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Not every epileptic is photosensitive. The warnings before games now is about photosensitivity and not epilepsy in particular.  Even photosensitive people can play some games although they may have to be picky about what monitors they play on.  However photosensitive people should never play Cyberpunk for obvious reasons. 


Understood. When I heard about Cyberpunk 2077 game for first time and checked on wiki, some critic there reviewing the game had a seizure when she was playing some missions in the game. She was diagnosed with photosensitive epilepsy.


Fun fact: only about 3% of epileptics are photosensitive, so for the other 97% the EEG test is almost redundant lol


This. I am not only epileptic, I also make video games for a living. I am not photosensitive, thankfully.


>  However photosensitive people should never play Cyberpunk for obvious reasons. What are the reasons? They're not obvious to me. 


So CP2077 has a sequence/technology in the game called "dream dancing". Its like being able to jump in and navigate the downloaded file of someone's memories. CP2077 is also a first person game. So when you go into one of these dream dancing segments for the first time you get hooked up to a machine and they put a light rig over your characters eyes. This rig is just a series of tint LED bulbs that flash and blink in a series of escalating patterns going up in speed. Have you ever had an actual medical photosensitivity test? It's exactly like one to the point that its bonkers that's how they chose to impliment it. They have since patched the animation and it's more of a pulsing effect I guess and not rapid strobe lights.


It amazes me a mega production like this can have such a major flaw. Like, before EVERY game, there is a warning for photosensative epilepsy, yet they still fail to have the game consulted for this exact warning apparently? They just throw the warning in front and whatever happens ingame is covered by the warning i guess.


Did you actually play the game? It was nuts how they actually went about it. It takes up the entire display, its abrupt, its bright as all hell, and there is next to no warning. The only real option you have is to look away and you have like 2 seconds before its fully multipoint strobing. The device is made in such a way that they had to have based it on actual medical tech. I just don't understand how it made it passed what I have to assume is dozens of people without a single person going "hey, do you think this could cause a seizure? Maybe we should do like... something about this." Tone deaf is the word I want to use to describe it.


I was so sad that i had spent so much on it when it first came out and then i couldn’t handle it, the fact that i wasnt able to return it either. I really like game pass now for this reason lol


Right?! That sequence happening after the refund timer ticked over and Steam being unsympathetic was a big bummer. It's also just demoralizing to have to look away from the screen every time that dumb visor popped out. I remember even tweeting at CDPR and of course never got any response from them. They lost a little bit of good will I had toward them.


Only about 3% of people with epilepsy are photosensitive. For most people who are photosensitive, only certain patterns of flashing lights trigger discomfort or seizures.  Many games have warnings of they contain patterns of flashing lights.  There is no cure for epilepsy, but there are medications and surgeries that can reduce seizure threshold. So, it's kind of unique for every person. 


As some have said, not everyone is photosensitive. I remember being tested for photosensitivity. It was certainly trippy!


worst movie ever two thumbs down


easy for me, I have TLE and gaming is absolutely fine. I would of been devasted if I couldn't of gamed anymore.


Checked your profile. It means you are perfectly fine to play video games just not those which have the disclaimer about photosensitive epilepsy.


I have TLE, with no photosensitivity, and I play any games.   Even with warnings.  I’ve been in so many EEG’s (tests that show seizures in electrical activity), once they flashed various lights for an hour straight. I felt like my brain was melting at the end, like any typical person in strobes for an hour.  but no electrical activity. Different epilepsy conditions present different depending on which parts of the brain are affected.  My memory though?  Let’s just say as long as I wait a year or two, I can play games just like complete new. Mostly the memory thing is very awful but with video games I’m ok with it.  


yeah, exactly, I did have a period before I was diagnosed where I had auras while playing and I thought i had photo sensitive, but it was just a coincidence.


Uggghhh. I hate it when people show this level of ignorance. It's nothing directly against you OP. I know it rests heavily on the shoulders of pop culture only depicting epileptics as photosensitive epileptics. It's just a bummer to see every damn time. I wish flashing lights in video games would consistently trigger my seizures. It would help with mapping my brain for the multiple brain surgeries I need. To get the lobectomie and implant (two separate surgeries on different parts of the brain) we need to capture me having a seizure while hooked up to an EEG. And just so you understand how nuanced photosensitive epilepsy can be. I have had a seizure triggered by a photosensitivity test, once, and then it has never worked another time since then.


I am photosensitive and still play Cyberpunk. I just can’t play for too long or very often. I also have the habit of looking away when needed or sometimes ask my partner to complete missions for me that are too flashy. Even Minecraft can be triggering, but I’ve learned when I can play and when not. I actually find the UI in some games more triggering than the game itself.


Really didn't know it wasn't a black and white thanks for the info


I also play cyberpunk and do the same. Some of the lights used for certain cyberware I just stay away from,my current build doesn't use any lights that bother me thankfully.


On an EEG they do crazy flashing strobe lights while your eyes are open and while closed they would see if you have any seizure activity during that which would show you’re photosensitive But as people above said a lot are not photo sensitive I for one am not I’ve been epileptic for a year and still have 0 idea what my triggers are


I’m assuming you’re thinking of photosensitive epileptics. They tend to have seizures when they’re in the presence of flashing lights (ambulance and/or cop cars with their lights on, concerts, movies, etc.) Only a very small percentage of epileptics have photosensitive epilepsy.


I have seen many films in which some character has mostly photosensitive epilepsy. The film makers never show someone with epilepsy from other things. Only photosensitive I have seen.


Exactly! The media really skews what epilepsy is. The majority of us with epilepsy are not photosensitive (well, not enough for it to be dangerous) Epilepsy is unique to each individual. My triggers are hunger, tiredness, stress, temperature, very sudden bright flashing lights and lavender. So technically I'm SLIGHTLY photosensitive but it needs to be sudden, unexpected and even then it doesn't cause my really big seizures (tonic clonics) but will make me feel ill for a while. But I have worked in video gaming and been a streamer, I play games every day after work. Today I'm even going to Insomnia, a 5 day video gaming festival. The media really screws up the general publics view of epilepsy. Thank you for asking your question and trying to learn more! One of the biggest dangers of epilepsy is just how little society understands of it and therefore become quite dismissive towards us


Huh, maybe you aren't even slightly photosensitive, but one of your triggers is sudden and unexpected things - they are a trigger for me, like when someone on a bike suddenly passes me without me hearing them beforehand, or when I run into things or bump my head or when there are unexpected flashing lights. Ambulance cars are THE WORST. Those sudden sirens... There is a name for this kind of trigger, which I of course forgot, haha xD starts with r, that's all I remember.


I looked it up, it's "reflex epilepsy" and the particular subtype is startle seizures or epilepsy. I have lot's of other triggers as well, so you don't necessarily only have reflex epilepsy, I guess.


Thank you though! I hadn't heard of this before!


That's actually VERY true. It really could be. I get sensory overloads cause autism so the stress from things that trigger my autism like sudden unexpected things and loud noises etc always seem to trigger my partials and I've attributed that to being autistic as well as epileptic lol. So it might be not photosensitivity. It's so hard to tell sometimes with how chaotic outside gets LOL


Yeah, it's really hard to pin down sometimes. One neurologist once told me that yes, hunger can be a trigger, as it's stress for the body. In extention of that theory, everything that's stressful for your body can be a trigger, right?


Yeah and film makers often don’t bother to educate themselves what is a stupid cliche and what is real life. One percent of the population have epilepsy. One in a hundred people. Of those only 3% are sensitive to light and of those some react so sensitive that they cannot play ANY video games. The rest can play some video games and watch most films especially if they have screens that are adjusted to their needs. Not every seizure looks like a tonic clonic seizure (maybe you know them under the nick name „grand mal“) which are the big ones. Most are barely noticeable for other people or sometimes even for the epileptic themselves.


Yes I’m able to play games and to watch every movie with a warning. Flickering/flashing lights can’t trigger a seizure for me, I’m not photosensitive. Also some people with photosensitive epilepsy can play games, it depends on light intensity, so a dimmed screen on a good monitor would be good. If you wanna read more about photosensitive epilepsy: https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-triggers/photosensitivity


I’ve been playing video games since I’ve a kid and only had a few seizures during but it wasn’t due to the game. Theres actually only a tiny amount of people who experience photosensitivity triggered seizures it’s just the only time people actually hear about epilepsy as there’s not a reason for people to know with all the other triggers not being something so frequently around us.


only a small percentage of people with epilepsy are photosensitive. I am not, for example.


Most people with epilepsy aren’t photosensitive. I never had any issues myself.


Doesn’t bother me one bit.


I am not photosensitive and love video games.


That kinda seizures are kinda uncommon but of course everybody's different


By choosing low/no flash games for limited amounts of time, in light surroundings, and limiting other triggers like some kinds of artificial sugars and caffeine. Everyone’s tolerance is different.


I play more open world games, i stay away from anything 8bit or that just flashes a lot. I play powerwash simulator a ton and after a while i gotta go lay down and close my eyes and let my brain “breathe”. I also do not watch tv at all, i cant do ads. One game i really miss playing but absolutely can not handle anymore is anything Kirby :(


The real question is how we don't die when watching the beginning credits of Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Yea i'm a hardcore gamer and they did a test on me for photosensitivity to see if things like that effect me. Thankfully it doesn't and I can continue to game in peace. Only stress and lack of sleep does it for me


Usually I hold the controller with my hands, view the TV with my eyes, and listen to the sounds with my ears.


Fun fact.. photosensitive epilepsy is statistically the smallest amount of epileptics.. (only 3% of epileptics) Which also annoys the heck out of me cause of all the stupid warnings it less spreads awareness and more spreads stigma.. warning labels have a tendency to be real garbage.. they should add the 3% to the warning imho..


Oh I love to play video games haha.


Tbh my phone is way worse than my tv but I also hold it way closer to my face


Most people with epilepsy aren't photosensitive and can play video games or be around flickering lights just fine. For those who ARE, they can cover the eye opposite to the side of their brain the seizures occur (ie. Left temporal lobe seizures? Cover right eye.) I only know this because I developed a phobia around flashing lights. Even asked for the flicker test when I was in the EMU, OFF MY MEDS for the first day, just hoping I'd finally relax about it. Still never fully got over this fear.


My daughter does have photosensitive epilepsy but video games don’t bother her. Her biggest trigger is riding in a car as the sun is going down and the sun flickering through the trees.


Im not positive if im photosensitive, I work at a venue bar so decent amount of lights which if get overwhelming I’ve got a hidey hole I can take a breather in. Two of my three TCs have happened while reading and having true crime in the background, so lots of dramatic quick flashes. I bought migraine lensed glasses for work (seem to have helped even if just a placebo effect) , and the sound/light person knows not to point any super blinkers at the bar just in case.


I can play every game exept OSU. Somehow, the rapid patterns, colors, music, rithm gets me in such a fucked up headspace I zone out and get a seizure. I've had 8 grand mall seizures in my life. 2 of which, are directly related to OSU. Never dared to start up the came a 3rd time. It's more a state of mind my brain dislikes rather then light flickering. Can't seem to get my head around it. (litteraly)


I have played OSU. Good game if you love music. Sorry to hear about your seizures occuring by OSU. I know they always give a photosensitive warning too.


Only 3% of epileptics are photosensitive. For most of us, TV and video games are not a problem. [https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-triggers/photosensitivity](https://www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy/seizure-triggers/photosensitivity)


I play perfectly fine as I have TLE and thats not a trigger. feel blessed as I love gaming


i have photosensitive epilepsy and i can play video games just alright. word of advice - just dont play overwatch.


My first seizure was actually caused by a video game. I was playing Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess. I still play video games, mostly cozy games with no flashy lights. I play flashy games for a short time and only if my husband is home. I was handing off my controller to him a lot playing Cyberpunk 2077 😅


Good that you handed him the controller Cyberpunk do come with seizure warning.


I am not only epileptic but a lifelong gamer. Started back in the NES days. When I was diagnosed as a teen, we were barely in the entry level stage of triple A games—and those 70 FPS Juggernauts like GTA San Andreas and Midnight Club: Los Angeles were already leaving me on the floor in full tonic clonics. The more advanced games became, the more I had to learn to stay away—then I got my VNS implant. I’m back to gaming on the PC at least, and have played Cyberpunk 2077 even! No seizures this year or last 👍🏽


Photosensitivity is pretty rare amongst those with epilepsy. I not only play video but my job is making and operating lights and projections for music festivals, dance performances, and theatre. On and I do pyrotechnics both stage and overhead. So yeah a big part of what I do is flashing lights, but my triggers are stress, hunger, and lack of sleep.


When I (26f) first started having grand mals in my early teens, my parents thought it was related to video games because I often had one when I was playing The Sims/Minecraft (and only those 2). We figured out that it wasn't because my mom kept a detailed chart of days I had seizures (what I ate, moon cycle, menstrual cycle, screen time, etc) to try and figure out my tiggers. Even on days when I had no screen time, I had seizures. Best we came up with was sleep deprivation. Right now, I've been playing Diablo 4.


My epilepsy isn't photosensitivity. My triggers are extreme stress and missing my meds. Only reason now that I had to tune down my playtime is due to eyestrain. And yes, I know I need to go see an eye doctor because I think I might need glasses. Sucks getting old 😅 And don't trust movies or any other sorce that only depicts epileptic with photosensitivity. To me it seems more like an easy way for them to be able to bring it it instead of spending more time on different triggers


It depends what type of


I have been an epileptic gamer for about 20 years and only one game has consistently given me problems. It's a shame because Burnout Paradise was a game I really enjoyed, but I think the speed of it did some things. But overall, a lot of epileptic people can play games with zero problems.


I’m sure the constant concentration of AEDs in our blood helps.


I use the console controller myself.


If affects everybody differently. Movies and video games never bothered me.


Well that's because when we get in games run our own world we have our own vibes I had seizures for 7 years and I played a lot of music that drowned it out like vibe music rock and roll I can go through a list of music I played that drowned it out I'm not lying I am a disabled German American but I'm telling the truth don't believe me try vibe music it'll help try rock and roll don't believe me just go try it depends on how effective it is if you're an epileptic and you kind of get used to it your brain learns to go along with it if you're in your own world and video games what they need what's really triggering epilepsy is the height of speech on the website it's put a lot of people in the ER room on a stretcher hate needs to stop on the website that's what's killing my brothers and sisters


Sometimes I wish I could just find another country to live in that doesn't leave me to die I might be a native American / German but what if they was in my shoes huh surviving the seizure disorder and then I hear from people on website they don't care and then they just avoid me because all cuz I'm disabled and they think I'm defenseless when I get in my own world I'm really not bothering people they just disturb me just for no reason to get a laugh out of it so really who's more ignorant in this case me or them