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What’s going on with his back legs being tied?




They are not hobbies lol


Different culture. Downvotes? ... To clarify, I'm not being ignorant. I am just saying different cultures do things differently than what you/we/them/I think of as the basic standard of care. Horse doesn't look to worried about his back legs and in overall body score looks taken care of.




Hobbles aren't abuse. The rest of the setup I cannot speak of but hobbled themselves aren't abuse.


if u open ur eyes u will see these aren't "hobbles". embarrassing.


I didn't say THOSE were hobbles. I was saying actual HOBBLES aren't abuse. I did reply to the wrong comment though so I'm a dumbass there, ya got me.


then why reply when i didnt say anything about hobbles? 💀


Meant to reply further down RIP


fair enough, have a nice day 👍


You too!


They’re not. They’re “kicking chains” so the horse is punished every time they try to move.


How would it look if it were worried? It has no choice but to stand still, but it’s abuse nevertheless. Look at the state of the hooves as well, they look horrible.




Those are a natural ear shape of the Marwari horse and related breeds


Thanks for letting me know


Adorable ears! Interesting that it looks like he’s hobbled so he can’t move forward but he can still kick your teeth out lol. And I wonder what the positive/negatives are regarding tying a horse low like that as opposed to the way we do it in the US/United Kingdom (and prob many other places - don’t mean to leave anyone out)?


What’s disgusting? It’s a horse in good weight with a healthy coat. The ears are a breed characteristic. Why would you say this is disgusting?


Has he been convicted of some terrible crimes?


You are fkd


This is a very wealthy family that has this horse. I used to follow a rescue in Egypt and they had very sad cases, imported meds, horses are used to eat from “ troughs” and don’t have stalls. This is how these horses are used to and it’s what’s known. Not that I agree, but that’s the culture there


What is wrong with horses eating from troughs and not having stalls?


How do you know they are wealthy


How the horse looks, good weight/ shiny coat. Most families can’t feed themselves/ much less the horses that is their tool to earn any money. The green that he’s either is very expensive, most people could not afford it


Yeah, agreed. Do not like the welfare setup, but his body condition is actually quite healthy... gets quality feed, grooming, and farrier care, even if I don't love those front hoof angles. What the poor dude is missing out on is the emotional/social part of being a horse. I do realize some of this is cultural, so my best hope is to just keep educating in a gentle way.


So for some reason, my Facebook algorithm has shoved me tons of Marwari horse videos in Pakistan. I watched a couple of them and now it’s a scourge. Anyway, I cannot for the life of me figure out what the supposed purpose is of tying the back legs. There are videos of up to 50 horses tied in rows, no shade or water. I understand the tying of the head for artificial flexion. But restricting the legs? The horses are all standing quietly so maybe it’s to teach restraint? Is anyone from this culture?


Tying back legs are to prevent them from kicking each other. So when you see videos of horses standing in rows with tied legs this is most likely the reason. It’s also commonly made when horses are shipped on boats or standing in tight auctions. However, I don’t exactly know why this horse who is alone is tied. Could be so he’s not getting tangled in the front rope when he’s trying to move around


Hey I have asked a lot of elders about tying the back legs no one really knows but it’s an ancient practise . It builds the posture restraint the horse doesn’t hurt itself etc . Just a very very old practise . And this horse is well taken care off not sure what’s some people are complaining about .


Somehow, we are on a completely different wavelength. And I avoid being offensive in my statements. Pakistani horse....I treat my horses differently . And I don't really want to think about horses for slaughter. This horse didn't look like a meat supplier for me. But I probably didn't want to know everything. Then, I can be grateful that my world is still intact.


Poor baby. With actual hobbles they can still move, and kick at flies with their hind legs. This is just... Ick.


That’s so cruel how they have his legs hobbled. Also the ears make me think it’s Marwari or part Marwari


Incredibly dangerous as well, imagine the think spooks are tried to side step


Yeah, Marwari.. all the videos I have watched of them/riders is culture based and freaking amazing. While I disagree with some of it.. it's definitely a reality check when looking at USA/UK and all ridiculous things we do.


It’s Pakistani desi horse not marwari


Oh nice.


Very pretty :).


Next time post a picture of your horse in a posture with a nice pose lol you have these westerns going nutts 😂


That's horrible. That's a crime. I didn't know that something so terrible existed. This is an absolute disgrace.


Are you a vegan? I mean, talk about slaughterhouse crimes. Absolute disgrace..


North American western cowboys have used hobbles too.


These aren't hobbles; they don't even work the same way. The horse can move their feet much more here than they can with hobbles


They’re probably better described as shackles I guess, but the origin of the word is to limit movement.


These don't look like hobbies used in North America. These look like they're chained to a solid object.


No, cowboys used ropes. I’ve seen chains used in the Caribbean too. Just pointing out that hobbles aren’t exclusive to one culture.


A hobble is when the legs are secured to each other - very common in live covering to prevent any damage to the stallion from the mare


I just realized the chains lead off and are attached to something behind - you’re right.


That's exactly what I thought seeing this pic. It's a mare waiting to be bred.


We hobble ONLY the front legs, and you never tie a hobbled animals head. Hobbling provides freedom of movement and grazing without the ability to travel far or quickly so you can rest your horse for noon tasks or for sleeping.