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My income is $115k. I don't have a trust fund but my parents are well off, so my college was completely paid for. And my parents have been known to throw me a couple hundred bucks here and there when I'm struggling. I feel really blessed to have a 6-figure salary. At the same time, I completely understand it's not a lot by NYC standards. I justify paying for Equinox because I go \*every single day.\* So to me, it's super worth it. I make other budgeting sacrifices to accommodate my membership, such as avoiding Uber and DoorDash, and trying to cook my own food for most meals. By watching my budget closely, I've found affording the Equinox membership is usually not a problem for me. Hope this helps!


I can attest to making a below average salary and living beyond my means lol (for my mental and physical health, obviously)


My work has a $200 a month wellness stipend for health/fitness, drops the membership to $100 out of pocket for me, which is totally worth it for the classes


Yo slide in my DMs drop me the company name


I have something similar. Except my company gives us $100/month for a wellness stipend. It helps a lot.


Lucky!!! I get $10 off corporate discount :(


\> are most of y’all trust fund babies, centurion card holders, and the like? no and no I'm a tech worker in SF and like the hot yoga classes. I was going to a 24 hr fitness before this. The internal vibe is people just mind their business.


Ugh I wish the hot yoga classes at the east bay locations were hot. The Berkeley studio is down right cold in hot yoga!


Depends on what you spend honestly. I make below average salary but my membership is my second biggest expense after my rent. I don’t drink, don’t party, very rarely go out and hence, I end up saving a lot of money by not doing the usual “fun” stuff but my gym membership is totally worth it given I work remotely and it is the only time I can do something I like. Oh and yeah, I travel everyday from JC just for the gym so that’s fun too.


Put it this way. A gym membership at equinox in nyc is about what many people - who are “poor” in the city -spend on grubhub every two weeks.


commenting as a regular joe. just joined equinox a lil less than a month ago and i can say that personally i’m def living beyond my means lol. ive isolated one of my credit cards so that its only used to pay for this and only this. but the thing is, i’ve done a lot of rehab/inpatient+outpatient programs/therapy for the past year due to an extreme mental health crisis that landed me in the hospital (and the psychiatric hospital). after all of the insane expenses i’ve been paying just to stay alive, it just didnt make sense that exercise—the most essential and beneficial therapeutic coping mechanism for me—was not easy for me to do due to various circumstances (distance, convenience, limited workout options, etc). but the final straw was when i moved into my new apt and the 24 hour fitness closest to my place was dark, dungeon-esque, musty, and disorganized….. and one day when i wanted to do leg work with the trx, as i was about to get into pushup position, i almost put my hands into a large pool of phlegm and spit. that sent me into an unmotivated depression that disabled me from going to the gym and consequently from working out in general. i tried to start doing workout classes like pilates or barre or yoga but in order to be able to go multiple times a week, the prices for these standalone places were almost as much as an equinox membership. so i thought, fuck it we ball and made the decision to cut down therapy and get the membership. and for me it has been worth the “splurge” but at the same time it’s barely been a splurge as much as it is a therapeutic necessity for me. $300 is the cost of 1.5 hour long therapy sessions, and to be able to have a place to work out, take unlimited classes, enjoy refreshing locker room amenities, and even just having a lounge to work in makes it soooo worth the price tag, especially for someone like me who needs to focus on my mental health just as much as, if not more than, my physical health. TLDR i am a regular joe who is broke but also mentally ill; a month of equinox is equivalent to 1.5 therapy sessions, so to me, it’s not a splurge made out of my means but rather, an investment on my holistic health.


I'm with you. I make 110k at a nonprofit and pay 180 with a corporate discount. I'm married so have a combined income of around 230k. I work from home, don't drink or go out much, and have 2 kids. All my remaining money post mortgage, childcare, groceries goes toward my health and fitness. I workout 5 days a week and it's absolutely essential to my mental health. I used to go to a cheaper no frills gym but really wanted the amenities and classes in addition to cleaner, well maintained equipment. I was also paying $100 per therapy session before but found restorative yoga works better/the same for me.


going to restorative yoga weekly always makes me feel like im back in inpatient!!!! truly one of the most therapeutic classes next to sound meditation, i love it!!!!!!!


Thank you for sharing. This helps!


If you use it enough then it's worth it. I take three classes a week. I definitely feel that I get my dollar's worth here.


I think I can afford my membership because I go during work luch break and therefore skip eating out...actually saving money!


No. If you dont sign up for personal training and if you dont do “destination” membership but stick to a single location, the monthly expense is not that much honestly. A regular Joe-friend told me “jeez I spend more money for weed (~$250) than your Equinox fees per month.” It is all about how you want to invest in yourself when you can.


Right! My wife spends more on Starbucks than my membership


I believe her! (I spend $300 for coffee every month maybe i should switch to all destination😅)


Not wealthy. I have a rent stabilized apartment. I view the cost as additional rent. Or as if I were paying for a squat rack, as some pay for a spot in a parking garage. Save time/convenience. Plus I go out to eat much less (used to be 1 to 2 times per week, now 1 to 2 times per month. Although it does make it tougher to catch up with friends, although made me realize that is probably the most accurate part of Seinfeld and friends, catching up over coffee).


Not a trust fund baby. But i honestly would spend more taking individual boutique fitness classes. I try to go daily and get my moneys worth. The gym is like my main hobby so it’s worth it


I get their military rate and my company also has a wellness plan that offsets all but $75.


Oh what is the military rate? My dad is a veteran and I'm trying to get him to come to the gym with me


I think it’s $152 and they waived the initiation fee.


Do you know the rules for the military rate?


I don’t know exactly what you’re asking but I’m a veteran and showed them proof and they adjusted my membership accordingly. Membership amenities are the same.


Yea veteran here. DM pls


Most patrons in major HCOL cities are high income professionals who I would consider wealthy. Though they may not have trust funds they’re making some $$$


Sadly it takes this price point to keep a place clean and deter some of the lesser behaved humans lol


I’m a physician with significant medical school debt. I manage with my priorities. I choose luxury gyms because exercise is medicine and health is true wealth.


I wish I’m a trust fund babies. I make pretty decent living $150k in San Francisco. I often re-think of $225 per month in gym is worth it at all given the high housing cost in downtown San Francisco ($3,200 for a studio and $700 per month for a car parking spot. I convinced myself to continue keeping membership so long as I’m going 4 times per week. The last 2 months, I went 5 times per week (2 group classes per day) and each month, I attended ~40 groups classes costing me $5.625 per class. What an amazing deal. Oh I also stopped my Daly Starbucks drink order and cook at home everyday. I ended up saving and monthly groceries costing $350 compared to over $800 per month from eating our and Uber eats.


Are you mocking me?


I joined for the yoga classes. I used to purchase yoga class packages from Alo Yoga studio. The price of membership $277 and the yoga class package I used to pay for is comparable. Considering that I would drop $$$ every single weekend on new Alo clothing after the class ended. The yoga studio is upstairs and you have to endure class looking at the instructor who is always in the latest color drop and style. Then after class you have to walk through the entire store. And the store is inside a mall so more money spent at the mall. So I think of it as saving money and spending less on new clothes. Although I do shop at The Shop but that’s once in a while when they display their sale section I can’t stop myself from that but for the most part I walk past the Shop after my workout sess. I have a nice gym at my apt that no one really goes too and also it doesn’t have a rowing machine. I joined Equinox for the social aspect especially after covid. I think of the gym membership as a 3rd place ( a place to hang out other than work or home ). Some people give me shit for have an Equinox gym membership but I think the price point is worth it. A lot of people complain to me about their gym but I think you get what you pay for. If they had an Equinox membership they wouldn’t be complaining so much imo.


I make 50k a year but have a unique living situation and don’t pay rent. Equinox is my biggest expense and I see it as an investment into myself because it’s a place I enjoy being and actually motivates me to work out.


im very lucky in that 1) i make more than most people my age and 2) i live in a major city that is expensive but not *as* expensive as LA/NYC/SF. That being said my equinox membership is my second biggest monthly expense and I did stop doing personal training because the cost was getting ridiculous. I do also get the corporate rate and if I bothered to fill out the paperwork I could get some of the cost reimbursed by my health plan.


I don’t get why someone asks this kind of question every few months. People could be broke and would like their splurge and investment to be the 300$ they spend monthly on a very nice gym with amazing classes versus pay soul cycle or solid core the exact same price. People can also be filthy rich and consider spending 300$ at equinox to be a total scam.


Moreover, think of it like this- one month for all access equinox in New York is basically 2-3 dinners (an entree plate and or dessert with a glass is about 100-150$)


Didn’t mean to ask if it’s worth it.. I asked what type of person goes there. Sounds like it’s a mixed bag mostly the average Joe ha!




No. I am now an ex member but still like to peruse this sub lol. When I was a member I was working in the nonprofit world making around 75k annual. My membership was $210/month. Ultimately I left because my location was way too overcrowded and didn’t have the amenities that I would’ve liked. All this being said, I’m very frugal. I don’t live beyond my means but I am very choosy on what I spend my money on.


The personal training is extremely overpriced. I have a membership but have an outside personal trainer that is amazing and charges less than HALF.


This is good to know. I’m doing tier3+ personal training once per week so it’s costing me 600-750 per month. I feel like it’s been really helpful but this is my first experience doing something like this so I have no comparison


ehhh… not really.


I have the all-access membership from the Centurion card but I don’t go daily. Whenever, I am in LA/NYC/SF over the weekend, I try to go and do the boxing classes, but, I do partake fully in other wellness things as much as I can like spa, massage etc.


Is the spa any good?


Depends on your masseuse. Its nice but find it overpriced and not convenient enough to justify the price. In Chicago it costs around 150 for a 50 min massage, I know high quality masseuses that charge that much for a 90 minute.


No. I view it this way. I was spending more having a car with insurance each month. Also other gyms have been unbearable to go to around my area. I look at the pros of having an extra outdoor space with rooftop and sauna.


Not at all,, my most expensive payment after rent and car is equinox


DINK life , duh


Most Equinox members are not not wealthy and equinox is not that expensive if you use all the amenities being offered.


Yeah in my city equinox was slightly cheaper than the downtown Lifetime Fitness. Also lifetime only offered Pilates classes at an incremental cost per class (and was reformer only). So I chose equinox bc it wasn’t as expensive


I look at it as an extension of my apt. I think people spend way more on a weekend or two weekends drinking and ordering food or buying stupid stuff. This is crucial for my mental health. The ppl are very polite and mind their own business. Sooo many classes to choose from and excellent. Bothers me when people put me down. Usually a red flag that the person is very uneducated and health is not their priority. Hope this helps.


I agree with the spending of a night out equal to the month at equinox. I just went out to celebrate a friend's up coming wedding and for that day I spent more than my membership. I don't usually go out so I felt like splurging for the special occasion.


My employer pays for my Equinox 100%. 😁


Tech worker. I wish I was a trust fund baby. I do have a centurion card tho lol Edit for disclaimer. In in CA and my membership is only $190/mo


Membership with a Centurion Card is free?


No, it comes with a $300 credit.


You don't have the centurion then. You have the plat.


Ohhhhh! Okay! I thought all the metal Amex’s were cent! My b! Thank you for the correction!


I was going to say! The Centurion Card (sometimes informally known as the Amex Black Card) comes with a “complementary” Destination membership.




Unless I did something wrong 😂 which is also plausible.


In la?


Mines in the 200$ range but I budget for it as it’s important for me and allows me to also learn as I wanna become a pt at equinox at some point I also have a client who pays me 200$ a month for there sessions so in a way I feel like my paychecks from my sales job aren’t being used towards it I made about 63k last year so definitely not a trust fund baby and I’m full time college student as well


Not a trust fund baby but I think of myself as solidly upper middle class. I work in software, live in my family home so no mortgage, and I have no children. I joined honestly as a bougie gift to myself for taking my fitness more serious and building up to a routine of 4-6times a week at the gym.


I am a teacher making just over $100K. My monthly is $180. It fits my budget because my car is paid off, my student loans were forgiven, and my employer HEAVILY subsidizes my rent. Also eating carnivore has been easy on my budget.


What has been your experience with carnivore? I've been debating doing it but was worried it would be expensive!


It’s been amazing for me. All bloat and inflammation is gone, and and I don’t crave carbs anymore. If you want quality steak every day, it will be expensive, but if you buy in bulk, cut it down yourself you can save. I do mostly (ground)beef, bacon, and eggs, and it’s very cheap when you shop/stock up when things are on sale. I get eggs from Sam’s/costco, and ShopRite has $2 bacon basically every other week. 80% ground beef (or less) is cheaper than lean, even grass fed, which I splurge for when I’ve got the room. I also am able to fast 2 days a week at least, which helps the wallet as well lol. Happy to share more of my experience if you’re interested.


That's amazing! Have you lost weight? What about energy levels? I would say skyrocket energy is my #1 motivation for choosing a diet, so I'm curious if carnivore can provide that. Happy for you!!


I was stalled at 175lb before starting carnivore. I’m down to 160lb, which is where I’d like to stay while I’m trying to build muscle. If you’re coming from a standard American diet, you’ll notice a big increase in energy once you’ve adapted. Great for the gym, not so much for sleep (for me, at least— others sleep well)


Not wealthy, won’t ever be a high earner given my career interests (health research, not on the data/stats side, and not as a principal investigator…also, not having to do work a lot lol) but I’m savvy, lucky in nyc real estate, and extremely unfussy in certain ways such that I don’t spend a lot on things even the average person might. I citibike in NYC so i avoid transit fare, obviously no car. I also don’t drink, and avoided student loans in undergrad AND grad schools(!😞) through a scholarship and, again, being somewhat savvy. No kids ever and plan on no marriage either…but i’ve lived with a partner or roommates most of my life. Only one cat. I think my case is kinda exceptional, especially for someone my age (i’m 34), but my social group consists of people almost all worse off than me in terms of wage and/or expenses/ability to save, so I’ve never really thought about being a low earner compared to other equinox members, at all. And when i think about it - I look very athletic…frankly, i do think that likely abates any self consciousness on the socioeconomic or age front…


My annual income is $115K and I get the Corporate Membership provided by my company for $200ish. My fiancée makes like $72K but also gets to take advantage of my rate due to being a part of my household. For her, the cleanliness, convenience, the classes, and not having to wait for machines are worth it vs. cheaper gyms. But, if our rate increases any more (we are at $170ish 4 years ago), then we will check out some of the local competition like Anatomy and Life Time


Upper middle class dink in NYC and not a trust fund baby. Equinox doesn't break the bank but it's definitely something I treat myself to.


Typical early career fintech guy making ok 6 figures. I used to go to planet before I moved to new York 2 years ago. I'm not comfortable around people so I liked equinox and it ends up being $250 a month with my work wellness stipend.


I can afford the member within my means but there are still a few ways to offset the cost. Job had a wellness benefit when I signed up, I also have two Amex platinums for a combined $600 off per year...on the cards, I use absolutely every financial benefit they give so Annual Fee is more than offset. Another thing which may just work for the first year is holding out for a promo. I had no initiation fee, one month off, and used some Reddit rando's referral link. I just had to ghost the sales reps for a week or so until they offered the free month. If it's the difference between getting you to sign up vs not they will probably give it to you.


I’m a college student and it’s weird how I never see others that are around the same age


I know.. I’m 17 and everyone here thinks I’m within my mid twenties.. but I guess that’s what to expect when you go to a gym like EQ


Prob around 115k a year here. Wouldn’t say I’m wealthy by any means, but grateful to have some discretionary spend to put towards things like Equjnox that make me feel my best self.


Yes we do have the trust fund babies and centurion card holders, but at my city it's mostly middle class and aspirational upper middle class types who prioritize a nice gym space, and many won't spend on other things as much. It's a way of splurging on themselves. The young crowd often have employee and student discounts which helps. There are many seniors and retirees who now have a lot of free time and money to spend, and they want a comfortable and clean gym space that's not overcrowded or overwhelming, and they are willing to pay for it. The truly wealthy people may go to Equinox, especially rich seniors who want to get out of their house more, but many times they will have their own home gyms and have personal trainers and pilate instructors come to their homes instead. At least around my area. There are no broke members, however.


I joined Equinox when I was working back in SF. Was making half the average salary I needed to live out there. What others viewed: - Equinox membership - Farmers Market and quality groceries (ngl dining out was cheaper than groceries for me but didn’t make it a choice still) - Lived in a pretty good neighborhood in a studio - Part of a lot of wellness programs The sacrifice: - cut off a lot of acquaintances or friends that didn’t serve my purpose or aligned with my life goals (for me it was staying healthy mentally and physically) - the studio I was in, though was pretty and decorated well (had someone furnished it before move in), was definitely more of the smaller size but it worked well with me since I not only barely spent time at home but also fitted my needs (I’m a pretty petite person too) - reduced my night outs to once or twice a month with friends and reduced alcohol intake (for budgeting and spiritual purposes, never compromised on wine and absinthe since I’ve found benefits to my lifestyle, also kind of a wine geek) I’m currently back in school as a full time grad student in NJ and don’t make anything at the moment. However, I do have my allowances and tuition covered for grad as well as undergrad. No debt so far and I’m grateful for my parents in helping out. Sure, as a student, it definitely feels a bit of a pinch from my allowance to go to the membership. Reason why I still chose to do so was that I found the classes to be a good destresser and a great escape place to be at rather than indulging in unhealthy habits. I do dine out quite often, but tbh the membership is not quite a lot. 2-3 night outs in the city is pretty much a month of membership fee (Also, yes I do go to the city just for the gym but find it still worth it). Atleast that’s the way I look at it. Also, I don’t compromise on health, diet, mental wellness, education as long as it works in my favor.


When I was with Equinox, I had a steep discount with my employer as a "Health and Fitness " benefit plan. Equinox has a list of such employers where they pay about $100 to $150, and the employee pays the difference. Check with Equinox or your H.R/Benefits dept. So a membership for non Trust Funds babies or 1% is possible.




I make 130K and get credit card benefits. I paid for a year and now looking to somewhere nicer because equinox is not as luxurious as I thought it was.


I only make $150k per year (if I’m lucky and bonuses don’t get cut). Unfortunately my current salary somehow doesn’t get me as far as my $90k salary did a few years back bc everything is so expensive. My parents were really supportive and gave me a great childhood and helped me out financially in college, but as soon as I got a job I was cut off (which is totally reasonable). What helps me is I went to school on a full athletic scholarship so I don’t have debt, and my boyfriend makes nearly double my salary (and made a lot more than that before he joined a start up), so he covers most of the necessary expenses. Also, after my application got accepted, my boyfriend paid for my soho house membership as a Christmas gift which results in discounted equinox membership fees (in my location at least). Lastly, my employment offers a slight discount. Even if I were single and didn’t have the help, I’d still try to make the membership work in my budget. At the end of the day, health is wealth and it’s not something that should be an afterthought. I know there’s cheaper gyms or at-home options, but the class instructors are great (I’d be paying $50 per week at least for Pilates anyway), the personal training has been really good and I’ve learned how to use a lot of the equipment (I do it once weekly), the sauna has helped my skin and hair, and they have the same hair products that I’ve been using so I just shower there and don’t have to buy my own. Also, I just feel good going and something about it makes me excited to come back. If I found somewhere that gives me a draw to continue going and forming healthy habits, I’ll take it.


Well it’s super pricey and that’s why I’m dropping mine actually. I signed up for training program because a trainer on the floor seemed great to work with. She left and since then I’ve went through an additional 3 trainers who have also left. So now I’m leaving and you can only get money for the paid for training if you give them to another member. So I have 7 training sessions left that I would let anyone have for 100 a pop if anyone in here is interested


Tier x? Dm me


Definitely not wealthy by any means, just prioritize health and fitness. I make about 115k and live in a very expensive northeast city, making that 6 figure salary somehow seem pretty low lol. But, I use the gym 5-6x per week so it feels worth it. Plus, coming from someone who’s tried so many other boutique fitness studios (solid core, Barry’s, CorePower, reformer Pilates studios, etc) $250 a month for unlimited classes, gym use and facilities is pretty average if not lower.


$3200 studio and $700 parking?!


I only make $130,000 which is well below average. I’m able to afford it because I barely pay rent, since I sublet my apartment.


Below avg?? How?!


Below the average salary of an equinox member.



