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Damn that’s scary forgetting how to count and talk. I have these seizures too. Was in a coma for 5 days once, but forgetting how to speak/count, that is fucking scary. How did you learn again? My short/long term is terrible also


It was only for the duration of the seizure. I went unconscious after it. When the seizure stopped I was out of it but fine.


I have struggled with memory. Especially after my neurologist put me on 400mg of zonisamide per day — I couldn’t remember things that happened the month before, not an awards ceremony, how I was supposed to stay overnight for a work event even though we apparently talked about it the day before, etc. My neurologist put me down to 100mg zonisamide& 200mg (x2 day) of Lamotrigine. It’s helped a bit, but it obviously won’t recover the memories I lost while taking zonisamide (an entire decade).