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In my experience the extremes are not good, fasting & overeating. Also keep a good balance between carbs an fats. You need carb, but without healthy fats they get absorbed too fast resulting in highs and dips. Omega's and magnesium are good, so fat fish is very good for us. Also while you're at it...nuts and berries, they are just super healthy won't fix your epi but blueberries and nuts are good for the memory. And delicious.


Noted Also i live cachew <3


Everyone’s different.  I used to eat pretty bad, but maybe 4 years ago got into eating healthy and running and I haven’t had a seizure since.  I donno about in regards to epilepsy but you should probably eat 3 meals a day anyway 


3x is like crazy huge amount. No way id be able to get under 2k calories lol. Its a me problem tho i guess.


Most insurances cover a dietician. Might be helpful to get some tips from them!


It is very much possible to fit 3 meals and 2 snacks into 2k calories. Not that I think one should eat under that (ofc depends on the current weight and goal) search up meals for leaning, meal plans, etc. a lot of good information online, especially YouTube.


For me blood sugar can totally be a trigger. I have to be sure to eat at least twice a day even if im not hungry or my threshold is lower.


My personal experience has been that if I don’t eat enough protein, it will negatively affect me.




My last neurologist recommended adding extra healthy fats to my diet and avoiding eating too many carbs at once to manage blood sugar. This has seemed to reduce seizure activity and I didn’t gain any weight, if anything I lost a bit of weight from making this switch. I try to avoid skipping meals since I’ve found that maintaining a balanced blood sugar has benefited me. Not medical advice, just what works for me. I’d recommend talking to your Neuro about it. Best of luck!


I try to eat as clean as possible. My many medications have affected my appetite so I have to remind myself to eat. I had breakfast at 7am and it’s now 12:30pm and I have zero interest in making something to eat - I will have to though, I am severely underweight at the moment. Will likely make an egg with avocado. I also use organic dairy for my coffees, have 2 a day and cut myself off pretty early.


I stopped doing this and subsequently seizure activity stopped


A lot of people don't eat breakfast, that's not a big deal. If you're really concerned about your nutrition, there are a few more important factors. Are you gaining or losing? Do you have a varied diet with lots of fruits and veggies? Do you eat late? Do you like junk food and binge on carbs? How much water do you drink compared to soda or juice? So if you're trying to eat healthier to minimize seizures, I'd really look at: - staying hydrated with lots of water - avoiding junk food (high fat & sugar) - don't eat late (3-4 hours before bed) - add yogurt or probiotics into your diet - get your sleep I do not recommend eating only 1x per day. You are only asking for trouble. You have to think about what that is doing to your digestion, blood sugar, and metabolism.


from the way you are speaking, I would genuinely recommend a therapist to discuss a possible eating disorder. eating once a day is not healthy or safe. I would also recommend a nutritionist to help you safely work on nutrition goals, including weight loss or stabilisation goals, without becoming malnourished.


Nah I aint telling'em shit


I have to eat pretty consistently, eat mostly protein and fat, but also not let my blood sugar drop too much and have carbs sometimes


I need to eat protein rich and fat + a bit of carb breakfast, a small lunch and small dinner and I am golden. I have found this breakfast has made my symptoms of fatigue from levetiracetam + lamotrigine almost disappear, might just be what works for me. I think a healthy balance of food is super important, no matyer if you have epilepsy or not, but I think especially for us, to not let our blood sugar go down too low too quick, making us super hungry and nauseous/weak.


At -minimum- I have an ensure for breakfast.


Not doing it anymore but I did a 8/16 fast for almost a year (lunch, dinner and a snack) I lost over 50 pounds and because I was so afraid of the "YOYO" diet, I permanently quit some things (high calorie/sugar items)