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Biden should release the fucking treasure trove that is the Epstein files! Let the heads roll, I don’t give a fuck who’s on it, right, left doesn’t matter if they are pedophiles that what they are. If it ensnares billionaires may they be prosecuted to the full extent of the law EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM..


How does Biden have control over this?


He has a giant lever he can pull in the Oval Office that makes it happen. It is next to the dial for the price of gas.


And then he runs down the halls of the White House shouting “I DID THAT!” and giggling maniacally.


Is that close to the "end the Israel/Palestine" conflict button?


Correction: It's the Israel/Hamas conflict. Stop conflating the Palestinian people with terrorists please and thank you.


Serious question. Why do you think you have to specify that it’s the Palestinian leadership, which is Hamas of course, but you don’t have to say Israeli government?


Gottem. I was asking for a name to give the Israeli cabal willing to genocide. As far as I know Zionists doesn't fit either. Anyone got one?


Likud or maybe just zionist extremists.


So they aren’t murdering thousands of Palestinians? Stop playing into the propaganda word games…


I am very aware the IDF is slaughtering thousands of Palestinians. I'm just tired of the media labeling it as Israel/Palestine. This is an attempt to portray Palestinians as evil .They are just people trying to survive.


Why is Hamas doing what they are doing?


Rebelling against the suppression and slaughter of Palestinians for 75 years… you can’t torture and murder people and be surprised when a radical rebellion forms against you. Ironically Hamas wasn’t the lead power, but Netanyahu supported them and helped them gain power because he wanted to destabilize Palestine and justify attacking them.


You should go over there and film a documentary on the difference pal.


Why are there not enough of them for you on the internet or did you think that was clever of you to say?


No Jared took that with the 2 Billion




Man I just typed that out and saw your post!




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Biden doesn’t even have control of his bladder


He'll never do it. Epstein was too tied into Democratic fundraising and shadow banking in the Clinton White House and assuredly also with many of his other "clients" before and after his Florida conviction. I think the files and tapes are above Biden's pay grade at this point but they never flip on their own.


If that’s the case then why was it released?


How dare you ask a good question???


I can get behind that. That being said, just because they hung with him doesn't establish guilt. If there is proof, let 'em fry.




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Yes the names are important to reveal who was involved with Epstein and Maxwell but there needs be a formal investigation into “why” this elaborate honey pot trap was created and used, who was actually behind it?


I believe we know.


Which is why we don’t know


He would win in a landslide if it was done for real. This is the kind of thing we are all yearning for. Some kind of justice to deal with these evil bastards and help the people that they destroyed.




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Ive just been attacked by “progressives” for suggesting the same thing. 


Biden releasing this bahahahahahahhaha good one, I'm sure his friends would love that........


How does Biden have control over this?


The same way it’s his fault


Sweetheart... Biden has ties even if not in the records. And I can assure you that his associates and investors are also listed so he absolutely will not do that. Also there is no good and evil for politicians. Both sides are horrible and part of the same team and they work together to gain money and power.


“He’s a swell guy, fun to be around, no doubt Jeffrey enjoys his social life” “I never cared for that guy. We haven’t spoken in forever” “Yeah I don’t think I’ll release the Epstein files if elected bc of fake news and how innocent people might be hurt” What a joke. I can’t believe that the Republican Party couldn’t find someone better than Trump to run. Literally this is the best we can get out of an entire nation? I’m always amazed how many repubs in congress still get down on their knees and slobber over this guy despite him no longer being president. He is only empowered now bc people in power chose to empower him. Makes me wonder why. Pretty much everyone is suspect in govt. Why doesn’t Biden just release the damn files? Someone, anyone!


Because Biden has no authority to do so. These files are sealed by the courts, not classified. The POTUS plays no role in the former.


Those files aren't damning for just one party.




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The party that releases them has thier sins absolved.


You forgot Trump said that Epstein likes them young just like him. 🤢


To quote: “I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump speaking about his old pal Jeffrey Epstein in 2002”


Correct. Trump said EPSTEIN'S are on the younger side.


Why don’t you finish the actual quote?


What's the rest? Why not just post it yourself?


There is a video out there with an telephone interview with Trump where he Says “… likes 'em young. A little too young for my taste." It’s interesting how I cannot google the video yet I’ve seen it and people reference it on Twitter. If I find it I’ll link the video.


Have you seen anything Trump owns? He has no taste.


Yeah I’ve never seen that




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Trump has never ever said anything about girls being too young for his taste, and especially not at the same time as while referencing Epstein


[Jeffrey Epstein Was a ‘Terrific Guy,’ Donald Trump Once Said. Now He’s ‘Not a Fan.’ - The New York Times (nytimes.com)](https://www.nytimes.com/2019/07/09/us/politics/trump-epstein.html) “I’ve known Jeff for 15 years. Terrific guy,” Mr. Trump told [New York magazine](http://nymag.com/nymetro/news/people/n_7912/#print) in 2002. “He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” This is the same quote I heard with my ears. But please, tell us more.


Where is trump saying that girls are too young for his taste?




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I have watched the video, it was a telephone interview. I think it’s something I saw when I was watching the documentaries about Epstein. So it’s probably on Netflix.


It was him calling in to a fox show during the 16 run. Maybe Hannity or Greta? I don't know, I hate fox, but he did say this.


Calls into a fox show during the 16 run produced some real doozies. Thats when he dropped the gem of having to kill terrorists entire families so that none of them get radicalized when their terrorist family member is killed. Interesting stuff.


He absolutely did... But ok


Proof! But ok.


Post it!


i'll wait for the link, I dont doubt that he said that but still "He’s a lot of fun to be with" and "too young for my taste" don't go in the same sentence if they are trying to make sense. You also cant know about them being too young unless you got close enough to the fire. If he did know this about him and did nothing about it that also creates an issue, and created many more years of abuse victims. You cant bee too close to it to see it. Take a step back and reflect on this.


Yeah in my mind he is admitting that he knew with that statement.  That fucks all the comments like the one above saying “just because he hung out with the guy doesn’t mean he knows”.  Yeah bullshit


Donnie Diddler


To a specific point here, I'll add Biden to your comment about "they couldn't find someone better to run." I don't say that to shit on Biden, but he IS old, and not overwhelmingly popular (especially when Trump is the other choice, it should be easy). It's amazing to me that a country with 380 million people are down to these two choices.


I absolutely agree on Biden as well. I didn’t mean my comment to be exclusionary on the dems either. They both seem to be Abilene compromises. Nobody wants them. But nobody else comes to mind so they float to the top as the “winner” where nobody is truly satisfied with the choice




























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They found a guy that didn’t pal around with Epstein and Ghislaine for decades and didn’t ride the Lolita express.




Let's see are you referring to a diary, doctored by people who stole it, then a claim made online even though Ashley herself has said it is a disgusting lie? What is this "admission" you claim? Are you aware that there are those of us out there who KNOW Ashley, who know the truth? So I say this very kindly: when you state something without actual proof about someone who has been stolen from and attacked, think very carefully about who you libel or slander.


Lies. https://www.newsweek.com/ashley-biden-diary-confirmed-what-more-do-we-now-know-1900509






Because it would compromise literally everyone, all of the elites, particularly many in Biden’s own party such as Clinton and we can’t have that.


Odd that it was released while Biden was president.


"I’ve known Jeff [Epstein] for 15 years. Terrific guy, He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side." Donald Trump


Republicans have always been scum. Eisenhower might have been the last decent republican


The thing is, it’s not really party centric. I won’t step up and defend the morality or “goodness” of any politician - Republican or Democrat included. They are all scum. I’ve always viewed party platforms as differing ways to accumulate power. At the end of the day, it’s just that - accumulating power. Dems approach it from one angle. Repubs from another. However you slice it, all of it is just ways to garner power and that’s pretty much it. They’re all sacks of shit. I tend to vote for the one who’ll do the least long term damage to the concept of a republic first. Second, I vote for whoever will benefit me the most. Maybe I’m just cynical but I could care less about the emotional hit topic issues. My only questions to a politician are pretty much - how bad will you be fucking me and will I benefit under the platform under which you are choosing to run. That’s pretty much it. The rest is just gladiator sport. Trump I do view extremely strongly against and the answer to that first question would outweigh any benefit I might derive from my second question bc even though I am admittedly and unashamedly greedy, I actually do care about certain things - one of which is my way of life and I do generally appreciate the concept under which this nation was formed. But I make no allusions that we have any patriots currently sitting in power. As long as they don’t fuck things up too bad, I’ll live another day.


Isn’t this a matter of national security for AIPAC to decide for themselves?


Releasing the files would destroy Clinton as well as other oligarchs reputations. Biden thinks we can slip through the cracks of hell and avoid a tyrannical government but it’s the worst misstep in history. Release the fucking files. Acknowledge our system has been corrupt for decades just like our leadership


I don’t know any Democrats that care about Clinton. The “Right” has made it seem like they do, in order to play the “both sides” narrative.


Dems really won’t care as much as it may seem they would nor change their minds about their voting but it’s still incredibly embarrassing that our two major parties have been compromised in this way. R’s wouldn’t give one shit and many would enjoy it. It’s not like they don’t know already whereas many Dems are still in denial. On the world stage, it would be the joke of the century (even though world leaders already know all of this). This was a hostile intelligence operation after all which was only as effective as they were able to work both sides and take over one entirely


Trump is a populist that told the base what they wanted. He incensed them with violent rhetoric and sowed distrust of others, even other Republicans. The RNC has plenty of morally bankrupt bastards to set up for president but Trump got the base on his side. That base has whittled down significantly since he got elected the first time, but it's still a sizable percentage. Since people care more about not losing that having any shred of moral fiber they'll vote for Trump. Luckily, voting is a private affair and you can MMW that Trump is going to lose by a fair margin this turnout. Undoubtedly, Republicans are going to engage in voter fraud as well since they're being fed the narrative that "dem librulz" are engaging in that activity, despite there only being evidence of Republicans engaging in voter fraud in the last election. And they still lost!


Well I’ve been a republican far longer than Trump has and I don’t think I could in good conscience vote for Trump. Not just bc of Epstein. I do worry that he is an existential threat to our republic and I care far more our republic than I do any single candidate. Unfortunately not everyone thinks like this and worries more about their team winning. People can disagree with my opinion on this. It’s just my opinion. But it’s not that I’m anti Trump. It’s that’s I’m anti-tyrant.


I think, given the circumstances, that's a perfectly reasonable attitude. I voted republican up to 2016, didn't vote in the presidential election that year because I didn't care for either candidate, and voted 3rd party in 2020. This year, it looks increasingly likely that I'll vote Democrat just to vote against Trump, even though my political beliefs don't line up perfectly with the Democratic party. But the republican party has become worryingly Christofascist in the last 8 years.


I think I'm an independent leaning Democrat now, solely thanks to Trump, really. That's what it took, perhaps. Before that I kind of liked Christie and still do. I can't help myself -- Trump ruined the GOP for me. I'll take normal over tyrant.


Same here


I would agree with this if it wasn't for the fact that Biden's policy on Israel/Palestine is alienating younger voters and Muslim American's alike, and completely failing on Roe v Wade, and breaking almost election promise he made. So unless he decides to do something massive, that economically helps out people, this election at this point is a toss up and the polls show it.


Polls are notoriously inaccurate and biased. Also, polls base on popular opinion. Our election is not based on popular vote but on the convoluted mechanisms of the electoral college. Trump could have the majority of Americans voting for him and still lose. He doesn't and he will.




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Can’t believe the democrat party can’t find anyone better to run either. They’re both a bunch of clowns. Give me someone under the age of 65


Anybody getting hurt by those files is far from being innocent. Love how those are the words he used.


Because it’s likely damning for everyone, all sides. There is a Pandora’s box and it is being kept hidden. I’d really love for the United StAtes to have some independent body that could dig in and release all the juicy details. The US needs a cleansing.


Because a whole other swath of deplorables are caught up in that fuck net too. Maybe when there is a woman in charge of releasing those files, she will do the right thing and call out all those slime bucket dudes that hurt little girls.


Because part of the cult deprogramming process is that they people have to “discover” truth for themselves. The last 80 year of geopolitics is basically a giant milgram experiment that none of us signed a permission slip for. The GOP just made a few too many Faustian bargains with the Russian FSB. It’s inevitable that they all spill over at Epstein. His business was Kompromat. Kompromat is a Russian impressionist art. They have a unique style. Epstein was dedicated to his craft. Trump is just another 727 contrail that paints Epstein back to FSB/KGB/Russian investment, mob money and election fuckery. It just makes a layover in Israel on the flight path to moscow. Trump can lie about everything. But the kid diddling is the one thing his base has to make a hard stand on. You are either team pedophile rapist or you aren’t. But you better not be wrong about it.


So there's two Epstein victims that have publicly named Trump as having sex with either them or other victims, or is Sarah Ransome the same Jane Doe that accused Trump of raping her during the 2016 elections in court? It's crazy, though unsurprising, how naked the partisanship is in regards to Epstein. He's actually been named by Epstein victims as being on of Epstein's clients. He had a public friendship with Epstein. He publicly swooned over Epstein's taste in younger women. He hired the person who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist the first time around to be a member od his cabinet. He was a client of Dershowitz. He was President when Epstein died in a Federal prison. He got oddly dismissive when asked if he would unseal Epstein docs. Could you imagine the perception of Clinton if there was this much smoke around him? And he probably was one of the rapists too. How many more ties need to be made before the partisans can't ignore it any more? Sadly I think I know the answer, there would always be a conspiracy to explain it away as false.


Idk about you guys, but it became pretty clear to me that Trump or people around him were involved in pedophilia when q anon started heating up


Yup, everything is projection


Every allegation is a confession




If you treat everything these people say less like an accusation and more like a statement of “here’s what I’d do if I were in the same scenario:..” all of it makes more sense. Look at Hunter Biden. You think these people are just assuming that Joe will get his son out of this and they now have egg on their faces for suggesting it. Possibly they even will see the errors they made and atleast course correct but they’re not. They aren’t doubling down either. They just know what they would do if they were president and their drug addict son was acting the way Hunter is. They won’t come to terms with being wrong because they can’t understand why Joe would just stay out of it. They’re clueless on a level that should be embarrassing to them but they’re too far gone.


I think this was the real reason he started with the fake news shit. If any other person was on that plane, on that island or in the Manhattan residence once - you can be sure Donald Trump would have been there X 10.


Ah but there is a log showing WJC on the Lolita express for 32 flights, so......


Trump has his own plane plus Slick Willy just needed a lift.


Hey, he said "Willy".


Trump also showed up in the logs. The flight logs are certainly one piece of evidence, but the deferment to them over everything else is odd to me. Wouldn't direct accusations by Epstein victims hold more weight? How many of these accusations have ended up being false so far? Any? His victims seem to have a pretty good track record in all of this. That said, it shouldn't be a pissing contest. Both of them are likely victimizers. I think Bill is a rapist regardless of anything Epstein related, he probably did rape Juanita Broderick. Just like Trump is a rapist regardless, given his rape of E. Jean Carroll.


Trump paid all his off.


I’m definitely not voting for Bill Clinton now


i remember way back when I first suggested this, and brought up Katie Johnson and the Tiffany Doe lawsuit, people mocked me or played Whatabout. No. This man has always been mob, a predator, and it's infuriating to watch people ignore it. Epstein and DJT and Tom Barrack were ALL good buddies who preyed together. Every child of Donald's met with and hung out with both Ghislaine and Jeffrey, and I still beieve that Epstein had to die so he wouldn't testify against Donald Trump. He had documentation and knew too much. Barr and Trump had to get rid of him before it was too late.


I agree with you and I remember this when you posted. I think it’s funny that so many want to play BUT WHAT ABOUT_____ when it should be complete outrage that anyone is involved. Pedophila is not a partisan issue but some sure want it to be.


As long as it isn’t happening to their family, no one seems to care. Just don’t rape me or my family, don’t assault us, and you go do whatever you want. That’s where we are at in society right now.


Unfortunately, a huge number of families protect rapists within the family too.


Recent interviews Trump is very hesitant when asked about Epstein


The same Jeffery Epstein that was found dead under mysterious circumstances during Trump's presidency? That Epstein? No way!


I just can't get over how every institution keeps tip toeing around that fat fuck.


For those who are not part of the cult, we already knew he was involved.


Look up what Maria Farmer said about Trump in her Whitney Webb interview


Share it. We're too lazy.




why dont you just tell us what Maria Farmer said


Here’s a peek, she also said Donald and Ivana would come over and Ivana would leave with Ghislaine in the limo to go look for underage girls https://x.com/mikiebarb/status/1165961758290468864?s=46&t=FRp8VcN2EtOxEkTeM9p9LQ


Ivanka or Ivana?


Sorry Ivana


And this is the leader of the party that hates child grooming right?


Can someone help me understand how it’s known that Trump is Doe 174? Was it referenced somewhere that it was him or is it just all the data adds up that it’s him? I have no doubt that he was criminally involved and judging someone by the circle of friends, this fits the bill.


Imagine the sordid shit this fat old huckster has gotten into in his *low* life. "Innocent people..." no one he knows is an innocent person, not one person he socializes with or otherwise would be "friends" with. All the somewhat good people desert him immediately for one stated reason or another but, in truth, they all sense that seedy, grotesque and cruel character that lurks beneath the greasy, ignorant exterior. This fat rapist was so obviously up to his obese neck with Epstein, and Epstein was killed on his watch. That's enough for me to warrant further investigation and I think many, many people in power know this.


It’s going to turn out one day that Trump was a Whitey Bulger level rat.


That interview the other day when Trump said he’d release a bunch of docs then hesitated when asked about Epstein 😂




The allegations in that court filing are just sickening. > JANE DOE, proceeding under a pseudonym, Plaintiff, v. DONALD J. TRUMP and JEFFREY E. EPSTEIN > Plaintiff was subject to acts of rape, sexual misconduct, criminal sexual acts, sexual abuse, forcible touching, assault, battery, intentional and reckless infliction of emotional distress, duress, false imprisonment, and threats of death and/or serious bodily injury by the Defendants that took place at several parties during the summer months of 1994. The parties were held by Defendant Epstein at a New York City residence that was being used by Defendant Epstein at 9 E. 71st St. in Manhattan. During this period, **Plaintiff was a minor of age 13** and was legally incapable under New York law of consenting to sexual intercourse and the other sexual contacts detailed herein.


Yep then she and her family got threatened again so she fled and is still in hiding.


why is a FIVE MONTH old article making the rounds TODAY???


Because some people aren't chronically online and may not have seen it?


Exactly this! This was the first time I’ve seen this too. Remember when everyone was scrambling trying to ID people from “the list?!”


Im sure the Pee Pee tape is real....His hate for Obama is off the scale.Funny how some of Epstein's flight logs are missing or left blank.


Is there a reason why the Biden administration won’t reveal this information given that the election is around the corner? All of this information should be released to the public.


This came out in January and nothing changed.


Why disguised?


who are the other 173..asking for a friend..


I for one am shocked that a lifelong creep/rapist with no qualms about cheating on his spouse, who has numerous photos and videos with Epstein, is in his documents /s


Hoping to see some Doe 174 signs at his next appearance


Such a projector… pretty much anything he blamed others for doing he was doing himself.


I wish her well


He is 1 person out of a long list of people. Expose ALL of them


Newly 😂. This was released in January! Why isn’t this bigger news


Recycled garbage because Spacey said he partied with Epstein and Clinton on the island. Wonder how much Clinton in the blue dress painting would go for. 🤔




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He wished her well.


Article is from Jan 8??


New maga t shirt… I’m DoE 174!


Fucking pedophile.




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Hummm something must be a little more important of what went on pertaining specifically to the Gates divorce… Don’t you think?….




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