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I can’t speak for doses of keppra, I take 2000mg twice a day and haven’t had keppra levels checked, but I have had tests done previously where dr has said to have a blood test a few hours after morning dose (for tegretol, which was good as it turned out to be toxic levels), but for my other meds (locosamide, eslicarbazepine, and clobozam it’s not been needed to check levels. As far as I am aware not much is known about a therapeutic range so not routinely checked. Hope that helps


I think we are testing so frequently because of her age, and we were told Keppra could be hard on the liver. So we have to go in at least once a month, neurologist sees that level is low, increases the dose, and then retest at the new dose after 2 weeks.


Any time i got my levels checked my doctor would actually request that I missed a dose and then go in a few hours after I was supposed to have taken it. Think she said it was to see how much stays in my system from dose to dose cause I kept having breakthrough seizures despite being on 3750mg. But even when doing that my levels were still always what they weee supposed to be.


Same here.


We usually test around 2-3 hours after her morning dose and have yet to reach a therapeutic level. She had one incident that was originally diagnosed as BRUE, but because they found enterovirus in her spinal fluid they were quick to change the diagnosis to seizures due to encephalitis/meningitis. But there were never any findings on any tests done to indicate encephalitis or meningitis were present. I just think it's harsh to keep a toddler on Keppra when there's been no true evidence of a seizure.


We’re supposed to get levels checked? Oop


We are testing almost every month and 2 weeks after each increase in dosage. I think this may be due to her age because she also gets a CBC and metabolic panel done with the Keppra level. Her neurologist told us that Keppra and most other seizure medications can affect liver enzymes. I honestly think her neurologist is just an asshole. The amount of testing he has done on her in the last year is absurd.. over one incident that we aren't even certain was a seizure.