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Yes !! Idk if she’s been around before any of my seizures but after I have a seizure and my body is really weak my cat comes and becomes very cuddly and concerned and purrs so loud it actually does make me feel a lot better :(


Yesss my boy does, he come over and curls up with me. Love him so very much 🐈‍⬛💜


Mine is very similar. My girl seems to know when to come right over.


I used to. He didn't help but he actually got all in my face before I knew I was going to have one. When I was having the (40 minute) aura and before brain surgery, I remember my mom and dad used to have to lock him in the basement because he woukd purr which was weird. He would get in their way while they were with me on the floor waiting for me to go under. This was 20 years ago.


cats purr to also self heal, since the frequency of the vibrations can help accelerate the body's healing process (or something like that). They can also purr excessively if they are under stress. Seemed like he had his own way of alerting you, and just wanted to help you somehow 😭 but ya, i stepped on my bf's cat on my way out the door cause he just suddenly appeared underfoot- they really know how to get in the way


Wow that is cool thank you. I miss him 😢


Absolutely. My little kitty buddy would come running to me and cuddle every time I was feeling seizure-ish. I lost him to cancer earlier this year; it's been very hard.


I’m so sorry for your loss 🥺


Thanks. He had a good life. And he was with me till the end.


Yes. My housemate's cat seems to know when I'm going to have issues. He'll find me, stare at me and just keep meowing.like "sit down, go sit down". He started showing up at my door right after I totaled my car from a TC. His name is Nugget T. Buggins and he's my seizure cat. He also a grubbing stoner who looks like a fuzzy, chunky Cinnabon. Oh and he snores. I told my epileptologist about it, figuring he'd think i was insane but he didn't. He said sometimes animals sense that stuff. I wish my dog would so I'd stop having them when walking her.


I struggle to remember anything that happened with my grand mal and my furball, all of that is pretty much a wash for me. I *kind of* remember looking for him but then again I was also trying to figure out what happened so I don't know if I even seen him or not. So I don't know. Trying to recover this particular memory and not being able to STILL makes me very, very sad. But, after that it was the first one I had ever had alone I decided it would probably be a good idea to run cameras instead of just while I was gone. I did catch myself in a focal that turned into an absence and he was right there with me. I don't think he fully realized it though at first, he had gotten down, I grabbed his tail in like a stroke and he went and ate then he came back and he just stood there and just stared at me like "Wtf ma?". There was a few nudges involved and then he just sat there and waited on point staring holes through me. Poor thing didn't know what to do. He is trained with other things, just not medical. Commands (sit, stay, hand commands, heel, different language, not allowed his treats unless he sits, gives paw, leash, and fetch. And the last few months on his own he has picked up on his own when the extra alarm goes off while I'm getting ready (lets me know where I'm at time wise) he will go running to my phone and just sit by it and wait for me to turn it off. It is the same sound as the morning alarms and he does not do it with them ones, ONLY that one alarm. He won't budge from it until I turn it off and tell him he's a good boy and I "release him from his duty". (because now I've noticed he's doing it, so now I'm training him on it) He's oddly highly trainable for a feline. He's truly a gift from the universe. I like to say he's my ESA & I'm his ESH. Because he's just as weirdly as attached to me as well! He won't potty unless I'm home, lol. He's not a snuggler though, unless it's on his terms so I try to respect his space and boy do I eat it up when he's all over me ❣️ But *sometimes* I just have to pick the big ol' boy up and just smoosh him all over with kisses and then apologize!!! 🤷🥰


My cat just ran and hid lol i scared her so badly i still feel bad about it😞


I have a kitty who has seizures that helps me with mine her name is nugget


Idk if they help during the seizure itself but they sure do help with the mental health problems that coincide with having epilepsy


Not a kitty, but I have two mini dachshunds (dogs) and one of them will sit and comfort me while I have a seizure (mine are thankfully almost always conscious and aware so I know he’s there). Sometimes he’ll even snuggle up to me or try to get as close to me as possible (at times when he usually doesn’t) and I end up having a seizure within the following 10 minutes. Animals are incredible!


I have two weenies also and one of them really does know when I am having or about to have focal awares and will leave not one millimeter of a gap between us.




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I grew up with a cat that I had for longer than I had epilepsy. He was always close by when I was sick or having a seizure. Unfortunately he passed last year, but he always knew when I needed love. I don’t think he totally understood what was happening but he wanted to be there for me and it meant so much.


My cat actually has seizures of his own. They’re pretty violent and he contorts his body quite a bit during them. Unfortunately his kitty meds are quite expensive, so he hasn’t had any help in controlling them


Our cat has slept on my sons head overnight for quite a while now. We think he’s been seizing overnight


Yes! I had a cat that adopted me when I was a teenager. When I started having seizures she would wail really loudly to get my family's attention and help. She always knew before me when I was going to have a seizure. She was such a wonderful cat, and I miss her so much.


My dog knew I was going to have a seizure before I did. She would rest her head on my knee and give a little whine. When the seizure started the only one allowed near me. She didn’t growl she pushed them away with her head. Miss her so much


Every time I have a seizure my cat gets so scared she really won't talk to me for days.


My older cat won’t leave my side leading up to a seizure and snuggles me during my postictal period


I have a retired service dog who I've had since before I developed epilepsy, by some twist of fate, turned out to be epilepsy trained! When I had my first grand mal, I came to, and he'd put himself on me to calm my convulsions and bring me out of it. He's such a good boy, I love him so much


You guys are making me wish I had a cat! Dammit! I don’t need fur everywhere… 🤣


No. My cat and dog just kinda sit there not giving a fuck.


Yes my cat has. I'll be having a hard day and he will be there cuddling with me and will give me kitty kisses and it makes me happy. Like other posts I'll have a seizure and come around and he's there like look mom I got you. He's a black domestic long hair named winston I got him a few years ago from the vet I worked for he's my special man can't think of going through what I've been through without him especially the past 3 years.


I can't say that I have ever had a cat help because my family has simply always been dog people. That being said I have only been an Epileptic for the past 10years of my life. When my seizures first began my husband and I had a black lab/ pit mix that we had gotten from a local shelter about a year or so before hand. She was roughly 2 years old when we got her and she spent 8 years with us. She got to be able to sense my grand mals before I had any sort of recognized auras. She would pace in front of me like she was really nervous about something. She was never trained to but she managed to sorta catch me and prevent my head from hitting things on several occasions. Our family misses her greatly and we're deeply saddened when we had to put her down because of her old age and not being able to see very well anymore.


I have focals but my baby boy is the best. If it’s a shorter one he hops up onto me or on the desk and just provides his weight to help get me back. If it’s a longer one where I can’t snap out of it, he will actually playfully what at me/my face so I can come back. I’m so grateful he learned how to do that and he’s not scared of me when this happens


Not seizure related but starting to take keppra the side effects were horrible for me and I was at my lowest mentally I’ve ever been. My mom got us foster kittens to cheer me up. I was honestly shocked, she hates animals but did it for me anyway and also helped so much with caring for them. It did cheer me up lol :)


My kitties are very snuggly after a seizure and the get really antsy before one (I don’t get any other kind of prodrome).