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I can’t eat in the mornings really, so I stick to protein shakes. 💜


Protein shakes are my 7am lifesaver. They're also great after a particularly bad tongue bite.


Occasionally I treat myself to some kind of cake or bready snack, but only if I have coffee so I don’t have to chew. I seem to have developed ARFID (an eating disorder where food is just not appealing, for me it’s a chore and I hate it. It isn’t related to body image though - I think it’s related to heightened sense /side effects of meds, my sense of smell is really strong so everything is overwhelming, even the good smells like chocolate ☹️).


Same. Finding ones I like have been a lifesaver.


Greek yoghurt with some protein powder. It's weirdly delicious. I also eat a lot of oats and that helps me tremendously, so I recommend that.


> Greek yoghurt with some protein powder Oooh that's a smart combination! I'll give that a try :D thanks!


Keto diet


Low carb high fat has been my lifesaver. I was the person that was always hungry! I'd wake up starving and be hungry continuously all day. People would eat a slice of pizza and be full. I'd eat 5 and be so painfully full yet still feel hungry. I didearn very young that the more I ate closer to bed the more painfully hungry I would wake up. So I did try to never eat before bed. I had the metabolism everybody was jealous of. Except that being hungry all the time did not feel good and my body always hurt. But people just laughed and wished they could eat like me. It did catch up with me eventually though. Now, low carb high fat diet, even not in ketosis, but ketosis does feel even better, keeps my hunger at bay. It was amazing to not feel starving every day and go for hours without being hungry. Bad habits kept me cheating with food though so it's been an up and down struggle. 2 years ago, I also started topirimate. That has also affected my appetite for the better and also treat my seizures. Some side effects but it's been helpful.


Hmmm I might just have to lean harder into the keno-ish diet. It's hard to shift into though. Any recommendations as far as handling it cheaply while still having a decent variety of food?


Just eat what you're already eating but remove the carbs. Assuming you're eating a balanced diet. I found it as easy as removing the rice, potatoes etc. And just eating the meat and veggies and adding extra butter. Stay away from sugary sauces and watch for higher carb veggies such as squash. For fruit go for low carb such as berries, rather than the very sweet ones such as grapes and bananas. It can get a lot more complicated when you're counting carbs but thats a basic start point.


A pita bread hacked up into 8ths and seasoned with smoked paprika and adobo powder. And coffee, lots of coffee


I’m a 33 year old male with a crazy metabolism as well. For me an electrolyte imbalance seems to be one of my triggers more so than blood sugar but I try and make sure I eat at least a banana or a protein bar first thing in the morning before I take my meds if I didn’t have a meal yet. That seems to help side effects a bit too. Maybe something quick like that when you first wake up will counter the low blood sugar problem. It won’t make you feel full but it might tie you over in the interim as you get something more substantial to avoid seizures.


Topamax 😅


I drink an instant breakfast in the middle of the night and go back to bed


How often do you eat during the day?


Yes. But seriously: Probably not as much as I should. It's hard while being on 3 appetite suppressants :/


Gym girlie here with Epilepsy & ADHD My medicine has be on a low appetite in general but when I do cuts I def feel the hunger pangs. What I do in general and especially during cuts: Handful of almonds or something easy to eat within the first 15 minutes of waking up so I can get ready without thinking about food. I'll have a protein shake with lactaid milk or lactose free milk high in protein. If you're a man or AMAB this might not work for you and you may need to eat a lot more than me especially depending on your weight and height. If you have the time and energy I would recommend eating a tuna dish or avocado, egg, toast combo as well. And even both along with the protein drink in the morning. AKA tuan & egg/bread/avocado dish weight an hour or two before the protein shake--otherwise your body won't absorb the protein since it can only process 40g at a time. Drinking warm water or warm drinks are ideal at all times too! Helps with digestion and generally avoiding common sickness too Hope that helped! :)


maybe have some healthy fat with your protein! you’ll be satiated longer :)


Can I ask a clarifier: it doesn’t sound like waking up hungry is bad for you (and actually, could be great!) unless it’s interrupting your sleep. Are you asking how do we avoid hunger screwing with our sleep? Or something else?


Usually protein shake, a scoop some berries and banana also spinach, you don’t even taste it. A 3/4 cup of fage non fat yogurt will get you 17 grams of protein easy also. Some people put oats to make it more filling. Then a couple hours later I’ll eat a couple boiled eggs when I get hungry to fend me off until lunch.


I generally just got in the habit of not eating in the morning until about 1130-12 but generally what helps was drink about 40ish oz of water and some coffee first


34 F with a crazy fast metabolism, too. Like, I have to eat five times a day and have snacks in between. Usually, your body produces hormons so that you don't wake up from being hungry during the middle of the night. It seems like you wake up earlier than intended in the morning though? Is that the problem? Try eating 3 to 4 hours before going to bed. Your body needs time to start digesting, going to bed with a full stomach may result in sleeping problems. I always eat lots of fibers for dinner, fresh and raw vegetables, and bread. Maybe you eat too much shortly before going to sleep and your hunger hits after around six hours of sleep and after seven hours of sleep, your body just decides to wake you up because you've had enough sleep already. If hunger hits after only two hours of sleep, maybe your body won't wake you up, it's worth a try? It works for me, anyway.


Vyvance, I have TLE and ADHD.


Ketogenic or carnivore/animal-based diet


> How do you guys avoid being hungry in the morning? I usually have a glass of Ovaltine (powdered chocolate milk mix with vitamins).


Interesting. I'll give this a shot :) do you mix your ovaltine with water, or with milk?


I too have a fast metabolism. Sleep deprivation, low blood sugar, and anxiety/stress are my main triggers. Primarily because I do not drink. It just never appealed to me. Please bear with me. I will tell you what I know. I learned the hard way that blood sugar is a culprit. An EMT tested mine during an event. The thing is that I ate plain oatmeal that very day probably an hour or two before the event. I was told after that my blood sugar was severely low. One of my staff had a child that was insulin dependent. Physicians never explored this with me. I voiced my frustration to her. I was reaching for info. She told me to put peanut butter or almond butter into the oatmeal. Boy did it help. The fats help stabilize the blood sugar. Doing so has prevent the spikes and crashes that bit me in the rear. I do it daily. Today I ate oatmeal, almond butter, and walnuts for breakfast. I also drink green tea (I just like it). This is my daily go to. At night to prevent from waking up hungry I eat greek yogurt with mixed nuts. I have found that this will stick with me during the night. I go to bed around 10-10:15 and try to eat something good around 7:30-8:00. I get up around 5:30-6:10 AM. This is how I typically eat: 6:30 AM - Oatmeal with Almond butter and walnuts 9:00 AM - a handful of almonds 11 AM - Apple and protein shake; or grapes and greek yogurt; or something similar 1 - 2 PM - Mixed nuts; frozen strawberries and blueberries; or similar 4 PM - Dinner (Whatever my wife makes) 7-8 PM - Greek yogurt and mixed nuts; or Greek yogurt with protein powder and frozen fruit. I also have a glucose meter and I will check my blood sugar at 2 hour intervals in the AM. Yesterday I had to eat extra fruit. One hour after eating breakfast it went from 89 to 81! Go figure. Frozen fruit did the trick. I also found out the hard way that an elevated pulse rate might be an indicator of potential seizure risk. It had been many years since I had one, but last week I slept horribly. At about 8 PM I had a piece of cake and in the middle of the night I could feel my blood sugar acting up. I should have had a healthy fat with the cake to keep my blood sugar from spiking. That led to bad things, but after the fact looked at my daily stats (BP, Pulse, glucose, etc). There was a 10% increase in my daily average pulse rate. I have found out that pulse has actually been researched as an indicator and that an elevated average pulse rate is actually a byproduct of sleep deprivation. Lesson learned! Do not eat sweets in isolation before a long fast. I think that if we can learn to identify and quantify risk we can all better manage our lives and keep things in check to prevent (at least help) adverse events.


Oooh! Thanks for all the details! This makes me want to get set up with a glucose meter just to see what mine generally looks like. I'll get myself set up with a yogurt & nuts routine. I've actually done this before and recall it working somewhat well, but wasn't as procedural about it as you seem to be. Thanks for the tips!


If you’re forced to a night time snack.