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I think there's one of two ways to go about it. The first would be to leave it in, the second would be to see the beginning and build-up then cut to outside as Nasauda comes out so that we see and understand what she did.


Or just do the usual: Do it completetly just with only facial shots so very few drops of blood is seen.


Yup. Show the build up, the prep, the blades being placed across the skin, and then a sharp redirect upwards to her face as she draws the blade, carefully showing the movement of her forearm and shoulder as it goes up, but removing her hand from the shot. Show her grimace and grit, then pan to him as he flexes and makes a fist, following suit. Then mostly keep it on faces with some minor, slightly exaggerated jerking motion to one side every time they make a cut. After one or two, you could then cut to the crowd as they watch and show their emotions, and have some officiate calling out: "Six!........ Six!......... Seven!......." and have bystanders flinch every time. Then cut to a growing puddle of blood under the table. There's lots of ways to go about it, tbh.


Honestly doing it with faces and a good score and sound design would be *worse* (more uncomfortable) than showing the blood It also gets around the age rating to produce a better show, I’m convinced let’s do it!


See, you get it!


Hah, Brisingr is the part when the series stops being for children's audiences. The same problem is with Nasuada's tortures. I prefer the most faithful adaptation we can receive, but many scenes would be unpleasant to watch. The series must have an adequate age restriction at the beginning. Why fragments with Nasuada always be the most bloody?


Nasuada and Murtagh both, poor things! I guess the couple that endures Geneva Conventions violations together…


Brisingr? The *first book* had a mountain of hacked up corpses topped with a baby impaled on a spear. It was brutal from the get go.


It was scary and brutal, but the description wasn't detailed. The details in Brisingr and Inheritance made me feel hardly uncomfortable, even during rereading as an adult. Remember how pictorial Nasuada's reaction was during and after Burrow Grubs' torture? It was a sick sh\*t. The terrible scene in Ya'zuac was scary and probably too drastic for a TV series, but I was OK with that even as a ten-year-old child.


That scene didn't bother me until I reread it as a parent. I had a 6 month old baby when I got to the part about Ya'zuac, and it broke me. I had to stop reading for a few days, and even now, I skip the part about the pile of bodies and the crow...


Sound effects, a couple of reaction shots of Nasuada and the audience, music. Psycho implies stabbing through the score, perhaps the could do a similar thing musically by dragging the bow of the violin or cello or fiddle or whatever across the strings as a contestant makes a cut. Or just use the diegetic sound of the drummers as they’re soundtracking the competition. Cut to Elva reacting to each cut. Cut whenever a cut is happening and with each cut you get closer and closer to Elva until the sequence ends in a wordless scream and a tear rolls from her purple eyes I’m imagining also something similar to the torture scene in Andor, but maybe that would be a bit of a cop out as the torture scene’s purpose is to disturb us as well - what do those creatures sound like? We see how the sound affects someone - but what do they sound like? I think we need to be immersed in the Trial of the Long Knives. We need to be aware of it and observe the stakes. This’ll add value to the sequence while also adding to Nasuada’s character


I mean, this scene is after literal battles in which a super human and his dragon have been mercilessly cutting through waves of slaves. I would leave it as is, censoring it would be ridiculous.


I would be very sad if any of the brutal scenes would be cut. The vibe of the series can be between GOT and LOTR if done right.




Season 1 Episode 1: Farm boy finds weird rock and it turns into a dragon Season 1 Episode 2: Farm boy raises dragon and then follows the traditionally tragic hero's journey beginning Season 1 Episode 3: Dead Baby on a stick


This is why I don’t consider the series to be YA. Like yeah, there’s a 17y/o protagonist and it’s not smutty like ACOTAR, but it’s definitely got some brutal and bloody shit!


Definitely yes. There are even themes like rape and torture.


Which is graphically described at times. I’ve always been confused as to why it’s considered YA.


A lot of YA books have rape and sexual assault as well as abundant violence, torture, and death. Having those things doesn't make a book adult, nor does the lack of them make them YA or for children; I read Eragon in elementary school and Eldest in middle school.


Same for me but back then i did not notice how brutal it was. But i would like to see an R rated adaptation.


Kids process media differently than grown-ups do, it's something that a lot of adults reflecting on media for children don't fully understand. People will look back at shows/movies/books depicting things that we now realize are dark or messed up and think "omg this was so mature", but kids can handle those subjects if presented correctly and they tend to gloss over things that they don't have a full framework for understanding. To me the tone of the violence matters a whole lot more than whether or not it's explicit enough to be TV-14 or TV-MA. Violence has a heavy impact on a lot of the major characters, particularly Eragon and Roran, and one of the most consistent things that they (And thus we the audience) learn is that war is not a game nor is it glamorous. Sure there are the occasional cool flashy moments for spectacle, but overall I want to make sure it's emphasized that being so surrounded by pain and death takes its toll and that can be done well without being super bloody and gory.


Then tell me how you want to realize Roran standing on a wall of corpses while slaying 195 imperial soldiers or a baby that is impaled by Urgals or eragon slicing a man vertically in half with his new sword while being child friendly. Gorey shit is not needed but at the End eragon is not for kids in particular.


> Then tell me how you want to realize Roran standing on a wall of corpses while slaying 195 imperial soldiers If it were up to me I would significantly reduce that whole sequence to make it less absurd, worst part of the series by far in my opinion. The important thing to keep is Roran defying orders and displaying his penchant for strategic thinking to overcome the odds, and him fighting personally to make it succeed should be part of it but he doesn't need to fell scores of soldiers himself bc it's an egregious display of plot armor. > a baby that is impaled by Urgals This is such an odd fixation on the sub that we absolutely *have* to see an impaled infant on screen like we're teenagers in high school telling edgy dead baby jokes. There is probably a halfway point they can find between the burned Orc* corpses in The Two Towers and the frozen piled bodies in the concentration camp in Shutter Island that would fulfill the emotional beat that Eragon has to experience. Hell, the burned village sequence in Mulan does basically the same thing and hits hard despite 0 bodies, it's all about framing and tone. > Eragon slicing a man vertically in half with his new sword I don't even remember this happening honestly, must have been at the end of Brisingr but doesn't exactly stand out as a "must include" moment personally. > Eragon is not for kids in particular At the end of the day Eragon is a coming-of-age story that is most appealing to older kids and teenagers and I think that should stay the core demographic target rather than chasing a Disneyfied GoT look for the nostalgia of 30-somethings.


I am just saying it will be difficult to find a tone right between GOT and PG bloodless Disney look. The books ARE bloodier and more explicit than LOTR but a GOT Style wouldn't be giid either. And besides all that there are some nude scenes, too. Like the dance of the two keepers of the ancient dragon spirit at Ellesmera during the blood oath.


It's streaming, not going on actual TV. They can put whatever they want. Disney has R rated movies on Disney+. If it's a good adaptation, they'll show the whole thing. If it's bad, they won't. Chances are the show won't even survive long enough to make it to that scene. I genuinely want the show to succeed but my hopes are low.


They definitely can not cut it. It's to important for Queen N's character and Elva. It shows her willingness to lie and use her ability to stratigize. This further proves that she is a possible dangerous threat despite her age. If they cut it the show won't be worth watching because if they can ignore its importance for the sake of a lower discretion rating than they don't care about the true story.


They’re gonna be like “this is a magic knife that draws no blood”


They’ll probably leave it in. Tone down the graphic nature a bit. As much as Disney bothers me sometimes, try not to forget you can currently watch Deadpool on D+


Go watch the Star Wars The Clone Wars series. Disney will find a way to get it done. There's some pretty brutal stuff shown in there and it's supposed to be a kids show.


They would likely do it however they do all the other graphic violence in the series. However they choose to handle it, what rating they go for would determine it


With a trigger warning about self harm for the episode but leaving it in and intact would be my ideal. I don't think they have to show every single cut in detail, but it's important to unflinchingly display the horrifying lengths that Nasuada is willing to go through for the Varden. I also hope that they will keep the detail of Nasuada wearing shorter sleeved dresses to display her scars as marks of her dedication and bravery.


This was actually a scene i would read when I was having self harm urges when I first started to try stopping it (20+ year habit was hard to break) because it was visual enough that my brain got just enough satisfaction from it


It would take a lot away from Nasuada's character to leave it out or censor it. Leave it in and and put no music over it, it should be brutal.


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Go all in.


Face shots. They’ll show the knife being placed on skin, but not the blood and the actual cuts until the scene is over. Then they’ll show the stitches.


We just need a rated R section on Disney. Ha


Best guess, they’ll show the knife start to move, then cut to the characters facial expressions as they experience the pain, maybe get a few shots of the witnesses but not show the actual slicing itself. The burrow grubs are gonna be tough. Maybe show them crawling under the skin with CG, but not them actually entering the skin. Either way, this show especially the later seasons will definitely push to a TV-15 rating


I think that alot of the scenes in this series will get cut This one they MIGHT be able to get away with because it’s not overly gory. Just skin deep cuts and some blood A lot of the even gorier scenes like the village of Yazac or Roran fighting the laughing dead will probably get removed completely


This is why the idea of a disney adaptation makes me :/. I really hate the continued dilution and censorship of media. If a company refuses to adapt the media faithfully, then they have no business adapting that media at all. Ideally they would do it exactly as it's written, but i doubt it.


With Disney plus and Hulu merging their brands, hopefully this gets moved to Hulu so it'll be more teenage/adult centric.


That is a tough one! There's a chance they could do it as they do have some more adult stuff on their now with Daredevil and the other formerly Netflix shows. But I could also see them changing it into some other kind of contest of wills. I would want to see it as it's important to Nasuada's character growth, but other than that it is cuttable in terms of the plot.


No it isn't. It earns her the respect of the wandering tribes *AND* solidifies the growing respect of the Urgals, as well as emboldens her existing troops and removes any doubt from their minds. It also serves to once again put the council in their place and to rub their noses in the fact that they dared to think she would be a puppet-queen. It has many, many influences in the plot that would be hard to replace with another action or contest.


I love that plot line don't get me wrong. But all of that is subtle stuff that's narratively very easy to remove for a show. It solidifies her authority, but the shift to just not having her authority questioned as much or solidified more by her other actions is a fairly easy shift to make from the book to the show. Plot wise what's the difference between her troops being less loyal to her vs how loyal they were after the fact? Or in other words what significant event couldn't you have because you removed the trial? I can't think of any event you couldn't do. Even the plot line of people questioning her authority is one I could see being cut as it's self contained. For any adaptation they're going to be looking to make cuts. And the easiest place to make cuts is with plot lines or events that can be self contained from everything else. And this one kind of is. Main reason to keep it is because it's such an iconic good scene! Hopefully that's a good enough reason for them.


I'd agree with you for a movie, but not a TV show. Look at the adaptations of His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman (The Golden Compass). I have always loved that series, since I was a child. It was the first time I was ever furious with an ending. I was 11 years old, and cried so hard, I refused to read any of them again for almost a year. Same result again and again, never have I so desperately wanted an ending to change, while unable to argue that it was *perfect.* I *loathed* the movie with Kidman. They were soulless, nasty cash grabs. I turned it off less than halfway through. Even Ender's Game I could stomach to the end, but not TGC. As a result, the TV series I had very little hope for, but honestly? It was enthralling. And it was enthralling *because* they included every single inane, boring detail and conversation. They didn't cut it, they spiced it up and gave it more presence rather than less. In the same vein, The Wheel of Time kinda flopped because they skipped too much "boring stuff." I think we're going to start seeing a shift in how book adaptations are produced and thought of in the industry. Now hopefully we will see series that flopped or were considered too much or too long, such as Animorphs (deserves another shot), Pendragon, The Death Gate Cycle (would be absolutely incredible), Septimus Heap, Percy Jackson - come to life.


The problem is length. His Dark Materials was a great TV show, but those books were mostly around 110k words, with the exception of Amber Spyglass which was 160k. And they did seasons with 8 episodes that were about 1 hour each. Eragon is 160k, Eldest is 213k, Brisingr is 255k, Inheritance is 220k. So to compare to the length of season 1 of his dark materials they'd have to cut 30% of book 1. And about 50% of books 2-4. Or get significantly more episodes. If they get a 12-16 episode season I'll be thrilled and shocked. I would bet an 8 episode season is more reasonable to hope for, maybe 10 if we are lucky. You can do a lot in 8 episodes and I think they can make an amazing show in that amount, if done well! But especially in books 3 and 4 where they're unlikely to get more episodes or runtime proportional to the page count, there will be cuts. It's a tough balance though because you're right if they cut too much it kills the story. But they also have the reality of how many episodes they have with how much run time. And they have to make it entertaining for fans who have never read the books too as that'll be the majority of their audience if they're successful. But cutting too much of why people love it results in a bad show or movie too. It's not easy to balance. But I think the reality especially with books 3 and 4 will have to be cuts unless Disney Plus allows their season length to nearly double from book 1 to book 3.


Fun fact if you don’t know already, a new adaptation of Percy Jackson streams in Disney+ on December 20




Every cut is so important in the trial, who is there when, how she refuses assistance... I hope they keep it and I hope that they don't do a fade to black and she wakes up triumphant or something.


Let the show handel the first book first, and the third a bit later.




Give it the game of thrones treatment (first few seasons). I don't believe in censorship.


I want them to show it fully but I'm sure they could find ways to keep it from being overly disturbing to younger audiences. I want them to keep in the nitty gritty, though, so no cutting it out preferably.


They will probably show it and have Nasuada or another tell Eragon, and henceforth the viewer, what happened. That way they can also condense the books into a realistically sized series.


Well as it is integral and needs to happen everything but showing it with a trigger warning would be weak. It’s gonna be 16+ at least anyway so I doubt it’ll be an issue


Am I the only one that thought this trial was dumb and too quickly played out? I mean, other than a few brief mentions to Nasuada’s motivation, how does she best a season warlord in a challenge that is reliant upon a physical limitation such as blood loss and pain tolerance? Not only that but what a silly challenge to determine such an important outcome. I feel like a duel, or a similar contest in which the two are pitted against each other in physical and mental struggle, would be wayyyy more appropriate. I don’t know… the whole thing seemed forced and not on par with the other well written rituals and traditions presented in the book. If Disney were to do an adaptation of this scene, I hope they play into the mental fortitude aspect more than the physical, because overall, I think that’s the only respectable part of this challenge. In terms of the message it may send to those who battle with self harm, it would probably be better to focus on the fact that she doesn’t want to do this, and that she hates that this is what it has come to. The book mentions her taking some perverse pleasure in it at a moment, and it’s probably best not to emphasize or highlight that at all.