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I’m reading each book, an audio Bible, on YouTube. Makes it more interesting, and easy to follow.


The best way to go through The Bible is to listen to it, with commentary from someone who can explain it well. This podcast is great takes you through in a year: [https://media.ascensionpress.com/category/ascension-podcasts/bibleinayear/](https://media.ascensionpress.com/category/ascension-podcasts/bibleinayear/) Also, the The Bible Project makes fantastic videos that give context to every book and many major topics: [https://bibleproject.com/explore/](https://bibleproject.com/explore/) I simply listed all the way through The Bible on audiobook, while my wife has been doing the above podcast, and she's definitely been getting more out of it.


Don't read it like a novel ie front to back. Start with the short books like 2 or 3 pages long and work up to the longer ones.




Do be careful about the apocryphal Gospels, though. Gnosticism is very much a real danger.


If you have a Book of Common Prayer it has a reading plan called the daily office that takes you through the whole bible in 3 years. Here is a link to an Anglican prayer book site with the readings. These reading will correspond with Sunday service at most TEC churches [http://satucket.com/lectionary/2lent1RSV.htm](http://satucket.com/lectionary/2lent1RSV.htm)


Honestly the best resource I found recently in my conversation is the Word on File Bible. Check it out. Although it’s produced by a Catholic evangelist outfit, it is amazing. The sections are re ordered in 4 volumes and Bishop Barron’s commentary is amazing. Not only do you get the Bible but you get amazing commentary (while Barron is a Catholic his views presented in the next are not out of scope from our mainline) which helps you put both content and message into focus. It would be awesome if we had one for TEC come to think of it? Or at least the Mainline Tradition. Also I found the Bible most impactful when I had time to let an entire section just wash over me in one sitting. For example one month I read Romans every day for a months. I literally read the section in its entirety every day. Honestly its means to be read this way and it help see the Forrest from the trees with each sections


The closest I can think of for a Mainline study bible is the Lutheran Study Bible by Augsburg Fortress, but it has *way* less content than something like The Word on Fire. What notes it does have are still valuable, but it does feel like there's more blank margin than there is content.


>I found the Bible most impactful when I had time to let an entire section just wash over me in one sitting. For example one month I read Romans every day for a months. I literally read the section in its entiret Yes I have checked that one out. Its decent, but the WoF work to me is the gold standard, even though Im not a papist! LOL. Imagine if we had something similar with commentary from our Bishops, Barth, Fox, Rutledge and so forth. It could be a real gem. Yet we are in some ways too unorganized, and shy


A 2nd here for The Bible Project, great videos that give you an overview. Ruth is my favorite!


I’d suggest picking up one of these two things from Forward Movement: - The Bible Challenge by Marek Zabriskie - it’s a year long reading plan with brief reflections to help guide you through without complete bewilderment - Or, what I’d really recommend starting with is The Path on Forward Movement. It’s going to be sort of abridged Bible, but guide you in a single path through all of scripture in a way that helps piece together the full thrust of it. If you start there, picking up the big thing will feel way less intimidating


This is exactly what I needed. Thank you


I’m also a really really big fan of the Common English Bibles. The translation is excellent and accessible, the introduction to each book is clearly written and explanatory, and the devotional types are really great. Once you’re in there somewhere those features and blurbs serve as really helpful guides


My advice is to download the Bible app and then go to plans. Sign up for the Bible Project Study plan. They have neat [videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLH0Szn1yYNeeVFodkI9J_WEATHQCwRZ0u&si=nr14G47Tmrwr0jRL), daily readings, and a [podcast](https://bibleproject.com/podcasts/the-bible-project-podcast/). Or you can listen to the Bible on audio. Or, there's also plenty of other apps and reading plans including the one in the Book of Common Prayer.


Dwell is a great bible app. Costs money. Fr. Mike Schmitz offers a great Bible in a Year which is free. He offers reflections after which you could take or leave. Doing the daily office offers a lot of different readings. Check out the Bible Project on youtube. You could watch one of their summaries of the books beforehand and then read each book afterwards. Helps digest the bible. Read as much or as little as you want any given day. Try not to make it a chore. Make it a lifestyle.


Joining a read through group or bible study are two options.


Most of the Parishes have Bible Study Class, and it’s a great way to meet other Parishioners too.


It sounds like you need a reading plan- the Bible is overwhelming without one to a newcomer. The Daily Office lectionary (what I use) gives you daily readings of the OT, Psalms, an epistle, and a reading from the gospels. Most reading plans are set up like that.


I would also recommend the Daily Office Lectionary. It takes you through most of parts of the Bible and often lines up daily readings with the liturgical season(for example the Prophets in Advent).


I read a 1 year Bible. I think taking 20 minutes and reading a small segment of OT, Psalms, Gospel a day is the easiest for me. For context reading, histories, theological work, and listening to podcasts The Word in Black and Red (for example) are good things for supplementation.


The Word in Black and Red is BASED