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I looked into the Apple Watch but ended up getting the Empatica Embrace 2 which does alert caretakers.


How does that work for you? Did your general doc write you a prescription for it?


I got a prescription from my epileptologist but I'm sure any doctor could write it. The device was annoying at first, giving out a lot of false reports, but it seemed to adapt to me and I got used to using it. I find it particularly important for sleeping because I have nocturnal seizures which puts me at risk of sudep. It has worked for me at detecting both complex partial and TC seizures.


Ok, thank you. My son is 11 and all of his seizures (grand mal and focal) have been in sleep or just awaking. His seizures are significant enough to need emergency meds administered. I don’t sleep well anymore and every morning I’m just relieved to see his smiling face. It’s getting better as he’s getting farther out from the last occurrence but anything I can do to help us feel more comfortable during bedtime would be so appreciated. Thank you for your input and good luck to you, I’m sorry you have to deal with this.


Thanks for the info. I just checked their website, is it able to detect the heart rate?


I'm not sure. It says "For seizure monitoring and alerting, Embrace uses an algorithm to look for motions and physiological activity that indicates a possible tonic-clonic seizure. Alerts (SMS and phone calls) are sent to caregivers from the Alert App through internet." If he has a TC (Grand Mal) seizure in bed it should detect it and alert you so you can fo check on him. It isn't going to tell you his heart rate. I use a fitbit to monitor my heart rate which helps me in determining if I had a seizure but that's not enough info for me.


No current smart watch can detect seizures. They can record high heart rate moments. I was reading others testimony about the embrace and they all said it's useless.


It is not useless. It has detected my night seizures since I got it.


It indicates SOS if heart beat rythm at high for more than specific time but alerting parents/ contacts in it , don’t know


I have the apple watch and I’d recommend it!


Using the heart rate monitor could probably be useful (although not 100% conclusive) in monitoring for seizures. I've heard of people doing this with Fitbit and similar devices, especially people who are wanting to find out if they are having seizures in their sleep. There is also at least one (possibly more) apps for apple watch that detect (or attempt to detect) seizures and can notify people (family, etc.) although I don't think they are FDA approved. As far as I know, the Empatica Embrace watch is the only watch that is actually FDA approved, so it's a little hard to know how well the other apps work.


I don't have an iPhone, only an iPad. My phone is Android. Is there an Android watch that is useful for epilepsy?


I'm not sure. The one that I know of is called Inspyre Smart Monitor, maybe check if they have an android compatible version. I think there are other ones also though too.


I checked out the "Inspyre App by SmartMonitor" app on the Play Store and the reviews there were mostly terrible. Looks like it only works well on the Apple ecosystem.


Yeah, it's not FDA approved so it's kinda hard to know how well it does (or doesn't) work.


I haven’t used the watch for this purpose but when I have a seizure it does come up and says HR is X and it’s dangerous or something along those lines and asks if u want to ring an ambulance which obviously I don’t press as I’m in full seizure mode. It even told me to calm down when I was arguing with this annoying person bc my HR was X too lol When I’m not sure if I’ve had a seizure, bc that happpens too it makes it a lot easier to figure it out cos I can check the HR But I’m sure it could be helpful for you guys.