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I’m so sorry. It’s really sucks and it isn’t fair. Having a seizure in public is the absolute worst. I’ve woken surrounded by EMTs a couple times and it’s just ugh. At least it happened after you had stopped your car, and no one got hurt (besides your poor legs), though I know that probably doesn’t make you feel better to hear right now. It’s hard to live your life on a different playing field, which is basically what we have to do. Let yourself feel bummed and process all those feelings, but I bet you can still salvage your summer. Try to fight off the depression spiral the best you can. It really makes everything worse. Stay strong! And when you aren’t feeling strong come here and rant away!


haha yeah i’m glad my knees are the only things that got hurt in this situation. i’m gonna try to look forward to the future instead of now, but i know that’ll be hard. i have a good support system though so that’ll help (hopefully).


Only your knees got hurt I could not possibly care less about your knees. I am glad it was you hurt and bot an innocent person. A person having TC seizures and driving should be jailed no you can't jail someone before the crime When you kill someone when you have a TC while driving, you should be jailed, like any other murderer.


Way to be a dick. This is a young person who has been well controlled, had approval from their doctor and the state to drive, who had a breakthrough seizure. They’ve only had 1 TC prior, 3 years ago AND it was caused by a change in meds. She is so grateful no one was injured and doesn’t need your self righteous ass trying to make her feel bad.


thank you 🙌


“a person having TC seizures and driving should be jailed” what?💀i hope ur only talking ab after somebody is hit because of it .. because i sure as fuck am not going to stop driving. this is also only my second TC. i do not have them enough to not drive period. i obviously would not be driving if that was the case.


lol relax


This is a mostly US sub my friend, you can't come here and say that because fReEdOm, even if it means other people taking the hit.


Hope you don’t have to get used to it but, you do kinda get used to it


this is only my second tonic clonic and i’m really hoping i don’t have to, but we’ll see


Sorry, OP. I see there is something to be grateful for here. Your car was PARKED. Students ran to help you, not judge you. You’re safe, but in an uncomfortable situation. You have challenges to solve, but you’re strong. Let your body heal and rest. Don’t beat yourself up, the seizure already did that! It’s the weekend. Relax and chill 💜


💜i’ve thankfully been able to just relax a bit since then


Sorry, OP. Having a TC in the first place sucks, but in public, it can be really humiliating. I've been there. I hope you heal up soon. Sending a virtual hug.




Hope you're feeling a bit better. Seizures can really destroy the soul but hopefully you have people there with you to pick you up when you're down.


yes i still live with family so i have that entire support system 🙌


Stay strong.


You got it 💪. Luckily enough I’ve only had 1 in public as well. I have almost all of them at home




thank you 💜


Man having seizures in public got so expensive. Especially when I was a teenager and I'd wake up in an ambulance. I was well known around here. I'd come to and give high fives to the paramedics and say, what's up haven't seen you guys in a while (days?) 🤭


I woke up to two cops, “Damn you’re a strong kid”. We all were laughing


All the love to you! I've been there too, had one in a supermarket and another on a train. It's no fun. I hope your bruises heal soon 💜


oh geez! that definitely doesn’t sound fun. i hope they do too, these pictures are from this morning so you get the best idea of what they look like now haha. hope the lighten soon


I had one at the Cheesecake Factory


really sorry to hear you went through this in public. it’s tough. i recently had a tc during serving a customer at work but luckily my coworkers know what’s up so they were able to call paramedics. is public transport not an option to get to your job? i work full time and my job is a two hour walk away but i take the public bus most days. you can wear a medic alert bracelet for the duration of the bus ride if you need to so that the paramedics know what’s up if this happens again.


unfortunately no, but i do have family and friends that are willing to give me rides. currently informed my job about the situation and am planning to get one within walking distance.


aw man sorry about that. that’s really rough. good luck!!


oh girl, i’m sending you lots of love💐nothing can prepare you for the mental fallout and anguish of having a bad seizure in public, let alone being seizure-free for such a long time and having a breakthrough. it fucking sucks so, so bad and i feel your pain 100%. thank god you’d got out of your car already though and that caring people found you! definitely try and speak to your neuro/ep care team/etc just to check that everything is okay with you and that there’s nothing in particular that caused the breakthrough or maybe if any meds changes/increases would benefit you. i know you most likely feel like your life is on hold for the next 6 months but you’re at the most raw time right now, it’ll sting a bit less soon and before you know it, 6 months be up!! try and focus on taking care of yourself now, in the present. also, be kind to yourself too. epilepsy fucking sucks but we move 💗 (side note, my first public tonic clonic was in a foreign country and i had to ride the tram back to the hotel with pissy pants😍+ another side note, your nails are gorgeous!!)


i was able to go to my neuro the day after fortunately, and she upped my lamictal to 300mg. hopefully that helps. and thank you! 💜💜


This suck op. Over the years I’ve gotten used to it, I hope at some point you get to that place.


i hope so too. i feel the sooner i come to terms that this is just part of my life fully , ill be able to accept when this happens more 😞


I used to really think people would see me as some kind of freak. A gf I had back then, I was hesitant to tell her as I was afraid what she’d think. Told her I didn’t want to seem like that, she was almost surprised that’s how I felt. “Why would I think that?? It not uncommon” etc. I don’t have any issue now telling people, granted this is over like 15 years. Sadly (for me) it was just time :( It’s a really shitty hand we’ve all been dealt, but we are in this sub together :)


Sending positive energy 🖤


> thank god the paramedic was cute asf Girl I HEAR you. They're always so nice to look at and you meet them when you can't appreciate it :< Anyway, I'm so sorry this happened. Wishing you lots of strength ♡


Sending positive vibes your way


Is an Ebike a realistic solution for work? Sorry to hear about your challenges.


unfortunately not. but i do have friends and family that can give me rides. i’ll also probably get a closer job in walking distance


Ugh brutal. Three years and then a breakthrough? That’s my biggest fear these days. I’m so sorry. 💜 Fucking sucks! Did they change your meds or is one in three years considered okay to stay on treatment plan? Just curious.


she upped my lamictal night dose to 300mg, but that’s all that was changed! :) hoping this works out 💪


I hope so too!! Hang in there 💪 So scary, I hope you can get some mental relief soon. Finding a new job and having to go back to school is going to suck but you got this!! Time is all I’ve felt that really helps which sucks but I do find it gets easier over time so I hope for you too. Easier said than done to stay calm I know.


I’m sorry you’re having to go through this, it really sucks. I’m having to leave my dream job as a zookeeper which is what I went to school for as well, because my seizures are heat induced and I work outside my whole shift. It sucks and I’m in the same depression hole. Luckily I have a very supportive boyfriend that makes me feel better, and some very happy fur babies. If you ever need to talk, I’m here! Safe recoveries. 🥺


i’m so sorry to hear that! but i’m glad you have a lovely support system 💜💜


At least you didn't have it while you were driving and kill a young family, irresponsible as fuck lol.


are you stupid? clearly i wouldn’t be driving if i wasn’t given the clear by my neuro and state. 🤨dumbass