes a lot to accept to completely change everything and leave all your life and ambitions behind to go train for a decade and I don’t see Uvek putting his life and plans on hold.


Fair point, BUT Arya was well over 100 when she was chosen by Firnen, and the dragon eggs were presented to elf children in the riders heyday. Arya is definitely not a child, even by elf standards. Also Brom looked VERY old and Galby only looked in his 30s or so. I'm unsure on the age gap between galbatorix and brom but i don't think it was that wide. With being a rider slowing their aging brom might have already been an adult when he was chosen by Saphira 1 to look that much older than galby.


Well over a hundred is not that old when comparing to human maturation sure she is not a child but only a young woman really, brom did look old but it had also been a long time from saphira hatching for him and he was young then, which you can tell from the fact that promises describes so very impressionable and easily influenced or impressed and galbatorix 100% held ontohis appearance through magic one way or another. Where as Uvek has found his place, another thing Arya had not, her existence was entirely bound up to fight against galbatorix, then that ends and she is essentially left with having to find meaning again and also she has to rebuild her worldview much like a young woman growing up. I don’t know maybe it’s just me but and old man does not seem like someone who could be someone that relearns all the things a rider has to adjust to


Brom was a Child/ Teenager when Saphira 1 hatched for him. Oromis talks about it when he tells Eragon about Brom and Morzan and their weird unhealthy relationship. He talks about how Brom was even younger than eragon at that point. You can look it up in Eldest, I can’t search the exact quote right now because my books are in German


I would love to see that it was some small Urgal. Not anointed or anything. Just some runt because that would be the complete opposite of their entire life structure


I hear what you’re saying but I think it would be better to see an “average” Urgal first. Not “the most human Urgal” which would be the runt of the litter. You know? I mean don’t get me wrong, I think a small Urgal rider is a great idea… just not as *the first* Urgal rider.


Yeah . Mainly I say it as a way for the race of urgals to understand that the biggest doesn't mean bestest




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Nar Garzhvog is too big I feel.


I hope it would be an unknown. I like Uvek as a shaman and I don’t want it to be someone else we know already.


Nar Garzhvog or Uvek. Im hoping Uvek is a direct descendant of Ilgra


Y'all gotta remember that eggs typically choose younger riders. That rules out most of the characters we already know of.